A well formatted MP3 is essential to creating a loop that doesn't "skip" when it repeats. The best way to do this is using Audacity and LAME.
- Download Audacity.
- Download LAME for Audacity. This website is pretty dense - you're looking for the .exe if you're on Windows, or .dmg for Mac. If you're on Linux, you probably don't need this guide.
- Install both, then open Audacity.
- Drag your audio file to the Audacity window.
- Select the looping section with your mouse. Test that it loops well by shift-clicking on the "Play" button. If it doesn't, adjust the selection handles until it does.
- Click File->Export Selected Audio
- Make sure the type is "MP3 Files".
- Hit "Options" and make the Bit Rate Mode "Average" and the Quality "192kbps". This is a good balance between file size and audio fidelity.
- Hit save! You now have a fresh MP3 ready to use in your very own Hues :)