diff --git a/src/metadata/README.md b/src/metadata/README.md
index 704b450..3425967 100644
--- a/src/metadata/README.md
+++ b/src/metadata/README.md
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
-Metadata files for the OBO Library
+# Metadata files for the OBO Library
- * [phenio.yml](phenio.yml)
- * Determines how your purl.obolibrary.org/obo/phenio/ redirects will be handled
- * Go here: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/purl.obolibrary.org/tree/master/config
- * Click [New File](https://github.com/OBOFoundry/purl.obolibrary.org/new/master/config)
- * Paste in the contents of [phenio.yml](phenio.yml)
- * Click "Commit new file"
- * IMPORTANT: remember to make a pull request
- * An OBO admin will merge your Pull Request *providing it meets the requirements of the OBO library*
- * [phenio.md](phenio.md)
- * Determines how your metadata is shown on OBO Library, OLS and AberOWL
- * Go here: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/tree/master/ontology
- * Click [New File](https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/new/master/ontology)
- * Paste in the contents of [phenio.md](phenio.md)
- * Click "Commit new file"
- * IMPORTANT: remember to make a pull request
- * An OBO admin will merge your Pull Request *providing it meets the requirements of the OBO library*
-For more background see:
+- [phenio.yml](phenio.yml)
+ - Determines how your purl.obolibrary.org/obo/phenio/ redirects will be handled
+ - Go here: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/purl.obolibrary.org/tree/master/config
+ - Click [New File](https://github.com/OBOFoundry/purl.obolibrary.org/new/master/config)
+ - Paste in the contents of [phenio.yml](phenio.yml)
+ - Click "Commit new file"
+ - IMPORTANT: remember to make a pull request
+ - An OBO admin will merge your Pull Request _providing it meets the requirements of the OBO library_
+- [phenio.md](phenio.md)
+ - Determines how your metadata is shown on OBO Library, OLS and AberOWL
+ - Go here: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/tree/master/ontology
+ - Click [New File](https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/new/master/ontology)
+ - Paste in the contents of [phenio.md](phenio.md)
+ - Click "Commit new file"
+ - IMPORTANT: remember to make a pull request
+ - An OBO admin will merge your Pull Request _providing it meets the requirements of the OBO library_
- * http://obofoundry.org/
- * http://obofoundry.org/faq/how-do-i-edit-metadata.html
+For more background see:
+- http://obofoundry.org/
+- http://obofoundry.org/faq/how-do-i-edit-metadata.html
diff --git a/src/metadata/phenio.md b/src/metadata/phenio.md
index f4fbdcc..00d1408 100644
--- a/src/metadata/phenio.md
+++ b/src/metadata/phenio.md
@@ -60,6 +60,4 @@ license:
activity_status: active
-Enter a detailed description of your ontology here. You can use arbitrary markdown and HTML.
-You can also embed images too.
diff --git a/src/metadata/phenio.yml b/src/metadata/phenio.yml
index 3752f2c..f7671a7 100644
--- a/src/metadata/phenio.yml
+++ b/src/metadata/phenio.yml
@@ -4,24 +4,23 @@ idspace: PHENIO
base_url: /obo/phenio
-- phenio.owl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/main/phenio.owl
-- phenio.obo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/main/phenio.obo
+ - phenio.owl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/main/phenio.owl
+ - phenio.obo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/main/phenio.obo
term_browser: ontobee
-- PHENIO_0000000
+ - PHENIO_0000000
+ - prefix: /releases/
+ replacement: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/v
-- prefix: /releases/
- replacement: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/v
+ - prefix: /tracker/
+ replacement: https://github.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/issues
-- prefix: /tracker/
- replacement: https://github.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/issues
+ - prefix: /about/
+ replacement: http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/PHENIO?iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/
-- prefix: /about/
- replacement: http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/PHENIO?iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/
-## generic fall-through, serve direct from github by default
-- prefix: /
- replacement: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/main/
+ ## generic fall-through, serve direct from github by default
+ - prefix: /
+ replacement: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/main/
diff --git a/src/ontology/bl-model.ttl b/src/ontology/bl-model.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index 48bdf21..0000000
--- a/src/ontology/bl-model.ttl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14564 +0,0 @@
-@prefix AGRKB: .
-@prefix CHADO: .
-@prefix CPT: .
-@prefix CTD: .
-@prefix DGIdb: .
-@prefix DOID-PROPERTY: .
-@prefix DrugCentral: .
-@prefix ECTO: .
-@prefix EDAM-DATA: .
-@prefix EFO: .
-@prefix ExO: .
-@prefix FYPO: .
-@prefix GOREL: .
-@prefix HANCESTRO: .
-@prefix HCPCS: .
-@prefix HsapDv: .
-@prefix IAO: .
-@prefix INO: .
-@prefix LOINC: .
-@prefix MAXO: .
-@prefix MESH: .
-@prefix MI: .
-@prefix NBO-PROPERTY: .
-@prefix NCIT-OBO: .
-@prefix NDDF: .
-@prefix OBAN: .
-@prefix OIO: .
-@prefix PHAROS: .
-@prefix PathWhiz: .
-@prefix REPODB: .
-@prefix RO: .
-@prefix RXNORM: .
-@prefix SEMMEDDB: .
-@prefix SIO: .
-@prefix SNOMEDCT: .
-@prefix STY: .
-@prefix UBERGRAPH: .
-@prefix UBERON_CORE: .
-@prefix UMLSSG: .
-@prefix UO-PROPERTY: .
-@prefix VANDF: .
-@prefix VMC: .
-@prefix WBVocab: .
-@prefix WBbt: .
-@prefix WIKIDATA: .
-@prefix XPO: .
-@prefix biolink: .
-@prefix bioschemas: .
-@prefix dcat: .
-@prefix dcid: .
-@prefix dcmitype: .
-@prefix dct: .
-@prefix fabio: .
-@prefix foaf: .
-@prefix gff3: .
-@prefix gpi: .
-@prefix linkml: .
-@prefix orphanet: .
-@prefix os: .
-@prefix owl: .
-@prefix pav: .
-@prefix prov: .
-@prefix qud: .
-@prefix rdf: .
-@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix schema1: .
-@prefix skos: .
-@prefix wgs1: .
-@prefix xsd: .
- a rdfs:Datatype ;
- owl:equivalentClass xsd:double .
- a rdfs:Datatype ;
- owl:equivalentClass xsd:double .
- a owl:Ontology ;
- rdfs:label "Biolink-Model" ;
- dct:license "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/" ;
- pav:version "4.2.5-rc2" ;
- skos:definition "Entity and association taxonomy and datamodel for life-sciences data" .
-biolink:BehavioralOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "behavioral outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of human behavior." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "disease or phenotypic feature outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "Physiological outcomes resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of a disease or other characteristic phenotype." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:EpidemiologicalOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "epidemiological outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An epidemiological outcome, such as societal disease burden, resulting from an exposure event." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:relatedMatch .
-biolink:HospitalizationOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "hospitalization outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the increased manifestation of acute (e.g. emergency room visit) or chronic (inpatient) hospitalization." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:MappingCollection a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "mapping collection" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:minCardinality 0 ;
- owl:onProperty biolink:predicate_mappings ],
- [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:allValuesFrom biolink:PredicateMapping ;
- owl:onProperty biolink:predicate_mappings ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "A collection of deprecated mappings." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:MortalityOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "mortality outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An outcome of death from resulting from an exposure event." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:PathologicalAnatomicalOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "pathological anatomical outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of an abnormal anatomical structure." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:PathologicalProcessOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "pathological process outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of a pathological process." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:RelationshipType a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "relationship type" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf biolink:OntologyClass ;
- skos:definition "An OWL property used as an edge label" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:SocioeconomicOutcome a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "socioeconomic outcome" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty linkml:mixins ;
- owl:someValuesFrom biolink:Outcome ],
- linkml:ClassDefinition ;
- skos:definition "An general social or economic outcome, such as healthcare costs, utilization, etc., resulting from an exposure event" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:adverse_event_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "adverse event of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_adverse_event ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:amount_or_activity_decreased_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "amount or activity decreased by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:decreases_amount_or_activity_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:amount_or_activity_increased_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "amount or activity increased by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:increases_amount_or_activity_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:animal_model_available_from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "animal model available from" ;
- rdfs:range biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:binds a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "binds" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:directly_physically_interacts_with ;
- skos:closeMatch DGIdb:binder ;
- skos:definition "A causal mechanism mediated by the direct contact between effector and target chemical or biomolecular entity, which form a stable physical interaction." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:biological_role_mixin a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "biological role mixin" ;
- skos:definition "A role played by the chemical entity or part thereof within a biological context." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch .
-biolink:bonferonni_adjusted_p_value a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "bonferonni adjusted p value" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:adjusted_p_value ;
- skos:definition "The Bonferroni correction is an adjustment made to P values when several dependent or independent statistical tests are being performed simultaneously on a single data set. To perform a Bonferroni correction, divide the critical P value (α) by the number of comparisons being made. P is always italicized and capitalized. The actual P value* should be expressed (P=. 04) rather than expressing a statement of inequality (P<. 05), unless P<." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:broad_matches a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "broad matches" ;
- skos:definition "A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a broader meaning. Such terms often describe a more general concept from different ontological perspectives." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:broad_synonym a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "broad synonym" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:synonym ;
- skos:exactMatch OIO:hasBroadSynonym ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:can_be_carried_out_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "can be carried out by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Occurrent ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:actively_involves ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:capable_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:caused_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "caused by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:contribution_from ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:causes ;
- skos:altLabel "disease caused by disruption of",
- "disease has basis in dysfunction of",
- "realized in response to",
- "realized in response to stimulus" ;
- skos:definition "holds between two entities where the occurrence, existence, or activity of one is caused by the occurrence or generation of the other" ;
- skos:exactMatch WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P828 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch RO:0001022,
- RO:0002608,
- RO:0004019,
- RO:0004020,
- RO:0004028,
- RO:0009501 .
-biolink:chemical_entity_or_drug_or_treatment a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "chemical entity or drug or treatment" ;
- skos:definition "A union of chemical entities and children, and drug or treatment." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:chemical_role_mixin a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "chemical role mixin" ;
- skos:definition "A role played by the chemical entity or part thereof within a chemical context." ;
- skos:exactMatch ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:chemically_similar_to a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "chemically similar to" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:similar_to ;
- skos:definition "holds between one small molecule entity and another that it approximates for purposes of scientific study, in virtue of its exhibiting similar features of the studied entity." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:chi_squared_statistic a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "chi squared statistic" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "represents the chi-squared statistic computed from observations" ;
- skos:exactMatch ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:clinical_modifier_qualifier a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "clinical modifier qualifier" ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ClinicalModifier ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "the method or process of administering a pharmaceutical compound to achieve a therapeutic effect in humans or animals." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:coexpressed_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "coexpressed with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:correlated_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between any two genes or gene products, in which both are generally expressed within a single defined experimental context." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:colocalizes_with a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "colocalizes with" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:coexists_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between two entities that are observed to be located in the same place." ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:0002325 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:completed_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "completed by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_completed ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:concept_count_object a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "concept count object" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain the concept in the object slot of an association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:concept_count_subject a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "concept count subject" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain the concept in the subject slot of an association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:concept_pair_count a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "concept pair count" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain both the subject and object concept of an association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:condition_ameliorated_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "condition ameliorated by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:ameliorates_condition ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:condition_associated_with_gene a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "condition associated with gene" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Gene ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:genetically_associated_with ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:gene_associated_with_condition ;
- skos:altLabel "disease associated with gene" ;
- skos:definition "holds between a gene and a disease or phenotypic feature that may be influenced, contribute to, or be correlated with the gene or its alleles/products" ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch ,
- RO:0004000 .
-biolink:condition_exacerbated_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "condition exacerbated by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:exacerbates_condition ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:condition_predisposed_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "condition predisposed by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:likelihood_affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:predisposes_to_condition ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:condition_prevented_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "condition prevented by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:preventative_for_condition ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:condition_promoted_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "condition promoted by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:likelihood_affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:promotes_condition ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:consumed_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "consumed by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:is_input_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:consumes ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:contains_process a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "contains process" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:occurs_in ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:created_with a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "created with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Dataset ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:exactMatch pav:createdWith ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:dataset_download_url a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "dataset download url" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Dataset ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:decreased_amount_in a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "decreased amount in" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_decreased_amount ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:decreased_likelihood_associated_with a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "decreased likelihood associated with" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:likelihood_associated_with ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:associated_with_decreased_likelihood_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:develops_into a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "develops into" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:develops_from ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:disrupted_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "disrupted by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:disrupts ;
- skos:definition "describes a relationship where the structure, function, or occurrence of one entity is degraded or interfered with by another." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:download_url a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "download url" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:InformationContentEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:end_coordinate a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "end coordinate" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:base_coordinate ;
- skos:altLabel "end" ;
- skos:closeMatch ;
- skos:definition "The position at which the subject genomic entity ends on the chromosome or other entity to which it is located on." ;
- skos:exactMatch gff3:end ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:evidence_count a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "evidence count" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The number of evidence instances that are connected to an association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:exact_matches a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "exact matches" ;
- skos:definition "A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have an identical meaning. Such terms often describe the same concept from different ontological perspectives." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:exact_synonym a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "exact synonym" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:synonym ;
- skos:exactMatch OIO:hasExactSynonym ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:expected_count a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "expected count" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The expected (calculated) number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain both the subject and object concept of an association if the subject and object concepts are independent." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:expresses a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "expresses" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:AnatomicalEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:location_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:expressed_in ;
- skos:altLabel "anatomy expresses gene" ;
- skos:definition "holds between an anatomical entity and gene or gene product that is expressed there" ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:0002292 ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:extraction_confidence_score a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "extraction confidence score" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "A quantitative confidence value that represents the probability of obtaining a result at least as extreme as that actually obtained, assuming that the actual value was the result of chance alone." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:gene_fusion_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "gene_fusion_with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Gene ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Gene ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:genetically_interacts_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between two independent genes that have fused through translocation, interstitial deletion, or chromosomal inversion to form a new, hybrid gene. Fusion genes are often implicated in various neoplasms and cancers." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:genetic_association a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "genetic association" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:associated_with ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:genetic_neighborhood_of a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "genetic_neighborhood_of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Gene ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Gene ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:genetically_interacts_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between two genes located nearby one another on a chromosome." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:has_active_component a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has active component" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:CellularComponent ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:active_in ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_author a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has author" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Publication ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Agent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_contributor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:author ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_biomarker a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has biomarker" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:correlated_with ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:biomarker_for ;
- skos:definition """holds between a disease or phenotypic feature and a measurable chemical entity that is used as an indicator of the presence or state of the disease or feature.
- # metabolite""" ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch ,
- .
-biolink:has_catalyst a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has catalyst" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_participant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:catalyzes ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_chemical_formula a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has chemical formula" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "description of chemical compound based on element symbols" ;
- skos:exactMatch WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P274 ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_confidence_level a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has confidence level" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "connects an association to a qualitative term denoting the level of confidence" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_constituent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has constituent" ;
- rdfs:range biolink:MolecularEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "one or more molecular entities within a chemical mixture" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_contraindication a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has contraindication" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:BiologicalEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:contraindicated_in ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_editor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has editor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Publication ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Agent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_contributor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:editor ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_frameshift_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has frameshift variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_frameshift_variant_of ;
- skos:altLabel "splice acceptor variant",
- "splice donor variant",
- "splice region variant" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_missense_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has missense variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_missense_variant_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_nearby_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has nearby variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_nearby_variant_of ;
- skos:altLabel "3 prime UTR variant",
- "5 prime UTR premature start codon gain variant",
- "5 prime UTR variant",
- "intron variant",
- "non coding transcript exon variant" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_negative_upstream_actor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has negative upstream actor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:BiologicalProcess ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_upstream_actor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:acts_upstream_of_negative_effect ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_negative_upstream_or_within_actor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has negative upstream or within actor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:BiologicalProcess ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_upstream_or_within_actor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:acts_upstream_of_or_within_negative_effect ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_non_coding_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has non coding variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_non_coding_variant_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_nonsense_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has nonsense variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_nonsense_variant_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_positive_upstream_actor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has positive upstream actor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:BiologicalProcess ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_upstream_actor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:acts_upstream_of_positive_effect ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_positive_upstream_or_within_actor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has positive upstream or within actor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:BiologicalProcess ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_upstream_or_within_actor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:acts_upstream_of_or_within_positive_effect ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_provider a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has provider" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:InformationContentEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Agent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_contributor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:provider ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_publisher a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has publisher" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Publication ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Agent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_contributor ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:publisher ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_receptor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has receptor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ExposureEvent ;
- rdfs:range biolink:OrganismalEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "the organism or organism part being exposed" ;
- skos:exactMatch ExO:0000001 ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_route a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has route" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ExposureEvent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "the process that results in the stressor coming into direct contact with the receptor" ;
- skos:exactMatch ExO:0000055 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch LOINC:has_pharmaceutical_route,
- ,
- .
-biolink:has_splice_site_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has splice site variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_splice_site_variant_of ;
- skos:altLabel "downstream gene variant",
- "upstream gene variant" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_stressor a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has stressor" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ExposureEvent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:altLabel "has stimulus" ;
- skos:definition "the process or entity that the receptor is being exposed to" ;
- skos:exactMatch ExO:0000000 ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_supporting_study_result a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has supporting study result" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "connects an association to an instance of supporting study result" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_synonymous_variant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has synonymous variant" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GenomicEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_sequence_variant ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:is_synonymous_variant_of ;
- skos:altLabel "stop gained" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_target a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has target" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Disease ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Gene ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:target_for ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:has_topic a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "has topic" ;
- rdfs:range biolink:OntologyClass ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:altLabel "descriptors",
- "topic" ;
- skos:definition "Connects a node to a vocabulary term or ontology class that describes some aspect of the entity. In general specific characterization is preferred. See https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model/issues/238" ;
- skos:exactMatch foaf:topic ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:in_cell_population_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "in cell population with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:coexists_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between two genes or gene products that are expressed in the same cell type or population" ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:in_complex_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "in complex with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:coexists_with ;
- skos:broadMatch SIO:010285 ;
- skos:definition "holds between two genes or gene products that are part of (or code for products that are part of) in the same macromolecular complex" ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:relatedMatch SIO:010497 ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:in_linkage_disequilibrium_with a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "in linkage disequilibrium with" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- skos:definition "holds between two sequence variants, the presence of which are correlated in a population" ;
- skos:exactMatch ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:in_pathway_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "in pathway with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:coexists_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between two genes or gene products that are part of in the same biological pathway" ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:relatedMatch SIO:010532 ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:increased_amount_of a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "increased amount of" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_increased_amount ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:increased_likelihood_associated_with a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "increased likelihood associated with" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:likelihood_associated_with ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:associated_with_increased_likelihood_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:indirectly_physically_interacts_with a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "indirectly physically interacts with" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:physically_interacts_with ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:is_assessed_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is assessed by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:assesses ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:is_diagnosed_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is diagnosed by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:DiagnosticAid ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:diagnoses ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:is_excipient_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is excipient of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:MolecularEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:Drug ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:part_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_excipient ;
- skos:definition "holds between a molecular entity and a drug in which the former is a part of the latter, and is a biologically inactive component" ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:mappingRelation WIKIDATA:Q902638 .
-biolink:is_metabolite_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is metabolite of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:MolecularEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:MolecularEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:derives_from ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_metabolite ;
- skos:definition "holds between two molecular entities in which the first one is derived from the second one as a product of metabolism" ;
- skos:exactMatch ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:note "The CHEBI ID represents a role rather than a predicate" .
-biolink:is_molecular_consequence_of a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is molecular consequence of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:OntologyClass ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_molecular_consequence ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:is_output_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is output of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range biolink:BiologicalProcessOrActivity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:participates_in ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_output ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:0002353 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch RO:0002354 .
-biolink:is_side_effect_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is side effect of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_side_effect ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:is_substrate_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "is substrate of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:participates_in ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_substrate ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:ln_ratio a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "ln ratio" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "the natural log of the ratio of co-occurrence to expected" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:ln_ratio_confidence_interval a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "ln ratio confidence interval" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The 99% confidence interval for the ln_ratio calculation (i.e. the range of values within which the true value has a 99% chance of falling)" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:location_of_disease a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "location of disease" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:disease_has_location ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:log_odds_ratio a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "log odds ratio" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The logarithm of the odds ratio, or the ratio of the odds of event Y occurring in an exposed group versus the odds of event Y occurring in a non-exposed group has " ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:log_odds_ratio_95_ci a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "log odds ratio 95 ci" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The ninety-five percent confidence range in which the true log odds ratio for the sample population falls." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:logical_interpretation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "logical interpretation" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Association ;
- rdfs:range biolink:LogicalInterpretationEnum ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:exactMatch os:LogicalInterpretation ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:mechanism_of_action a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "mechanism of action" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "a boolean flag to indicate if the edge is part of a path or subgraph of a knowledge graph that constitutes the mechanism of action for a result." ;
- skos:exactMatch LOINC:MTHU019741,
- MI:2044,
- ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:member_of a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "member of" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_concept_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_member ;
- skos:closeMatch skos:member ;
- skos:definition "Defines a mereological relation between a item and a collection." ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:0002350 ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:mentioned_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "mentioned by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:mentions ;
- skos:definition "refers to is a relation between one named thing and the information content entity that it makes reference to." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:missing_from a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "missing from" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:lacks_part ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:mode_of_inheritance_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "mode of inheritance of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:GeneticInheritance ;
- rdfs:range biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:manifestation_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_mode_of_inheritance ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:models a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "models" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:model_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:models_demonstrating_benefits_for a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "models demonstrating benefits for" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:subject_of_treatment_application_or_study_for_treatment_by,
- biolink:tested_by_preclinical_trials_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:beneficial_in_models_for ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:narrow_matches a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "narrow matches" ;
- skos:definition "A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a narrower meaning. Such terms often describe a more specific concept from different ontological perspectives." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:narrow_synonym a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "narrow synonym" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:synonym ;
- skos:exactMatch OIO:hasNarrowSynonym ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:negatively_correlated_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "negatively correlated with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:correlated_with ;
- skos:definition "A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for which a statistical correlation is demonstrated, wherein variable values move in opposite directions (i.e. increased in one or presence of one correlates with a decrease or absence of the other)." ;
- skos:exactMatch CTD:negative_correlation ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true ;
- biolink:opposite_of "positively correlated with" .
-biolink:not_completed_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "not completed by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_not_completed ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:nutrient_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "nutrient of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ChemicalEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:food_component_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_nutrient ;
- skos:definition "holds between a one or more chemical entities present in food, irrespective of nutritional value (i.e. could also be a contaminant or additive)" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:object_location_in_text a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "object location in text" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "Character offsets for the text span(s) in the supporting text corresponding to the object concept of the extracted assertion" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:occurs_in_disease a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "occurs in disease" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:disease_has_basis_in ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:occurs_together_in_literature_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "occurs together in literature with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:correlated_with ;
- skos:definition "holds between two entities where their co-occurrence is correlated by counts of publications in which both occur, using some threshold of occurrence as defined by the edge provider." ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:opposite_of a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "opposite of" ;
- rdfs:seeAlso ,
- ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- skos:definition "x is the opposite of y if there exists some distance metric M, and there exists no z such as M(x,z) <= M(x,y) or M(y,z) <= M(y,x). (This description is from RO. Needs to be rephrased)." ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:0002604 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:orthologous_to a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "orthologous to" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:homologous_to ;
- skos:definition "a homology relationship between entities (typically genes) that diverged after a speciation event." ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:HOM0000017,
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:paralogous_to a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "paralogous to" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:homologous_to ;
- skos:definition "a homology relationship that holds between entities (typically genes) that diverged after a duplication event." ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:HOM0000011 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:phenotype_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "phenotype of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:PhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:BiologicalEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_phenotype ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:plasma_membrane_part_of a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "plasma membrane part of" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:part_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_plasma_membrane_part ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:positively_correlated_with a owl:ObjectProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "positively correlated with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:correlated_with ;
- skos:definition "A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for which a statistical correlation is demonstrated, wherein variable values move together in the same direction (i.e. increased in one or presence of one correlates with an increase or presence of the other)." ;
- skos:exactMatch CTD:positive_correlation ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true ;
- biolink:opposite_of "negatively correlated with" .
-biolink:primarily_composed_of a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "primarily composed of" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:composed_primarily_of ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:produced_by a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "produced by" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:produces ;
- skos:exactMatch RO:0003001 ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:reaction_balanced a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "reaction balanced" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:regulated_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "regulated by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:PhysicalEssenceOrOccurrent ;
- rdfs:range biolink:PhysicalEssenceOrOccurrent ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:regulates ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:related_condition a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "related condition" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- skos:exactMatch ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:related_synonym a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "related synonym" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:synonym ;
- skos:exactMatch OIO:hasRelatedSynonym ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:relation a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "relation" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:relative_frequency_object a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "relative frequency object" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The frequency at which subject and object concepts co-occur in records within a dataset/cohort, relative to the frequency at which the object concept appears in these same records." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:relative_frequency_object_confidence_interval a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "relative frequency object confidence interval" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The 99% confidence interval for the relative_frequency_object calculation (i.e. the range of values within which the true value has a 99% chance of falling)" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:relative_frequency_subject a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "relative frequency subject" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The frequency at which subject and object concepts co-occur in records within a dataset/cohort, relative to the frequency at which the subject concept appears in these same records." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:relative_frequency_subject_confidence_interval a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "relative frequency subject confidence interval" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The 99% confidence interval for the relative_frequency_subject calculation (i.e. the range of values within which the true value has a 99% chance of falling)" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:resistance_associated_with a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "resistance associated with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ChemicalEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:associated_with ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:associated_with_resistance_to ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:response_decreased_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "response decreased by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:response_affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:decreases_response_to ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:response_increased_by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "response increased by" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:response_affected_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:increases_response_to ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:retrieved_on a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "retrieved on" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Dataset ;
- rdfs:range xsd:date ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:exactMatch pav:retrievedOn ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:same_as a owl:DatatypeProperty,
- owl:SymmetricProperty ;
- rdfs:label "same as" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:exact_match ;
- skos:closeMatch owl:equivalentClass ;
- skos:definition "holds between two entities that are considered equivalent to each other" ;
- skos:exactMatch ,
- owl:sameAs,
- skos:exactMatch,
- CHEMBL.MECHANISM:equivalent_to,
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch ;
- biolink:canonical_predicate true .
-biolink:semmed_agreement_count a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "semmed agreement count" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The number of times this concept has been asserted in the SemMedDB literature database." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:sensitivity_associated_with a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "sensitivity associated with" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:ChemicalEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:associated_with ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:associated_with_sensitivity_to ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:sequence_location_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "sequence location of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NucleicAcidEntity ;
- rdfs:range biolink:NucleicAcidEntity ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_sequence_location ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:sequence_variant_qualifier a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "sequence variant qualifier" ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SequenceVariant ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "a qualifier used in an association with the variant" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:severity_qualifier a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "severity qualifier" ;
- rdfs:range biolink:SeverityValue ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:qualifier ;
- skos:definition "a qualifier used in a phenotypic association to state how severe the phenotype is in the subject" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:start_coordinate a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "start coordinate" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:base_coordinate ;
- skos:altLabel "start" ;
- skos:closeMatch ;
- skos:definition "The position at which the subject genomic entity starts on the chromosome or other entity to which it is located on. (ie: the start of the sequence being referenced is 1)." ;
- skos:exactMatch gff3:start ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:subject_location_in_text a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "subject location in text" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "Character offsets for the text span(s) in the supporting text corresponding to the subject concept of the extracted assertion." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:superclass_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "superclass of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:OntologyClass ;
- rdfs:range biolink:OntologyClass ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_concept_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:subclass_of ;
- skos:definition "holds between two classes where the domain class is a super class of the range class" ;
- skos:exactMatch MESH:inverse_isa,
- RXNORM:inverse_isa,
- ,
- CHEMBL.MECHANISM:superset_of,
- VANDF:inverse_isa,
- WIKIDATA:Q66088480 ;
- skos:inScheme ;
- skos:narrowMatch ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- .
-biolink:support_graphs a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "support graphs" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "A list of knowledge graphs that support the existence of this association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_data_set a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting data set" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "A set of data used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in an Association (e.g. through computation on, reasoning or inference over the retrieved data)." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_data_source a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting data source" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "An Information Resource from which data was retrieved and subsequently used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in an Association (e.g. through computation on, reasoning or inference over the retrieved data)." ;
- skos:editorialNote "For example, in this Feature Variable Association Edge generated by the Exposure Agent’s ICEES KP, through statistical analysis of clinical and environmental data supplied by the UNC Clinical Data Warehouse, the Edge is passed to the Ranking Agent’s ARAGORN ARA, and then on to the ARS. The retrieval path for this Edge is as follows: ARS--retrieved_from--> ARAGORN --retrieved_from--> ICEES --supporting_data_from--> UNC Data Warehouse This example illustrates how to represent the source provenance of KP-generated knowledge, including the source of data from which the knowledge was derived. The \"primary knowledge source\" for this edge is \"infores:icees-asthma\". A \"supporting data source\" for this KP- generated knowledge is \"infores:unc-cdw-health.\" The \"aggregator knowledge source\" for this data is \"infores:aragorn-ara\"" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_document_type a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting document type" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The document type (e.g., Journal Article, Case Study, Preprint) for the supporting document used in a Text Mining Result." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_document_year a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting document year" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The document year (typically the publication year) for the supporting document used in a Text Mining Result." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_documents a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting documents" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "One or more referenceable documents that report the statement expressed in an Association, or provide information used as evidence supporting this statement." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_study_cohort a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting study cohort" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:supporting_study_metadata ;
- skos:definition "A description of a study population/cohort that was interrogated to provide evidence for the association (e.g. the inclusion and exclusion criteria)." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_study_context a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting study context" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:supporting_study_metadata ;
- skos:definition "A term or terms describing the experimental setting/context in which evidence supporting the Association was generated ('context' may be defined by many factors, including taxon, model system (e.g. cell line type), tissue type, disease, etc.)." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_study_date_range a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting study date range" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:supporting_study_metadata ;
- skos:definition "The date range over which data was collected in a study that provided evidence for an Association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_study_method_description a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting study method description" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:supporting_study_metadata ;
- skos:definition "A uri or curie pointing to information about the methodology used to generate data supporting an Association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_study_method_type a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting study method type" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:supporting_study_metadata ;
- skos:definition "A type of method that was applied in a study used to generate the information used as evidence (e.g. a type of experimental assay, or statistical calculation, or computational analysis)." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_study_size a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting study size" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:supporting_study_metadata ;
- skos:definition "The sample size used in a study that provided evidence for the association (e.g. 'n' of a cohort for a clinical study)." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_text a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting text" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The segment of text from a document that supports the mined assertion." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:supporting_text_section_type a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "supporting text section type" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:association_slot ;
- skos:definition "The section of the supporting text of a Text Mining Result within the supporting document. This is in the form of the name of the document section (e.g., Abstract, Introduction) that contains the supporting text." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:systematic_synonym a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "systematic synonym" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:NamedThing ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "more commonly used for gene symbols in yeast" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:taxon_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "taxon of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:OrganismTaxon ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ThingWithTaxon ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:in_taxon ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:temporal_interval_qualifier a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "temporal interval qualifier" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:temporal_context_qualifier ;
- skos:definition "a constraint of a time interval placed upon the truth value of an association." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:tested_by_clinical_trials_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "tested by clinical trials of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:subject_of_treatment_application_or_study_for_treatment_by,
- biolink:treated_in_studies_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:in_clinical_trials_for ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:total_sample_size a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "total sample size" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:dataset_count ;
- skos:definition "The total number of patients or participants within a sample population." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:treatment_applications_from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "treatment applications from" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature ;
- rdfs:range biolink:ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:related_to_at_instance_level,
- biolink:subject_of_treatment_application_or_study_for_treatment_by ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:applied_to_treat ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:update_date a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "update date" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:date ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "date on which an entity was updated. This can be applied to nodes or edges" ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:url a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "url" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Entity ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:definition "This slot holds a string representation of a URL for an external resource about the node it is present on. Unlike an 'xref' that is primarily represented by a CURIE, this slot is intended to hold a full URL that can be used to directly access a resource. When linking to an external resource that cannot be represented by a unique CURIE, this slot should be used. However, when the intent is to link to the default URI expansion of a CURIE related to the node it is present on, the xref slot should be used instead." ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:variant_part_of a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "variant part of" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:part_of ;
- owl:inverseOf biolink:has_variant_part ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:version a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "version" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:Dataset ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:broadMatch pav:version,
- owl:versionInfo ;
- skos:inScheme .
-biolink:version_of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:label "version of" ;
- rdfs:domain biolink:DatasetVersion ;
- rdfs:range biolink:DatasetSummary ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:node_property ;
- skos:exactMatch dct:isVersionOf ;
- skos:inScheme