The Juypter Notebook will execute the setup-views.sql - which creates
all the sample data, and score calculations described in the blog. However, first a dataset
is required
in which to create the tables (think of a dataset
as a schema
in a traditional RDB).
Navigate to BigQuery
, click on the vertical ellipsis ...
, enter a name and location for the dataset and click
You should now see the dataset listed under the project name. Make a note of the dataset id - in this example its
. Take note of the dataset id as it is required in order to run the notebook correctly.
Note: you can only use underscores _
, rather than dashes -
, as names for datasets
Once the notebook creates all the views, you will see them listed under the dataset as follows - where you can run SQL in the console in order to interrogate them and review the data etc.
Tip: to refresh the data under the dataset without having to reload the page, put the cursor in the Type to search
input box and click enter. The dataset will now reflect any changes - such as the views being created by the
Now we're ready to run the notebook and see how all the logic works.
- Next - Running the Notebook