- [HADOOP-204] Allow concurrent access to MongoRecordReader instances
- [HADOOP-201] Support mongo.auth.uri in StandaloneMongoSplitter
- [HADOOP-196] Update Hadoop dependencies
- [HADOOP-195] 3.0 Java driver compatibility
- [HADOOP-188] Support MapWritable
- [HADOOP-179] When mongo.output.uri has a replica set specified, mongo-hadoop fails
- [HADOOP-175] Records dropped due to incorrectly computed file splits
- [HADOOP-173] Bulk write support from MongoOutputFormat
- [HADOOP-170] Pig integration doesn't call close() on Client
- [HADOOP-153] Add capability of BSONLoader.java to parse UUID
- [HADOOP-152] NumberFormatExceptions when splitting on a sharded, replica set cluster
- [HADOOP-151] Fix MongoUpdateWritable serialization
- [HADOOP-150] Use Primary read preference when sending splitVector command in StandaloneMongoSplitter
- [HADOOP-143] MongoConfigUtil.getCollection() creates orphaned MongoClients
- [HADOOP-110] Add non-args constructor for all spiltters for multi-collection input
- [HADOOP-98] handle binary types in pig schema mode
- [HADOOP-94] BSONLoader failing to parse binary data
- [HADOOP-93] Processing GUID data when importing data from mongo to HDFS using Pig
- [HADOOP-82] Use OutputCommitter with MongoOutputFormat
- Fixed file distribution for streaming addon files
- Fixed Thrift dep for cdh3.
- Add treasury yield example build support.
- Added a Streaming Example M/R job with enron email corpus
- HADOOP-29 - removes excessive logging for each tuple stored in MongoDB (RJurney)
- Streaming: Add support for python generators in reduce functions (MLew)
- Pig: Fix for exporting tuples to mongodb as map
- Fixed CDH4 build flags to correct compilation step.
- Fixed Hadoop build for dependencies across versions.
- Added a "load-sample-data" task to use for loading samples into mongo for testing/demos
- Hadoop 0.22.x support now works for those who need it (although I believe it's a deprecated branch)
- Stock Apache 0.23.x now builds, using the actual 0.23.1 release... insanity around the MapReduce dep
- added twitter hashtag examples
- Relocate Pymongo_Hadoop module to a new "language_Support" subdirectory. Created a setup.py file to build an egg / package. Available on PyPi as 'pymongo_hadoop'.
- Fixed pymongo_hadoop output to use BSON.encode
- Added support to streaming for the -file flag to distribute files out to the cluster if they don't exist.
- Make InputFormat and OutputFormat implied on Streaming jobs, defaulting to the Mongo ones.
- Streaming now builds as a fat assembly jar and works.
- Added an 0.23 / cdh4 build. No longer allow raw "cdh" or "cloudera" build artifacts to avoid confusion as to 'which cloudera?'
- Added a .23 build, based on Cloudera's current distro (should be binary compatible with stock)
- If combiner is not specified, do not pass it to Hadoop. While the combiner should be optional, giving Hadoop a null combiner will result in a NullPointerException.
- Initial Release, Release Candidate