Teacher: Elena Loli Piccolomini
- Course web site
- Course material on Virtuale
- Course timetable
- Piccolomini's channel on MS Stream
- Course material on Overleaf
- A summary containing pretty much everything you may need for the exam;
- Some LaTeX/PDF notes I wrote in the beginning, which were abandoned fast;
- An Anki package to review before the exam.
- A useful PDF (italian) @montali wrote during its bachelor's
- A LaTeX/PDF document (italian) @Danysan1 wrote during its bachelor's
- This series of videos is incredibly useful and clarifies lots of concepts. Highly recommended.
- Numpy manual
reference- MatPlotLib docs
reference- Scipy docs
Special thanks to prof. Elena Loli, Giorgio Renzi, Lorenzo Mario Amorosa, Lucia La Forgia and Giacomo Pinardi for the great material provided for the course.