This python module supports actual the following USB-DMX interfaces (FT232R chip based):
- Python ≥ 3.6
- numpy
- pyserial
Note: Tested on Windows 10, amd64, Python 3.8
Should also work on Linux, MacOS and on AARCH64 devices (ARM devices like Raspberry PI).
Make sure to have git, python and pip in your environment path or activate your python environment.
To install enter in cmd/shell:
git clone
cd dmx
pip install .
Alternative with python:
python install
If you want to dim 4 channels up and down:
from dmx import DMX
import time
dmx = DMX(num_of_channels=4)
dmx.set_data(1, 0)
dmx.set_data(2, 0)
dmx.set_data(3, 0)
dmx.set_data(4, 0)
while True:
for i in range(0, 255, 5):
dmx.set_data(1, i, auto_send=False)
dmx.set_data(2, i, auto_send=False)
dmx.set_data(3, i, auto_send=False)
dmx.set_data(4, i)
for i in range(255, 0, -5):
dmx.set_data(1, i, auto_send=False)
dmx.set_data(2, i, auto_send=False)
dmx.set_data(3, i, auto_send=False)
dmx.set_data(4, i)
If you want to add your own adapter or multiple adapter by serial number:
from dmx import DMX
dmx = DMX()
my_device_serial_number = dmx.use_device.serial_number
del dmx
my_device_sn = dmx.use_device.serial_number
del dmx
dmx2 = DMX(serial_number=my_device_sn)
dmx2.set_data(1, 100)
del dmx2
to EUROLITE USB-DMX512 PRO Cable Interface / EUROLITE USB-DMX512 PRO Interface MK2 :
uses chip FTDI232R (like EUROLITE USB-DMX512 PRO Interface MK2)
the FTDI FT232R updates the DMX automatically - you do no need to refresh the DMX universe by yourself
if you only have 4 channels, set them at the DMX address start (1 to 4), thus sending updates to the FT232R chip is faster
250000 baudrate for the FT232R is a must
needs 5 start bytes: [0x7E, 0x06, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00]
- byte 1: signal start byte 0x7E
- byte 2: TX DMX packet: 0x06
- byte 3 & 4: LSB of DMX length (in this case 513 -> do not forget address 0): 0x01 and 0x02
- byte 5: address 0 of DMX signal: 0x00
supports only label 6: TX DMX Packet
needs one end byte [0xE7]
Go into the dmx root folder (where is) and type in the following command in the cmd/shell:
python build_sphinx
The documentation can than be found in dmx/build/sphinx/html.