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BrodEx - Brod Wrapper for Elixir

WARNING: Work in progress

Brod is an erlang implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol, providing support for both producers and consumers.

Why "brod"?


  • Supports Apache Kafka v0.8+
  • Robust producer implementation supporting in-flight requests and asynchronous acknowledgements
  • Both consumer and producer handle leader re-election and other cluster disturbances internally
  • Opens max 1 tcp connection to a broker per "brod_client", one can create more clients if needed
  • Producer: will start to batch automatically when number of unacknowledged (in flight) requests exceeds configurable maximum
  • Producer: will try to re-send buffered messages on common errors like "Not a leader for partition", errors are resolved automatically by refreshing metadata
  • Simple consumer: The poller, has a configurable "prefetch count" - it will continue sending fetch requests as long as total number of unprocessed messages (not message-sets) is less than "prefetch count"
  • Group subscriber: Support for consumer groups with options to have Kafka as offset storage or a custom one
  • Topic subscriber: Subscribe on messages from all or selected topic partitions without using consumer groups

Missing features

  • lz4 compression & decompression
  • new 0.10 on-wire message format
  • new create/delete topic api


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding brod_ex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:brod_ex, git: "git://"}]


Create a Brod module in your app like this:

defmodule MyApp.Brod do
  use BrodEx, otp_app: :your_app

Finally start it in your application

def start(_type, _args) do
  import Supervisor.Spec

  children = [
    supervisor(MyApp.Brod, [])

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


Brod supervision (and process link) tree.


A brod_client in brod is a gen_server responsible for establishing and maintaining tcp sockets connecting to kafka brokers. It also manages per-topic-partition producer and consumer processes under two-level supervision trees.

Start clients by default

You may include client configs in config.exs have them started by default (by application controller)

Example of configuration (for config.exs):

config :your_app, BrodExTest.Brod,
  clients: [brod_client_1: [endpoints: ["localhost:9092"],
                            reconnect_cool_down_seconds: 10]] 

Start brod client on demand

You may also call BrodEx.start_client/1,2,3 to start a client on demand, which will be added to brod supervision tree.

:ok = MyApp.Brod.start_client(["localhost:9092"], :brod_client_1, reconnect_cool_down_seconds: 10)


Auto start producer with default producer config

Put below configs to client config in config.exs:

auto_start_producers: true,
default_producer_config: []

Start a producer on demand

:ok = MyApp.Brod.start_producer(:brod_client_1, "test", [])

Produce to a known topic-partition:

{ok, call_ref} = MyApp.Brod.produce(brod_client_1,
# just to illustrate what message to expect
  {:brod_produce_reply, call_ref, :brod_produce_req_acked} -> ok
after 5000 ->

Synchronized produce request

Block calling process until Kafka confirmed the message:

{ok, call_ref} = MyApp.Brod.produce(:brod_client_1,

or the same in one call:


Produce with random partitioner

client = :brod_client_1,
topic  = "brod-test-topic-1",
partition_fun = fn (topic, partitions_count, _key, _value) ->
                   {:ok, :crypto.rand_uniform(0, partitions_count)}
{:ok, call_ref} = MyApp.Brod.produce(client, topic, &partition_fun/4, key, value)

Produce a batch of (maybe nested) Key-Value list

# The top-level key is used for partitioning
# and nested keys are discarded.
# Nested messages are serialized into a message set to the same partition.
                     [ {"k1", "v1"},
                       {"k2", "v2"},
                       {[{"k3", "v3"}, {"k4", "v4"}]}

Handle acks from kafka

Unless MyApp.Brod.produce_sync was called, callers of MyApp.Brod.produce should expect a message of below pattern for each produce call. Add BrodEx.BrodProduceReply to use the record.

  call_ref, # returned from MyApp.Brod.produce

NOTE: If required_acks is set to 0 in producer config, kafka will NOT ack the requests, and the reply message is sent back to caller immediately after the message has been sent to the socket process.

In case the MyApp.Brod.produce caller is a process like gen_server which receives ALL messages, the callers should keep the call references in its looping state and match the replies against them when received. Otherwise MyApp.Brod.sync_produce_request/1 can be used to block-wait for acks.

NOTE: The replies are only strictly ordered per-partition. i.e. if the caller is producing to two or more partitions, it may receive replies ordered differently than in which order MyApp.Brod.produce API was called.


Kafka consumers work in poll mode. In brod, brod_consumer is the poller, which is constantly asking for more data from the kafka node which is a leader for the given partition.

By subscribing to brod_consumer a process should receive the polled message sets (not individual messages) into its mailbox.

In brod, we have so far implemented two different subscribers (brod_topic_subscriber and brod_group_subscriber), hopefully covered most of the common use cases.

For maximum flexibility, an applications may implement their own per-partition subscriber.

Below diagrams illustrate 3 examples of how subscriber processes may work with brod_consumer.

Partition subscriber

This gives the best flexibility as the per-partition subscribers work directly with per-partition pollers.

The messages are delivered to subscribers in message sets (batches), not individual messages, (however the subscribers are allowed to ack individual offsets).

Topic subscriber (brod_topic_subscriber)

A topic subscriber provides the easiest way to receive and process messages from ALL partitions of a given topic. See brod_demo_cg_collector and brod_demo_topic_subscriber for example.

Users may choose to implement the brod_topic_subscriber behaviour callbacks in a module, or simply provide an anonymous callback function to have the individual messages processed.

Group subscriber (brod_group_subscriber)

Similar to topic subscriber, the brod_group_subscriber behaviour callbacks are to be implemented to process individual messages. See brod_demo_group_subscriber_koc and brod_demo_group_subscriber_loc for example.

A group subscriber is started by giving a set of topics, some (maybe none, or maybe all) of the partitions in the topic set will be assigned to it, then the subscriber should subscribe to ALL the assigned partitions.

Users may also choose to implement the brod_group_member behaviour (callbacks for brod_group_coordinator) for a different group subscriber (e.g. spawn one subscriber per partition), see brucke for example.

Example of group consumer which commits offsets to Kafka

defmodule MyApp.YourSubscriber do
  require Logger
  alias BrodEx.KafkaMessage
  def init(_group_id, _args), do: {:ok, []}

  def handle_message(topic, partition, message, state) do
    {KafkaMessage, offset, key, value} = message
    Logger.error("#{self} #{partition}: offset: #{offset} key:#{key}, value:#{value}")
    {:ok, :ack, state}

  @doc """
    The brod client identified ClientId should have been started
    either by configured in sys.config and started as a part of brod application
    or started by MyApp.Brod.start_client/3
  @spec start(:brod.client_id()) :: {:ok, pid}
  def start(client_id) do
    topic  = "brod-test-topic-1"
    # commit offsets to kafka every 5 seconds
    group_config = [{offset_commit_policy, commit_to_kafka_v2},
                  {offset_commit_interval_seconds, 5}]
    group_id = "my-unique-group-id-shared-by-all-members"
    consumer_config = [{:begin_offset, :earliest}]
    MyApp.Brod.start_link_group_subscriber(client_id, group_id, [topic],
                                    group_config, consumer_config,
                                    __MODULE__, [])

Other API to play with/inspect kafka

These functions open a connetion to kafka cluster, send a request, await response and then close the connection.

hosts = ["localhost:9092"]
topic = "topic"
partition = 0
MyApp.Brod.get_metadata(hosts, [topic])
MyApp.Brod.get_offsets(hosts, topic, partition)
MyApp.Brod.fetch(hosts, topic, partition, 1)

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


Brod wrapper for elixir







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