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Two More Examples for kipro2

Here we present two more examples for kipro2 in addition to the ones presented in The examples below are for the expected runtime transformer ert.

Example: Verifying Runtime Upper Bounds

This is from benchmarks/one_loop_examples/ber.imp.pgcl, an adaptation of the ber example from Bounded Expectations: Resource Analysis for Probabilistic Programs by Ngo et al.

// ARGS: --ert --post 0 --pre "2*(n-x)" --assert-inductive 1
nat x;
nat n;
nat r;
while (x < n) {
    r := 1 : 1/2 + 0 : 1/2;
    x := x + r;

You can verify inductiveness of the pre-expectation bound 2*(n-x) for the probabilistic expected runtime transformer ert for the post-expectation 0 by running

poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/one_loop_examples/ber.imp.pgcl

The output contains "Property is 1-inductive". Success!

The first three actual code lines declare natural number variables x, n, r. While x < n, the loop continues to choose r from a Binomial distribution (1 or 0 each with probability ½). We then add r to x. tick(1) increments the runtime counter, so we count each loop execution as taking one step. (tick statements are ignored when not in --ert mode.)

So what we ask kipro2 is: Prove (using k-induction) or refute (using bounded model checking) that ert[program](0) <= 2*(n-x). You can read it as: If there's zero steps after the program (post-expectation), is it sufficient to have 2*(n-x) steps left at the start of the program? The question is one over all initial states with arbitrary values for the variables. This property is 1-inductive, so the answer is yes!

Example: Refutation of Runtime Upper Bounds

Example 1 of our paper "Latticed k-Induction with an Application to Probabilistic Programs" is a simplified version of the Bounded Retransmission Protocol (BRP):

// ARGS: --post "totalFailed" --pre "totalFailed + 1" --checker both

nat toSend;     # The number of total packages to send
nat sent;       # Number of packages sent
nat maxFailed;  # The maximal number of retransmission tries
nat failed;     # The number of failed retransmission tries
while ( sent < toSend && fail < maxFail) {
    { fail := 0 ; sent := sent + 1 } [ 0.9 ] { fail := fail + 1 ; totalFail := totalFail + 1 }

The program models a simplified version of the bounded retransmission protocol, which attempts to transmit toSend packages via an unreliable channel (that fails with probability 0.1) allowing for at most maxFail retransmissions per package.

kipro2 refutes the property in the comment (wp[brp5](totalFailed) <= totalFailed + 1) after about 15 seconds with k = 13. Just run poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/cav21/brp5.pgcl.

The output might be a bit ugly since it is the result of running both the bouded model checking engine and the induction engine in parallel (--checker both). We can run the tool again, but now with --checker bmc to only run the bounded model checker:

poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/cav21/brp5.pgcl --checker bmc

There's even a counter-example for the initial state that violates the property:

kipro2: SAT. Model:
maxFailed := 2
totalFailed := 1
failed := 0
sent := 6042
toSend := 6052