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kipro2: Bounded Model Checking and k-Induction for Probabilistic Programs

kipro2 is the tool to our CAV'21 paper "Latticed k-Induction with an Application to Probabilistic Programs". The PDF file is available in this repository.

As part of CAV's artifact evaluation, we provide a Docker image. Zenodo link to the Docker image: . Start via

docker image load -i kipro2.tar.gz
docker run -it kipro2

kipro2 applies k-induction and bounded model checking to probabilistic programs via SMT solving. That is, given a probabilistic program C, pre-and postexpectations f,g, kipro2 verifies or refutes wp[C](f) <= g either by proving k-inductiveness or by finding an initial program state violating wp[C](f) <= g.


  1. Usage: How to reproduce our benchmarks and run your own code.
  2. How to build our Docker image.
  3. Installation on your own machine.
  4. Architecture of the code.
  5. How to work with the code.
  6. Benchmarks in detail.
  7. Accepted syntax.
  8. License.

1. Usage


Go to the Benchmarks section below to read how our benchmarks work in more detail. To reproduce the results given in Table 2 and 3 of our paper, run one of

bash --timeout=300  # 300 seconds = 5 minute timeout per input
bash                # 15 minute timeout (default)

We recommend a timeout per input of 5 minutes to reduce the runtime of the benchmark set. With this timeout, it took us 35 minutes to reproduce the benchmarks on a 2,3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5. In case some of the benchmarks time out on your machine that---according to the tables---should not time out, please increase the timeout per input. The timeout per input used in the paper is 15 minutes. With this timeout, reproducing the benchmarks will take considerably longer.

The benchmark files for Table 2 are located in benchmarks/cav21/. The benchmark files for Table 3 are located in benchmarks/one_loop_examples.

Example: Verifying Upper Bounds on Weakest Preexpectations

Consider the geometric loop example (benchmarks/cav21/geo1.pgcl):

// ARGS: --post c --pre "c+1" --checker both

nat c;
nat f;

   {f := 0}[0.5]{c := c+1}

We use kipro2 to verify 2-inductiveness of wp[geo1](c) <= c+1 by running

poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/cav21/geo1.pgcl

The output contains "Property is 2-inductive".

The first line in the program is a comment that kipro2 parses to determine the pre- and post-expectations considered and what checker to use (kind/bmc/both). We could also have executed poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/cav21/geo1.pgcl --post c --pre "c+1" without the // ARGS: comment in the pgcl-file.

Example: Refuting Upper Bounds on Weakest Preexpectations

As a second example, we refute a property:

poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/cav21/geo2.pgcl
// ARGS: --post c --pre "c+0.999999999999" --checker both

nat c;
nat f;

   {f := 0}[0.5]{c := c+1}

kipro2 refutes the property given in the first line (wp[geo2](c) <= c+0.999999999999) after about a second.

The output might be hard to read since it is the result of running both the BMC engine and the k-induction engine in parallel (--checker both). We can set --checker bmc to only run BMC:

poetry run kipro2 benchmarks/cav21/geo2.pgcl --checker bmc

kipro 2 now provides an initial state witnessing the violation of the above property:

kipro2: SAT. Model:
f := 1
c := 1648

Try it yourself

Try to verify or refute your own programs and properties! For instance, you could create a file called mygeo.pgcl containing:

// ARGS: --post c --pre "c+2" --checker kind

nat c;
nat f;

   {f := 0}[0.5]{c := c+2}

i.e., the geometric loop where we increment c by 2 instead of 1. Check whether this property is k-inductive by executing:

poetry run kipro2 mygeo.pgcl 

Let us now use BMC to check whether c+1.5 is also an upper bound by modifying the first line of mygeo.pgcl as follows:

// ARGS: --post c --pre "c+1.5" --checker bmc

More Examples

You can find two more examples (also for verifying or refuting bounds on expected runtimes) in

2. CAV Artifact Docker Image

You can experiment with kipro2 in a convenient Docker image, as was provided for the CAV submission. The output of poetry run kipro2_benchmark run geo (just the geo benchmarks) is already provided in benchmarks/geo.log along with the stats_ directories as an example.

Build the Docker image: docker build -t kipro2 -f cav_artifact/Dockerfile . To load a docker image: docker image load -i kipro2.tar.

More information can be found in cav_artifact/

3. Installation

This project uses git submodules. You may need to run git submodule init && git submodule update.

We use poetry for dependency management. See here for installation instructions for poetry.

Just execute poetry install to hack on this project locally.

We used z3 for our experiments. If you do not have z3 installed, you might want to run poetry run pysmt-install --z3 to install z3 using pysmt's installer.

4. Architecture

kipro2 is a Python 3 application using pysmt and probably. probably is a library built at MOVES for kipro2 to parse and work with pGCL programs and expectations. Its internals are quite extensively documented, so if there are questions about the input language of kipro2, you might want to look there. You can find probably's source code in .venv/src/probably after installation.

By default (--checker both), kipro2 runs both the bounded model checker engine (--checker bmc) and the k-induction engine (--checker kind) in parallel. Both run in separate threads. For debugging, it might be useful to just use one engine at a time.

5. Development

Typechecking: Run mypy with make mypy.

Tests: Run tests with make test (pytest). Tests also produce a coverage report. It can be found in the generated htmlcov directory.

Lint: Run pylint with make lint.

Formatting: We use the yapf formatter: yapf --recursive -i kipro2/ and isort kipro2/.

6. Benchmarks

There is a benchmark script along with a set of example programs to run. You can access the script (and view its help) via: poetry run kipro2_benchmark or with python benchmarks/

Benchmarks are executed with a default memory limit of about 8 GB and a timeout of 15 minutes. Use the --memory MB_LIMIT and --timeout SECONDS_LIMIT flags to change these defaults.

Note: The benchmarks use the timeout script which is only available on Linux.

Show a list of benchmark commands to be run:

poetry run kipro2_benchmark list [FILTER]

where [FILTER] is an optional regular expression to filter to a subset of the benchmarks.

Running benchmarks:

poetry run kipro2_benchmark run [FILTER]

This script will run the benchmarks in sequence.

The full benchmark set takes quite a while to run. Use a filter like geo to run just geo1, geo2 and geo3 benchmarks. They terminate in a few seconds. Or attach something like --timeout 60 for a timeout of 60 seconds.

A new directory benchmarks/stats_TIMESTAMP/ will be created automatically and results (using --stats-path) will be written into it for each benchmark. For each set, there will be two subdirectories, one_loop_examples and cav21.

Viewing benchmark results:

You can view the generated .json files manually, or create a table using the python3 benchmarks/ script (adjusting the path accordingly):

poetry shell
python3 benchmarks/ --help
python3 benchmarks/ benchmarks/stats_TIMESTAMP/one_loop_examples
python3 benchmarks/ benchmarks/stats_TIMESTAMP/cav21

The script also supports output as a LaTeX table with --latex and different time formats (see --help).

The resulting table will contain input parameters such as pre and post, as well as the number of formulae computed (num_formulae) and the time needed for it (compute_formulae_time). Total SAT check time is listed in column sat_check_time. status indicates the two statuses of the BMC engine and the k-induction engine. Usually, if one engine terminates with either refuted or inductive respectively, kipro2 will terminate. The other engine may be marked as started only. This is intentional. Finally, total_time indicates the total time needed for kipro2 to terminate (excluding Python startup time).

7. Accepted Syntax

Parsing of pGCL programs and expectations is done by the probably library. There are many examples in the benchmarks directory.

An excerpt from the Lark grammar for pGCL programs used in the probably library:

declaration: "bool" var                  -> bool
            | "nat" var bounds?           -> nat
            | "const" var ":=" expression -> const

bounds: "[" expression "," expression "]"

instruction: "skip"                                      -> skip
           | "while" "(" expression ")" block            -> while
           | "if" "(" expression ")" block "else"? block -> if
           | var ":=" rvalue                             -> assign
           | block "[" expression "]" block              -> choice
           | "tick" "(" expression ")"                   -> tick

rvalue: "unif" "(" expression "," expression ")" -> uniform
      | expression

literal: "true"  -> true
       | "false" -> false
       | INT     -> nat
       | FLOAT   -> float
       | "∞"     -> infinity
       | "\infty" -> infinity

Expressions in programs and expectations can be built from the following operators, grouped by precedence:

  1. ||, &
  2. <=, <, =
  3. +, -
  4. *, :
  5. /
  6. not , ( ... ), [ ... ], literal, var

Whitespace is generally ignored.

8. License

We provide kipro2 under the Apache-2.0 license (see LICENSE file). The timeout script is included as a git submodule and some modified files of pysmt are included. Both are licensed under Apache-2.0, as are our derivatives, which are found in kipro2/pysmt_extensions.