# Sumary : Minishell is a small-scale command-line shell implementation written in C. It aims to provide a simplified interactive command-line interface for users to interact with their computer. This custom shell is designed to support a range of essential shell functionalities, including executing built-in commands and external programs, managing environment variables, and providing error handling for command execution. ## Key Features: Built-in Commands: Minishell supports several built-in commands like env, export, pwd, cd, echo, unset, and exit, allowing users to perform common tasks within the shell environment. External Command Execution: Users can run external programs and scripts by simply typing their names, mimicking the behavior of a traditional Unix-like shell. Environment Variable Management: Minishell can manage environment variables, allowing users to set, update, and use environment variables in their commands. Error Handling: The shell provides error handling for command execution, including displaying informative error messages when a command is not found or encounters an issue during execution. Exit Code Tracking: Minishell tracks the exit code of executed commands and updates an environment variable accordingly, providing users with the ability to check the success or failure of previous commands. ## Purpose: The Minishell project serves as an educational exercise and a practical introduction to shell scripting and command-line interface development. It offers a basic yet functional shell environment for users to practice and learn how command-line interfaces work, including parsing user input, executing commands, managing environment variables, and handling errors. Usage: Minishell can be used for simple command-line tasks and serves as a starting point for users interested in understanding and building more complex shell environments or command-line utilities. ## Note: The Minishell project can be extended and customized to include additional features and functionalities to suit specific requirements and preferences. It provides a foundation for learning and experimenting with shell scripting and programming. # 🥇Badge:  # 📚Skills: * Unix * Rigor * Imperative programming # 📱REACH ME Made by RIDWANE EL FILALI 👋 [See my linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ridwane-elfilali-0ab7aa253/) and Mickael Pezongo [See his linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mpezongo/) <p align="center"> <h1 align="center"><strong>If you like this repo star it</strong></h1> </p>