- 🔑 Generate Random Passwords
- 📋 No need to copy the password. Just press ⌘ Command + V where you want to paste it.
- 🚀 Save the credentials locally on your device.
- 📖 DOC: readme
- 🐛 FIX: url
- 🐛 FIX: url
- 📖 DOC: readme
- 📦 NEW: DS Store
- 📦 NEW: gif
- 📖 DOC: readme
- 🐛 FIX: keywords
- 👌 IMPROVE: footer
- 📦 NEW: credentials.txt
- 📦 NEW: saving credentials locally
- 👌 IMPROVE: footer
- 📦 NEW: clipboardy
- 👌 IMPROVE: copy to clipboard odne
- 👌 IMPROVE: space
- 👌 IMPROVE: content
- 👌 IMPROVE: password gen complete
- 📦 NEW: dependencies
- 👌 IMPROVE: executable cli
- 📦 NEW: header
- 📦 NEW: footer
- 📦 NEW: test
- 📦 NEW: license
- 📦 NEW: fs & chalk
- 👌IMPROVE: name
- 📦 NEW: first commit