Dapr integrates with Application Insights through OpenTelemetry's default exporter along with a dedicated agent known as the Local Forwarder.
Note: The local forwarder is still under preview, but being deprecated. The Application Insights team recommends using Opentelemetry collector (which is in alpha state) for the future so we're working on moving from local forwarder to Opentelemetry collector.
The following steps show you how to configure Dapr to send distributed tracing data to Application insights.
- First, you'll need an Azure account. Please see instructions here to apply for a free Azure account.
- Follow instructions here to create a new Application Insights resource.
- Get Application insights Intrumentation key from your application insights page
- On the Application Insights side menu, go to
Configure -> API Access
- Click
Create API Key
- Select all checkboxes under
Choose what this API key will allow apps to do:
- Read telemetry
- Write annotations
- Authenticate SDK control channel
- Generate Key and get API key
This is for running the local forwarder on your machine.
- Run the local fowarder
docker run -e APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY=<Your Instrumentation Key> -e APPINSIGHTS_LIVEMETRICSSTREAMAUTHENTICATIONAPIKEY=<Your API Key> -d -p 55678:55678 daprio/dapr-localforwarder:latest
Note: dapr-localforwarder is the forked version of ApplicationInsights Localforwarder, that includes the minor changes for Dapr. We're working on migrating to opentelemetry-sdk and opentelemetry collector.
- Create the following YAML files. Copy the native.yaml component file and tracing.yaml configuration file to the components/ sub-folder under the same folder where you run your application.
- native.yaml component
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: native
namespace: default
type: exporters.native
- name: enabled
value: "true"
- name: agentEndpoint
value: "localhost:55678"
- tracing.yaml configuration
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Configuration
name: tracing
namespace: default
samplingRate: "1"
- When running in the local self hosted mode, you need to launch Dapr with the
dapr run --app-id mynode --app-port 3000 --config ./components/tracing.yaml node app.js
- Download dapr-localforwarder.yaml
- Replace
with your Instrumentation Key and<APPINSIGHT API KEY>
with the generated key in the file
value: <APPINSIGHT INSTRUMENTATIONKEY> # Replace with your ikey
value: <APPINSIGHT API KEY> # Replace with your generated api key
- Deploy dapr-localfowarder.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./dapr-localforwarder.yaml
- Create the following YAML files
- native.yaml component
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: native
namespace: default
type: exporters.native
- name: enabled
value: "true"
- name: agentEndpoint
value: "<Local forwarder address, e.g. dapr-localforwarder.default.svc.cluster.local:55678>"
- tracing.yaml configuration
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Configuration
name: tracing
namespace: default
samplingRate: "1"
- Use kubectl to apply the above CRD files:
kubectl apply -f tracing.yaml
kubectl apply -f native.yaml
- Deploy your app with tracing
When running in Kubernetes mode, apply the configuration by adding a dapr.io/config
annotation to the container that you want to participate in the distributed tracing, as shown in the following example:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
dapr.io/enabled: "true"
dapr.io/id: "calculator-front-end"
dapr.io/port: "8080"
dapr.io/config: "tracing"
That's it! There's no need include any SDKs or instrument your application code. Dapr automatically handles the distributed tracing for you.
NOTE: You can register multiple exporters at the same time, and the tracing logs are forwarded to all registered exporters.
Deploy and run some applications. After a few minutes, you should see tracing logs appearing in your Application Insights resource. You can also use Application Map to examine the topology of your services, as shown below:
The tracing
section under the Configuration
spec contains the following properties:
samplingRate: "1"
The following table lists the different properties.
Property | Type | Description |
samplingRate | string | Set sampling rate for tracing to be enabled or disabled. |
is used to enable or disable the tracing. To disable the sampling rate ,
set samplingRate : "0"
in the configuration. The valid range of samplingRate is between 0 and 1 inclusive. The sampling rate determines whether a trace span should be sampled or not based on value. samplingRate : "1"
will always sample the traces.By default, the sampling rate is 1 in 10,000