React Provider component that handles the internals of fetching data from indexers.
It should be flexible enough to easily swap out API calls.
- Gitcoin Indexer?
- EasyRF?
API can be overridden like this:
rounds: (query) =>
// Can even support non-GraphQL endpoints
.then((r) => r.json())
.then((rounds) =>, // If indexer returns different shape of data
roundById: (id) => fetch(`...`).then(transformRound),
projects: (query) => {},
projectById: () => {},
metrics: (query) => {},
metricById: () => {},
ballot: () => {},
saveBallot: (ballot) =>
fetch(`https://api/ballot`, {
body: JSON.stringify(transformBallot(ballot)), // If API expects different shape of ballot
createRound: () => {},
updateRound: () => {},
createProject: () => {},
updateProject: () => {},
applyRound: () => {},
{/* App */}
- Connect wallet button
- Sign SIWE auth (persistant JWT session)
- Sign messages
- WagmiProvider
Hook to fetch data from any component
const { data, isPending } = useRounds(query: RoundsQuery);
Ready-made component to render a grid of rounds
DiscoverRounds is a pre-made component that does most of the heavy lifting
in fething and displaying rounds.
It fetches the rounds based on a provided query (with sane defaults) and
renders it (as a grid by default but easy to customize with own components).
The query prop enables a powerful way to fetch data from the indexer.
For example:
- only rounds with these strategies (deployed contract address)
- order by when they were created, newest first
- with skip and take we can paginate the results and decide how many to show
where: { strategy: { in: ["0x...a", "0x...b"] } },
orderBy: { createdAt: "desc" },
skip: 0,
take: 12,
The renderItem function lets us change what component is rendered.
For example:
- Wrap the default RoundItem component in a link
renderItem={(round, Component) => (
<Link href={`/rounds/${}`} key={}>
<Component {...round} />
Columns let us choose how to render the rounds.
For example:
- 1 column on phones
- 2 columns on small to medium
- 3 columns on medium to large
- 4 columns on large and above
We could also set it to [1] to render as list on all screens
columns={[1, 2, 3, 4]}
const { data, isPending } = useRoundById(id: string);
const { data, isPending } = useProjects(query: ProjectsQuery);
const { data, isPending } = useProjectsById(id: string);
const { data, isPending } = useMetrics(query: MetricsQuery);
const { data, isPending } = useMetricById(id: string);
Should be possible to use for both types of ballots (metric
, project
What are the UI diffs?
const { data, isPending } = useBallot();
const { mutate, isPending } = useSaveBallot();
const { set, inc, dec, add, remove, reset, state } = useBallotEditor(ballot, {
Create and edit a round.
This would likely be split into several components.
Some of the configurations
- round details (name, description)
- round phases (start, applications, voting, results, distribution, ...)
- network, token, strategy
- admin accounts
Allowed voters (if applicable)
Received applications.
Distribute tokens to recipients.
Create and edit a project
Apply to a round with a project
- allocation sidebar (metric)
- ballot editor (metric)
- discover projects
- project details
- allocation sidebar (project)
- ballot editor (project)
- ballot editor (budget)
- submit ballot
- ballot confirmation
Should the impact created by a contributor.