Copper rod stock
Superconducting 101 copper rod, Diameter = 1.5"
Screws for fastening (4 for each)
#4-40 Brass socket head screw, Length = 5/8"
Screws for mounting (2 for each)
#4-40 Brass Pan Head Phillips Screws, Length = 1"
Nuts for mounting (2 for each)
#4-40 Brass hex nut, Width = 1/4", Height = 3/32"
Screws for thermalization (1 for each)
#4-40 Brass socket head screw, Length = 1/4"
These G-code files are generated in a certain order. Particularly, I assume that the milling procedures are performed before the drilling ones.
The first letter:
x: Stands for the top part y: Stands for the bottom part
The second letter:
t: Stands for the topside of the part b: Stands for the bottomside of the part
Letter "c" indicates that this file is for center drills
The numbers indicats the tool to use.
Pockets: 3/32" End Mill
Center Drills
xtc43.txt (Z = -0.015") xtc32.txt (Z = -0.135") xtc3mm.txt (Z = -0.135")
#4-40 tapped holes: #43 Drill Bit
xt43.txt (Z = -0.620")
#4-40 close fit: #32 Drill Bit
xt32.txt (Z = -0.620")
#4-40 mounting holes: 3mm Drill Bit
xt3mm.txt (Z = -0.620")
The pocket: 3/32" End Mill
Open pocket: 3/8"" End Mill
Pockets: 3/32" End Mill
Center Drills
ytc45.txt (Z = -0.015") ytc43.txt (Z = -0.055") ytc2p3.txt (Z = -0.105") ytc3mm.txt (Z = -0.055")
Post pockets: #45 Drill Bit
yt45.txt (Z = -0.0667")
#4-40 tapped holes: #43 Drill Bit
yt43.txt (Z = -0.300")
Coaxial holes: #42 Drill BIt
yt40.txt (Z = -0.300")
#4-40 mounting holes: 3mm Drill Bit
yt3mm.txt (Z = -0.300")
Pockets: 3/32" End Mill
Design the part using SolidWorks.
Generate the toolpaths using the built-in SolidWorks CAM.
Generate the G-code files using a post processor named "EZTRAK_G.ctl". One G-code file corresponding to one toolpath only (without tool change operations).
Use the python scripts to modify the generated G-code files.
The machine is old, which means certain G-code commands are not recognized by this machine. The known examples include:
Drilling commands like G81, G83
Tool radius compensation commands like G40, G41
In order to bypass these commands, we use python scripts to modify the G-code files generated by the default "Drill" and "Center Drill" operations in SolidWorks CAM.
We do both roughing & finishing procedures.
Spindle Speed = 2400 rpm
XY Feedrate = 8 in/min Z Feedrate = 4 in/min Leadin Feedrate = 4 in/min
Side parameters:
Allowance = 0.01 in Stepover = 80% Wedge Machining: True
Depth parameters:
a. For roughing
Bottom Allowance = 0 in Island Allowance = 0 in First Cut Amount = 0.02 in Max Cut Amount = 0.02 in Final Cut Amount = 0.01 in
b. for finishing
Allowance = 0 in First Cut Amount = 10 in Max Cut Amount = 10 in Final Cut Amount = 0 in (The value "10 in" can be as large as possible)
CNC Compensation: OFF (This prevents the program from producing G40 and G41 codes.)
We do centering before drilling. G-code file for both procedures are modified by the python script "modify_gcode.py". Spindle and feedrate parameters are the same as used in the milling procedures.
Center Drill
Center Drill Depth = 0.015 in
Add Tip Length: True
Pecking (This parameter is defined in the python file "gcode-tools.py")
Pecking Depth = 0.050"
- A new sample rack and a new copper bucket for our new fridge