diff --git a/get-mcc-mnc-table-csv.py b/get-mcc-mnc-table-csv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f587795d..00000000
--- a/get-mcc-mnc-table-csv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Get the Mobile Country Codes (MCC) and Mobile Network Codes (MNC) table
-# from mcc-mnc.com and output it in CSV format.
-import re
-import urllib.request
-print("MCC,MCC (int),MNC,MNC (int),ISO,Country,Country Code,Network")
-td_re = re.compile('
([^<]*) | '*6)
-with urllib.request.urlopen('http://mcc-mnc.com/') as f:
- html = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- tbody_start = False
- for line in html.split('\n'):
- if '' in line:
- tbody_start = True
- elif '' in line:
- break
- elif tbody_start:
- td_search = td_re.search(line)
- csv_line = ''
- for n in range(1, 7):
- group = td_search.group(n).strip().replace(',', '')
- csv_line += group
- if n == 1:
- csv_line += ',' + str(int(group, 16))
- elif n == 2:
- if len(group) == 2:
- mnc_int = int(group + 'f', 16)
- elif group != 'n/a':
- mnc_int = int(group, 16)
- csv_line += ',' + str(mnc_int)
- if n != 6:
- csv_line += ','
- print(csv_line)
diff --git a/get-mcc-mnc-table-json.py b/get-mcc-mnc-table-json.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fec32f4..00000000
--- a/get-mcc-mnc-table-json.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Get the Mobile Country Codes (MCC) and Mobile Network Codes (MNC) table
-# from mcc-mnc.com and output it in JSON format.
-import re
-import urllib.request
-import json
-td_re = re.compile('([^<]*) | '*6)
-with urllib.request.urlopen('http://mcc-mnc.com/') as f:
- html = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- tbody_start = False
- mcc_mnc_list = []
- for line in html.split('\n'):
- if '' in line:
- tbody_start = True
- elif '' in line:
- break
- elif tbody_start:
- td_search = td_re.search(line)
- current_item = {}
- td_search = td_re.split(line)
- current_item['mcc'] = td_search[1]
- current_item['mnc'] = td_search[2]
- current_item['iso'] = td_search[3]
- current_item['country'] = td_search[4]
- current_item['country_code'] = td_search[5]
- current_item['network'] = td_search[6][0:-1]
- mcc_mnc_list.append(current_item)
- print(json.dumps(mcc_mnc_list, indent=2))
diff --git a/get-mcc-mnc-table-xml.py b/get-mcc-mnc-table-xml.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 551abc8c..00000000
--- a/get-mcc-mnc-table-xml.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Get the Mobile Country Codes (MCC) and Mobile Network Codes (MNC) table
-# from mcc-mnc.com and output it in XML format.
-import re
-import urllib.request
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as element_tree
-import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
-td_re = re.compile('([^<]*) | '*6)
-with urllib.request.urlopen('http://mcc-mnc.com/') as f:
- html = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- tbody_start = False
- mcc_mnc_list = []
- for line in html.split('\n'):
- if '' in line:
- tbody_start = True
- elif '' in line:
- break
- elif tbody_start:
- td_search = td_re.search(line)
- current_item = {}
- td_search = td_re.split(line)
- current_item['mcc'] = td_search[1]
- current_item['mnc'] = td_search[2]
- current_item['iso'] = td_search[3]
- current_item['country'] = td_search[4]
- current_item['country_code'] = td_search[5]
- current_item['network'] = td_search[6][0:-1]
- mcc_mnc_list.append(current_item)
- root_element = element_tree.Element('carriers')
- for carrier in mcc_mnc_list:
- sub_element = element_tree.Element('carrier')
- for key, value in carrier.items():
- child_element = element_tree.Element(key)
- child_element.text = value
- sub_element.append(child_element)
- root_element.append(sub_element)
- print(minidom.parseString(element_tree.tostring(root_element)).toprettyxml(indent = ' '))
diff --git a/mcc-mnc-table.csv b/mcc-mnc-table.csv
index 0e79cd4c..4a937ce7 100644
--- a/mcc-mnc-table.csv
+++ b/mcc-mnc-table.csv
@@ -1,2600 +1,2970 @@
-MCC,MCC (int),MNC,MNC (int),ISO,Country,Country Code,Network
-412,1042,03,63,af,Afghanistan,93,WaselTelecom (WT)
-276,630,03,63,al,Albania,355,ALBtelecom Mobile / Eagle
-276,630,01,31,al,Albania,355,One / AMC
-276,630,04,79,al,Albania,355,PLUS Communication Sh.a
-544,1348,780,1920,as,American Samoa,684,ASTCA Mobile
-544,1348,11,287,as,American Samoa,684,BlueSky
-213,531,03,63,ad,Andorra,376,Andorra Telecom / Mobiland
-344,836,93,2367,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Digicel
-344,836,930,2352,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Digicel
-344,836,92,2351,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Flow
-344,836,920,2336,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Flow
-344,836,03,63,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,imobile / APUA
-344,836,030,48,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,imobile / APUA
-722,1826,999,2457,ar,Argentina,54,Fix Line
-505,1285,14,335,au,Australia,61,AAPT Ltd.
-505,1285,24,591,au,Australia,61,Advanced Comm Tech Pty.
-505,1285,09,159,au,Australia,61,Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd..
-505,1285,04,79,au,Australia,61,Department of Defense
-505,1285,999,2457,au,Australia,61,Fix Line
-505,1285,299,665,au,Australia,61,Get SIM
-505,1285,12,303,au,Australia,61,H3G Ltd.
-505,1285,06,111,au,Australia,61,H3G Ltd.
-505,1285,88,2191,au,Australia,61,Pivotel Group Ltd
-505,1285,10,271,au,Australia,61,Norfolk Telecom
-505,1285,05,95,au,Australia,61,The Ozitel Network Pty.
-232,562,11,287,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
-232,562,01,31,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
-232,562,09,159,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
-232,562,12,303,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
-232,562,02,47,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
-232,562,15,351,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,DIALOG telekom
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Digital Privacy
-232,562,999,2457,at,Austria,43,Fix Line
-232,562,25,607,at,Austria,43,Holding Graz
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Holding Graz
-232,562,19,415,at,Austria,43,Hutchinson Drei
-232,562,14,335,at,Austria,43,Hutchinson Drei
-232,562,16,367,at,Austria,43,Hutchinson Drei
-232,562,10,271,at,Austria,43,Hutchinson Drei
-232,562,05,95,at,Austria,43,Hutchinson Drei
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Lenovo Connect
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,LINK Mobility
-232,562,26,623,at,Austria,43,LIWEST Mobil
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,LIWEST Mobil
-232,562,17,383,at,Austria,43,Mass Response Service
-232,562,91,2335,at,Austria,43,OBB Infrastruktur
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,OBB Infrastruktur
-232,562,06,111,at,Austria,43,Hutchison Drei / 3
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Simple SMS
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Skymond Mobile
-232,562,299,665,at,Austria,43,Smartel Services
-232,562,24,591,at,Austria,43,Smartel Services
-232,562,07,127,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
-232,562,04,79,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
-232,562,03,63,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
-232,562,13,319,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
-232,562,23,575,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
-232,562,08,143,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
-400,1024,04,79,az,Azerbaijan,994,Nar Mobile
-364,868,390,912,bs,Bahamas,1242,Cybercell / BaTelCo
-364,868,30,783,bs,Bahamas,1242,Cybercell / BaTelCo
-364,868,39,927,bs,Bahamas,1242,Cybercell / BaTelCo
-364,868,03,63,bs,Bahamas,1242,Smart Communications
-426,1062,299,665,bh,Bahrain,973,Failed Calls
-426,1062,999,2457,bh,Bahrain,973,Fix Line
-426,1062,05,95,bh,Bahrain,973,Royal Court
-342,834,810,2064,bb,Barbados,1246,Cingular Wireless
-342,834,299,665,bb,Barbados,1246,Failed Calls
-342,834,600,1536,bb,Barbados,1246,Flow / Lime
-257,599,03,63,by,Belarus,375,BelCel JV
-257,599,01,31,by,Belarus,375,velcom A1
-206,518,25,607,be,Belgium,32,Dense Air
-206,518,23,575,be,Belgium,32,Dust Mobile
-206,518,999,2457,be,Belgium,32,Fix Line
-206,518,299,665,be,Belgium,32,interactive digital media / IDM
-206,518,30,783,be,Belgium,32,Mobile Vikings
-206,518,10,271,be,Belgium,32,Mobistar / Orange
-206,518,299,665,be,Belgium,32,Nord Connect
-206,518,299,665,be,Belgium,32,PM Factory
-206,518,05,95,be,Belgium,32,Telenet Mobile
-206,518,07,127,be,Belgium,32,Vectone Mobile
-206,518,299,665,be,Belgium,32,Voxbone / Bandwidth
-702,1794,299,665,bz,Belize,501,Failed Calls
-702,1794,68,1679,bz,Belize,501,International Telco (INTELCO)
-616,1558,04,79,bj,Benin,229,Bell Benin/BBCOM
-350,848,000,0,bm,Bermuda,1441,Bermuda Digital Communications Ltd (BDC)
-350,848,99,2463,bm,Bermuda,1441,CellOne Ltd
-350,848,299,665,bm,Bermuda,1441,Failed Calls
-350,848,02,47,bm,Bermuda,1441,M3 Wireless Ltd
-350,848,01,31,bm,Bermuda,1441,Telecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd (Digicel Bermuda)
-402,1026,17,383,bt,Bhutan,975,Bhutan Telecom Ltd (BTL)
-736,1846,02,47,bo,Bolivia,591,Entel Pcs
-362,866,999,2457,bq,Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba,599,Fix Line
-218,536,90,2319,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,BH Mobile
-218,536,03,63,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,Eronet
-218,536,05,95,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,m:tel
-724,1828,12,303,br,Brazil,55,Claro/Albra/America Movil
-724,1828,38,911,br,Brazil,55,Claro/Albra/America Movil
-724,1828,05,95,br,Brazil,55,Claro/Albra/America Movil
-724,1828,01,31,br,Brazil,55,Vivo S.A./Telemig
-724,1828,34,847,br,Brazil,55,CTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
-724,1828,33,831,br,Brazil,55,CTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
-724,1828,32,815,br,Brazil,55,CTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
-724,1828,39,927,br,Brazil,55,Nextel (Telet)
-724,1828,00,15,br,Brazil,55,Nextel (Telet)
-724,1828,16,367,br,Brazil,55,Brazil Telcom
-724,1828,24,591,br,Brazil,55,Amazonia Celular S/A
-724,1828,30,783,br,Brazil,55,Oi (TNL PCS / Oi)
-724,1828,31,799,br,Brazil,55,Oi (TNL PCS / Oi)
-724,1828,54,1359,br,Brazil,55,PORTO SEGURO TELECOMUNICACOES
-724,1828,15,351,br,Brazil,55,Sercontel Cel
-724,1828,19,415,br,Brazil,55,Vivo S.A./Telemig
-724,1828,37,895,br,Brazil,55,Unicel do Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda
-724,1828,10,271,br,Brazil,55,Vivo S.A./Telemig
-724,1828,06,111,br,Brazil,55,Vivo S.A./Telemig
-724,1828,23,575,br,Brazil,55,Vivo S.A./Telemig
-724,1828,11,287,br,Brazil,55,Vivo S.A./Telemig
-348,840,570,1392,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,Caribbean Cellular
-348,840,770,1904,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,Digicel
-348,840,170,368,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,LIME
-528,1320,11,287,bn,Brunei,673,Datastream (DTSCom)
-528,1320,01,31,bn,Brunei,673,Telekom Brunei Bhd (TelBru)
-613,1555,02,47,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Orange
-613,1555,03,63,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Telecel
-613,1555,01,31,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Telmob
-642,1602,02,47,bi,Burundi,257,Africel / Safaris
-642,1602,999,2457,bi,Burundi,257,Fix Line
-456,1110,03,63,kh,Cambodia,855,QB/Cambodia Adv. Comms.
-302,770,652,1618,ca,Canada,1,BC Tel Mobility
-302,770,630,1584,ca,Canada,1,Bell Aliant
-302,770,610,1552,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
-302,770,651,1617,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
-302,770,670,1648,ca,Canada,1,CityWest Mobility
-302,770,380,896,ca,Canada,1,DMTS Mobility
-302,770,710,1808,ca,Canada,1,Globalstar Canada
-302,770,640,1600,ca,Canada,1,Latitude Wireless
-302,770,370,880,ca,Canada,1,FIDO (Rogers AT&T/ Microcell)
-302,770,702,1794,ca,Canada,1,MT&T Mobility
-302,770,660,1632,ca,Canada,1,MTS Mobility
-302,770,655,1621,ca,Canada,1,MTS Mobility
-302,770,701,1793,ca,Canada,1,NB Tel Mobility
-302,770,703,1795,ca,Canada,1,New Tel Mobility
-302,770,760,1888,ca,Canada,1,Public Mobile
-302,770,657,1623,ca,Canada,1,Quebectel Mobility
-302,770,720,1824,ca,Canada,1,Rogers AT&T Wireless
-302,770,680,1664,ca,Canada,1,Sask Tel Mobility
-302,770,780,1920,ca,Canada,1,Sask Tel Mobility
-302,770,654,1620,ca,Canada,1,Sask Tel Mobility
-302,770,656,1622,ca,Canada,1,Tbay Mobility
-302,770,653,1619,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
-302,770,220,544,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
-625,1573,01,31,cv,Cape Verde,238,CVMovel
-625,1573,02,47,cv,Cape Verde,238,Unitel T+
-346,838,050,80,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Digicel
-346,838,006,6,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Digicel Ltd.
-346,838,140,320,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Flow / Lime
-346,838,001,1,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Logic
-623,1571,04,79,cf,Central African Republic,236,Azur
-623,1571,299,665,cf,Central African Republic,236,Failed Calls
-623,1571,01,31,cf,Central African Republic,236,Moov
-623,1571,03,63,cf,Central African Republic,236,Orange
-623,1571,299,665,cf,Central African Republic,236,Socatel
-623,1571,02,47,cf,Central African Republic,236,Telecel
-622,1570,02,47,td,Chad,235,Tchad Mobile
-730,1840,06,111,cl,Chile,56,Blue Two Chile SA
-730,1840,11,287,cl,Chile,56,Celupago SA
-730,1840,15,351,cl,Chile,56,Cibeles Telecom SA
-730,1840,10,271,cl,Chile,56,Entel Telefonia
-730,1840,01,31,cl,Chile,56,Entel Telefonia Mov
-730,1840,14,335,cl,Chile,56,Netline Telefonica Movil Ltda
-730,1840,09,159,cl,Chile,56,Nextel SA
-730,1840,05,95,cl,Chile,56,Nextel SA
-730,1840,04,79,cl,Chile,56,Nextel SA
-730,1840,19,415,cl,Chile,56,Sociedad Falabella Movil SPA
-730,1840,12,303,cl,Chile,56,Telestar Movil SA
-730,1840,00,15,cl,Chile,56,TESAM SA
-730,1840,13,319,cl,Chile,56,Tribe Mobile SPA
-730,1840,08,143,cl,Chile,56,VTR Banda Ancha SA
-460,1120,07,127,cn,China,86,China Mobile GSM
-460,1120,00,15,cn,China,86,China Mobile GSM
-460,1120,02,47,cn,China,86,China Mobile GSM
-460,1120,04,79,cn,China,86,China Space Mobile Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd (China Spacecom)
-460,1120,03,63,cn,China,86,China Telecom
-460,1120,05,95,cn,China,86,China Telecom
-460,1120,06,111,cn,China,86,China Unicom
-460,1120,01,31,cn,China,86,China Unicom
-460,1120,999,2457,cn,China,86,Fix Line
-732,1842,299,665,co,Colombia,57,Eztalk Mobile
-732,1842,999,2457,co,Colombia,57,Fix Line
-732,1842,240,576,co,Colombia,57,Flash Mobile
-732,1842,220,544,co,Colombia,57,Libre Tecnologias
-732,1842,299,665,co,Colombia,57,Movil Exito
-732,1842,230,560,co,Colombia,57,Setroc Mobile
-732,1842,199,409,co,Colombia,57,SUMA movil
-732,1842,299,665,co,Colombia,57,Vilacom Mobile
-732,1842,154,340,co,Colombia,57,Virgin Mobile
-654,1620,299,665,km,Comoros,269,Failed Calls
-629,1577,02,47,cg,Congo,242,Azur SA (ETC)
-548,1352,01,31,ck,Cook Islands,682,Vodafone / Bluesky
-712,1810,03,63,cr,Costa Rica,506,Claro
-712,1810,999,2457,cr,Costa Rica,506,Fix Line
-712,1810,999,2457,cr,Costa Rica,506,Fix Line
-712,1810,02,47,cr,Costa Rica,506,ICE
-712,1810,01,31,cr,Costa Rica,506,ICE
-712,1810,04,79,cr,Costa Rica,506,Movistar
-712,1810,20,527,cr,Costa Rica,506,Virtualis
-219,537,10,271,hr,Croatia,385,A1 / VIP
-219,537,999,2457,hr,Croatia,385,Fix Line
-219,537,12,303,hr,Croatia,385,TELE FOCUS
-219,537,02,47,hr,Croatia,385,Telemach / Tele2
-368,872,999,2457,cu,Cuba,53,Fix Line
-362,866,95,2399,cw,Curacao,599,EOCG Wireless NV
-362,866,999,2457,cw,Curacao,599,Fix Line
-362,866,69,1695,cw,Curacao,599,Polycom N.V./ Digicel
-280,640,22,559,cy,Cyprus,357,Cablenet / Lemontel
-280,640,10,271,cy,Cyprus,357,Epic / MTN
-280,640,999,2457,cy,Cyprus,357,Fix Line
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,+4U Mobile
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,3ton
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,CEZ
-230,560,08,143,cz,Czech Republic,420,Compatel
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Dragon
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,EriMobile
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Fayn
-230,560,999,2457,cz,Czech Republic,420,Fix Line
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,GoMobil
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,ha-loo mobil
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Laudatio
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,METRONET
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,MOBIL21
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Nej Mobil
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,NETBOX Mobil
-230,560,04,79,cz,Czech Republic,420,Nordic Telecom
-230,560,02,47,cz,Czech Republic,420,O2
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Odorik
-230,560,05,95,cz,Czech Republic,420,PODA
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,SAZKA
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,SZDC
-230,560,98,2447,cz,Czech Republic,420,SZDC
-230,560,07,127,cz,Czech Republic,420,T-Mobile
-230,560,01,31,cz,Czech Republic,420,T-Mobile
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Tesco Mobile
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,TOPefekt
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,TT Quality
-230,560,09,159,cz,Czech Republic,420,Uniphone
-230,560,299,665,cz,Czech Republic,420,Uniphone
-230,560,03,63,cz,Czech Republic,420,Vodafone
-230,560,03,63,cz,Czech Republic,420,Vodafone
-230,560,99,2463,cz,Czech Republic,420,Vodafone
-630,1584,90,2319,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Africell
-630,1584,02,47,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Airtel
-630,1584,299,665,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Failed Calls
-630,1584,86,2159,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Orange
-630,1584,05,95,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Supercell
-630,1584,299,665,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Tatem
-630,1584,89,2207,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,TIGO/Oasis
-630,1584,01,31,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Vodacom
-630,1584,88,2191,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Yozma Timeturns
-238,568,15,351,dk,Denmark,45,Net 1
-238,568,999,2457,dk,Denmark,45,Fix Line
-238,568,28,655,dk,Denmark,45,LINK Mobility
-238,568,14,335,dk,Denmark,45,Monty Mobile
-238,568,07,127,dk,Denmark,45,Mundio Mobile
-238,568,03,63,dk,Denmark,45,Syniverse Technologies
-238,568,08,143,dk,Denmark,45,Voxbone / Bandwidth
-366,870,110,272,dm,Dominica,1767,C & W
-366,870,020,32,dm,Dominica,1767,Cingular Wireless/Digicel
-366,870,050,80,dm,Dominica,1767,Wireless Ventures (Dominica) Ltd (Digicel Dominica)
-370,880,02,47,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Claro
-370,880,01,31,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Orange
-370,880,03,63,do,Dominican Republic,1809,TRIcom
-370,880,04,79,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Viva
-514,1300,299,665,tl,East Timor,670,Failed Calls
-514,1300,999,2457,tl,East Timor,670,Fix Line
-514,1300,03,63,tl,East Timor,670,Telemor
-514,1300,01,31,tl,East Timor,670,Telkomcel
-514,1300,02,47,tl,East Timor,670,Timor Telecom
-740,1856,02,47,ec,Ecuador,593,CNT Mobile
-740,1856,000,0,ec,Ecuador,593,Failed Call(s)
-602,1538,299,665,eg,Egypt,20,Failed Calls
-706,1798,01,31,sv,El Salvador,503,CLARO/CTE
-706,1798,02,47,sv,El Salvador,503,Digicel
-706,1798,05,95,sv,El Salvador,503,INTELFON SA de CV
-706,1798,04,79,sv,El Salvador,503,Telefonica
-706,1798,03,63,sv,El Salvador,503,Telemovil
-627,1575,299,665,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Failed Calls
-627,1575,03,63,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Muni
-627,1575,01,31,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Orange
-636,1590,01,31,et,Ethiopia,251,Ethio Mobile
-750,1872,001,1,fk,Falkland Islands,500,Sure
-288,648,01,31,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Faroese Telecom
-288,648,02,47,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Hey / Kall
-288,648,03,63,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Tosa
-244,580,82,2095,fi,Finland,358,interactive digital media / IDM
-244,580,299,665,fi,Finland,358,interactive digital media / IDM
-244,580,299,665,fi,Finland,358,MI Carrier Services
-244,580,24,591,fi,Finland,358,Nord Connect
-244,580,10,271,fi,Finland,358,TDC Oy Finland
-244,580,35,863,fi,Finland,358,Ukko Mobile
-244,580,32,815,fi,Finland,358,Voxbone / Bandwidth
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Add-On Multimedia
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Afone Mobile
-208,520,92,2351,fr,France,33,IP Directions
-208,520,88,2191,fr,France,33,Bouygues Telecom
-208,520,21,543,fr,France,33,Bouygues Telecom
-208,520,20,527,fr,France,33,Bouygues Telecom
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Bretagne Telecom
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Failed Calls
-208,520,999,2457,fr,France,33,Fix Line
-208,520,36,879,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
-208,520,15,351,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
-208,520,14,335,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
-208,520,35,863,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
-208,520,16,367,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Happy Telecom
-208,520,89,2207,fr,France,33,Hub One
-208,520,37,895,fr,France,33,IP Directions
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,IP Telecom
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Keyyo Mobile
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,La Poste Mobile
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,La Poste Mobile
-208,520,15,351,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
-208,520,39,927,fr,France,33,Networth Telecom
-208,520,23,575,fr,France,33,Hub One
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,SCT TELECOM
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,SCT TELECOM
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,Sewan Communications
-208,520,30,783,fr,France,33,Syma Mobile
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,VA SOLUTIONS
-208,520,31,799,fr,France,33,Vectone Mobile
-208,520,299,665,fr,France,33,VOIP Telecom
-340,832,20,527,gf,French Guiana,594,Bouygues/DigiCel
-340,832,01,31,gf,French Guiana,594,Orange Caribe
-340,832,02,47,gf,French Guiana,594,Outremer Telecom
-340,832,11,287,gf,French Guiana,594,TelCell GSM
-340,832,03,63,gf,French Guiana,594,TelCell GSM
-547,1351,15,351,pf,French Polynesia,689,Pacific Mobile Telecom (PMT)
-547,1351,20,527,pf,French Polynesia,689,Vini/Tikiphone
-628,1576,04,79,ga,Gabon,241,Azur/Usan S.A.
-628,1576,299,665,ga,Gabon,241,Failed Calls
-282,642,03,63,ge,Georgia,995,Iberiatel Ltd.
-282,642,10,271,ge,Georgia,995,Premium Net
-282,642,12,303,ge,Georgia,995,Telecom 1
-262,610,299,665,de,Germany,49,Argon Networks
-262,610,13,319,de,Germany,49,Bundesamt für Ausrüstung Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr
-262,610,10,271,de,Germany,49,DB Netz
-262,610,77,1919,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
-262,610,20,527,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
-262,610,999,2457,de,Germany,49,Fix Line
-262,610,05,95,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
-262,610,17,383,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
-262,610,12,303,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
-262,610,03,63,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
-262,610,11,287,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
-262,610,08,143,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
-262,610,16,367,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
-262,610,07,127,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
-262,610,78,1935,de,Germany,49,Telekom / T-mobile
-262,610,06,111,de,Germany,49,Telekom / T-mobile
-262,610,01,31,de,Germany,49,Telekom / T-mobile
-620,1568,04,79,gh,Ghana,233,Expresso Ghana Ltd
-620,1568,05,95,gh,Ghana,233,National Security
-266,614,06,111,gi,Gibraltar,350,CTS Mobile
-266,614,09,159,gi,Gibraltar,350,eazi telecom
-266,614,999,2457,gi,Gibraltar,350,Fix Line
-202,514,299,665,gr,Greece,30,AMD Telecom
-202,514,07,127,gr,Greece,30,AMD Telecom
-202,514,14,335,gr,Greece,30,CyTa Mobile
-202,514,999,2457,gr,Greece,30,Fix Line
-202,514,16,367,gr,Greece,30,Inter Telecom
-202,514,299,665,gr,Greece,30,Premium Net
-290,656,01,31,gl,Greenland,299,Tele Greenland
-352,850,110,272,gd,Grenada,1473,Cable & Wireless
-340,832,08,143,gp,Guadeloupe,590,Dauphin Telecom SU (Guadeloupe Telecom)
-310,784,140,320,gu,Guam,1671,GTA Wireless
-310,784,033,51,gu,Guam,1671,Guam Teleph. Auth.
-310,784,032,50,gu,Guam,1671,IT&E OverSeas
-311,785,250,592,gu,Guam,1671,Wave Runner LLC
-632,1586,999,2457,gw,Guinea-Bissau,245,Fix Line
-738,1848,02,47,gy,Guyana,592,Cellink Plus
-454,1108,12,303,hk,Hongkong,852,China Mobile/Peoples
-454,1108,28,655,hk,Hongkong,852,China Mobile/Peoples
-454,1108,13,319,hk,Hongkong,852,China Mobile/Peoples
-454,1108,09,159,hk,Hongkong,852,China Motion
-454,1108,07,127,hk,Hongkong,852,China Unicom Ltd
-454,1108,11,287,hk,Hongkong,852,China-HongKong Telecom Ltd (CHKTL)
-454,1108,01,31,hk,Hongkong,852,Citic Telecom Ltd.
-454,1108,02,47,hk,Hongkong,852,CSL Ltd.
-454,1108,00,15,hk,Hongkong,852,CSL Ltd.
-454,1108,18,399,hk,Hongkong,852,CSL Ltd.
-454,1108,10,271,hk,Hongkong,852,CSL/New World PCS Ltd.
-454,1108,47,1151,hk,Hongkong,852,shared by private TETRA systems
-454,1108,24,591,hk,Hongkong,852,Multibyte Info Technology Ltd
-454,1108,40,1039,hk,Hongkong,852,shared by private TETRA systems
-216,534,999,2457,hu,Hungary,36,Fix line
-216,534,02,47,hu,Hungary,36,MVM NET
-216,534,71,1823,hu,Hungary,36,UPC Magyarorszag Kft.
-274,628,04,79,is,Iceland,354,Viking Wireless
-404,1028,01,31,in,India,91,Aircel Digilink India
-404,1028,15,351,in,India,91,Aircel Digilink India
-404,1028,60,1551,in,India,91,Aircel Digilink India
-404,1028,86,2159,in,India,91,Barakhamba Sales & Serv.
-404,1028,13,319,in,India,91,Barakhamba Sales & Serv.
-404,1028,10,271,in,India,91,Bharti Airtel Limited (Delhi)
-404,1028,045,69,in,India,91,Bharti Airtel Limited (Karnataka) (India)
-404,1028,79,1951,in,India,91,CellOne A&N
-404,1028,87,2175,in,India,91,Escorts Telecom Ltd.
-404,1028,82,2095,in,India,91,Escorts Telecom Ltd.
-404,1028,89,2207,in,India,91,Escorts Telecom Ltd.
-404,1028,88,2191,in,India,91,Escorts Telecom Ltd.
-404,1028,12,303,in,India,91,Escotel Mobile Communications
-404,1028,19,415,in,India,91,Escotel Mobile Communications
-404,1028,56,1391,in,India,91,Escotel Mobile Communications
-405,1029,05,95,in,India,91,Fascel Limited
-404,1028,998,2456,in,India,91,Fix Line
-404,1028,70,1807,in,India,91,Hexacom India
-404,1028,16,367,in,India,91,Hexcom India
-404,1028,78,1935,in,India,91,Idea Cellular Ltd.
-404,1028,07,127,in,India,91,Idea Cellular Ltd.
-404,1028,04,79,in,India,91,Idea Cellular Ltd.
-404,1028,24,591,in,India,91,Idea Cellular Ltd.
-404,1028,22,559,in,India,91,Idea Cellular Ltd.
-404,1028,69,1695,in,India,91,Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
-404,1028,68,1679,in,India,91,Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
-404,1028,83,2111,in,India,91,Reliable Internet Services
-404,1028,50,1295,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,67,1663,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,18,399,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,85,2143,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,09,159,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-405,1029,87,2175,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,36,879,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,52,1327,in,India,91,Reliance Telecom Private
-404,1028,41,1055,in,India,91,RPG Cellular
-404,1028,11,287,in,India,91,Sterling Cellular Ltd.
-405,1029,034,52,in,India,91,TATA / Karnataka
-404,1028,30,783,in,India,91,Usha Martin Telecom
-404,1028,999,2457,in,India,91,Various Networks
-510,1296,99,2463,id,Indonesia,62,Esia (PT Bakrie Telecom) (CDMA)
-510,1296,999,2457,id,Indonesia,62,Fix Line
-510,1296,07,127,id,Indonesia,62,Flexi (PT Telkom) (CDMA)
-510,1296,89,2207,id,Indonesia,62,H3G CP
-510,1296,00,15,id,Indonesia,62,PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN)
-510,1296,27,639,id,Indonesia,62,PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (STI)
-510,1296,28,655,id,Indonesia,62,PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk
-510,1296,09,159,id,Indonesia,62,PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk
-510,1296,11,287,id,Indonesia,62,PT. Excelcom
-901,2305,13,319,n/a,International Networks,882,Antarctica
-432,1074,999,2457,ir,Iran,98,Fix Line
-432,1074,19,415,ir,Iran,98,Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan JV-PJS (MTCE)
-418,1048,05,95,iq,Iraq,964,Asia Cell
-418,1048,92,2351,iq,Iraq,964,Itisaluna and Kalemat
-418,1048,30,783,iq,Iraq,964,Orascom Telecom
-272,626,04,79,ie,Ireland,353,Access Telecom Ltd.
-272,626,03,63,ie,Ireland,353,Meteor / eir mobile
-272,626,07,127,ie,Ireland,353,Meteor / eir mobile
-272,626,08,143,ie,Ireland,353,Meteor / eir mobile
-272,626,11,287,ie,Ireland,353,Tesco Mobile
-272,626,15,351,ie,Ireland,353,Virgin Media
-425,1061,19,415,il,Israel,972,019 Mobile
-425,1061,299,665,il,Israel,972,Annatel Mobile
-425,1061,299,665,il,Israel,972,Failed Calls
-425,1061,08,143,il,Israel,972,Golan Telecom
-425,1061,15,351,il,Israel,972,Home Cellular
-425,1061,77,1919,il,Israel,972,Hot Mobile
-425,1061,07,127,il,Israel,972,Hot Mobile
-425,1061,07,127,il,Israel,972,Hot Mobile
-425,1061,16,367,il,Israel,972,Rami Levy Communications
-425,1061,17,383,il,Israel,972,Von waves
-222,546,40,1039,it,Italy,39,Agile Telecom
-222,546,34,847,it,Italy,39,BT mobile
-222,546,999,2457,it,Italy,39,Fix Line
-222,546,99,2463,it,Italy,39,WindTre / Hi3G
-222,546,77,1919,it,Italy,39,IPSE 2000
-222,546,39,927,it,Italy,39,SMS.it / LINK Mobility
-222,546,07,127,it,Italy,39,Noverca Italia
-222,546,33,831,it,Italy,39,Poste Mobile
-222,546,00,15,it,Italy,39,Premium Numbers
-222,546,43,1087,it,Italy,39,Telecom Italia Mobile
-222,546,48,1167,it,Italy,39,Telecom Italia Mobile
-222,546,49,1183,it,Italy,39,Vianova Mobile
-222,546,00,15,it,Italy,39,VOIP Line
-222,546,88,2191,it,Italy,39,WindTre / WIND
-222,546,37,895,it,Italy,39,WindTre / Hi3G
-612,1554,07,127,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Aircomm SA
-612,1554,04,79,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Comium
-612,1554,01,31,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Comstar
-612,1554,02,47,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Moov
-612,1554,05,95,ci,Ivory Coast,225,MTN
-612,1554,03,63,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Orange
-612,1554,06,111,ci,Ivory Coast,225,OriCell
-338,824,020,32,jm,Jamaica,1876,Cable & Wireless
-338,824,110,272,jm,Jamaica,1876,Cable & Wireless
-338,824,180,384,jm,Jamaica,1876,Cable & Wireless
-440,1088,02,47,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,22,559,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,43,1087,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,27,639,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,87,2175,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,17,383,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,31,799,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,65,1631,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,36,879,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,92,2351,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,03,63,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,12,303,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,58,1423,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,28,655,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,61,1567,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,18,399,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,91,2335,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,32,815,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,66,1647,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,35,863,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,93,2367,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,40,1039,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,09,159,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,49,1183,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,29,671,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,60,1551,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,19,415,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,90,2319,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,33,831,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,67,1663,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,14,335,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,94,2383,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,41,1055,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,10,271,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,62,1583,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,39,927,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,30,783,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,45,1119,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,01,31,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,24,591,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,68,1679,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,15,351,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,98,2447,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,42,1071,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,11,287,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,63,1599,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,38,911,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,26,623,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,23,575,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,21,543,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,44,1103,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,13,319,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,69,1695,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,16,367,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-441,1089,99,2463,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,34,847,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,64,1615,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,37,895,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,25,607,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,99,2463,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
-440,1088,78,1935,jp,Japan,81,Okinawa Cellular
-440,1088,11,287,jp,Japan,81,Rakuten Mobile
-416,1046,999,2457,jo,Jordan,962,Fix Line
-401,1025,01,31,kz,Kazakhstan,7,Beeline/KaR-Tel LLP
-639,1593,06,111,ke,Kenya,254,Finserve Africa
-639,1593,09,159,ke,Kenya,254,Homeland Media
-639,1593,11,287,ke,Kenya,254,Jambo Telcoms
-639,1593,10,271,ke,Kenya,254,Jamii Telecommunications
-639,1593,04,79,ke,Kenya,254,Mobile Pay
-545,1349,09,159,ki,Kiribati,686,Kiribati Frigate
-221,545,07,127,xk,Kosovo,383,D3 mobile
-221,545,06,111,xk,Kosovo,383,Dardafon.Net LLC
-419,1049,999,2457,kw,Kuwait,965,Fix Line
-437,1079,299,665,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,Failed Calls
-437,1079,02,47,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,KT Mobile
-437,1079,03,63,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,Sem Mobile
-457,1111,02,47,la,Laos,856,ETL Mobile
-457,1111,01,31,la,Laos,856,Lao Tel
-247,583,299,665,lv,Latvia,371,Premium Numbers
-247,583,07,127,lv,Latvia,371,SIA Master Telecom
-247,583,06,111,lv,Latvia,371,SIA Rigatta
-247,583,08,143,lv,Latvia,371,VENTA Mobile
-415,1045,34,847,lb,Lebanon,961,FTML Cellis
-415,1045,01,31,lb,Lebanon,961,MIC1 (Alfa)
-618,1560,01,31,lr,Liberia,231,MTN / Lonestar
-606,1542,03,63,ly,Libya,218,LibyaPhone Mobile
-295,661,07,127,li,Liechtenstein,423,First Mobile AG
-295,661,01,31,li,Liechtenstein,423,FL GSM
-270,624,10,271,lu,Luxembourg,352,Blue Communications
-270,624,299,665,lu,Luxembourg,352,Bouygues Telecom
-270,624,81,2079,lu,Luxembourg,352,e-LUX Mobile
-270,624,999,2457,lu,Luxembourg,352,Fix Line
-270,624,05,95,lu,Luxembourg,352,Luxembourg Online
-270,624,299,665,lu,Luxembourg,352,MTX Connect
-455,1109,01,31,mo,Macao,853,C.T.M. TELEMOVEL+
-455,1109,04,79,mo,Macao,853,C.T.M. TELEMOVEL+
-455,1109,02,47,mo,Macao,853,China Telecom
-455,1109,05,95,mo,Macao,853,Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd
-455,1109,03,63,mo,Macao,853,Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd
-455,1109,06,111,mo,Macao,853,Smartone Mobile
-455,1109,00,15,mo,Macao,853,Smartone Mobile
-502,1282,156,342,my,Malaysia,60,Altel Communications
-502,1282,14,335,my,Malaysia,60,Telekom Malaysia
-502,1282,11,287,my,Malaysia,60,Telekom Malaysia
-502,1282,151,337,my,Malaysia,60,Baraka Telecom Sdn Bhd
-502,1282,20,527,my,Malaysia,60,Electcoms Wireless Sdn Bhd
-502,1282,999,2457,my,Malaysia,60,Fix Line
-502,1282,299,665,my,Malaysia,60,Maxis Broadband
-502,1282,299,665,my,Malaysia,60,REDtone Mobile
-502,1282,155,341,my,Malaysia,60,Samata Communications Sdn Bhd
-502,1282,154,340,my,Malaysia,60,TT dotCom
-502,1282,299,665,my,Malaysia,60,TT dotCom
-502,1282,150,336,my,Malaysia,60,Tune Talk
-502,1282,18,399,my,Malaysia,60,U Mobile
-502,1282,153,339,my,Malaysia,60,Webe Digital
-502,1282,195,405,my,Malaysia,60,XOX Com
-278,632,999,2457,mt,Malta,356,Fix Line
-278,632,21,543,mt,Malta,356,GO Mobile
-278,632,30,783,mt,Malta,356,GO Mobile
-551,1361,299,665,mh,Marshall Islands,692,Failed Calls
-551,1361,299,665,mh,Marshall Islands,692,MINTA
-340,832,12,303,mq,Martinique,596,UTS Caraibe
-617,1559,01,31,mu,Mauritius,230,my.t mobile
-647,1607,01,31,yt,Mayotte,262,Maore Mobile
-334,820,070,112,mx,Mexico,52,Operadora Unefon SA de CV
-334,820,080,128,mx,Mexico,52,Operadora Unefon SA de CV
-334,820,060,96,mx,Mexico,52,SAI PCS
-334,820,020,32,mx,Mexico,52,TelCel/America Movil
-334,820,02,47,mx,Mexico,52,TelCel/America Movil
-550,1360,01,31,fm,Micronesia,691,FSM Telecommunications Corp.
-259,601,04,79,md,Moldova,373,Eventis Mobile
-212,530,10,271,mc,Monaco,377,Monaco Telecom
-212,530,01,31,mc,Monaco,377,Monaco Telecom
-428,1064,98,2447,mn,Mongolia,976,G-Mobile Corporation Ltd
-428,1064,91,2335,mn,Mongolia,976,Skytel Co. Ltd
-428,1064,00,15,mn,Mongolia,976,Skytel Co. Ltd
-297,663,02,47,me,Montenegro,382,Telekom / T-mobile
-354,852,860,2144,ms,Montserrat,1664,Cable & Wireless
-604,1540,04,79,ma,Morocco,212,Al Houria Telecom
-604,1540,99,2463,ma,Morocco,212,Al Houria Telecom
-414,1044,999,2457,mm,Myanmar,95,Fix Line (Myanmar
-414,1044,01,31,mm,Myanmar,95,Myanmar Post & Teleco.
-414,1044,09,159,mm,Myanmar,95,Mytel (Myanmar
-649,1609,02,47,na,Namibia,264,Switch/Nam. Telec.
-649,1609,03,63,na,Namibia,264,TN Mobile
-429,1065,999,2457,np,Nepal,977,Fix Line
-429,1065,01,31,np,Nepal,977,NT Mobile / Namaste
-429,1065,04,79,np,Nepal,977,Smart Cell
-204,516,14,335,nl,Netherlands,31,6GMOBILE BV
-204,516,299,665,nl,Netherlands,31,88 mobile
-204,516,30,783,nl,Netherlands,31,ASPIDER Solutions
-204,516,299,665,nl,Netherlands,31,Combird Mobile
-204,516,299,665,nl,Netherlands,31,Dean Mobile
-204,516,999,2457,nl,Netherlands,31,Fix Line
-204,516,299,665,nl,Netherlands,31,interactive digital media / IDM
-204,516,17,383,nl,Netherlands,31,Intercity Mobile Communications BV
-204,516,07,127,nl,Netherlands,31,Move / Teleena
-204,516,06,111,nl,Netherlands,31,Vectone Mobile
-204,516,299,665,nl,Netherlands,31,Premium Routing
-204,516,24,591,nl,Netherlands,31,Private Mobility
-204,516,20,527,nl,Netherlands,31,T-mobile/former Orange
-204,516,68,1679,nl,Netherlands,31,Unify Mobile
-204,516,299,665,nl,Netherlands,31,Vectone Mobile
-204,516,03,63,nl,Netherlands,31,Voiceworks Mobile
-204,516,18,399,nl,Netherlands,31,Ziggo Services
-362,866,630,1584,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,Cingular Wireless
-362,866,51,1311,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,TELCELL GSM
-362,866,91,2335,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,SETEL GSM
-362,866,951,2385,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,UTS Wireless
-546,1350,01,31,nc,New Caledonia,687,OPT Mobilis
-530,1328,28,655,nz,New Zealand,64,2degrees
-530,1328,999,2457,nz,New Zealand,64,Fix Line
-530,1328,05,95,nz,New Zealand,64,Spark Mobile
-530,1328,02,47,nz,New Zealand,64,Spark Mobile
-530,1328,04,79,nz,New Zealand,64,Telstra
-530,1328,24,591,nz,New Zealand,64,2degrees
-530,1328,01,31,nz,New Zealand,64,Vodafone
-530,1328,03,63,nz,New Zealand,64,Walker Wireless Ltd.
-710,1808,21,543,ni,Nicaragua,505,Empresa Nicaraguense de Telecomunicaciones SA (ENITEL)
-710,1808,999,2457,ni,Nicaragua,505,Fix Line
-614,1556,01,31,ne,Niger,227,Niger Telecoms
-621,1569,299,665,ng,Nigeria,234,Alpha Technologies
-621,1569,50,1295,ng,Nigeria,234,Glo Mobile
-555,1365,01,31,nu,Niue,683,Niue Telecom
-467,1127,299,665,kp,North Korea,850,Failed Calls
-467,1127,299,665,kp,North Korea,850,Kangsung Net
-467,1127,192,402,kp,North Korea,850,Koryolink
-467,1127,192,402,kp,North Korea,850,Koryolink
-467,1127,193,403,kp,North Korea,850,Sun Net
-294,660,02,47,mk,North Macedonia,389,A1
-294,660,03,63,mk,North Macedonia,389,A1
-294,660,75,1887,mk,North Macedonia,389,A1
-294,660,299,665,mk,North Macedonia,389,Failed Calls
-294,660,299,665,mk,North Macedonia,389,LATRON
-294,660,04,79,mk,North Macedonia,389,Lycamobile
-294,660,11,287,mk,North Macedonia,389,Mobik
-294,660,02,47,mk,North Macedonia,389,A1
-294,660,299,665,mk,North Macedonia,389,Telekabel
-294,660,01,31,mk,North Macedonia,389,Telekom
-294,660,03,63,mk,North Macedonia,389,VIP Mobile
-242,578,22,559,no,Norway,47,Altibox Mobil
-242,578,21,543,no,Norway,47,BANE NOR
-242,578,20,527,no,Norway,47,BANE NOR
-242,578,999,2457,no,Norway,47,Fix Line
-242,578,05,95,no,Norway,47,Network Norway
-242,578,05,95,no,Norway,47,Altibox Mobil
-242,578,299,665,no,Norway,47,Sierra Wireless
-242,578,08,143,no,Norway,47,TDC Mobil A/S
-242,578,08,143,no,Norway,47,Telia / NetCom
-242,578,02,47,no,Norway,47,Telia / NetCom
-242,578,017,23,no,Norway,47,Ventelo AS
-242,578,07,127,no,Norway,47,Ventelo AS
-422,1058,02,47,om,Oman,968,Oman Mobile/GTO
-410,1040,299,665,pk,Pakistan,92,Failed Calls
-552,1362,80,2063,pw,Palau,680,Palau Mobile Corp. (PMC) (Palau
-552,1362,01,31,pw,Palau,680,Palau National Communications Corp. (PNCC) (Palau
-552,1362,02,47,pw,Palau,680,PECI/PalauTel (Palau
-425,1061,05,95,ps,Palestinian Territory,970,Jawwal
-425,1061,06,111,ps,Palestinian Territory,970,Ooredoo
-714,1812,01,31,pa,Panama,507,Cable & W./Mas Movil
-714,1812,999,2457,pa,Panama,507,Fix Line
-537,1335,03,63,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Digicel
-537,1335,999,2457,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Fix Line
-537,1335,02,47,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,GreenCom PNG Ltd
-537,1335,01,31,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Pacific Mobile
-716,1814,20,527,pe,Peru,51,Claro /Amer.Mov./TIM
-716,1814,10,271,pe,Peru,51,Claro /Amer.Mov./TIM
-716,1814,15,351,pe,Peru,51,Viettel Mobile
-515,1301,999,2457,ph,Philippines,63,Fix Line
-515,1301,02,47,ph,Philippines,63,Globe Telecom
-515,1301,01,31,ph,Philippines,63,Globe Telecom
-515,1301,88,2191,ph,Philippines,63,Next Mobile
-515,1301,18,399,ph,Philippines,63,RED Mobile/Cure
-260,608,17,383,pl,Poland,48,Aero2 SP.
-260,608,48,1167,pl,Poland,48,Agile Telecom
-260,608,18,399,pl,Poland,48,AMD Telecom
-260,608,38,911,pl,Poland,48,CallFreedom Sp. z o.o.
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Caritas Laczy
-260,608,12,303,pl,Poland,48,Cyfrowy Polsat
-260,608,41,1055,pl,Poland,48,EZ Mobile
-260,608,999,2457,pl,Poland,48,Fix Line
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,I.M. Consulting
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,JMDI J. Maleszko
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Klucz Mobile
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,lajt mobile
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Metro Mobile
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Mobile Vikings
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Moja GSM
-260,608,36,879,pl,Poland,48,Mundio Mobile Sp. z o.o.
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Nasza Wizja
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,NAU Mobile
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,nc+ Mobile
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Next Mobile
-260,608,11,287,pl,Poland,48,NORDISK Polska
-260,608,27,639,pl,Poland,48,Ntel Solutions
-260,608,97,2431,pl,Poland,48,Politechnika Lodzka Uczelniane
-260,608,90,2319,pl,Poland,48,Polska Spolka Gazownictwa
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Premium Mobile
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,SAT FILM
-260,608,14,335,pl,Poland,48,Telco Leaders
-260,608,299,665,pl,Poland,48,Tele GO
-260,608,45,1119,pl,Poland,48,Virgin Mobile
-260,608,45,1119,pl,Poland,48,Virgin Mobile
-260,608,39,927,pl,Poland,48,Voxbone / Bandwidth
-268,616,999,2457,pt,Portugal,351,Fix Line
-330,816,11,287,pr,Puerto Rico,,Puerto Rico Telephone Company Inc. (PRTC)
-330,816,110,272,pr,Puerto Rico,,Puerto Rico Telephone Company Inc. (PRTC)
-647,1607,04,79,re,Reunion,262,ZEOP Mobile
-226,550,05,95,ro,Romania,40,Digi Mobil
-226,550,11,287,ro,Romania,40,Enigma Systems
-226,550,02,47,ro,Romania,40,Romtelecom SA
-226,550,06,111,ro,Romania,40,Telekom Romania
-226,550,04,79,ro,Romania,40,Telekom Romania
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Aurora Telecom
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Center 2M
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Cifra 1
-250,592,10,271,ru,Russia,79,DTC/Don Telecom
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,ECO Networks
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Failed Calls
-250,592,999,2457,ru,Russia,79,Fix Line
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Gazprom Telecom
-250,592,48,1167,ru,Russia,79,Global Telecom
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,GLONASS MOBILE
-250,592,13,319,ru,Russia,79,Kuban GSM
-250,592,54,1359,ru,Russia,79,Letai Mobile
-250,592,57,1407,ru,Russia,79,Matrix Mobile
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,MSN Telekom
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,New Mobile Communications
-250,592,19,415,ru,Russia,79,OJSC Altaysvyaz
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Orange Business Services
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Reteyl Innovatsii
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Sim Sim
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Sky Networks
-250,592,93,2367,ru,Russia,79,Telecom XXL
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Tinkoff Mobile
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Vainah Telecom
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,Virgin Connect
-250,592,60,1551,ru,Russia,79,Volna Mobile
-250,592,299,665,ru,Russia,79,VTB Mobile
-250,592,32,815,ru,Russia,79,Win Mobile
-250,592,15,351,ru,Russia,79,ZAO SMARTS
-250,592,07,127,ru,Russia,79,ZAO SMARTS
-658,1624,299,665,sh,Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha,290,Failed Calls
-356,854,110,272,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Cable & Wireless
-356,854,50,1295,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Digicel
-356,854,70,1807,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,UTS Cariglobe
-358,856,110,272,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Cable & Wireless
-358,856,30,783,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Cingular Wireless
-358,856,50,1295,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Digicel (St Lucia) Limited
-308,776,01,31,pm,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,508,Ameris
-360,864,110,272,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,C & W
-360,864,10,271,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Cingular
-360,864,100,256,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Cingular
-360,864,050,80,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Digicel
-360,864,70,1807,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Digicel
-549,1353,999,2457,ws,Samoa,685,Fix Line
-549,1353,27,639,ws,Samoa,685,Samoatel Mobile
-549,1353,01,31,ws,Samoa,685,Telecom Samoa Cellular Ltd.
-292,658,01,31,sm,San Marino,378,Prima
-292,658,299,665,sm,San Marino,378,TeleneT
-626,1574,01,31,st,Sao Tome and Principe,239,CSTmovel
-626,1574,02,47,st,Sao Tome and Principe,239,Unitel
-901,2305,14,335,n/a,Satellite Networks,870,AeroMobile
-901,2305,11,287,n/a,Satellite Networks,870,InMarSAT
-901,2305,12,303,n/a,Satellite Networks,870,Maritime Communications Partner AS
-901,2305,05,95,n/a,Satellite Networks,870,Thuraya Satellite
-420,1056,07,127,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Zain
-420,1056,03,63,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Etihad/Etisalat/Mobily
-420,1056,06,111,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Lebara Mobile
-420,1056,01,31,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,STC/Al Jawal
-420,1056,05,95,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Virgin Mobile
-420,1056,04,79,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Zain
-608,1544,299,665,sn,Senegal,221,2s Mobile
-220,544,299,665,rs,Serbia,381,Failed Calls
-633,1587,01,31,sc,Seychelles,248,Cable & Wireless
-619,1561,03,63,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Africell
-619,1561,04,79,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Comium
-619,1561,299,665,sl,Sierra Leone,232,IPTel
-619,1561,05,95,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Africell
-619,1561,02,47,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Tigo/Millicom
-619,1561,25,607,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Mobitel
-619,1561,299,665,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Onlime
-619,1561,01,31,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Orange
-619,1561,07,127,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Qcell
-619,1561,299,665,sl,Sierra Leone,232,SierraTel
-525,1317,999,2457,sg,Singapore,65,Fix Line
-525,1317,12,303,sg,Singapore,65,GRID Communications Pte Ltd
-525,1317,03,63,sg,Singapore,65,MobileOne Ltd
-231,561,03,63,sk,Slovakia,421,Swan / 4ka
-293,659,40,1039,si,Slovenia,386,A1 / Si.mobil
-293,659,86,2159,si,Slovenia,386,Elektro Gorenjska
-293,659,999,2457,si,Slovenia,386,Fix Line
-293,659,299,665,si,Slovenia,386,HOT mobil
-293,659,10,271,si,Slovenia,386,Slovenske zeleznice
-293,659,70,1807,si,Slovenia,386,Telemach / Tusmobil
-540,1344,02,47,sb,Solomon Islands,677,bemobile
-540,1344,10,271,sb,Solomon Islands,677,BREEZE
-540,1344,01,31,sb,Solomon Islands,677,BREEZE
-637,1591,82,2095,so,Somalia,252,Telcom Mobile
-655,1621,21,543,za,South Africa,27,Cape Town Metropolitan
-655,1621,07,127,za,South Africa,27,Cell C
-655,1621,299,665,za,South Africa,27,Lycamobile
-655,1621,10,271,za,South Africa,27,MTN
-655,1621,12,303,za,South Africa,27,MTN
-655,1621,38,911,za,South Africa,27,Rain
-655,1621,19,415,za,South Africa,27,Rain
-655,1621,73,1855,za,South Africa,27,Rain
-655,1621,74,1871,za,South Africa,27,Rain
-655,1621,06,111,za,South Africa,27,Sentech
-655,1621,02,47,za,South Africa,27,Telkom
-655,1621,05,95,za,South Africa,27,Telkom
-655,1621,01,31,za,South Africa,27,Vodacom
-450,1104,299,665,kr,South Korea,82,Failed Calls
-450,1104,02,47,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
-450,1104,07,127,kr,South Korea,82,KT Powertel
-450,1104,06,111,kr,South Korea,82,LG U+
-450,1104,08,143,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
-450,1104,02,47,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
-450,1104,04,79,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
-450,1104,03,63,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
-450,1104,05,95,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
-450,1104,12,303,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
-450,1104,11,287,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
-659,1625,299,665,ss,South Sudan,,Digitel
-659,1625,299,665,ss,South Sudan,,Failed Calls
-659,1625,03,63,ss,South Sudan,,Gemtel Ltd (South Sudan
-659,1625,02,47,ss,South Sudan,,MTN
-659,1625,04,79,ss,South Sudan,,Network of The World Ltd (NOW) (South Sudan
-659,1625,06,111,ss,South Sudan,,Zain
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,Adamo Telecom
-214,532,02,47,es,Spain,34,Alta Tecnologia en Comunicacions
-214,532,14,335,es,Spain,34,Avatel Movil
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,Billing Financial
-214,532,15,351,es,Spain,34,BT Espana SAU
-214,532,18,399,es,Spain,34,Cableuropa SAU (ONO)
-214,532,08,143,es,Spain,34,Euskaltel Movil
-214,532,999,2457,es,Spain,34,Fix Line
-214,532,20,527,es,Spain,34,fonYou Wireless SL
-214,532,32,815,es,Spain,34,ION Mobile
-214,532,34,847,es,Spain,34,ION MOBILE
-214,532,21,543,es,Spain,34,Jazz Telecom SAU
-214,532,17,383,es,Spain,34,mobil R
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,On Movil
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,Oniti Telecom
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,PTV Telecom movil
-214,532,17,383,es,Spain,34,R Cable y Telec. Galicia SA
-214,532,35,863,es,Spain,34,SUMA movil
-214,532,16,367,es,Spain,34,mobil R
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,The Telecom Boutique
-214,532,12,303,es,Spain,34,Venus Movil
-214,532,299,665,es,Spain,34,You Mobile
-413,1043,05,95,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Airtel
-413,1043,03,63,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Etisalat/Tigo
-413,1043,08,143,lk,Sri Lanka,94,H3G Hutchison
-413,1043,01,31,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Mobitel Ltd.
-413,1043,02,47,lk,Sri Lanka,94,MTN/Dialog
-634,1588,00,15,sd,Sudan,249,Canar Telecom
-634,1588,999,2457,sd,Sudan,249,Fix Line
-634,1588,07,127,sd,Sudan,249,Sudani One
-634,1588,15,351,sd,Sudan,249,Sudani One
-634,1588,05,95,sd,Sudan,249,Canar Telecom
-634,1588,08,143,sd,Sudan,249,Canar Telecom
-746,1862,999,2457,sr,Suriname,597,Fix Line
-746,1862,02,47,sr,Suriname,597,Telecommunicatiebedrijf Suriname (TELESUR)
-653,1619,02,47,sz,Swaziland,268,Eswatini Mobile
-653,1619,10,271,sz,Swaziland,268,Swazi MTN
-240,576,16,367,se,Sweden,46,42 Telecom AB
-240,576,35,863,se,Sweden,46,42 Telecom
-240,576,30,783,se,Sweden,46,NextGen Mobile Ltd (CardBoardFish)
-240,576,11,287,se,Sweden,46,Com Hem
-240,576,63,1599,se,Sweden,46,Fink Telecom
-240,576,999,2457,se,Sweden,46,Fix Line
-240,576,18,399,se,Sweden,46,Messit / Minicall
-240,576,36,879,se,Sweden,46,interactive digital media / IDM
-240,576,28,655,se,Sweden,46,LINK Mobility
-240,576,29,671,se,Sweden,46,MI Carrier Services
-240,576,33,831,se,Sweden,46,Mobile Arts
-240,576,25,607,se,Sweden,46,Monty Mobile
-240,576,20,527,se,Sweden,46,Sierra Wireless
-240,576,15,351,se,Sweden,46,Sierra Wireless Sweden AB
-240,576,10,271,se,Sweden,46,Spring Mobil AB
-240,576,42,1071,se,Sweden,46,Telenor Connexion
-240,576,03,63,se,Sweden,46,Net 1
-240,576,19,415,se,Sweden,46,Vectone Mobile
-240,576,38,911,se,Sweden,46,Voxbone / Bandwidth
-228,552,999,2457,ch,Switzerland,41,Fix Line
-228,552,52,1327,ch,Switzerland,41,Mundio Mobile AG
-228,552,03,63,ch,Switzerland,41,Salt Mobile
-228,552,53,1343,ch,Switzerland,41,upc cablecom GmbH
-228,552,59,1439,ch,Switzerland,41,Vectone Mobile
-417,1047,09,159,sy,Syria,963,Syriatel Holdings
-417,1047,01,31,sy,Syria,963,Syriatel Holdings
-466,1126,68,1679,tw,Taiwan,886,ACeS Taiwan - ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd
-466,1126,05,95,tw,Taiwan,886,Asia Pacific Telecom Co. Ltd (APT)
-466,1126,11,287,tw,Taiwan,886,Chunghwa Telecom LDM
-466,1126,92,2351,tw,Taiwan,886,Chunghwa Telecom LDM
-466,1126,02,47,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
-466,1126,07,127,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
-466,1126,06,111,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
-466,1126,03,63,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
-466,1126,01,31,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
-466,1126,10,271,tw,Taiwan,886,Global Mobile Corp.
-466,1126,56,1391,tw,Taiwan,886,International Telecom Co. Ltd (FITEL)
-466,1126,88,2191,tw,Taiwan,886,KG Telecom
-466,1126,97,2431,tw,Taiwan,886,Taiwan Cellular
-466,1126,09,159,tw,Taiwan,886,VMAX Telecom Co. Ltd
-436,1078,05,95,tj,Tajikistan,992,Bee Line
-436,1078,02,47,tj,Tajikistan,992,CJSC Indigo Tajikistan
-436,1078,12,303,tj,Tajikistan,992,Tcell/JC Somoncom
-436,1078,01,31,tj,Tajikistan,992,Tcell/JC Somoncom
-640,1600,08,143,tz,Tanzania,255,Benson Informatics Ltd
-640,1600,06,111,tz,Tanzania,255,Dovetel (T) Ltd
-640,1600,09,159,tz,Tanzania,255,Halotel / Viettel
-640,1600,99,2463,tz,Tanzania,255,Mkulima African Telecommunication
-640,1600,14,335,tz,Tanzania,255,MO Mobile
-640,1600,11,287,tz,Tanzania,255,Smile Communications
-640,1600,07,127,tz,Tanzania,255,Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation
-640,1600,02,47,tz,Tanzania,255,Tigo / MIC
-640,1600,01,31,tz,Tanzania,255,Tri Telecomm. Ltd.
-640,1600,03,63,tz,Tanzania,255,Zanzibar Telecom / Zantel
-520,1312,20,527,th,Thailand,66,ACeS Thailand - ACeS Regional Services Co Ltd
-520,1312,15,351,th,Thailand,66,ACT Mobile
-520,1312,03,63,th,Thailand,66,AIS/Advanced Info Service
-520,1312,01,31,th,Thailand,66,AIS/Advanced Info Service
-520,1312,23,575,th,Thailand,66,Digital Phone Co.
-520,1312,999,2457,th,Thailand,66,Fix Line
-520,1312,00,15,th,Thailand,66,Hutch/CAT CDMA
-520,1312,05,95,th,Thailand,66,Total Access (DTAC)
-520,1312,18,399,th,Thailand,66,Total Access (DTAC)
-520,1312,04,79,th,Thailand,66,True Move/Orange
-520,1312,99,2463,th,Thailand,66,True Move/Orange
-615,1557,03,63,tg,Togo,228,Atlantique Telecom / Moov
-615,1557,01,31,tg,Togo,228,Togo Cellulaire / TogoCel
-539,1337,999,2457,to,Tonga,676,Fix Line
-539,1337,43,1087,to,Tonga,676,Shoreline Communication
-539,1337,01,31,to,Tonga,676,Tonga Communications
-374,884,12,303,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,Bmobile/TSTT
-374,884,120,288,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,Bmobile/TSTT
-374,884,130,304,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,Digicel
-374,884,140,320,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,LaqTel Ltd.
-605,1541,999,2457,tn,Tunisia,216,Fix Line
-605,1541,02,47,tn,Tunisia,216,TT Mobile
-286,646,299,665,tr,Turkiye,90,Asistan Telekom
-286,646,299,665,tr,Turkiye,90,Fenix Telekom
-286,646,999,2457,tr,Turkiye,90,Fix Line
-286,646,299,665,tr,Turkiye,90,Medium Telekom
-286,646,299,665,tr,Turkiye,90,Plus Telekom
-438,1080,01,31,tm,Turkmenistan,993,MTS/Barash Communication
-438,1080,02,47,tm,Turkmenistan,993,Altyn Asyr/TM-Cell
-376,886,350,848,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,,Cable & Wireless (TCI) Ltd
-376,886,050,80,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,,Digicel TCI Ltd
-376,886,352,850,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,,IslandCom Communications Ltd.
-553,1363,01,31,tv,Tuvalu,,Tuvalu Telecommunication Corporation (TTC)
-641,1601,999,2457,ug,Uganda,256,Fix Line
-641,1601,66,1647,ug,Uganda,256,i-Tel Ltd
-641,1601,30,783,ug,Uganda,256,K2 Telecom Ltd
-641,1601,18,399,ug,Uganda,256,Suretelecom Uganda Ltd
-255,597,05,95,ua,Ukraine,380,Golden Telecom
-255,597,39,927,ua,Ukraine,380,Golden Telecom
-424,1060,03,63,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,DU
-424,1060,02,47,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,Etisalat
-431,1073,02,47,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,Etisalat
-430,1072,02,47,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,Etisalat
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,08Direct
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,24Seven
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,ACE Call
-234,564,78,1935,gb,United Kingdom,44,Airwave
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Andrews & Arnold
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Anywhere Sim
-234,564,29,671,gb,United Kingdom,44,aql
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,aql Wholesale
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Voxbone / Bandwidth
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Bellingham Telecommunications
-234,564,76,1903,gb,United Kingdom,44,BT Group
-234,564,00,15,gb,United Kingdom,44,BT Group
-234,564,08,143,gb,United Kingdom,44,BT OnePhone
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,CFL Communications
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Citrus
-234,564,18,399,gb,United Kingdom,44,Cloud9
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Compatel
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Confabulate
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Core
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Core Telecom
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Core Telecom Ltd
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,DMB
-235,565,02,47,gb,United Kingdom,44,Everyth. Ev.wh.
-234,564,32,815,gb,United Kingdom,44,T-Mobile
-234,564,31,799,gb,United Kingdom,44,T-Mobile
-234,564,30,783,gb,United Kingdom,44,T-Mobile
-234,564,999,2457,gb,United Kingdom,44,Fix Line
-234,564,17,383,gb,United Kingdom,44,FlexTel
-234,564,04,79,gb,United Kingdom,44,FMS Solutions
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Fogg
-234,564,39,927,gb,United Kingdom,44,Gamma Mobile
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Global Reach Networks
-234,564,24,591,gb,United Kingdom,44,Greenfone
-234,564,72,1839,gb,United Kingdom,44,Hanhaa Mobile
-234,564,71,1823,gb,United Kingdom,44,Home Office
-234,564,20,527,gb,United Kingdom,44,3
-234,564,94,2383,gb,United Kingdom,44,3
-234,564,23,575,gb,United Kingdom,44,Icron Network
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,IPV6
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,IV Response
-234,564,03,63,gb,United Kingdom,44,Jersey Airtel
-234,564,35,863,gb,United Kingdom,44,JSC Ingenicum
-234,564,50,1295,gb,United Kingdom,44,JT Mobile
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Kontakt Mobile
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Lanonyx Telecom
-234,564,14,335,gb,United Kingdom,44,LINK Mobility
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Lleida.net
-234,564,26,623,gb,United Kingdom,44,Lycamobile
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Magrathea Telecommunications
-234,564,58,1423,gb,United Kingdom,44,Manx Telecom Mobile
-234,564,28,655,gb,United Kingdom,44,Marathon Telecom
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Mars Communications
-234,564,75,1887,gb,United Kingdom,44,Mass Response Service GmbH
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Mobiweb
-234,564,56,1391,gb,United Kingdom,44,NCSC
-234,564,95,2399,gb,United Kingdom,44,Network Rail
-234,564,12,303,gb,United Kingdom,44,Network Rail
-234,564,13,319,gb,United Kingdom,44,Network Rail
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Nodemax
-234,564,51,1311,gb,United Kingdom,44,now broadband
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,NTA
-234,564,34,847,gb,United Kingdom,44,Orange
-234,564,33,831,gb,United Kingdom,44,Orange
-234,564,74,1871,gb,United Kingdom,44,Pareteum
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Premium Routing
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,QX
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Resilient
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sark Telecom
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Simwood eSMS
-234,564,57,1407,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sky
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sound Advertising
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Spacetel
-234,564,40,1039,gb,United Kingdom,44,spusu
-234,564,55,1375,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sure Guernsey
-234,564,36,879,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sure Isle of Man
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sure Jersey
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Swiftnet
-234,564,37,895,gb,United Kingdom,44,Synectiv
-234,564,16,367,gb,United Kingdom,44,Talk Talk
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Tango Networks
-234,564,27,639,gb,United Kingdom,44,Tata Communications Ltd
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Telecom 10
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Telecom2
-234,564,27,639,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,02,47,gb,United Kingdom,44,O2
-234,564,11,287,gb,United Kingdom,44,O2
-234,564,10,271,gb,United Kingdom,44,O2
-234,564,22,559,gb,United Kingdom,44,Telesign Mobile
-234,564,19,415,gb,United Kingdom,44,TeleWare
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,telna Mobile
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,TGL Services
-234,564,09,159,gb,United Kingdom,44,Tismi
-234,564,25,607,gb,United Kingdom,44,Truphone
-234,564,01,31,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vectone Mobile
-234,564,998,2456,gb,United Kingdom,44,Virgin Mobile
-234,564,38,911,gb,United Kingdom,44,Virgin Mobile
-234,564,07,127,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,92,2351,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,89,2207,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,15,351,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,91,2335,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,77,1919,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Voicetec Systems
-234,564,99,2463,gb,United Kingdom,44,Ziron
-310,784,050,80,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,880,2176,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,850,2128,us,United States of America,1,Aeris Comm. Inc.
-310,784,640,1600,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,510,1296,us,United States of America,1,Airtel Wireless LLC
-310,784,190,400,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-312,786,090,144,us,United States of America,1,Allied Wireless Communications Corporation
-311,785,130,304,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,710,1808,us,United States of America,1,Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative Inc.
-310,784,410,1040,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,380,896,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,170,368,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,150,336,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,680,1664,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,070,112,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,560,1376,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-310,784,980,2432,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Wireless Inc.
-311,785,810,2064,us,United States of America,1,Bluegrass Wireless LLC
-311,785,800,2048,us,United States of America,1,Bluegrass Wireless LLC
-311,785,440,1088,us,United States of America,1,Bluegrass Wireless LLC
-310,784,900,2304,us,United States of America,1,Cable & Communications Corp.
-311,785,590,1424,us,United States of America,1,California RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership
-311,785,500,1280,us,United States of America,1,Cambridge Telephone Company Inc.
-310,784,830,2096,us,United States of America,1,Caprock Cellular Ltd.
-311,785,483,1155,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,110,272,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,285,645,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,488,1160,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,274,628,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,010,16,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,279,633,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,288,648,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,910,2320,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,284,644,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,482,1154,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,487,1159,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,273,627,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,004,4,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,278,632,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,287,647,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,890,2192,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,283,643,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,481,1153,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,486,1158,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,272,626,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,277,631,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,590,1424,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,282,642,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,480,1152,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,485,1157,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,271,625,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,276,630,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,013,19,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,281,641,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,390,912,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,484,1156,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,270,624,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,286,646,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,489,1161,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,275,629,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-310,784,012,18,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,280,640,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-311,785,289,649,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
-312,786,280,640,us,United States of America,1,Cellular Network Partnership LLC
-312,786,270,624,us,United States of America,1,Cellular Network Partnership LLC
-310,784,360,864,us,United States of America,1,Cellular Network Partnership LLC
-311,785,190,400,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,030,48,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,120,288,us,United States of America,1,Choice Phone LLC
-310,784,480,1152,us,United States of America,1,Choice Phone LLC
-310,784,630,1584,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,420,1056,us,United States of America,1,Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC
-310,784,180,384,us,United States of America,1,Cingular Wireless
-310,784,620,1568,us,United States of America,1,Coleman County Telco /Trans TX
-311,785,040,64,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,06,111,us,United States of America,1,Consolidated Telcom
-310,784,60,1551,us,United States of America,1,Consolidated Telcom
-310,784,26,623,us,United States of America,1,
-312,786,380,896,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,930,2352,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,240,576,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,080,128,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,700,1792,us,United States of America,1,Cross Valliant Cellular Partnership
-312,786,030,48,us,United States of America,1,Cross Wireless Telephone Co.
-311,785,140,320,us,United States of America,1,Cross Wireless Telephone Co.
-311,785,520,1312,us,United States of America,1,
-312,786,040,64,us,United States of America,1,Custer Telephone Cooperative Inc.
-310,784,440,1088,us,United States of America,1,Dobson Cellular Systems
-310,784,990,2448,us,United States of America,1,E.N.M.R. Telephone Coop.
-312,786,130,304,us,United States of America,1,East Kentucky Network LLC
-312,786,120,288,us,United States of America,1,East Kentucky Network LLC
-310,784,750,1872,us,United States of America,1,East Kentucky Network LLC
-310,784,090,144,us,United States of America,1,Edge Wireless LLC
-310,784,610,1552,us,United States of America,1,Elkhart TelCo. / Epic Touch Co.
-311,785,210,528,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,311,785,us,United States of America,1,Farmers
-311,785,460,1120,us,United States of America,1,Fisher Wireless Services Inc.
-311,785,370,880,us,United States of America,1,GCI Communication Corp.
-310,784,430,1072,us,United States of America,1,GCI Communication Corp.
-310,784,920,2336,us,United States of America,1,Get Mobile Inc.
-310,784,970,2416,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,340,832,us,United States of America,1,Illinois Valley Cellular RSA 2 Partnership
-311,785,030,48,us,United States of America,1,
-312,786,170,368,us,United States of America,1,Iowa RSA No. 2 Limited Partnership
-311,785,410,1040,us,United States of America,1,Iowa RSA No. 2 Limited Partnership
-310,784,770,1904,us,United States of America,1,Iowa Wireless Services LLC
-310,784,650,1616,us,United States of America,1,Jasper
-310,784,870,2160,us,United States of America,1,Kaplan Telephone Company Inc.
-312,786,180,384,us,United States of America,1,Keystone Wireless LLC
-310,784,690,1680,us,United States of America,1,Keystone Wireless LLC
-311,785,310,784,us,United States of America,1,Lamar County Cellular
-310,784,016,22,us,United States of America,1,Leap Wireless International Inc.
-311,785,090,144,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,040,64,us,United States of America,1,Matanuska Tel. Assn. Inc.
-310,784,780,1920,us,United States of America,1,Message Express Co. / Airlink PCS
-311,785,660,1632,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,330,816,us,United States of America,1,Michigan Wireless LLC
-311,785,000,0,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,400,1024,us,United States of America,1,Minnesota South. Wirel. Co. / Hickory
-311,785,020,32,us,United States of America,1,Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
-311,785,010,16,us,United States of America,1,Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
-312,786,220,544,us,United States of America,1,Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
-312,786,010,16,us,United States of America,1,Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
-311,785,920,2336,us,United States of America,1,Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
-310,784,350,848,us,United States of America,1,Mohave Cellular LP
-310,784,570,1392,us,United States of America,1,MTPCS LLC
-310,784,290,656,us,United States of America,1,NEP Cellcorp Inc.
-310,784,34,847,us,United States of America,1,Nevada Wireless LLC
-311,785,380,896,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,600,1536,us,United States of America,1,New-Cell Inc.
-311,785,100,256,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,300,768,us,United States of America,1,Nexus Communications Inc.
-310,784,130,304,us,United States of America,1,North Carolina RSA 3 Cellular Tel. Co.
-312,786,230,560,us,United States of America,1,North Dakota Network Company
-311,785,610,1552,us,United States of America,1,North Dakota Network Company
-310,784,450,1104,us,United States of America,1,Northeast Colorado Cellular Inc.
-311,785,710,1808,us,United States of America,1,Northeast Wireless Networks LLC
-310,784,670,1648,us,United States of America,1,Northstar
-310,784,011,17,us,United States of America,1,Northstar
-311,785,420,1056,us,United States of America,1,Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
-310,784,540,1344,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,999,2457,us,United States of America,1,Various Networks
-310,784,760,1888,us,United States of America,1,Panhandle Telephone Cooperative Inc.
-310,784,580,1408,us,United States of America,1,PCS ONE
-311,785,170,368,us,United States of America,1,PetroCom
-311,785,670,1648,us,United States of America,1,Pine Belt Cellular Inc.
-311,785,080,128,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,790,1936,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,100,256,us,United States of America,1,Plateau Telecommunications Inc.
-310,784,940,2368,us,United States of America,1,Poka Lambro Telco Ltd.
-311,785,730,1840,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,540,1344,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,500,1280,us,United States of America,1,Public Service Cellular Inc.
-312,786,160,352,us,United States of America,1,RSA 1 Limited Partnership
-311,785,430,1072,us,United States of America,1,RSA 1 Limited Partnership
-311,785,350,848,us,United States of America,1,Sagebrush Cellular Inc.
-311,785,910,2320,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,46,1135,us,United States of America,1,SIMMETRY
-311,785,260,608,us,United States of America,1,SLO Cellular Inc / Cellular One of San Luis
-310,784,320,800,us,United States of America,1,Smith Bagley Inc.
-310,784,15,351,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-316,790,011,17,us,United States of America,1,Southern Communications Services Inc.
-312,786,530,1328,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-310,784,120,288,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-316,790,010,16,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-312,786,190,400,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-311,785,880,2176,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-311,785,870,2160,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-311,785,490,1168,us,United States of America,1,Sprint Spectrum
-310,784,240,576,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,660,1632,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,230,560,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,31,799,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,220,544,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,270,624,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,210,528,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,260,608,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,200,512,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,250,592,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,160,352,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,800,2048,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,300,768,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,280,640,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,330,816,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-310,784,310,784,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
-311,785,740,1856,us,United States of America,1,
-310,784,740,1856,us,United States of America,1,Telemetrix Inc.
-310,784,14,335,us,United States of America,1,Testing
-310,784,950,2384,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-310,784,860,2144,us,United States of America,1,Texas RSA 15B2 Limited Partnership
-311,785,830,2096,us,United States of America,1,Thumb Cellular Limited Partnership
-311,785,050,80,us,United States of America,1,Thumb Cellular Limited Partnership
-310,784,460,1120,us,United States of America,1,TMP Corporation
-310,784,490,1168,us,United States of America,1,Triton PCS
-311,785,860,2144,us,United States of America,1,Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
-310,784,960,2400,us,United States of America,1,Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
-312,786,290,656,us,United States of America,1,Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
-310,784,020,32,us,United States of America,1,Union Telephone Co.
-311,785,220,544,us,United States of America,1,United States Cellular Corp.
-310,784,730,1840,us,United States of America,1,United States Cellular Corp.
-311,785,650,1616,us,United States of America,1,United Wireless Communications Inc.
-310,784,38,911,us,United States of America,1,USA 3650 AT&T
-310,784,520,1312,us,United States of America,1,VeriSign
-310,784,003,3,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-310,784,23,575,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-310,784,24,591,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-310,784,25,607,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-310,784,530,1328,us,United States of America,1,West Virginia Wireless
-310,784,26,623,us,United States of America,1,Unknown
-310,784,340,832,us,United States of America,1,Westlink Communications LLC
-311,785,150,336,us,United States of America,1,
-311,785,070,112,us,United States of America,1,Wisconsin RSA #7 Limited Partnership
-310,784,390,912,us,United States of America,1,Yorkville Telephone Cooperative
-748,1864,10,271,uy,Uruguay,598,Claro/AM Wireless
-434,1076,04,79,uz,Uzbekistan,998,Bee Line/Unitel
-225,549,299,665,va,Vatican,,Failed Calls
-734,1844,03,63,ve,Venezuela,58,DigiTel C.A.
-734,1844,02,47,ve,Venezuela,58,DigiTel C.A.
-734,1844,01,31,ve,Venezuela,58,DigiTel C.A.
-734,1844,06,111,ve,Venezuela,58,Movilnet C.A.
-376,886,50,1295,vi,Virgin Islands,1340,Digicel
-543,1347,299,665,wf,Wallis and Futuna,,Failed Calls
-543,1347,01,31,wf,Wallis and Futuna,,Manuia
-421,1057,999,2457,ye,Yemen,967,Fix Line
-421,1057,04,79,ye,Yemen,967,HITS/Y Unitel
-421,1057,03,63,ye,Yemen,967,Yemen Mob. CDMA
-645,1605,299,665,zm,Zambia,260,Failed Calls
+289,299,ge,Abkhazia,7,Failed Calls
+289,999,ge,Abkhazia,7,Fix Line
+412,299,af,Afghanistan,93,Failed Calls
+412,999,af,Afghanistan,93,Fix Line
+276,03,al,Albania,355,ALBtelecom Mobile / Eagle
+276,299,al,Albania,355,Failed Calls
+276,999,al,Albania,355,Fix Line
+276,01,al,Albania,355,One / AMC
+603,299,dz,Algeria,213,Failed Calls
+603,999,dz,Algeria,213,Fix Line
+544,780,as,American Samoa,684,ASTCA Mobile
+544,11,as,American Samoa,684,BlueSky
+544,299,as,American Samoa,684,Failed Calls
+544,999,as,American Samoa,684,Fix Line
+213,03,ad,Andorra,376,Andorra Telecom / Mobiland
+213,299,ad,Andorra,376,Failed Calls
+213,999,ad,Andorra,376,Fix Line
+631,299,ao,Angola,244,Failed Calls
+631,999,ao,Angola,244,Fix Line
+365,299,ai,Anguilla,1264,Failed Calls
+365,999,ai,Anguilla,1264,Fix Line
+344,93,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Digicel
+344,930,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Digicel
+344,299,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Failed Calls
+344,999,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Fix Line
+344,920,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Flow
+344,92,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,Flow
+344,03,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,imobile / APUA
+344,030,ag,Antigua and Barbuda,1268,imobile / APUA
+722,999,ar,Argentina,54,Fix Line
+283,299,am,Armenia,374,Failed Calls
+283,999,am,Armenia,374,Fix Line
+363,299,aw,Aruba,297,Failed Calls
+363,999,aw,Aruba,297,Fix Line
+505,999,au,Australia,61,Fix Line
+505,299,au,Australia,61,Get SIM
+505,10,au,Australia,61,Norfolk Telecom
+232,09,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
+232,12,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
+232,02,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
+232,01,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
+232,11,at,Austria,43,A1 Telekom
+232,299,at,Austria,43,DIALOG telekom
+232,299,at,Austria,43,Digital Privacy
+232,999,at,Austria,43,Fix Line
+232,25,at,Austria,43,Holding Graz
+232,299,at,Austria,43,Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe
+232,299,at,Austria,43,Lenovo Connect
+232,299,at,Austria,43,LINK Mobility
+232,26,at,Austria,43,LIWEST Mobil
+232,91,at,Austria,43,OBB Infrastruktur
+232,299,at,Austria,43,Simple SMS
+232,299,at,Austria,43,Skymond Mobile
+232,24,at,Austria,43,Smartel Services
+232,13,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
+232,23,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
+232,04,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
+232,03,at,Austria,43,T-Mobile / Magenta
+400,299,az,Azerbaijan,994,Failed Calls
+400,999,az,Azerbaijan,994,Fix Line
+400,04,az,Azerbaijan,994,Nar Mobile
+364,390,bs,Bahamas,1242,Cybercell / BaTelCo
+364,39,bs,Bahamas,1242,Cybercell / BaTelCo
+364,30,bs,Bahamas,1242,Cybercell / BaTelCo
+364,299,bs,Bahamas,1242,Failed Calls
+364,999,bs,Bahamas,1242,Fix Line
+426,299,bh,Bahrain,973,Failed Calls
+426,999,bh,Bahrain,973,Fix Line
+426,05,bh,Bahrain,973,Royal Court
+470,299,bd,Bangladesh,880,Failed Calls
+470,999,bd,Bangladesh,880,Fix Line
+342,299,bb,Barbados,1246,Failed Calls
+342,999,bb,Barbados,1246,Fix Line
+342,600,bb,Barbados,1246,Flow / Lime
+257,299,by,Belarus,375,Failed Calls
+257,999,by,Belarus,375,Fix Line
+257,01,by,Belarus,375,velcom A1
+206,25,be,Belgium,32,Dense Air
+206,23,be,Belgium,32,Dust Mobile
+206,999,be,Belgium,32,Fix Line
+206,299,be,Belgium,32,interactive digital media / IDM
+206,30,be,Belgium,32,Mobile Vikings
+206,10,be,Belgium,32,Mobistar / Orange
+206,299,be,Belgium,32,Nord Connect
+206,299,be,Belgium,32,PM Factory
+206,07,be,Belgium,32,Vectone Mobile
+206,299,be,Belgium,32,Voxbone / Bandwidth
+702,299,bz,Belize,501,Failed Calls
+702,999,bz,Belize,501,Fix Line
+616,299,bj,Benin,229,Failed Calls
+616,999,bj,Benin,229,Fix Line
+350,299,bm,Bermuda,1441,Failed Calls
+350,999,bm,Bermuda,1441,Fix Line
+402,999,bt,Bhutan,975,Fix Line
+736,02,bo,Bolivia,591,Entel Movil
+736,299,bo,Bolivia,591,Failed Calls
+736,999,bo,Bolivia,591,Fix Line
+218,90,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,BH Mobile
+218,03,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,Eronet
+218,299,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,Failed Calls
+218,999,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,Fix Line
+218,05,ba,Bosnia and Herzegovina,387,m:tel
+652,299,bw,Botswana,267,Failed Calls
+652,999,bw,Botswana,267,Fix Line
+724,32,br,Brazil,55,Algar Telecom
+724,33,br,Brazil,55,Algar Telecom
+724,34,br,Brazil,55,Algar Telecom
+724,299,br,Brazil,55,Bbs Options
+724,299,br,Brazil,55,Failed Calls
+724,999,br,Brazil,55,Fix Line
+724,16,br,Brazil,55,Oi Movel
+724,31,br,Brazil,55,Oi Movel
+724,299,br,Brazil,55,Vecto Mobile
+348,570,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,CCT
+348,770,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,Digicel
+348,299,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,Failed Calls
+348,999,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,Fix Line
+348,170,vg,British Virgin Islands,284,Flow
+528,299,bn,Brunei,673,Failed Calls
+528,999,bn,Brunei,673,Fix Line
+284,299,bg,Bulgaria,359,Failed Calls
+284,999,bg,Bulgaria,359,Fix Line
+613,299,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Failed Calls
+613,999,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Fix Line
+613,02,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Orange
+613,03,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Telecel
+613,01,bf,Burkina Faso,226,Telmob
+642,999,bi,Burundi,257,Fix Line
+456,299,kh,Cambodia,855,Failed Calls
+456,999,kh,Cambodia,855,Fix Line
+624,299,cm,Cameroon,237,Failed Calls
+624,999,cm,Cameroon,237,Fix Line
+302,61,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,630,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,660,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,64,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,69,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,640,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,690,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,66,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,610,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,63,ca,Canada,1,Bell Mobility
+302,299,ca,Canada,1,Failed Calls
+302,999,ca,Canada,1,Fix Line
+302,49,ca,Canada,1,Freedom Mobile
+302,491,ca,Canada,1,Freedom Mobile
+302,490,ca,Canada,1,Freedom Mobile
+302,62,ca,Canada,1,Ice Wireless
+302,620,ca,Canada,1,Ice Wireless
+302,380,ca,Canada,1,K-Net Mobile
+302,530,ca,Canada,1,K-Net Mobile
+302,53,ca,Canada,1,K-Net Mobile
+302,38,ca,Canada,1,K-Net Mobile
+302,750,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,75,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,78,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,680,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,681,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,780,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,68,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,781,ca,Canada,1,SaskTel Mobility
+302,22,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,860,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,86,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,360,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,221,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,760,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,36,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,220,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,22,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,76,ca,Canada,1,Telus Mobility
+302,299,ca,Canada,1,Xplore Mobile
+625,01,cv,Cape Verde,238,CVMovel
+625,299,cv,Cape Verde,238,Failed Calls
+625,999,cv,Cape Verde,238,Fix Line
+625,02,cv,Cape Verde,238,Unitel T+
+346,050,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Digicel
+346,299,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Failed Calls
+346,999,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Fix Line
+346,140,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Flow / Lime
+346,001,ky,Cayman Islands,1345,Logic
+623,04,cf,Central African Republic,236,Azur
+623,299,cf,Central African Republic,236,Failed Calls
+623,999,cf,Central African Republic,236,Fix Line
+623,01,cf,Central African Republic,236,Moov
+623,03,cf,Central African Republic,236,Orange
+623,299,cf,Central African Republic,236,Socatel
+623,02,cf,Central African Republic,236,Telecel
+622,299,td,Chad,235,Failed Calls
+622,999,td,Chad,235,Fix Line
+730,15,cl,Chile,56,Cibeles Telecom
+730,27,cl,Chile,56,Cibeles Telecom
+730,18,cl,Chile,56,Empresas Bunker
+730,299,cl,Chile,56,Failed Calls
+730,999,cl,Chile,56,Fix Line
+730,299,cl,Chile,56,GTD Movil
+730,20,cl,Chile,56,Inversiones Santa Fe
+730,19,cl,Chile,56,Movil Falabella
+730,299,cl,Chile,56,Mundo Pacifico
+730,16,cl,Chile,56,Nomade Telecomunicaciones
+730,299,cl,Chile,56,Telefonica Uno Uno Cuatro
+730,299,cl,Chile,56,Television Interactiva
+730,13,cl,Chile,56,Virgin Mobile
+730,299,cl,Chile,56,VOIP Analysis
+730,08,cl,Chile,56,VTR Movil
+460,04,cn,China,86,China Mobile
+460,07,cn,China,86,China Mobile
+460,02,cn,China,86,China Mobile
+460,08,cn,China,86,China Mobile
+460,00,cn,China,86,China Mobile
+460,11,cn,China,86,China Telecom
+460,03,cn,China,86,China Telecom
+460,12,cn,China,86,China Telecom
+460,06,cn,China,86,China Unicom
+460,01,cn,China,86,China Unicom
+460,10,cn,China,86,China Unicom
+460,09,cn,China,86,China Unicom
+460,299,cn,China,86,Failed Calls
+460,999,cn,China,86,Fix Line
+732,299,co,Colombia,57,Eztalk Mobile
+732,999,co,Colombia,57,Fix Line
+732,240,co,Colombia,57,Flash Mobile
+732,220,co,Colombia,57,Libre Tecnologias
+732,299,co,Colombia,57,Movil Exito
+732,230,co,Colombia,57,Setroc Mobile
+732,199,co,Colombia,57,SUMA movil
+732,299,co,Colombia,57,Vilacom Mobile
+732,154,co,Colombia,57,Virgin Mobile
+654,299,km,Comoros,269,Failed Calls
+654,999,km,Comoros,269,Fix Line
+629,299,cg,Congo,242,Failed Calls
+629,999,cg,Congo,242,Fix Line
+548,01,ck,Cook Islands,682,Vodafone / Bluesky
+548,299,ck,Cook Islands,682,Failed Calls
+548,999,ck,Cook Islands,682,Fix Line
+712,03,cr,Costa Rica,506,Claro
+712,299,cr,Costa Rica,506,Failed Calls
+712,999,cr,Costa Rica,506,Fix Line
+712,02,cr,Costa Rica,506,Kolbi / ICE
+712,01,cr,Costa Rica,506,Kolbi / ICE
+712,04,cr,Costa Rica,506,Movistar
+712,299,cr,Costa Rica,506,MultiCom
+712,299,cr,Costa Rica,506,racsa
+712,299,cr,Costa Rica,506,Tuyo Movil
+219,10,hr,Croatia,385,A1 / VIP
+219,299,hr,Croatia,385,Failed Calls
+219,999,hr,Croatia,385,Fix Line
+219,12,hr,Croatia,385,TELE FOCUS
+219,02,hr,Croatia,385,Telemach / Tele2
+368,299,cu,Cuba,53,Failed Calls
+368,999,cu,Cuba,53,Fix Line
+280,22,cy,Cyprus,357,Cablenet / Lemontel
+280,10,cy,Cyprus,357,Epic / MTN
+280,299,cy,Cyprus,357,Failed Calls
+280,999,cy,Cyprus,357,Fix Line
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,+4U Mobile
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,3ton
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,CEZ
+230,08,cz,Czech Republic,420,Compatel
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Dragon
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,EriMobile
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Failed Calls
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Fayn
+230,999,cz,Czech Republic,420,Fix Line
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,GoMobil
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,ha-loo mobil
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Laudatio
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,METRONET
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,MOBIL21
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Nej Mobil
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,NETBOX Mobil
+230,04,cz,Czech Republic,420,Nordic Telecom
+230,02,cz,Czech Republic,420,O2
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Odorik
+230,05,cz,Czech Republic,420,PODA
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,SAZKA
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,SZDC
+230,98,cz,Czech Republic,420,SZDC
+230,01,cz,Czech Republic,420,T-Mobile
+230,07,cz,Czech Republic,420,T-Mobile
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Tesco Mobile
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,TOPefekt
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,TT Quality
+230,299,cz,Czech Republic,420,Uniphone
+230,09,cz,Czech Republic,420,Uniphone
+230,03,cz,Czech Republic,420,Vodafone
+630,90,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Africell
+630,02,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Airtel
+630,299,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Failed Calls
+630,999,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Fix Line
+630,86,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Orange
+630,05,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Supercell
+630,299,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Tatem
+630,01,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Vodacom
+630,88,cd,Democratic Republic of Congo,243,Yozma Timeturns
+238,299,dk,Denmark,45,42 Telecom
+238,299,dk,Denmark,45,CBB Mobil
+238,299,dk,Denmark,45,Failed Calls
+238,999,dk,Denmark,45,Fix Line
+238,28,dk,Denmark,45,LINK Mobility
+238,299,dk,Denmark,45,MI Carrier Services
+238,14,dk,Denmark,45,Monty Mobile
+238,15,dk,Denmark,45,Net 1
+238,299,dk,Denmark,45,Telenor Connexion
+238,299,dk,Denmark,45,Tripple Track
+238,08,dk,Denmark,45,Voxbone / Bandwidth
+310,299,dg,Diego Garcia,246,Failed Calls
+310,999,dg,Diego Garcia,246,Fix Line
+310,299,dg,Diego Garcia,246,Sure
+638,299,dj,Djibouti,253,Failed Calls
+638,999,dj,Djibouti,253,Fix Line
+366,299,dm,Dominica,1767,Failed Calls
+366,999,dm,Dominica,1767,Fix Line
+370,02,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Claro
+370,299,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Failed Calls
+370,999,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Fix Line
+370,01,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Orange / Altice
+370,299,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Satel
+370,04,do,Dominican Republic,1809,Viva
+514,299,tl,East Timor,670,Failed Calls
+514,999,tl,East Timor,670,Fix Line
+514,03,tl,East Timor,670,Telemor
+514,01,tl,East Timor,670,Telkomcel
+514,02,tl,East Timor,670,Timor Telecom
+740,02,ec,Ecuador,593,CNT movil
+740,299,ec,Ecuador,593,Failed Calls
+740,999,ec,Ecuador,593,Fix Line
+602,299,eg,Egypt,20,Failed Calls
+602,999,eg,Egypt,20,Fix Line
+706,01,sv,El Salvador,503,Claro
+706,02,sv,El Salvador,503,Digicel
+706,299,sv,El Salvador,503,Failed Calls
+706,999,sv,El Salvador,503,Fix Line
+706,04,sv,El Salvador,503,Movistar
+706,05,sv,El Salvador,503,RED
+706,03,sv,El Salvador,503,Tigo
+627,299,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Failed Calls
+627,999,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Fix Line
+627,03,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Muni
+627,01,gq,Equatorial Guinea,240,Orange
+657,299,er,Eritrea,291,Failed Calls
+657,999,er,Eritrea,291,Fix Line
+248,299,ee,Estonia,372,Failed Calls
+248,999,ee,Estonia,372,Fix Line
+636,01,et,Ethiopia,251,Ethio Mobile
+636,299,et,Ethiopia,251,Failed Calls
+636,999,et,Ethiopia,251,Fix Line
+750,299,fk,Falkland Islands,500,Failed Calls
+750,999,fk,Falkland Islands,500,Fix Line
+750,001,fk,Falkland Islands,500,Sure
+288,299,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Failed Calls
+288,01,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Faroese Telecom
+288,999,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Fix Line
+288,02,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Hey / Kall
+288,03,fo,Faroe Islands,298,Tosa
+542,299,fj,Fiji,679,Failed Calls
+542,999,fj,Fiji,679,Fix Line
+244,299,fi,Finland,358,Failed Calls
+244,999,fi,Finland,358,Fix Line
+244,299,fi,Finland,358,interactive digital media / IDM
+244,299,fi,Finland,358,MI Carrier Services
+244,24,fi,Finland,358,Nord Connect
+244,35,fi,Finland,358,Ukko Mobile
+244,32,fi,Finland,358,Voxbone / Bandwidth
+208,299,fr,France,33,Add-On Multimedia
+208,299,fr,France,33,Afone Mobile
+208,88,fr,France,33,Bouygues Telecom
+208,21,fr,France,33,Bouygues Telecom
+208,20,fr,France,33,Bouygues Telecom
+208,299,fr,France,33,Bretagne Telecom
+208,299,fr,France,33,Failed Calls
+208,999,fr,France,33,Fix Line
+208,15,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
+208,36,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
+208,35,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
+208,16,fr,France,33,Free Mobile
+208,299,fr,France,33,Happy Telecom
+208,89,fr,France,33,Hub One
+208,37,fr,France,33,IP Directions
+208,299,fr,France,33,IP Telecom
+208,299,fr,France,33,Keyyo Mobile
+208,299,fr,France,33,La Poste Mobile
+208,299,fr,France,33,La Poste Mobile
+208,39,fr,France,33,Networth Telecom
+208,299,fr,France,33,SCT TELECOM
+208,299,fr,France,33,SCT TELECOM
+208,299,fr,France,33,Sewan Communications
+208,30,fr,France,33,Syma Mobile
+208,299,fr,France,33,VA SOLUTIONS
+208,31,fr,France,33,Vectone Mobile
+208,299,fr,France,33,VOIP Telecom
+547,299,pf,French Polynesia,689,Failed Calls
+547,999,pf,French Polynesia,689,Fix Line
+547,299,pf,French Polynesia,689,Ora
+547,20,pf,French Polynesia,689,Vini
+547,15,pf,French Polynesia,689,Vodafone
+628,299,ga,Gabon,241,Failed Calls
+628,999,ga,Gabon,241,Fix Line
+607,299,gm,Gambia,220,Failed Calls
+607,999,gm,Gambia,220,Fix Line
+282,299,ge,Georgia,995,Failed Calls
+282,999,ge,Georgia,995,Fix Line
+282,10,ge,Georgia,995,Premium Net
+282,12,ge,Georgia,995,Telecom 1
+262,299,de,Germany,49,Argon Networks
+262,10,de,Germany,49,DB Netz
+262,20,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
+262,999,de,Germany,49,Fix Line
+262,03,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
+262,05,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
+262,17,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / E-Plus
+262,16,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
+262,07,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
+262,11,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
+262,08,de,Germany,49,Telefonica / O2
+620,299,gh,Ghana,233,Failed Calls
+620,999,gh,Ghana,233,Fix Line
+620,05,gh,Ghana,233,National Security
+266,299,gi,Gibraltar,350,Failed Calls
+266,999,gi,Gibraltar,350,Fix Line
+202,299,gr,Greece,30,AMD Telecom
+202,999,gr,Greece,30,Fix Line
+202,16,gr,Greece,30,Inter Telecom
+202,299,gr,Greece,30,Premium Net
+290,299,gl,Greenland,299,Failed Calls
+290,999,gl,Greenland,299,Fix Line
+290,01,gl,Greenland,299,Tele Greenland
+352,299,gd,Grenada,1473,Failed Calls
+352,999,gd,Grenada,1473,Fix Line
+352,299,gd,Grenada,1473,Spice Mobile
+340,08,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,Amigo
+340,20,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,Digicel
+340,299,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,Failed Calls
+340,999,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,Fix Line
+340,04,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,Free
+340,01,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,Orange
+340,02,gf,Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana,594,SFR
+310,370,gu,Guam,1671,Docomo Pacific
+310,470,gu,Guam,1671,Docomo Pacific
+310,299,gu,Guam,1671,Failed Calls
+310,999,gu,Guam,1671,Fix Line
+704,299,gt,Guatemala,502,Failed Calls
+704,999,gt,Guatemala,502,Fix Line
+611,299,gn,Guinea,224,Failed Calls
+611,999,gn,Guinea,224,Fix Line
+632,299,gw,Guinea-Bissau,245,Failed Calls
+632,999,gw,Guinea-Bissau,245,Fix Line
+738,299,gy,Guyana,592,Failed Calls
+738,999,gy,Guyana,592,Fix Line
+372,299,ht,Haiti,509,Failed Calls
+372,999,ht,Haiti,509,Fix Line
+708,299,hn,Honduras,504,Failed Calls
+708,999,hn,Honduras,504,Fix Line
+454,14,hk,Hong Kong,852,3
+454,05,hk,Hong Kong,852,3
+454,04,hk,Hong Kong,852,3
+454,03,hk,Hong Kong,852,3
+454,13,hk,Hong Kong,852,China Mobile
+454,12,hk,Hong Kong,852,China Mobile
+454,30,hk,Hong Kong,852,China Mobile
+454,32,hk,Hong Kong,852,HKBN
+454,07,hk,Hong Kong,852,China Unicom
+454,11,hk,Hong Kong,852,CHKTL
+454,01,hk,Hong Kong,852,Citic
+454,31,hk,Hong Kong,852,CTExcel
+454,36,hk,Hong Kong,852,Eascotel
+454,999,hk,Hong Kong,852,Fix Line
+454,393,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,27,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,397,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,392,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,25,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,396,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,391,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,395,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,390,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,28,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,26,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,394,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,398,hk,Hong Kong,852,Government
+454,24,hk,Hong Kong,852,Multibyte
+454,15,hk,Hong Kong,852,SmarTone
+454,17,hk,Hong Kong,852,SmarTone
+454,06,hk,Hong Kong,852,SmarTone
+454,02,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,00,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,10,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,16,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,20,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,18,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,19,hk,Hong Kong,852,SUN Mobile / CSL
+454,08,hk,Hong Kong,852,Tru
+454,35,hk,Hong Kong,852,Webbing
+216,999,hu,Hungary,36,Fix line
+216,02,hu,Hungary,36,MVM NET
+274,299,is,Iceland,354,Failed Calls
+274,999,is,Iceland,354,Fix Line
+274,04,is,Iceland,354,Viking Wireless
+404,55,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,73,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,34,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,62,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,77,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,54,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,72,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,59,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,76,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,81,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,53,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,71,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,58,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,75,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,80,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,51,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,66,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,57,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,74,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,38,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,64,in,India,91,BSNL Mobile
+404,299,in,India,91,Failed Calls
+404,999,in,India,91,Fix Line
+404,21,in,India,91,Loop Mobile
+404,50,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,52,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,08,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,18,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,67,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,09,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,23,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,83,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,36,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+404,85,in,India,91,Reliance Mobile
+510,299,id,Indonesia,62,Failed Calls
+510,999,id,Indonesia,62,Fix Line
+510,01,id,Indonesia,62,Indosat Ooredoo
+510,62,id,Indonesia,62,Indosat Ooredoo
+510,21,id,Indonesia,62,Indosat Ooredoo
+901,67,n/a,International Networks,882,1NCE
+901,76,n/a,International Networks,882,A1
+901,14,n/a,International Networks,882,AeroMobile
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Afinna One
+901,81,n/a,International Networks,882,Airnity
+901,82,n/a,International Networks,882,AnyNet
+901,24,n/a,International Networks,882,Bandwidth
+901,55,n/a,International Networks,882,Beezz
+901,58,n/a,International Networks,882,BICS
+901,70,n/a,International Networks,882,Bubbletone
+901,18,n/a,International Networks,882,Cingular Wireless Network
+901,16,n/a,International Networks,882,Cisco Jasper
+901,48,n/a,International Networks,882,Com4 Sweden
+901,73,n/a,International Networks,882,Cubic
+901,42,n/a,International Networks,882,DCN Hub
+901,40,n/a,International Networks,882,Deutsche Telekom
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,DIDWW
+901,50,n/a,International Networks,882,EchoStar Mobile
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Ellipsat
+901,43,n/a,International Networks,882,EMnify
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,EMSAT
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Failed Calls
+901,999,n/a,International Networks,882,Fix Line
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Global Access Services
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Globalstar
+901,13,n/a,International Networks,882,GSM.AQ
+901,22,n/a,International Networks,882,i-lincc
+901,11,n/a,International Networks,882,Inmarsat
+901,20,n/a,International Networks,882,Intermatica
+901,03,n/a,International Networks,882,Iridium
+901,69,n/a,International Networks,882,Legos
+901,66,n/a,International Networks,882,Limitless
+901,52,n/a,International Networks,882,Manx Telecom
+901,19,n/a,International Networks,882,Maritime Roaming Service
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,MCNtelecom
+901,12,n/a,International Networks,882,MCP
+901,59,n/a,International Networks,882,MessageBird
+901,27,n/a,International Networks,882,Monaco Telecom
+901,84,n/a,International Networks,882,Movistar
+901,38,n/a,International Networks,882,MTT
+901,39,n/a,International Networks,882,MTX Connect
+901,17,n/a,International Networks,882,Navitas Telecom
+901,79,n/a,International Networks,882,Nokia
+901,85,n/a,International Networks,882,O2
+901,15,n/a,International Networks,882,OnAir
+901,41,n/a,International Networks,882,One Network
+901,47,n/a,International Networks,882,Ooredoo
+901,31,n/a,International Networks,882,Orange
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Oration Technologies
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Phonegroup
+901,65,n/a,International Networks,882,Plintron
+901,75,n/a,International Networks,882,Pod
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,republic wireless
+901,57,n/a,International Networks,882,SAP
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Sipme
+901,33,n/a,International Networks,882,SMART
+901,78,n/a,International Networks,882,Sparkle
+901,64,n/a,International Networks,882,Syniverse
+901,72,n/a,International Networks,882,Tele2
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Telecom26
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Telekom Malaysia
+901,29,n/a,International Networks,882,Telenor Connexion
+901,05,n/a,International Networks,882,Thuraya RMSS
+901,37,n/a,International Networks,882,Transatel
+901,62,n/a,International Networks,882,Twilio
+901,34,n/a,International Networks,882,tyntec
+901,51,n/a,International Networks,882,VisionNG
+901,21,n/a,International Networks,882,Wins
+901,299,n/a,International Networks,882,Zain
+432,299,ir,Iran,98,Arian Tel
+432,299,ir,Iran,98,Failed Calls
+432,999,ir,Iran,98,Fix Line
+432,35,ir,Iran,98,MTN IranCell
+432,08,ir,Iran,98,Shatel Mobile
+418,05,iq,Iraq,964,Asia Cell
+418,299,iq,Iraq,964,Failed Calls
+418,999,iq,Iraq,964,Fix Line
+272,299,ie,Ireland,353,Cubic Telecom
+272,299,ie,Ireland,353,Failed Calls
+272,999,ie,Ireland,353,Fix Line
+272,299,ie,Ireland,353,Net Feasa
+272,11,ie,Ireland,353,Tesco Mobile
+272,15,ie,Ireland,353,Virgin Media
+425,19,il,Israel,972,019 Mobile
+425,299,il,Israel,972,Annatel Mobile
+425,299,il,Israel,972,Failed Calls
+425,999,il,Israel,972,Fix Line
+425,08,il,Israel,972,Golan Telecom
+425,15,il,Israel,972,Home Cellular
+425,77,il,Israel,972,Hot Mobile
+425,07,il,Israel,972,Hot Mobile
+425,16,il,Israel,972,Rami Levy Communications
+425,17,il,Israel,972,Von waves
+222,40,it,Italy,39,Agile Telecom
+222,34,it,Italy,39,BT mobile
+222,299,it,Italy,39,Daily Telecom Mobile
+222,299,it,Italy,39,Failed Calls
+222,999,it,Italy,39,Fix Line
+222,99,it,Italy,39,WindTre / Hi3G
+222,39,it,Italy,39,SMS.it / LINK Mobility
+222,07,it,Italy,39,Noverca Italia
+222,33,it,Italy,39,Poste Mobile
+222,999,it,Italy,39,Premium Numbers
+222,48,it,Italy,39,Telecom Italia Mobile
+222,43,it,Italy,39,Telecom Italia Mobile
+222,49,it,Italy,39,Vianova Mobile
+222,88,it,Italy,39,WindTre / WIND
+222,37,it,Italy,39,WindTre / Hi3G
+612,299,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Failed Calls
+612,999,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Fix Line
+612,02,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Moov
+612,05,ci,Ivory Coast,225,MTN
+612,03,ci,Ivory Coast,225,Orange
+338,299,jm,Jamaica,1876,Failed Calls
+338,999,jm,Jamaica,1876,Fix Line
+440,299,jp,Japan,81,Failed Calls
+440,999,jp,Japan,81,Fix Line
+440,10,jp,Japan,81,NTT DoCoMo
+440,78,jp,Japan,81,Okinawa Cellular
+440,11,jp,Japan,81,Rakuten Mobile
+416,299,jo,Jordan,962,Failed Calls
+416,999,jo,Jordan,962,Fix Line
+401,299,kz,Kazakhstan,7,Failed Call(s)
+401,999,kz,Kazakhstan,7,Fix Line
+401,08,kz,Kazakhstan,7,Kazakhstan Online
+639,299,ke,Kenya,254,Failed Calls
+639,06,ke,Kenya,254,Finserve Africa
+639,999,ke,Kenya,254,Fix Line
+639,09,ke,Kenya,254,Homeland Media
+639,11,ke,Kenya,254,Jambo Telcoms
+639,10,ke,Kenya,254,Jamii Telecommunications
+639,04,ke,Kenya,254,Mobile Pay
+545,299,ki,Kiribati,686,Failed Calls
+545,999,ki,Kiribati,686,Fix Line
+545,299,ki,Kiribati,686,Ocean Link
+221,07,xk,Kosovo,383,D3 mobile
+221,299,xk,Kosovo,383,Failed Calls
+221,999,xk,Kosovo,383,Fix Line
+419,299,kw,Kuwait,965,Failed Calls
+419,999,kw,Kuwait,965,Fix Line
+419,299,kw,Kuwait,965,Virgin Mobile
+437,299,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,Failed Calls
+437,999,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,Fix Line
+437,02,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,KT Mobile
+437,03,kg,Kyrgyzstan,996,Sem Mobile
+457,02,la,Laos,856,ETL Mobile
+457,299,la,Laos,856,Failed Calls
+457,999,la,Laos,856,Fix Line
+247,299,lv,Latvia,371,Failed Calls
+247,999,lv,Latvia,371,Fix Line
+247,299,lv,Latvia,371,Premium Numbers
+247,08,lv,Latvia,371,VENTA Mobile
+415,299,lb,Lebanon,961,Failed Calls
+415,999,lb,Lebanon,961,Fix Line
+651,299,ls,Lesotho,266,Failed Calls
+651,999,ls,Lesotho,266,Fix Line
+618,299,lr,Liberia,231,Failed Calls
+618,999,lr,Liberia,231,Fix Line
+618,01,lr,Liberia,231,MTN / Lonestar
+606,299,ly,Libya,218,Failed Calls
+606,999,ly,Libya,218,Fix Line
+606,03,ly,Libya,218,LibyaPhone Mobile
+295,299,li,Liechtenstein,423,Failed Calls
+295,999,li,Liechtenstein,423,Fix Line
+246,999,li,Liechtenstein,423,Fix Line
+295,01,li,Liechtenstein,423,FL GSM
+246,299,lt,Lithuania,370,Failed Calls
+270,10,lu,Luxembourg,352,Blue Communications
+270,299,lu,Luxembourg,352,Bouygues Telecom
+270,81,lu,Luxembourg,352,e-LUX Mobile
+270,299,lu,Luxembourg,352,Failed Calls
+270,999,lu,Luxembourg,352,Fix Line
+270,05,lu,Luxembourg,352,Luxembourg Online
+270,299,lu,Luxembourg,352,MTX Connect
+455,07,mo,Macao,853,China Telecom
+455,02,mo,Macao,853,China Telecom
+455,299,mo,Macao,853,Failed Calls
+455,999,mo,Macao,853,Fix Line
+646,299,mg,Madagascar,261,Failed Calls
+646,999,mg,Madagascar,261,Fix Line
+650,299,mw,Malawi,265,Failed Calls
+650,999,mw,Malawi,265,Fix Line
+502,156,my,Malaysia,60,Altel Communications
+502,11,my,Malaysia,60,Telekom Malaysia
+502,14,my,Malaysia,60,Telekom Malaysia
+502,299,my,Malaysia,60,Failed Calls
+502,999,my,Malaysia,60,Fix Line
+502,299,my,Malaysia,60,Maxis Broadband
+502,299,my,Malaysia,60,REDtone Mobile
+502,299,my,Malaysia,60,TT dotCom
+502,150,my,Malaysia,60,Tune Talk
+502,18,my,Malaysia,60,U Mobile
+502,153,my,Malaysia,60,Webe Digital
+502,195,my,Malaysia,60,XOX Com
+472,299,mv,Maldives,960,Failed Calls
+472,999,mv,Maldives,960,Fix Line
+610,299,ml,Mali,223,Failed Calls
+610,999,ml,Mali,223,Fix Line
+278,299,mt,Malta,356,Failed Calls
+278,999,mt,Malta,356,Fix Line
+278,21,mt,Malta,356,GO Mobile
+278,30,mt,Malta,356,GO Mobile
+551,299,mh,Marshall Islands,692,Failed Calls
+551,999,mh,Marshall Islands,692,Fix Line
+551,299,mh,Marshall Islands,692,MINTA
+609,299,mr,Mauritania,222,Failed Calls
+609,999,mr,Mauritania,222,Fix Line
+617,299,mu,Mauritius,230,Failed Calls
+617,999,mu,Mauritius,230,Fix Line
+617,01,mu,Mauritius,230,my.t mobile
+647,299,yt,Mayotte,262,Failed Calls
+647,999,yt,Mayotte,262,Fix Line
+647,01,yt,Mayotte,262,Maore Mobile
+334,140,mx,Mexico,52,ALTAN Redes
+334,050,mx,Mexico,52,AT&T / IUSACell
+334,299,mx,Mexico,52,Failed Call(s)
+334,999,mx,Mexico,52,Fix Line
+334,299,mx,Mexico,52,Ibo Cell
+334,299,mx,Mexico,52,NEUS Mobile
+334,060,mx,Mexico,52,SAI PCS
+334,299,mx,Mexico,52,Telecomunicaciones 360
+550,299,fm,Micronesia,691,Failed Calls
+550,999,fm,Micronesia,691,Fix Line
+259,299,md,Moldova,373,Failed Calls
+212,299,mc,Monaco,377,Failed Calls
+212,999,mc,Monaco,377,Fix Line
+212,10,mc,Monaco,377,Monaco Telecom
+212,01,mc,Monaco,377,Monaco Telecom
+428,299,mn,Mongolia,976,Failed Calls
+428,999,mn,Mongolia,976,Fix Line
+297,299,me,Montenegro,382,Failed Calls
+297,999,me,Montenegro,382,Fix Line
+297,02,me,Montenegro,382,Telekom / T-mobile
+354,299,ms,Montserrat,1664,Failed Calls
+354,999,ms,Montserrat,1664,Fix Line
+604,299,ma,Morocco,212,Failed Calls
+604,999,ma,Morocco,212,Fix Line
+643,299,mz,Mozambique,258,Failed Calls
+643,999,mz,Mozambique,258,Fix Line
+414,999,mm,Myanmar,95,Failed Calls
+414,999,mm,Myanmar,95,Fix Line
+649,299,na,Namibia,264,Failed Calls
+649,999,na,Namibia,264,Fix Line
+649,03,na,Namibia,264,TN Mobile
+536,299,nr,Nauru,674,Failed Calls
+536,999,nr,Nauru,674,Fix Line
+429,299,np,Nepal,977,CG Telecom
+429,299,np,Nepal,977,Failed Calls
+429,999,np,Nepal,977,Fix Line
+429,03,np,Nepal,977,Hello Nepal
+429,01,np,Nepal,977,Nepal Telecom
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,88 mobile
+204,30,nl,Netherlands,31,ASPIDER Solutions
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,Combird Mobile
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,Dean Mobile
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,Failed Calls
+204,999,nl,Netherlands,31,Fix Line
+204,999,nl,Netherlands,31,Fix Line
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,interactive digital media / IDM
+204,07,nl,Netherlands,31,Move / Teleena
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,Premium Numbers
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,Premium Routing
+204,24,nl,Netherlands,31,Private Mobility
+204,299,nl,Netherlands,31,Vectone Mobile
+204,03,nl,Netherlands,31,Voiceworks Mobile
+204,18,nl,Netherlands,31,Ziggo Services
+362,91,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,Chippie
+362,69,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,Digicel
+362,299,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,Failed Calls
+362,999,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,Fix Line
+362,299,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,Premium Numbers
+362,51,an,Netherlands Antilles,599,TelCell
+546,299,nc,New Caledonia,687,Failed Calls
+546,999,nc,New Caledonia,687,Fix Line
+546,01,nc,New Caledonia,687,Mobilis
+530,24,nz,New Zealand,64,2degrees
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Compass Mobile
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Devoli
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Failed Calls
+530,999,nz,New Zealand,64,Fix Line
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,LinkTel
+530,06,nz,New Zealand,64,Skinny Mobile
+530,05,nz,New Zealand,64,Spark Mobile
+530,02,nz,New Zealand,64,Spark Mobile
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Symbio
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Vocus
+530,01,nz,New Zealand,64,Vodafone
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Voxbone / Bandwidth
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,Voyager Internet
+530,299,nz,New Zealand,64,WXC
+710,299,ni,Nicaragua,505,Failed Calls
+710,999,ni,Nicaragua,505,Fix Line
+614,299,ne,Niger,227,Failed Calls
+614,999,ne,Niger,227,Fix Line
+614,01,ne,Niger,227,Niger Telecoms
+621,299,ng,Nigeria,234,Alpha Technologies
+621,299,ng,Nigeria,234,Failed Calls
+621,999,ng,Nigeria,234,Fix Line
+621,50,ng,Nigeria,234,Glo Mobile
+555,299,nu,Niue,683,Failed Calls
+555,999,nu,Niue,683,Fix Line
+555,01,nu,Niue,683,Telecom Niue
+467,299,kp,North Korea,850,Failed Calls
+467,999,kp,North Korea,850,Fix Line
+467,299,kp,North Korea,850,Kangsung Net
+467,192,kp,North Korea,850,Koryolink
+294,03,mk,North Macedonia,389,A1
+294,02,mk,North Macedonia,389,A1
+294,299,mk,North Macedonia,389,Failed Calls
+259,999,mk,North Macedonia,389,Fix Line
+294,999,mk,North Macedonia,389,Fix Line
+294,299,mk,North Macedonia,389,LATRON
+294,04,mk,North Macedonia,389,Lycamobile
+294,11,mk,North Macedonia,389,Mobik
+294,299,mk,North Macedonia,389,Telekabel
+294,01,mk,North Macedonia,389,Telekom
+534,299,mp,Northern Mariana Islands,1670,Failed Calls
+534,999,mp,Northern Mariana Islands,1670,Fix Line
+242,22,no,Norway,47,Altibox Mobil
+242,20,no,Norway,47,BANE NOR
+242,21,no,Norway,47,BANE NOR
+242,299,no,Norway,47,Failed Calls
+242,999,no,Norway,47,Fix Line
+242,05,no,Norway,47,Network Norway
+242,299,no,Norway,47,Sierra Wireless
+242,08,no,Norway,47,Telia / NetCom
+242,02,no,Norway,47,Telia / NetCom
+422,299,om,Oman,968,Failed Calls
+422,999,om,Oman,968,Fix Line
+422,02,om,Oman,968,Omantel Mobile
+422,03,om,Oman,968,Ooredoo / Nawras
+410,299,pk,Pakistan,92,Failed Calls
+410,999,pk,Pakistan,92,Fix Line
+552,299,pw,Palau,680,Failed Calls
+552,999,pw,Palau,680,Fix Line
+552,99,pw,Palau,680,Palau Mobile
+552,02,pw,Palau,680,PT Waves
+425,299,ps,Palestinian Territory,970,Failed Calls
+425,999,ps,Palestinian Territory,970,Fix Line
+425,05,ps,Palestinian Territory,970,Jawwal
+425,06,ps,Palestinian Territory,970,Ooredoo
+714,299,pa,Panama,507,Failed Calls
+714,999,pa,Panama,507,Fix Line
+537,01,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,BeMobile Vodafone
+537,02,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Citifon
+537,03,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Digicel
+537,299,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,DIGIVOIP
+537,299,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Failed Calls
+537,999,pg,Papua New Guinea,675,Fix Line
+744,299,py,Paraguay,595,Failed Calls
+744,999,py,Paraguay,595,Fix Line
+716,299,pe,Peru,51,Failed Calls
+716,999,pe,Peru,51,Fix Line
+515,299,ph,Philippines,63,Failed Calls
+515,999,ph,Philippines,63,Fix Line
+515,05,ph,Philippines,63,Sun Cellular
+260,48,pl,Poland,48,Agile Telecom
+260,18,pl,Poland,48,AMD Telecom
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Caritas Laczy
+260,12,pl,Poland,48,Cyfrowy Polsat
+260,41,pl,Poland,48,EZ Mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Failed Calls
+260,999,pl,Poland,48,Fix Line
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,I.M. Consulting
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,JMDI J. Maleszko
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Klucz Mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,lajt mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Metro Mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Mobile Vikings
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Moja GSM
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Nasza Wizja
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,NAU Mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,nc+ Mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Next Mobile
+260,27,pl,Poland,48,Ntel Solutions
+260,97,pl,Poland,48,Politechnika Lodzka Uczelniane
+260,90,pl,Poland,48,Polska Spolka Gazownictwa
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Premium Mobile
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Premium Numbers
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,SAT FILM
+260,14,pl,Poland,48,Telco Leaders
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,Tele GO
+260,45,pl,Poland,48,Virgin Mobile
+260,45,pl,Poland,48,Virgin Mobile
+260,39,pl,Poland,48,Voxbone / Bandwidth
+260,299,pl,Poland,48,w naszej Rodzinie
+268,299,pt,Portugal,351,Failed Calls
+268,999,pt,Portugal,351,Fix Line
+410,299,pt,Portugal,351,Premium Numbers
+330,30,pr,Puerto Rico,AT&T Mobility
+330,11,pr,Puerto Rico,Claro
+330,110,pr,Puerto Rico,Claro
+330,299,pr,Puerto Rico,Failed Calls
+330,999,pr,Puerto Rico,Fix Line
+330,490,pr,Puerto Rico,T-Mobile
+427,299,qa,Qatar,974,Failed Calls
+427,999,qa,Qatar,974,Fix Line
+647,299,re,Reunion,262,Failed Calls
+647,999,re,Reunion,262,Fix Line
+647,04,re,Reunion,262,ZEOP Mobile
+226,05,ro,Romania,40,Digi Mobil
+226,299,ro,Romania,40,Failed Calls
+226,999,ro,Romania,40,Fix Line
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Aurora Telecom
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Center 2M
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Cifra 1
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,ECO Networks
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Failed Calls
+250,999,ru,Russia,79,Fix Line
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Gazprom Telecom
+250,48,ru,Russia,79,Global Telecom
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,GLONASS MOBILE
+250,54,ru,Russia,79,Letai Mobile
+250,57,ru,Russia,79,Matrix Mobile
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,MSN Telekom
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,New Mobile Communications
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Orange Business Services
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Reteyl Innovatsii
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Sim Sim
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Sky Networks
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Tinkoff Mobile
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Vainah Telecom
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,Virgin Connect
+250,60,ru,Russia,79,Volna Mobile
+250,299,ru,Russia,79,VTB Mobile
+250,32,ru,Russia,79,Win Mobile
+635,299,rw,Rwanda,250,Failed Calls
+635,999,rw,Rwanda,250,Fix Line
+658,299,sh,Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha,290,Failed Calls
+658,999,sh,Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha,290,Fix Line
+356,70,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Chippie
+356,070,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Chippie
+356,50,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Digicel
+356,050,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Digicel
+356,299,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Failed Calls
+356,999,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Fix Line
+356,110,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Flow
+356,11,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,Flow
+356,299,kn,Saint Kitts and Nevis,1869,The Cable
+358,05,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Digicel
+358,050,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Digicel
+358,299,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Failed Calls
+358,999,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Fix Line
+358,110,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Flow
+358,11,lc,Saint Lucia,1758,Flow
+308,01,pm,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,508,Ameris
+308,03,pm,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,508,Ameris
+308,299,pm,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,508,Failed Calls
+308,999,pm,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,508,Fix Line
+308,02,pm,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,508,Globaltel
+360,050,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Digicel
+360,299,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Failed Calls
+360,999,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Fix Line
+360,110,vc,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,1784,Flow
+549,299,ws,Samoa,685,Failed Calls
+549,999,ws,Samoa,685,Fix Line
+292,299,sm,San Marino,378,Failed Calls
+292,999,sm,San Marino,378,Fix Line
+292,01,sm,San Marino,378,Prima
+292,299,sm,San Marino,378,TeleneT
+626,01,st,Sao Tome and Principe,239,CSTmovel
+626,299,st,Sao Tome and Principe,239,Failed Calls
+626,999,st,Sao Tome and Principe,239,Fix Line
+626,02,st,Sao Tome and Principe,239,Unitel
+901,299,n/a,Satellite Networks,870,Failed Calls
+901,999,n/a,Satellite Networks,870,Fix Line
+420,299,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Failed Calls
+420,999,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Fix Line
+420,06,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Lebara Mobile
+420,03,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Mobily
+420,299,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Red Bull MOBILE
+420,299,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Salam
+420,01,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,STC / Al Jawal
+420,05,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Virgin Mobile
+420,04,sa,Saudi Arabia,966,Zain
+608,299,sn,Senegal,221,2s Mobile
+608,299,sn,Senegal,221,Failed Calls
+608,999,sn,Senegal,221,Fix Line
+220,299,rs,Serbia,381,Failed Calls
+220,999,rs,Serbia,381,Fix Line
+633,01,sc,Seychelles,248,Cable & Wireless
+633,299,sc,Seychelles,248,Failed Calls
+633,999,sc,Seychelles,248,Fix Line
+619,03,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Africell
+619,299,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Failed Calls
+619,999,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Fix Line
+619,299,sl,Sierra Leone,232,IPTel
+619,299,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Onlime
+619,01,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Orange
+619,07,sl,Sierra Leone,232,Qcell
+619,299,sl,Sierra Leone,232,SierraTel
+525,299,sg,Singapore,65,Failed Calls
+525,999,sg,Singapore,65,Fix Line
+525,299,sg,Singapore,65,Smart Pinoy
+525,10,sg,Singapore,65,TPG Telecom
+231,299,sk,Slovakia,421,Failed Calls
+231,999,sk,Slovakia,421,Fix Line
+231,03,sk,Slovakia,421,Swan / 4ka
+293,40,si,Slovenia,386,A1 / Si.mobil
+293,86,si,Slovenia,386,Elektro Gorenjska
+293,299,si,Slovenia,386,Failed Calls
+293,999,si,Slovenia,386,Fix Line
+293,299,si,Slovenia,386,HOT mobil
+293,10,si,Slovenia,386,Slovenske zeleznice
+293,70,si,Slovenia,386,Telemach / Tusmobil
+540,02,sb,Solomon Islands,677,bemobile
+540,01,sb,Solomon Islands,677,Breeze
+540,299,sb,Solomon Islands,677,Failed Calls
+540,999,sb,Solomon Islands,677,Fix Line
+540,299,sb,Solomon Islands,677,Satsol
+540,299,sb,Solomon Islands,677,Smile
+637,299,so,Somalia,252,Failed Calls
+637,999,so,Somalia,252,Fix Line
+637,82,so,Somalia,252,Telcom Mobile
+655,07,za,South Africa,27,Cell C
+655,299,za,South Africa,27,Failed Calls
+655,999,za,South Africa,27,Fix Line
+655,299,za,South Africa,27,Lycamobile
+655,10,za,South Africa,27,MTN
+655,12,za,South Africa,27,MTN
+655,73,za,South Africa,27,Rain
+655,19,za,South Africa,27,Rain
+655,38,za,South Africa,27,Rain
+655,74,za,South Africa,27,Rain
+655,05,za,South Africa,27,Telkom
+655,02,za,South Africa,27,Telkom
+655,299,za,South Africa,27,Virgin Mobile
+655,01,za,South Africa,27,Vodacom
+450,299,kr,South Korea,82,Failed Calls
+450,999,kr,South Korea,82,Fix Line
+450,07,kr,South Korea,82,KT Powertel
+450,06,kr,South Korea,82,LG U+
+450,08,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
+450,02,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
+450,04,kr,South Korea,82,olleh / KT
+450,11,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
+450,12,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
+450,05,kr,South Korea,82,SK Telecom
+659,299,ss,South Sudan,Digitel
+659,299,ss,South Sudan,Failed Calls
+659,999,ss,South Sudan,Fix Line
+659,02,ss,South Sudan,MTN
+659,06,ss,South Sudan,Zain
+214,299,es,Spain,34,Adamo Telecom
+214,02,es,Spain,34,Alta Tecnologia en Comunicacions
+214,14,es,Spain,34,Avatel Movil
+214,299,es,Spain,34,Billing Financial
+214,08,es,Spain,34,Euskaltel Movil
+214,299,es,Spain,34,Failed Calls
+214,999,es,Spain,34,Fix Line
+214,34,es,Spain,34,ION MOBILE
+214,17,es,Spain,34,mobil R
+214,299,es,Spain,34,On Movil
+214,299,es,Spain,34,Oniti Telecom
+214,299,es,Spain,34,Premium Numbers
+214,299,es,Spain,34,PTV Telecom movil
+214,35,es,Spain,34,SUMA movil
+214,16,es,Spain,34,mobil R
+214,299,es,Spain,34,The Telecom Boutique
+214,12,es,Spain,34,Venus Movil
+214,299,es,Spain,34,You Mobile
+413,05,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Airtel
+413,02,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Dialog
+413,299,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Failed Calls
+413,999,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Fix Line
+413,08,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Hutch
+413,01,lk,Sri Lanka,94,Mobitel
+634,299,sd,Sudan,249,Failed Calls
+634,999,sd,Sudan,249,Fix Line
+634,07,sd,Sudan,249,Sudani One
+746,299,sr,Suriname,597,Failed Calls
+746,999,sr,Suriname,597,Fix Line
+653,02,sz,Swaziland,268,Eswatini Mobile
+653,299,sz,Swaziland,268,Failed Calls
+653,999,sz,Swaziland,268,Fix Line
+653,10,sz,Swaziland,268,Swazi MTN
+240,35,se,Sweden,46,42 Telecom
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Allo Telecom
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,BM Sverige
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Bredband 2
+240,11,se,Sweden,46,Com Hem
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Core Telecom
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,easy pbx
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Failed Calls
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Febo Telecom
+240,63,se,Sweden,46,Fink Telecom
+240,999,se,Sweden,46,Fix Line
+240,18,se,Sweden,46,Messit / Minicall
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Global Telefoni
+240,36,se,Sweden,46,interactive digital media / IDM
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Karma Mobil
+240,28,se,Sweden,46,LINK Mobility
+240,29,se,Sweden,46,MI Carrier Services
+240,33,se,Sweden,46,Mobile Arts
+240,25,se,Sweden,46,Monty Mobile
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,My Beat
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Net at Once
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Bixia AB
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Premium Numbers
+240,20,se,Sweden,46,Sierra Wireless
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Svea Billing Services
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Svensk Konsumentmobil
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Telecom3 Sverige AB
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Teledigit Scandinavia AB
+240,42,se,Sweden,46,Telenor Connexion
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Tell it to Mi
+240,03,se,Sweden,46,Net 1
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Tolv Mobil
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Unicorn Telecom
+240,19,se,Sweden,46,Vectone Mobile
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Voice Integrate
+240,38,se,Sweden,46,Voxbone / Bandwidth
+240,299,se,Sweden,46,Wifog Sverige
+228,999,ch,Switzerland,41,Fix Line
+228,03,ch,Switzerland,41,Salt Mobile
+228,59,ch,Switzerland,41,Vectone Mobile
+417,299,sy,Syria,963,Failed Calls
+417,999,sy,Syria,963,Fix Line
+466,11,tw,Taiwan,886,Chunghwa Telecom
+466,92,tw,Taiwan,886,Chunghwa Telecom
+466,299,tw,Taiwan,886,Failed Calls
+466,03,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
+466,88,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
+466,01,tw,Taiwan,886,Far EasTone
+466,999,tw,Taiwan,886,Fix Line
+466,89,tw,Taiwan,886,T Star
+466,97,tw,Taiwan,886,Taiwan Mobile
+436,299,tj,Tajikistan,992,Failed Calls
+436,999,tj,Tajikistan,992,Fix Line
+436,299,tj,Tajikistan,992,Premium Numbers
+640,299,tz,Tanzania,255,Failed Calls
+640,999,tz,Tanzania,255,Fix Line
+640,09,tz,Tanzania,255,Halotel / Viettel
+640,99,tz,Tanzania,255,Mkulima African Telecommunication
+640,14,tz,Tanzania,255,MO Mobile
+640,11,tz,Tanzania,255,Smile Communications
+640,07,tz,Tanzania,255,Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation
+640,02,tz,Tanzania,255,Tigo / MIC
+640,03,tz,Tanzania,255,Zanzibar Telecom / Zantel
+520,05,th,Thailand,66,dtac TriNet
+520,299,th,Thailand,66,Failed Calls
+520,999,th,Thailand,66,Fix Line
+520,04,th,Thailand,66,TrueMove H
+615,03,tg,Togo,228,Atlantique Telecom / Moov
+615,299,tg,Togo,228,Failed Calls
+615,999,tg,Togo,228,Fix Line
+615,01,tg,Togo,228,Togo Cellulaire / TogoCel
+539,299,to,Tonga,676,Failed Calls
+539,999,to,Tonga,676,Fix Line
+374,12,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,bmobile
+374,130,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,Digicel
+374,299,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,Failed Calls
+374,999,tt,Trinidad and Tobago,1868,Fix Line
+605,299,tn,Tunisia,216,Failed Calls
+605,999,tn,Tunisia,216,Fix Line
+605,02,tn,Tunisia,216,TT Mobile
+286,299,tr,Turkiye,90,Asistan Telekom
+286,299,tr,Turkiye,90,Fenix Telekom
+286,999,tr,Turkiye,90,Fix Line
+286,299,tr,Turkiye,90,Medium Telekom
+286,299,tr,Turkiye,90,Plus Telekom
+438,299,tm,Turkmenistan,993,Failed Calls
+438,999,tm,Turkmenistan,993,Fix Line
+376,360,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,Digicel
+376,050,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,Digicel
+376,299,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,Failed Calls
+376,999,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,Fix Line
+376,350,tc,Turks and Caicos Islands,Flow
+553,299,tv,Tuvalu,Failed Calls
+553,999,tv,Tuvalu,Fix Line
+553,01,tv,Tuvalu,Tuvalu Telecom
+641,299,ug,Uganda,256,Failed Calls
+641,999,ug,Uganda,256,Fix Line
+255,299,ua,Ukraine,380,Failed Calls
+255,999,ua,Ukraine,380,Fix Line
+424,03,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,DU
+424,02,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,Etisalat
+424,299,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,Failed Calls
+424,999,ae,United Arab Emirates,971,Fix Line
+234,78,gb,United Kingdom,44,Airwave
+234,29,gb,United Kingdom,44,aql
+234,76,gb,United Kingdom,44,BT Group
+234,00,gb,United Kingdom,44,BT Group
+234,08,gb,United Kingdom,44,BT OnePhone
+234,18,gb,United Kingdom,44,Cloud9
+234,30,gb,United Kingdom,44,T-Mobile
+234,32,gb,United Kingdom,44,T-Mobile
+234,31,gb,United Kingdom,44,T-Mobile
+234,999,gb,United Kingdom,44,Fix Line
+234,17,gb,United Kingdom,44,FlexTel
+234,04,gb,United Kingdom,44,FMS Solutions
+234,39,gb,United Kingdom,44,Gamma Mobile
+234,24,gb,United Kingdom,44,Greenfone
+234,72,gb,United Kingdom,44,Hanhaa Mobile
+234,71,gb,United Kingdom,44,Home Office
+234,20,gb,United Kingdom,44,3
+234,94,gb,United Kingdom,44,3
+234,23,gb,United Kingdom,44,Icron Network
+234,03,gb,United Kingdom,44,Jersey Airtel
+234,35,gb,United Kingdom,44,JSC Ingenicum
+234,50,gb,United Kingdom,44,JT Mobile
+234,14,gb,United Kingdom,44,LINK Mobility
+234,26,gb,United Kingdom,44,Lycamobile
+234,58,gb,United Kingdom,44,Manx Telecom Mobile
+234,28,gb,United Kingdom,44,Marathon Telecom
+234,75,gb,United Kingdom,44,Mass Response Service GmbH
+234,56,gb,United Kingdom,44,NCSC
+234,95,gb,United Kingdom,44,Network Rail
+234,12,gb,United Kingdom,44,Network Rail
+234,13,gb,United Kingdom,44,Network Rail
+234,51,gb,United Kingdom,44,now broadband
+234,34,gb,United Kingdom,44,Orange
+234,33,gb,United Kingdom,44,Orange
+234,74,gb,United Kingdom,44,Pareteum
+234,57,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sky
+234,40,gb,United Kingdom,44,spusu
+234,55,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sure Guernsey
+234,36,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sure Isle of Man
+234,99,gb,United Kingdom,44,Sure Jersey
+234,37,gb,United Kingdom,44,Synectiv
+234,16,gb,United Kingdom,44,Talk Talk
+234,27,gb,United Kingdom,44,Tata Communications Ltd
+234,11,gb,United Kingdom,44,O2
+234,10,gb,United Kingdom,44,O2
+234,02,gb,United Kingdom,44,O2
+234,22,gb,United Kingdom,44,Telesign Mobile
+234,19,gb,United Kingdom,44,TeleWare
+234,09,gb,United Kingdom,44,Tismi
+234,25,gb,United Kingdom,44,Truphone
+234,01,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vectone Mobile
+234,38,gb,United Kingdom,44,Virgin Mobile
+234,92,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
+234,07,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
+234,15,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
+234,89,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
+234,91,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
+234,77,gb,United Kingdom,44,Vodafone
+312,130,us,United States of America,1,Appalachian Wireless
+312,750,us,United States of America,1,Appalachian Wireless
+310,130,us,United States of America,1,Appalachian Wireless
+310,750,us,United States of America,1,Appalachian Wireless
+312,710,us,United States of America,1,ASTAC Cellular
+310,710,us,United States of America,1,ASTAC Cellular
+310,760,us,United States of America,1,ASTAC Cellular
+312,760,us,United States of America,1,ASTAC Cellular
+313,030,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,180,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,680,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,680,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,170,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,090,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,016,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,150,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,670,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,080,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,280,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,280,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,670,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,070,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,016,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,210,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,950,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,950,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,180,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,150,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,170,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,680,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,090,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,380,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,380,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,680,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,080,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,030,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,070,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,280,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,016,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,210,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,170,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,180,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,950,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,150,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,410,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,410,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,950,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,090,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,070,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,080,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,380,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,030,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,180,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,280,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,380,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,016,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,170,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,670,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,670,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,150,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,080,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,090,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,410,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,030,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+312,070,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+311,210,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,210,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+313,410,us,United States of America,1,AT&T Mobility
+310,600,us,United States of America,1,Cellcom
+310,630,us,United States of America,1,Choice Wireless
+310,700,us,United States of America,1,cv cellular
+310,880,us,United States of America,1,DTC Wireless
+310,035,us,United States of America,1,ETEX
+310,990,us,United States of America,1,Evolve
+310,299,us,United States of America,1,Failed Calls
+310,999,us,United States of America,1,Fix Line
+311,370,us,United States of America,1,GCI Wireless
+310,430,us,United States of America,1,GCI Wireless
+311,430,us,United States of America,1,GCI Wireless
+311,690,us,United States of America,1,Limitless
+312,340,us,United States of America,1,Limitless
+310,340,us,United States of America,1,Limitless
+312,690,us,United States of America,1,Limitless
+310,690,us,United States of America,1,Limitless
+311,340,us,United States of America,1,Limitless
+313,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+314,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+310,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+315,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+311,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+316,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+312,299,us,United States of America,1,Northstar Technology
+310,540,us,United States of America,1,OWTC
+310,570,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+313,360,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+310,280,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+311,280,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+313,570,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+311,360,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+310,360,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+311,570,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+313,280,us,United States of America,1,Pioneer Cellular
+316,660,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,270,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,940,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,190,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,190,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,311,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,800,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,120,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,882,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,800,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,200,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,260,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,230,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,830,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,940,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,240,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,940,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,270,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,800,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,310,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,010,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,200,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,160,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,490,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,830,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,160,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,940,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,830,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,230,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,270,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,240,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,870,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,010,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,250,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,490,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,830,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,490,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,120,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,230,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,120,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,530,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,870,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,190,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,870,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,240,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,490,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,250,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,880,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,120,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,260,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,530,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,870,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,530,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,160,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,240,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,010,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,660,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,880,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,200,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,880,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,250,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,530,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,260,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,882,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,160,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,270,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,660,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,010,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,880,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,660,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,190,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+316,250,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,200,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,800,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,882,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+311,230,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,882,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+312,260,us,United States of America,1,T-Mobile
+310,020,us,United States of America,1,Union Wireless
+310,595,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,820,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,895,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,281,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,287,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,486,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,592,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,598,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,272,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,278,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,289,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,483,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,489,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,897,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,274,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,110,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,770,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,894,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,910,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,286,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,480,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,591,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,597,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,891,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,277,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,283,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,482,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,488,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,594,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,013,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,279,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,274,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,899,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,285,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,390,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,485,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,893,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,596,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,890,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,896,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,282,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,288,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,487,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,593,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,599,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,273,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,279,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,350,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,484,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,590,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,898,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,275,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,820,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,895,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,287,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,481,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,592,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,598,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,892,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,278,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,284,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,483,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,489,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,595,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,110,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,280,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,275,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,271,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,910,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,286,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,480,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,486,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,894,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,597,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,891,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,897,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,283,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,289,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,488,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,594,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,770,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,274,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,280,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,390,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,485,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,591,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,899,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,276,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,271,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,890,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,012,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,896,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,282,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,288,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,482,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,593,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,599,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,893,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,279,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,285,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,484,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,590,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,596,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,281,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,276,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,287,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,481,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,487,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,895,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,272,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,012,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,598,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,892,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,898,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,284,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,350,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,489,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,595,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,820,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,275,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,281,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,480,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,486,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,592,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,910,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,277,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,272,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,891,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,013,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,897,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,283,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,289,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,483,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,594,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,770,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,894,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,280,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,286,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,485,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,591,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,597,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,271,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,277,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,288,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,482,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,488,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,896,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,273,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,013,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,599,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,893,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,899,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,285,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,390,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,590,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,596,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,890,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,276,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,282,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,481,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,487,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,593,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,012,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,278,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,273,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,110,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,898,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,284,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+311,350,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+312,484,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,892,us,United States of America,1,Verizon Wireless
+310,740,us,United States of America,1,Viaero Wireless
+310,450,us,United States of America,1,Viaero Wireless
+310,860,us,United States of America,1,West Central Wireless
+748,01,uy,Uruguay,598,Antel Movil
+748,299,uy,Uruguay,598,Failed Calls
+748,999,uy,Uruguay,598,Fix Line
+434,299,uz,Uzbekistan,998,Failed Calls
+434,999,uz,Uzbekistan,998,Fix Line
+434,06,uz,Uzbekistan,998,Perfectum Mobile
+541,299,vu,Vanuatu,678,Failed Calls
+541,999,vu,Vanuatu,678,Fix Line
+225,299,va,Vatican,Failed Calls
+225,999,va,Vatican,Fix Line
+734,299,ve,Venezuela,58,Failed Calls
+734,999,ve,Venezuela,58,Fix Line
+452,299,vn,Vietnam,84,Failed Calls
+452,999,vn,Vietnam,84,Fix Line
+376,299,vi,Virgin Islands,1340,Failed Calls
+376,999,vi,Virgin Islands,1340,Fix Line
+543,299,wf,Wallis and Futuna,Failed Calls
+543,999,wf,Wallis and Futuna,Fix Line
+543,01,wf,Wallis and Futuna,Manuia
+421,299,ye,Yemen,967,Failed Calls
+421,999,ye,Yemen,967,Fix Line
+421,03,ye,Yemen,967,Yemen Mobile
+645,299,zm,Zambia,260,Failed Calls
+645,999,zm,Zambia,260,Fix Line
+648,299,zw,Zimbabwe,263,Failed Calls
+648,999,zw,Zimbabwe,263,Fix Line
diff --git a/mcc-mnc-table.json b/mcc-mnc-table.json
index 89a3293c..7592837a 100644
--- a/mcc-mnc-table.json
+++ b/mcc-mnc-table.json
@@ -1,20794 +1,23538 @@
- "mcc": "289",
- "mnc": "88",
+ "mcc": 289,
+ "mnc": 88,
"iso": "ge",
"country": "Abkhazia",
- "country_code": "7",
+ "country_code": 7,
"network": "A-Mobile"
- "mcc": "289",
- "mnc": "68",
+ "mcc": 289,
+ "mnc": 68,
"iso": "ge",
"country": "Abkhazia",
- "country_code": "7",
+ "country_code": 7,
"network": "A-Mobile"
- "mcc": "289",
- "mnc": "67",
+ "mcc": 289,
+ "mnc": 67,
"iso": "ge",
"country": "Abkhazia",
- "country_code": "7",
+ "country_code": 7,
"network": "Aquafon"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 289,
+ "mnc": 299,
+ "iso": "ge",
+ "country": "Abkhazia",
+ "country_code": 7,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 289,
+ "mnc": 999,
+ "iso": "ge",
+ "country": "Abkhazia",
+ "country_code": 7,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 1,
"iso": "af",
"country": "Afghanistan",
- "country_code": "93",
+ "country_code": 93,
"network": "AWCC"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "50",
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 50,
"iso": "af",
"country": "Afghanistan",
- "country_code": "93",
- "network": "Etisalat "
+ "country_code": 93,
+ "network": "Etisalat"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "30",
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "af",
"country": "Afghanistan",
- "country_code": "93",
- "network": "Etisalat "
+ "country_code": 93,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "80",
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 999,
"iso": "af",
"country": "Afghanistan",
- "country_code": "93",
- "network": "Mobifone"
+ "country_code": 93,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "88",
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 88,
"iso": "af",
"country": "Afghanistan",
- "country_code": "93",
+ "country_code": 93,
"network": "Mobifone"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "40",
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 80,
"iso": "af",
"country": "Afghanistan",
- "country_code": "93",
- "network": "MTN"
+ "country_code": 93,
+ "network": "Mobifone"
- "mcc": "412",
- "mnc": "20",
+ "mcc": 412,
+ "mnc": 40,
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- "country": "Israel",
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- "network": "YouPhone"
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- "mnc": "299",
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- "network": "Esendex"
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- "mnc": "299",
- "iso": "it",
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- "network": "Compatel"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "DIDWW"
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- "mnc": "53",
- "iso": "it",
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- "country_code": "39",
- "network": "CoopVoce"
+ "mcc": 901,
+ "mnc": 50,
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "EchoStar Mobile"
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- "mnc": "36",
- "iso": "it",
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- "network": "Digi"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Ellipsat"
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- "mnc": "36",
- "iso": "it",
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- "network": "Digi"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "EMnify"
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- "mnc": "299",
- "iso": "it",
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- "network": "DireQ"
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- "mnc": "02",
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- "network": "Elsacom"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Failed Calls"
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- "mnc": "42",
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- "network": "Enel"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Fix Line"
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- "mnc": "08",
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- "network": "Fastweb"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Global Access Services"
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- "mnc": "999",
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- "network": "Fix Line"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Globalstar"
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- "mnc": "99",
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "GSM.AQ"
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- "mnc": "50",
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- "network": "Iliad"
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+ "network": "Inmarsat"
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- "mnc": "299",
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- "network": "Kaleyra"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Intermatica"
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- "mnc": "39",
- "iso": "it",
- "country": "Italy",
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- "network": "SMS.it / LINK Mobility"
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+ "mnc": 3,
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Iridium"
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- "mnc": "35",
- "iso": "it",
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- "network": "Lycamobile"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Legos"
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- "mnc": "07",
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+ "network": "Limitless"
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- "mnc": "54",
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- "network": "Plintron"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Manx Telecom"
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- "mnc": "33",
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- "mnc": "00",
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- "mnc": "58",
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+ "network": "MCP"
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- "mnc": "30",
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- "network": "RFI"
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+ "mnc": 59,
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+ "country": "International Networks",
+ "country_code": 882,
+ "network": "MessageBird"
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- "mnc": "56",
- "iso": "it",
- "country": "Italy",
- "country_code": "39",
- "network": "spusu"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Monaco Telecom"
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- "mnc": "43",
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- "network": "Telecom Italia Mobile"
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+ "mnc": 84,
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Movistar"
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- "mnc": "01",
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- "network": "TIM"
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+ "network": "MTX Connect"
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- "mnc": "299",
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- "network": "Sparkle"
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+ "mnc": 17,
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "Navitas Telecom"
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- "mnc": "44",
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- "network": "Mundio"
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+ "network": "Nokia"
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- "mnc": "51",
- "iso": "it",
- "country": "Italy",
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- "network": "ho."
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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- "mnc": "49",
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- "network": "Vianova Mobile"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "OnAir"
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- "mnc": "10",
- "iso": "it",
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- "network": "Vodafone"
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+ "country": "International Networks",
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+ "network": "One Network"
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- "mnc": "06",
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- "mnc": "00",
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- "mnc": "299",
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- "network": "Vola"
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+ "network": "Phonegroup"
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- "mnc": "299",
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- "mnc": "07",
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- "mnc": "04",
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- "mnc": "01",
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- "mnc": "02",
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- "mnc": "020",
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- "mnc": "050",
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+ "network": "Twilio"
- "mcc": "440",
- "mnc": "00",
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- "mnc": "89",
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- "mnc": "70",
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- "network": "KDDI"
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- "mnc": "01",
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- "mnc": "09",
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+ "mnc": 999,
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- "mnc": "32",
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+ "country": "Taiwan",
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- "mnc": "22",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
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+ "mnc": 97,
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+ "country": "Taiwan",
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+ "network": "Taiwan Mobile"
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- "mnc": "63",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
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+ "mnc": 4,
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+ "country": "Tajikistan",
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- "mnc": "999",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
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+ "country": "Tajikistan",
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- "mnc": "18",
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- "mnc": "27",
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- "mnc": "17",
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- "mnc": "02",
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- "mnc": "23",
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- "mnc": "28",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
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+ "mnc": 5,
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
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- "mcc": "240",
- "mnc": "12",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
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- "mnc": "29",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
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- "network": "MI Carrier Services"
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
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- "mnc": "33",
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- "country": "Sweden",
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
+ "country_code": 255,
+ "network": "Halotel / Viettel"
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- "mnc": "43",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
- "network": "MobiWeb"
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+ "mnc": 99,
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
+ "country_code": 255,
+ "network": "Mkulima African Telecommunication"
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- "mnc": "25",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
- "network": "Monty Mobile"
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+ "mnc": 14,
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
+ "country_code": 255,
+ "network": "MO Mobile"
- "mcc": "240",
- "mnc": "40",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
- "network": "Netmore"
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
+ "country_code": 255,
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- "mnc": "39",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
- "network": "Primlight"
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+ "mnc": 7,
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
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- "mnc": "31",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
- "country_code": "46",
- "network": "Rebtel"
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+ "mnc": 2,
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+ "country": "Tanzania",
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+ "network": "Tigo / MIC"
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- "mnc": "20",
- "iso": "se",
- "country": "Sweden",
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+ "mnc": 4,
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+ "network": "Vodacom"
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- "mnc": "15",
- "iso": "se",
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- "country_code": "46",
- "network": "Sierra Wireless Sweden AB"
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- "mnc": "37",
- "iso": "se",
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- "network": "Sinch"
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+ "mnc": 3,
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- "mnc": "45",
- "iso": "se",
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+ "mnc": 3,
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- "mnc": "10",
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- "mnc": "07",
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- "mnc": "05",
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+ "mnc": 5,
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- "mnc": "14",
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- "mnc": "44",
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- "mnc": "24",
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- "mnc": "42",
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- "mnc": "08",
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- "mnc": "04",
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- "mnc": "01",
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- "mnc": "03",
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- "mnc": "48",
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- "mnc": "21",
- "iso": "se",
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- "country_code": "46",
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- "mnc": "10",
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- "mnc": "88",
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- "mnc": "90",
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- "mnc": "99",
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- "mnc": "97",
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- "mnc": "89",
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- "mnc": "09",
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+ "mnc": 7,
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+ "network": "3Mob"
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- "mnc": "04",
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- "country": "Tajikistan",
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- "mnc": "05",
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- "country": "Tajikistan",
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- "mnc": "02",
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+ "network": "IT"
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- "mnc": "03",
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- "mnc": "01",
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- "mnc": "05",
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- "mnc": "08",
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+ "mnc": 99,
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+ "country": "Ukraine",
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+ "network": "Phoenix"
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- "mnc": "06",
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+ "mnc": 1,
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- "mnc": "09",
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- "mnc": "11",
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- "mnc": "07",
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+ "mnc": 78,
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- "mnc": "02",
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- "mnc": "04",
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+ "mnc": 0,
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+ "country": "United Kingdom",
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- "mnc": "03",
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- "mnc": "20",
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- "mnc": "15",
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- "mnc": "03",
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- "mnc": "01",
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- "mnc": "23",
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- "mnc": "00",
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- "mnc": "05",
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- "mnc": "18",
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- "mnc": "04",
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- "mnc": "03",
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+ "mnc": 94,
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- "mnc": "02",
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+ "mnc": 23,
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- "mnc": "03",
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+ "mnc": 3,
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- "mnc": "01",
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+ "country_code": 44,
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- "mnc": "88",
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+ "mnc": 14,
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+ "network": "LINK Mobility"
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- "mnc": "43",
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- "mnc": "130",
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- "mnc": "140",
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+ "country_code": 44,
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- "mnc": "06",
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- "mnc": "03",
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- "mnc": "25",
+ "mcc": 310,
+ "mnc": 284,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": "Unknown"
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "Verizon Wireless"
- "mcc": "310",
- "mnc": "530",
+ "mcc": 311,
+ "mnc": 350,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": "West Virginia Wireless"
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "Verizon Wireless"
- "mcc": "310",
- "mnc": "26",
+ "mcc": 312,
+ "mnc": 484,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": "Unknown"
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "Verizon Wireless"
- "mcc": "310",
- "mnc": "340",
+ "mcc": 310,
+ "mnc": 892,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": "Westlink Communications, LLC"
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "Verizon Wireless"
- "mcc": "311",
- "mnc": "150",
+ "mcc": 310,
+ "mnc": 740,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": ""
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "Viaero Wireless"
- "mcc": "311",
- "mnc": "070",
+ "mcc": 310,
+ "mnc": 450,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": "Wisconsin RSA #7 Limited Partnership"
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "Viaero Wireless"
- "mcc": "310",
- "mnc": "390",
+ "mcc": 310,
+ "mnc": 860,
"iso": "us",
"country": "United States of America",
- "country_code": "1",
- "network": "Yorkville Telephone Cooperative"
+ "country_code": 1,
+ "network": "West Central Wireless"
- "mcc": "748",
- "mnc": "03",
+ "mcc": 748,
+ "mnc": 1,
"iso": "uy",
"country": "Uruguay",
- "country_code": "598",
- "network": "Ancel/Antel"
+ "country_code": 598,
+ "network": "Antel Movil"
- "mcc": "748",
- "mnc": "00",
+ "mcc": 748,
+ "mnc": 10,
"iso": "uy",
"country": "Uruguay",
- "country_code": "598",
- "network": "Ancel/Antel"
+ "country_code": 598,
+ "network": "Claro"
- "mcc": "748",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 748,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "uy",
"country": "Uruguay",
- "country_code": "598",
- "network": "Ancel/Antel"
+ "country_code": 598,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "748",
- "mnc": "10",
+ "mcc": 748,
+ "mnc": 999,
"iso": "uy",
"country": "Uruguay",
- "country_code": "598",
- "network": "Claro/AM Wireless"
+ "country_code": 598,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "748",
- "mnc": "07",
+ "mcc": 748,
+ "mnc": 7,
"iso": "uy",
"country": "Uruguay",
- "country_code": "598",
- "network": "MOVISTAR"
+ "country_code": 598,
+ "network": "Movistar"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 4,
+ "iso": "uz",
+ "country": "Uzbekistan",
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "Beeline"
- "mcc": "434",
- "mnc": "04",
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "uz",
"country": "Uzbekistan",
- "country_code": "998",
- "network": "Bee Line/Unitel"
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 999,
+ "iso": "uz",
+ "country": "Uzbekistan",
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "434",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 6,
"iso": "uz",
"country": "Uzbekistan",
- "country_code": "998",
- "network": "Buztel"
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "Perfectum Mobile"
- "mcc": "434",
- "mnc": "07",
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 5,
"iso": "uz",
"country": "Uzbekistan",
- "country_code": "998",
- "network": "MTS/Uzdunrobita"
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "Ucell"
- "mcc": "434",
- "mnc": "05",
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 7,
"iso": "uz",
"country": "Uzbekistan",
- "country_code": "998",
- "network": "Ucell/Coscom"
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "UMS"
- "mcc": "434",
- "mnc": "02",
+ "mcc": 434,
+ "mnc": 3,
"iso": "uz",
"country": "Uzbekistan",
- "country_code": "998",
- "network": "Uzmacom"
+ "country_code": 998,
+ "network": "UzMobile"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 541,
+ "mnc": 5,
+ "iso": "vu",
+ "country": "Vanuatu",
+ "country_code": 678,
+ "network": "Digicel"
- "mcc": "541",
- "mnc": "05",
+ "mcc": 541,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "vu",
"country": "Vanuatu",
- "country_code": "678",
- "network": "DigiCel"
+ "country_code": 678,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "541",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 541,
+ "mnc": 999,
"iso": "vu",
"country": "Vanuatu",
- "country_code": "678",
- "network": "SMILE"
+ "country_code": 678,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "225",
- "mnc": "299",
- "iso": "va",
- "country": "Vatican",
- "country_code": "",
- "network": "Failed Calls"
+ "mcc": 541,
+ "mnc": 1,
+ "iso": "vu",
+ "country": "Vanuatu",
+ "country_code": 678,
+ "network": "Smile"
- "mcc": "734",
- "mnc": "03",
+ "mcc": 734,
+ "mnc": 2,
"iso": "ve",
"country": "Venezuela",
- "country_code": "58",
- "network": "DigiTel C.A."
+ "country_code": 58,
+ "network": "Digitel"
- "mcc": "734",
- "mnc": "02",
+ "mcc": 734,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "ve",
"country": "Venezuela",
- "country_code": "58",
- "network": "DigiTel C.A."
+ "country_code": 58,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "734",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 734,
+ "mnc": 999,
"iso": "ve",
"country": "Venezuela",
- "country_code": "58",
- "network": "DigiTel C.A."
+ "country_code": 58,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "734",
- "mnc": "06",
+ "mcc": 734,
+ "mnc": 6,
"iso": "ve",
"country": "Venezuela",
- "country_code": "58",
- "network": "Movilnet C.A. "
+ "country_code": 58,
+ "network": "Movilnet"
- "mcc": "734",
- "mnc": "04",
+ "mcc": 734,
+ "mnc": 4,
"iso": "ve",
"country": "Venezuela",
- "country_code": "58",
- "network": "Movistar/TelCel"
+ "country_code": 58,
+ "network": "Movistar"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "07",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
- "network": "Gmobile"
+ "country_code": 84,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "08",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 999,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
- "network": "I-Telecom"
+ "country_code": 84,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "08",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 7,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
- "network": "I-Telecom"
+ "country_code": 84,
+ "network": "Gmobile"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "08",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 8,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "I-Telecom"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 1,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "MobiFone"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "09",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 9,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "Reddi"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "03",
- "iso": "vn",
- "country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
- "network": "S-Fone/Telecom"
- },
- {
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "05",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 5,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "Vietnamobile"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "06",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 6,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "Viettel"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "04",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 4,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "Viettel"
- "mcc": "452",
- "mnc": "02",
+ "mcc": 452,
+ "mnc": 2,
"iso": "vn",
"country": "Vietnam",
- "country_code": "84",
+ "country_code": 84,
"network": "VinaPhone"
- "mcc": "376",
- "mnc": "50",
+ "mcc": 376,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "vi",
"country": "Virgin Islands",
- "country_code": "1340",
- "network": "Digicel"
+ "country_code": 1340,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "543",
- "mnc": "299",
- "iso": "wf",
- "country": "Wallis and Futuna",
- "country_code": "",
- "network": "Failed Calls"
+ "mcc": 376,
+ "mnc": 999,
+ "iso": "vi",
+ "country": "Virgin Islands",
+ "country_code": 1340,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "543",
- "mnc": "01",
- "iso": "wf",
- "country": "Wallis and Futuna",
- "country_code": "",
- "network": "Manuia"
+ "mcc": 421,
+ "mnc": 299,
+ "iso": "ye",
+ "country": "Yemen",
+ "country_code": 967,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "421",
- "mnc": "999",
+ "mcc": 421,
+ "mnc": 999,
"iso": "ye",
"country": "Yemen",
- "country_code": "967",
+ "country_code": 967,
"network": "Fix Line"
- "mcc": "421",
- "mnc": "04",
+ "mcc": 421,
+ "mnc": 1,
"iso": "ye",
"country": "Yemen",
- "country_code": "967",
- "network": "HITS/Y Unitel"
+ "country_code": 967,
+ "network": "SabaFon"
- "mcc": "421",
- "mnc": "02",
+ "mcc": 421,
+ "mnc": 2,
"iso": "ye",
"country": "Yemen",
- "country_code": "967",
- "network": "MTN/Spacetel"
+ "country_code": 967,
+ "network": "Spacetel"
- "mcc": "421",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 421,
+ "mnc": 4,
"iso": "ye",
"country": "Yemen",
- "country_code": "967",
- "network": "Sabaphone"
+ "country_code": 967,
+ "network": "Y"
- "mcc": "421",
- "mnc": "03",
+ "mcc": 421,
+ "mnc": 3,
"iso": "ye",
"country": "Yemen",
- "country_code": "967",
- "network": "Yemen Mob. CDMA"
+ "country_code": 967,
+ "network": "Yemen Mobile"
- "mcc": "645",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 645,
+ "mnc": 1,
"iso": "zm",
"country": "Zambia",
- "country_code": "260",
+ "country_code": 260,
"network": "Airtel"
- "mcc": "645",
- "mnc": "299",
+ "mcc": 645,
+ "mnc": 299,
"iso": "zm",
"country": "Zambia",
- "country_code": "260",
+ "country_code": 260,
"network": "Failed Calls"
- "mcc": "645",
- "mnc": "02",
+ "mcc": 645,
+ "mnc": 999,
+ "iso": "zm",
+ "country": "Zambia",
+ "country_code": 260,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 645,
+ "mnc": 2,
"iso": "zm",
"country": "Zambia",
- "country_code": "260",
+ "country_code": 260,
"network": "MTN"
- "mcc": "645",
- "mnc": "03",
+ "mcc": 645,
+ "mnc": 3,
"iso": "zm",
"country": "Zambia",
- "country_code": "260",
+ "country_code": 260,
"network": "Zamtel"
- "mcc": "648",
- "mnc": "04",
+ "mcc": 648,
+ "mnc": 4,
"iso": "zw",
"country": "Zimbabwe",
- "country_code": "263",
+ "country_code": 263,
"network": "Econet"
- "mcc": "648",
- "mnc": "01",
+ "mcc": 648,
+ "mnc": 299,
+ "iso": "zw",
+ "country": "Zimbabwe",
+ "country_code": 263,
+ "network": "Failed Calls"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 648,
+ "mnc": 999,
+ "iso": "zw",
+ "country": "Zimbabwe",
+ "country_code": 263,
+ "network": "Fix Line"
+ },
+ {
+ "mcc": 648,
+ "mnc": 1,
"iso": "zw",
"country": "Zimbabwe",
- "country_code": "263",
+ "country_code": 263,
"network": "NetOne"
- "mcc": "648",
- "mnc": "03",
+ "mcc": 648,
+ "mnc": 3,
"iso": "zw",
"country": "Zimbabwe",
- "country_code": "263",
+ "country_code": 263,
"network": "Telecel"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mcc-mnc-table.xml b/mcc-mnc-table.xml
index c5b7521b..23a3b594 100644
--- a/mcc-mnc-table.xml
+++ b/mcc-mnc-table.xml
@@ -1,20796 +1,23735 @@
- 289
- 88
- ge
- Abkhazia
- 7
- A-Mobile
- 289
- 68
- ge
- Abkhazia
- 7
- A-Mobile
- 289
- 67
- ge
- Abkhazia
- 7
- Aquafon
- 412
- 01
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- 412
- 50
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- Etisalat
- 412
- 30
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- Etisalat
- 412
- 80
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- Mobifone
- 412
- 88
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- Mobifone
- 412
- 40
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- 412
- 20
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- Roshan
- 412
- 03
- af
- Afghanistan
- 93
- WaselTelecom (WT)
- 276
- 03
- al
- Albania
- 355
- ALBtelecom Mobile / Eagle
- 276
- 01
- al
- Albania
- 355
- One / AMC
- 276
- 04
- al
- Albania
- 355
- PLUS Communication Sh.a
- 276
- 02
- al
- Albania
- 355
- Vodafone
- 603
- 02
- dz
- Algeria
- 213
- Djezzy
- 603
- 01
- dz
- Algeria
- 213
- Mobilis
- 603
- 03
- dz
- Algeria
- 213
- Ooredoo
- 544
- 780
- as
- American Samoa
- 684
- ASTCA Mobile
- 544
- 11
- as
- American Samoa
- 684
- BlueSky
- 213
- 03
- ad
- Andorra
- 376
- Andorra Telecom / Mobiland
- 631
- 04
- ao
- Angola
- 244
- MoviCel
- 631
- 02
- ao
- Angola
- 244
- Unitel
- 365
- 850
- ai
- Anguilla
- 1264
- Digicel
- 365
- 840
- ai
- Anguilla
- 1264
- Flow
- 344
- 93
- ag
- Antigua and Barbuda
- 1268
- Digicel
- 344
- 930
- ag
- Antigua and Barbuda
- 1268
- Digicel
- 344
- 92
- ag
- Antigua and Barbuda
- 1268
- Flow
- 344
- 920
- ag
- Antigua and Barbuda
- 1268
- Flow
- 344
- 03
- ag
- Antigua and Barbuda
- 1268
- imobile / APUA
- 344
- 030
- ag
- Antigua and Barbuda
- 1268
- imobile / APUA
- 722
- 310
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Claro
- 722
- 330
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Claro
- 722
- 031
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Claro
- 722
- 320
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Claro
- 722
- 299
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Express
- 722
- 999
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Fix Line
- 722
- 299
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Imowi
- 722
- 299
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- 722
- 299
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Kallofer
- 722
- 010
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Movistar
- 722
- 007
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Movistar
- 722
- 070
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Movistar
- 722
- 007
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Movistar/Telefonica
- 722
- 070
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Movistar/Telefonica
- 722
- 020
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Nextel
- 722
- 299
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Nuestro
- 722
- 034
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Personal
- 722
- 299
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Telecentro
- 722
- 341
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Personal
- 722
- 340
- ar
- Argentina
- 54
- Personal
- 283
- 01
- am
- Armenia
- 374
- Beeline
- 283
- 04
- am
- Armenia
- 374
- KT
- 283
- 10
- am
- Armenia
- 374
- Orange
- 283
- 05
- am
- Armenia
- 374
- Viva-MTS
- 363
- 02
- aw
- Aruba
- 297
- Digicel
- 363
- 20
- aw
- Aruba
- 297
- Digicel
- 363
- 299
- aw
- Aruba
- 297
- 363
- 01
- aw
- Aruba
- 297
- 505
- 14
- au
- Australia
- 61
- AAPT Ltd.
- 505
- 299
- au
- Australia
- 61
- 505
- 24
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Advanced Comm Tech Pty.
- 505
- 09
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd..
- 505
- 30
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Compatel
- 505
- 04
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Department of Defense
- 505
- 999
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Fix Line
- 505
- 299
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Get SIM
- 505
- 12
- au
- Australia
- 61
- H3G Ltd.
- 505
- 06
- au
- Australia
- 61
- H3G Ltd.
- 505
- 88
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Pivotel Group Ltd
- 505
- 19
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Lycamobile
- 505
- 35
- au
- Australia
- 61
- MessageBird
- 505
- 10
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Norfolk Telecom
- 505
- 08
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Railcorp/Vodafone
- 505
- 99
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Railcorp/Vodafone
- 505
- 90
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Optus
- 505
- 50
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Pivotel
- 505
- 88
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Pivotel
- 505
- 13
- au
- Australia
- 61
- RailCorp
- 505
- 13
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Railcorp/Vodafone
- 505
- 26
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Sinch
- 505
- 02
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Optus
- 505
- 299
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Symbio
- 505
- 11
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Telstra
- 505
- 72
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Telstra
- 505
- 01
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Telstra
- 505
- 39
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Telstra
- 505
- 71
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Telstra
- 505
- 01
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Telstra
- 505
- 05
- au
- Australia
- 61
- The Ozitel Network Pty.
- 505
- 16
- au
- Australia
- 61
- VicTrack
- 505
- 03
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Vodafone
- 505
- 06
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Vodafone
- 505
- 12
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Vodafone
- 505
- 07
- au
- Australia
- 61
- Vodafone
- 232
- 11
- at
- Austria
- 43
- A1 Telekom
- 232
- 01
- at
- Austria
- 43
- A1 Telekom
- 232
- 09
- at
- Austria
- 43
- A1 Telekom
- 232
- 12
- at
- Austria
- 43
- A1 Telekom
- 232
- 02
- at
- Austria
- 43
- A1 Telekom
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- ArgoNET
- 232
- 15
- at
- Austria
- 43
- T-Mobile / Magenta
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- DIALOG telekom
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Digital Privacy
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- educom
- 232
- 999
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Fix Line
- 232
- 25
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Holding Graz
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Holding Graz
- 232
- 19
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Hutchinson Drei
- 232
- 14
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Hutchinson Drei
- 232
- 16
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Hutchinson Drei
- 232
- 10
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Hutchinson Drei
- 232
- 05
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Hutchinson Drei
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- kabelplus
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Lenovo Connect
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- LINK Mobility
- 232
- 26
- at
- Austria
- 43
- LIWEST Mobil
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- LIWEST Mobil
- 232
- 17
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Mass Response Service
- 232
- 20
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Mtel
- 232
- 91
- at
- Austria
- 43
- OBB Infrastruktur
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- OBB Infrastruktur
- 232
- 06
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Hutchison Drei / 3
- 232
- 22
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Plintron
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Plintron
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Simple SMS
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Skymond Mobile
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Smartel Services
- 232
- 24
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Smartel Services
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- smartspace
- 232
- 18
- at
- Austria
- 43
- smartspace
- 232
- 07
- at
- Austria
- 43
- T-Mobile / Magenta
- 232
- 04
- at
- Austria
- 43
- T-Mobile / Magenta
- 232
- 03
- at
- Austria
- 43
- T-Mobile / Magenta
- 232
- 13
- at
- Austria
- 43
- T-Mobile / Magenta
- 232
- 23
- at
- Austria
- 43
- T-Mobile / Magenta
- 232
- 08
- at
- Austria
- 43
- A1 Telekom
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Telfoni
- 232
- 27
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Tismi
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Tismi
- 232
- 299
- at
- Austria
- 43
- Ventocom
- 400
- 01
- az
- Azerbaijan
- 994
- Azercell
- 400
- 02
- az
- Azerbaijan
- 994
- Bakcell
- 400
- 03
- az
- Azerbaijan
- 994
- 400
- 04
- az
- Azerbaijan
- 994
- Nar Mobile
- 400
- 06
- az
- Azerbaijan
- 994
- Naxtel
- 364
- 490
- bs
- Bahamas
- 1242
- Aliv
- 364
- 390
- bs
- Bahamas
- 1242
- Cybercell / BaTelCo
- 364
- 30
- bs
- Bahamas
- 1242
- Cybercell / BaTelCo
- 364
- 39
- bs
- Bahamas
- 1242
- Cybercell / BaTelCo
- 364
- 03
- bs
- Bahamas
- 1242
- Smart Communications
- 426
- 01
- bh
- Bahrain
- 973
- Batelco
- 426
- 299
- bh
- Bahrain
- 973
- Failed Calls
- 426
- 999
- bh
- Bahrain
- 973
- Fix Line
- 426
- 05
- bh
- Bahrain
- 973
- Royal Court
- 426
- 04
- bh
- Bahrain
- 973
- 426
- 02
- bh
- Bahrain
- 973
- Zain
- 470
- 07
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- Airtel
- 470
- 02
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- Airtel
- 470
- 03
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- Banglalink
- 470
- 06
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- Citycell
- 470
- 05
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- Citycell
- 470
- 01
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- GrameenPhone
- 470
- 04
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- TeleTalk
- 470
- 07
- bd
- Bangladesh
- 880
- Airtel/Warid
- 342
- 810
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Cingular Wireless
- 342
- 750
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Digicel
- 342
- 050
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Digicel
- 342
- 299
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Failed Calls
- 342
- 600
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Flow / Lime
- 342
- 299
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Ozone
- 342
- 820
- bb
- Barbados
- 1246
- Sunbeach
- 257
- 03
- by
- Belarus
- 375
- BelCel JV
- 257
- 04
- by
- Belarus
- 375
- life:)
- 257
- 01
- by
- Belarus
- 375
- MDC/Velcom
- 257
- 02
- by
- Belarus
- 375
- 257
- 01
- by
- Belarus
- 375
- velcom A1
- 206
- 20
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Base
- 206
- 05
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Base
- 206
- 28
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- 206
- 25
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Dense Air
- 206
- 23
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Dust Mobile
- 206
- 33
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Ericsson
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- 206
- 999
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Fix Line
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- GianCom
- 206
- 02
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Infrabel
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- interactive digital media / IDM
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- L-mobi
- 206
- 99
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Lancelot
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Legos
- 206
- 06
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Lycamobile
- 206
- 30
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Mobile Vikings
- 206
- 10
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Mobistar / Orange
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Nord Connect
- 206
- 34
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- onoff
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- PM Factory
- 206
- 01
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Proximus
- 206
- 04
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Proximus
- 206
- 00
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Proximus
- 206
- 05
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Telenet Mobile
- 206
- 07
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Vectone Mobile
- 206
- 08
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- VOOmobile
- 206
- 299
- be
- Belgium
- 32
- Voxbone / Bandwidth
- 702
- 67
- bz
- Belize
- 501
- DigiCell
- 702
- 299
- bz
- Belize
- 501
- Failed Calls
- 702
- 68
- bz
- Belize
- 501
- International Telco (INTELCO)
- 702
- 099
- bz
- Belize
- 501
- Smart
- 702
- 69
- bz
- Belize
- 501
- Smart
- 616
- 04
- bj
- Benin
- 229
- Bell Benin/BBCOM
- 616
- 05
- bj
- Benin
- 229
- GloMobile
- 616
- 01
- bj
- Benin
- 229
- Libercom
- 616
- 02
- bj
- Benin
- 229
- Moov
- 616
- 03
- bj
- Benin
- 229
- 350
- 000
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- Bermuda Digital Communications Ltd (BDC)
- 350
- 99
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- CellOne Ltd
- 350
- 01
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- Digicel
- 350
- 299
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- Failed Calls
- 350
- 02
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- M3 Wireless Ltd
- 350
- 000
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- One
- 350
- 01
- bm
- Bermuda
- 1441
- Telecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd (Digicel Bermuda)
- 402
- 11
- bt
- Bhutan
- 975
- B-Mobile
- 402
- 17
- bt
- Bhutan
- 975
- Bhutan Telecom Ltd (BTL)
- 402
- 77
- bt
- Bhutan
- 975
- TashiCell
- 736
- 02
- bo
- Bolivia
- 591
- Entel Pcs
- 736
- 01
- bo
- Bolivia
- 591
- Viva/Nuevatel
- 736
- 03
- bo
- Bolivia
- 591
- Tigo
- 362
- 999
- bq
- Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
- 599
- Fix Line
- 218
- 90
- ba
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 387
- BH Mobile
- 218
- 03
- ba
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 387
- Eronet
- 218
- 05
- ba
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 387
- m:tel
- 652
- 04
- bw
- Botswana
- 267
- beMobile
- 652
- 01
- bw
- Botswana
- 267
- Mascom
- 652
- 02
- bw
- Botswana
- 267
- Orange
- 724
- 26
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- AmericaNet
- 724
- 12
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Claro/Albra/America Movil
- 724
- 38
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Claro/Albra/America Movil
- 724
- 05
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Claro/Albra/America Movil
- 724
- 01
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Vivo S.A./Telemig
- 724
- 34
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- CTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
- 724
- 33
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- CTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
- 724
- 32
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- CTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
- 724
- 08
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- 724
- 39
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Nextel (Telet)
- 724
- 00
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Nextel (Telet)
- 724
- 16
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Brazil Telcom
- 724
- 24
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Amazonia Celular S/A
- 724
- 30
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Oi (TNL PCS / Oi)
- 724
- 31
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Oi (TNL PCS / Oi)
- 724
- 54
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- 724
- 15
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Sercontel Cel
- 724
- 07
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- CTBC/Triangulo
- 724
- 19
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Vivo S.A./Telemig
- 724
- 03
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- 724
- 02
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- 724
- 04
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- 724
- 37
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Unicel do Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- 724
- 10
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Vivo S.A./Telemig
- 724
- 06
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Vivo S.A./Telemig
- 724
- 23
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Vivo S.A./Telemig
- 724
- 11
- br
- Brazil
- 55
- Vivo S.A./Telemig
- 348
- 570
- vg
- British Virgin Islands
- 284
- Caribbean Cellular
- 348
- 770
- vg
- British Virgin Islands
- 284
- Digicel
- 348
- 170
- vg
- British Virgin Islands
- 284
- 528
- 02
- bn
- Brunei
- 673
- b-mobile
- 528
- 11
- bn
- Brunei
- 673
- Datastream (DTSCom)
- 528
- 01
- bn
- Brunei
- 673
- Telekom Brunei Bhd (TelBru)
- 284
- 01
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- A1
- 284
- 06
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- Vivacom
- 284
- 03
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- Vivacom
- 284
- 11
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- Bulsatcom
- 284
- 13
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- T.com
- 284
- 05
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- Telenor
- 284
- 03
- bg
- Bulgaria
- 359
- Vivacom
- 613
- 02
- bf
- Burkina Faso
- 226
- Orange
- 613
- 03
- bf
- Burkina Faso
- 226
- Telecel
- 613
- 01
- bf
- Burkina Faso
- 226
- Telmob
- 642
- 02
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- Africel / Safaris
- 642
- 999
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- Fix Line
- 642
- 82
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- Leo
- 642
- 01
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- Leo
- 642
- 08
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- Lumitel
- 642
- 03
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- 642
- 07
- bi
- Burundi
- 257
- Smart
- 456
- 04
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- QB
- 456
- 01
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Cellcard
- 456
- 299
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- CooTel
- 456
- 08
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Metfone
- 456
- 18
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Cellcard
- 456
- 299
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- 456
- 03
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- QB/Cambodia Adv. Comms.
- 456
- 11
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Seatel
- 456
- 06
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Smart
- 456
- 05
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Smart
- 456
- 02
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Smart
- 456
- 09
- kh
- Cambodia
- 855
- Sotelco/Beeline
- 624
- 01
- cm
- Cameroon
- 237
- 624
- 04
- cm
- Cameroon
- 237
- Nexttel
- 624
- 02
- cm
- Cameroon
- 237
- Orange
- 302
- 652
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- BC Tel Mobility
- 302
- 630
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Bell Aliant
- 302
- 610
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Bell Mobility
- 302
- 651
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Bell Mobility
- 302
- 670
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- CityWest Mobility
- 302
- 361
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Clearnet
- 302
- 360
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Clearnet
- 302
- 380
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- DMTS Mobility
- 302
- 710
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Globalstar Canada
- 302
- 640
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Latitude Wireless
- 302
- 370
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- FIDO (Rogers AT&T/ Microcell)
- 302
- 320
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- mobilicity
- 302
- 702
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- MT&T Mobility
- 302
- 660
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- MTS Mobility
- 302
- 655
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- MTS Mobility
- 302
- 701
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- NB Tel Mobility
- 302
- 703
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- New Tel Mobility
- 302
- 760
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Public Mobile
- 302
- 657
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Quebectel Mobility
- 302
- 720
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Rogers AT&T Wireless
- 302
- 680
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Sask Tel Mobility
- 302
- 780
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Sask Tel Mobility
- 302
- 654
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Sask Tel Mobility
- 302
- 656
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Tbay Mobility
- 302
- 653
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Telus Mobility
- 302
- 220
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Telus Mobility
- 302
- 500
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- Videotron
- 302
- 490
- ca
- Canada
- 1
- 625
- 01
- cv
- Cape Verde
- 238
- CVMovel
- 625
- 02
- cv
- Cape Verde
- 238
- Unitel T+
- 346
- 050
- ky
- Cayman Islands
- 1345
- Digicel
- 346
- 006
- ky
- Cayman Islands
- 1345
- Digicel Ltd.
- 346
- 140
- ky
- Cayman Islands
- 1345
- Flow / Lime
- 346
- 001
- ky
- Cayman Islands
- 1345
- Logic
- 623
- 04
- cf
- Central African Republic
- 236
- Azur
- 623
- 299
- cf
- Central African Republic
- 236
- Failed Calls
- 623
- 01
- cf
- Central African Republic
- 236
- Moov
- 623
- 03
- cf
- Central African Republic
- 236
- Orange
- 623
- 299
- cf
- Central African Republic
- 236
- Socatel
- 623
- 02
- cf
- Central African Republic
- 236
- Telecel
- 622
- 01
- td
- Chad
- 235
- Airtel
- 622
- 03
- td
- Chad
- 235
- Moov
- 622
- 04
- td
- Chad
- 235
- Salam
- 622
- 02
- td
- Chad
- 235
- Tchad Mobile
- 730
- 06
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Blue Two Chile SA
- 730
- 11
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Celupago SA
- 730
- 15
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Cibeles Telecom SA
- 730
- 03
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Claro
- 730
- 10
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Entel Telefonia
- 730
- 01
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Entel Telefonia Mov
- 730
- 14
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Netline Telefonica Movil Ltda
- 730
- 09
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Nextel SA
- 730
- 05
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Nextel SA
- 730
- 04
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Nextel SA
- 730
- 19
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Sociedad Falabella Movil SPA
- 730
- 07
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- 730
- 02
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- 730
- 12
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Telestar Movil SA
- 730
- 00
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- 730
- 13
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- Tribe Mobile SPA
- 730
- 08
- cl
- Chile
- 56
- VTR Banda Ancha SA
- 460
- 07
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Mobile GSM
- 460
- 00
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Mobile GSM
- 460
- 02
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Mobile GSM
- 460
- 04
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Space Mobile Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd (China Spacecom)
- 460
- 03
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Telecom
- 460
- 05
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Telecom
- 460
- 06
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Unicom
- 460
- 01
- cn
- China
- 86
- China Unicom
- 460
- 999
- cn
- China
- 86
- Fix Line
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- ATnet
- 732
- 130
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Avantel
- 732
- 102
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Movistar
- 732
- 666
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Claro
- 732
- 101
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Claro
- 732
- 002
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Edatel
- 732
- 187
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- eTb
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Eztalk Mobile
- 732
- 999
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Fix Line
- 732
- 240
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Flash Mobile
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Gomobile
- 732
- 220
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Libre Tecnologias
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Movil Exito
- 732
- 123
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Movistar
- 732
- 001
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Movistar
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Plintron
- 732
- 230
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Setroc Mobile
- 732
- 199
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- SUMA movil
- 732
- 165
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Tigo
- 732
- 103
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Tigo
- 732
- 111
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Tigo
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- 732
- 142
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- 732
- 020
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- 732
- 299
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Vilacom Mobile
- 732
- 154
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- Virgin Mobile
- 732
- 360
- co
- Colombia
- 57
- 654
- 299
- km
- Comoros
- 269
- Failed Calls
- 654
- 01
- km
- Comoros
- 269
- 654
- 02
- km
- Comoros
- 269
- Telma
- 629
- 01
- cg
- Congo
- 242
- Airtel
- 629
- 02
- cg
- Congo
- 242
- Azur SA (ETC)
- 629
- 10
- cg
- Congo
- 242
- 629
- 07
- cg
- Congo
- 242
- Warid
- 548
- 01
- ck
- Cook Islands
- 682
- Vodafone / Bluesky
- 712
- 03
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- Claro
- 712
- 999
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- Fix Line
- 712
- 999
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- Fix Line
- 712
- 02
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- 712
- 01
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- 712
- 04
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- Movistar
- 712
- 20
- cr
- Costa Rica
- 506
- Virtualis
- 219
- 10
- hr
- Croatia
- 385
- A1 / VIP
- 219
- 999
- hr
- Croatia
- 385
- Fix Line
- 219
- 01
- hr
- Croatia
- 385
- T-Mobile
- 219
- 12
- hr
- Croatia
- 385
- 219
- 02
- hr
- Croatia
- 385
- Telemach / Tele2
- 368
- 01
- cu
- Cuba
- 53
- CubaCel/C-COM
- 368
- 999
- cu
- Cuba
- 53
- Fix Line
- 362
- 95
- cw
- Curacao
- 599
- EOCG Wireless NV
- 362
- 999
- cw
- Curacao
- 599
- Fix Line
- 362
- 69
- cw
- Curacao
- 599
- Polycom N.V./ Digicel
- 280
- 22
- cy
- Cyprus
- 357
- Cablenet / Lemontel
- 280
- 02
- cy
- Cyprus
- 357
- Cytamobile-Vodafone
- 280
- 01
- cy
- Cyprus
- 357
- Cytamobile-Vodafone
- 280
- 10
- cy
- Cyprus
- 357
- Epic / MTN
- 280
- 999
- cy
- Cyprus
- 357
- Fix Line
- 280
- 20
- cy
- Cyprus
- 357
- PrimeTel
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- +4U Mobile
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 3ton
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 08
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Compatel
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Dragon
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- EriMobile
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Fayn
- 230
- 999
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Fix Line
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- GoMobil
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- ha-loo mobil
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Laudatio
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Nej Mobil
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- NETBOX Mobil
- 230
- 04
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Nordic Telecom
- 230
- 02
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- O2
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Odorik
- 230
- 05
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 98
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- 230
- 07
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- T-Mobile
- 230
- 01
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- T-Mobile
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Tesco Mobile
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- TOPefekt
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- TT Quality
- 230
- 09
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Uniphone
- 230
- 299
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Uniphone
- 230
- 03
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Vodafone
- 230
- 03
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Vodafone
- 230
- 99
- cz
- Czech Republic
- 420
- Vodafone
- 630
- 90
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Africell
- 630
- 02
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Airtel
- 630
- 299
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Failed Calls
- 630
- 86
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Orange
- 630
- 05
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Supercell
- 630
- 299
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Tatem
- 630
- 89
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- TIGO/Oasis
- 630
- 01
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Vodacom
- 630
- 88
- cd
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- 243
- Yozma Timeturns
- 238
- 23
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Banedanmark
- 238
- 15
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Net 1
- 238
- 88
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Cobira
- 238
- 13
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Compatel
- 238
- 05
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- 238
- 999
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Fix Line
- 238
- 17
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Gotanet
- 238
- 42
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Greenwave
- 238
- 06
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- 3
- 238
- 28
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- LINK Mobility
- 238
- 12
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Lycamobile
- 238
- 14
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Monty Mobile
- 238
- 07
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Mundio Mobile
- 238
- 04
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Nexcon.io
- 238
- 73
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Onomondo
- 238
- 30
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Pareteum
- 238
- 03
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Syniverse Technologies
- 238
- 10
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- 238
- 01
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- 238
- 77
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Telenor
- 238
- 02
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Telenor
- 238
- 96
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Telia
- 238
- 20
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Telia
- 238
- 30
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Telia
- 238
- 16
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Tismi
- 238
- 25
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Viahub
- 238
- 08
- dk
- Denmark
- 45
- Voxbone / Bandwidth
- 638
- 01
- dj
- Djibouti
- 253
- Evatis
- 366
- 110
- dm
- Dominica
- 1767
- C & W
- 366
- 020
- dm
- Dominica
- 1767
- Cingular Wireless/Digicel
- 366
- 050
- dm
- Dominica
- 1767
- Wireless Ventures (Dominica) Ltd (Digicel Dominica)
- 370
- 02
- do
- Dominican Republic
- 1809
- Claro
- 370
- 01
- do
- Dominican Republic
- 1809
- Orange
- 370
- 03
- do
- Dominican Republic
- 1809
- TRIcom
- 370
- 04
- do
- Dominican Republic
- 1809
- Viva
- 514
- 299
- tl
- East Timor
- 670
- Failed Calls
- 514
- 999
- tl
- East Timor
- 670
- Fix Line
- 514
- 03
- tl
- East Timor
- 670
- Telemor
- 514
- 01
- tl
- East Timor
- 670
- Telkomcel
- 514
- 02
- tl
- East Timor
- 670
- Timor Telecom
- 740
- 01
- ec
- Ecuador
- 593
- Claro/Port
- 740
- 02
- ec
- Ecuador
- 593
- CNT Mobile
- 740
- 000
- ec
- Ecuador
- 593
- Failed Call(s)
- 740
- 00
- ec
- Ecuador
- 593
- 740
- 03
- ec
- Ecuador
- 593
- Tuenti
- 602
- 03
- eg
- Egypt
- 20
- Etisalat
- 602
- 299
- eg
- Egypt
- 20
- Failed Calls
- 602
- 01
- eg
- Egypt
- 20
- Orange
- 602
- 02
- eg
- Egypt
- 20
- Vodafone
- 602
- 04
- eg
- Egypt
- 20
- WE
- 706
- 01
- sv
- El Salvador
- 503
- 706
- 02
- sv
- El Salvador
- 503
- Digicel
- 706
- 05
- sv
- El Salvador
- 503
- 706
- 04
- sv
- El Salvador
- 503
- Telefonica
- 706
- 03
- sv
- El Salvador
- 503
- Telemovil
- 627
- 299
- gq
- Equatorial Guinea
- 240
- Failed Calls
- 627
- 03
- gq
- Equatorial Guinea
- 240
- Muni
- 627
- 01
- gq
- Equatorial Guinea
- 240
- Orange
- 657
- 01
- er
- Eritrea
- 291
- Eritel
- 248
- 02
- ee
- Estonia
- 372
- Elisa
- 248
- 03
- ee
- Estonia
- 372
- Tele2
- 248
- 13
- ee
- Estonia
- 372
- Telia
- 248
- 01
- ee
- Estonia
- 372
- Telia
- 248
- 04
- ee
- Estonia
- 372
- TravelSim
- 636
- 01
- et
- Ethiopia
- 251
- Ethio Mobile
- 750
- 001
- fk
- Falkland Islands
- 500
- Sure
- 288
- 01
- fo
- Faroe Islands
- 298
- Faroese Telecom
- 288
- 02
- fo
- Faroe Islands
- 298
- Hey / Kall
- 288
- 03
- fo
- Faroe Islands
- 298
- Tosa
- 542
- 02
- fj
- Fiji
- 679
- DigiCell
- 542
- 01
- fj
- Fiji
- 679
- Vodafone
- 244
- 14
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Alcom
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Benemen
- 244
- 26
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Compatel
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Cuuma
- 244
- 03
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 12
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 13
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 04
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 12
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 21
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Elisa
- 244
- 06
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Elisa
- 244
- 05
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Elisa
- 244
- 05
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Elisa
- 244
- 82
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- interactive digital media / IDM
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- interactive digital media / IDM
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Lancelot
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- MI Carrier Services
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- MobiWeb
- 244
- 11
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Viahub
- 244
- 24
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Nord Connect
- 244
- 41
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 09
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 08
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 38
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 39
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 40
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 07
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 10
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- TDC Oy Finland
- 244
- 43
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Telavox
- 244
- 36
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Telia
- 244
- 91
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Telia
- 244
- 15
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Telit
- 244
- 37
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Tismi
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- TravelSim
- 244
- 299
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Twilio
- 244
- 35
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Ukko Mobile
- 244
- 42
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Viahub
- 244
- 47
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 46
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 45
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 33
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- 244
- 32
- fi
- Finland
- 358
- Voxbone / Bandwidth
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Add-On Multimedia
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Afone Mobile
- 208
- 28
- fr
- France
- 33
- Airmob
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Alphalink
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Alphalink
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Annatel
- 208
- 92
- fr
- France
- 33
- IP Directions
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Atlas
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Auchan
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Auchan
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Axialys
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Bazile
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 88
- fr
- France
- 33
- Bouygues Telecom
- 208
- 21
- fr
- France
- 33
- Bouygues Telecom
- 208
- 20
- fr
- France
- 33
- Bouygues Telecom
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Bretagne Telecom
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 34
- fr
- France
- 33
- Cellhire
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Codepi
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Coolwave
- 208
- 27
- fr
- France
- 33
- Coriolis
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- CTExcel
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Doctolib
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Failed Calls
- 208
- 999
- fr
- France
- 33
- Fix Line
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Foliateam
- 208
- 36
- fr
- France
- 33
- Free Mobile
- 208
- 15
- fr
- France
- 33
- Free Mobile
- 208
- 14
- fr
- France
- 33
- Free Mobile
- 208
- 35
- fr
- France
- 33
- Free Mobile
- 208
- 16
- fr
- France
- 33
- Free Mobile
- 208
- 07
- fr
- France
- 33
- GlobalStar
- 208
- 06
- fr
- France
- 33
- GlobalStar
- 208
- 05
- fr
- France
- 33
- GlobalStar
- 208
- 94
- fr
- France
- 33
- Halys
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Happy Telecom
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Hexatel
- 208
- 89
- fr
- France
- 33
- Hub One
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- i-via
- 208
- 29
- fr
- France
- 33
- Orange
- 208
- 37
- fr
- France
- 33
- IP Directions
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- IP Telecom
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Iptis
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- JOi
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Kertel
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Keyyo Mobile
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- La Poste Mobile
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- La Poste Mobile
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 38
- fr
- France
- 33
- Lebara
- 208
- 17
- fr
- France
- 33
- Legos
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Linkt
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 15
- fr
- France
- 33
- Free Mobile
- 208
- 25
- fr
- France
- 33
- Lycamobile
- 208
- 24
- fr
- France
- 33
- MobiquiThings
- 208
- 03
- fr
- France
- 33
- MobiquiThings
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Netcom
- 208
- 39
- fr
- France
- 33
- Networth Telecom
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Nordnet
- 208
- 26
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 23
- fr
- France
- 33
- Hub One
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- onoff
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- OpenIP
- 208
- 01
- fr
- France
- 33
- Orange
- 208
- 32
- fr
- France
- 33
- Orange
- 208
- 91
- fr
- France
- 33
- Orange
- 208
- 02
- fr
- France
- 33
- Orange
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Paritel
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Prixtel
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Prixtel
- 208
- 10
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Sewan Communications
- 208
- 11
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 13
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 09
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 10
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 08
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- SIMbioz
- 208
- 04
- fr
- France
- 33
- Axialys
- 208
- 30
- fr
- France
- 33
- Syma Mobile
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 00
- fr
- France
- 33
- Tel/Te
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Tismi
- 208
- 22
- fr
- France
- 33
- Transatel
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- Trunkline
- 208
- 12
- fr
- France
- 33
- Truphone
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- unyc
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- 208
- 31
- fr
- France
- 33
- Vectone Mobile
- 208
- 299
- fr
- France
- 33
- VOIP Telecom
- 340
- 20
- gf
- French Guiana
- 594
- Bouygues/DigiCel
- 340
- 01
- gf
- French Guiana
- 594
- Orange Caribe
- 340
- 02
- gf
- French Guiana
- 594
- Outremer Telecom
- 340
- 11
- gf
- French Guiana
- 594
- TelCell GSM
- 340
- 03
- gf
- French Guiana
- 594
- TelCell GSM
- 547
- 15
- pf
- French Polynesia
- 689
- Pacific Mobile Telecom (PMT)
- 547
- 20
- pf
- French Polynesia
- 689
- Vini/Tikiphone
- 628
- 03
- ga
- Gabon
- 241
- Airtel
- 628
- 04
- ga
- Gabon
- 241
- Azur/Usan S.A.
- 628
- 299
- ga
- Gabon
- 241
- Failed Calls
- 628
- 01
- ga
- Gabon
- 241
- Libertis
- 628
- 02
- ga
- Gabon
- 241
- MOOV/Telecel
- 607
- 02
- gm
- Gambia
- 220
- Africel
- 607
- 03
- gm
- Gambia
- 220
- Comium
- 607
- 01
- gm
- Gambia
- 220
- Gamcel
- 607
- 04
- gm
- Gambia
- 220
- QCell
- 282
- 04
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Beeline
- 282
- 01
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Geocell
- 282
- 07
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- GlobalCell
- 282
- 03
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Iberiatel Ltd.
- 282
- 02
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- MagtiCom
- 282
- 11
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Mobilive
- 282
- 22
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- MyPhone
- 282
- 10
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Premium Net
- 282
- 05
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Silknet
- 282
- 08
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Silknet
- 282
- 12
- ge
- Georgia
- 995
- Telecom 1
- 262
- 23
- de
- Germany
- 49
- 1&1
- 262
- 299
- de
- Germany
- 49
- 1&1
- 262
- 299
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Argon Networks
- 262
- 13
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr
- 262
- 10
- de
- Germany
- 49
- DB Netz
- 262
- 77
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / E-Plus
- 262
- 20
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / E-Plus
- 262
- 999
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Fix Line
- 262
- 14
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Lebara
- 262
- 43
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Lycamobile
- 262
- 21
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Multiconnect
- 262
- 299
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Multiconnect
- 262
- 22
- de
- Germany
- 49
- sipgate
- 262
- 33
- de
- Germany
- 49
- sipgate
- 262
- 299
- de
- Germany
- 49
- TelcoVillage
- 262
- 24
- de
- Germany
- 49
- TelcoVillage
- 262
- 05
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / E-Plus
- 262
- 17
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / E-Plus
- 262
- 12
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / E-Plus
- 262
- 03
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / E-Plus
- 262
- 11
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / O2
- 262
- 08
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / O2
- 262
- 16
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / O2
- 262
- 07
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telefonica / O2
- 262
- 78
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telekom / T-mobile
- 262
- 06
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telekom / T-mobile
- 262
- 01
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Telekom / T-mobile
- 262
- 299
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Tismi
- 262
- 299
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Truphone
- 262
- 09
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Vodafone
- 262
- 04
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Vodafone
- 262
- 02
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Vodafone
- 262
- 42
- de
- Germany
- 49
- Vodafone
- 620
- 06
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Airtel
- 620
- 03
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Airtel
- 620
- 299
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Comsys
- 620
- 04
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Expresso Ghana Ltd
- 620
- 07
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Glo
- 620
- 01
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- 620
- 05
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- National Security
- 620
- 08
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Surfline
- 620
- 02
- gh
- Ghana
- 233
- Vodafone
- 266
- 06
- gi
- Gibraltar
- 350
- CTS Mobile
- 266
- 09
- gi
- Gibraltar
- 350
- eazi telecom
- 266
- 999
- gi
- Gibraltar
- 350
- Fix Line
- 266
- 299
- gi
- Gibraltar
- 350
- GibFibreSpeed
- 266
- 01
- gi
- Gibraltar
- 350
- Gibtel
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- AMD Telecom
- 202
- 07
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- AMD Telecom
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Apifon
- 202
- 15
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 02
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Cosmote
- 202
- 01
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Cosmote
- 202
- 14
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- CyTa Mobile
- 202
- 999
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Fix Line
- 202
- 16
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Inter Telecom
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Interconnect
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Nova
- 202
- 04
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 04
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 03
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 03
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- 202
- 299
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Premium Net
- 202
- 10
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Wind
- 202
- 05
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Vodafone
- 202
- 09
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Wind
- 202
- 10
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Wind
- 202
- 12
- gr
- Greece
- 30
- Yuboto
- 290
- 01
- gl
- Greenland
- 299
- Tele Greenland
- 352
- 110
- gd
- Grenada
- 1473
- Cable & Wireless
- 352
- 030
- gd
- Grenada
- 1473
- Digicel
- 352
- 050
- gd
- Grenada
- 1473
- Digicel
- 340
- 08
- gp
- Guadeloupe
- 590
- Dauphin Telecom SU (Guadeloupe Telecom)
- 340
- 10
- gp
- Guadeloupe
- 590
- 310
- 370
- gu
- Guam
- 1671
- Docomo
- 310
- 470
- gu
- Guam
- 1671
- Docomo
- 310
- 140
- gu
- Guam
- 1671
- GTA Wireless
- 310
- 033
- gu
- Guam
- 1671
- Guam Teleph. Auth
- 310
- 032
- gu
- Guam
- 1671
- IT&E OverSeas
- 311
- 250
- gu
- Guam
- 1671
- Wave Runner LLC
- 704
- 01
- gt
- Guatemala
- 502
- Claro
- 704
- 03
- gt
- Guatemala
- 502
- Telefonica
- 704
- 02
- gt
- Guatemala
- 502
- 611
- 05
- gn
- Guinea
- 224
- Cellcom
- 611
- 03
- gn
- Guinea
- 224
- Intercel
- 611
- 04
- gn
- Guinea
- 224
- 611
- 01
- gn
- Guinea
- 224
- Orange
- 611
- 02
- gn
- Guinea
- 224
- SotelGui
- 632
- 999
- gw
- Guinea-Bissau
- 245
- Fix Line
- 632
- 01
- gw
- Guinea-Bissau
- 245
- Guinetel
- 632
- 02
- gw
- Guinea-Bissau
- 245
- 632
- 03
- gw
- Guinea-Bissau
- 245
- Orange
- 738
- 02
- gy
- Guyana
- 592
- Cellink Plus
- 738
- 01
- gy
- Guyana
- 592
- DigiCel
- 372
- 01
- ht
- Haiti
- 509
- Comcel
- 372
- 02
- ht
- Haiti
- 509
- Digicel
- 372
- 03
- ht
- Haiti
- 509
- Natcom
- 708
- 040
- hn
- Honduras
- 504
- Digicel
- 708
- 030
- hn
- Honduras
- 504
- HonduTel
- 708
- 001
- hn
- Honduras
- 504
- 708
- 002
- hn
- Honduras
- 504
- Telefonica/CELTEL
- 454
- 12
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- China Mobile/Peoples
- 454
- 28
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- China Mobile/Peoples
- 454
- 13
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- China Mobile/Peoples
- 454
- 09
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- China Motion
- 454
- 07
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- China Unicom Ltd
- 454
- 11
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- China-HongKong Telecom Ltd (CHKTL)
- 454
- 01
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- Citic Telecom Ltd.
- 454
- 02
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- CSL Ltd.
- 454
- 00
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- CSL Ltd.
- 454
- 18
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- CSL Ltd.
- 454
- 10
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- CSL/New World PCS Ltd.
- 454
- 31
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- CTExcel
- 454
- 14
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- H3G/Hutchinson
- 454
- 05
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- H3G/Hutchinson
- 454
- 04
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- H3G/Hutchinson
- 454
- 03
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- H3G/Hutchinson
- 454
- 20
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- 454
- 19
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- 454
- 29
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- 454
- 16
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- 454
- 47
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- shared by private TETRA systems
- 454
- 24
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- Multibyte Info Technology Ltd
- 454
- 40
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- shared by private TETRA systems
- 454
- 08
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- Truephone
- 454
- 17
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- Vodafone/SmarTone
- 454
- 15
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- Vodafone/SmarTone
- 454
- 06
- hk
- Hongkong
- 852
- Vodafone/SmarTone
- 216
- 299
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Antenna
- 216
- 03
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Digi
- 216
- 999
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Fix line
- 216
- 299
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Invitech
- 216
- 299
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Mobil4
- 216
- 02
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- 216
- 299
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Netfone
- 216
- 299
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- 216
- 30
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Telekom
- 216
- 01
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Telenor
- 216
- 71
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- UPC Magyarorszag Kft.
- 216
- 299
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Vidanet
- 216
- 71
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Vodafone
- 216
- 70
- hu
- Hungary
- 36
- Vodafone
- 274
- 09
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Amitelo
- 274
- 07
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- IceCell
- 274
- 11
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- 274
- 31
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Siminn
- 274
- 08
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Siminn
- 274
- 01
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Siminn
- 274
- 16
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Tismi
- 274
- 04
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Viking Wireless
- 274
- 12
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Vodafone
- 274
- 02
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Vodafone
- 274
- 03
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Vodafone
- 274
- 05
- is
- Iceland
- 354
- Vodafone
- 404
- 17
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel
- 404
- 42
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel
- 404
- 33
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel
- 404
- 29
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel
- 404
- 28
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel
- 404
- 25
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel
- 404
- 01
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel Digilink India
- 404
- 15
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel Digilink India
- 404
- 60
- in
- India
- 91
- Aircel Digilink India
- 405
- 53
- in
- India
- 91
- AirTel
- 404
- 86
- in
- India
- 91
- Barakhamba Sales & Serv.
- 404
- 13
- in
- India
- 91
- Barakhamba Sales & Serv.
- 404
- 58
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 81
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 74
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 38
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 57
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 80
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 73
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 34
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 66
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 55
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 72
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 77
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 64
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 54
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 71
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 76
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 62
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 53
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 59
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 75
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 51
- in
- India
- 91
- 404
- 10
- in
- India
- 91
- Bharti Airtel Limited (Delhi)
- 404
- 045
- in
- India
- 91
- Bharti Airtel Limited (Karnataka) (India)
- 404
- 79
- in
- India
- 91
- CellOne A&N
- 404
- 87
- in
- India
- 91
- Escorts Telecom Ltd.
- 404
- 82
- in
- India
- 91
- Escorts Telecom Ltd.
- 404
- 89
- in
- India
- 91
- Escorts Telecom Ltd.
- 404
- 88
- in
- India
- 91
- Escorts Telecom Ltd.
- 404
- 12
- in
- India
- 91
- Escotel Mobile Communications
- 404
- 19
- in
- India
- 91
- Escotel Mobile Communications
- 404
- 56
- in
- India
- 91
- Escotel Mobile Communications
- 405
- 05
- in
- India
- 91
- Fascel Limited
- 404
- 05
- in
- India
- 91
- Fascel
- 404
- 998
- in
- India
- 91
- Fix Line
- 404
- 70
- in
- India
- 91
- Hexacom India
- 404
- 16
- in
- India
- 91
- Hexcom India
- 404
- 78
- in
- India
- 91
- Idea Cellular Ltd.
- 404
- 07
- in
- India
- 91
- Idea Cellular Ltd.
- 404
- 04
- in
- India
- 91
- Idea Cellular Ltd.
- 404
- 24
- in
- India
- 91
- Idea Cellular Ltd.
- 404
- 22
- in
- India
- 91
- Idea Cellular Ltd.
- 404
- 69
- in
- India
- 91
- Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
- 404
- 68
- in
- India
- 91
- Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
- 404
- 83
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliable Internet Services
- 404
- 50
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 67
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 18
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 85
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 09
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 405
- 87
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 36
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 52
- in
- India
- 91
- Reliance Telecom Private
- 404
- 41
- in
- India
- 91
- RPG Cellular
- 404
- 14
- in
- India
- 91
- Spice
- 404
- 44
- in
- India
- 91
- Spice
- 404
- 11
- in
- India
- 91
- Sterling Cellular Ltd.
- 405
- 034
- in
- India
- 91
- TATA / Karnataka
- 404
- 30
- in
- India
- 91
- Usha Martin Telecom
- 404
- 999
- in
- India
- 91
- Various Networks
- 404
- 27
- in
- India
- 91
- Unknown
- 404
- 43
- in
- India
- 91
- Vodafone/Essar/Hutch
- 404
- 20
- in
- India
- 91
- Unknown
- 510
- 08
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Axis/Natrindo
- 510
- 99
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Esia (PT Bakrie Telecom) (CDMA)
- 510
- 999
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Fix Line
- 510
- 07
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Flexi (PT Telkom) (CDMA)
- 510
- 89
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- H3G CP
- 510
- 21
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Indosat/Satelindo/M3
- 510
- 01
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Indosat/Satelindo/M3
- 510
- 00
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN)
- 510
- 27
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (STI)
- 510
- 28
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk
- 510
- 09
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk
- 510
- 11
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- PT. Excelcom
- 510
- 10
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Telkomsel
- 510
- 07
- id
- Indonesia
- 62
- Telkomsel
- 901
- 13
- n/a
- International Networks
- 882
- Antarctica
- 432
- 999
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- Fix Line
- 432
- 19
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan JV-PJS (MTCE)
- 432
- 70
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- 432
- 35
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- MTN/IranCell
- 432
- 20
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- Rightel
- 432
- 32
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- Taliya
- 432
- 11
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- 432
- 14
- ir
- Iran
- 98
- 418
- 05
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Asia Cell
- 418
- 66
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Fastlink
- 418
- 92
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Itisaluna and Kalemat
- 418
- 82
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Korek
- 418
- 40
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Korek
- 418
- 45
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Mobitel
- 418
- 30
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Orascom Telecom
- 418
- 08
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Sanatel
- 418
- 20
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Zain
- 418
- 30
- iq
- Iraq
- 964
- Zain
- 272
- 04
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Access Telecom Ltd.
- 272
- 03
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Meteor / eir mobile
- 272
- 07
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Meteor / eir mobile
- 272
- 08
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Meteor / eir mobile
- 272
- 13
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Lycamobile
- 272
- 11
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Tesco Mobile
- 272
- 17
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- 3
- 272
- 02
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- 3
- 272
- 05
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- 3
- 272
- 15
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Virgin Media
- 272
- 01
- ie
- Ireland
- 353
- Vodafone
- 425
- 19
- il
- Israel
- 972
- 019 Mobile
- 425
- 299
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Annatel Mobile
- 425
- 23
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Beezz
- 425
- 299
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Bynet
- 425
- 299
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Cellact
- 425
- 02
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Cellcom
- 425
- 299
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Failed Calls
- 425
- 08
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Golan Telecom
- 425
- 15
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Home Cellular
- 425
- 77
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Hot Mobile
- 425
- 07
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Hot Mobile
- 425
- 07
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Hot Mobile
- 425
- 13
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Ituran
- 425
- 22
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Maskyoo
- 425
- 01
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Orange
- 425
- 03
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Pelephone
- 425
- 12
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Pelephone
- 425
- 16
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Rami Levy Communications
- 425
- 299
- il
- Israel
- 972
- T2T
- 425
- 19
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Telzar/AZI
- 425
- 17
- il
- Israel
- 972
- Von waves
- 425
- 09
- il
- Israel
- 972
- We4G
- 425
- 14
- il
- Israel
- 972
- YouPhone
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- A-Tono
- 222
- 40
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Agile Telecom
- 222
- 34
- it
- Italy
- 39
- BT mobile
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Esendex
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Compatel
- 222
- 53
- it
- Italy
- 39
- CoopVoce
- 222
- 36
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Digi
- 222
- 36
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Digi
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- DireQ
- 222
- 02
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Elsacom
- 222
- 42
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Enel
- 222
- 08
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Fastweb
- 222
- 999
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Fix Line
- 222
- 99
- it
- Italy
- 39
- WindTre / Hi3G
- 222
- 50
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Iliad
- 222
- 77
- it
- Italy
- 39
- IPSE 2000
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Kaleyra
- 222
- 39
- it
- Italy
- 39
- SMS.it / LINK Mobility
- 222
- 35
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Lycamobile
- 222
- 07
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Noverca Italia
- 222
- 54
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Plintron
- 222
- 33
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Poste Mobile
- 222
- 00
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Premium Numbers
- 222
- 58
- it
- Italy
- 39
- rdcom
- 222
- 30
- it
- Italy
- 39
- 222
- 56
- it
- Italy
- 39
- spusu
- 222
- 43
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Telecom Italia Mobile
- 222
- 01
- it
- Italy
- 39
- 222
- 48
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Telecom Italia Mobile
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Sparkle
- 222
- 44
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Mundio
- 222
- 51
- it
- Italy
- 39
- ho.
- 222
- 49
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Vianova Mobile
- 222
- 10
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Vodafone
- 222
- 06
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Vodafone
- 222
- 06
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Vodafone
- 222
- 00
- it
- Italy
- 39
- VOIP Line
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Vola
- 222
- 299
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Webcom
- 222
- 44
- it
- Italy
- 39
- Mundio
- 222
- 88
- it
- Italy
- 39
- WindTre / WIND
- 222
- 37
- it
- Italy
- 39
- WindTre / Hi3G
- 612
- 07
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- Aircomm SA
- 612
- 04
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- Comium
- 612
- 01
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- Comstar
- 612
- 02
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- Moov
- 612
- 05
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- 612
- 03
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- Orange
- 612
- 06
- ci
- Ivory Coast
- 225
- OriCell
- 338
- 020
- jm
- Jamaica
- 1876
- Cable & Wireless
- 338
- 110
- jm
- Jamaica
- 1876
- Cable & Wireless
- 338
- 180
- jm
- Jamaica
- 1876
- Cable & Wireless
- 338
- 050
- jm
- Jamaica
- 1876
- DIGICEL/Mossel
- 440
- 00
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- Y-Mobile
- 440
- 89
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 51
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 75
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 70
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 56
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 441
- 70
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 52
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 76
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 71
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 53
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 77
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 08
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 72
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 54
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 79
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 07
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 73
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 55
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 88
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 50
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 74
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 70
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 02
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 22
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 43
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 27
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 87
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 17
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 31
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 65
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 36
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 92
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 03
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 12
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 58
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 28
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 61
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 18
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 91
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 32
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 66
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 35
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 93
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 40
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 09
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 49
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 29
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 60
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 19
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 90
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 33
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 67
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 14
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 94
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 41
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 10
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 62
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 39
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 30
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 45
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 01
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 24
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 68
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 15
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 98
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 42
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 11
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 63
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 38
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 26
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 23
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 21
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 44
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 13
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 69
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 16
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 441
- 99
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 34
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 64
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 37
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 25
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 99
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- NTT DoCoMo
- 440
- 78
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- Okinawa Cellular
- 440
- 11
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- Rakuten Mobile
- 440
- 00
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 20
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 21
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 05
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 01
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 94
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 46
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 97
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 42
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 441
- 65
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 90
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 96
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 92
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 98
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 43
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 48
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 06
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 441
- 61
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 44
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 04
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 441
- 62
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 45
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 20
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 40
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 441
- 63
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 93
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 47
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 95
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 41
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 441
- 64
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- SoftBank
- 440
- 85
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 83
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 80
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 86
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 81
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 84
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 440
- 82
- jp
- Japan
- 81
- 416
- 999
- jo
- Jordan
- 962
- Fix Line
- 416
- 77
- jo
- Jordan
- 962
- Orange
- 416
- 03
- jo
- Jordan
- 962
- Umniah
- 416
- 02
- jo
- Jordan
- 962
- Xpress
- 416
- 01
- jo
- Jordan
- 962
- Zain
- 401
- 01
- kz
- Kazakhstan
- 7
- Beeline/KaR-Tel LLP
- 401
- 07
- kz
- Kazakhstan
- 7
- Dalacom/Altel
- 401
- 02
- kz
- Kazakhstan
- 7
- K-Cell
- 401
- 77
- kz
- Kazakhstan
- 7
- Tele2/NEO/MTS
- 639
- 03
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Airtel
- 639
- 05
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Airtel
- 639
- 299
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- eferio
- 639
- 06
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Finserve Africa
- 639
- 09
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Homeland Media
- 639
- 12
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Infura
- 639
- 11
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Jambo Telcoms
- 639
- 10
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Jamii Telecommunications
- 639
- 04
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Mobile Pay
- 639
- 01
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Safaricom
- 639
- 02
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Safaricom
- 639
- 07
- ke
- Kenya
- 254
- Telkom
- 545
- 09
- ki
- Kiribati
- 686
- Kiribati Frigate
- 221
- 07
- xk
- Kosovo
- 383
- D3 mobile
- 221
- 06
- xk
- Kosovo
- 383
- Dardafon.Net LLC
- 221
- 02
- xk
- Kosovo
- 383
- 221
- 299
- xk
- Kosovo
- 383
- 221
- 03
- xk
- Kosovo
- 383
- 221
- 01
- xk
- Kosovo
- 383
- Vala
- 419
- 999
- kw
- Kuwait
- 965
- Fix Line
- 419
- 02
- kw
- Kuwait
- 965
- Zain
- 419
- 04
- kw
- Kuwait
- 965
- Viva
- 419
- 03
- kw
- Kuwait
- 965
- Ooredoo
- 437
- 01
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- Beeline
- 437
- 299
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- Failed Calls
- 437
- 02
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- KT Mobile
- 437
- 05
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- MegaCom
- 437
- 09
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- O!
- 437
- 10
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- Saima
- 437
- 03
- kg
- Kyrgyzstan
- 996
- Sem Mobile
- 457
- 02
- la
- Laos
- 856
- ETL Mobile
- 457
- 01
- la
- Laos
- 856
- Lao Tel
- 457
- 08
- la
- Laos
- 856
- Beeline/Tigo/Millicom
- 457
- 03
- la
- Laos
- 856
- 247
- 05
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- Bite
- 247
- 10
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- 247
- 01
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- 247
- 299
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- Premium Numbers
- 247
- 07
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- SIA Master Telecom
- 247
- 06
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- SIA Rigatta
- 247
- 02
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- Tele2
- 247
- 04
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- Tet
- 247
- 03
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- 247
- 08
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- VENTA Mobile
- 247
- 09
- lv
- Latvia
- 371
- XOmobile
- 415
- 35
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- Cellis
- 415
- 33
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- Cellis
- 415
- 32
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- Cellis
- 415
- 34
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- FTML Cellis
- 415
- 39
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- MIC2/LibanCell/MTC
- 415
- 38
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- MIC2/LibanCell/MTC
- 415
- 37
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- MIC2/LibanCell/MTC
- 415
- 01
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- MIC1 (Alfa)
- 415
- 03
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- MIC2/LibanCell/MTC
- 415
- 36
- lb
- Lebanon
- 961
- MIC2/LibanCell/MTC
- 651
- 02
- ls
- Lesotho
- 266
- Econet
- 651
- 01
- ls
- Lesotho
- 266
- Vodacom
- 618
- 02
- lr
- Liberia
- 231
- Libercell
- 618
- 20
- lr
- Liberia
- 231
- LibTelco
- 618
- 01
- lr
- Liberia
- 231
- MTN / Lonestar
- 618
- 04
- lr
- Liberia
- 231
- Novafone
- 618
- 07
- lr
- Liberia
- 231
- Orange
- 606
- 02
- ly
- Libya
- 218
- Al-Madar
- 606
- 01
- ly
- Libya
- 218
- Al-Madar
- 606
- 06
- ly
- Libya
- 218
- Hatef
- 606
- 00
- ly
- Libya
- 218
- Libyana
- 606
- 00
- ly
- Libya
- 218
- Libyana
- 606
- 03
- ly
- Libya
- 218
- LibyaPhone Mobile
- 295
- 02
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- 7acht
- 295
- 06
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- 295
- 299
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- Datamobile
- 295
- 299
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- Dimoco
- 295
- 09
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- EMnify
- 295
- 07
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- First Mobile AG
- 295
- 01
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- 295
- 05
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- FL1
- 295
- 299
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- 295
- 77
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- Alpmobile/Tele2
- 295
- 299
- li
- Liechtenstein
- 423
- Telna
- 246
- 02
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- Bite
- 246
- 05
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- 246
- 06
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- Mediafon
- 246
- 299
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- SkyCall
- 246
- 03
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- Tele2
- 246
- 299
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- Teletel
- 246
- 01
- lt
- Lithuania
- 370
- Telia
- 270
- 10
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Blue Communications
- 270
- 299
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Bouygues Telecom
- 270
- 81
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- e-LUX Mobile
- 270
- 299
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Eltrona
- 270
- 999
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Fix Line
- 270
- 05
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Luxembourg Online
- 270
- 299
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- MTX Connect
- 270
- 99
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Orange
- 270
- 01
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Post
- 270
- 77
- lu
- Luxembourg
- 352
- Tango
- 455
- 01
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- 455
- 04
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- 455
- 02
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- China Telecom
- 455
- 05
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd
- 455
- 03
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd
- 455
- 06
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- Smartone Mobile
- 455
- 00
- mo
- Macao
- 853
- Smartone Mobile
- 646
- 01
- mg
- Madagascar
- 261
- Airtel
- 646
- 299
- mg
- Madagascar
- 261
- Bip
- 646
- 02
- mg
- Madagascar
- 261
- Orange
- 646
- 03
- mg
- Madagascar
- 261
- Sacel
- 646
- 04
- mg
- Madagascar
- 261
- Telma
- 650
- 10
- mw
- Malawi
- 265
- Airtel
- 650
- 01
- mw
- Malawi
- 265
- 502
- 156
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Altel Communications
- 502
- 01
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Art900
- 502
- 14
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Telekom Malaysia
- 502
- 11
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Telekom Malaysia
- 502
- 151
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Baraka Telecom Sdn Bhd
- 502
- 19
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Celcom
- 502
- 13
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Celcom
- 502
- 198
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Celcom
- 502
- 10
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- DiGi
- 502
- 16
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- DiGi
- 502
- 20
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Electcoms Wireless Sdn Bhd
- 502
- 999
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Fix Line
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- 502
- 17
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Maxis
- 502
- 12
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Maxis
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Maxis Broadband
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- REDtone Mobile
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- REDtone
- 502
- 155
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Samata Communications Sdn Bhd
- 502
- 154
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- TT dotCom
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- TT dotCom
- 502
- 150
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Tune Talk
- 502
- 18
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- U Mobile
- 502
- 153
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Webe Digital
- 502
- 195
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- XOX Com
- 502
- 299
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Y-Max
- 502
- 152
- my
- Malaysia
- 60
- Yes
- 472
- 01
- mv
- Maldives
- 960
- Dhiraagu/C&W
- 472
- 02
- mv
- Maldives
- 960
- Ooredo/Wataniya
- 610
- 01
- ml
- Mali
- 223
- Malitel
- 610
- 02
- ml
- Mali
- 223
- Orange
- 610
- 03
- ml
- Mali
- 223
- Telecel
- 278
- 01
- mt
- Malta
- 356
- Vodafone
- 278
- 999
- mt
- Malta
- 356
- Fix Line
- 278
- 21
- mt
- Malta
- 356
- GO Mobile
- 278
- 30
- mt
- Malta
- 356
- GO Mobile
- 278
- 77
- mt
- Malta
- 356
- Melita
- 551
- 299
- mh
- Marshall Islands
- 692
- Failed Calls
- 551
- 299
- mh
- Marshall Islands
- 692
- 340
- 12
- mq
- Martinique
- 596
- UTS Caraibe
- 609
- 02
- mr
- Mauritania
- 222
- Chinguitel
- 609
- 01
- mr
- Mauritania
- 222
- Mattel
- 609
- 10
- mr
- Mauritania
- 222
- Mauritel
- 617
- 03
- mu
- Mauritius
- 230
- Chili
- 617
- 02
- mu
- Mauritius
- 230
- Chili
- 617
- 10
- mu
- Mauritius
- 230
- Emtel
- 617
- 01
- mu
- Mauritius
- 230
- my.t mobile
- 647
- 01
- yt
- Mayotte
- 262
- Maore Mobile
- 647
- 10
- yt
- Mayotte
- 262
- 334
- 050
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 040
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 05
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 04
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 50
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 03
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- Movistar/Pegaso
- 334
- 030
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- Movistar/Pegaso
- 334
- 090
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 010
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 01
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 09
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 070
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- Operadora Unefon SA de CV
- 334
- 080
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- Operadora Unefon SA de CV
- 334
- 060
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- 334
- 020
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- TelCel/America Movil
- 334
- 02
- mx
- Mexico
- 52
- TelCel/America Movil
- 550
- 01
- fm
- Micronesia
- 691
- FSM Telecommunications Corp.
- 259
- 04
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Eventis Mobile
- 259
- 03
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Unite
- 259
- 02
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Moldcell
- 259
- 01
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Orange
- 259
- 03
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Unite
- 259
- 99
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Unite
- 259
- 05
- md
- Moldova
- 373
- Unite
- 212
- 10
- mc
- Monaco
- 377
- Monaco Telecom
- 212
- 01
- mc
- Monaco
- 377
- Monaco Telecom
- 428
- 98
- mn
- Mongolia
- 976
- G-Mobile Corporation Ltd
- 428
- 99
- mn
- Mongolia
- 976
- Mobicom
- 428
- 91
- mn
- Mongolia
- 976
- Skytel Co. Ltd
- 428
- 00
- mn
- Mongolia
- 976
- Skytel Co. Ltd
- 428
- 88
- mn
- Mongolia
- 976
- Unitel
- 297
- 03
- me
- Montenegro
- 382
- Mtel
- 297
- 02
- me
- Montenegro
- 382
- Telekom / T-mobile
- 297
- 01
- me
- Montenegro
- 382
- Telenor
- 354
- 860
- ms
- Montserrat
- 1664
- Cable & Wireless
- 604
- 04
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- Al Houria Telecom
- 604
- 99
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- Al Houria Telecom
- 604
- 01
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- 604
- 06
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- 604
- 02
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- inwi
- 604
- 05
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- inwi
- 604
- 00
- ma
- Morocco
- 212
- Orange
- 643
- 03
- mz
- Mozambique
- 258
- Movitel
- 643
- 01
- mz
- Mozambique
- 258
- 643
- 04
- mz
- Mozambique
- 258
- Vodacom
- 414
- 999
- mm
- Myanmar
- 95
- Fix Line (Myanmar
- 414
- 01
- mm
- Myanmar
- 95
- Myanmar Post & Teleco.
- 414
- 09
- mm
- Myanmar
- 95
- Mytel (Myanmar
- 414
- 05
- mm
- Myanmar
- 95
- Oreedoo
- 414
- 06
- mm
- Myanmar
- 95
- Telenor
- 649
- 299
- na
- Namibia
- 264
- Demshi
- 649
- 01
- na
- Namibia
- 264
- 649
- 02
- na
- Namibia
- 264
- Switch/Nam. Telec.
- 649
- 03
- na
- Namibia
- 264
- TN Mobile
- 429
- 999
- np
- Nepal
- 977
- Fix Line
- 429
- 02
- np
- Nepal
- 977
- Ncell
- 429
- 01
- np
- Nepal
- 977
- NT Mobile / Namaste
- 429
- 04
- np
- Nepal
- 977
- Smart Cell
- 204
- 14
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 88 mobile
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 30
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- ASPIDER Solutions
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Belcentrale
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- BodyTrace
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Combird Mobile
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Dean Mobile
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Eazit
- 204
- 05
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- ElephantTalk
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- EziMobile
- 204
- 999
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Fix Line
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- interactive digital media / IDM
- 204
- 17
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Intercity Mobile Communications BV
- 204
- 00
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Intovoice
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- KeenMobile
- 204
- 23
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 08
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 10
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 69
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 12
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 08
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- 204
- 12
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- KPN/Telfort
- 204
- 27
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- L-mobi
- 204
- 28
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Lancelot
- 204
- 98
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Lancelot
- 204
- 09
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Lycamobile
- 204
- 63
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- MessageBird
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- mGage
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Motto
- 204
- 07
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Move / Teleena
- 204
- 06
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Vectone Mobile
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Okta8
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Premium Routing
- 204
- 24
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Private Mobility
- 204
- 21
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- ProRail
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Redworks
- 204
- 26
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- SpeakUp
- 204
- 98
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- T-Mobile
- 204
- 02
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- T-Mobile
- 204
- 20
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- T-Mobile
- 204
- 16
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- T-Mobile
- 204
- 20
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- T-mobile/former Orange
- 204
- 02
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Tele2
- 204
- 29
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Tismi
- 204
- 33
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Truphone
- 204
- 68
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Unify Mobile
- 204
- 299
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Vectone Mobile
- 204
- 04
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Vodafone
- 204
- 03
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Voiceworks Mobile
- 204
- 15
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Ziggo
- 204
- 18
- nl
- Netherlands
- 31
- Ziggo Services
- 362
- 630
- an
- Netherlands Antilles
- 599
- Cingular Wireless
- 362
- 51
- an
- Netherlands Antilles
- 599
- 362
- 91
- an
- Netherlands Antilles
- 599
- 362
- 951
- an
- Netherlands Antilles
- 599
- UTS Wireless
- 546
- 01
- nc
- New Caledonia
- 687
- OPT Mobilis
- 530
- 28
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- 2degrees
- 530
- 999
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- Fix Line
- 530
- 05
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- Spark Mobile
- 530
- 02
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- Spark Mobile
- 530
- 04
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- Telstra
- 530
- 24
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- 2degrees
- 530
- 01
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- Vodafone
- 530
- 03
- nz
- New Zealand
- 64
- Walker Wireless Ltd.
- 710
- 21
- ni
- Nicaragua
- 505
- Empresa Nicaraguense de Telecomunicaciones SA (ENITEL)
- 710
- 999
- ni
- Nicaragua
- 505
- Fix Line
- 710
- 30
- ni
- Nicaragua
- 505
- Movistar
- 710
- 73
- ni
- Nicaragua
- 505
- Claro
- 614
- 02
- ne
- Niger
- 227
- Airtel
- 614
- 03
- ne
- Niger
- 227
- Moov
- 614
- 01
- ne
- Niger
- 227
- Niger Telecoms
- 614
- 04
- ne
- Niger
- 227
- Orange
- 621
- 60
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- 9mobile
- 621
- 20
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Airtel
- 621
- 299
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Alpha Technologies
- 621
- 50
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Glo Mobile
- 621
- 30
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- 621
- 40
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- ntel
- 621
- 27
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Smile
- 621
- 99
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Starcomms
- 621
- 01
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Visafone
- 621
- 25
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Visafone
- 621
- 299
- ng
- Nigeria
- 234
- Zodafones
- 555
- 01
- nu
- Niue
- 683
- Niue Telecom
- 467
- 299
- kp
- North Korea
- 850
- Failed Calls
- 467
- 299
- kp
- North Korea
- 850
- Kangsung Net
- 467
- 192
- kp
- North Korea
- 850
- Koryolink
- 467
- 192
- kp
- North Korea
- 850
- Koryolink
- 467
- 193
- kp
- North Korea
- 850
- Sun Net
- 294
- 02
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- A1
- 294
- 03
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- A1
- 294
- 75
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- A1
- 294
- 299
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- Failed Calls
- 294
- 299
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- 294
- 04
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- Lycamobile
- 294
- 11
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- Mobik
- 294
- 02
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- A1
- 294
- 299
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- Telekabel
- 294
- 01
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- Telekom
- 294
- 03
- mk
- North Macedonia
- 389
- VIP Mobile
- 242
- 22
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Altibox Mobil
- 242
- 21
- no
- Norway
- 47
- 242
- 20
- no
- Norway
- 47
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- bigblu
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Chilimobil
- 242
- 09
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Com4
- 242
- 15
- no
- Norway
- 47
- eRate
- 242
- 999
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Fix Line
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- GlobalConnect
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Ibidium
- 242
- 14
- no
- Norway
- 47
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- intility
- 242
- 16
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Iristel
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- JetNett
- 242
- 23
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Lycamobile
- 242
- 05
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Network Norway
- 242
- 05
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Altibox Mobil
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- NextGenTel
- 242
- 10
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Nkom
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Nodnett
- 242
- 06
- no
- Norway
- 47
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Puzzel
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Sierra Wireless
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Svea
- 242
- 08
- no
- Norway
- 47
- TDC Mobil A/S
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Telavox
- 242
- 04
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Tele2
- 242
- 12
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Telenor
- 242
- 01
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Telenor
- 242
- 03
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Teletopia
- 242
- 08
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Telia / NetCom
- 242
- 02
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Telia / NetCom
- 242
- 299
- no
- Norway
- 47
- unifon
- 242
- 017
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Ventelo AS
- 242
- 07
- no
- Norway
- 47
- Ventelo AS
- 422
- 03
- om
- Oman
- 968
- Nawras
- 422
- 02
- om
- Oman
- 968
- Oman Mobile/GTO
- 410
- 299
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Failed Calls
- 410
- 08
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Instaphone
- 410
- 01
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Jazz
- 410
- 07
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Jazz
- 410
- 05
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- 410
- 06
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Telenor
- 410
- 03
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Ufone
- 410
- 299
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Warid
- 410
- 04
- pk
- Pakistan
- 92
- Zong
- 552
- 80
- pw
- Palau
- 680
- Palau Mobile Corp. (PMC) (Palau
- 552
- 01
- pw
- Palau
- 680
- Palau National Communications Corp. (PNCC) (Palau
- 552
- 02
- pw
- Palau
- 680
- PECI/PalauTel (Palau
- 425
- 05
- ps
- Palestinian Territory
- 970
- Jawwal
- 425
- 06
- ps
- Palestinian Territory
- 970
- Ooredoo
- 714
- 01
- pa
- Panama
- 507
- Cable & W./Mas Movil
- 714
- 03
- pa
- Panama
- 507
- Claro
- 714
- 04
- pa
- Panama
- 507
- Digicel
- 714
- 999
- pa
- Panama
- 507
- Fix Line
- 714
- 020
- pa
- Panama
- 507
- Movistar
- 714
- 02
- pa
- Panama
- 507
- Movistar
- 537
- 03
- pg
- Papua New Guinea
- 675
- Digicel
- 537
- 999
- pg
- Papua New Guinea
- 675
- Fix Line
- 537
- 02
- pg
- Papua New Guinea
- 675
- GreenCom PNG Ltd
- 537
- 01
- pg
- Papua New Guinea
- 675
- Pacific Mobile
- 744
- 02
- py
- Paraguay
- 595
- Claro/Hutchison
- 744
- 03
- py
- Paraguay
- 595
- Compa
- 744
- 01
- py
- Paraguay
- 595
- Hola/VOX
- 744
- 05
- py
- Paraguay
- 595
- TIM/Nucleo/Personal
- 744
- 04
- py
- Paraguay
- 595
- Tigo/Telecel
- 716
- 20
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- Claro /Amer.Mov./TIM
- 716
- 10
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- Claro /Amer.Mov./TIM
- 716
- 02
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- GlobalStar
- 716
- 01
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- GlobalStar
- 716
- 06
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- Movistar
- 716
- 07
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- Nextel
- 716
- 17
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- Nextel
- 716
- 15
- pe
- Peru
- 51
- Viettel Mobile
- 515
- 999
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- Fix Line
- 515
- 02
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- Globe Telecom
- 515
- 01
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- Globe Telecom
- 515
- 88
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- Next Mobile
- 515
- 18
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- RED Mobile/Cure
- 515
- 03
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- Smart
- 515
- 05
- ph
- Philippines
- 63
- SUN/Digitel
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 3S
- 260
- 04
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Aero2
- 260
- 16
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Aero2
- 260
- 15
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Aero2
- 260
- 17
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Aero2
- 260
- 17
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Aero2 SP
- 260
- 48
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Agile Telecom
- 260
- 18
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- AMD Telecom
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Benemen
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 38
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- CallFreedom Sp. z o.o.
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Caritas Laczy
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Cludo
- 260
- 32
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Compatel
- 260
- 12
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Cyfrowy Polsat
- 260
- 08
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- e-Telko
- 260
- 41
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- EZ Mobile
- 260
- 999
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Fix Line
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- I.M. Consulting
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Inea
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- JMDI J. Maleszko
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Klucz Mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- lajt mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- LoVo
- 260
- 09
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Lycamobile
- 260
- 49
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Messagebird
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Metro Mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Mobile Vikings
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Mobiledata
- 260
- 42
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- MobiWeb
- 260
- 16
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Mobyland
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Moja GSM
- 260
- 13
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Move
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- multiMOBILE
- 260
- 36
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Mundio Mobile Sp. z o.o.
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Nasza Wizja
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- NAU Mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- nc+ Mobile
- 260
- 19
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- NetBalt
- 260
- 07
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Netia
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Next Mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 11
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- NORDISK Polska
- 260
- 27
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Ntel Solutions
- 260
- 03
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Orange
- 260
- 05
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Orange
- 260
- 35
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 98
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Play
- 260
- 06
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Play
- 260
- 01
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Plus
- 260
- 11
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Plus
- 260
- 97
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Politechnika Lodzka Uczelniane
- 260
- 90
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Polska Spolka Gazownictwa
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Polvoice
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Pomagacz
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Premium Mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 14
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Move
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 47
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Softelnet
- 260
- 34
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- T-Mobile
- 260
- 02
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- T-Mobile
- 260
- 10
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- T-Mobile
- 260
- 14
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Telco Leaders
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Tele GO
- 260
- 15
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Aero2
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- TeleCube
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Telenabler
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 20
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Tismi
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- TOYAmobilna
- 260
- 22
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Twilio
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Vectra
- 260
- 45
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Virgin Mobile
- 260
- 45
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Virgin Mobile
- 260
- 299
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Vonage
- 260
- 39
- pl
- Poland
- 48
- Voxbone / Bandwidth
- 268
- 999
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- Fix Line
- 268
- 04
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- Lycamobile
- 268
- 80
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 08
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 06
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 03
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 93
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 299
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 299
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- Oni
- 268
- 03
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 07
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- 268
- 91
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- Vodafone
- 268
- 01
- pt
- Portugal
- 351
- Vodafone
- 330
- 11
- pr
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Telephone Company Inc. (PRTC)
- 330
- 110
- pr
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Telephone Company Inc. (PRTC)
- 427
- 01
- qa
- Qatar
- 974
- Ooredoo/Qtel
- 427
- 02
- qa
- Qatar
- 974
- Vodafone
- 647
- 03
- re
- Reunion
- 262
- Only
- 647
- 02
- re
- Reunion
- 262
- Only
- 647
- 00
- re
- Reunion
- 262
- Orange
- 647
- 10
- re
- Reunion
- 262
- 647
- 04
- re
- Reunion
- 262
- ZEOP Mobile
- 226
- 05
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Digi Mobil
- 226
- 11
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Enigma Systems
- 226
- 299
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Iristel
- 226
- 16
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Lycamobile
- 226
- 10
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Orange
- 226
- 02
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Romtelecom SA
- 226
- 03
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Telekom
- 226
- 02
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Telekom
- 226
- 06
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Telekom Romania
- 226
- 01
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Vodafone
- 226
- 04
- ro
- Romania
- 40
- Telekom Romania
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- A-Mobile
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Antares
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Aquafon
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Arktur
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Astran
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Aurora Telecom
- 250
- 99
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Beeline
- 250
- 99
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- BeeLine/VimpelCom
- 250
- 28
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- BeeLine/VimpelCom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Beliton
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Center 2M
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Cifra 1
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- CountryCom
- 250
- 10
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- DTC/Don Telecom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- ECO Networks
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Elemte
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- ER-Telecom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Failed Calls
- 250
- 999
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Fix Line
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Gazprom Telecom
- 250
- 48
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Global Telecom
- 250
- 55
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Glonass
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Integral
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Internod
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Intersvyaz-2
- 250
- 34
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Krymtelecom
- 250
- 13
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Kuban GSM
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- KvatroPlus
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Lardex
- 250
- 54
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Letai Mobile
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Lycamobile
- 250
- 57
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Matrix Mobile
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Media-Market
- 250
- 02
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Megafon
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Metro-Pei
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Miatel
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 35
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Motiv
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- MSN Telekom
- 250
- 01
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 42
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 03
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- New Mobile Communications
- 250
- 16
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 19
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- OJSC Altaysvyaz
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Orange Business Services
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Plintron
- 250
- 92
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Printelefone
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Quantech
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Reteyl Innovatsii
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sberbank-Telecom
- 250
- 33
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 04
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sibchallenge
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sim Sim
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sintonik
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sky Networks
- 250
- 09
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Skylink
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- SkyNet
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sonet
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Sprint
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Start
- 250
- 44
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- StavTelesot
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- SunSIM
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Surgutneftegaz
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Svyazresurs-Mobile
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Tander
- 250
- 20
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Tele2
- 250
- 12
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Tele2
- 250
- 20
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Tele2/ECC/Volgogr.
- 250
- 93
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Telecom XXL
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Tinkoff Mobile
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- TransMobilCom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- TRN-telecom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- TTK-Svyaz
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- UnitTelecom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Unycel
- 250
- 39
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- UralTel
- 250
- 17
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- UralTel
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Vainah Telecom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- ViKom
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Virgin Connect
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Voentelecom
- 250
- 77
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Glonass
- 250
- 60
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Volna Mobile
- 250
- 299
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- VTB Mobile
- 250
- 32
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Win Mobile
- 250
- 05
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Tele2/ECC/Volgogr.
- 250
- 11
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- Yota
- 250
- 15
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 250
- 07
- ru
- Russia
- 79
- 635
- 13
- rw
- Rwanda
- 250
- Airtel
- 635
- 14
- rw
- Rwanda
- 250
- Airtel
- 635
- 10
- rw
- Rwanda
- 250
- 658
- 299
- sh
- Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
- 290
- Failed Calls
- 356
- 110
- kn
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- 1869
- Cable & Wireless
- 356
- 50
- kn
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- 1869
- Digicel
- 356
- 70
- kn
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- 1869
- UTS Cariglobe
- 358
- 110
- lc
- Saint Lucia
- 1758
- Cable & Wireless
- 358
- 30
- lc
- Saint Lucia
- 1758
- Cingular Wireless
- 358
- 50
- lc
- Saint Lucia
- 1758
- Digicel (St Lucia) Limited
- 308
- 01
- pm
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- 508
- Ameris
- 360
- 110
- vc
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- 1784
- C & W
- 360
- 10
- vc
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- 1784
- Cingular
- 360
- 100
- vc
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- 1784
- Cingular
- 360
- 050
- vc
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- 1784
- Digicel
- 360
- 70
- vc
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- 1784
- Digicel
- 549
- 999
- ws
- Samoa
- 685
- Fix Line
- 549
- 27
- ws
- Samoa
- 685
- Samoatel Mobile
- 549
- 01
- ws
- Samoa
- 685
- Telecom Samoa Cellular Ltd.
- 292
- 01
- sm
- San Marino
- 378
- Prima
- 292
- 299
- sm
- San Marino
- 378
- TeleneT
- 626
- 01
- st
- Sao Tome and Principe
- 239
- CSTmovel
- 626
- 02
- st
- Sao Tome and Principe
- 239
- Unitel
- 901
- 14
- n/a
- Satellite Networks
- 870
- AeroMobile
- 901
- 11
- n/a
- Satellite Networks
- 870
- InMarSAT
- 901
- 12
- n/a
- Satellite Networks
- 870
- Maritime Communications Partner AS
- 901
- 05
- n/a
- Satellite Networks
- 870
- Thuraya Satellite
- 420
- 07
- sa
- Saudi Arabia
- 966
- Zain
- 420
- 03
- sa
- Saudi Arabia
- 966
- Etihad/Etisalat/Mobily
- 420
- 06
- sa
- Saudi Arabia
- 966
- Lebara Mobile
- 420
- 01
- sa
- Saudi Arabia
- 966
- STC/Al Jawal
- 420
- 05
- sa
- Saudi Arabia
- 966
- Virgin Mobile
- 420
- 04
- sa
- Saudi Arabia
- 966
- Zain
- 608
- 299
- sn
- Senegal
- 221
- 2s Mobile
- 608
- 03
- sn
- Senegal
- 221
- Expresso
- 608
- 02
- sn
- Senegal
- 221
- Free
- 608
- 04
- sn
- Senegal
- 221
- 608
- 01
- sn
- Senegal
- 221
- Orange
- 608
- 299
- sn
- Senegal
- 221
- Promobile
- 220
- 299
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- Failed Calls
- 220
- 11
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- Globaltel
- 220
- 03
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- 220
- 01
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- Telenor
- 220
- 02
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- Telenor
- 220
- 05
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- 220
- 20
- rs
- Serbia
- 381
- 633
- 10
- sc
- Seychelles
- 248
- Airtel
- 633
- 01
- sc
- Seychelles
- 248
- Cable & Wireless
- 633
- 05
- sc
- Seychelles
- 248
- Intelvision
- 633
- 02
- sc
- Seychelles
- 248
- Smartcom
- 619
- 03
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Africell
- 619
- 04
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Comium
- 619
- 299
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- IPTel
- 619
- 05
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Africell
- 619
- 02
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Tigo/Millicom
- 619
- 25
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Mobitel
- 619
- 299
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Onlime
- 619
- 01
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Orange
- 619
- 07
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- Qcell
- 619
- 299
- sl
- Sierra Leone
- 232
- SierraTel
- 525
- 999
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- Fix Line
- 525
- 12
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- GRID Communications Pte Ltd
- 525
- 03
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- MobileOne Ltd
- 525
- 02
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- Singtel
- 525
- 01
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- Singtel
- 525
- 07
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- Singtel
- 525
- 06
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- Starhub
- 525
- 05
- sg
- Singapore
- 65
- Starhub
- 231
- 06
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- O2
- 231
- 05
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Orange
- 231
- 07
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Orange
- 231
- 01
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Orange
- 231
- 15
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Orange
- 231
- 03
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Swan / 4ka
- 231
- 02
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Telekom
- 231
- 04
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Telekom
- 231
- 02
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Telekom
- 231
- 50
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Telekom
- 231
- 08
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Uniphone
- 231
- 299
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- Vonage
- 231
- 99
- sk
- Slovakia
- 421
- 293
- 40
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- A1 / Si.mobil
- 293
- 20
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Compatel
- 293
- 86
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Elektro Gorenjska
- 293
- 999
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Fix Line
- 293
- 299
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- HOT mobil
- 293
- 299
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Me2
- 293
- 41
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Mobitel
- 293
- 299
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Novatel
- 293
- 10
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Slovenske zeleznice
- 293
- 299
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- SoftNET
- 293
- 64
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- T-2
- 293
- 70
- si
- Slovenia
- 386
- Telemach / Tusmobil
- 540
- 02
- sb
- Solomon Islands
- 677
- bemobile
- 540
- 10
- sb
- Solomon Islands
- 677
- 540
- 01
- sb
- Solomon Islands
- 677
- 637
- 299
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- AirSom
- 637
- 30
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Golis
- 637
- 19
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Hormuud
- 637
- 50
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Hormuud
- 637
- 60
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Nationlink
- 637
- 10
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Nationlink
- 637
- 299
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- 637
- 70
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Onkod
- 637
- 04
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Somafone
- 637
- 299
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- SomNetworks
- 637
- 71
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Somtel
- 637
- 299
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- 637
- 82
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Telcom Mobile
- 637
- 01
- so
- Somalia
- 252
- Telesom
- 655
- 21
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Cape Town Metropolitan
- 655
- 07
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Cell C
- 655
- 299
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Lycamobile
- 655
- 10
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- 655
- 12
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- 655
- 38
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Rain
- 655
- 19
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Rain
- 655
- 73
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Rain
- 655
- 74
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Rain
- 655
- 06
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Sentech
- 655
- 02
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Telkom
- 655
- 05
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Telkom
- 655
- 01
- za
- South Africa
- 27
- Vodacom
- 450
- 299
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- Failed Calls
- 450
- 02
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- olleh / KT
- 450
- 07
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- KT Powertel
- 450
- 06
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- LG U+
- 450
- 08
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- olleh / KT
- 450
- 02
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- olleh / KT
- 450
- 04
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- olleh / KT
- 450
- 03
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- SK Telecom
- 450
- 05
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- SK Telecom
- 450
- 12
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- SK Telecom
- 450
- 11
- kr
- South Korea
- 82
- SK Telecom
- 659
- 299
- ss
- South Sudan
- Digitel
- 659
- 299
- ss
- South Sudan
- Failed Calls
- 659
- 03
- ss
- South Sudan
- Gemtel Ltd (South Sudan
- 659
- 02
- ss
- South Sudan
- 659
- 04
- ss
- South Sudan
- Network of The World Ltd (NOW) (South Sudan
- 659
- 06
- ss
- South Sudan
- Zain
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Adamo Telecom
- 214
- 36
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Alai
- 214
- 02
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Alta Tecnologia en Comunicacions
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Aurea
- 214
- 14
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Avatel Movil
- 214
- 22
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Digi.Mobil
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Billing Financial
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Bluephone
- 214
- 15
- es
- Spain
- 34
- BT Espana SAU
- 214
- 18
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Cableuropa SAU (ONO)
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- CloudComms
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Dialoga
- 214
- 22
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Digi.Mobil
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Dragonet
- 214
- 08
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Euskaltel Movil
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Evolutio
- 214
- 999
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Fix Line
- 214
- 20
- es
- Spain
- 34
- fonYou Wireless SL
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Global
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- 214
- 32
- es
- Spain
- 34
- ION Mobile
- 214
- 34
- es
- Spain
- 34
- 214
- 21
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Jazz Telecom SAU
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Jetnet
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Lemonvil
- 214
- 26
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Lleida
- 214
- 25
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Lycamobile
- 214
- 25
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Lycamobile
- 214
- 17
- es
- Spain
- 34
- mobil R
- 214
- 38
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Movistar
- 214
- 07
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Movistar
- 214
- 05
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Movistar
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Olephone
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- On Movil
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Oniti Telecom
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- OperadorsCat
- 214
- 11
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Orange
- 214
- 21
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Orange
- 214
- 03
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Orange
- 214
- 09
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Orange
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Pepephone
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- PTV Telecom movil
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Quattre
- 214
- 17
- es
- Spain
- 34
- R Cable y Telec. Galicia SA
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Sarenet
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- 214
- 19
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Simyo
- 214
- 35
- es
- Spain
- 34
- SUMA movil
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Suop
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Syma
- 214
- 16
- es
- Spain
- 34
- mobil R
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Telsome
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- The Telecom Boutique
- 214
- 27
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Truphone
- 214
- 12
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Venus Movil
- 214
- 01
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Vodafone
- 214
- 37
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Vodafone
- 214
- 06
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Vodafone
- 214
- 29
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Yoigo
- 214
- 04
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Yoigo
- 214
- 23
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Yoigo
- 214
- 33
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Yoigo
- 214
- 299
- es
- Spain
- 34
- You Mobile
- 214
- 10
- es
- Spain
- 34
- Zinnia
- 413
- 05
- lk
- Sri Lanka
- 94
- Airtel
- 413
- 03
- lk
- Sri Lanka
- 94
- Etisalat/Tigo
- 413
- 08
- lk
- Sri Lanka
- 94
- H3G Hutchison
- 413
- 01
- lk
- Sri Lanka
- 94
- Mobitel Ltd.
- 413
- 02
- lk
- Sri Lanka
- 94
- MTN/Dialog
- 634
- 00
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Canar Telecom
- 634
- 999
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Fix Line
- 634
- 22
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- 634
- 03
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- 634
- 02
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- 634
- 07
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Sudani One
- 634
- 15
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Sudani One
- 634
- 05
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Canar Telecom
- 634
- 08
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Canar Telecom
- 634
- 01
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Zain
- 634
- 06
- sd
- Sudan
- 249
- Zain
- 746
- 03
- sr
- Suriname
- 597
- Digicel
- 746
- 999
- sr
- Suriname
- 597
- Fix Line
- 746
- 01
- sr
- Suriname
- 597
- Telesur
- 746
- 02
- sr
- Suriname
- 597
- Telecommunicatiebedrijf Suriname (TELESUR)
- 746
- 04
- sr
- Suriname
- 597
- 653
- 02
- sz
- Swaziland
- 268
- Eswatini Mobile
- 653
- 01
- sz
- Swaziland
- 268
- EswatiniTelecom
- 653
- 10
- sz
- Swaziland
- 268
- Swazi MTN
- 240
- 16
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- 42 Telecom AB
- 240
- 35
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- 42 Telecom
- 240
- 13
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- A3
- 240
- 30
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- NextGen Mobile Ltd (CardBoardFish)
- 240
- 11
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Com Hem
- 240
- 09
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Com4
- 240
- 32
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Compatel
- 240
- 22
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- EUtel
- 240
- 63
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Fink Telecom
- 240
- 999
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Fix Line
- 240
- 18
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Messit / Minicall
- 240
- 27
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Globetouch
- 240
- 17
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Gotanet
- 240
- 02
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- 3
- 240
- 23
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Infobip
- 240
- 36
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- interactive digital media / IDM
- 240
- 28
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- LINK Mobility
- 240
- 12
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Lycamobile
- 240
- 29
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- MI Carrier Services
- 240
- 33
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Mobile Arts
- 240
- 43
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- MobiWeb
- 240
- 25
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Monty Mobile
- 240
- 40
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Netmore
- 240
- 39
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Primlight
- 240
- 31
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Rebtel
- 240
- 20
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Sierra Wireless
- 240
- 15
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Sierra Wireless Sweden AB
- 240
- 37
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Sinch
- 240
- 45
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Spirius
- 240
- 10
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Spring Mobil AB
- 240
- 07
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Tele2
- 240
- 05
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Tele2
- 240
- 14
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Tele2
- 240
- 44
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telenabler
- 240
- 24
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telenor
- 240
- 06
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telenor
- 240
- 42
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telenor Connexion
- 240
- 08
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telenor
- 240
- 04
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telenor
- 240
- 01
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Telia
- 240
- 03
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Net 1
- 240
- 48
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Tismi
- 240
- 21
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Trafikverket
- 240
- 26
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Twilio
- 240
- 19
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Vectone Mobile
- 240
- 46
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Viahub
- 240
- 47
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Viatel
- 240
- 38
- se
- Sweden
- 46
- Voxbone / Bandwidth
- 228
- 58
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Beeone
- 228
- 09
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Comfone
- 228
- 05
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Comfone
- 228
- 999
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Fix Line
- 228
- 07
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 66
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Inovia
- 228
- 54
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Lycamobile
- 228
- 69
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- 228
- 52
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Mundio Mobile AG
- 228
- 65
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Nexphone
- 228
- 51
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- relario
- 228
- 03
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Salt Mobile
- 228
- 06
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- 228
- 53
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 12
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 08
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 02
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 60
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 01
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Swisscom
- 228
- 02
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Sunrise
- 228
- 62
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Telecom26
- 228
- 70
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Tismi
- 228
- 53
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- upc cablecom GmbH
- 228
- 59
- ch
- Switzerland
- 41
- Vectone Mobile
- 417
- 02
- sy
- Syria
- 963
- MTN/Spacetel
- 417
- 09
- sy
- Syria
- 963
- Syriatel Holdings
- 417
- 01
- sy
- Syria
- 963
- Syriatel Holdings
- 466
- 68
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- ACeS Taiwan - ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd
- 466
- 05
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Asia Pacific Telecom Co. Ltd (APT)
- 466
- 11
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Chunghwa Telecom LDM
- 466
- 92
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Chunghwa Telecom LDM
- 466
- 02
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Far EasTone
- 466
- 07
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Far EasTone
- 466
- 06
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Far EasTone
- 466
- 03
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Far EasTone
- 466
- 01
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Far EasTone
- 466
- 10
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Global Mobile Corp.
- 466
- 56
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- International Telecom Co. Ltd (FITEL)
- 466
- 88
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- KG Telecom
- 466
- 90
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- T-Star/VIBO
- 466
- 99
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- TransAsia
- 466
- 97
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Taiwan Cellular
- 466
- 93
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- Mobitai
- 466
- 89
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- T-Star/VIBO
- 466
- 09
- tw
- Taiwan
- 886
- VMAX Telecom Co. Ltd
- 436
- 04
- tj
- Tajikistan
- 992
- Babilon-M
- 436
- 05
- tj
- Tajikistan
- 992
- Bee Line
- 436
- 02
- tj
- Tajikistan
- 992
- CJSC Indigo Tajikistan
- 436
- 12
- tj
- Tajikistan
- 992
- Tcell/JC Somoncom
- 436
- 03
- tj
- Tajikistan
- 992
- Megafon
- 436
- 01
- tj
- Tajikistan
- 992
- Tcell/JC Somoncom
- 640
- 05
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Airtel
- 640
- 08
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Benson Informatics Ltd
- 640
- 06
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Dovetel (T) Ltd
- 640
- 09
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Halotel / Viettel
- 640
- 99
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Mkulima African Telecommunication
- 640
- 14
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- MO Mobile
- 640
- 11
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Smile Communications
- 640
- 07
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation
- 640
- 02
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Tigo / MIC
- 640
- 01
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Tri Telecomm. Ltd.
- 640
- 04
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Vodacom
- 640
- 13
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- WiAfrica
- 640
- 03
- tz
- Tanzania
- 255
- Zanzibar Telecom / Zantel
- 520
- 20
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- ACeS Thailand - ACeS Regional Services Co Ltd
- 520
- 15
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- ACT Mobile
- 520
- 03
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- AIS/Advanced Info Service
- 520
- 01
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- AIS/Advanced Info Service
- 520
- 23
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- Digital Phone Co.
- 520
- 999
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- Fix Line
- 520
- 00
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- Hutch/CAT CDMA
- 520
- 05
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- Total Access (DTAC)
- 520
- 18
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- Total Access (DTAC)
- 520
- 04
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- True Move/Orange
- 520
- 99
- th
- Thailand
- 66
- True Move/Orange
- 615
- 03
- tg
- Togo
- 228
- Atlantique Telecom / Moov
- 615
- 02
- tg
- Togo
- 228
- Telecel/MOOV
- 615
- 03
- tg
- Togo
- 228
- Telecel/MOOV
- 615
- 01
- tg
- Togo
- 228
- Togo Cellulaire / TogoCel
- 539
- 88
- to
- Tonga
- 676
- Digicel
- 539
- 999
- to
- Tonga
- 676
- Fix Line
- 539
- 43
- to
- Tonga
- 676
- Shoreline Communication
- 539
- 01
- to
- Tonga
- 676
- Tonga Communications
- 374
- 12
- tt
- Trinidad and Tobago
- 1868
- Bmobile/TSTT
- 374
- 120
- tt
- Trinidad and Tobago
- 1868
- Bmobile/TSTT
- 374
- 130
- tt
- Trinidad and Tobago
- 1868
- Digicel
- 374
- 140
- tt
- Trinidad and Tobago
- 1868
- LaqTel Ltd.
- 605
- 999
- tn
- Tunisia
- 216
- Fix Line
- 605
- 06
- tn
- Tunisia
- 216
- Lycamobile
- 605
- 03
- tn
- Tunisia
- 216
- Ooredoo
- 605
- 01
- tn
- Tunisia
- 216
- Orange
- 605
- 02
- tn
- Tunisia
- 216
- TT Mobile
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Asistan Telekom
- 286
- 04
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Avea
- 286
- 03
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Avea
- 286
- 03
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Avea
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- BasakCell
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Compatel
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Fenix Telekom
- 286
- 999
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Fix Line
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Foniva
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- IsNet
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Maxiphone
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Medium Telekom
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Mobilisim
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Netgsm
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Nida
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Oris
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Pelicell
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Plus Telekom
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Roitel
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- SesNet
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- 286
- 299
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- 286
- 01
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Turkcell
- 286
- 02
- tr
- Turkiye
- 90
- Vodafone
- 438
- 01
- tm
- Turkmenistan
- 993
- MTS/Barash Communication
- 438
- 02
- tm
- Turkmenistan
- 993
- Altyn Asyr/TM-Cell
- 376
- 350
- tc
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Cable & Wireless (TCI) Ltd
- 376
- 050
- tc
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Digicel TCI Ltd
- 376
- 352
- tc
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- IslandCom Communications Ltd.
- 553
- 01
- tv
- Tuvalu
- Tuvalu Telecommunication Corporation (TTC)
- 641
- 01
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Airtel
- 641
- 22
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Airtel
- 641
- 999
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Fix Line
- 641
- 66
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- i-Tel Ltd
- 641
- 30
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- K2 Telecom Ltd
- 641
- 04
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Lycamobile
- 641
- 11
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Mango
- 641
- 10
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- 641
- 14
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Orange
- 641
- 33
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Smile
- 641
- 18
- ug
- Uganda
- 256
- Suretelecom Uganda Ltd
- 255
- 07
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- 3Mob
- 255
- 05
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Golden Telecom
- 255
- 39
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Golden Telecom
- 255
- 04
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- IT
- 255
- 67
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- KyivStar
- 255
- 02
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Kyivstar
- 255
- 03
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Kyivstar
- 255
- 03
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- KyivStar
- 255
- 06
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- lifecell
- 255
- 21
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- 255
- 99
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Phoenix
- 255
- 50
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Vodafone
- 255
- 02
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Kyivstar
- 255
- 01
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Vodafone
- 255
- 01
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Vodafone
- 255
- 68
- ua
- Ukraine
- 380
- Kyivstar
- 424
- 03
- ae
- United Arab Emirates
- 971
- DU
- 424
- 02
- ae
- United Arab Emirates
- 971
- Etisalat
- 431
- 02
- ae
- United Arab Emirates
- 971
- Etisalat
- 430
- 02
- ae
- United Arab Emirates
- 971
- Etisalat
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 08Direct
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 24Seven
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- ACE Call
- 234
- 78
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Airwave
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Andrews & Arnold
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Anywhere Sim
- 234
- 29
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- aql
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- aql Wholesale
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Voxbone / Bandwidth
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Bellingham Telecommunications
- 234
- 76
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- BT Group
- 234
- 00
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- BT Group
- 234
- 08
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- BT OnePhone
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- CFL Communications
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Citrus
- 234
- 18
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Cloud9
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Compatel
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Confabulate
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Core
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Core Telecom
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Core Telecom Ltd
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 235
- 02
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Everyth. Ev.wh.
- 234
- 32
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- T-Mobile
- 234
- 31
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- T-Mobile
- 234
- 30
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- T-Mobile
- 234
- 999
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Fix Line
- 234
- 17
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- FlexTel
- 234
- 04
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- FMS Solutions
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Fogg
- 234
- 39
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Gamma Mobile
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Global Reach Networks
- 234
- 24
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Greenfone
- 234
- 72
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Hanhaa Mobile
- 234
- 71
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Home Office
- 234
- 20
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 3
- 234
- 94
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 3
- 234
- 23
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Icron Network
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- IPV6
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- IV Response
- 234
- 03
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Jersey Airtel
- 234
- 35
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- JSC Ingenicum
- 234
- 50
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- JT Mobile
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Kontakt Mobile
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Lanonyx Telecom
- 234
- 14
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- LINK Mobility
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Lleida.net
- 234
- 26
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Lycamobile
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Magrathea Telecommunications
- 234
- 58
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Manx Telecom Mobile
- 234
- 28
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Marathon Telecom
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Mars Communications
- 234
- 75
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Mass Response Service GmbH
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Mobiweb
- 234
- 56
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 234
- 95
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Network Rail
- 234
- 12
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Network Rail
- 234
- 13
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Network Rail
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Nodemax
- 234
- 51
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- now broadband
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- 234
- 34
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Orange
- 234
- 33
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Orange
- 234
- 74
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Pareteum
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Premium Routing
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- QX
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Resilient
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Sark Telecom
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Simwood eSMS
- 234
- 57
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Sky
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Sound Advertising
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Spacetel
- 234
- 40
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- spusu
- 234
- 55
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Sure Guernsey
- 234
- 36
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Sure Isle of Man
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Sure Jersey
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Swiftnet
- 234
- 37
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Synectiv
- 234
- 16
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Talk Talk
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Tango Networks
- 234
- 27
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Tata Communications Ltd
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Telecom 10
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Telecom2
- 234
- 27
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 02
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- O2
- 234
- 11
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- O2
- 234
- 10
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- O2
- 234
- 22
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Telesign Mobile
- 234
- 19
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- TeleWare
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- telna Mobile
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- TGL Services
- 234
- 09
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Tismi
- 234
- 25
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Truphone
- 234
- 01
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vectone Mobile
- 234
- 998
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Virgin Mobile
- 234
- 38
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Virgin Mobile
- 234
- 07
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 92
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 89
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 15
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 91
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 77
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Vodafone
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Voicetec Systems
- 234
- 99
- gb
- United Kingdom
- 44
- Ziron
- 310
- 050
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 880
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 850
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Aeris Comm. Inc.
- 310
- 640
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 510
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Airtel Wireless LLC
- 310
- 190
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 312
- 090
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Allied Wireless Communications Corporation
- 311
- 130
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 710
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative Inc.
- 310
- 410
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 380
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 170
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 150
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 680
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 070
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 560
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 310
- 980
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- 311
- 810
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Bluegrass Wireless LLC
- 311
- 800
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Bluegrass Wireless LLC
- 311
- 440
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Bluegrass Wireless LLC
- 310
- 900
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cable & Communications Corp.
- 311
- 590
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- California RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership
- 311
- 500
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cambridge Telephone Company Inc.
- 310
- 830
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Caprock Cellular Ltd.
- 311
- 483
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 110
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 285
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 488
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 274
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 010
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 279
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 288
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 910
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 284
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 482
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 487
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 273
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 004
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 278
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 287
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 890
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 283
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 481
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 486
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 272
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 277
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 590
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 282
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 480
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 485
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 271
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 276
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 013
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 281
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 390
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 484
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 270
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 286
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 489
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 275
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 310
- 012
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 280
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 311
- 289
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Verizon Wireless
- 312
- 280
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cellular Network Partnership LLC
- 312
- 270
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cellular Network Partnership LLC
- 310
- 360
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cellular Network Partnership LLC
- 311
- 190
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 030
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 120
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Choice Phone LLC
- 310
- 480
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Choice Phone LLC
- 310
- 630
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 420
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC
- 310
- 180
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cingular Wireless
- 310
- 620
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Coleman County Telco /Trans TX
- 311
- 040
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 06
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Consolidated Telcom
- 310
- 60
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Consolidated Telcom
- 310
- 26
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 312
- 380
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 930
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 240
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 080
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 700
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cross Valliant Cellular Partnership
- 312
- 030
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cross Wireless Telephone Co.
- 311
- 140
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Cross Wireless Telephone Co.
- 311
- 520
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 312
- 040
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Custer Telephone Cooperative Inc.
- 310
- 440
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Dobson Cellular Systems
- 310
- 990
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- E.N.M.R. Telephone Coop.
- 312
- 130
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- East Kentucky Network LLC
- 312
- 120
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- East Kentucky Network LLC
- 310
- 750
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- East Kentucky Network LLC
- 310
- 090
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Edge Wireless LLC
- 310
- 610
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Elkhart TelCo. / Epic Touch Co.
- 311
- 210
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 311
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Farmers
- 311
- 460
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Fisher Wireless Services Inc.
- 311
- 370
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- GCI Communication Corp.
- 310
- 430
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- GCI Communication Corp.
- 310
- 920
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Get Mobile Inc.
- 310
- 970
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 340
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Illinois Valley Cellular RSA 2 Partnership
- 311
- 030
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 312
- 170
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Iowa RSA No. 2 Limited Partnership
- 311
- 410
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Iowa RSA No. 2 Limited Partnership
- 310
- 770
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Iowa Wireless Services LLC
- 310
- 650
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Jasper
- 310
- 870
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Kaplan Telephone Company Inc.
- 312
- 180
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Keystone Wireless LLC
- 310
- 690
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Keystone Wireless LLC
- 311
- 310
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Lamar County Cellular
- 310
- 016
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Leap Wireless International Inc.
- 311
- 090
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 040
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Matanuska Tel. Assn. Inc.
- 310
- 780
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Message Express Co. / Airlink PCS
- 311
- 660
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 330
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Michigan Wireless LLC
- 311
- 000
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 400
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Minnesota South. Wirel. Co. / Hickory
- 311
- 020
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
- 311
- 010
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
- 312
- 220
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
- 312
- 010
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
- 311
- 920
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
- 310
- 350
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Mohave Cellular LP
- 310
- 570
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 290
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- NEP Cellcorp Inc.
- 310
- 34
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Nevada Wireless LLC
- 311
- 380
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 600
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- New-Cell Inc.
- 311
- 100
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 300
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Nexus Communications Inc.
- 310
- 130
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- North Carolina RSA 3 Cellular Tel. Co.
- 312
- 230
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- North Dakota Network Company
- 311
- 610
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- North Dakota Network Company
- 310
- 450
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Northeast Colorado Cellular Inc.
- 311
- 710
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Northeast Wireless Networks LLC
- 310
- 670
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Northstar
- 310
- 011
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Northstar
- 311
- 420
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
- 310
- 540
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 999
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Various Networks
- 310
- 760
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Panhandle Telephone Cooperative Inc.
- 310
- 580
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 170
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- PetroCom
- 311
- 670
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Pine Belt Cellular, Inc.
- 311
- 080
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 790
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 100
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Plateau Telecommunications Inc.
- 310
- 940
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Poka Lambro Telco Ltd.
- 311
- 730
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 540
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 500
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Public Service Cellular Inc.
- 312
- 160
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- RSA 1 Limited Partnership
- 311
- 430
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- RSA 1 Limited Partnership
- 311
- 350
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sagebrush Cellular Inc.
- 311
- 910
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 46
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 260
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- SLO Cellular Inc / Cellular One of San Luis
- 310
- 320
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Smith Bagley Inc.
- 310
- 15
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 316
- 011
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Southern Communications Services Inc.
- 312
- 530
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 310
- 120
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 316
- 010
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 312
- 190
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 311
- 880
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 311
- 870
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 311
- 490
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Sprint Spectrum
- 310
- 240
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 660
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 230
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 31
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 220
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 270
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 210
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 260
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 200
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 250
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 160
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 800
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 300
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 280
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 330
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 310
- 310
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- T-Mobile
- 311
- 740
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 310
- 740
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Telemetrix Inc.
- 310
- 14
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Testing
- 310
- 950
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 310
- 860
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Texas RSA 15B2 Limited Partnership
- 311
- 830
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Thumb Cellular Limited Partnership
- 311
- 050
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Thumb Cellular Limited Partnership
- 310
- 460
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- TMP Corporation
- 310
- 490
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Triton PCS
- 311
- 860
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
- 310
- 960
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
- 312
- 290
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
- 310
- 020
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Union Telephone Co.
- 311
- 220
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- United States Cellular Corp.
- 310
- 730
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- United States Cellular Corp.
- 311
- 650
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- United Wireless Communications Inc.
- 310
- 38
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- USA 3650 AT&T
- 310
- 520
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- VeriSign
- 310
- 003
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 310
- 23
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 310
- 24
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 310
- 25
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 310
- 530
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- West Virginia Wireless
- 310
- 26
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Unknown
- 310
- 340
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Westlink Communications, LLC
- 311
- 150
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- 311
- 070
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Wisconsin RSA #7 Limited Partnership
- 310
- 390
- us
- United States of America
- 1
- Yorkville Telephone Cooperative
- 748
- 03
- uy
- Uruguay
- 598
- Ancel/Antel
- 748
- 00
- uy
- Uruguay
- 598
- Ancel/Antel
- 748
- 01
- uy
- Uruguay
- 598
- Ancel/Antel
- 748
- 10
- uy
- Uruguay
- 598
- Claro/AM Wireless
- 748
- 07
- uy
- Uruguay
- 598
- 434
- 04
- uz
- Uzbekistan
- 998
- Bee Line/Unitel
- 434
- 01
- uz
- Uzbekistan
- 998
- Buztel
- 434
- 07
- uz
- Uzbekistan
- 998
- MTS/Uzdunrobita
- 434
- 05
- uz
- Uzbekistan
- 998
- Ucell/Coscom
- 434
- 02
- uz
- Uzbekistan
- 998
- Uzmacom
- 541
- 05
- vu
- Vanuatu
- 678
- DigiCel
- 541
- 01
- vu
- Vanuatu
- 678
- 225
- 299
- va
- Vatican
- Failed Calls
- 734
- 03
- ve
- Venezuela
- 58
- DigiTel C.A.
- 734
- 02
- ve
- Venezuela
- 58
- DigiTel C.A.
- 734
- 01
- ve
- Venezuela
- 58
- DigiTel C.A.
- 734
- 06
- ve
- Venezuela
- 58
- Movilnet C.A.
- 734
- 04
- ve
- Venezuela
- 58
- Movistar/TelCel
- 452
- 07
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- Gmobile
- 452
- 08
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- I-Telecom
- 452
- 08
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- I-Telecom
- 452
- 08
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- I-Telecom
- 452
- 01
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- MobiFone
- 452
- 09
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- Reddi
- 452
- 03
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- S-Fone/Telecom
- 452
- 05
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- Vietnamobile
- 452
- 06
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- Viettel
- 452
- 04
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- Viettel
- 452
- 02
- vn
- Vietnam
- 84
- VinaPhone
- 376
- 50
- vi
- Virgin Islands
- 1340
- Digicel
- 543
- 299
- wf
- Wallis and Futuna
- Failed Calls
- 543
- 01
- wf
- Wallis and Futuna
- Manuia
- 421
- 999
- ye
- Yemen
- 967
- Fix Line
- 421
- 04
- ye
- Yemen
- 967
- HITS/Y Unitel
- 421
- 02
- ye
- Yemen
- 967
- MTN/Spacetel
- 421
- 01
- ye
- Yemen
- 967
- Sabaphone
- 421
- 03
- ye
- Yemen
- 967
- Yemen Mob. CDMA
- 645
- 01
- zm
- Zambia
- 260
- Airtel
- 645
- 299
- zm
- Zambia
- 260
- Failed Calls
- 645
- 02
- zm
- Zambia
- 260
- 645
- 03
- zm
- Zambia
- 260
- Zamtel
- 648
- 04
- zw
- Zimbabwe
- 263
- Econet
- 648
- 01
- zw
- Zimbabwe
- 263
- NetOne
- 648
- 03
- zw
- Zimbabwe
- 263
- Telecel
+ 289
+ 88
+ ge
+ Abkhazia
+ 7
+ A-Mobile
+ 289
+ 68
+ ge
+ Abkhazia
+ 7
+ A-Mobile
+ 289
+ 67
+ ge
+ Abkhazia
+ 7
+ Aquafon
+ 289
+ 299
+ ge
+ Abkhazia
+ 7
+ Failed Calls
+ 289
+ 999
+ ge
+ Abkhazia
+ 7
+ Fix Line
+ 412
+ 01
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ 412
+ 50
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ Etisalat
+ 412
+ 299
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ Failed Calls
+ 412
+ 999
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ Fix Line
+ 412
+ 88
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ Mobifone
+ 412
+ 80
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ Mobifone
+ 412
+ 40
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ 412
+ 20
+ af
+ Afghanistan
+ 93
+ Roshan
+ 276
+ 03
+ al
+ Albania
+ 355
+ ALBtelecom Mobile / Eagle
+ 276
+ 299
+ al
+ Albania
+ 355
+ Failed Calls
+ 276
+ 999
+ al
+ Albania
+ 355
+ Fix Line
+ 276
+ 01
+ al
+ Albania
+ 355
+ One / AMC
+ 276
+ 02
+ al
+ Albania
+ 355
+ Vodafone
+ 603
+ 02
+ dz
+ Algeria
+ 213
+ Djezzy
+ 603
+ 299
+ dz
+ Algeria
+ 213
+ Failed Calls
+ 603
+ 999
+ dz
+ Algeria
+ 213
+ Fix Line
+ 603
+ 01
+ dz
+ Algeria
+ 213
+ Mobilis
+ 603
+ 03
+ dz
+ Algeria
+ 213
+ Ooredoo
+ 544
+ 780
+ as
+ American Samoa
+ 684
+ ASTCA Mobile
+ 544
+ 11
+ as
+ American Samoa
+ 684
+ BlueSky
+ 544
+ 299
+ as
+ American Samoa
+ 684
+ Failed Calls
+ 544
+ 999
+ as
+ American Samoa
+ 684
+ Fix Line
+ 213
+ 03
+ ad
+ Andorra
+ 376
+ Andorra Telecom / Mobiland
+ 213
+ 299
+ ad
+ Andorra
+ 376
+ Failed Calls
+ 213
+ 999
+ ad
+ Andorra
+ 376
+ Fix Line
+ 631
+ 299
+ ao
+ Angola
+ 244
+ Failed Calls
+ 631
+ 999
+ ao
+ Angola
+ 244
+ Fix Line
+ 631
+ 04
+ ao
+ Angola
+ 244
+ MoviCel
+ 631
+ 02
+ ao
+ Angola
+ 244
+ Unitel
+ 365
+ 850
+ ai
+ Anguilla
+ 1264
+ Digicel
+ 365
+ 299
+ ai
+ Anguilla
+ 1264
+ Failed Calls
+ 365
+ 999
+ ai
+ Anguilla
+ 1264
+ Fix Line
+ 365
+ 840
+ ai
+ Anguilla
+ 1264
+ Flow
+ 344
+ 93
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ Digicel
+ 344
+ 930
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ Digicel
+ 344
+ 299
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ Failed Calls
+ 344
+ 999
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ Fix Line
+ 344
+ 920
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ Flow
+ 344
+ 92
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ Flow
+ 344
+ 03
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ imobile / APUA
+ 344
+ 030
+ ag
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ 1268
+ imobile / APUA
+ 722
+ 330
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Claro
+ 722
+ 031
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Claro
+ 722
+ 320
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Claro
+ 722
+ 310
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Claro
+ 722
+ 299
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Express
+ 722
+ 999
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Fix Line
+ 722
+ 299
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Imowi
+ 722
+ 299
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ 722
+ 299
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Kallofer
+ 722
+ 007
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Movistar
+ 722
+ 070
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Movistar
+ 722
+ 010
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Movistar
+ 722
+ 299
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Nuestro
+ 722
+ 034
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Personal
+ 722
+ 299
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Telecentro
+ 722
+ 341
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Personal
+ 722
+ 340
+ ar
+ Argentina
+ 54
+ Personal
+ 283
+ 01
+ am
+ Armenia
+ 374
+ Beeline
+ 283
+ 299
+ am
+ Armenia
+ 374
+ Failed Calls
+ 283
+ 999
+ am
+ Armenia
+ 374
+ Fix Line
+ 283
+ 04
+ am
+ Armenia
+ 374
+ KT
+ 283
+ 10
+ am
+ Armenia
+ 374
+ Orange
+ 283
+ 05
+ am
+ Armenia
+ 374
+ Viva-MTS
+ 363
+ 02
+ aw
+ Aruba
+ 297
+ Digicel
+ 363
+ 299
+ aw
+ Aruba
+ 297
+ Failed Calls
+ 363
+ 999
+ aw
+ Aruba
+ 297
+ Fix Line
+ 363
+ 299
+ aw
+ Aruba
+ 297
+ 363
+ 01
+ aw
+ Aruba
+ 297
+ 505
+ 299
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ 505
+ 30
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Compatel
+ 505
+ 999
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Fix Line
+ 505
+ 299
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Get SIM
+ 505
+ 19
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Lycamobile
+ 505
+ 35
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ MessageBird
+ 505
+ 10
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Norfolk Telecom
+ 505
+ 90
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Optus
+ 505
+ 50
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Pivotel
+ 505
+ 88
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Pivotel
+ 505
+ 13
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ RailCorp
+ 505
+ 26
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Sinch
+ 505
+ 02
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Optus
+ 505
+ 299
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Symbio
+ 505
+ 72
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Telstra
+ 505
+ 01
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Telstra
+ 505
+ 11
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Telstra
+ 505
+ 39
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Telstra
+ 505
+ 71
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Telstra
+ 505
+ 16
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ VicTrack
+ 505
+ 03
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Vodafone
+ 505
+ 06
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Vodafone
+ 505
+ 12
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Vodafone
+ 505
+ 07
+ au
+ Australia
+ 61
+ Vodafone
+ 232
+ 14
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 3
+ 232
+ 05
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 3
+ 232
+ 19
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 3
+ 232
+ 16
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 3
+ 232
+ 10
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 3
+ 232
+ 09
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ A1 Telekom
+ 232
+ 12
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ A1 Telekom
+ 232
+ 02
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ A1 Telekom
+ 232
+ 01
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ A1 Telekom
+ 232
+ 11
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ A1 Telekom
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ ArgoNET
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ DIALOG telekom
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Digital Privacy
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ educom
+ 232
+ 999
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Fix Line
+ 232
+ 25
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Holding Graz
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ kabelplus
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Lenovo Connect
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ LINK Mobility
+ 232
+ 26
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ LIWEST Mobil
+ 232
+ 17
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ 232
+ 20
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Mtel
+ 232
+ 91
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ OBB Infrastruktur
+ 232
+ 22
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Plintron
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Simple SMS
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Skymond Mobile
+ 232
+ 24
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Smartel Services
+ 232
+ 18
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ smartspace
+ 232
+ 13
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ T-Mobile / Magenta
+ 232
+ 23
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ T-Mobile / Magenta
+ 232
+ 04
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ T-Mobile / Magenta
+ 232
+ 03
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ T-Mobile / Magenta
+ 232
+ 299
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Telfoni
+ 232
+ 27
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Tismi
+ 232
+ 07
+ at
+ Austria
+ 43
+ Ventocom
+ 400
+ 01
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ Azercell
+ 400
+ 02
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ Bakcell
+ 400
+ 299
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ Failed Calls
+ 400
+ 999
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ Fix Line
+ 400
+ 03
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ 400
+ 04
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ Nar Mobile
+ 400
+ 06
+ az
+ Azerbaijan
+ 994
+ Naxtel
+ 364
+ 490
+ bs
+ Bahamas
+ 1242
+ Aliv
+ 364
+ 390
+ bs
+ Bahamas
+ 1242
+ Cybercell / BaTelCo
+ 364
+ 39
+ bs
+ Bahamas
+ 1242
+ Cybercell / BaTelCo
+ 364
+ 30
+ bs
+ Bahamas
+ 1242
+ Cybercell / BaTelCo
+ 364
+ 299
+ bs
+ Bahamas
+ 1242
+ Failed Calls
+ 364
+ 999
+ bs
+ Bahamas
+ 1242
+ Fix Line
+ 426
+ 01
+ bh
+ Bahrain
+ 973
+ Batelco
+ 426
+ 299
+ bh
+ Bahrain
+ 973
+ Failed Calls
+ 426
+ 999
+ bh
+ Bahrain
+ 973
+ Fix Line
+ 426
+ 05
+ bh
+ Bahrain
+ 973
+ Royal Court
+ 426
+ 04
+ bh
+ Bahrain
+ 973
+ 426
+ 02
+ bh
+ Bahrain
+ 973
+ Zain
+ 470
+ 07
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ Airtel
+ 470
+ 02
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ Airtel
+ 470
+ 03
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ Banglalink
+ 470
+ 299
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ Failed Calls
+ 470
+ 999
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ Fix Line
+ 470
+ 01
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ GrameenPhone
+ 470
+ 04
+ bd
+ Bangladesh
+ 880
+ TeleTalk
+ 342
+ 050
+ bb
+ Barbados
+ 1246
+ Digicel
+ 342
+ 299
+ bb
+ Barbados
+ 1246
+ Failed Calls
+ 342
+ 999
+ bb
+ Barbados
+ 1246
+ Fix Line
+ 342
+ 600
+ bb
+ Barbados
+ 1246
+ Flow / Lime
+ 342
+ 299
+ bb
+ Barbados
+ 1246
+ Ozone
+ 257
+ 04
+ by
+ Belarus
+ 375
+ life:)
+ 257
+ 299
+ by
+ Belarus
+ 375
+ Failed Calls
+ 257
+ 999
+ by
+ Belarus
+ 375
+ Fix Line
+ 257
+ 02
+ by
+ Belarus
+ 375
+ 257
+ 01
+ by
+ Belarus
+ 375
+ velcom A1
+ 206
+ 20
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Base
+ 206
+ 28
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ 206
+ 25
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Dense Air
+ 206
+ 23
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Dust Mobile
+ 206
+ 33
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Ericsson
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ 206
+ 999
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Fix Line
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ GianCom
+ 206
+ 02
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Infrabel
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ interactive digital media / IDM
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ L-mobi
+ 206
+ 99
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Lancelot
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Legos
+ 206
+ 06
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Lycamobile
+ 206
+ 30
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Mobile Vikings
+ 206
+ 10
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Mobistar / Orange
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Nord Connect
+ 206
+ 34
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ onoff
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ PM Factory
+ 206
+ 01
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Proximus
+ 206
+ 04
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Proximus
+ 206
+ 00
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Proximus
+ 206
+ 05
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Telenet
+ 206
+ 07
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Vectone Mobile
+ 206
+ 08
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ VOOmobile
+ 206
+ 299
+ be
+ Belgium
+ 32
+ Voxbone / Bandwidth
+ 702
+ 67
+ bz
+ Belize
+ 501
+ DigiCell
+ 702
+ 299
+ bz
+ Belize
+ 501
+ Failed Calls
+ 702
+ 999
+ bz
+ Belize
+ 501
+ Fix Line
+ 702
+ 69
+ bz
+ Belize
+ 501
+ Smart
+ 702
+ 099
+ bz
+ Belize
+ 501
+ Smart
+ 616
+ 299
+ bj
+ Benin
+ 229
+ Failed Calls
+ 616
+ 999
+ bj
+ Benin
+ 229
+ Fix Line
+ 616
+ 02
+ bj
+ Benin
+ 229
+ Moov
+ 616
+ 03
+ bj
+ Benin
+ 229
+ 350
+ 01
+ bm
+ Bermuda
+ 1441
+ Digicel
+ 350
+ 299
+ bm
+ Bermuda
+ 1441
+ Failed Calls
+ 350
+ 999
+ bm
+ Bermuda
+ 1441
+ Fix Line
+ 350
+ 000
+ bm
+ Bermuda
+ 1441
+ One
+ 402
+ 11
+ bt
+ Bhutan
+ 975
+ B-Mobile
+ 402
+ 17
+ bt
+ Bhutan
+ 975
+ B-Mobile
+ 402
+ 999
+ bt
+ Bhutan
+ 975
+ Fix Line
+ 402
+ 77
+ bt
+ Bhutan
+ 975
+ TashiCell
+ 736
+ 02
+ bo
+ Bolivia
+ 591
+ Entel Movil
+ 736
+ 299
+ bo
+ Bolivia
+ 591
+ Failed Calls
+ 736
+ 999
+ bo
+ Bolivia
+ 591
+ Fix Line
+ 736
+ 03
+ bo
+ Bolivia
+ 591
+ Tigo
+ 736
+ 01
+ bo
+ Bolivia
+ 591
+ Viva
+ 218
+ 90
+ ba
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387
+ BH Mobile
+ 218
+ 03
+ ba
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387
+ Eronet
+ 218
+ 299
+ ba
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387
+ Failed Calls
+ 218
+ 999
+ ba
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387
+ Fix Line
+ 218
+ 05
+ ba
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387
+ m:tel
+ 652
+ 04
+ bw
+ Botswana
+ 267
+ beMobile
+ 652
+ 299
+ bw
+ Botswana
+ 267
+ Failed Calls
+ 652
+ 999
+ bw
+ Botswana
+ 267
+ Fix Line
+ 652
+ 01
+ bw
+ Botswana
+ 267
+ Mascom
+ 652
+ 02
+ bw
+ Botswana
+ 267
+ Orange
+ 724
+ 32
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Algar Telecom
+ 724
+ 33
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Algar Telecom
+ 724
+ 34
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Algar Telecom
+ 724
+ 26
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Americanet
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Bbs Options
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Cinco
+ 724
+ 05
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Claro
+ 724
+ 38
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Claro
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Failed Calls
+ 724
+ 999
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Fix Line
+ 724
+ 21
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Ligue
+ 724
+ 00
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Nextel
+ 724
+ 39
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Nextel
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ 724
+ 16
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Oi Movel
+ 724
+ 31
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Oi Movel
+ 724
+ 15
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Sercomtel
+ 724
+ 17
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Surf
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Telecall
+ 724
+ 04
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ 724
+ 03
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ 724
+ 02
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ 724
+ 54
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ 724
+ 299
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Vecto Mobile
+ 724
+ 11
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Vivo
+ 724
+ 23
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Vivo
+ 724
+ 06
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Vivo
+ 724
+ 10
+ br
+ Brazil
+ 55
+ Vivo
+ 348
+ 570
+ vg
+ British Virgin Islands
+ 284
+ 348
+ 770
+ vg
+ British Virgin Islands
+ 284
+ Digicel
+ 348
+ 299
+ vg
+ British Virgin Islands
+ 284
+ Failed Calls
+ 348
+ 999
+ vg
+ British Virgin Islands
+ 284
+ Fix Line
+ 348
+ 170
+ vg
+ British Virgin Islands
+ 284
+ Flow
+ 528
+ 02
+ bn
+ Brunei
+ 673
+ B-Mobile
+ 528
+ 03
+ bn
+ Brunei
+ 673
+ 528
+ 11
+ bn
+ Brunei
+ 673
+ 528
+ 299
+ bn
+ Brunei
+ 673
+ Failed Calls
+ 528
+ 999
+ bn
+ Brunei
+ 673
+ Fix Line
+ 284
+ 01
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ A1
+ 284
+ 11
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ Bulsatcom
+ 284
+ 299
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ Failed Calls
+ 284
+ 999
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ Fix Line
+ 284
+ 13
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ T.com
+ 284
+ 05
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ Telenor
+ 284
+ 03
+ bg
+ Bulgaria
+ 359
+ Vivacom
+ 613
+ 299
+ bf
+ Burkina Faso
+ 226
+ Failed Calls
+ 613
+ 999
+ bf
+ Burkina Faso
+ 226
+ Fix Line
+ 613
+ 02
+ bf
+ Burkina Faso
+ 226
+ Orange
+ 613
+ 03
+ bf
+ Burkina Faso
+ 226
+ Telecel
+ 613
+ 01
+ bf
+ Burkina Faso
+ 226
+ Telmob
+ 642
+ 999
+ bi
+ Burundi
+ 257
+ Fix Line
+ 642
+ 01
+ bi
+ Burundi
+ 257
+ Leo
+ 642
+ 82
+ bi
+ Burundi
+ 257
+ Leo
+ 642
+ 08
+ bi
+ Burundi
+ 257
+ Lumitel
+ 642
+ 03
+ bi
+ Burundi
+ 257
+ 642
+ 07
+ bi
+ Burundi
+ 257
+ Smart
+ 456
+ 04
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ QB
+ 456
+ 01
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Cellcard
+ 456
+ 299
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ CooTel
+ 456
+ 299
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Failed Calls
+ 456
+ 999
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Fix Line
+ 456
+ 08
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Metfone
+ 456
+ 299
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ 456
+ 11
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Seatel
+ 456
+ 05
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Smart
+ 456
+ 02
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Smart
+ 456
+ 06
+ kh
+ Cambodia
+ 855
+ Smart
+ 624
+ 299
+ cm
+ Cameroon
+ 237
+ Failed Calls
+ 624
+ 999
+ cm
+ Cameroon
+ 237
+ Fix Line
+ 624
+ 01
+ cm
+ Cameroon
+ 237
+ 624
+ 04
+ cm
+ Cameroon
+ 237
+ Nextel
+ 624
+ 02
+ cm
+ Cameroon
+ 237
+ Orange
+ 302
+ 61
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 630
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 660
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 64
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 69
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 640
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 690
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 66
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 610
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 63
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Bell Mobility
+ 302
+ 270
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ eastlink
+ 302
+ 299
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Failed Calls
+ 302
+ 370
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Fido
+ 302
+ 37
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Fido
+ 302
+ 999
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Fix Line
+ 302
+ 49
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Freedom Mobile
+ 302
+ 491
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Freedom Mobile
+ 302
+ 490
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Freedom Mobile
+ 302
+ 62
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Ice Wireless
+ 302
+ 620
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Ice Wireless
+ 302
+ 380
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ K-Net Mobile
+ 302
+ 530
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ K-Net Mobile
+ 302
+ 53
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ K-Net Mobile
+ 302
+ 38
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ K-Net Mobile
+ 302
+ 720
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 721
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 32
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 82
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 320
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 820
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 72
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Rogers
+ 302
+ 750
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 75
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 78
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 680
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 681
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 780
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 68
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 781
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ SaskTel Mobility
+ 302
+ 22
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 860
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 86
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 360
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 221
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 760
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 36
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 220
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 22
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 76
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Telus Mobility
+ 302
+ 520
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Videotron
+ 302
+ 51
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Videotron
+ 302
+ 50
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Videotron
+ 302
+ 500
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Videotron
+ 302
+ 510
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Videotron
+ 302
+ 299
+ ca
+ Canada
+ 1
+ Xplore Mobile
+ 625
+ 01
+ cv
+ Cape Verde
+ 238
+ CVMovel
+ 625
+ 299
+ cv
+ Cape Verde
+ 238
+ Failed Calls
+ 625
+ 999
+ cv
+ Cape Verde
+ 238
+ Fix Line
+ 625
+ 02
+ cv
+ Cape Verde
+ 238
+ Unitel T+
+ 346
+ 050
+ ky
+ Cayman Islands
+ 1345
+ Digicel
+ 346
+ 299
+ ky
+ Cayman Islands
+ 1345
+ Failed Calls
+ 346
+ 999
+ ky
+ Cayman Islands
+ 1345
+ Fix Line
+ 346
+ 140
+ ky
+ Cayman Islands
+ 1345
+ Flow / Lime
+ 346
+ 001
+ ky
+ Cayman Islands
+ 1345
+ Logic
+ 623
+ 04
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Azur
+ 623
+ 299
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Failed Calls
+ 623
+ 999
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Fix Line
+ 623
+ 01
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Moov
+ 623
+ 03
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Orange
+ 623
+ 299
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Socatel
+ 623
+ 02
+ cf
+ Central African Republic
+ 236
+ Telecel
+ 622
+ 01
+ td
+ Chad
+ 235
+ Airtel
+ 622
+ 299
+ td
+ Chad
+ 235
+ Failed Calls
+ 622
+ 999
+ td
+ Chad
+ 235
+ Fix Line
+ 622
+ 03
+ td
+ Chad
+ 235
+ Moov
+ 622
+ 04
+ td
+ Chad
+ 235
+ Salam
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Boby
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ CellOPS
+ 730
+ 22
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Cellplus
+ 730
+ 11
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Celupago
+ 730
+ 15
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Cibeles Telecom
+ 730
+ 27
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Cibeles Telecom
+ 730
+ 03
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Claro
+ 730
+ 23
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Claro
+ 730
+ 17
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Compatel
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Dotcom
+ 730
+ 18
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Empresas Bunker
+ 730
+ 10
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Entel
+ 730
+ 01
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Entel
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Failed Calls
+ 730
+ 999
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Fix Line
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ GTD Movil
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Industel
+ 730
+ 06
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ 730
+ 20
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Inversiones Santa Fe
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Mavi
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Mobilink
+ 730
+ 19
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Movil Falabella
+ 730
+ 07
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Movistar
+ 730
+ 02
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Movistar
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Mundo Pacifico
+ 730
+ 14
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Netline
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ NetUno
+ 730
+ 16
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Nomade Telecomunicaciones
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Quantax
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ RedVoiss
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Simple
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Swedcom
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Telcomax
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Telefonica Uno Uno Cuatro
+ 730
+ 12
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Telestar
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Television Interactiva
+ 730
+ 13
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 730
+ 299
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ VOIP Analysis
+ 730
+ 08
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ VTR Movil
+ 730
+ 04
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ 730
+ 09
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ 730
+ 05
+ cl
+ Chile
+ 56
+ 460
+ 04
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Mobile
+ 460
+ 07
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Mobile
+ 460
+ 02
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Mobile
+ 460
+ 08
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Mobile
+ 460
+ 00
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Mobile
+ 460
+ 11
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Telecom
+ 460
+ 03
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Telecom
+ 460
+ 12
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Telecom
+ 460
+ 06
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Unicom
+ 460
+ 01
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Unicom
+ 460
+ 10
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Unicom
+ 460
+ 09
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ China Unicom
+ 460
+ 299
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ Failed Calls
+ 460
+ 999
+ cn
+ China
+ 86
+ Fix Line
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ ATnet
+ 732
+ 130
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Avantel
+ 732
+ 666
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Claro
+ 732
+ 101
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Claro
+ 732
+ 002
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Edatel
+ 732
+ 187
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ eTb
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Eztalk Mobile
+ 732
+ 999
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Fix Line
+ 732
+ 240
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Flash Mobile
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Gomobile
+ 732
+ 220
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Libre Tecnologias
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Movil Exito
+ 732
+ 123
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Movistar
+ 732
+ 001
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Movistar
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Plintron
+ 732
+ 230
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Setroc Mobile
+ 732
+ 199
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ SUMA movil
+ 732
+ 165
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Tigo
+ 732
+ 103
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Tigo
+ 732
+ 111
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Tigo
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ 732
+ 142
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ 732
+ 020
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ 732
+ 299
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Vilacom Mobile
+ 732
+ 154
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 732
+ 360
+ co
+ Colombia
+ 57
+ 654
+ 299
+ km
+ Comoros
+ 269
+ Failed Calls
+ 654
+ 999
+ km
+ Comoros
+ 269
+ Fix Line
+ 654
+ 01
+ km
+ Comoros
+ 269
+ 654
+ 02
+ km
+ Comoros
+ 269
+ Telma
+ 629
+ 01
+ cg
+ Congo
+ 242
+ Airtel
+ 629
+ 299
+ cg
+ Congo
+ 242
+ Failed Calls
+ 629
+ 999
+ cg
+ Congo
+ 242
+ Fix Line
+ 629
+ 10
+ cg
+ Congo
+ 242
+ 629
+ 07
+ cg
+ Congo
+ 242
+ Warid
+ 548
+ 01
+ ck
+ Cook Islands
+ 682
+ Vodafone / Bluesky
+ 548
+ 299
+ ck
+ Cook Islands
+ 682
+ Failed Calls
+ 548
+ 999
+ ck
+ Cook Islands
+ 682
+ Fix Line
+ 712
+ 03
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Claro
+ 712
+ 299
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Failed Calls
+ 712
+ 999
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Fix Line
+ 712
+ 02
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Kolbi / ICE
+ 712
+ 01
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Kolbi / ICE
+ 712
+ 04
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Movistar
+ 712
+ 299
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ MultiCom
+ 712
+ 299
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ racsa
+ 712
+ 299
+ cr
+ Costa Rica
+ 506
+ Tuyo Movil
+ 219
+ 10
+ hr
+ Croatia
+ 385
+ A1 / VIP
+ 219
+ 299
+ hr
+ Croatia
+ 385
+ Failed Calls
+ 219
+ 999
+ hr
+ Croatia
+ 385
+ Fix Line
+ 219
+ 01
+ hr
+ Croatia
+ 385
+ T-Mobile
+ 219
+ 12
+ hr
+ Croatia
+ 385
+ 219
+ 02
+ hr
+ Croatia
+ 385
+ Telemach / Tele2
+ 368
+ 01
+ cu
+ Cuba
+ 53
+ Cubacel
+ 368
+ 299
+ cu
+ Cuba
+ 53
+ Failed Calls
+ 368
+ 999
+ cu
+ Cuba
+ 53
+ Fix Line
+ 368
+ 299
+ cu
+ Cuba
+ 53
+ MoviTel
+ 280
+ 22
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ Cablenet / Lemontel
+ 280
+ 01
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ Cytamobile-Vodafone
+ 280
+ 02
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ Cytamobile-Vodafone
+ 280
+ 10
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ Epic / MTN
+ 280
+ 299
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ Failed Calls
+ 280
+ 999
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ Fix Line
+ 280
+ 20
+ cy
+ Cyprus
+ 357
+ PrimeTel
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ +4U Mobile
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 3ton
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 08
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Compatel
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Dragon
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ EriMobile
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Failed Calls
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Fayn
+ 230
+ 999
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Fix Line
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ GoMobil
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ ha-loo mobil
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Laudatio
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Nej Mobil
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ NETBOX Mobil
+ 230
+ 04
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Nordic Telecom
+ 230
+ 02
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ O2
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Odorik
+ 230
+ 05
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 98
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ 230
+ 01
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ T-Mobile
+ 230
+ 07
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ T-Mobile
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Tesco Mobile
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ TOPefekt
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ TT Quality
+ 230
+ 299
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Uniphone
+ 230
+ 09
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Uniphone
+ 230
+ 03
+ cz
+ Czech Republic
+ 420
+ Vodafone
+ 630
+ 90
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Africell
+ 630
+ 02
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Airtel
+ 630
+ 299
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Failed Calls
+ 630
+ 999
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Fix Line
+ 630
+ 86
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Orange
+ 630
+ 05
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Supercell
+ 630
+ 299
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Tatem
+ 630
+ 01
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Vodacom
+ 630
+ 88
+ cd
+ Democratic Republic of Congo
+ 243
+ Yozma Timeturns
+ 238
+ 06
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ 3
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ 42 Telecom
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ 5Tel
+ 238
+ 23
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Banedanmark
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Benemen
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Bolignet-Aarhus
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ CBB Mobil
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ celfon
+ 238
+ 88
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Cobira
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Companymobile
+ 238
+ 13
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Compatel
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Comtalk
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Evercall
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Failed Calls
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Firmafon
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Firstcom
+ 238
+ 999
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Fix Line
+ 238
+ 17
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Gotanet
+ 238
+ 42
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Greenwave
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ ipnordic
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Ipvision
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Lancelot
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Lebara
+ 238
+ 28
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ LINK Mobility
+ 238
+ 12
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Lycamobile
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Maxtel.dk
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ MI Carrier Services
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Mitto
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Mobiweb
+ 238
+ 14
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Monty Mobile
+ 238
+ 15
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Net 1
+ 238
+ 04
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Nexcon.io
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ NextM2M
+ 238
+ 73
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Onomondo
+ 238
+ 30
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Pareteum
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ SimService
+ 238
+ 03
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Syniverse
+ 238
+ 10
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ 238
+ 01
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ 238
+ 02
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Telenor
+ 238
+ 77
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Telenor
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Telenor Connexion
+ 238
+ 20
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Telia
+ 238
+ 96
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Telia
+ 238
+ 16
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Tismi
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Tripple Track
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Uni-tel
+ 238
+ 25
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Viahub
+ 238
+ 299
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Viptel
+ 238
+ 08
+ dk
+ Denmark
+ 45
+ Voxbone / Bandwidth
+ 310
+ 299
+ dg
+ Diego Garcia
+ 246
+ Failed Calls
+ 310
+ 999
+ dg
+ Diego Garcia
+ 246
+ Fix Line
+ 310
+ 299
+ dg
+ Diego Garcia
+ 246
+ Sure
+ 638
+ 01
+ dj
+ Djibouti
+ 253
+ Evatis
+ 638
+ 299
+ dj
+ Djibouti
+ 253
+ Failed Calls
+ 638
+ 999
+ dj
+ Djibouti
+ 253
+ Fix Line
+ 366
+ 050
+ dm
+ Dominica
+ 1767
+ Digicel
+ 366
+ 299
+ dm
+ Dominica
+ 1767
+ Failed Calls
+ 366
+ 999
+ dm
+ Dominica
+ 1767
+ Fix Line
+ 366
+ 110
+ dm
+ Dominica
+ 1767
+ Flow
+ 370
+ 02
+ do
+ Dominican Republic
+ 1809
+ Claro
+ 370
+ 299
+ do
+ Dominican Republic
+ 1809
+ Failed Calls
+ 370
+ 999
+ do
+ Dominican Republic
+ 1809
+ Fix Line
+ 370
+ 01
+ do
+ Dominican Republic
+ 1809
+ Orange / Altice
+ 370
+ 299
+ do
+ Dominican Republic
+ 1809
+ Satel
+ 370
+ 04
+ do
+ Dominican Republic
+ 1809
+ Viva
+ 514
+ 299
+ tl
+ East Timor
+ 670
+ Failed Calls
+ 514
+ 999
+ tl
+ East Timor
+ 670
+ Fix Line
+ 514
+ 03
+ tl
+ East Timor
+ 670
+ Telemor
+ 514
+ 01
+ tl
+ East Timor
+ 670
+ Telkomcel
+ 514
+ 02
+ tl
+ East Timor
+ 670
+ Timor Telecom
+ 740
+ 01
+ ec
+ Ecuador
+ 593
+ Claro
+ 740
+ 02
+ ec
+ Ecuador
+ 593
+ CNT movil
+ 740
+ 299
+ ec
+ Ecuador
+ 593
+ Failed Calls
+ 740
+ 999
+ ec
+ Ecuador
+ 593
+ Fix Line
+ 740
+ 00
+ ec
+ Ecuador
+ 593
+ Movistar
+ 602
+ 03
+ eg
+ Egypt
+ 20
+ Etisalat
+ 602
+ 299
+ eg
+ Egypt
+ 20
+ Failed Calls
+ 602
+ 999
+ eg
+ Egypt
+ 20
+ Fix Line
+ 602
+ 01
+ eg
+ Egypt
+ 20
+ Orange
+ 602
+ 02
+ eg
+ Egypt
+ 20
+ Vodafone
+ 602
+ 04
+ eg
+ Egypt
+ 20
+ WE
+ 706
+ 01
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ Claro
+ 706
+ 02
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ Digicel
+ 706
+ 299
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ Failed Calls
+ 706
+ 999
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ Fix Line
+ 706
+ 04
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ Movistar
+ 706
+ 05
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ 706
+ 03
+ sv
+ El Salvador
+ 503
+ Tigo
+ 627
+ 299
+ gq
+ Equatorial Guinea
+ 240
+ Failed Calls
+ 627
+ 999
+ gq
+ Equatorial Guinea
+ 240
+ Fix Line
+ 627
+ 03
+ gq
+ Equatorial Guinea
+ 240
+ Muni
+ 627
+ 01
+ gq
+ Equatorial Guinea
+ 240
+ Orange
+ 657
+ 01
+ er
+ Eritrea
+ 291
+ Eritel
+ 657
+ 299
+ er
+ Eritrea
+ 291
+ Failed Calls
+ 657
+ 999
+ er
+ Eritrea
+ 291
+ Fix Line
+ 248
+ 02
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ Elisa
+ 248
+ 299
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ Failed Calls
+ 248
+ 999
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ Fix Line
+ 248
+ 03
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ Tele2
+ 248
+ 01
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ Telia
+ 248
+ 13
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ Telia
+ 248
+ 04
+ ee
+ Estonia
+ 372
+ TravelSim
+ 636
+ 01
+ et
+ Ethiopia
+ 251
+ Ethio Mobile
+ 636
+ 299
+ et
+ Ethiopia
+ 251
+ Failed Calls
+ 636
+ 999
+ et
+ Ethiopia
+ 251
+ Fix Line
+ 750
+ 299
+ fk
+ Falkland Islands
+ 500
+ Failed Calls
+ 750
+ 999
+ fk
+ Falkland Islands
+ 500
+ Fix Line
+ 750
+ 001
+ fk
+ Falkland Islands
+ 500
+ Sure
+ 288
+ 299
+ fo
+ Faroe Islands
+ 298
+ Failed Calls
+ 288
+ 01
+ fo
+ Faroe Islands
+ 298
+ Faroese Telecom
+ 288
+ 999
+ fo
+ Faroe Islands
+ 298
+ Fix Line
+ 288
+ 02
+ fo
+ Faroe Islands
+ 298
+ Hey / Kall
+ 288
+ 03
+ fo
+ Faroe Islands
+ 298
+ Tosa
+ 542
+ 02
+ fj
+ Fiji
+ 679
+ DigiCell
+ 542
+ 299
+ fj
+ Fiji
+ 679
+ Failed Calls
+ 542
+ 999
+ fj
+ Fiji
+ 679
+ Fix Line
+ 542
+ 01
+ fj
+ Fiji
+ 679
+ Vodafone
+ 244
+ 14
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Alcom
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Benemen
+ 244
+ 26
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Compatel
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Cuuma
+ 244
+ 12
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 13
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 04
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 03
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 06
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Elisa
+ 244
+ 21
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Elisa
+ 244
+ 05
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Elisa
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Failed Calls
+ 244
+ 999
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Fix Line
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ interactive digital media / IDM
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Lancelot
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ MI Carrier Services
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ MobiWeb
+ 244
+ 24
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Nord Connect
+ 244
+ 09
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 07
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 39
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 38
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 41
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 08
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 40
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 43
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Telavox
+ 244
+ 36
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Telia
+ 244
+ 91
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Telia
+ 244
+ 15
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Telit
+ 244
+ 37
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Tismi
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ TravelSim
+ 244
+ 299
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Twilio
+ 244
+ 35
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Ukko Mobile
+ 244
+ 42
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Viahub
+ 244
+ 45
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 47
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 33
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 46
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ 244
+ 32
+ fi
+ Finland
+ 358
+ Voxbone / Bandwidth
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Add-On Multimedia
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Afone Mobile
+ 208
+ 28
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Airmob
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Alphalink
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Alphalink
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Annatel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Atlas
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Auchan
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Auchan
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Axialys
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Bazile
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 88
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Bouygues Telecom
+ 208
+ 21
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Bouygues Telecom
+ 208
+ 20
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Bouygues Telecom
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Bretagne Telecom
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 34
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Cellhire
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Codepi
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Coolwave
+ 208
+ 27
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Coriolis
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ CTExcel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Doctolib
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Failed Calls
+ 208
+ 999
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Fix Line
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Foliateam
+ 208
+ 15
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Free Mobile
+ 208
+ 36
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Free Mobile
+ 208
+ 35
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Free Mobile
+ 208
+ 16
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Free Mobile
+ 208
+ 94
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Halys
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Happy Telecom
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Hexatel
+ 208
+ 89
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Hub One
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ i-via
+ 208
+ 37
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ IP Directions
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ IP Telecom
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Iptis
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ JOi
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Kertel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Keyyo Mobile
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ La Poste Mobile
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ La Poste Mobile
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 38
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Lebara
+ 208
+ 17
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Legos
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Linkt
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 25
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Lycamobile
+ 208
+ 03
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ MobiquiThings
+ 208
+ 24
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ MobiquiThings
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Netcom
+ 208
+ 39
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Networth Telecom
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Nordnet
+ 208
+ 26
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ onoff
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ OpenIP
+ 208
+ 01
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Orange
+ 208
+ 32
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Orange
+ 208
+ 91
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Orange
+ 208
+ 02
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Orange
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Paritel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Prixtel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Prixtel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Sewan Communications
+ 208
+ 13
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 09
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 08
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 11
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 10
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ SIMbioz
+ 208
+ 30
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Syma Mobile
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Tismi
+ 208
+ 22
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Transatel
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Trunkline
+ 208
+ 12
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Truphone
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ unyc
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ 208
+ 31
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ Vectone Mobile
+ 208
+ 299
+ fr
+ France
+ 33
+ VOIP Telecom
+ 547
+ 299
+ pf
+ French Polynesia
+ 689
+ Failed Calls
+ 547
+ 999
+ pf
+ French Polynesia
+ 689
+ Fix Line
+ 547
+ 299
+ pf
+ French Polynesia
+ 689
+ Ora
+ 547
+ 20
+ pf
+ French Polynesia
+ 689
+ Vini
+ 547
+ 15
+ pf
+ French Polynesia
+ 689
+ Vodafone
+ 628
+ 03
+ ga
+ Gabon
+ 241
+ Airtel
+ 628
+ 299
+ ga
+ Gabon
+ 241
+ Failed Calls
+ 628
+ 999
+ ga
+ Gabon
+ 241
+ Fix Line
+ 628
+ 01
+ ga
+ Gabon
+ 241
+ Libertis
+ 607
+ 02
+ gm
+ Gambia
+ 220
+ Africel
+ 607
+ 03
+ gm
+ Gambia
+ 220
+ Comium
+ 607
+ 299
+ gm
+ Gambia
+ 220
+ Failed Calls
+ 607
+ 999
+ gm
+ Gambia
+ 220
+ Fix Line
+ 607
+ 01
+ gm
+ Gambia
+ 220
+ Gamcel
+ 607
+ 04
+ gm
+ Gambia
+ 220
+ QCell
+ 282
+ 04
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Beeline
+ 282
+ 299
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Failed Calls
+ 282
+ 999
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Fix Line
+ 282
+ 01
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Geocell
+ 282
+ 07
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ GlobalCell
+ 282
+ 02
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ MagtiCom
+ 282
+ 11
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Mobilive
+ 282
+ 22
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ MyPhone
+ 282
+ 10
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Premium Net
+ 282
+ 08
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Silknet
+ 282
+ 12
+ ge
+ Georgia
+ 995
+ Telecom 1
+ 262
+ 23
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ 1&1
+ 262
+ 299
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Argon Networks
+ 262
+ 10
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ DB Netz
+ 262
+ 20
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / E-Plus
+ 262
+ 999
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Fix Line
+ 262
+ 14
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Lebara
+ 262
+ 43
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Lycamobile
+ 262
+ 21
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Multiconnect
+ 262
+ 22
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ sipgate
+ 262
+ 12
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ sipgate
+ 262
+ 78
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ T-mobile
+ 262
+ 06
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ T-mobile
+ 262
+ 01
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ T-mobile
+ 262
+ 24
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ TelcoVillage
+ 262
+ 03
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / E-Plus
+ 262
+ 05
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / E-Plus
+ 262
+ 17
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / E-Plus
+ 262
+ 16
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / O2
+ 262
+ 07
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / O2
+ 262
+ 11
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / O2
+ 262
+ 08
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Telefonica / O2
+ 262
+ 299
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Tismi
+ 262
+ 299
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Truphone
+ 262
+ 42
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Vodafone
+ 262
+ 09
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Vodafone
+ 262
+ 04
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Vodafone
+ 262
+ 02
+ de
+ Germany
+ 49
+ Vodafone
+ 620
+ 03
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Airtel
+ 620
+ 06
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Airtel
+ 620
+ 299
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Comsys
+ 620
+ 299
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Failed Calls
+ 620
+ 999
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Fix Line
+ 620
+ 07
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Glo
+ 620
+ 01
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ 620
+ 05
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ National Security
+ 620
+ 08
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Surfline
+ 620
+ 02
+ gh
+ Ghana
+ 233
+ Vodafone
+ 266
+ 299
+ gi
+ Gibraltar
+ 350
+ Failed Calls
+ 266
+ 999
+ gi
+ Gibraltar
+ 350
+ Fix Line
+ 266
+ 299
+ gi
+ Gibraltar
+ 350
+ GibFibreSpeed
+ 266
+ 01
+ gi
+ Gibraltar
+ 350
+ Gibtel
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ AMD Telecom
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Apifon
+ 202
+ 15
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ 202
+ 02
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Cosmote
+ 202
+ 01
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Cosmote
+ 202
+ 999
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Fix Line
+ 202
+ 16
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Inter Telecom
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Interconnect
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Nova
+ 202
+ 04
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ 202
+ 03
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ 202
+ 299
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Premium Net
+ 202
+ 05
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Vodafone
+ 202
+ 09
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Wind
+ 202
+ 10
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Wind
+ 202
+ 12
+ gr
+ Greece
+ 30
+ Yuboto
+ 290
+ 299
+ gl
+ Greenland
+ 299
+ Failed Calls
+ 290
+ 999
+ gl
+ Greenland
+ 299
+ Fix Line
+ 290
+ 01
+ gl
+ Greenland
+ 299
+ Tele Greenland
+ 352
+ 050
+ gd
+ Grenada
+ 1473
+ Digicel
+ 352
+ 299
+ gd
+ Grenada
+ 1473
+ Failed Calls
+ 352
+ 999
+ gd
+ Grenada
+ 1473
+ Fix Line
+ 352
+ 110
+ gd
+ Grenada
+ 1473
+ Flow
+ 352
+ 299
+ gd
+ Grenada
+ 1473
+ Spice Mobile
+ 340
+ 08
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ Amigo
+ 340
+ 20
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ Digicel
+ 340
+ 299
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ Failed Calls
+ 340
+ 999
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ Fix Line
+ 340
+ 04
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ Free
+ 340
+ 01
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ Orange
+ 340
+ 02
+ gf
+ Guadeloupe and Martinique and French Guiana
+ 594
+ 310
+ 370
+ gu
+ Guam
+ 1671
+ Docomo Pacific
+ 310
+ 470
+ gu
+ Guam
+ 1671
+ Docomo Pacific
+ 310
+ 299
+ gu
+ Guam
+ 1671
+ Failed Calls
+ 310
+ 999
+ gu
+ Guam
+ 1671
+ Fix Line
+ 310
+ 140
+ gu
+ Guam
+ 1671
+ 310
+ 110
+ gu
+ Guam
+ 1671
+ IT&E
+ 704
+ 01
+ gt
+ Guatemala
+ 502
+ Claro
+ 704
+ 299
+ gt
+ Guatemala
+ 502
+ Failed Calls
+ 704
+ 999
+ gt
+ Guatemala
+ 502
+ Fix Line
+ 704
+ 03
+ gt
+ Guatemala
+ 502
+ Movistar
+ 704
+ 02
+ gt
+ Guatemala
+ 502
+ Tigo
+ 611
+ 05
+ gn
+ Guinea
+ 224
+ Cellcom
+ 611
+ 299
+ gn
+ Guinea
+ 224
+ Failed Calls
+ 611
+ 999
+ gn
+ Guinea
+ 224
+ Fix Line
+ 611
+ 04
+ gn
+ Guinea
+ 224
+ 611
+ 01
+ gn
+ Guinea
+ 224
+ Orange
+ 632
+ 299
+ gw
+ Guinea-Bissau
+ 245
+ Failed Calls
+ 632
+ 999
+ gw
+ Guinea-Bissau
+ 245
+ Fix Line
+ 632
+ 01
+ gw
+ Guinea-Bissau
+ 245
+ Guinetel
+ 632
+ 02
+ gw
+ Guinea-Bissau
+ 245
+ 632
+ 03
+ gw
+ Guinea-Bissau
+ 245
+ Orange
+ 738
+ 02
+ gy
+ Guyana
+ 592
+ Cellink
+ 738
+ 01
+ gy
+ Guyana
+ 592
+ Digicel
+ 738
+ 299
+ gy
+ Guyana
+ 592
+ Failed Calls
+ 738
+ 999
+ gy
+ Guyana
+ 592
+ Fix Line
+ 372
+ 02
+ ht
+ Haiti
+ 509
+ Digicel
+ 372
+ 299
+ ht
+ Haiti
+ 509
+ Failed Calls
+ 372
+ 999
+ ht
+ Haiti
+ 509
+ Fix Line
+ 372
+ 03
+ ht
+ Haiti
+ 509
+ Natcom
+ 708
+ 01
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ Claro
+ 708
+ 001
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ Claro
+ 708
+ 299
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ Failed Calls
+ 708
+ 999
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ Fix Line
+ 708
+ 030
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ HonduTel
+ 708
+ 30
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ HonduTel
+ 708
+ 02
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ Tigo
+ 708
+ 002
+ hn
+ Honduras
+ 504
+ Tigo
+ 454
+ 14
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ 3
+ 454
+ 05
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ 3
+ 454
+ 04
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ 3
+ 454
+ 03
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ 3
+ 454
+ 13
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ China Mobile
+ 454
+ 12
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ China Mobile
+ 454
+ 30
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ China Mobile
+ 454
+ 32
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ 454
+ 07
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ China Unicom
+ 454
+ 11
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ 454
+ 01
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Citic
+ 454
+ 31
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ CTExcel
+ 454
+ 36
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Eascotel
+ 454
+ 999
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Fix Line
+ 454
+ 393
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 27
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 397
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 392
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 25
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 396
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 391
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 395
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 390
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 28
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 26
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 394
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 398
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Government
+ 454
+ 24
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Multibyte
+ 454
+ 15
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SmarTone
+ 454
+ 17
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SmarTone
+ 454
+ 06
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SmarTone
+ 454
+ 02
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 00
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 10
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 16
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 20
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 18
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 19
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ SUN Mobile / CSL
+ 454
+ 08
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Tru
+ 454
+ 35
+ hk
+ Hong Kong
+ 852
+ Webbing
+ 216
+ 299
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Antenna
+ 216
+ 03
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Digi
+ 216
+ 999
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Fix line
+ 216
+ 299
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Invitech
+ 216
+ 299
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Mobil4
+ 216
+ 02
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ 216
+ 299
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Netfone
+ 216
+ 299
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ 216
+ 30
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Telekom
+ 216
+ 01
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Telenor
+ 216
+ 299
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Vidanet
+ 216
+ 71
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Vodafone
+ 216
+ 70
+ hu
+ Hungary
+ 36
+ Vodafone
+ 274
+ 299
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Failed Calls
+ 274
+ 999
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Fix Line
+ 274
+ 11
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ 274
+ 31
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Siminn
+ 274
+ 08
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Siminn
+ 274
+ 01
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Siminn
+ 274
+ 16
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Tismi
+ 274
+ 04
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Viking Wireless
+ 274
+ 12
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Vodafone
+ 274
+ 03
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Vodafone
+ 274
+ 02
+ is
+ Iceland
+ 354
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 91
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 33
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 42
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 29
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 25
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 41
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 28
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 37
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 35
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 17
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Aircel
+ 404
+ 16
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 95
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 70
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 10
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 94
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 98
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 06
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 93
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 49
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 97
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 03
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 92
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 31
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 96
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 02
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 90
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Airtel
+ 404
+ 55
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 73
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 34
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 62
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 77
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 54
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 72
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 59
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 76
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 81
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 53
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 71
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 58
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 75
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 80
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 51
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 66
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 57
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 74
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 38
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 64
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ BSNL Mobile
+ 404
+ 69
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Dolphin
+ 404
+ 299
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Failed Calls
+ 404
+ 999
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Fix Line
+ 404
+ 68
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Garuda
+ 404
+ 89
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 22
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 849
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 04
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 78
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 87
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 19
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 848
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 56
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 853
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 14
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 846
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 44
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 852
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 12
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 845
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 24
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 850
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 07
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 82
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Idea
+ 404
+ 869
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 860
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 865
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 857
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 870
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 861
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 854
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 874
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 866
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 871
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 862
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 855
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 867
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 858
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 872
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 863
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 868
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 859
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 873
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 864
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 856
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Jio
+ 404
+ 21
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Loop Mobile
+ 404
+ 50
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 52
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 08
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 18
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 67
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 09
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 23
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 83
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 36
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 85
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Reliance Mobile
+ 404
+ 20
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 01
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 46
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 15
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 88
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 43
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 13
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 86
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 30
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 11
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 84
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 27
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 05
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 404
+ 60
+ in
+ India
+ 91
+ Vodafone
+ 510
+ 89
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ 3
+ 510
+ 299
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Failed Calls
+ 510
+ 999
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Fix Line
+ 510
+ 01
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Indosat Ooredoo
+ 510
+ 62
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Indosat Ooredoo
+ 510
+ 21
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Indosat Ooredoo
+ 510
+ 27
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Net1
+ 510
+ 99
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Smartfren
+ 510
+ 09
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Smartfren
+ 510
+ 28
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Smartfren
+ 510
+ 10
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Telkomsel
+ 510
+ 20
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ Telkomsel
+ 510
+ 08
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ XL
+ 510
+ 11
+ id
+ Indonesia
+ 62
+ XL
+ 901
+ 67
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 1NCE
+ 901
+ 76
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ A1
+ 901
+ 14
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ AeroMobile
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Afinna One
+ 901
+ 81
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Airnity
+ 901
+ 82
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ AnyNet
+ 901
+ 24
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Bandwidth
+ 901
+ 55
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Beezz
+ 901
+ 58
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 70
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Bubbletone
+ 901
+ 18
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Cingular Wireless Network
+ 901
+ 16
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Cisco Jasper
+ 901
+ 48
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Com4 Sweden
+ 901
+ 73
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Cubic
+ 901
+ 42
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ DCN Hub
+ 901
+ 40
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Deutsche Telekom
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 50
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ EchoStar Mobile
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Ellipsat
+ 901
+ 43
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ EMnify
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Failed Calls
+ 901
+ 999
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Fix Line
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Global Access Services
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Globalstar
+ 901
+ 13
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 22
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ i-lincc
+ 901
+ 11
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Inmarsat
+ 901
+ 20
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Intermatica
+ 901
+ 03
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Iridium
+ 901
+ 69
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Legos
+ 901
+ 66
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Limitless
+ 901
+ 52
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Manx Telecom
+ 901
+ 19
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Maritime Roaming Service
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ MCNtelecom
+ 901
+ 12
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 59
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ MessageBird
+ 901
+ 27
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Monaco Telecom
+ 901
+ 84
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Movistar
+ 901
+ 38
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 39
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ MTX Connect
+ 901
+ 17
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Navitas Telecom
+ 901
+ 79
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Nokia
+ 901
+ 85
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ O2
+ 901
+ 15
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ OnAir
+ 901
+ 41
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ One Network
+ 901
+ 47
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Ooredoo
+ 901
+ 31
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Orange
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Oration Technologies
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Phonegroup
+ 901
+ 65
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Plintron
+ 901
+ 75
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Pod
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ republic wireless
+ 901
+ 57
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Sipme
+ 901
+ 33
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ 901
+ 78
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Sparkle
+ 901
+ 64
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Syniverse
+ 901
+ 72
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Tele2
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Telecom26
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Telekom Malaysia
+ 901
+ 29
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Telenor Connexion
+ 901
+ 05
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Thuraya RMSS
+ 901
+ 37
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Transatel
+ 901
+ 62
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Twilio
+ 901
+ 34
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ tyntec
+ 901
+ 51
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ VisionNG
+ 901
+ 21
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Wins
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ International Networks
+ 882
+ Zain
+ 432
+ 299
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Anarestan
+ 432
+ 299
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ ApTel
+ 432
+ 299
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Arian Tel
+ 432
+ 299
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Failed Calls
+ 432
+ 999
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Fix Line
+ 432
+ 299
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ LotusTel
+ 432
+ 11
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ 432
+ 19
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ 432
+ 35
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ MTN IranCell
+ 432
+ 20
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ RighTel
+ 432
+ 01
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ SamanTel
+ 432
+ 08
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Shatel Mobile
+ 432
+ 32
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Taliya
+ 432
+ 14
+ ir
+ Iran
+ 98
+ Telekish
+ 418
+ 05
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Asia Cell
+ 418
+ 299
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Failed Calls
+ 418
+ 999
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Fix Line
+ 418
+ 40
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Korek
+ 418
+ 45
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Mobitel
+ 418
+ 20
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Zain
+ 418
+ 30
+ iq
+ Iraq
+ 964
+ Zain
+ 272
+ 05
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ 3
+ 272
+ 02
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ 3
+ 272
+ 17
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ 3
+ 272
+ 299
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ BT
+ 272
+ 299
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Cubic Telecom
+ 272
+ 299
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Failed Calls
+ 272
+ 999
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Fix Line
+ 272
+ 13
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Lycamobile
+ 272
+ 07
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Meteor
+ 272
+ 08
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Meteor
+ 272
+ 03
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Meteor
+ 272
+ 299
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Net Feasa
+ 272
+ 299
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ 272
+ 11
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Tesco Mobile
+ 272
+ 15
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Virgin Media
+ 272
+ 01
+ ie
+ Ireland
+ 353
+ Vodafone
+ 425
+ 19
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ 019 Mobile
+ 425
+ 299
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Annatel Mobile
+ 425
+ 23
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Beezz
+ 425
+ 299
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Bynet
+ 425
+ 299
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Cellact
+ 425
+ 02
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Cellcom
+ 425
+ 299
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Failed Calls
+ 425
+ 999
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Fix Line
+ 425
+ 08
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Golan Telecom
+ 425
+ 15
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Home Cellular
+ 425
+ 77
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Hot Mobile
+ 425
+ 07
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Hot Mobile
+ 425
+ 13
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Ituran
+ 425
+ 22
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Maskyoo
+ 425
+ 01
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Orange
+ 425
+ 12
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Pelephone
+ 425
+ 03
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Pelephone
+ 425
+ 16
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Rami Levy Communications
+ 425
+ 299
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ T2T
+ 425
+ 17
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ Von waves
+ 425
+ 09
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ We4G
+ 425
+ 14
+ il
+ Israel
+ 972
+ YouPhone
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ 1Mobile
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ A-Tono
+ 222
+ 40
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Agile Telecom
+ 222
+ 34
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ BT mobile
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Esendex
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Compatel
+ 222
+ 53
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ CoopVoce
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Daily Telecom Mobile
+ 222
+ 36
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Digi
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ DireQ
+ 222
+ 42
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Enel
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Failed Calls
+ 222
+ 08
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Fastweb
+ 222
+ 999
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Fix Line
+ 222
+ 99
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ WindTre / Hi3G
+ 222
+ 50
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Iliad
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Kaleyra
+ 222
+ 39
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ SMS.it / LINK Mobility
+ 222
+ 35
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Lycamobile
+ 222
+ 07
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Noverca Italia
+ 222
+ 54
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Plintron
+ 222
+ 33
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Poste Mobile
+ 222
+ 999
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Premium Numbers
+ 222
+ 58
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ rdcom
+ 222
+ 30
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ 222
+ 56
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ spusu
+ 222
+ 48
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Telecom Italia Mobile
+ 222
+ 43
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Telecom Italia Mobile
+ 222
+ 01
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Sparkle
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Tiscali
+ 222
+ 44
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Mundio
+ 222
+ 51
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ ho.
+ 222
+ 49
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Vianova Mobile
+ 222
+ 06
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Vodafone
+ 222
+ 10
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Vodafone
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Vola
+ 222
+ 299
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ Webcom
+ 222
+ 88
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ WindTre / WIND
+ 222
+ 37
+ it
+ Italy
+ 39
+ WindTre / Hi3G
+ 612
+ 299
+ ci
+ Ivory Coast
+ 225
+ Failed Calls
+ 612
+ 999
+ ci
+ Ivory Coast
+ 225
+ Fix Line
+ 612
+ 02
+ ci
+ Ivory Coast
+ 225
+ Moov
+ 612
+ 05
+ ci
+ Ivory Coast
+ 225
+ 612
+ 03
+ ci
+ Ivory Coast
+ 225
+ Orange
+ 338
+ 050
+ jm
+ Jamaica
+ 1876
+ Digicel
+ 338
+ 299
+ jm
+ Jamaica
+ 1876
+ Failed Calls
+ 338
+ 999
+ jm
+ Jamaica
+ 1876
+ Fix Line
+ 338
+ 180
+ jm
+ Jamaica
+ 1876
+ Flow
+ 338
+ 110
+ jm
+ Jamaica
+ 1876
+ Flow
+ 440
+ 299
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ Failed Calls
+ 440
+ 999
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ Fix Line
+ 440
+ 74
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 52
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 75
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 53
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 71
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 76
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 54
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 72
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 50
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 73
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 51
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 70
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ 440
+ 10
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ NTT DoCoMo
+ 440
+ 78
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ Okinawa Cellular
+ 440
+ 11
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ Rakuten Mobile
+ 440
+ 01
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ SoftBank
+ 440
+ 00
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ SoftBank
+ 440
+ 20
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ SoftBank
+ 440
+ 21
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ SoftBank
+ 440
+ 05
+ jp
+ Japan
+ 81
+ SoftBank
+ 416
+ 299
+ jo
+ Jordan
+ 962
+ Failed Calls
+ 416
+ 999
+ jo
+ Jordan
+ 962
+ Fix Line
+ 416
+ 77
+ jo
+ Jordan
+ 962
+ Orange
+ 416
+ 03
+ jo
+ Jordan
+ 962
+ Umniah
+ 416
+ 01
+ jo
+ Jordan
+ 962
+ Zain
+ 401
+ 07
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Altel
+ 401
+ 299
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Arna
+ 401
+ 01
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Beeline
+ 401
+ 299
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Failed Call(s)
+ 401
+ 999
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Fix Line
+ 401
+ 08
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Kazakhstan Online
+ 401
+ 02
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Kcell
+ 401
+ 77
+ kz
+ Kazakhstan
+ 7
+ Tele2
+ 639
+ 03
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Airtel
+ 639
+ 05
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Airtel
+ 639
+ 299
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ eferio
+ 639
+ 299
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Failed Calls
+ 639
+ 06
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Finserve Africa
+ 639
+ 999
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Fix Line
+ 639
+ 09
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Homeland Media
+ 639
+ 12
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Infura
+ 639
+ 11
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Jambo Telcoms
+ 639
+ 10
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Jamii Telecommunications
+ 639
+ 04
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Mobile Pay
+ 639
+ 02
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Safaricom
+ 639
+ 01
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Safaricom
+ 639
+ 07
+ ke
+ Kenya
+ 254
+ Telkom
+ 545
+ 299
+ ki
+ Kiribati
+ 686
+ Failed Calls
+ 545
+ 999
+ ki
+ Kiribati
+ 686
+ Fix Line
+ 545
+ 01
+ ki
+ Kiribati
+ 686
+ FrigateNet
+ 545
+ 09
+ ki
+ Kiribati
+ 686
+ FrigateNet
+ 545
+ 299
+ ki
+ Kiribati
+ 686
+ Ocean Link
+ 221
+ 07
+ xk
+ Kosovo
+ 383
+ D3 mobile
+ 221
+ 299
+ xk
+ Kosovo
+ 383
+ Failed Calls
+ 221
+ 999
+ xk
+ Kosovo
+ 383
+ Fix Line
+ 221
+ 02
+ xk
+ Kosovo
+ 383
+ 221
+ 299
+ xk
+ Kosovo
+ 383
+ 221
+ 01
+ xk
+ Kosovo
+ 383
+ Vala
+ 419
+ 299
+ kw
+ Kuwait
+ 965
+ Failed Calls
+ 419
+ 999
+ kw
+ Kuwait
+ 965
+ Fix Line
+ 419
+ 03
+ kw
+ Kuwait
+ 965
+ Ooredoo
+ 419
+ 299
+ kw
+ Kuwait
+ 965
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 419
+ 04
+ kw
+ Kuwait
+ 965
+ Viva
+ 419
+ 02
+ kw
+ Kuwait
+ 965
+ Zain
+ 437
+ 01
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ Beeline
+ 437
+ 299
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ Failed Calls
+ 437
+ 999
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ Fix Line
+ 437
+ 02
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ KT Mobile
+ 437
+ 05
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ MegaCom
+ 437
+ 09
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ O!
+ 437
+ 10
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ Saima
+ 437
+ 03
+ kg
+ Kyrgyzstan
+ 996
+ Sem Mobile
+ 457
+ 08
+ la
+ Laos
+ 856
+ Beeline
+ 457
+ 02
+ la
+ Laos
+ 856
+ ETL Mobile
+ 457
+ 299
+ la
+ Laos
+ 856
+ Failed Calls
+ 457
+ 999
+ la
+ Laos
+ 856
+ Fix Line
+ 457
+ 01
+ la
+ Laos
+ 856
+ 457
+ 03
+ la
+ Laos
+ 856
+ Unitel
+ 247
+ 05
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ Bite
+ 247
+ 299
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ Failed Calls
+ 247
+ 999
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ Fix Line
+ 247
+ 10
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ 247
+ 01
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ 247
+ 299
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ Premium Numbers
+ 247
+ 02
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ Tele2
+ 247
+ 04
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ Tet
+ 247
+ 03
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ 247
+ 08
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ VENTA Mobile
+ 247
+ 09
+ lv
+ Latvia
+ 371
+ XOmobile
+ 415
+ 01
+ lb
+ Lebanon
+ 961
+ Alfa
+ 415
+ 299
+ lb
+ Lebanon
+ 961
+ Failed Calls
+ 415
+ 999
+ lb
+ Lebanon
+ 961
+ Fix Line
+ 415
+ 03
+ lb
+ Lebanon
+ 961
+ Touch
+ 651
+ 02
+ ls
+ Lesotho
+ 266
+ Econet
+ 651
+ 299
+ ls
+ Lesotho
+ 266
+ Failed Calls
+ 651
+ 999
+ ls
+ Lesotho
+ 266
+ Fix Line
+ 651
+ 01
+ ls
+ Lesotho
+ 266
+ Vodacom
+ 618
+ 299
+ lr
+ Liberia
+ 231
+ Failed Calls
+ 618
+ 999
+ lr
+ Liberia
+ 231
+ Fix Line
+ 618
+ 01
+ lr
+ Liberia
+ 231
+ MTN / Lonestar
+ 618
+ 04
+ lr
+ Liberia
+ 231
+ Novafone
+ 618
+ 07
+ lr
+ Liberia
+ 231
+ Orange
+ 606
+ 01
+ ly
+ Libya
+ 218
+ Al-Madar
+ 606
+ 299
+ ly
+ Libya
+ 218
+ Failed Calls
+ 606
+ 999
+ ly
+ Libya
+ 218
+ Fix Line
+ 606
+ 00
+ ly
+ Libya
+ 218
+ Libyana
+ 606
+ 03
+ ly
+ Libya
+ 218
+ LibyaPhone Mobile
+ 295
+ 02
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ 7acht
+ 295
+ 06
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ 295
+ 299
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ Datamobile
+ 295
+ 299
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ Dimoco
+ 295
+ 09
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ EMnify
+ 295
+ 299
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ Failed Calls
+ 295
+ 999
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ Fix Line
+ 246
+ 999
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ Fix Line
+ 295
+ 01
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ 295
+ 05
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ FL1
+ 295
+ 299
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ 295
+ 299
+ li
+ Liechtenstein
+ 423
+ Telna
+ 246
+ 02
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ Bite
+ 246
+ 299
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ Failed Calls
+ 246
+ 05
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ 246
+ 06
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ Mediafon
+ 246
+ 299
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ SkyCall
+ 246
+ 03
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ Tele2
+ 246
+ 299
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ Teletel
+ 246
+ 01
+ lt
+ Lithuania
+ 370
+ Telia
+ 270
+ 10
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Blue Communications
+ 270
+ 299
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Bouygues Telecom
+ 270
+ 81
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ e-LUX Mobile
+ 270
+ 299
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Eltrona
+ 270
+ 299
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Failed Calls
+ 270
+ 999
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Fix Line
+ 270
+ 05
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Luxembourg Online
+ 270
+ 299
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ MTX Connect
+ 270
+ 99
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Orange
+ 270
+ 01
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Post
+ 270
+ 77
+ lu
+ Luxembourg
+ 352
+ Tango
+ 455
+ 05
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ 3
+ 455
+ 03
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ 3
+ 455
+ 07
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ China Telecom
+ 455
+ 02
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ China Telecom
+ 455
+ 04
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ 455
+ 01
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ 455
+ 299
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ Failed Calls
+ 455
+ 999
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ Fix Line
+ 455
+ 06
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ SmarTone
+ 455
+ 00
+ mo
+ Macao
+ 853
+ SmarTone
+ 646
+ 01
+ mg
+ Madagascar
+ 261
+ Airtel
+ 646
+ 299
+ mg
+ Madagascar
+ 261
+ Bip
+ 646
+ 299
+ mg
+ Madagascar
+ 261
+ Failed Calls
+ 646
+ 999
+ mg
+ Madagascar
+ 261
+ Fix Line
+ 646
+ 02
+ mg
+ Madagascar
+ 261
+ Orange
+ 646
+ 04
+ mg
+ Madagascar
+ 261
+ Telma
+ 650
+ 10
+ mw
+ Malawi
+ 265
+ Airtel
+ 650
+ 299
+ mw
+ Malawi
+ 265
+ Failed Calls
+ 650
+ 999
+ mw
+ Malawi
+ 265
+ Fix Line
+ 650
+ 01
+ mw
+ Malawi
+ 265
+ 502
+ 156
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Altel Communications
+ 502
+ 11
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Telekom Malaysia
+ 502
+ 14
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Telekom Malaysia
+ 502
+ 19
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Celcom
+ 502
+ 13
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Celcom
+ 502
+ 10
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ DiGi
+ 502
+ 16
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ DiGi
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Failed Calls
+ 502
+ 999
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Fix Line
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ 502
+ 17
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Maxis
+ 502
+ 12
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Maxis
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Maxis Broadband
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ REDtone Mobile
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ REDtone
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ TT dotCom
+ 502
+ 150
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Tune Talk
+ 502
+ 18
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ U Mobile
+ 502
+ 153
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Webe Digital
+ 502
+ 195
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ XOX Com
+ 502
+ 299
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Y-Max
+ 502
+ 152
+ my
+ Malaysia
+ 60
+ Yes
+ 472
+ 01
+ mv
+ Maldives
+ 960
+ DhiMobile
+ 472
+ 299
+ mv
+ Maldives
+ 960
+ Failed Calls
+ 472
+ 999
+ mv
+ Maldives
+ 960
+ Fix Line
+ 472
+ 02
+ mv
+ Maldives
+ 960
+ Ooredoo
+ 610
+ 299
+ ml
+ Mali
+ 223
+ Failed Calls
+ 610
+ 999
+ ml
+ Mali
+ 223
+ Fix Line
+ 610
+ 01
+ ml
+ Mali
+ 223
+ Malitel
+ 610
+ 02
+ ml
+ Mali
+ 223
+ Orange
+ 610
+ 03
+ ml
+ Mali
+ 223
+ Telecel
+ 278
+ 01
+ mt
+ Malta
+ 356
+ Vodafone
+ 278
+ 299
+ mt
+ Malta
+ 356
+ Failed Calls
+ 278
+ 999
+ mt
+ Malta
+ 356
+ Fix Line
+ 278
+ 21
+ mt
+ Malta
+ 356
+ GO Mobile
+ 278
+ 30
+ mt
+ Malta
+ 356
+ GO Mobile
+ 278
+ 77
+ mt
+ Malta
+ 356
+ Melita
+ 551
+ 299
+ mh
+ Marshall Islands
+ 692
+ Failed Calls
+ 551
+ 999
+ mh
+ Marshall Islands
+ 692
+ Fix Line
+ 551
+ 299
+ mh
+ Marshall Islands
+ 692
+ 609
+ 02
+ mr
+ Mauritania
+ 222
+ Chinguitel
+ 609
+ 299
+ mr
+ Mauritania
+ 222
+ Failed Calls
+ 609
+ 999
+ mr
+ Mauritania
+ 222
+ Fix Line
+ 609
+ 01
+ mr
+ Mauritania
+ 222
+ Mattel
+ 609
+ 10
+ mr
+ Mauritania
+ 222
+ Mauritel
+ 617
+ 02
+ mu
+ Mauritius
+ 230
+ Chili
+ 617
+ 03
+ mu
+ Mauritius
+ 230
+ Chili
+ 617
+ 10
+ mu
+ Mauritius
+ 230
+ Emtel
+ 617
+ 299
+ mu
+ Mauritius
+ 230
+ Failed Calls
+ 617
+ 999
+ mu
+ Mauritius
+ 230
+ Fix Line
+ 617
+ 01
+ mu
+ Mauritius
+ 230
+ my.t mobile
+ 647
+ 299
+ yt
+ Mayotte
+ 262
+ Failed Calls
+ 647
+ 999
+ yt
+ Mayotte
+ 262
+ Fix Line
+ 647
+ 01
+ yt
+ Mayotte
+ 262
+ Maore Mobile
+ 647
+ 10
+ yt
+ Mayotte
+ 262
+ 334
+ 140
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ ALTAN Redes
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Altcel
+ 334
+ 050
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ AT&T / IUSACell
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Failed Call(s)
+ 334
+ 999
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Fix Line
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ FreedomPop
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Ibo Cell
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Maxcom
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ MegaTel
+ 334
+ 03
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Movistar
+ 334
+ 030
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Movistar
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ NEUS Mobile
+ 334
+ 01
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Nextel
+ 334
+ 010
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Nextel
+ 334
+ 90
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Nextel
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ QBOcel
+ 334
+ 060
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Servitron
+ 334
+ 02
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Telcel
+ 334
+ 020
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Telcel
+ 334
+ 299
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Telecomunicaciones 360
+ 334
+ 80
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Unefon
+ 334
+ 70
+ mx
+ Mexico
+ 52
+ Unefon
+ 550
+ 299
+ fm
+ Micronesia
+ 691
+ Failed Calls
+ 550
+ 999
+ fm
+ Micronesia
+ 691
+ Fix Line
+ 550
+ 01
+ fm
+ Micronesia
+ 691
+ 259
+ 299
+ md
+ Moldova
+ 373
+ Failed Calls
+ 259
+ 02
+ md
+ Moldova
+ 373
+ Moldcell
+ 259
+ 01
+ md
+ Moldova
+ 373
+ Orange
+ 259
+ 03
+ md
+ Moldova
+ 373
+ Unite
+ 259
+ 99
+ md
+ Moldova
+ 373
+ Unite
+ 259
+ 05
+ md
+ Moldova
+ 373
+ Unite
+ 212
+ 299
+ mc
+ Monaco
+ 377
+ Failed Calls
+ 212
+ 999
+ mc
+ Monaco
+ 377
+ Fix Line
+ 212
+ 10
+ mc
+ Monaco
+ 377
+ Monaco Telecom
+ 212
+ 01
+ mc
+ Monaco
+ 377
+ Monaco Telecom
+ 428
+ 299
+ mn
+ Mongolia
+ 976
+ Failed Calls
+ 428
+ 999
+ mn
+ Mongolia
+ 976
+ Fix Line
+ 428
+ 98
+ mn
+ Mongolia
+ 976
+ G-Mobile
+ 428
+ 99
+ mn
+ Mongolia
+ 976
+ Mobicom
+ 428
+ 00
+ mn
+ Mongolia
+ 976
+ Skytel
+ 428
+ 88
+ mn
+ Mongolia
+ 976
+ Unitel
+ 297
+ 299
+ me
+ Montenegro
+ 382
+ Failed Calls
+ 297
+ 999
+ me
+ Montenegro
+ 382
+ Fix Line
+ 297
+ 03
+ me
+ Montenegro
+ 382
+ Mtel
+ 297
+ 02
+ me
+ Montenegro
+ 382
+ Telekom / T-mobile
+ 297
+ 01
+ me
+ Montenegro
+ 382
+ Telenor
+ 354
+ 299
+ ms
+ Montserrat
+ 1664
+ Digicel
+ 354
+ 299
+ ms
+ Montserrat
+ 1664
+ Failed Calls
+ 354
+ 999
+ ms
+ Montserrat
+ 1664
+ Fix Line
+ 354
+ 860
+ ms
+ Montserrat
+ 1664
+ Flow
+ 604
+ 299
+ ma
+ Morocco
+ 212
+ Failed Calls
+ 604
+ 999
+ ma
+ Morocco
+ 212
+ Fix Line
+ 604
+ 01
+ ma
+ Morocco
+ 212
+ 604
+ 05
+ ma
+ Morocco
+ 212
+ inwi
+ 604
+ 02
+ ma
+ Morocco
+ 212
+ inwi
+ 604
+ 00
+ ma
+ Morocco
+ 212
+ Orange
+ 643
+ 299
+ mz
+ Mozambique
+ 258
+ Failed Calls
+ 643
+ 999
+ mz
+ Mozambique
+ 258
+ Fix Line
+ 643
+ 03
+ mz
+ Mozambique
+ 258
+ Movitel
+ 643
+ 01
+ mz
+ Mozambique
+ 258
+ 643
+ 04
+ mz
+ Mozambique
+ 258
+ Vodacom
+ 414
+ 999
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ Failed Calls
+ 414
+ 999
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ Fix Line
+ 414
+ 03
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ MecTel
+ 414
+ 00
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ 414
+ 01
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ 414
+ 09
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ Mytel
+ 414
+ 05
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ Ooredoo
+ 414
+ 06
+ mm
+ Myanmar
+ 95
+ Telenor
+ 649
+ 299
+ na
+ Namibia
+ 264
+ Demshi
+ 649
+ 299
+ na
+ Namibia
+ 264
+ Failed Calls
+ 649
+ 999
+ na
+ Namibia
+ 264
+ Fix Line
+ 649
+ 01
+ na
+ Namibia
+ 264
+ 649
+ 03
+ na
+ Namibia
+ 264
+ TN Mobile
+ 536
+ 02
+ nr
+ Nauru
+ 674
+ Digicel
+ 536
+ 299
+ nr
+ Nauru
+ 674
+ Failed Calls
+ 536
+ 999
+ nr
+ Nauru
+ 674
+ Fix Line
+ 429
+ 299
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ CG Telecom
+ 429
+ 299
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ Failed Calls
+ 429
+ 999
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ Fix Line
+ 429
+ 03
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ Hello Nepal
+ 429
+ 02
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ Ncell
+ 429
+ 01
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ Nepal Telecom
+ 429
+ 04
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ Smart
+ 429
+ 00
+ np
+ Nepal
+ 977
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 88 mobile
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 204
+ 30
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ ASPIDER Solutions
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Belcentrale
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ BodyTrace
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Combird Mobile
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Dean Mobile
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Eazit
+ 204
+ 05
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ ElephantTalk
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ EziMobile
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Failed Calls
+ 204
+ 999
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Fix Line
+ 204
+ 999
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Fix Line
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ interactive digital media / IDM
+ 204
+ 00
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Intovoice
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ KeenMobile
+ 204
+ 23
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 204
+ 69
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 204
+ 12
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 204
+ 08
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 204
+ 10
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ 204
+ 27
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ L-mobi
+ 204
+ 28
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Lancelot
+ 204
+ 98
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Lancelot
+ 204
+ 09
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Lycamobile
+ 204
+ 63
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ MessageBird
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ mGage
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Motto
+ 204
+ 07
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Move / Teleena
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Okta8
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Premium Numbers
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Premium Routing
+ 204
+ 24
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Private Mobility
+ 204
+ 21
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ ProRail
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Redworks
+ 204
+ 26
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ SpeakUp
+ 204
+ 20
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ T-Mobile
+ 204
+ 02
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ T-Mobile
+ 204
+ 16
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ T-Mobile
+ 204
+ 29
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Tismi
+ 204
+ 33
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Truphone
+ 204
+ 299
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Vectone Mobile
+ 204
+ 04
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Vodafone
+ 204
+ 03
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Voiceworks Mobile
+ 204
+ 15
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Ziggo
+ 204
+ 18
+ nl
+ Netherlands
+ 31
+ Ziggo Services
+ 362
+ 91
+ an
+ Netherlands Antilles
+ 599
+ Chippie
+ 362
+ 69
+ an
+ Netherlands Antilles
+ 599
+ Digicel
+ 362
+ 299
+ an
+ Netherlands Antilles
+ 599
+ Failed Calls
+ 362
+ 999
+ an
+ Netherlands Antilles
+ 599
+ Fix Line
+ 362
+ 299
+ an
+ Netherlands Antilles
+ 599
+ Premium Numbers
+ 362
+ 51
+ an
+ Netherlands Antilles
+ 599
+ TelCell
+ 546
+ 299
+ nc
+ New Caledonia
+ 687
+ Failed Calls
+ 546
+ 999
+ nc
+ New Caledonia
+ 687
+ Fix Line
+ 546
+ 01
+ nc
+ New Caledonia
+ 687
+ Mobilis
+ 530
+ 24
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ 2degrees
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Compass Mobile
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Devoli
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Failed Calls
+ 530
+ 999
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Fix Line
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ LinkTel
+ 530
+ 06
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Skinny Mobile
+ 530
+ 05
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Spark Mobile
+ 530
+ 02
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Spark Mobile
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Symbio
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Vocus
+ 530
+ 01
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Vodafone
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Voxbone / Bandwidth
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ Voyager Internet
+ 530
+ 299
+ nz
+ New Zealand
+ 64
+ 710
+ 73
+ ni
+ Nicaragua
+ 505
+ Claro
+ 710
+ 21
+ ni
+ Nicaragua
+ 505
+ Claro
+ 710
+ 299
+ ni
+ Nicaragua
+ 505
+ CooTel
+ 710
+ 299
+ ni
+ Nicaragua
+ 505
+ Failed Calls
+ 710
+ 999
+ ni
+ Nicaragua
+ 505
+ Fix Line
+ 710
+ 30
+ ni
+ Nicaragua
+ 505
+ Movistar
+ 614
+ 02
+ ne
+ Niger
+ 227
+ Airtel
+ 614
+ 299
+ ne
+ Niger
+ 227
+ Failed Calls
+ 614
+ 999
+ ne
+ Niger
+ 227
+ Fix Line
+ 614
+ 03
+ ne
+ Niger
+ 227
+ Moov
+ 614
+ 01
+ ne
+ Niger
+ 227
+ Niger Telecoms
+ 614
+ 04
+ ne
+ Niger
+ 227
+ Orange
+ 621
+ 60
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ 9mobile
+ 621
+ 20
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Airtel
+ 621
+ 299
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Alpha Technologies
+ 621
+ 299
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Failed Calls
+ 621
+ 999
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Fix Line
+ 621
+ 50
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Glo Mobile
+ 621
+ 30
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ 621
+ 40
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ ntel
+ 621
+ 27
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Smile
+ 621
+ 299
+ ng
+ Nigeria
+ 234
+ Zodafones
+ 555
+ 299
+ nu
+ Niue
+ 683
+ Failed Calls
+ 555
+ 999
+ nu
+ Niue
+ 683
+ Fix Line
+ 555
+ 01
+ nu
+ Niue
+ 683
+ Telecom Niue
+ 467
+ 299
+ kp
+ North Korea
+ 850
+ Failed Calls
+ 467
+ 999
+ kp
+ North Korea
+ 850
+ Fix Line
+ 467
+ 299
+ kp
+ North Korea
+ 850
+ Kangsung Net
+ 467
+ 192
+ kp
+ North Korea
+ 850
+ Koryolink
+ 294
+ 03
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ A1
+ 294
+ 02
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ A1
+ 294
+ 299
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Failed Calls
+ 259
+ 999
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Fix Line
+ 294
+ 999
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Fix Line
+ 294
+ 299
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ 294
+ 04
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Lycamobile
+ 294
+ 11
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Mobik
+ 294
+ 299
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Telekabel
+ 294
+ 01
+ mk
+ North Macedonia
+ 389
+ Telekom
+ 534
+ 299
+ mp
+ Northern Mariana Islands
+ 1670
+ Failed Calls
+ 534
+ 999
+ mp
+ Northern Mariana Islands
+ 1670
+ Fix Line
+ 242
+ 22
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Altibox Mobil
+ 242
+ 20
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ 242
+ 21
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ bigblu
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Chilimobil
+ 242
+ 09
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Com4
+ 242
+ 15
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ eRate
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Failed Calls
+ 242
+ 999
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Fix Line
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ GlobalConnect
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ 242
+ 14
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ intility
+ 242
+ 16
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Iristel
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ JetNett
+ 242
+ 23
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Lycamobile
+ 242
+ 05
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Network Norway
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ NextGenTel
+ 242
+ 10
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Nkom
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Nodnett
+ 242
+ 06
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Puzzel
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Sierra Wireless
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Svea
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Telavox
+ 242
+ 12
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Telenor
+ 242
+ 01
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Telenor
+ 242
+ 08
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Telia / NetCom
+ 242
+ 02
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ Telia / NetCom
+ 242
+ 299
+ no
+ Norway
+ 47
+ unifon
+ 422
+ 299
+ om
+ Oman
+ 968
+ Failed Calls
+ 422
+ 999
+ om
+ Oman
+ 968
+ Fix Line
+ 422
+ 02
+ om
+ Oman
+ 968
+ Omantel Mobile
+ 422
+ 03
+ om
+ Oman
+ 968
+ Ooredoo / Nawras
+ 410
+ 299
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Failed Calls
+ 410
+ 999
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Fix Line
+ 410
+ 07
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Jazz
+ 410
+ 01
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Jazz
+ 410
+ 05
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ 410
+ 06
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Telenor
+ 410
+ 03
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Ufone
+ 410
+ 299
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Warid
+ 410
+ 04
+ pk
+ Pakistan
+ 92
+ Zong
+ 552
+ 299
+ pw
+ Palau
+ 680
+ Failed Calls
+ 552
+ 999
+ pw
+ Palau
+ 680
+ Fix Line
+ 552
+ 99
+ pw
+ Palau
+ 680
+ Palau Mobile
+ 552
+ 01
+ pw
+ Palau
+ 680
+ PalauCel
+ 552
+ 02
+ pw
+ Palau
+ 680
+ PT Waves
+ 425
+ 299
+ ps
+ Palestinian Territory
+ 970
+ Failed Calls
+ 425
+ 999
+ ps
+ Palestinian Territory
+ 970
+ Fix Line
+ 425
+ 05
+ ps
+ Palestinian Territory
+ 970
+ Jawwal
+ 425
+ 06
+ ps
+ Palestinian Territory
+ 970
+ Ooredoo
+ 714
+ 01
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ +Movil
+ 714
+ 03
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ Claro
+ 714
+ 04
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ Digicel
+ 714
+ 299
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ Failed Calls
+ 714
+ 999
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ Fix Line
+ 714
+ 020
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ Movistar
+ 714
+ 02
+ pa
+ Panama
+ 507
+ Movistar
+ 537
+ 01
+ pg
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 675
+ BeMobile Vodafone
+ 537
+ 02
+ pg
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 675
+ Citifon
+ 537
+ 03
+ pg
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 675
+ Digicel
+ 537
+ 299
+ pg
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 675
+ 537
+ 299
+ pg
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 675
+ Failed Calls
+ 537
+ 999
+ pg
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 675
+ Fix Line
+ 744
+ 02
+ py
+ Paraguay
+ 595
+ Claro
+ 744
+ 299
+ py
+ Paraguay
+ 595
+ Failed Calls
+ 744
+ 999
+ py
+ Paraguay
+ 595
+ Fix Line
+ 744
+ 03
+ py
+ Paraguay
+ 595
+ Personal
+ 744
+ 04
+ py
+ Paraguay
+ 595
+ Tigo
+ 744
+ 01
+ py
+ Paraguay
+ 595
+ 716
+ 70
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Claro
+ 716
+ 20
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Claro
+ 716
+ 10
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Claro
+ 716
+ 299
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Dolphin
+ 716
+ 17
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Entel
+ 716
+ 299
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Failed Calls
+ 716
+ 999
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Fix Line
+ 716
+ 06
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Movistar
+ 716
+ 07
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Entel
+ 716
+ 30
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Tuyo
+ 716
+ 15
+ pe
+ Peru
+ 51
+ Viettel
+ 515
+ 66
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ 515
+ 299
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ Failed Calls
+ 515
+ 999
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ Fix Line
+ 515
+ 01
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ Globe
+ 515
+ 02
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ Globe
+ 515
+ 03
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ Smart
+ 515
+ 05
+ ph
+ Philippines
+ 63
+ Sun Cellular
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 3S
+ 260
+ 15
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Aero2
+ 260
+ 04
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Aero2
+ 260
+ 17
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Aero2
+ 260
+ 16
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Aero2
+ 260
+ 48
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Agile Telecom
+ 260
+ 18
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ AMD Telecom
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Benemen
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Caritas Laczy
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Cludo
+ 260
+ 32
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Compatel
+ 260
+ 12
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Cyfrowy Polsat
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ e-Telko
+ 260
+ 41
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ EZ Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Failed Calls
+ 260
+ 999
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Fix Line
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ I.M. Consulting
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Inea
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ JMDI J. Maleszko
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Klucz Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ lajt mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ LoVo
+ 260
+ 09
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Lycamobile
+ 260
+ 49
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Messagebird
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Metro Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Mobile Vikings
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Mobiledata
+ 260
+ 42
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ MobiWeb
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Moja GSM
+ 260
+ 13
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Move
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ multiMOBILE
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Nasza Wizja
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ NAU Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ nc+ Mobile
+ 260
+ 19
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ NetBalt
+ 260
+ 07
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Netia
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Next Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 27
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Ntel Solutions
+ 260
+ 05
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Orange
+ 260
+ 03
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Orange
+ 260
+ 35
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 06
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Play
+ 260
+ 98
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Play
+ 260
+ 11
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Plus
+ 260
+ 01
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Plus
+ 260
+ 97
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Politechnika Lodzka Uczelniane
+ 260
+ 90
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Polska Spolka Gazownictwa
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Polvoice
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Pomagacz
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Premium Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Premium Numbers
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 14
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Move
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 47
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Softelnet
+ 260
+ 34
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ T-Mobile
+ 260
+ 02
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ T-Mobile
+ 260
+ 10
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ T-Mobile
+ 260
+ 14
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Telco Leaders
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Tele GO
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ TeleCube
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Telenabler
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 20
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Tismi
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ TOYAmobilna
+ 260
+ 22
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Twilio
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Vectra
+ 260
+ 45
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 260
+ 45
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Vonage
+ 260
+ 39
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ Voxbone / Bandwidth
+ 260
+ 299
+ pl
+ Poland
+ 48
+ w naszej Rodzinie
+ 268
+ 299
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Failed Calls
+ 268
+ 999
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Fix Line
+ 268
+ 04
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Lycamobile
+ 268
+ 08
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ 268
+ 06
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ 268
+ 80
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ 268
+ 03
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ 268
+ 93
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ 268
+ 299
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ 268
+ 299
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Oni
+ 410
+ 299
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Premium Numbers
+ 268
+ 01
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Vodafone
+ 268
+ 91
+ pt
+ Portugal
+ 351
+ Vodafone
+ 330
+ 30
+ pr
+ Puerto Rico
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 330
+ 11
+ pr
+ Puerto Rico
+ Claro
+ 330
+ 110
+ pr
+ Puerto Rico
+ Claro
+ 330
+ 299
+ pr
+ Puerto Rico
+ Failed Calls
+ 330
+ 999
+ pr
+ Puerto Rico
+ Fix Line
+ 330
+ 490
+ pr
+ Puerto Rico
+ T-Mobile
+ 427
+ 299
+ qa
+ Qatar
+ 974
+ Failed Calls
+ 427
+ 999
+ qa
+ Qatar
+ 974
+ Fix Line
+ 427
+ 01
+ qa
+ Qatar
+ 974
+ Ooredoo
+ 427
+ 06
+ qa
+ Qatar
+ 974
+ Ooredoo
+ 427
+ 02
+ qa
+ Qatar
+ 974
+ Vodafone
+ 647
+ 299
+ re
+ Reunion
+ 262
+ Failed Calls
+ 647
+ 999
+ re
+ Reunion
+ 262
+ Fix Line
+ 647
+ 02
+ re
+ Reunion
+ 262
+ Only
+ 647
+ 03
+ re
+ Reunion
+ 262
+ Only
+ 647
+ 00
+ re
+ Reunion
+ 262
+ Orange
+ 647
+ 04
+ re
+ Reunion
+ 262
+ ZEOP Mobile
+ 226
+ 05
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Digi Mobil
+ 226
+ 299
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Failed Calls
+ 226
+ 999
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Fix Line
+ 226
+ 299
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Iristel
+ 226
+ 16
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Lycamobile
+ 226
+ 10
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Orange
+ 226
+ 03
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Telekom
+ 226
+ 02
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Telekom
+ 226
+ 01
+ ro
+ Romania
+ 40
+ Vodafone
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Antares
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Arktur
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Astran
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Aurora Telecom
+ 250
+ 99
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Beeline
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Beliton
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Center 2M
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Cifra 1
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ CountryCom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ ECO Networks
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Elemte
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ ER-Telecom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Failed Calls
+ 250
+ 999
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Fix Line
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Gazprom Telecom
+ 250
+ 48
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Global Telecom
+ 250
+ 55
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Glonass
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Integral
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Internod
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Intersvyaz-2
+ 250
+ 34
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Krymtelecom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ KvatroPlus
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Lardex
+ 250
+ 54
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Letai Mobile
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Lycamobile
+ 250
+ 57
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Matrix Mobile
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Media-Market
+ 250
+ 02
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Megafon
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Metro-Pei
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Miatel
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 35
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Motiv
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ MSN Telekom
+ 250
+ 01
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 42
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ New Mobile Communications
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Orange Business Services
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Plintron
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Quantech
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Reteyl Innovatsii
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Sberbank-Telecom
+ 250
+ 33
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Sim Sim
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Sintonik
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Sky Networks
+ 250
+ 09
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Skylink
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ SkyNet
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Sonet
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Sprint
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Start
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ SunSIM
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Surgutneftegaz
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Svyazresurs-Mobile
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Tander
+ 250
+ 12
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Tele2
+ 250
+ 20
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Tele2
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Tinkoff Mobile
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ TransMobilCom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ TRN-telecom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ TTK-Svyaz
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ UnitTelecom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Unycel
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Vainah Telecom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ ViKom
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Virgin Connect
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Voentelecom
+ 250
+ 77
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Glonass
+ 250
+ 60
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Volna Mobile
+ 250
+ 299
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ VTB Mobile
+ 250
+ 32
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Win Mobile
+ 250
+ 11
+ ru
+ Russia
+ 79
+ Yota
+ 635
+ 13
+ rw
+ Rwanda
+ 250
+ Airtel
+ 635
+ 299
+ rw
+ Rwanda
+ 250
+ Failed Calls
+ 635
+ 999
+ rw
+ Rwanda
+ 250
+ Fix Line
+ 635
+ 10
+ rw
+ Rwanda
+ 250
+ 658
+ 299
+ sh
+ Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
+ 290
+ Failed Calls
+ 658
+ 999
+ sh
+ Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
+ 290
+ Fix Line
+ 356
+ 70
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Chippie
+ 356
+ 070
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Chippie
+ 356
+ 50
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Digicel
+ 356
+ 050
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Digicel
+ 356
+ 299
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Failed Calls
+ 356
+ 999
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Fix Line
+ 356
+ 110
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Flow
+ 356
+ 11
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ Flow
+ 356
+ 299
+ kn
+ Saint Kitts and Nevis
+ 1869
+ The Cable
+ 358
+ 05
+ lc
+ Saint Lucia
+ 1758
+ Digicel
+ 358
+ 050
+ lc
+ Saint Lucia
+ 1758
+ Digicel
+ 358
+ 299
+ lc
+ Saint Lucia
+ 1758
+ Failed Calls
+ 358
+ 999
+ lc
+ Saint Lucia
+ 1758
+ Fix Line
+ 358
+ 110
+ lc
+ Saint Lucia
+ 1758
+ Flow
+ 358
+ 11
+ lc
+ Saint Lucia
+ 1758
+ Flow
+ 308
+ 01
+ pm
+ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+ 508
+ Ameris
+ 308
+ 03
+ pm
+ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+ 508
+ Ameris
+ 308
+ 299
+ pm
+ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+ 508
+ Failed Calls
+ 308
+ 999
+ pm
+ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+ 508
+ Fix Line
+ 308
+ 02
+ pm
+ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+ 508
+ Globaltel
+ 360
+ 050
+ vc
+ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
+ 1784
+ Digicel
+ 360
+ 299
+ vc
+ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
+ 1784
+ Failed Calls
+ 360
+ 999
+ vc
+ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
+ 1784
+ Fix Line
+ 360
+ 110
+ vc
+ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
+ 1784
+ Flow
+ 549
+ 27
+ ws
+ Samoa
+ 685
+ BlueSky
+ 549
+ 01
+ ws
+ Samoa
+ 685
+ Digicel
+ 549
+ 299
+ ws
+ Samoa
+ 685
+ Failed Calls
+ 549
+ 999
+ ws
+ Samoa
+ 685
+ Fix Line
+ 292
+ 299
+ sm
+ San Marino
+ 378
+ Failed Calls
+ 292
+ 999
+ sm
+ San Marino
+ 378
+ Fix Line
+ 292
+ 01
+ sm
+ San Marino
+ 378
+ Prima
+ 292
+ 299
+ sm
+ San Marino
+ 378
+ TeleneT
+ 626
+ 01
+ st
+ Sao Tome and Principe
+ 239
+ CSTmovel
+ 626
+ 299
+ st
+ Sao Tome and Principe
+ 239
+ Failed Calls
+ 626
+ 999
+ st
+ Sao Tome and Principe
+ 239
+ Fix Line
+ 626
+ 02
+ st
+ Sao Tome and Principe
+ 239
+ Unitel
+ 901
+ 299
+ n/a
+ Satellite Networks
+ 870
+ Failed Calls
+ 901
+ 999
+ n/a
+ Satellite Networks
+ 870
+ Fix Line
+ 420
+ 299
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Failed Calls
+ 420
+ 999
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Fix Line
+ 420
+ 06
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Lebara Mobile
+ 420
+ 03
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Mobily
+ 420
+ 299
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Red Bull MOBILE
+ 420
+ 299
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Salam
+ 420
+ 01
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ STC / Al Jawal
+ 420
+ 05
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 420
+ 04
+ sa
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 966
+ Zain
+ 608
+ 299
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ 2s Mobile
+ 608
+ 03
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ Expresso
+ 608
+ 299
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ Failed Calls
+ 608
+ 999
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ Fix Line
+ 608
+ 02
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ Free
+ 608
+ 04
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ 608
+ 01
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ Orange
+ 608
+ 299
+ sn
+ Senegal
+ 221
+ Promobile
+ 220
+ 299
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ Failed Calls
+ 220
+ 999
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ Fix Line
+ 220
+ 11
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ Globaltel
+ 220
+ 03
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ 220
+ 01
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ Telenor
+ 220
+ 05
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ 220
+ 20
+ rs
+ Serbia
+ 381
+ 633
+ 10
+ sc
+ Seychelles
+ 248
+ Airtel
+ 633
+ 01
+ sc
+ Seychelles
+ 248
+ Cable & Wireless
+ 633
+ 299
+ sc
+ Seychelles
+ 248
+ Failed Calls
+ 633
+ 999
+ sc
+ Seychelles
+ 248
+ Fix Line
+ 633
+ 05
+ sc
+ Seychelles
+ 248
+ Intelvision
+ 619
+ 03
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ Africell
+ 619
+ 299
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ Failed Calls
+ 619
+ 999
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ Fix Line
+ 619
+ 299
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ IPTel
+ 619
+ 299
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ Onlime
+ 619
+ 01
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ Orange
+ 619
+ 07
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ Qcell
+ 619
+ 299
+ sl
+ Sierra Leone
+ 232
+ SierraTel
+ 525
+ 09
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Circles.Life
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Failed Calls
+ 525
+ 999
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Fix Line
+ 525
+ 12
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ 525
+ 11
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ M1
+ 525
+ 03
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ M1
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ MyRepublic
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Nexwave
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ redONE
+ 525
+ 07
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ SingTel
+ 525
+ 02
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ SingTel
+ 525
+ 01
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ SingTel
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Smart Pinoy
+ 525
+ 05
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Starhub
+ 525
+ 08
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Starhub
+ 525
+ 06
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Starhub
+ 525
+ 10
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ TPG Telecom
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ VivoBee
+ 525
+ 299
+ sg
+ Singapore
+ 65
+ Zero1
+ 231
+ 299
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Failed Calls
+ 231
+ 999
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Fix Line
+ 231
+ 06
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ O2
+ 231
+ 01
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Orange
+ 231
+ 07
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Orange
+ 231
+ 05
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Orange
+ 231
+ 03
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Swan / 4ka
+ 231
+ 02
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Telekom
+ 231
+ 50
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Telekom
+ 231
+ 04
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Telekom
+ 231
+ 08
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Uniphone
+ 231
+ 299
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ Vonage
+ 231
+ 99
+ sk
+ Slovakia
+ 421
+ 293
+ 40
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ A1 / Si.mobil
+ 293
+ 20
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Compatel
+ 293
+ 86
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Elektro Gorenjska
+ 293
+ 299
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Failed Calls
+ 293
+ 999
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Fix Line
+ 293
+ 299
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ HOT mobil
+ 293
+ 299
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Me2
+ 293
+ 41
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Mobitel
+ 293
+ 299
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Novatel
+ 293
+ 10
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Slovenske zeleznice
+ 293
+ 299
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ SoftNET
+ 293
+ 64
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ T-2
+ 293
+ 70
+ si
+ Slovenia
+ 386
+ Telemach / Tusmobil
+ 540
+ 02
+ sb
+ Solomon Islands
+ 677
+ bemobile
+ 540
+ 01
+ sb
+ Solomon Islands
+ 677
+ Breeze
+ 540
+ 299
+ sb
+ Solomon Islands
+ 677
+ Failed Calls
+ 540
+ 999
+ sb
+ Solomon Islands
+ 677
+ Fix Line
+ 540
+ 299
+ sb
+ Solomon Islands
+ 677
+ Satsol
+ 540
+ 299
+ sb
+ Solomon Islands
+ 677
+ Smile
+ 637
+ 299
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ AirSom
+ 637
+ 299
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Failed Calls
+ 637
+ 999
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Fix Line
+ 637
+ 30
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Golis
+ 637
+ 19
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Hormuud
+ 637
+ 10
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Nationlink
+ 637
+ 299
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ 637
+ 70
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Onkod
+ 637
+ 04
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Somafone
+ 637
+ 299
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ SomNetworks
+ 637
+ 71
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Somtel
+ 637
+ 299
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ 637
+ 82
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Telcom Mobile
+ 637
+ 01
+ so
+ Somalia
+ 252
+ Telesom
+ 655
+ 07
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Cell C
+ 655
+ 299
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Failed Calls
+ 655
+ 999
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Fix Line
+ 655
+ 299
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Lycamobile
+ 655
+ 10
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ 655
+ 12
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ 655
+ 73
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Rain
+ 655
+ 19
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Rain
+ 655
+ 38
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Rain
+ 655
+ 74
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Rain
+ 655
+ 05
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Telkom
+ 655
+ 02
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Telkom
+ 655
+ 299
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 655
+ 01
+ za
+ South Africa
+ 27
+ Vodacom
+ 450
+ 299
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ Failed Calls
+ 450
+ 999
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ Fix Line
+ 450
+ 07
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ KT Powertel
+ 450
+ 06
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ LG U+
+ 450
+ 08
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ olleh / KT
+ 450
+ 02
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ olleh / KT
+ 450
+ 04
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ olleh / KT
+ 450
+ 11
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ SK Telecom
+ 450
+ 12
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ SK Telecom
+ 450
+ 05
+ kr
+ South Korea
+ 82
+ SK Telecom
+ 659
+ 299
+ ss
+ South Sudan
+ Digitel
+ 659
+ 299
+ ss
+ South Sudan
+ Failed Calls
+ 659
+ 999
+ ss
+ South Sudan
+ Fix Line
+ 659
+ 02
+ ss
+ South Sudan
+ 659
+ 06
+ ss
+ South Sudan
+ Zain
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Adamo Telecom
+ 214
+ 36
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Alai
+ 214
+ 02
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Alta Tecnologia en Comunicacions
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Aurea
+ 214
+ 14
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Avatel Movil
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Billing Financial
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Bluephone
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ CloudComms
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Dialoga
+ 214
+ 22
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Digi.Mobil
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Dragonet
+ 214
+ 08
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Euskaltel Movil
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Evolutio
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Failed Calls
+ 214
+ 999
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Fix Line
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Global
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ 214
+ 34
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Jetnet
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Lemonvil
+ 214
+ 25
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Lycamobile
+ 214
+ 17
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ mobil R
+ 214
+ 38
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Movistar
+ 214
+ 07
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Movistar
+ 214
+ 05
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Movistar
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Olephone
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ On Movil
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Oniti Telecom
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ OperadorsCat
+ 214
+ 09
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Orange
+ 214
+ 21
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Orange
+ 214
+ 03
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Orange
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Pepephone
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Premium Numbers
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ PTV Telecom movil
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Quattre
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Sarenet
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ 214
+ 19
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Simyo
+ 214
+ 35
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ SUMA movil
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Suop
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Syma
+ 214
+ 16
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ mobil R
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Telsome
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ The Telecom Boutique
+ 214
+ 27
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Truphone
+ 214
+ 12
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Venus Movil
+ 214
+ 06
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Vodafone
+ 214
+ 01
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Vodafone
+ 214
+ 37
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Vodafone
+ 214
+ 23
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Yoigo
+ 214
+ 33
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Yoigo
+ 214
+ 29
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Yoigo
+ 214
+ 04
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Yoigo
+ 214
+ 299
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ You Mobile
+ 214
+ 10
+ es
+ Spain
+ 34
+ Zinnia
+ 413
+ 05
+ lk
+ Sri Lanka
+ 94
+ Airtel
+ 413
+ 02
+ lk
+ Sri Lanka
+ 94
+ Dialog
+ 413
+ 299
+ lk
+ Sri Lanka
+ 94
+ Failed Calls
+ 413
+ 999
+ lk
+ Sri Lanka
+ 94
+ Fix Line
+ 413
+ 08
+ lk
+ Sri Lanka
+ 94
+ Hutch
+ 413
+ 01
+ lk
+ Sri Lanka
+ 94
+ Mobitel
+ 634
+ 299
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ Failed Calls
+ 634
+ 999
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ Fix Line
+ 634
+ 03
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ 634
+ 02
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ 634
+ 07
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ Sudani One
+ 634
+ 06
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ Zain
+ 634
+ 01
+ sd
+ Sudan
+ 249
+ Zain
+ 746
+ 03
+ sr
+ Suriname
+ 597
+ Digicel
+ 746
+ 299
+ sr
+ Suriname
+ 597
+ Failed Calls
+ 746
+ 999
+ sr
+ Suriname
+ 597
+ Fix Line
+ 746
+ 02
+ sr
+ Suriname
+ 597
+ Telesur
+ 653
+ 02
+ sz
+ Swaziland
+ 268
+ Eswatini Mobile
+ 653
+ 01
+ sz
+ Swaziland
+ 268
+ EswatiniTelecom
+ 653
+ 299
+ sz
+ Swaziland
+ 268
+ Failed Calls
+ 653
+ 999
+ sz
+ Swaziland
+ 268
+ Fix Line
+ 653
+ 10
+ sz
+ Swaziland
+ 268
+ Swazi MTN
+ 240
+ 16
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 240
+ 35
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 42 Telecom
+ 240
+ 13
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ A3
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Advoco
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Allo Telecom
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Bahnhof
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Benemen
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Biztel
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ BM Sverige
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Bredband 2
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Bredbandsson
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Chilimobil
+ 240
+ 11
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Com Hem
+ 240
+ 09
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Com4
+ 240
+ 32
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Compatel
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Connectel
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Core Telecom
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ easy pbx
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ EasyTelecom
+ 240
+ 22
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ EUtel
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Failed Calls
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Fastcom
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Febo Telecom
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Fello
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Fibio
+ 240
+ 63
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Fink Telecom
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Firstcom
+ 240
+ 999
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Fix Line
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Fonia
+ 240
+ 18
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Messit / Minicall
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Global Telefoni
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ GlobalConnect
+ 240
+ 27
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Globetouch
+ 240
+ 17
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Gotanet
+ 240
+ 02
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 3
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Horisen
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ iCentrex
+ 240
+ 23
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Infobip
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ InfraCom
+ 240
+ 36
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ interactive digital media / IDM
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Ipify
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Junyverse
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Karma Mobil
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Lancelot
+ 240
+ 28
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ LINK Mobility
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Loxysoft
+ 240
+ 12
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Lycamobile
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Maingate
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Megaphone
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ MessageBird
+ 240
+ 29
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ MI Carrier Services
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ miniTel
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Mitto
+ 240
+ 33
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Mobile Arts
+ 240
+ 43
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ MobiWeb
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Molnstruktur
+ 240
+ 25
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Monty Mobile
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ My Beat
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Net at Once
+ 240
+ 40
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Netmore
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Netsize
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Bixia AB
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ onoff
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Premium Numbers
+ 240
+ 39
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Primlight
+ 240
+ 31
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Rebtel
+ 240
+ 20
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Sierra Wireless
+ 240
+ 15
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 240
+ 37
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Sinch
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ soatso
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Soluno
+ 240
+ 45
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Spirius
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ SSTNet
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Svea Billing Services
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Svensk Konsumentmobil
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ TelaVox
+ 240
+ 14
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Tele2
+ 240
+ 07
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Tele2
+ 240
+ 05
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Tele2
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telecom3 Sverige AB
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Teledigit Scandinavia AB
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telekometen
+ 240
+ 44
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telenabler
+ 240
+ 42
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telenor Connexion
+ 240
+ 08
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telenor
+ 240
+ 04
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telenor
+ 240
+ 01
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telia
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Tell it to Mi
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Telness
+ 240
+ 03
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Net 1
+ 240
+ 48
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Tismi
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Tolv Mobil
+ 240
+ 21
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Trafikverket
+ 240
+ 26
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Twilio
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Unicorn Telecom
+ 240
+ 19
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Vectone Mobile
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Verbal
+ 240
+ 46
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Viahub
+ 240
+ 47
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Viatel
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Vobbiz
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Voice Integrate
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Voicetech
+ 240
+ 38
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Voxbone / Bandwidth
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Weelia
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Wifi.se
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ Wifog Sverige
+ 240
+ 299
+ se
+ Sweden
+ 46
+ 228
+ 58
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Beeone
+ 228
+ 09
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Comfone
+ 228
+ 05
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Comfone
+ 228
+ 999
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Fix Line
+ 228
+ 66
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Inovia
+ 228
+ 54
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Lycamobile
+ 228
+ 69
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ 228
+ 65
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Nexphone
+ 228
+ 51
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ relario
+ 228
+ 03
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Salt Mobile
+ 228
+ 06
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ 228
+ 08
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Sunrise
+ 228
+ 02
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Sunrise
+ 228
+ 53
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Sunrise
+ 228
+ 07
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Sunrise
+ 228
+ 60
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Sunrise
+ 228
+ 12
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Sunrise
+ 228
+ 01
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Swisscom
+ 228
+ 62
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Telecom26
+ 228
+ 70
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Tismi
+ 228
+ 59
+ ch
+ Switzerland
+ 41
+ Vectone Mobile
+ 417
+ 299
+ sy
+ Syria
+ 963
+ Failed Calls
+ 417
+ 999
+ sy
+ Syria
+ 963
+ Fix Line
+ 417
+ 02
+ sy
+ Syria
+ 963
+ 417
+ 01
+ sy
+ Syria
+ 963
+ Syriatel
+ 466
+ 05
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ 466
+ 12
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ 466
+ 11
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Chunghwa Telecom
+ 466
+ 92
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Chunghwa Telecom
+ 466
+ 299
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Failed Calls
+ 466
+ 03
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Far EasTone
+ 466
+ 88
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Far EasTone
+ 466
+ 01
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Far EasTone
+ 466
+ 999
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Fix Line
+ 466
+ 89
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ T Star
+ 466
+ 97
+ tw
+ Taiwan
+ 886
+ Taiwan Mobile
+ 436
+ 04
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Babilon-Mobile
+ 436
+ 05
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Beeline
+ 436
+ 299
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Failed Calls
+ 436
+ 999
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Fix Line
+ 436
+ 03
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Megafon
+ 436
+ 299
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Premium Numbers
+ 436
+ 01
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Tcell
+ 436
+ 02
+ tj
+ Tajikistan
+ 992
+ Tcell
+ 640
+ 05
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Airtel
+ 640
+ 299
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Failed Calls
+ 640
+ 999
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Fix Line
+ 640
+ 09
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Halotel / Viettel
+ 640
+ 99
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Mkulima African Telecommunication
+ 640
+ 14
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ MO Mobile
+ 640
+ 11
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Smile Communications
+ 640
+ 07
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation
+ 640
+ 02
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Tigo / MIC
+ 640
+ 04
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Vodacom
+ 640
+ 13
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ WiAfrica
+ 640
+ 03
+ tz
+ Tanzania
+ 255
+ Zanzibar Telecom / Zantel
+ 520
+ 03
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ 520
+ 01
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ 520
+ 18
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ dtac
+ 520
+ 05
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ dtac TriNet
+ 520
+ 299
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ Failed Calls
+ 520
+ 999
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ Fix Line
+ 520
+ 00
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ my
+ 520
+ 47
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ TOTmobile
+ 520
+ 15
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ TOTmobile
+ 520
+ 04
+ th
+ Thailand
+ 66
+ TrueMove H
+ 615
+ 03
+ tg
+ Togo
+ 228
+ Atlantique Telecom / Moov
+ 615
+ 299
+ tg
+ Togo
+ 228
+ Failed Calls
+ 615
+ 999
+ tg
+ Togo
+ 228
+ Fix Line
+ 615
+ 01
+ tg
+ Togo
+ 228
+ Togo Cellulaire / TogoCel
+ 539
+ 43
+ to
+ Tonga
+ 676
+ Digicel
+ 539
+ 88
+ to
+ Tonga
+ 676
+ Digicel
+ 539
+ 299
+ to
+ Tonga
+ 676
+ Failed Calls
+ 539
+ 999
+ to
+ Tonga
+ 676
+ Fix Line
+ 539
+ 01
+ to
+ Tonga
+ 676
+ U-Call
+ 539
+ 299
+ to
+ Tonga
+ 676
+ WanTok
+ 374
+ 12
+ tt
+ Trinidad and Tobago
+ 1868
+ bmobile
+ 374
+ 130
+ tt
+ Trinidad and Tobago
+ 1868
+ Digicel
+ 374
+ 299
+ tt
+ Trinidad and Tobago
+ 1868
+ Failed Calls
+ 374
+ 999
+ tt
+ Trinidad and Tobago
+ 1868
+ Fix Line
+ 605
+ 299
+ tn
+ Tunisia
+ 216
+ Failed Calls
+ 605
+ 999
+ tn
+ Tunisia
+ 216
+ Fix Line
+ 605
+ 06
+ tn
+ Tunisia
+ 216
+ Lycamobile
+ 605
+ 03
+ tn
+ Tunisia
+ 216
+ Ooredoo
+ 605
+ 01
+ tn
+ Tunisia
+ 216
+ Orange
+ 605
+ 02
+ tn
+ Tunisia
+ 216
+ TT Mobile
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Asistan Telekom
+ 286
+ 03
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Avea
+ 286
+ 04
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Avea
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ BasakCell
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Compatel
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Fenix Telekom
+ 286
+ 999
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Fix Line
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Foniva
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ IsNet
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Maxiphone
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Medium Telekom
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Mobilisim
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Netgsm
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Nida
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Oris
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Pelicell
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Plus Telekom
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Roitel
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ SesNet
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ 286
+ 299
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ 286
+ 01
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Turkcell
+ 286
+ 02
+ tr
+ Turkiye
+ 90
+ Vodafone
+ 438
+ 01
+ tm
+ Turkmenistan
+ 993
+ 438
+ 299
+ tm
+ Turkmenistan
+ 993
+ Failed Calls
+ 438
+ 999
+ tm
+ Turkmenistan
+ 993
+ Fix Line
+ 438
+ 02
+ tm
+ Turkmenistan
+ 993
+ 376
+ 360
+ tc
+ Turks and Caicos Islands
+ Digicel
+ 376
+ 050
+ tc
+ Turks and Caicos Islands
+ Digicel
+ 376
+ 299
+ tc
+ Turks and Caicos Islands
+ Failed Calls
+ 376
+ 999
+ tc
+ Turks and Caicos Islands
+ Fix Line
+ 376
+ 350
+ tc
+ Turks and Caicos Islands
+ Flow
+ 553
+ 299
+ tv
+ Tuvalu
+ Failed Calls
+ 553
+ 999
+ tv
+ Tuvalu
+ Fix Line
+ 553
+ 01
+ tv
+ Tuvalu
+ Tuvalu Telecom
+ 641
+ 22
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Airtel
+ 641
+ 01
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Airtel
+ 641
+ 299
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Failed Calls
+ 641
+ 999
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Fix Line
+ 641
+ 04
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Lycamobile
+ 641
+ 11
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Mango
+ 641
+ 10
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ 641
+ 33
+ ug
+ Uganda
+ 256
+ Smile
+ 255
+ 07
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ 3Mob
+ 255
+ 299
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ Failed Calls
+ 255
+ 999
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ Fix Line
+ 255
+ 04
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ IT
+ 255
+ 02
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ Kyivstar
+ 255
+ 03
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ Kyivstar
+ 255
+ 06
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ lifecell
+ 255
+ 21
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ 255
+ 99
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ Phoenix
+ 255
+ 01
+ ua
+ Ukraine
+ 380
+ Vodafone
+ 424
+ 03
+ ae
+ United Arab Emirates
+ 971
+ DU
+ 424
+ 02
+ ae
+ United Arab Emirates
+ 971
+ Etisalat
+ 424
+ 299
+ ae
+ United Arab Emirates
+ 971
+ Failed Calls
+ 424
+ 999
+ ae
+ United Arab Emirates
+ 971
+ Fix Line
+ 234
+ 78
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Airwave
+ 234
+ 29
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ aql
+ 234
+ 76
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ BT Group
+ 234
+ 00
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ BT Group
+ 234
+ 08
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ BT OnePhone
+ 234
+ 18
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Cloud9
+ 234
+ 30
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ T-Mobile
+ 234
+ 32
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ T-Mobile
+ 234
+ 31
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ T-Mobile
+ 234
+ 999
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Fix Line
+ 234
+ 17
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ FlexTel
+ 234
+ 04
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ FMS Solutions
+ 234
+ 39
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Gamma Mobile
+ 234
+ 24
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Greenfone
+ 234
+ 72
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Hanhaa Mobile
+ 234
+ 71
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Home Office
+ 234
+ 20
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ 3
+ 234
+ 94
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ 3
+ 234
+ 23
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Icron Network
+ 234
+ 03
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Jersey Airtel
+ 234
+ 35
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ JSC Ingenicum
+ 234
+ 50
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ JT Mobile
+ 234
+ 14
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ LINK Mobility
+ 234
+ 26
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Lycamobile
+ 234
+ 58
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Manx Telecom Mobile
+ 234
+ 28
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Marathon Telecom
+ 234
+ 75
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Mass Response Service GmbH
+ 234
+ 56
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ 234
+ 95
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Network Rail
+ 234
+ 12
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Network Rail
+ 234
+ 13
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Network Rail
+ 234
+ 51
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ now broadband
+ 234
+ 34
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Orange
+ 234
+ 33
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Orange
+ 234
+ 74
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Pareteum
+ 234
+ 57
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Sky
+ 234
+ 40
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ spusu
+ 234
+ 55
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Sure Guernsey
+ 234
+ 36
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Sure Isle of Man
+ 234
+ 99
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Sure Jersey
+ 234
+ 37
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Synectiv
+ 234
+ 16
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Talk Talk
+ 234
+ 27
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Tata Communications Ltd
+ 234
+ 11
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ O2
+ 234
+ 10
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ O2
+ 234
+ 02
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ O2
+ 234
+ 22
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Telesign Mobile
+ 234
+ 19
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ TeleWare
+ 234
+ 09
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Tismi
+ 234
+ 25
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Truphone
+ 234
+ 01
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vectone Mobile
+ 234
+ 38
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Virgin Mobile
+ 234
+ 92
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vodafone
+ 234
+ 07
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vodafone
+ 234
+ 15
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vodafone
+ 234
+ 89
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vodafone
+ 234
+ 91
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vodafone
+ 234
+ 77
+ gb
+ United Kingdom
+ 44
+ Vodafone
+ 312
+ 130
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Appalachian Wireless
+ 312
+ 750
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Appalachian Wireless
+ 310
+ 130
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Appalachian Wireless
+ 310
+ 750
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Appalachian Wireless
+ 312
+ 710
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ ASTAC Cellular
+ 310
+ 710
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ ASTAC Cellular
+ 310
+ 760
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ ASTAC Cellular
+ 312
+ 760
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ ASTAC Cellular
+ 313
+ 030
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 180
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 680
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 680
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 170
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 090
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 016
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 150
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 670
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 080
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 670
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 070
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 016
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 210
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 950
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 950
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 180
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 150
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 170
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 680
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 090
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 380
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 380
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 680
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 080
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 030
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 070
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 016
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 210
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 170
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 180
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 950
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 150
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 410
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 410
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 950
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 090
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 070
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 080
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 380
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 030
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 180
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 380
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 016
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 170
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 670
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 670
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 150
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 080
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 090
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 410
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 030
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 312
+ 070
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 311
+ 210
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 210
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 313
+ 410
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ AT&T Mobility
+ 310
+ 600
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Cellcom
+ 310
+ 630
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Choice Wireless
+ 310
+ 700
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ cv cellular
+ 310
+ 880
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ DTC Wireless
+ 310
+ 035
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ 310
+ 990
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Evolve
+ 310
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Failed Calls
+ 310
+ 999
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Fix Line
+ 311
+ 370
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ GCI Wireless
+ 310
+ 430
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ GCI Wireless
+ 311
+ 430
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ GCI Wireless
+ 311
+ 690
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Limitless
+ 312
+ 340
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Limitless
+ 310
+ 340
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Limitless
+ 312
+ 690
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Limitless
+ 310
+ 690
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Limitless
+ 311
+ 340
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Limitless
+ 313
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 314
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 310
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 315
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 311
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 316
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 312
+ 299
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Northstar Technology
+ 310
+ 540
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ 310
+ 570
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 313
+ 360
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 310
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 311
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 313
+ 570
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 311
+ 360
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 310
+ 360
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 311
+ 570
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 313
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Pioneer Cellular
+ 316
+ 660
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 270
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 940
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 190
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 190
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 311
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 800
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 120
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 882
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 800
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 200
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 260
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 230
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 830
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 940
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 240
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 940
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 270
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 800
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 310
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 010
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 200
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 160
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 490
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 830
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 160
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 940
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 830
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 230
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 270
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 240
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 870
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 010
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 250
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 490
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 830
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 490
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 120
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 230
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 120
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 530
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 870
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 190
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 870
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 240
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 490
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 250
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 880
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 120
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 260
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 530
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 870
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 530
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 160
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 240
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 010
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 660
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 880
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 200
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 880
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 250
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 530
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 260
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 882
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 160
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 270
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 660
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 010
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 880
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 660
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 190
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 316
+ 250
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 200
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 800
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 882
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 311
+ 230
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 882
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 312
+ 260
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ T-Mobile
+ 310
+ 020
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Union Wireless
+ 310
+ 595
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 820
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 895
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 281
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 287
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 486
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 592
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 598
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 272
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 278
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 289
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 483
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 489
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 897
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 274
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 110
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 770
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 894
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 910
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 286
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 480
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 591
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 597
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 891
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 277
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 283
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 482
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 488
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 594
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 013
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 279
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 274
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 899
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 285
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 390
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 485
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 893
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 596
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 890
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 896
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 282
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 288
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 487
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 593
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 599
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 273
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 279
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 350
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 484
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 590
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 898
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 275
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 820
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 895
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 287
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 481
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 592
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 598
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 892
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 278
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 284
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 483
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 489
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 595
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 110
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 275
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 271
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 910
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 286
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 480
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 486
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 894
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 597
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 891
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 897
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 283
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 289
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 488
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 594
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 770
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 274
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 390
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 485
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 591
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 899
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 276
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 271
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 890
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 012
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 896
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 282
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 288
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 482
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 593
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 599
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 893
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 279
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 285
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 484
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 590
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 596
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 281
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 276
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 287
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 481
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 487
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 895
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 272
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 012
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 598
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 892
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 898
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 284
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 350
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 489
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 595
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 820
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 275
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 281
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 480
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 486
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 592
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 910
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 277
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 272
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 891
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 013
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 897
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 283
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 289
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 483
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 594
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 770
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 894
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 280
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 286
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 485
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 591
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 597
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 271
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 277
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 288
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 482
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 488
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 896
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 273
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 013
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 599
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 893
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 899
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 285
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 390
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 590
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 596
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 890
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 276
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 282
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 481
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 487
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 593
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 012
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 278
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 273
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 110
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 898
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 284
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 311
+ 350
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 312
+ 484
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 892
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Verizon Wireless
+ 310
+ 740
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Viaero Wireless
+ 310
+ 450
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ Viaero Wireless
+ 310
+ 860
+ us
+ United States of America
+ 1
+ West Central Wireless
+ 748
+ 01
+ uy
+ Uruguay
+ 598
+ Antel Movil
+ 748
+ 10
+ uy
+ Uruguay
+ 598
+ Claro
+ 748
+ 299
+ uy
+ Uruguay
+ 598
+ Failed Calls
+ 748
+ 999
+ uy
+ Uruguay
+ 598
+ Fix Line
+ 748
+ 07
+ uy
+ Uruguay
+ 598
+ Movistar
+ 434
+ 04
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ Beeline
+ 434
+ 299
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ Failed Calls
+ 434
+ 999
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ Fix Line
+ 434
+ 06
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ Perfectum Mobile
+ 434
+ 05
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ Ucell
+ 434
+ 07
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ 434
+ 03
+ uz
+ Uzbekistan
+ 998
+ UzMobile
+ 541
+ 05
+ vu
+ Vanuatu
+ 678
+ Digicel
+ 541
+ 299
+ vu
+ Vanuatu
+ 678
+ Failed Calls
+ 541
+ 999
+ vu
+ Vanuatu
+ 678
+ Fix Line
+ 541
+ 01
+ vu
+ Vanuatu
+ 678
+ Smile
+ 225
+ 299
+ va
+ Vatican
+ Failed Calls
+ 225
+ 999
+ va
+ Vatican
+ Fix Line
+ 734
+ 02
+ ve
+ Venezuela
+ 58
+ Digitel
+ 734
+ 299
+ ve
+ Venezuela
+ 58
+ Failed Calls
+ 734
+ 999
+ ve
+ Venezuela
+ 58
+ Fix Line
+ 734
+ 06
+ ve
+ Venezuela
+ 58
+ Movilnet
+ 734
+ 04
+ ve
+ Venezuela
+ 58
+ Movistar
+ 452
+ 299
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Failed Calls
+ 452
+ 999
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Fix Line
+ 452
+ 07
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Gmobile
+ 452
+ 08
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ I-Telecom
+ 452
+ 01
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ MobiFone
+ 452
+ 09
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Reddi
+ 452
+ 05
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Vietnamobile
+ 452
+ 06
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Viettel
+ 452
+ 04
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ Viettel
+ 452
+ 02
+ vn
+ Vietnam
+ 84
+ VinaPhone
+ 376
+ 299
+ vi
+ Virgin Islands
+ 1340
+ Failed Calls
+ 376
+ 999
+ vi
+ Virgin Islands
+ 1340
+ Fix Line
+ 543
+ 299
+ wf
+ Wallis and Futuna
+ Failed Calls
+ 543
+ 999
+ wf
+ Wallis and Futuna
+ Fix Line
+ 543
+ 01
+ wf
+ Wallis and Futuna
+ Manuia
+ 421
+ 299
+ ye
+ Yemen
+ 967
+ Failed Calls
+ 421
+ 999
+ ye
+ Yemen
+ 967
+ Fix Line
+ 421
+ 01
+ ye
+ Yemen
+ 967
+ SabaFon
+ 421
+ 02
+ ye
+ Yemen
+ 967
+ Spacetel
+ 421
+ 04
+ ye
+ Yemen
+ 967
+ Y
+ 421
+ 03
+ ye
+ Yemen
+ 967
+ Yemen Mobile
+ 645
+ 01
+ zm
+ Zambia
+ 260
+ Airtel
+ 645
+ 299
+ zm
+ Zambia
+ 260
+ Failed Calls
+ 645
+ 999
+ zm
+ Zambia
+ 260
+ Fix Line
+ 645
+ 02
+ zm
+ Zambia
+ 260
+ 645
+ 03
+ zm
+ Zambia
+ 260
+ Zamtel
+ 648
+ 04
+ zw
+ Zimbabwe
+ 263
+ Econet
+ 648
+ 299
+ zw
+ Zimbabwe
+ 263
+ Failed Calls
+ 648
+ 999
+ zw
+ Zimbabwe
+ 263
+ Fix Line
+ 648
+ 01
+ zw
+ Zimbabwe
+ 263
+ NetOne
+ 648
+ 03
+ zw
+ Zimbabwe
+ 263
+ Telecel
diff --git a/mcc_mnc_fetcher.py b/mcc_mnc_fetcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59c48409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcc_mnc_fetcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+This module can be used to fetch & parse mcc, mnc data from https://mcc-mnc.com
+ from mcc_mnc_fetcher import MCCMNCFetcher
+ MCCMNCFetcher.json_file() # creates mcc-mnc-table.json
+ MCCMNCFetcher.csv_file() # creates mcc-mnc-table.cxv
+ MCCMNCFetcher.xml_file() # creates mcc-mnc-table.xml
+import csv
+import json
+import requests
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from typing import List
+from pathlib import Path
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+_MCC_MNC_FILE: Path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("mcc-mnc-table")
+class MCCMNCRecord(BaseModel):
+ """mcc mnc record/row from mcc-mnc.com"""
+ mcc: int
+ mnc: int
+ iso: str
+ country: str
+ country_code: int
+ network: str
+class MCCMNCRecordList(BaseModel):
+ __root__: List[MCCMNCRecord]
+class MCCMNCFetcher:
+ """fetching & parsing mcc mnc records from https://mcc-mnc.com"""
+ _DOMAIN: str = "https://mcc-mnc.com/"
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_mcc_mnc_site_html() -> str:
+ """:return: HTML from https://mcc-mnc.com/"""
+ return requests.get(MCCMNCFetcher._DOMAIN).text
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_mcc_mnc_rows(html: str) -> List[List[str]]:
+ """
+ returns all the mcc mnc rows from https://mcc-mnc.com/
+ each row is in the pattern [mcc, mnc, iso, country, country code, network]
+ :param html: HTML from https://mcc-mnc.com/
+ :return: list of mcc mnc rows
+ """
+ records = []
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
+ table = soup.find('table', attrs={'id': 'mncmccTable'})
+ table_body = table.find('tbody')
+ rows = table_body.find_all('tr')
+ for row in rows:
+ cols = row.find_all('td')
+ cols = [e.text.strip() for e in cols]
+ records.append([e for e in cols if e])
+ return records
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse_records(mcc_mnc_rows: List[List[str]]) -> List[MCCMNCRecord]:
+ """
+ parsing mcc mnc rows to list of MCCMNCRecord
+ :param mcc_mnc_rows: list of mcc mnc rows. row is in the pattern [mcc, mnc, iso, country, country code, network]
+ :return: list of MCCMNCRecord
+ """
+ mcc_mnc_records: List[MCCMNCRecord] = []
+ for mcc_mnc_row in mcc_mnc_rows:
+ try:
+ mcc_mnc_records.append(
+ MCCMNCRecord(mcc=mcc_mnc_row[0],
+ mnc=mcc_mnc_row[1],
+ iso=mcc_mnc_row[2],
+ country=mcc_mnc_row[3],
+ country_code=mcc_mnc_row[4],
+ network=mcc_mnc_row[5])
+ )
+ except IndexError:
+ pass # some rows are not fully populated
+ return mcc_mnc_records
+ @staticmethod
+ def json_file() -> None:
+ """
+ creating a json file(mcc-mnc-table.json) with all the mcc mnc data from https://mcc-mnc.com/
+ :return: None
+ """
+ mcc_mnc_html: str = MCCMNCFetcher._get_mcc_mnc_site_html()
+ mcc_mnc_rows: List[List[str]] = MCCMNCFetcher._get_mcc_mnc_rows(html=mcc_mnc_html)
+ mcc_mnc_records: List[MCCMNCRecord] = MCCMNCFetcher._parse_records(mcc_mnc_rows=mcc_mnc_rows)
+ mcc_mnc_records_list: MCCMNCRecordList = MCCMNCRecordList.parse_obj(mcc_mnc_records)
+ with open(f"{_MCC_MNC_FILE}.json", "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(mcc_mnc_records_list.dict()["__root__"], indent=2))
+ @staticmethod
+ def csv_file() -> None:
+ """
+ creating a csv file(mcc-mnc-table.csv) with all the mcc mnc data from https://mcc-mnc.com/
+ :return: None
+ """
+ mcc_mnc_html: str = MCCMNCFetcher._get_mcc_mnc_site_html()
+ mcc_mnc_rows: List[List[str]] = MCCMNCFetcher._get_mcc_mnc_rows(html=mcc_mnc_html)
+ with open(f"{_MCC_MNC_FILE}.csv", "w", newline="") as f:
+ csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+ for mcc_mnc_row in mcc_mnc_rows:
+ csv_writer.writerow(mcc_mnc_row)
+ @staticmethod
+ def xml_file() -> None:
+ """
+ creating a xml file(mcc-mnc-table.xml) with all the mcc mnc data from https://mcc-mnc.com/
+ :return: None
+ """
+ mcc_mnc_html: str = MCCMNCFetcher._get_mcc_mnc_site_html()
+ mcc_mnc_row_pattern = ["mcc", "mnc", "iso", "country", "country_code", "network"]
+ mcc_mnc_rows: List[List[str]] = MCCMNCFetcher._get_mcc_mnc_rows(html=mcc_mnc_html)
+ root_tag = ET.Element('records')
+ for mcc_mnc_row in mcc_mnc_rows:
+ record_tag = ET.SubElement(root_tag, 'record')
+ for index, value in enumerate(mcc_mnc_row):
+ vary_tag = ET.SubElement(record_tag, mcc_mnc_row_pattern[index])
+ vary_tag.text = value
+ xml_string = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(root_tag)).toprettyxml()
+ with open(f"{_MCC_MNC_FILE}.xml", "w") as f:
+ f.write(xml_string)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ MCCMNCFetcher.json_file()
+ MCCMNCFetcher.csv_file()
+ MCCMNCFetcher.xml_file()