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Converts <select multiple> elements into dropdown menus with checkboxes


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Converts <select multiple> elements into dropdown menus with a checkbox for each <option>.

The original <select> element is hidden, but still present in the document, and will be updated with any selections made via the custom dropdown menu.

Any labels associated with the original <select> element will have their for= attributes removed, so as not to be left associated with a hidden form element. Clicking the labels will open the dropdown menu as expected.

Use this plugin

Assuming HTML markup like this:

<label for="people">Select people:</label>
<select id="people" name="people" multiple>
    <option value="alice">Alice</option>
    <option value="bob">Bob</option>
    <option value="carol">Carol</option>

You’ll want to run this:


You can pass a number of options into .multiSelect() to customise the HTML output it generates. Eg:

    containerHTML: '<div class="btn-group">',
    menuHTML: '<div class="dropdown-menu">',
    buttonHTML: '<button class="btn btn-default">',
    menuItemHTML: '<label>',
    activeClass: 'dropdown-menu--open',
    noneText: '-- Choisir --',
    allText: 'Tout le monde',
    presets: [
        { name: 'Favouris', options: ['item2', 'item4'] }

Options related to markup:

Option Default value Notes
containerHTML '<div class="multi-select-container">'
menuHTML '<div class="multi-select-menu">'
buttonHTML '<span class="multi-select-button">'
menuItemsHTML '<div class="multi-select-menuitems">'
menuItemHTML '<label class="multi-select-menuitem">'
presetsHTML '<div class="multi-select-presets">'
modalHTML undefined Set this to some HTML (eg: <div class="multi-select-modal">) to enable the modal overlay.
activeClass 'multi-select-container--open' The class that will be added to the container element when the menu is "open".

Options related to labels and (select) options:

Option Default value Notes
noneText '-- Select --' Shown in the button when no options have been selected.
allText undefined Shown in the button when all options have been selected.
presets undefined An array of preset option groups, see the demo for an example.

Options related to positioning:

Option Default value Notes
positionMenuWithin undefined If you provide a jQuery object here, the plugin will add a class (see positionedMenuClass option) to the container when the right edge of the dropdown menu is about to extend outside the specified element, giving you the opportunity to use CSS to prevent the menu extending, for example, by allowing the option labels to wrap onto multiple lines.
positionedMenuClass 'multi-select-container--positioned' The class that will be added to the container, when the menu is about to extend beyond the right edge of the positionMenuWithin element.
viewportBottomGutter 20 The plugin will attempt to keep this distance, in pixels, clear between the bottom of the menu and the bottom of the viewport, by setting a fixed height style if the menu would otherwise approach this distance from the bottom edge of the viewport.
menuMinHeight 200 The minimum height, in pixels, that the menu will be reduced to before the viewportBottomGutter option is ignored and the menu is allowed to extend beyond the bottom edge of the viewport.

See a demo

Run make demo, or open demo/index.html in your web browser.

Run the tests

Run make test, or open test/SpecRunner.html in your web browser.

Compile minimized version

You'll need the Closure Compiler, which you can get with brew install closure-compiler or directly from Google's website. If you use brew (or otherwise create a closure-compiler script in your PATH), you can run make dist, or otherwise you can run: make dist COMPILER='java -jar path-to-compiler.jar'.