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Cache is corrupted .... Last compilation did not finish saving. Building new cache. #405

gauravmahto opened this issue Jul 12, 2018 · 2 comments


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gauravmahto commented Jul 12, 2018

Expected Behavior

Should properly detect and use the existing cache.

Actual Behavior

Even if the cache is in good condition, it fails to recognize it and builds a new cache every time.
P.S. I do observe that the rebuilds are still faster than the first build. But do worry about the integrity of files being compiled based on the existing cache.

Is an error being thrown?

Yes. Below is the stack trace.

First - build output:
hardsource:6c0f43d8] Writing new cache 6c0f43d8...
[hardsource:6c0f43d8] Tracking node dependencies with: package.json, node_modules/*.

Rebuild output:
[hardsource:6c0f43d8] Using 100 MB of disk space.
[hardsource:6c0f43d8] Tracking node dependencies with: package.json, node_modules/*.
[hardsource:6c0f43d8] Reading from cache 6c0f43d8...
[hardsource:6c0f43d8] Cache is corrupted.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
at (D:\Perforce_CXWeb\CallXpress\CX_Next\CXWeb\NodeJS\node_modules\hard-source-webpack-plugin\lib\util\serial.js:78:58)
at ()
at Object.thaw (D:\Perforce_CXWeb\CallXpress\CX_Next\CXWeb\NodeJS\node_modules\hard-source-webpack-plugin\lib\util\serial.js:69:55)
at Object.thaw (D:\Perforce_CXWeb\CallXpress\CX_Next\CXWeb\NodeJS\node_modules\hard-source-webpack-plugin\lib\util\serial.js:171:28)
at contextNormalModuleResolve (D:\Perforce_CXWeb\CallXpress\CX_Next\CXWeb\NodeJS\node_modules\hard-source-webpack-plugin\lib\CacheModuleResolver.js:202:38)
at Object.keys.forEach.key (D:\Perforce_CXWeb\CallXpress\CX_Next\CXWeb\NodeJS\node_modules\hard-source-webpack-plugin\index.js:342:29)
at Array.forEach ()
at source (D:\Perforce_CXWeb\CallXpress\CX_Next\CXWeb\NodeJS\node_modules\hard-source-webpack-plugin\index.js:341:33)
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)
[hardsource:6c0f43d8] Last compilation did not finish saving. Building new cache.

Looking at the source:

const RuleSet = require('webpack/lib/RuleSet');
            ruleSet = extra.compiler.__hardSource_ruleSet = new RuleSet(

defaultRules - Undefined?

Steps to Reproduce

  • My env. was using
    webpack v3.10.0
    hard-source-webpack-plugin v0.11.0
  • In previous version i.e. v0.6.4 No such error was reported.

Operating System, Node, and NPM dependency versions

Win 10 - x64
Node 8.11.2

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@gauravmahto Thank you for opening this issue. I accounted for webpack 4 and forgot to account for webpack 3 RuleSet creation in serializing Module resolutions.

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@mzgoddard Thank you for such a great plugin. I tested the latest v0.11.1 and it's working like a charm. 👍

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