- The Bike-sharing World Map
- List of bicycle sharing systems
- Liste des systèmes de vélos en libre-service en France
Official open-data webservice
- List+Details:
Official open-data webservice
- List+Details:
Official webservice. See Terms of use.
- List+Details:
JCDecaux/Cyclocity has its own opendata platform, developer.jcdecaux.com Use of the old « webservices » is tolerated by Cyclocity.
Note : At least for Paris, official apps use another service.
The geolocation of the stations is sometimes very wrong.
(Hosted on the same servers.)
- Template :
- List :
- Details :
- List :
- Not available on developer.jcdecaux.com :
- DublinBikes : www.dublinbikes.ie
- Brisbane : www.citycycle.com.au
- Available on developer.jcdecaux.com
- Amiens : www.velam.amiens.fr
- Besancon : www.velocite.besancon.fr
- Bruxelles : www.villo.be
- CergyPointoise : www.velo2.cergypontoise.fr
- Creteil : www.cristolib.fr (The CristoLib list also contains stations of the CergyPointoise service. That's an error.)
- Goteborg : www.goteborgbikes.se
- Ljubljana : www.bicikelj.si
- Luxembourg : www.veloh.lu
- Marseille : www.levelo-mpm.fr
- Mulhouse : www.velocite.mulhouse.fr
- Nancy : www.velostanlib.fr
- Nantes : www.bicloo.nantesmetropole.fr
- Paris : www.velib.paris.fr
- Rouen : cyclic.rouen.fr
- Santander : www.tusbic.es
- Sevilla : www.sevici.es
- Toulouse : www.velo.toulouse.fr
- Toyama : www.cyclocity.jp
- Valencia : www.valenbisi.es
See developer.jcdecaux.com for documentation.
Now available on developer.jcdecaux.com.
No official opendata policy, but usage of the webservice is tolerated.
Although it's very similar to other services by Cyclocity, webservices are different. The structure of the Station Details data is the same.
- List :
- Villeurbanne : 69266
- Caluire : 69034 (2 stations)
- Vaulx-en-Velin : 69256 (1 station)
- Details :
No official opendata policy, but usage of the webservice is tolerated.
- List : `http://vlille.fr/stations/xml-stations.aspx``
- Details :
Unknown Terms of Use
- List :
- Details :
The data contains both the List of stations and the Status Details.
Not an “API”, but usage is authorized.
Type 1:
- Canada (Hosted on the same servers.)
- List+Details (Template) :
- Toronto : toronto.bixi.com
- Montréal : montreal.bixi.com
- Ottawa : capitale.bixi.com
- List+Details (Template) :
- London
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Washington
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Minneapolis
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Boston
- List+Details : :
- Boston also has an official opendata webservice (http://hubwaydatachallenge.org), but it's not as simple to use as the Bixi service.
- List+Details : :
Type 2:
- Chattanooga
- List+Details : http://www.bikechattanooga.com/stations/json
- List+Details : http://citibikenyc.com/stations/json
A BIXI network, but uses its own webservice.
Unknown Terms of Use
- List+Details : http://www.melbournebikeshare.com.au/stationmap/data
Unknown Terms of Use
75 cities worldwide, mostly Germany and Eastern europe.
- List+Details (Template):
returns data for all the cities, but Bicyclette currently only includes a portion of these cities. Typically, smaller cities, or cities which seemed to actually have zero bikes where ignored.
- Nextbike : 10vorWien, Auckland, Augsburg, Baku, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bregenzerwald, Burghausen, Christchurch, Coburg, Dresden, Dubai, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Flensburg, Frankfurt, Gütersloh, Haag, Hamburg, Hannover, Konya, Krems, Laa, Leipzig, Limassol, Luzern, Magdeburg, Marchfeld, Mistelbach, Mödling, München, Neunkirchen, NeusiedlerSee,. Norderstedt, Nürnberg, Oberes, Offenburg, Opole, Piestingtal, Potsdam, Poznan, Salzburg, St.Pölten, Südheide, Thermenregion, Traisen-Gölsental, Triestingtal, Tulln, Tübingen, Unteres, Wachau, Waldviertel, Wieselburg, Wr.Neustadt, Wrocław, İzmir.
- BalticBike : Riga, Jurmala.
- Metropolradruhr : Duisburg, Dortmund, Hamm, Oberhausen, Bottrop, Gelsenkirche, Mülheim, Bochum, Essen, Herne.
- Veturilo : Warszawa
(Hosted on the same servers as Calais and Vannes.)
No official opendata policy, but usage of the webservice is tolerated.
- List+Details :
Unknown Terms of Use
(Hosted on the same servers as Nice)
- Calais
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Vannes
- List+Details : `http://www.velocea.fr/cartoV2/libProxyCarto.asp``
Unknown Terms of Use
Same system runs in Surfside FL. The webservice returns the whole data.
- List+Details:
Unknown Terms of Use
- List+Details:
Unknown Terms of Use
- Montpellier
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Avignon
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Valence
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Strasbourg
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Saint-Étienne
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Grenoble
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
- Chalon-sur-Saône
- List+Details :
- List+Details :
Unknown Terms of Use
- List+Details :
No Known Webservice : HTML Scraping required.
- List+Details:
Credentials from Vélopass are needed to use this webservice.
Velopass is being merged with Publibike, and some new services may be available in summer of 2013.
- Vélopass : La Côte, Fribourg, Bulle, Les Lacs - Romont, Chablais, Valais Central, Yverdon-les-Bains, Lausanne - Morges & Campus, Vevey-Riviera, Lugano - Paradiso.
The Velopass app actually uses the SOAP webservice service.tobike.it
as its backend. (WSDL documentation)
POST http://service.tobike.it/service.asmx
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<ElencoStazioniPerComune xmlns="c://inetub/wwwroot/webservice/Service.asmx">
Official API
JSON, List+Details:
- Atlanta / Georgia Tech : https://gt.viacycle.com/m/data
- Patriot Bike Share (George Mason University) : https://gmu.viacycle.com/m/data
- Las Vegas : https://downtownproject.viacycle.com/m/data
Networks for a dozen of US cities, with relatively small coverage. Unfortunately, the data for all cities are all in the same list, and there's no clean way to separate them. No word on wether it can be used in 3rd party apps.
Official webservice: BCycle is currently updating its webservices to a new, 2.0 version.
(See specs athttp://api.bcycle.com/services/mobile.svc?wsdl
) -
Boulder, Colorado;
Broward County, Florida;
Charlotte, North Carolina
- Chicago, Illinois; (dead)
Denver, Colorado;
Des Moines, Iowa;
Fort Worth (Coming Soon);
Houston, Texas;
Kailua (Honolulu County), Hawaii;
Kansas City, Kansas;
Madison, Wisconsin;
Omaha, Nebraska;
San Antonio, Texas;
Salt Lake City ("greenbike")
Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Also, Austin is in the works. (2013/01)
Based on Smoove, but no webservice found.
Webmap at http://siv.optymo.fr, stations list at http://siv.optymo.fr/js/placesVLS.js, status at http://siv.optymo.fr/getinfo.php?id=.
"Temporary" data for the expected stations locations. Of course, no status info is available yet.
- List:
- Details: `http://a841-tfpweb.nyc.gov/bikeshare/get_point_info?point=13897``
The Torino and Bicincitta networks, used in many cities in Italy. Various versions of the services. The service.tobike.it backend is actually also used for Velopass in Swiss.
List of cities : http://www.bicincitta.com/comuni.asp
- List 1 (~20 cities) : Dirty HTML/javascript.http://bicincitta.tobike.it/frmLeStazioni.aspx?ID={city_id}
- List 2 (Torino+Region) : Dirty HTML/javascript.http://www.tobike.it/frmLeStazioni.aspx?ID={city_id}
- List 3 (Brescia) : Dirty HTML/javascript.http://service.bicimia.it/frmComuniAderentiInfo.aspx
- List 4 (http://www.bicincittabip.com/frmLeStazioni.aspx?ID=112
- Roma (older? similar to Pamplona) : http://www.bicincitta.com/citta_v3.asp?id=18&pag=2
Webservices (also used for Swiss VeloPass) : http://service.tobike.it
- List (HTML) :
- Status of stations (HTML) :
- List+Details (HTML) :
Unknown Terms of Use
Call http://clientes.domoblue.es/onroll/generaMapa.php?cliente={city_id} to get the list of cities, it returns html to parse to get a token; then call http://clientes.domoblue.es/onroll/generaXml.php?token=806182692&cliente={id}, which returns the List+Details xml.
Use "todos" as the city id to get individual city ids instead of stations.
- A Rua
- Albacete
- Alhama de Murcia
- Almuñecar
- Antequera
- Aranda de Duero
- Aranjuez
- Badajoz
- Baeza
- Benidorm
- Blanca
- Cieza
- Ciudad Real
- Don Benito - Villanueva
- El Campello
- Elche
- Guadalajara
- Jaen
- JavierPruebas
- Lalin
- Las Palmas
- Montilla
- Mula
- Novelda
- O Barco
- Paiporta
- Palencia
- Pinto
- Priego de Cordoba
- Puerto Lumbreras
- Puertollano
- Redondela
- Salamanca
- San Javier
- San Pedro
- Sant Joan
- Segovia
- Soria
- Talavera
- Ubeda
- Universidad de Granada
- Via Verde
- Vigo
- Villaquilambre
- Villarreal
- Vinaros
Unknown Terms of Use
- Oslo,
- Drammen,
- Trondheim.
Operated by Clear Channel.
- Website : http://www.bysykler.no
- List : http://smartbikeportal.clearchannel.no/public/mobapp/maq.asmx/getRacks,
- Details : http://smartbikeportal.clearchannel.no/public/mobapp/maq.asmx/getRack (via POST. see wsdl spec at http://smartbikeportal.clearchannel.no/public/mobapp/maq.asmx)
This service also contains station info for Drammen. Trondheim seems to be missing as of 2013-03-18.
Unknown Terms of Use
- Website : http://bicipalma.palmademallorca.es
- List+Details. for the cookie, then for the JSON.
Operated by Clear Channel Sverige . The official website uses data from https://bikemap.appified.net, who also made the iphone app.
Unknown Terms of Use, however there's a very aggressive refresh limit on the webservice. (it returns a 403 after 10 reloads.)
- List : https://bikemap.appified.net/a/grs/
- Details : https://bikemap.appified.net/a/gr/0c59508f792a57b5cee3231940890270/{station_id}
Unknown Terms of Use
1000+ stations in :
- Shangai and region
- Chengdu and region
- Shenyang
- Nanshan (near Shenzhen)
HTML, clean enough.
- List : http://self.chinarmb.com/FormStations.aspx
- Details : http://self.chinarmb.com/stationinfo.aspx?snumber=001001009027
- Webpage : http://www.chinarmb.com/page.aspx?id=713307143965
Unknown Terms of Use
- Webpage : http://minaport.ubweb.jp/station.html
- List+Details : http://minaport.ubweb.jp/stations.php
(Docomo Cycle)
Unknown Terms of Use
- List+Details (JSON) : http://docomo-cycle.jp/yokohama/map/getports/
Unknown Terms of Use. Contact email actually invalid.
- List+Details (json) : http://www.tashu.or.kr/mapAction.do?process=statusMapView
Unknown Terms of Use, no contact email found.
List+Details (HTML, but relatively clean) : http://www.c-bike.com.tw/english/MapStation1.aspx iPhone app available, https://itunes.apple.com/app/id492069747?mt=8
URLs from iPhone app :
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/TutorialVideo.xml
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/MRT.xml
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/Bus.xml
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/InspectionStation.xml
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/ChargingStation.xml
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/viewslist.aspx?tid=1
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/viewslist.aspx?tid=2
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/viewslist.aspx?tid=3
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/viewslist.aspx?tid=4
- http://www.c-bike.com.tw/xml/iosstationlist.aspx
Unknown Terms of Use
- List+Details(XML) : http://www.youbike.com.tw/genxml.php
Unknown Terms of Use
HTML Scraping, reasonable.
- List+Details, : http://www.podilatoendrasi.com.cy/frontoffice/bike_routes.html
Unknown Terms of Use
HTML parsing, reasonable.
- List+Details : http://www.cicloteque.ro/retea/
(Because the HTML is way too dirty to scrape.)
Unknown Terms of Use
Bikenation seems to be working on networks in Los Angeles and Long Beach (California) as well.
- Anaheim: List (no details) http://www.bikenationusa.com/services/API/Maps.asmx/GetLocations (POST {"locationId":"Anaheim"})
HTML Scraping needed. Also try to reverse engineer the iphone app.
- Sao Paulo (List+Details) : http://ww2.mobilicidade.com.br/bikesampa/mapaestacao.asp
- Rio (List+Details) : http://ww2.mobilicidade.com.br/sambarjpt/mapaestacao.asp
- Soracaba (List+Details) : http://ww2.mobilicidade.com.br/sorocaba/mapaestacao.asp
- Porto Alegre (List+Details) : http://ww2.mobilicidade.com.br/bikepoa/mapaestacao.asp
- Recife (List+Details) : http://www.portoleve.org
- Santos (List+Details) : http://ww2.mobilicidade.com.br/bikesantos/mapaestacao.asp
The stations listing is only available on the webpage. The "official" webservices are less useful because they won't give you the list of stations or the geolocation, so you have to rely on the webpage anyway.
- Caen
- maps website: https://www.veol.caen.fr/localizaciones/localizaciones.php
- Webservice "autorisé" (Seulement les status des stations, pas de liste, pas de geoloc) :
- Dijon
- maps website: https://www.velodi.net/localizaciones/localizaciones.php
- official webservice (Only stations status: no listing, no geoloc info) :
- Perpignan :https://www.bip-perpignan.fr/localizaciones/localizaciones.php (no official webservice)
- Milano : http://www.bikemi.com/localizaciones/localizaciones.php (no official webservice)
Way too dirty to scrape. A new webservice is being created with the other Bysykkel networks. (see above)
Drammen (List+Details) :
calls through an xmlhttprequest :
curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: max-age=0" -H "Content-Length: 0" -H "Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=55i5wltwt2nj5llwwqxowj4t" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" http://drammen.clearchannel.com/WS/GService.asmx/GetGoogleObject
Way too dirty to scrape. Similar to Drammen, with an added step to get the station status.
- Mexico City :
- List : https://www.ecobici.df.gob.mx/localizaciones/localizaciones.php
- Details : curl -F "idStation=27" https://www.ecobici.df.gob.mx/CallWebService/StationBussinesStatus.php
- Zaragoza
- List : https://www.bizizaragoza.com/localizaciones/station_map.php
- Details : curl -F "idStation=27" https://www.bizizaragoza.com/CallWebService/StationBussinesStatus.php
- Antwerpen
- List : https://www.velo-antwerpen.be/localizaciones/station_map.php
- Details : curl -F "idStation=37" https://www.velo-antwerpen.be/CallWebService/StationBussinesStatus.php
HTML Scraping needed, and no lat/long info.
- List and status : http://bicileon.com/estado/EstadoActual.asp
HTML, dirty.
- List and status : http://www.bikla.net/index.php?Op=mapa
HTML/javascript. Hard to parse.
- list and stations : http://www.girocleta.cat/Mapadestacions.aspx
- List+Details : http://www.bicicletapublica.com.ar/mapa.aspx
HTML both in list and details.
- List : https://www.tel-o-fun.co.il/en/TelOFunLocations.aspx
- Details : (separate request)
(Dirty HTML,javascript scraping needed)
- List+Details : http://nubija.changwon.go.kr/stn/stationState.do
- http://www.ov-fiets.nl/ovfiets Map available, but could not find availability info. Not sure it makes sense.
- List+Details (html) http://www.scratchbikes.co.uk/ (dirtiest pseudo-json ever.)
- Flash map available at :
- Data (List and details) requested from :
Station coordinates are in pixels.
Angers (only 1 station)
Montélimar (only 1 station)
Medellin (Colombia) : http://www.encicla.gov.co/index.php/en/maps-en
- Toopedalando (Toledo, Brazil) http://www.toopedalando.com.br/. Down 2013-03-18.
- Hangzhou. webservices? at http://www.hzzxc.com.cn/map/data-xml.php. Down 2013-03-18.
- Hourbike (UK). Dumfries, Blackpool, Southport. Maps available at http://www.hourbike.com/mysitecaddy/site3/index.htm, but live feed looks broken (?)