This package help to manage status router in a API to respond a standard response for status of API and his component.
This package requires golib/router
+ go Gin Tonic API Framework.
This package also include 2 option of call that can be passed into query string :
: if use, the response will only include the main status and no one component, but all health are still checkonline
: if use, the response will be into a list of text line composed asstatus: name (release - build) - message
, instead of a JSON output This 2 options call be use together.
We will work on an example of file/folder tree like this :
in the get.go
file, we will implement the status package call :
package status
import (
const (
msgOk = "API is working"
msgKO = "API is not working"
msgWarn = "something is not well working"
type EmptyStruct struct{}
var vers version.Version
func init() {
// optional, get or create a new version interface
vers = version.NewVersion(version.License_MIT, "Package", "Description", "2017-10-21T00:00:00+0200", "0123456789abcdef", "v0.0-dev", "Author Name", "pfx", EmptyStruct{}, 1)
// to create new status, you will need some small function to give data, this is type func :
// FctHealth func() error
// FctInfo func() (name, release, build string)
// create new status not as later
sts := status.NewVersion(vers, msgOk, msgKO, msgWarn)
// add some middleware before router
sts.MiddlewareAdd(func(context *gin.Context) {
// add here your middleware need to be run before the status route
// register to the router list
sts.Register("/status", routers.RouterList.Register)
// register to the router list with a group
sts.Register("/v1", "/status", routers.RouterList.Register)
// add a new component mandatory
NewComponent(true, infoMandatory, healthMandatory,
func() (msgOk string, msgKo string) {
return msgOk, msgKO
24 * time.Hour, 5 * time.second,
// add a new component mandatory
NewComponent(true, infoNotMandatory, healthNotMandatory,
func() (msgOk string, msgKo string) {
return msgOk, msgKO
24 * time.Hour, 5 * time.second,
// use this func to customize return code for each status
sts.SetErrorCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusInternalServerError, http.StatusAccepted)
func GetHealth() error {
// any function to return check global API is up or not
return nil
func GetHeader(c *gin.Context) {
// any function to return global & generic header (like CSP, HSTS, ...)
func GetAWSHealth() error {
// any function to return the check of the component AWS is up or not
return nil
func GetLDAPHealth() error {
// any function to return the check of the component LDAP is up or not
return nil
func infoMandatory() (name, release, build string) {
return "Name of my component mandatory", "v0.", "abcd1234abcd1234"
func healthMandatory() error {
return nil
func infoNotMandatory() (name, release, build string) {
return "Name of my component not mandatory", "v0.", "abcd1234abcd1234"
func healthNotMandatory() error {
return nil
In some case, using init function could make mistake (specially if you need to read flag or config file).
In this case, you will have func "Later" to allow the init package on first call of status