- Graph Attention Network with High-Order Neighbor Information Propagation for Social Recommendation
- An Efficient Prototype-Based Clustering Approach for Edge Pruning in Graph Neural Networks to Battle Over-Smoothing
- DGR: A General Graph Desmoothing Framework for Recommendation via Global and Local Perspectives
- LG-GNN: Local-Global Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Modeling Both Homophily and Heterophily
- Robust Heterophilic Graph Learning against Label Noise for Anomaly Detection
- HeterGCL: Graph Contrastive Learning Framework on Heterophilic Graph
- Subgraph Pooling: Tackling Negative Transfer on Graphs
- Rethinking the Effectiveness of Graph Classification Datasets in Benchmarks for Assessing GNNs
- AnchorGT: Efficient and Flexible Attention Architecture for Scalable Graph Transformers
- Heterogeneous Graph Transformer with Poly-Tokenization
- Gradformer: Graph Transformer with Exponential Decay
- Dynamicity-aware Social Bot Detection with Dynamic Graph Transformers
- FairGT: A Fairness-aware Graph Transformer
- EPIC: Graph Augmentation with Edit Path Interpolation via Learnable Cost
- LSPAN: Spectrally Localized Augmentation for Graph Consistency Learning
- Joint Domain Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network
- Rank and Align: Towards Effective Source-free Graph Domain Adaptation
- Graph Contrastive Learning with Reinforcement Augmentation
- Anomaly Subgraph Detection through High-Order Sampling Contrastive Learning
- Contrastive General Graph Matching with Adaptive Augmentation Sampling
- Contrastive Learning Drug Response Models from Natural Language Supervision
- Dual Contrastive Graph-Level Clustering with Multiple Cluster Perspectives Alignment
- Self-Promoted Clustering-based Contrastive Learning for Brain Networks Pretraining
- Graph Collaborative Expert Finding with Contrastive Learning
- R2V-MIF: Rule-to-Vector Contrastive Learning and Multi-channel Information Fusion for Therapy Recommendation
- Contrastive and View-Interaction Structure Learning for Multi-view Clustering
- Continual Multi-View Clustering with Consistent Anchor Guidance
- Dynamic Weighted Graph Fusion for Deep Multi-View Clustering
- Integrating Vision-Language Semantic Graphs in Multi-View Clustering
- FedTAD: Topology-aware Data-free Knowledge Distillation for Subgraph Federated Learning
- LG-FGAD: An Effective Federated Graph Anomaly Detection Framework
- Multi-Relational Graph Attention Network for Social Relationship Inference from Human Mobility Data
- Multiplex Graph Representation Learning via Bi-level Optimization
- Enhancing Multimodal Knowledge Graph Representation Learning through Triple Contrastive Learning
- LLM-based Multi-Level Knowledge Generation for Few-shot Knowledge Graph Completion
- Fast and Continual Knowledge Graph Embedding via Incremental LoRA
- Capturing Knowledge Graphs and Rules with Octagon Embeddings
- CPa-WAC: Constellation Partitioning-based Scalable Weighted Aggregation Composition for Knowledge Graph Embedding
- KG-CoT: Chain-of-Thought Prompting of Large Language Models over Knowledge Graphs for Knowledge-Aware Question Answering
- KDDC: Knowledge-Driven Disentangled Causal Metric Learning for Pre-Travel Out-of-Town Recommendation
- Learning Multi-Granularity and Adaptive Representation for Knowledge Graph Reasoning
- Continual Multimodal Knowledge Graph Construction
- Zero-shot Learning for Preclinical Drug Screening
- Temporal Knowledge Graph Extrapolation via Causal Subhistory Identification
- History Repeats Itself: A Baseline for Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting
- Make Bricks with a Little Straw: Large-Scale Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning with Restricted GPU-Memory Capacity
- A Graph-based Representation Framework for Trajectory Recovery via Spatiotemporal Interval-Informed Seq2Seq
- A Deep Probabilistic Spatiotemporal Framework for Dynamic Graph Representation Learning with Application to Brain Disorder Identification
- VSGT: Variational Spatial and Gaussian Temporal Graph Models for EEG-based Emotion Recognition
- Toward a Manifold-Preserving Temporal Graph Network in Hyperbolic Space
- Predictive Modeling with Temporal Graphical Representation on Electronic Health Records
- Temporal Inductive Logic Reasoning over Hypergraphs
- Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning on Multi-Channel Hypergraph Neural Network for Course Recommendation
- Hypergraph Self-supervised Learning with Sampling-efficient Signals
- SaSDim:Self-Adaptive Noise Scaling Diffusion Model for Spatial Time Series Imputation
- Temporal Graph ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series
- MFTraj: Map-Free, Behavior-Driven Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving
- Make Graph Neural Networks Great Again: A Generic Integration Paradigm of Topology-Free Patterns for Traffic Speed Prediction
- WeatherGNN: Exploiting Meteo- and Spatial-Dependencies for Local Numerical Weather Prediction Bias-Correction
- Pre-DyGAE: Pre-training Enhanced Dynamic Graph Autoencoder for Occupational Skill Demand Forecasting
- SVD-AE: Simple Autoencoders for Collaborative Filtering
- Where to Mask: Structure-Guided Masking for Graph Masked Autoencoders
- Cross-View Contrastive Fusion for Enhanced Molecular Property Prediction
- A Semi-supervised Molecular Learning Framework for Activity Cliff Estimation
- PACIA: Parameter-Efficient Adapter for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction
- An Image-enhanced Molecular Graph Representation Learning Framework
- MMGNN: A Molecular Merged Graph Neural Network for Explainable Solvation Free Energy Prediction
- Negative Prompt Driven Complementary Parallel Representation for Open-World 3D Object Retrieval
- Expressiveness is Effectiveness: Self-supervised Fashion-aware CLIP for Video-to-Shop Retrieval
- Multi-Granularity Graph-Convolution-Based Method for Weakly Supervised Person Search
- Optimal Graph Learning and Nuclear Norm Maximization for Deep Cross-Domain Robust Label Propagation
- Self-Supervised Learning for Enhancing Spatial Awareness in Free-Hand Sketches
- Explore Internal and External Similarity for Single Image Deraining with Graph Neural Networks
- Efficient Tuning and Inference for Large Language Models on Textual Graphs
- Domain-Hierarchy Adaptation via Chain of Iterative Reasoning for Few-shot Hierarchical Text Classification
- Joint Multimodal Aspect Sentiment Analysis with Aspect Enhancement and Syntactic Adaptive Learning
- Attention Based Document-level Relation Extraction with None Class Ranking Loss
- A General Black-box Adversarial Attack on Graph-based Fake News Detectors
- DGCD: An Adaptive Denoising GNN for Group-level Cognitive Diagnosis
- Heterogeneous Causal Metapath Graph Neural Network for Gene-Microbe-Disease Association Prediction
- SAEIR: Sequentially Accumulated Entropy Intrinsic Reward for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Reward
- Group-Aware Coordination Graph for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Reinforcement Nash Equilibrium Solver
- A Multi-Valued Decision Diagram-Based Approach to Constrained Optimal Path Problems over Directed Acyclic Graphs
- Exploring the Role of Node Diversity in Directed Graph Representation Learning
- Towards Geometric Normalization Techniques in SE(3) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks for Physical Dynamics Simulations
- Unified View Imputation and Feature Selection Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Data
- Unsupervised Deep Graph Structure and Embedding Learning
- Generalized Taxonomy-Guided Graph Neural Networks
- CAP: A Context-Aware Neural Predictor for NAS
- A Logic for Reasoning about Aggregate-Combine Graph Neural Networks
- Finding Increasingly Large Extremal Graphs with AlphaZero and Tabu Search
- CONC: Complex-noise-resistant Open-set Node Classification with Adaptive Noise Detection
- A Context-Enhanced Framework for Sequential Graph Reasoning
- Joint Source Localization in Different Platforms via Implicit Propagation Characteristics of Similar Topics