Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal, but messages can vary. Here is the error JSON payload:
"message": "Error message appears here."
- An unknown server error occured.
- The provided timestamp is too far into the future.
- This request was received after the specified receive window.
- The server is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. Try again.
- This request is not properly authenticated. Log in or use an API key.
- An unknown error occured while parsing your request parameters.
- Parameter ${key} is required but did not appear in the request.
- Parameter ${key} does not adhere to the spec.
- Parameter ${key} should not have been included.
- The Namebase exchange does not yet support symbol "${symbol}".
- The Namebase exchange does not yet support asset "${asset}".
- The only supported limits are ${acceptedLimitsString}.
- The minimum withdrawal for ${asset} is ${amount}.
- The minimum deposit for ${asset} is ${amount}.
- The minimum order size for ${symbol} is ${amount} ${asset}.
- Your account is not currently allowed to trade. Complete KYC verification or contact support.
- Unfortunately, based on your verification status, you cannot deposit ${asset}.
- Unfortunately, based on your verification status, you cannot withdraw ${asset}.
- The withdrawal address you've entered is not a valid ${asset} address.
- You've reached your withdrawal limit for ${asset}. Try withdrawing less funds or try again later.
- ${asset} withdrawals are disabled until block height ${height}.
- You do not have sufficient balance to perform this action.
You can only cancel active orders.
You do not have permission to cancel this order.
Could not cancel this order due to an unknown error.
Could not retrieve this order.
You do not have permission to retrieve this order's trades.