A telemetry packet set specifier arranges the telemetry channels of a topology into a set of telemetry packets. A telemetry packet set specifier is part of a topology definition.
telemetry-packet-group-member-sequence }
telemetry-channel-identifier-sequence }
telemetry-packet-group-member-sequence is an element sequence in which each element is a telemetry packet group member, and the terminating punctuation is a comma. A telemetry packet group member is one of the following:
telemetry-channel-identifier-sequence is an element sequence in which each element is a telemetry channel identifier, and the terminating punctuation is a comma.
FPP recursively resolves any include specifiers in telemetry-packet-group-member-sequence. This action converts telemetry-packet-group-member-sequence to a list L of telemetry packet specifiers, each of which is a list of telemetry channel identifiers. FPP then checks the following:
Each telemetry packet specifier in L is valid,
Each telemetry packet specifier in L has a distinct name and a distinct identifier.
For every component instance I available in the enclosing topology, either through direct specification or through import, for every telemetry channel T that is a member of I, exactly one of the following is true:
T appears in at least one of the telemetry packet specifiers of L.
telemetry-channel-identifier-sequence is present, and T appears in telemetry-channel-identifier-sequence.