Install Moode. Ensure a command line prompt is available for entering the commands below (e.g. use SSH, default username 'pi', default password 'moodeaudio')
mpd_oled uses Cava, a bar spectrum audio visualizer, to calculate the spectrum
The commands to download, build and install Cava are as follows.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libasound2-dev
git clone
cd cava
sudo make install
Configure your system to enable I2C or SPI, depending on how your OLED is connected.
I use a cheap 4 pin I2C SSH1106 display with a Raspberry Pi Zero. It is
wired like this. In /boot/config.txt I
have the line dtparam=i2c_arm=on
. In /etc/modules I have the line i2c-dev
The I2C bus speed on your system may be too slow for a reasonable screen refresh. Set a higher bus speed by adding the following line to /boot/config.txt (or try a higher value for a higher screen refresh, I use 800000 with a 25 FPS screen refresh)
And then restart the Pi.
If the mpd_oled clock does not display the local time then you may need to set the system time zone. The following command will run a console based application where you can specify your location
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Install the packages needed to build the program
sudo apt install libi2c-dev i2c-tools lm-sensors
Clone the source repository and change to the source directory
git clone
cd mpd_oled
The MPD audio output needs to be copied to a named pipe, where Cava can read it and calculate the spectrum. This is configured in /etc/mpd.conf. However, Moode regenerates this file, and also disables all but a single MPD output, in response to various events, and so the Moode code must be changed. The following commands copy the FIFO configuration file to /usr/local/etc/mpd_oled_fifo.conf and patch the Moode source code. (Note: if, for any reason, regeneration of /etc/mpd.conf has been disabled (for example, if it has been set immutable) then edit the file directly and append the contents of mpd_oled_fifo.conf.)
sudo cp mpd_oled_fifo.conf /usr/local/etc/
sudo patch -d/ -p0 -N < moode_mpd_fifo.patch
Reboot the machine from the Moode UI. When it has restarted, go back to the Moode UI and click "Moode" / "Configure" / "MPD", then click the first "APPLY" button on that page. This will trigger the regeneration of /etc/mpd.conf
Log back into the machine and change to the mpd_oled source directory, e.g.
cd mpd_oled
If you ever want to make any changes to the FIFO configuration, for example you might want to change buffer_time to help synchronise the spectrum display with the audio on your system, then modify /usr/local/etc/mpd_oled_fifo.conf and restart MPD, by going to the Moode UI Audio Config page and clicking on "RESTART" in the MPD section.
Now build mpd_oled
Check the program works correctly by running it while playing music. The OLED type MUST be specified with -o from the following list: 1 - Adafruit SPI 128x64, 3 - Adafruit I2C 128x64, 4 - Seeed I2C 128x64, 6 - SH1106 I2C 128x64.
E.g. the command for a generic I2C SH1106 display (OLED type 6) with a display of 10 bars and a gap of 1 pixel between bars and a framerate of 20Hz is
sudo ./mpd_oled -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20
For I2C OLEDs you may need to specify the I2C address, find this by running,
e.g. sudo i2cdetect -y 1
and specify the address with mpd_oled -a,
e.g. ./mpd_oled -o6 -a 3d ...
. If you have a reset pin connected, specify
the GPIO number with mpd_oled -r, e.g. mpd_oled -o6 -r 24 ...
. (For, SPI
OLEDs, edit to include your connection details, if this works
out I will provide options for these parameters.)
If your display is upside down, you can rotate it 180 degrees with option '-R'.
Once the display is working, edit the file mpd_oled.service to include your OLED type number with the mpd_oled command, and any other options. Then run
sudo bash
This will copy the program to /usr/local/bin and add a systemd service to run it and start it running. You can start, stop, disable, etc the service with commands like
sudo systemctl start mpd_oled
If you wish to change mpd_oled parameters later then edit mpd_oled.service to include the changes and rerun