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489 lines (339 loc) · 13.7 KB

API Reference

Instead of modifying the native Date.prototype, Day.js creates a wrapper for the Date object, called Dayjs object.

The Dayjs object is immutable, that is, all API operations that change the Dayjs object in some way will return a new instance of it.


Constructor dayjs(existing?: string | number | Date | Dayjs)

Calling it without parameters returns a fresh Dayjs object with the current date and time.


Day.js also parses other date formats.

ISO 8601 string


Native Javascript Date object

dayjs(new Date(2018, 8, 18));

Unix Timestamp (milliseconds)

Returns a Dayjs from a Unix timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix Epoch)


Unix Timestamp (seconds) .unix(value: number)

Returns a Dayjs from a Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix Epoch)


Custom Parse Format

Clone .clone() | dayjs(original: Dayjs)

Returns a cloned Dayjs.

dayjs(dayjs("2019-01-25")); // passing a Dayjs object to a constructor will also clone it

Validation .isValid()

Returns a boolean indicating whether the Dayjs's date is valid.


Get and Set

Year .year()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's year.


Month .month()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's month. Starts at 0


Day of the Month .date()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's day of the month. Starts at 1


Day of the Week .day()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's day of the week. Starts on Sunday with 0


Hour .hour()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's hour.


Minute .minute()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's minute.


Second .second()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's second.


Millisecond .millisecond()

Returns a number representing the Dayjs's millisecond.


Set .set(unit: string, value: number)

Returns a Dayjs with the applied changes.

dayjs().set("date", 1);
dayjs().set("month", 3); // April
dayjs().set("second", 30);

List of all available units

Unit Shorthand Description
date Date of Month
day d Day of Week (Sunday as 0, Saturday as 6)
month M Month
year y Year
hour h Hour
minute m Minute
second s Second
millisecond ms Millisecond


Dayjs objects can be manipulated in many ways.

  .add(1, "day")
  .subtract(1, "year")
  .toString(); // Fri, 26 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT

Add .add(value: number, unit: string)

Returns a cloned Dayjs with a specified amount of time added.

dayjs().add(7, "day");

Subtract .subtract(value: number, unit: string)

Returns a cloned Dayjs with a specified amount of time subtracted.

dayjs().subtract(7, "year");

Start of Time .startOf(unit: string)

Returns a cloned Dayjs set to the start of the specified unit of time.


End of Time .endOf(unit: string)

Returns a cloned Dayjs set to the end of the specified unit of time.



Format .format(stringWithTokens: string)

Returns a string with the Dayjs's formatted date. To escape characters, wrap them in square or curly brackets (e.g. [G] {um}).

dayjs().format(); // current date in ISO6801, without fraction seconds e.g. '2020-04-02T08:02:17-05:00'

dayjs("2019-01-25").format("{YYYY} MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ[Z]"); // '{2019} 01-25T00:00:00-02:00Z'

dayjs("2019-01-25").format("DD/MM/YYYY"); // '25/01/2019'

List of all available formats

Format Output Description
YY 18 Two-digit year
YYYY 2018 Four-digit year
M 1-12 The month, beginning at 1
MM 01-12 The month, 2-digits
MMM Jan-Dec The abbreviated month name
MMMM January-December The full month name
D 1-31 The day of the month
DD 01-31 The day of the month, 2-digits
d 0-6 The day of the week, with Sunday as 0
dd Su-Sa The min name of the day of the week
ddd Sun-Sat The short name of the day of the week
dddd Sunday-Saturday The name of the day of the week
H 0-23 The hour
HH 00-23 The hour, 2-digits
h 1-12 The hour, 12-hour clock
hh 01-12 The hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits
m 0-59 The minute
mm 00-59 The minute, 2-digits
s 0-59 The second
ss 00-59 The second, 2-digits
SSS 000-999 The millisecond, 3-digits
Z +5:00 The offset from UTC
ZZ +0500 The offset from UTC, 2-digits
a am pm

Difference .diff(compared: Dayjs, unit: string (default: 'milliseconds'), float?: boolean)

Returns a number indicating the difference of two Dayjss in the specified unit.

const date1 = dayjs("2019-01-25");
const date2 = dayjs("2018-06-05");
date1.diff(date2); // 20214000000
date1.diff(date2, "month"); // 7
date1.diff(date2, "month", true); // 7.645161290322581
date1.diff(date2, "day"); // 233

Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) .valueOf()

Returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch for the Dayjs.

dayjs("2019-01-25").valueOf(); // 1548381600000

Unix Timestamp (seconds) .unix()

Returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch for the Dayjs.

dayjs("2019-01-25").unix(); // 1548381600

UTC Offset (minutes) .utcOffset()

Returns the UTC offset in minutes for the Dayjs.

dayjs("2013-03-07T07:00:00+08:00").utcOffset(); // 60

Days in the Month .daysInMonth()

Returns the number of days in the Dayjs's month.

dayjs("2019-01-25").daysInMonth(); // 31

As Javascript Date .toDate()

Returns a copy of the native Date object parsed from the Dayjs object.


As Array .toArray()

Returns an array that mirrors the parameters from new Date().

dayjs("2019-01-25").toArray(); // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]


Returns the Dayjs formatted in an ISO8601 string.

dayjs("2019-01-25").toJSON(); // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'

As ISO 8601 String .toISOString()

Returns the Dayjs formatted in an ISO8601 string.

dayjs("2019-01-25").toISOString(); // '2019-01-25T02:00:00.000Z'

As Object .toObject()

Returns an object with the date's properties.

/* { years: 2019,
     months: 0,
     date: 25,
     hours: 0,
     minutes: 0,
     seconds: 0,
     milliseconds: 0 } */

As String .toString()

Returns a string representation of the date.

dayjs("2019-01-25").toString(); // 'Fri, 25 Jan 2019 02:00:00 GMT'


Is Before .isBefore(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the Dayjs's date is before the other supplied Dayjs's.

dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()); // false
dayjs().isBefore(dayjs(), "year"); // false

Is Same .isSame(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the Dayjs's date is the same as the other supplied Dayjs's.

dayjs().isSame(dayjs()); // true
dayjs().isSame(dayjs(), "year"); // true

Is After .isAfter(compared: Dayjs, unit?: string)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the Dayjs's date is after the other supplied Dayjs's.

dayjs().isAfter(dayjs()); // false
dayjs().isAfter(dayjs(), "year"); // false

Is a Dayjs .isDayjs(compared: any)

Returns a boolean indicating whether a variable is a dayjs object or not.

dayjs.isDayjs(dayjs()); // true
dayjs.isDayjs(new Date()); // false

The operator instanceof works equally well:

dayjs() instanceof dayjs; // true

Plugin APIs


.from .to .fromNow .toNow to get relative time

plugin RelativeTime


.isLeapYear to get is a leap year or not

plugin IsLeapYear


.week to get week of the year

plugin WeekOfYear


.isSameOrAfter to check if a date is same of after another date

plugin IsSameOrAfter


.isSameOrBefore to check if a date is same of before another date.

plugin IsSameOrBefore


.isBetween to check if a date is between two other dates

plugin IsBetween


.quarter to get quarter of the year

plugin QuarterOfYear