A config file is needed when creating an experiment. The path of the config file is provided to nnictl
The config file is in YAML format.
This document describes the rules to write the config file, and provides some examples and templates.
- Experiment Config Reference
- Template
- Configuration Spec
- Examples
- Light weight (without Annotation and Assessor)
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
#choice: true, false, default: false
#choice: true, false, default: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
#choice: maximize, minimize
#machineList can be empty if the platform is local
- ip:
- Use Assessor
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
#choice: true, false, default: false
#choice: true, false, default: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
#choice: maximize, minimize
#choice: Medianstop
#choice: maximize, minimize
#machineList can be empty if the platform is local
- ip:
- Use Annotation
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
#choice: true, false, default: false
#choice: true, false, default: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
#choice: maximize, minimize
#choice: Medianstop
#choice: maximize, minimize
#machineList can be empty if the platform is local
- ip:
Required. String.
The name of the author who create the experiment.
TBD: add default value.
Required. String.
The name of the experiment created.
TBD: add default value.
Required. Integer between 1 and 99999.
Specifies the max num of trial jobs run simultaneously.
If trialGpuNum is bigger than the free gpu numbers, and the trial jobs running simultaneously can not reach trialConcurrency number, some trial jobs will be put into a queue to wait for gpu allocation.
Optional. String. Default: 999d.
maxExecDuration specifies the max duration time of an experiment. The unit of the time is {s, m, h, d}, which means {seconds, minutes, hours, days}.
Note: The maxExecDuration spec set the time of an experiment, not a trial job. If the experiment reach the max duration time, the experiment will not stop, but could not submit new trial jobs any more.
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
NNI will check the version of nniManager process and the version of trialKeeper in remote, pai and kubernetes platform. If you want to disable version check, you could set versionCheck be false.
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
Debug mode will set versionCheck to false and set logLevel to be 'debug'.
Optional. Integer between 1 and 99999. Default: 99999.
Specifies the max number of trial jobs created by NNI, including succeeded and failed jobs.
Required. String.
Specifies the platform to run the experiment, including local, remote, pai, kubeflow, frameworkcontroller.
local run an experiment on local ubuntu machine.
remote submit trial jobs to remote ubuntu machines, and machineList field should be filed in order to set up SSH connection to remote machine.
pai submit trial jobs to OpenPAI of Microsoft. For more details of pai configuration, please refer to Guide to PAI Mode
kubeflow submit trial jobs to kubeflow, NNI support kubeflow based on normal kubernetes and azure kubernetes. For detail please refer to Kubeflow Docs
TODO: explain frameworkcontroller.
Optional. Path to existing file.
Specifies the path of search space file, which should be a valid path in the local linux machine.
The only exception that searchSpacePath can be not fulfilled is when useAnnotation=True
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
Use annotation to analysis trial code and generate search space.
Note: if useAnnotation is true, the searchSpacePath field should be removed.
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
Enable multi-thread mode for dispatcher. If multiThread is enabled, dispatcher will start a thread to process each command from NNI Manager.
Optional. String. Default: eth0 device IP.
Set the IP address of the machine on which NNI manager process runs. This field is optional, and if it's not set, eth0 device IP will be used instead.
Note: run ifconfig
on NNI manager's machine to check if eth0 device exists. If not, nniManagerIp is recommended to set explicitly.
Optional. Path to a directory. Default: <user home directory>/nni/experiment
Configures the directory to store logs and data of the experiment.
Optional. String. Default: info
Sets log level for the experiment. Available log levels are: trace
, debug
, info
, warning
, error
, fatal
Optional. http
or none
. Default: none
Set the way to collect log in remote, pai, kubeflow, frameworkcontroller platform. There are two ways to collect log, one way is from http
, trial keeper will post log content back from http request in this way, but this way may slow down the speed to process logs in trialKeeper. The other way is none
, trial keeper will not post log content back, and only post job metrics. If your log content is too big, you could consider setting this param be none
Specifies the tuner algorithm in the experiment, there are two kinds of ways to set tuner. One way is to use tuner provided by NNI sdk (built-in tuners), in which case you need to set builtinTunerName and classArgs. Another way is to use users' own tuner file, in which case codeDirectory, classFileName, className and classArgs are needed. Users must choose exactly one way.
Required if using built-in tuners. String.
Specifies the name of system tuner, NNI sdk provides different tuners introduced here.
Required if using customized tuners. Path relative to the location of config file.
Specifies the directory of tuner code.
Required if using customized tuners. File path relative to codeDir.
Specifies the name of tuner file.
Required if using customized tuners. String.
Specifies the name of tuner class.
Optional. Key-value pairs. Default: empty.
Specifies the arguments of tuner algorithm. Please refer to this file for the configurable arguments of each built-in tuner.
Optional. String. Default: empty.
Specifies the GPUs that can be used by the tuner process. Single or multiple GPU indices can be specified. Multiple GPU indices are separated by comma ,
. For example, 1
, or 0,1,3
. If the field is not set, no GPU will be visible to tuner (by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
to be an empty string).
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
If includeIntermediateResults is true, the last intermediate result of the trial that is early stopped by assessor is sent to tuner as final result.
Specifies the assessor algorithm to run an experiment. Similar to tuners, there are two kinds of ways to set assessor. One way is to use assessor provided by NNI sdk. Users need to set builtinAssessorName and classArgs. Another way is to use users' own assessor file, and users need to set codeDirectory, classFileName, className and classArgs. Users must choose exactly one way.
By default, there is no assessor enabled.
Required if using built-in assessors. String.
Specifies the name of built-in assessor, NNI sdk provides different assessors introduced here.
Required if using customized assessors. Path relative to the location of config file.
Specifies the directory of assessor code.
Required if using customized assessors. File path relative to codeDir.
Specifies the name of assessor file.
Required if using customized assessors. String.
Specifies the name of assessor class.
Optional. Key-value pairs. Default: empty.
Specifies the arguments of assessor algorithm.
Specifies the advisor algorithm in the experiment. Similar to tuners and assessors, there are two kinds of ways to specify advisor. One way is to use advisor provided by NNI sdk, need to set builtinAdvisorName and classArgs. Another way is to use users' own advisor file, and need to set codeDirectory, classFileName, className and classArgs.
When advisor is enabled, settings of tuners and advisors will be bypassed.
Specifies the name of a built-in advisor. NNI sdk provides BOHB and Hyperband.
Required if using customized advisors. Path relative to the location of config file.
Specifies the directory of advisor code.
Required if using customized advisors. File path relative to codeDir.
Specifies the name of advisor file.
Required if using customized advisors. String.
Specifies the name of advisor class.
Optional. Key-value pairs. Default: empty.
Specifies the arguments of advisor.
Optional. String. Default: empty.
Specifies the GPUs that can be used. Single or multiple GPU indices can be specified. Multiple GPU indices are separated by comma ,
. For example, 1
, or 0,1,3
. If the field is not set, no GPU will be visible to tuner (by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
to be an empty string).
Required. Key-value pairs.
In local and remote mode, the following keys are required.
command: Required string. Specifies the command to run trial process.
codeDir: Required string. Specifies the directory of your own trial file. This directory will be automatically uploaded in remote mode.
gpuNum: Optional integer. Specifies the num of gpu to run the trial process. Default value is 0.
In PAI mode, the following keys are required.
command: Required string. Specifies the command to run trial process.
codeDir: Required string. Specifies the directory of the own trial file. Files in the directory will be uploaded in PAI mode.
gpuNum: Required integer. Specifies the num of gpu to run the trial process. Default value is 0.
cpuNum: Required integer. Specifies the cpu number of cpu to be used in pai container.
memoryMB: Required integer. Set the memory size to be used in pai container, in megabytes.
image: Required string. Set the image to be used in pai.
authFile: Optional string. Used to provide Docker registry which needs authentication for image pull in PAI. Reference.
shmMB: Optional integer. Shared memory size of container.
portList: List of key-values pairs with
. See job tutorial of PAI for details.
In Kubeflow mode, the following keys are required.
codeDir: The local directory where the code files are in.
ps: An optional configuration for kubeflow's tensorflow-operator, which includes
replicas: The replica number of ps role.
command: The run script in ps's container.
gpuNum: The gpu number to be used in ps container.
cpuNum: The cpu number to be used in ps container.
memoryMB: The memory size of the container.
image: The image to be used in ps.
worker: An optional configuration for kubeflow's tensorflow-operator.
replicas: The replica number of worker role.
command: The run script in worker's container.
gpuNum: The gpu number to be used in worker container.
cpuNum: The cpu number to be used in worker container.
memoryMB: The memory size of the container.
image: The image to be used in worker.
Optional in local mode. Key-value pairs.
Only applicable if trainingServicePlatform is set to local
, otherwise there should not be localConfig section in configuration file.
Optional. String. Default: none.
Used to specify designated GPU devices for NNI, if it is set, only the specified GPU devices are used for NNI trial jobs. Single or multiple GPU indices can be specified. Multiple GPU indices should be separated with comma (,
), such as 1
or 0,1,3
. By default, all GPUs available will be used.
Optional. Integer. Default: 1.
Used to specify the max concurrency trial number on a GPU device.
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
Used to specify whether to use a GPU if there is another process. By default, NNI will use the GPU only if there is no other active process in the GPU. If useActiveGpu is set to true, NNI will use the GPU regardless of another processes. This field is not applicable for NNI on Windows.
Required in remote mode. A list of key-value pairs with the following keys.
Required. IP address or host name that is accessible from the current machine.
The IP address or host name of remote machine.
Optional. Integer. Valid port. Default: 22.
The ssh port to be used to connect machine.
Required if authentication with username/password. String.
The account of remote machine.
Required if authentication with username/password. String.
Specifies the password of the account.
Required if authentication with ssh key. Path to private key file.
If users use ssh key to login remote machine, sshKeyPath should be a valid path to a ssh key file.
Note: if users set passwd and sshKeyPath simultaneously, NNI will try passwd first.
Optional. String.
Used to protect ssh key, which could be empty if users don't have passphrase.
Optional. String. Default: none.
Used to specify designated GPU devices for NNI, if it is set, only the specified GPU devices are used for NNI trial jobs. Single or multiple GPU indices can be specified. Multiple GPU indices should be separated with comma (,
), such as 1
or 0,1,3
. By default, all GPUs available will be used.
Optional. Integer. Default: 99999.
Used to specify the max concurrency trial number on a GPU device.
Optional. Bool. Default: false.
Used to specify whether to use a GPU if there is another process. By default, NNI will use the GPU only if there is no other active process in the GPU. If useActiveGpu is set to true, NNI will use the GPU regardless of another processes. This field is not applicable for NNI on Windows.
Required. String. Has to be tf-operator
or pytorch-operator
Specifies the kubeflow's operator to be used, NNI support tf-operator
in current version.
Optional. String. Default. nfs
Specifies the storage type of kubeflow, including nfs
and azureStorage
Required if using nfs. Key-value pairs.
server is the host of nfs server.
path is the mounted path of nfs.
Required if using azure storage. Key-value pairs.
Set keyVault to storage the private key of your azure storage account. Refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/key-vault-manage-with-cli2.
vaultName is the value of
used in az command. -
name is the value of
used in az command.
Required if using azure storage. Key-value pairs.
Set azure storage account to store code files.
accountName is the name of azure storage account.
azureShare is the share of the azure file storage.
Required if using azure storage. Integer between 1 and 99999.
If upload files to azure storage failed, NNI will retry the process of uploading, this field will specify the number of attempts to re-upload files.
Required. String.
The user name of your pai account.
Required if using password authentication. String.
The password of the pai account.
Required if using token authentication. String.
Personal access token that can be retrieved from PAI portal.
Required. String.
The hostname of IP address of PAI.
If users want to run trial jobs in local machine, and use annotation to generate search space, could use the following config:
authorName: test
experimentName: test_experiment
trialConcurrency: 3
maxExecDuration: 1h
maxTrialNum: 10
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: local
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: true
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
builtinTunerName: TPE
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
command: python3 mnist.py
codeDir: /nni/mnist
gpuNum: 0
You can add assessor configuration.
authorName: test
experimentName: test_experiment
trialConcurrency: 3
maxExecDuration: 1h
maxTrialNum: 10
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: local
searchSpacePath: /nni/search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
builtinTunerName: TPE
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
#choice: Medianstop
builtinAssessorName: Medianstop
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
command: python3 mnist.py
codeDir: /nni/mnist
gpuNum: 0
Or you could specify your own tuner and assessor file as following,
authorName: test
experimentName: test_experiment
trialConcurrency: 3
maxExecDuration: 1h
maxTrialNum: 10
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: local
searchSpacePath: /nni/search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
codeDir: /nni/tuner
classFileName: mytuner.py
className: MyTuner
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
codeDir: /nni/assessor
classFileName: myassessor.py
className: MyAssessor
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
command: python3 mnist.py
codeDir: /nni/mnist
gpuNum: 0
If run trial jobs in remote machine, users could specify the remote machine information as following format:
authorName: test
experimentName: test_experiment
trialConcurrency: 3
maxExecDuration: 1h
maxTrialNum: 10
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: remote
searchSpacePath: /nni/search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
builtinTunerName: TPE
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
command: python3 mnist.py
codeDir: /nni/mnist
gpuNum: 0
#machineList can be empty if the platform is local
- ip:
port: 22
username: test
passwd: test
- ip:
port: 22
username: test
passwd: test
- ip:
port: 22
username: test
sshKeyPath: /nni/sshkey
passphrase: qwert
authorName: test
experimentName: nni_test1
trialConcurrency: 1
maxTrialNum: 1
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: pai
searchSpacePath: search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution, BatchTuner
#SMAC (SMAC should be installed through nnictl)
builtinTunerName: TPE
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
command: python3 main.py
codeDir: .
gpuNum: 4
cpuNum: 2
memoryMB: 10000
#The docker image to run NNI job on pai
image: msranni/nni:latest
#The username to login pai
userName: test
#The password to login pai
passWord: test
#The host of restful server of pai
kubeflow with nfs storage.
authorName: default
experimentName: example_mni
trialConcurrency: 1
maxExecDuration: 1h
maxTrialNum: 1
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: kubeflow
searchSpacePath: search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
builtinTunerName: TPE
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
codeDir: .
replicas: 1
command: python3 mnist.py
gpuNum: 0
cpuNum: 1
memoryMB: 8192
image: msranni/nni:latest
operator: tf-operator
path: /var/nfs/general
authorName: default
experimentName: example_mni
trialConcurrency: 1
maxExecDuration: 1h
maxTrialNum: 1
#choice: local, remote, pai, kubeflow
trainingServicePlatform: kubeflow
searchSpacePath: search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
#choice: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution
builtinTunerName: TPE
#choice: maximize, minimize
optimize_mode: maximize
builtinAssessorName: Medianstop
optimize_mode: maximize
codeDir: .
replicas: 1
command: python3 mnist.py
gpuNum: 0
cpuNum: 1
memoryMB: 4096
image: msranni/nni:latest
operator: tf-operator
vaultName: Contoso-Vault
name: AzureStorageAccountKey
accountName: storage
azureShare: share01