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File metadata and controls

111 lines (106 loc) · 41.2 KB

REST API endpoints

Below is the GSRS endpoints table up to GSRS3.1.1. The same file in excel format can be found in the doc folder.

Service/Entity HTTP METHOD PATH Where Implemented in Code? What does it do? Introduced
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID}) AbstractGsrsEntityController Fetch single record Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID} AbstractGsrsEntityController Fetch single record (alt) Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/{field_path} AbstractGsrsEntityController Fetch field at a single record Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/{field_path} AbstractGsrsEntityController Fetch field at a single record (alt) Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/@edits AbstractGsrsEntityController Fetch edit history of record Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/@edits AbstractGsrsEntityController Fetch edit history of record (alt) Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/v/{version} AbstractGsrsEntityController Retrieve historical version of record Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/v/{version} AbstractGsrsEntityController Retrieve historical version of record (alt) Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID}) AbstractGsrsEntityController Delete specific entity Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID} AbstractGsrsEntityController Delete specific entity Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY} AbstractGsrsEntityController Create entity Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@validate AbstractGsrsEntityController Validate entity Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY} AbstractGsrsEntityController Update full entity Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY} AbstractGsrsEntityController Page all entities Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@count AbstractGsrsEntityController Return count of all entities in controller Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@exists AbstractGsrsEntityController Request whether a set of ids exist Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/({id})/@rebackup, api/v1/{ENTITY}/{id}/@rebackup AbstractGsrsEntityController Rebackup a single record identified by id GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/@rebackup AbstractGsrsEntityController Rebackup a list of records identified by ids GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@reindex AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Reindex the entities present Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/search AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Fielded search for entities Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/search/@facets AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Search facets that return from a search for entities Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@facets AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Search facets for all records in the entity datasource Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/suggest AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Type-ahead search Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/suggest/@fields AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController View fields for type-ahead search Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/suggest/{field} AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Limit type-ahead search to specific field Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Create a bulk query list GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Update the entire content of the query list specified by id GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Get the content of a query list specified by id GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Delete the query list specified by id GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/bulkSearch AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Search index for the matches of the query list specified by bulkQID GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexDiff AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Get the difference between database and indexes GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexSync AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Reindex all the records that are in database but not in indexes GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexSync({id}) AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Get the status of the sync job using the job id returned by the post call to api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexSync GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/({id})/@rebackupAndReindex, api/v1/{ENTITY}/{id}/@rebackupAndReindex AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Rebackup and reindex a single record identified by id GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/@rebackupAndReindex AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Rebackup and reindex a list of records identified by ids GSRS3.1.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userLists/currentUser AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Get the names of all the current user's saved lists GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userLists/otherUser AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Get the names of all the user's saved lists specified by the user name GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/{list} AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Get the content of the user list specified by current user and list name GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/{user}/{list} AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Get the content of the user list specified by the user name and list name GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/keys AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Create user list with keys GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/etag/{etagId} AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Create user list with etag GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/currentUser AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Delete current user's saved list specified by list name GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/otherUser AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Delete user's saved list specified by user name and list name GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/currentUser/etag/{etagId} AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Add more list content to the current user's saved list specified by list name GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/currentUser AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Update current user's saved list, can specify add more ids or remove ids GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/otherUser AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Update the specified user's saved list, can specify add more ids or remove ids GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/status/{id} AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController Get user saved list status GSRS3.1
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/export EtagLegacySearchEntityController View export options for entity type Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/export/{etagId} EtagLegacySearchEntityController View export options for specific etag result Before GSRS3.0.3
CORE ENTITY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/export/{etagId}/{format} EtagLegacySearchEntityController reindex the entities present Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/@hierarchy SubstanceController Return hierarchy view (categorization) for substance records Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/@hierarchy SubstanceController Return hierarchy view (categorization) for substance records (alt) Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/structureSearch SubstanceController Perform structure search Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/structureSearch SubstanceController Perform structure search Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/sequenceSearch SubstanceController Perform sequence search Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/sequenceSearch SubstanceController Perform sequence search Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/interpretStructure SubstanceController Perform standardization / analysis on a structure format to prepare for search/registration of chemicals Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/@approve SubstanceController Approve/generate new approvalID for record Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/@approve SubstanceController Approve/generate new approvalID for record Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/render({ID}) SubstanceController Generate image for record Before GSRS3.0.3
SUBSTANCES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/render/{ID} SubstanceController Generate image for record alt Before GSRS3.0.3
SEARCH COUNTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}({substanceUUID}) SearchCountController Get Search Counts by Substance ID Before GSRS3.0.3
SEARCH COUNTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/{substanceUUID} SearchCountController Get Search Counts by Substance ID, alt Before GSRS3.0.3
APPLICATIONS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/applicationhistory/{applicationId} ApplicationController Get Application History Records by Application ID Before GSRS3.0.3
APPLICATIONS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/prodtechnicaleffect/{applicationId} ApplicationController Get Product Technical Effect Records by Application ID Before GSRS3.0.3
APPLICATIONS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/prodeffected/{applicationId} ApplicationController Get Product Effected Records by Application ID Before GSRS3.0.3
APPLICATIONS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/appclinicaltrial/{applicationId} ApplicationController Get Application Clinical Trial Records by Application ID Before GSRS3.0.3
APPLICATIONSALL GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/distcenter/{substanceKey} ApplicationAllController Get Distinct Center lists by Substance Key Before GSRS3.0.3
APPLICATIONSDARRTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/substanceparentconcept/{substanceKey} ApplicationDarrtsController Get Substance Parent Concept by Substance Key Before GSRS3.0.3
PRODUCTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/distinctprovenance/{substanceUuid} ProductController Get Distinct Product Provenance By Substance ID GSRS3.1.1
IMPURITIES GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/subRelationship/{substanceUuid} ImpuritiesController Get Substance Relationship by Substance ID Before GSRS3.0.3
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/externalAssay/{externalAssaySource}/{externalAssayId} InvitroPharmacologyController Get Assay record by External Source and External Source ID GSRS 3.1.1
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/assaysByAssaySets/{assaySet} InvitroPharmacologyController Get Assay records by Assay Set GSRS 3.1.1
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/allAssays InvitroPharmacologyController Get Assay records in the database GSRS 3.1.1
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/assaysByResultInfoId/{resultInfoId} InvitroPharmacologyController Get Assay Result Information record by result information ID GSRS 3.1.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/adapters AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return a list of the configured import adapters GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/adapters/{ADAPTER KEY}/@schema AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return JSON schema for one import adapter GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/import AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Initial load of one file; returns the ID for the imported file. This is valid only for the current session. GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/{ID} AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. return info about file recently loaded. ID here belongs to a transient object. GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import({id})/@predict AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. shows the way GSRS maps fields in the imported file to entity fields GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/import AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. A chance to update the way an import file is mapped to a GSRS entity GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import({id})/@preview AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Show the data extracted from an imported file before the data are loaded into the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/import({id})/@preview AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Supply updated mappings and show the data extracted from an imported file before the data are loaded into the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@validate AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Perform validation on a domain record in the staging area, referenced by ID, using the deserialized data in the staging area. GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@validate AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Perform validation on a domain record in the staging area, referenced by ID, using the data supplied in the POST body. (The ID path parameter helps GSRS determine the class of the domain object.) GSRS 3.1.1
IMPORTS POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/matches AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Uses supplied JSON to perform a search for matches in the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@delete AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Removes a record from the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS DELETE api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@deletebulk AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Removes a set of records from the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@update AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Updates domain object associated with a record in the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/metadata({id}) AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. provides info about the import metadata record in the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/{COLLECTION} AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. provides info about one collection(names, codes, etc.) of a domain object in the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id}) AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. provides info about domain object in the staging area GSRS 3.1
ImPORTS PUT api/v1/{ENTITY/import({id})/{version}/@act AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Process a set of records in the staging area (using directions within supplied JSON), turning them into GSRS entities, etc. Returns the ID of a processing job GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS PUT api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/@bulkactasync AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Process a set of records in the staging area (using directions within supplied JSON), turning them into GSRS entities, etc. Returns the ID of a processing job GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/processingstatus({processingJobId}) AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return the status of a processing job GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/search AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Query data in the staging area GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS POST api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/config AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Save an import configuration GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/configs AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. List all saved import configurations GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/config/{ID} AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return one saved import configurations GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/config/{ID} AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return one saved import configurations GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/action({actionName})/@options AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return information about a staging area action GSRS 3.1
IMPORTS GET api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/action({actionName})/@schema AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController ADMIN ONLY. Return JSON schema for a staging area action GSRS 3.1