Below is the GSRS endpoints table up to GSRS3.1.1. The same file in excel format can be found in the doc folder.
Service/Entity | HTTP METHOD | PATH | Where Implemented in Code? | What does it do? | Introduced |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID}) | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Fetch single record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Fetch single record (alt) | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/{field_path} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Fetch field at a single record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/{field_path} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Fetch field at a single record (alt) | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/@edits | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Fetch edit history of record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/@edits | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Fetch edit history of record (alt) | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/v/{version} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Retrieve historical version of record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/v/{version} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Retrieve historical version of record (alt) | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID}) | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Delete specific entity | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Delete specific entity | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Create entity | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@validate | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Validate entity | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Update full entity | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY} | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Page all entities | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@count | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Return count of all entities in controller | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@exists | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Request whether a set of ids exist | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/({id})/@rebackup, api/v1/{ENTITY}/{id}/@rebackup | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Rebackup a single record identified by id | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@rebackup | AbstractGsrsEntityController | Rebackup a list of records identified by ids | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@reindex | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Reindex the entities present | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/search | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Fielded search for entities | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/search/@facets | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Search facets that return from a search for entities | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@facets | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Search facets for all records in the entity datasource | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/suggest | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Type-ahead search | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/suggest/@fields | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | View fields for type-ahead search | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/suggest/{field} | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Limit type-ahead search to specific field | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Create a bulk query list | GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Update the entire content of the query list specified by id | GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Get the content of a query list specified by id | GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@bulkQuery | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Delete the query list specified by id | GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/bulkSearch | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Search index for the matches of the query list specified by bulkQID | GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexDiff | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Get the difference between database and indexes | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexSync | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Reindex all the records that are in database but not in indexes | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexSync({id}) | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Get the status of the sync job using the job id returned by the post call to api/v1/{ENTITY}/@databaseIndexSync | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/({id})/@rebackupAndReindex, api/v1/{ENTITY}/{id}/@rebackupAndReindex | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Rebackup and reindex a single record identified by id | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@rebackupAndReindex | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Rebackup and reindex a list of records identified by ids | GSRS3.1.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userLists/currentUser | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Get the names of all the current user's saved lists | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userLists/otherUser | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Get the names of all the user's saved lists specified by the user name | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/{list} | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Get the content of the user list specified by current user and list name | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/{user}/{list} | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Get the content of the user list specified by the user name and list name | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/keys | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Create user list with keys | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/etag/{etagId} | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Create user list with etag | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/currentUser | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Delete current user's saved list specified by list name | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/otherUser | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Delete user's saved list specified by user name and list name | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/currentUser/etag/{etagId} | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Add more list content to the current user's saved list specified by list name | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/currentUser | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Update current user's saved list, can specify add more ids or remove ids | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/otherUser | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Update the specified user's saved list, can specify add more ids or remove ids | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/@userList/status/{id} | AbstractLegacyTextSearchGsrsEntityController | Get user saved list status | GSRS3.1 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/export | EtagLegacySearchEntityController | View export options for entity type | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/export/{etagId} | EtagLegacySearchEntityController | View export options for specific etag result | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
CORE ENTITY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/export/{etagId}/{format} | EtagLegacySearchEntityController | reindex the entities present | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/@hierarchy | SubstanceController | Return hierarchy view (categorization) for substance records | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/@hierarchy | SubstanceController | Return hierarchy view (categorization) for substance records (alt) | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/structureSearch | SubstanceController | Perform structure search | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/structureSearch | SubstanceController | Perform structure search | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/sequenceSearch | SubstanceController | Perform sequence search | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/sequenceSearch | SubstanceController | Perform sequence search | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/interpretStructure | SubstanceController | Perform standardization / analysis on a structure format to prepare for search/registration of chemicals | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({ID})/@approve | SubstanceController | Approve/generate new approvalID for record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{ID}/@approve | SubstanceController | Approve/generate new approvalID for record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/render({ID}) | SubstanceController | Generate image for record | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SUBSTANCES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/render/{ID} | SubstanceController | Generate image for record alt | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SEARCH COUNTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}({substanceUUID}) | SearchCountController | Get Search Counts by Substance ID | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
SEARCH COUNTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/{substanceUUID} | SearchCountController | Get Search Counts by Substance ID, alt | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
APPLICATIONS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/applicationhistory/{applicationId} | ApplicationController | Get Application History Records by Application ID | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
APPLICATIONS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/prodtechnicaleffect/{applicationId} | ApplicationController | Get Product Technical Effect Records by Application ID | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
APPLICATIONS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/prodeffected/{applicationId} | ApplicationController | Get Product Effected Records by Application ID | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
APPLICATIONS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/appclinicaltrial/{applicationId} | ApplicationController | Get Application Clinical Trial Records by Application ID | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
APPLICATIONSALL | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/distcenter/{substanceKey} | ApplicationAllController | Get Distinct Center lists by Substance Key | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
APPLICATIONSDARRTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/substanceparentconcept/{substanceKey} | ApplicationDarrtsController | Get Substance Parent Concept by Substance Key | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
PRODUCTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/distinctprovenance/{substanceUuid} | ProductController | Get Distinct Product Provenance By Substance ID | GSRS3.1.1 |
IMPURITIES | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/subRelationship/{substanceUuid} | ImpuritiesController | Get Substance Relationship by Substance ID | Before GSRS3.0.3 |
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/externalAssay/{externalAssaySource}/{externalAssayId} | InvitroPharmacologyController | Get Assay record by External Source and External Source ID | GSRS 3.1.1 |
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/assaysByAssaySets/{assaySet} | InvitroPharmacologyController | Get Assay records by Assay Set | GSRS 3.1.1 |
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/allAssays | InvitroPharmacologyController | Get Assay records in the database | GSRS 3.1.1 |
INVITROPHARMACOLOGY | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/assaysByResultInfoId/{resultInfoId} | InvitroPharmacologyController | Get Assay Result Information record by result information ID | GSRS 3.1.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/adapters | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return a list of the configured import adapters | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/adapters/{ADAPTER KEY}/@schema | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return JSON schema for one import adapter | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Initial load of one file; returns the ID for the imported file. This is valid only for the current session. | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/{ID} | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. return info about file recently loaded. ID here belongs to a transient object. | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import({id})/@predict | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. shows the way GSRS maps fields in the imported file to entity fields | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. A chance to update the way an import file is mapped to a GSRS entity | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import({id})/@preview | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Show the data extracted from an imported file before the data are loaded into the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import({id})/@preview | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Supply updated mappings and show the data extracted from an imported file before the data are loaded into the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@validate | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Perform validation on a domain record in the staging area, referenced by ID, using the deserialized data in the staging area. | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@validate | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Perform validation on a domain record in the staging area, referenced by ID, using the data supplied in the POST body. (The ID path parameter helps GSRS determine the class of the domain object.) | GSRS 3.1.1 |
IMPORTS | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/matches | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Uses supplied JSON to perform a search for matches in the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@delete | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Removes a record from the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | DELETE | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@deletebulk | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Removes a set of records from the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/@update | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Updates domain object associated with a record in the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/metadata({id}) | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. provides info about the import metadata record in the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id})/{COLLECTION} | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. provides info about one collection(names, codes, etc.) of a domain object in the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea({id}) | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. provides info about domain object in the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
ImPORTS | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY/import({id})/{version}/@act | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Process a set of records in the staging area (using directions within supplied JSON), turning them into GSRS entities, etc. Returns the ID of a processing job | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | PUT | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/@bulkactasync | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Process a set of records in the staging area (using directions within supplied JSON), turning them into GSRS entities, etc. Returns the ID of a processing job | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/processingstatus({processingJobId}) | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return the status of a processing job | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/search | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Query data in the staging area | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | POST | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/config | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Save an import configuration | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/configs | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. List all saved import configurations | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/config/{ID} | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return one saved import configurations | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/import/config/{ID} | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return one saved import configurations | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/action({actionName})/@options | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return information about a staging area action | GSRS 3.1 |
IMPORTS | GET | api/v1/{ENTITY}/stagingArea/action({actionName})/@schema | AbstractImportSupportingGsrsEntityController | ADMIN ONLY. Return JSON schema for a staging area action | GSRS 3.1 |