Last updated: 2024-05-02
GSRS version at last update: 3.1.1
GSRS entity microservices include Mariadb, Mysql, Oracle, Postgresql and H2 database dependencies. The H2 one is a standard dependency and will always be present. The remaining database flavor dependencies are active by default but can be managed via profiles.
A CDK or Jchem3 chemoinformatics dependency may also be selected in the substances microservice via a profile. CDK is active by default.
If the default profiles are OK you can run or package a microservice like this:
mvn clean -U spring-boot:run -DskipTests
mvn clean -U package -DskipTests
If you want different choices, and you can use the -P flag with a parameter. In this case, activeByDefault
XML tags will be ignored, and you have to include or exclude profiles explicitly. If we want just CDK and mysql and oracle we would do:
mvn clean -U spring-boot:run -Pcdk,mysql,oracle -DskipTests
We can also check profile behavior using the mvn help:active-profiles
For example this command shows the following output:
> mvn help:active-profiles -P"cdk,mysql,oracle" # on windows maybe quote
Active Profiles for Project 'gov.nih.ncats:substances:war:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT':
The following profiles are active:
- maven-https (source: external)
- cdk (source: gov.nih.ncats:substances:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT)
- mysql (source: gov.nih.ncats:substances:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT)
- oracle (source: gov.nih.ncats:substances:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT)
Alternatively you can activate the desired profiles with properties by setting environment variables like this.
Now we don't have to use the -P flag and we see the following output.
> mvn help:active-profiles
The following profiles are active:
- maven-https (source: external)
- cdk (source: gov.nih.ncats:substances:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT)
- postgresql (source: gov.nih.ncats:substances:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT)
In new versions of Spring Boot it may be that activeByDefault
will be supplemented by the -P flag rather than ignored. If this is the case, it is also possible to negate a profile with the minus sign like so:
mvn help:active-profiles -P"cdk,mysql,-postgresql"
In this case, postgresql is not an active profile even if it is activeBydefault
or the environment variable is set.