Configure Handler in the AWS console.
- New lambda -> Function Code -> Handler ->
Upload the jar to deploy the function
- mvn -> install -> aws-custom-authorizer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-aws.jar
The function code expects lambda env variables configured in
API Gw > Your Api > Authorizers > Create New Authorizer > Type: Lambda Lambda Invoke Role:arn:aws:iam::514xxxxx154:role/lambda_s3_full_role
Specify an optional role API Gateway will use to make requests to your authorizer. For optimal API performance it is strongly recommended to activate Regional STS in the region where your API is located
Lambda Event Payload: Token (Header containing auth token) Token Source:Authorization
Name: custom-authorizer-token Authorizer ID: y6u3fp Lambda Function: custome-authorizer-function (us-east-1) Lambda Invoke Role: arn:aws:iam::514*******154:role/lambda_s3_full_role Lambda Event Payload:Token Token Source:Authorization Token Validation:none Authorization Caching Authorization cached for 5 minutes
IAM > Roles > lambda_s3_full_role > Trust Relationships > Edit
Go to the role in your IAM and select the “Trust Relationships” tab. From here edit the policy and for the Principal Service add in “” as seen below. This will grant the API Gateway the ability to assume roles to run your function in addition to the existing lambda permission. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
APIs>Your API > Resources > /messages >POST - Method Execution
- Method Request
Authorization: custom-authorizer-token
Request Validator: NONE
API Key Required: true
HTTP Request Headers X-API-Key : Required
Others leave default
- Integration Request Integration type: Lambda Function Use Lambda Proxy integration: checked Lambda Function: inboundMessageHandler package
- Contains AuthorizerHandler function.
- AuthorizerFunction -extracts req params, calls service layer and constructs response
- Applicaiton - Has main() method, uses method to launch the application package
- TokenAuthorizerContext - input to the function
- AuthPolicy - output of the function package
- Contains IDP specific implementations
- How the AuthorizerFunction gets invoked via the AuthorizerFunctionHandler?
- AuthorizerFunctionHandler -> SpringBootRequestHandler -> SpringFunctionInitializer -> -> -> AuthorizeFunction
AuthorizerFunctionHandler extends SpringBootRequestHandler which extends SpringFunctionInitializer which is where the magic happens.
When a request is received, the handler will attempt to initialize the spring context.During initialization, it will look up the property defined in the which is the name of function component bean that would of been discovered during component scanning.
aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id us-east-1_OpQZUjeDK --client-id 7amh5jk3tmdqjju7q5fvmq09ar --auth-flow ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=SYSTEM_ADMIN,PASSWORD=Welcome_123 aws cognito-idp admin-respond-to-auth-challenge --user-pool-id us-east-1_OpQZUjeDK --client-id 7amh5jk3tmdqjju7q5fvmq09ar --challenge-name NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED --challenge-responses NEW_PASSWORD=Welcome_123,USERNAME=acb_admin --session ""
aws lambda put-function-concurrency --function-name sqs_consumer --reserved-concurrent-executions 25
- Copy jar to an S3 bucker aws s3 cp target/your-jar-SNAPSHOT-aws.jar s3://bucker-name/ --no-verify-ssl
- From console Funtion Code-> Code Entry Type -> Upload file from S3 -> enter url like<jar-file-name.jar>