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+Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Tiejun Cheng
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+FSelector: a Ruby package for feature selection and ranking
+**Git**: [https://github.com/need47/fselector](https://github.com/need47/fselector)
+**Author**: Tiejun Cheng
+**Email**: [need47@gmail.com](mailto:need47@gmail.com)
+**Copyright**: 2011-2012
+**License**: MIT License
+**Latest Version**: 0.1.0
+**Release Date**: March 1st 2012
+FSelector is an open-access Ruby package that aims to integrate as many
+feature selection/ranking algorithms as possible. It enables the
+user to perform feature selection by either a single algorithm or by an
+ensemble of algorithms. Below is a summary of FSelector's features.
+Feature List
+**1. available algorithms**
+ algorithm alias feature type
+ -------------------------------------------------------
+ Accuracy Acc discrete
+ AccuracyBalanced Acc2 discrete
+ BiNormalSeparation BNS discrete
+ ChiSquaredTest CHI discrete
+ CorrelationCoefficient CC discrete
+ DocumentFrequency DF discrete
+ F1Measure F1 discrete
+ FishersExactTest FET discrete
+ GiniIndex GI discrete
+ GMean GM discrete
+ GSSCoefficient GSS discrete
+ InformationGain IG discrete
+ MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient MCC, PHI discrete
+ McNemarsTest MNT discrete
+ OddsRatio OR discrete
+ OddsRatioNumerator ORN discrete
+ PhiCoefficient Phi discrete
+ Power Power discrete
+ Precision Precision discrete
+ ProbabilityRatio PR discrete
+ Random Random discrete
+ Recall Recall discrete
+ Relief_d Relief_d discrete
+ ReliefF_d ReliefF_d discrete
+ Sensitivity SN, Recall discrete
+ Specificity SP discrete
+ PMetric PM continuous
+ Relief_c Relief_c continuous
+ ReliefF_c ReliefF_c continuous
+ TScore TS continuous
+**2. feature selection approaches**
+ - by a single algorithm
+ - by multiple algorithms in a tandem manner
+ - by multiple algorithms in a consensus manner
+**3. availabe normalization and discretization algorithms for continuous feature**
+ algorithm note
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ log normalization by logarithmic transformation
+ min_max normalization by scaling into [min, max]
+ zscore normalization by converting into zscore
+ equal_width discretization by equal width among intervals
+ equal_frequency discretization by equal frequency among intervals
+ ChiMerge discretization by ChiMerge method
+**4. supported input/output file types**
+ - csv
+ - libsvm
+ - weka ARFF
+ - random (for test purpose)
+To install FSelector, use the following command:
+ $ gem install fselector
+**1. feature selection by a single algorithm**
+ require 'fselector'
+ # use InformationGain as a feature ranking algorithm
+ r1 = FSelector::InformationGain.new
+ # read from random data (or csv, libsvm, weka ARFF file)
+ # no. of samples: 100
+ # no. of classes: 2
+ # no. of features: 10
+ # no. of possible values for each feature: 3
+ # allow missing values: true
+ r1.data_from_random(100, 2, 10, 3, true)
+ # number of features before feature selection
+ puts "# features (before): "+ r1.get_features.size.to_s
+ # select the top-ranked features with scores >0.01
+ r1.select_data_by_score!('>0.01')
+ # number of features before feature selection
+ puts "# features (after): "+ r1.get_features.size.to_s
+ # you can also use multiple alogirithms in a tandem manner
+ # e.g. use the ChiSquaredTest with Yates' continuity correction
+ # initialize from r1's data
+ r2 = FSelector::ChiSquaredTest.new(:yates, r1.get_data)
+ # number of features before feature selection
+ puts "# features (before): "+ r2.get_features.size.to_s
+ # select the top-ranked 3 features
+ r2.select_data_by_rank!('<=3')
+ # number of features before feature selection
+ puts "# features (after): "+ r2.get_features.size.to_s
+ # save data to standard ouput as a weka ARFF file (sparse format)
+ # with selected features only
+ r2.data_to_weka(:stdout, :sparse)
+**2. feature selection by an ensemble of algorithms**
+ require 'fselector'
+ # use both Information and ChiSquaredTest
+ r1 = FSelector::InformationGain.new
+ r2 = FSelector::ChiSquaredTest.new
+ # ensemble ranker
+ re = FSelector::Ensemble.new(r1, r2)
+ # read random data
+ re.data_from_random(100, 2, 10, 3, true)
+ # number of features before feature selection
+ puts '# features before feature selection: ' + re.get_features.size.to_s
+ # based on the min feature rank among
+ # ensemble feature selection algorithms
+ re.ensemble_by_rank(re.method(:by_min))
+ # select the top-ranked 3 features
+ re.select_data_by_rank!('<=3')
+ # number of features before feature selection
+ puts '# features before feature selection: ' + re.get_features.size.to_s
+ **3. normalization and discretization before feature selection**
+ In addition to the algorithms designed for continous feature, one
+ can apply those deisgned for discrete feature after (optionally
+ normalization and) discretization
+ require 'fselector'
+ # for continuous feature
+ r1 = FSelector::BaseContinuous.new
+ # read the Iris data set (under the test/ directory)
+ r1.data_from_csv(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))+'/iris.csv')
+ # normalization by log2 (optional)
+ # r1.normalize_log!(2)
+ # discretization by ChiMerge algorithm
+ # chi-squared value = 4.60 for a three-class problem at alpha=0.10
+ r1.discretize_chimerge!(4.60)
+ # apply Relief_d for discrete feature
+ # initialize with discretized data from r1
+ r2 = FSelector::ReliefF_d.new(r1.get_sample_size, 10, r1.get_data)
+ # print feature ranks
+ r2.print_feature_ranks
+FSelector © 2011-2012 by [Tiejun Cheng](mailto:need47@gmail.com).
+FSelector is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the {file:LICENSE} for
+more information.
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+# make a ruby gem
+task :default => :gem
+task :gem do
+ Gem::Builder.new(eval(File.read('fselector.gemspec'))).build
+# test example
+require 'rake'
+require 'rake/testtask.rb'
+task :test do
+ Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
+ t.libs = ['lib']
+ t.test_files = FileList['test/test_*.rb']
+ t.verbose = true
+ end
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+ Class: Array
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: Array
+ Inherits:
+ Object
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/util.rb
add functions to Array class
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Instance Method Details
+ - (Float ) ave
+ Also known as:
+ mean
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 14
+def ave
+ self . sum / self . size
+ - (Float ) sd
standard deviation
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 32
+def sd
+ Math . sqrt ( self . var )
+ - (Float ) sum
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 7
+def sum
+ self . inject ( 0.0 ) { | s , i | s + i }
+ - (Object ) to_scale (min = 0.0, max = 1.0)
scale to [min, max]
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 38
+def to_scale ( min = 0.0 , max = 1.0 )
+ if ( min >= max )
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " min must be smaller than max "
+ end
+ old_min = self . min
+ old_max = self . max
+ self . collect do | v |
+ if old_min == old_max
+ max
+ else
+ min + ( v - old_min ) * ( max - min ) / ( old_max - old_min )
+ end
+ end
+ - (Array <Symbol> ) to_sym
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 70
+def to_sym
+ self . collect { | x | x . to_sym }
+ - (Object ) to_zscore
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 60
+def to_zscore
+ ave = self . ave
+ sd = self . sd
+ return self . collect { | v | ( v - ave ) / sd }
+ - (Float ) var
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 22
+def var
+ u = self . ave
+ v2 = self . inject ( 0.0 ) { | v , i | v + ( i - u ) * ( i - u ) }
+ v2 / ( self . size - 1 )
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+ Module: Discretilizer
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Module: Discretilizer
+ Included in:
+ FSelector::BaseContinuous
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_continuous/discretizer.rb
discretilize continous feature
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) discretize_chimerge! (chisq)
data structure will be altered
discretize by ChiMerge algorithm
ref: ChiMerge: Discretization of Numberic Attributes
chi-squared values and associated p values can be looked up at
+degrees of freedom: one less than number of classes
chi-squared values vs p values
+degree_of_freedom p<0.10 p<0.05 p<0.01 p<0.001
+ 1 2.71 3.84 6.64 10.83
+ 2 4.60 5.99 9.21 13.82
+ 3 6.35 7.82 11.34 16.27
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/discretizer.rb', line 88
+def discretize_chimerge! ( chisq )
+ hzero = { }
+ each_class do | k |
+ hzero [ k ] = 0.0
+ end
+ f2bs = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ bs , cs , qs = [ ] , [ ] , [ ]
+ fvs = get_feature_values ( f ) . sort . uniq
+ fvs . each_with_index do | v , i |
+ if i + 1 < fvs . size
+ bs << ( v + fvs [ i + 1 ] ) / 2.0
+ cs << hzero . dup
+ qs << 0.0
+ end
+ end
+ bs << fvs . max + 1.0 cs << hzero . dup
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ next if not s . has_key? f
+ bs . each_with_index do | b , i |
+ if s [ f ] < b
+ cs [ i ] [ k ] += 1.0
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cs . each_with_index do | c , i |
+ if i + 1 < cs . size
+ qs [ i ] = calc_chisq ( c , cs [ i + 1 ] )
+ end
+ end
+ until qs . empty? or qs . min > chisq
+ qs . each_with_index do | q , i |
+ if q == qs . min
+ cm = { }
+ each_class do | k |
+ cm [ k ] = cs [ i ] [ k ] + cs [ i + 1 ] [ k ]
+ end
+ if i - 1 >= 0
+ qs [ i - 1 ] = calc_chisq ( cs [ i - 1 ] , cm )
+ end
+ if i + 1 < qs . size
+ qs [ i + 1 ] = calc_chisq ( cm , cs [ i + 2 ] )
+ end
+ bs = bs [ 0 ... i ] + bs [ i + 1 ... bs . size ]
+ cs = cs [ 0 ... i ] + [ cm ] + cs [ i + 2 ... cs . size ]
+ qs = qs [ 0 ... i ] + qs [ i + 1 ... qs . size ]
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f2bs [ f ] = bs
+ end
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ s . keys . each do | f |
+ s [ f ] = get_index ( s [ f ] , f2bs [ f ] )
+ end
+ end
+ - (Object ) discretize_equal_frequency! (n_interval)
data structure will be altered
discretize by equal-frequency intervals
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/discretizer.rb', line 42
+def discretize_equal_frequency! ( n_interval )
+ n_interval = 1 if n_interval < 1
+ f2bs = Hash . new { | h , k | h [ k ] = [ ] }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ fvs = get_feature_values ( f ) . sort
+ ns = ( fvs . size . to_f / n_interval ) . round
+ fvs . each_with_index do | v , i |
+ if ( i + 1 ) % ns == 0 and ( i + 1 ) < fvs . size
+ f2bs [ f ] << ( v + fvs [ i + 1 ] ) / 2.0
+ end
+ end
+ f2bs [ f ] << fvs . max + 1.0 end
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ s . keys . each do | f |
+ s [ f ] = get_index ( s [ f ] , f2bs [ f ] )
+ end
+ end
+ - (Object ) discretize_equal_width! (n_interval)
data structure will be altered
discretize by equal-width intervals
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/discretizer.rb', line 10
+def discretize_equal_width! ( n_interval )
+ n_interval = 1 if n_interval < 1
+ f2min_max = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ fvs = get_feature_values ( f )
+ f2min_max [ f ] = [ fvs . min , fvs . max ]
+ end
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ s . keys . each do | f |
+ min_v , max_v = f2min_max [ f ]
+ if min_v == max_v
+ wn = 0
+ else
+ wn = ( ( s [ f ] - min_v ) * n_interval . to_f / ( max_v - min_v ) ) . to_i
+ end
+ s [ f ] = ( wn < n_interval ) ? wn : n_interval - 1
+ end
+ end
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+ Module: FRank
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Module: FRank
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/base.rb,
+ lib/frank/ensemble.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/GMean.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Power.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Random.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Recall.rb, lib/frank/algo_mixed/base_mixed.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Accuracy.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Relief_d.rb, lib/frank/algo_continuous/TScore.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/F1Measure.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/OddsRatio.rb, lib/frank/algo_continuous/PMetric.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/GiniIndex.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Precision.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/ReliefF_d.rb, lib/frank/algo_continuous/Relief_c.rb, lib/frank/algo_continuous/ReliefF_c.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Sensitivity.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/Specificity.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/McNemarsTest.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/base_discrete.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/ChiSquaredTest.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/PhiCoefficient.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/GSSCoefficient.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/InformationGain.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/AccuracyBalanced.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/ProbabilityRatio.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/FishersExactTest.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/DocumentFrequency.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/InformationGain_d.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/MutualInformation.rb, lib/frank/algo_continuous/base_continuous.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/OddsRatioNumerator.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/BiNormalSeparation.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/CorrelationCoefficient.rb, lib/frank/algo_discrete/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.rb
FRank: a ruby package for feature selection and ranking
Defined Under Namespace
+ Classes: Accuracy , AccuracyBalanced , Base , BaseContinuous , BaseDiscrete , BaseMixed , BiNormalSeparation , ChiSquaredTest , CorrelationCoefficient , DocumentFrequency , Ensemble , F1Measure , FishersExactTest , GMean , GSSCoefficient , GiniIndex , InformationGain , InformationGain_d , MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient , McNemarsTest , MutualInformation , OddsRatio , OddsRatioNumerator , PMetric , Power , Precision , ProbabilityRatio , Random , ReliefF_c , ReliefF_d , Relief_c , Relief_d , Sensitivity , Specificity , TScore
Constant Summary
+ GM =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::GM instead of FRank::GMean
+ GMean
+ Recall =
Recall, also known as Sensitivity.
+shortcut so that you can use FRank::Recall
+ Sensitivity
+ Acc =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::Acc instead of FRank::Accuracy
+ Accuracy
+ TS =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::TS instead of FRank::TScore
+ TScore
+ F1 =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::F1 instead of FRank::F1Measure
+ F1Measure
+ Odd =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::Odd instead of FRank::OddsRatio
+ OddsRatio
+ PM =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::PM instead of FRank::PMetric
+ PMetric
+ GI =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::GI instead of FRank::GiniIndex
+ GiniIndex
+ SN =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::SN instead of FRank::Sensitivity
+ Sensitivity
+ SP =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::SP instead of FRank::Specificity
+ Specificity
+ MNT =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::MNT instead of FRank::McNemarsTest
+ McNemarsTest
+ CHI =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::CHI instead of FRank::ChiSquaredTest
+ ChiSquaredTest
+ PHI =
Phi coefficient , also known as Matthews correlation coefficient.
+shortcut so that you can use FRank::PHI
+ MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ GSS =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::GSS instead of FRank::GSSCoefficient
+ GSSCoefficient
+ IG =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::IG instead of FRank::InformationGain
+ InformationGain
+ Acc2 =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::Acc2 instead of FRank::AccuracyBalanced
+ AccuracyBalanced
+ PR =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::PR instead of FRank::ProbabilityRatio
+ ProbabilityRatio
+ FET =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::FET instead of FRank::FishersExactTest
+ FishersExactTest
+ DF =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::DF instead of FRank::DocumentFrequency
+ DocumentFrequency
+ IG_d =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::IG_d instead of FRank::InformationGain_d
+ InformationGain_d
+ MI =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::MI instead of FRank::MutualInformation
+ MutualInformation
+ OddN =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::OddN instead of FRank::OddsRatioNumerator
+ OddsRatioNumerator
+ BNS =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::BNS instead of FRank::BiNormalSeparation
+ BiNormalSeparation
+ CC =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::CC instead of FRank::CorrelationCoefficient
+ CorrelationCoefficient
+ MCC =
shortcut so that you can use FRank::MCC instead of FRank::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
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+ Class: FRank::Accuracy
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Accuracy
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Accuracy.rb
Accuracy (Acc)
tp+tn A+D
+Acc = ------------- = ---------
+ tp+fn+tn+fp A+B+C+D
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
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+++ b/doc/FRank/AccuracyBalanced.html
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ Class: FRank::AccuracyBalanced
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::AccuracyBalanced
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/AccuracyBalanced.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,1891 @@
+ Class: FRank::Base
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Base
+ Inherits:
+ Object
+ Object
+ FRank::Base
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ FileIO
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/base.rb
base ranking algorithm
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Base ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 13
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ @data = data
+ @opts = { } end
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) each_class
iterator for each class
e . g .
+self . each_class do | k |
+ puts k
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 27
+def each_class
+ if not block_given?
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " block must be given! "
+ else
+ get_classes . each { | k | yield k }
+ end
+ - (Object ) each_feature
iterator for each feature
e . g .
+self . each_feature do | f |
+ puts f
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 45
+def each_feature
+ if not block_given?
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " block must be given! "
+ else
+ get_features . each { | f | yield f }
+ end
+ - (Object ) each_sample
iterator for each sample with class label
e . g .
+self . each_sample do | k , s |
+ print k
+ s . each { | f , v | ' ' + v }
+ puts
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 65
+def each_sample
+ if not block_given?
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " block must be given! "
+ else
+ get_data . each do | k , samples |
+ samples . each { | s | yield k , s }
+ end
+ end
+ - (Object ) get_classes
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 78
+def get_classes
+ @classes ||= @data . keys
+ - (Object ) get_data
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 130
+def get_data
+ @data
+ - (Hash ) get_feature_ranks
get the ranked features based on their best scores
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 236
+def get_feature_ranks
+ return @ranks if @ranks
+ scores = get_feature_scores
+ @ranks = { }
+ sorted_features = scores . keys . sort do | x , y |
+ scores [ y ] [ :BEST ] <=> scores [ x ] [ :BEST ]
+ end
+ sorted_features . each_with_index do | sf , si |
+ @ranks [ sf ] = si + 1
+ end
+ @ranks
+ - (Hash ) get_feature_scores
get scores of all features for all classes
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 206
+def get_feature_scores
+ return @scores if @scores
+ each_feature do | f |
+ calc_contribution ( f )
+ end
+ @scores . each do | f , ks |
+ @scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] = ks . values . max
+ end
+ @scores
+ - (Object ) get_feature_values (f)
get feature values
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 105
+def get_feature_values ( f )
+ @fvs ||= { }
+ if not @fvs . has_key? f
+ @fvs [ f ] = [ ]
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ @fvs [ f ] << s [ f ] if s . has_key? f
+ end
+ end
+ @fvs [ f ]
+ - (Object ) get_features
get unique features
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 95
+def get_features
+ @features ||= @data . map { | x | x [ 1 ] . map { | y | y . keys } } . flatten . uniq
+ - (Object ) get_opt (key)
get non-data information
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 149
+def get_opt ( key )
+ @opts . has_key? ( key ) ? @opts [ key ] : nil
+ - (Object ) get_sample_size
number of samples
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 161
+def get_sample_size
+ @sz ||= get_data . values . flatten . size
+ - (Object ) print_feature_ranks
print feature ranks
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 191
+def print_feature_ranks
+ ranks = get_feature_ranks
+ ranks . each do | f , r |
+ puts " #{ f } => #{ r } "
+ end
+ - (Object ) print_feature_scores (feat = nil, kclass = nil)
print feature scores
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 171
+def print_feature_scores ( feat = nil , kclass = nil )
+ scores = get_feature_scores
+ scores . each do | f , ks |
+ next if feat and feat != f
+ print " #{ f } => "
+ ks . each do | k , s |
+ if kclass
+ print " #{ k } -> #{ s } " if k == kclass
+ else
+ print " #{ k } -> #{ s } "
+ end
+ end
+ puts
+ end
+ - (Hash ) select_data_by_rank! (criterion, my_ranks = nil)
data structure will be altered
reconstruct data by rank
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 298
+def select_data_by_rank! ( criterion , my_ranks = nil )
+ ranks = my_ranks || get_feature_ranks
+ my_data = { }
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ my_data [ k ] ||= [ ]
+ my_s = { }
+ s . each do | f , v |
+ my_s [ f ] = v if eval ( " #{ ranks [ f ] } #{ criterion } " )
+ end
+ my_data [ k ] << my_s if not my_s . empty?
+ end
+ set_data ( my_data )
+ - (Hash ) select_data_by_score! (criterion, my_scores = nil)
data structure will be altered
reconstruct data with feature scores satisfying cutoff
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 267
+def select_data_by_score! ( criterion , my_scores = nil )
+ scores = my_scores || get_feature_scores
+ my_data = { }
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ my_data [ k ] ||= [ ]
+ my_s = { }
+ s . each do | f , v |
+ my_s [ f ] = v if eval ( " #{ scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] } #{ criterion } " )
+ end
+ my_data [ k ] << my_s if not my_s . empty?
+ end
+ set_data ( my_data )
+ - (Object ) set_classes (classes)
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 84
+def set_classes ( classes )
+ if classes and classes . class == Array
+ @classes = classes
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " classes must be a Array object! "
+ end
+ - (Object ) set_data (data)
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 135
+def set_data ( data )
+ if data and data . class == Hash
+ @data = data
+ @classes , @features , @fvs = nil , nil , nil
+ @scores , @ranks , @sz = nil , nil , nil
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " data must be a Hash object! "
+ end
+ - (Object ) set_feature_score (f, k, s)
set feature (f) score (f) for class (k)
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 225
+def set_feature_score ( f , k , s )
+ @scores ||= { }
+ @scores [ f ] ||= { }
+ @scores [ f ] [ k ] = s
+ - (Object ) set_features (features)
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 119
+def set_features ( features )
+ if features and features . class == Array
+ @features = features
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " features must be a Array object! "
+ end
+ - (Object ) set_opt (key, value)
set non-data information as a key-value pair
+ # File 'lib/frank/base.rb', line 155
+def set_opt ( key , value )
+ @opts [ key ] = value
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/BaseContinuous.html b/doc/FRank/BaseContinuous.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0710019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/BaseContinuous.html
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ Class: FRank::BaseContinuous
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::BaseContinuous
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FRank::BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ Discretilizer , Normalizer
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_continuous/base_continuous.rb
base ranking algorithm for handling continous feature
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (BaseContinuous ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_continuous/base_continuous.rb', line 17
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ super ( data )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/BaseDiscrete.html b/doc/FRank/BaseDiscrete.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0032a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/BaseDiscrete.html
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ Class: FRank::BaseDiscrete
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::BaseDiscrete
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FRank::BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/base_discrete.rb
base ranking alogrithm for handling discrete feature
2 x 2 contingency table
+ c c'
+ ---------
+ f | A | B | A+B
+ |---|---|
+ f' | C | D | C+D
+ ---------
+ A+C B+D N = A+B+C+D
+ P(f) = (A+B)/N
+ P(f') = (C+D)/N
+ P(c) = (A+C)/N
+ P(c') = (B+D)/N
+ P(f,c) = A/N
+ P(f,c') = B/N
+ P(f',c) = C/N
+ P(f',c') = D/N
Direct Known Subclasses
Accuracy , AccuracyBalanced , BiNormalSeparation , ChiSquaredTest , CorrelationCoefficient , DocumentFrequency , F1Measure , FishersExactTest , GMean , GSSCoefficient , GiniIndex , InformationGain , InformationGain_d , MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient , McNemarsTest , MutualInformation , OddsRatio , OddsRatioNumerator , Power , Precision , ProbabilityRatio , Random , ReliefF_d , Relief_d , Sensitivity , Specificity
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (BaseDiscrete ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/base_discrete.rb', line 29
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ super ( data )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/BaseMixed.html b/doc/FRank/BaseMixed.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b12c1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/BaseMixed.html
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ Class: FRank::BaseMixed
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::BaseMixed
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FRank::BaseMixed
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_mixed/base_mixed.rb
base class for handling feature of mixed data
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (BaseMixed ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_mixed/base_mixed.rb', line 10
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ super ( data )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/BiNormalSeparation.html b/doc/FRank/BiNormalSeparation.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d06eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/BiNormalSeparation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ Class: FRank::BiNormalSeparation
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::BiNormalSeparation
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ Rubystats
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/BiNormalSeparation.rb
Constant Summary
Constant Summary
Constants included
+ from Rubystats
Rubystats::MAX_VALUE , Rubystats::SQRT2 , Rubystats::SQRT2PI , Rubystats::TWO_PI
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/ChiSquaredTest.html b/doc/FRank/ChiSquaredTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3180c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/ChiSquaredTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ Class: FRank::ChiSquaredTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::ChiSquaredTest
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/ChiSquaredTest.rb
Chi-Squared test (CHI)
N * ( P(f,c) * P(f',c') - P(f,c') * P(f',c) )^2
+ CHI(f,c) = -------------------------------------------------
+ P(f) * P(f') * P(c) * P(c')
+ N * (A*D - B*C)^2
+ = -------------------------------
+ (A+B) * (C+D) * (A+C) * (B+D)
suitable for large samples and
+none of the values of (A, B, C, D) < 5
ref: Wikipedia
+ and A Comparative Study on Feature Selection Methods for
+ Drug Discovery
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (ChiSquaredTest ) initialize (correction = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/ChiSquaredTest.rb', line 30
+def initialize ( correction = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @correction = ( correction == :yates ) ? true : false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/CorrelationCoefficient.html b/doc/FRank/CorrelationCoefficient.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4fbd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/CorrelationCoefficient.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ Class: FRank::CorrelationCoefficient
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::CorrelationCoefficient
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/CorrelationCoefficient.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/DocumentFrequency.html b/doc/FRank/DocumentFrequency.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b17f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/DocumentFrequency.html
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ Class: FRank::DocumentFrequency
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::DocumentFrequency
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/DocumentFrequency.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Ensemble.html b/doc/FRank/Ensemble.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd893ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Ensemble.html
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+ Class: FRank::Ensemble
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Ensemble
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FRank::Ensemble
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/ensemble.rb
select feature by an ensemble of ranking algorithms
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Ensemble ) initialize (*algos)
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 10
+def initialize ( * algos )
+ super ( nil )
+ @algos = [ ]
+ algos . each do | r |
+ @algos << r
+ end
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) by_ave (arr)
by average value of an array
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 125
+def by_ave ( arr )
+ arr . ave if arr . class == Array
+ - (Object ) by_max (arr)
by max value of an array
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 137
+def by_max ( arr )
+ arr . max if arr . class == Array
+ - (Object ) by_min (arr)
by min value of an array
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 131
+def by_min ( arr )
+ arr . min if arr . class == Array
+ - (Object ) ensemble_by_rank (by_what = method(:by_min))
ensemble based on rank
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 102
+def ensemble_by_rank ( by_what = method ( :by_min ) )
+ ranks = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ ranks [ f ] = by_what . call (
+ @algos . collect { | r | r . get_feature_ranks [ f ] }
+ )
+ end
+ new_ranks = { }
+ sorted_features = ranks . keys . sort do | x , y |
+ ranks [ x ] <=> ranks [ y ]
+ end
+ sorted_features . each_with_index do | sf , si |
+ new_ranks [ sf ] = si + 1
+ end
+ @ranks = new_ranks
+ - (Object ) ensemble_by_score (by_what = method(:by_max), norm = :min_max)
scores from different algos are usually incompatible with
+each other, we have to normalize it first
ensemble based on score
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 70
+def ensemble_by_score ( by_what = method ( :by_max ) , norm = :min_max )
+ @algos . each do | r |
+ if norm == :min_max
+ normalize_min_max! ( r )
+ elsif norm == :zscore
+ normalize_zscore! ( r )
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " invalid normalizer, only :min_max and :zscore supported! "
+ end
+ end
+ @scores = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ @scores [ f ] = { }
+ @scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] = by_what . call (
+ @algos . collect { | r | r . get_feature_scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] }
+ )
+ end
+ - (Object ) get_feature_ranks
reload get_feature_ranks
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 47
+def get_feature_ranks
+ return @ranks if @ranks
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " please call one consensus ranking method first! "
+ - (Object ) get_feature_scores
reload get_feature_scores
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 36
+def get_feature_scores
+ return @scores if @scores
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " please call one consensus scoring method first! "
+ - (Object ) set_data (data)
all algos share the same data structure
reload set_data
+ # File 'lib/frank/ensemble.rb', line 25
+def set_data ( data )
+ @data = data
+ @algos . each do | r |
+ r . set_data ( data )
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/F1Measure.html b/doc/FRank/F1Measure.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6499964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/F1Measure.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Class: FRank::F1Measure
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::F1Measure
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/F1Measure.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/FishersExactTest.html b/doc/FRank/FishersExactTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f380eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/FishersExactTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ Class: FRank::FishersExactTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::FishersExactTest
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ Rubystats
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/FishersExactTest.rb
(two-sided) Fisher's Exact Test (FET)
(A+B)! * (C+D)! * (A+C)! * (B+D)!
+p = -----------------------------------
+ A! * B! * C! * D!
+for FET, the smaller, the better, but we intentionally negate it
+so that the larger is always the better (consistent with other algorithms)
ref: Wikipedia and Rubystats
Constant Summary
Constant Summary
Constants included
+ from Rubystats
Rubystats::MAX_VALUE , Rubystats::SQRT2 , Rubystats::SQRT2PI , Rubystats::TWO_PI
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/GMean.html b/doc/FRank/GMean.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d192e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/GMean.html
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ Class: FRank::GMean
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::GMean
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/GMean.rb
GMean (GM)
GM = sqrt(Sensitivity * Specificity)
+ = sqrt(------------------) = sqrt(---------------)
+ (TP+FN) * (TN+FP) (A+C) * (B+D)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/GSSCoefficient.html b/doc/FRank/GSSCoefficient.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200614f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/GSSCoefficient.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Class: FRank::GSSCoefficient
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::GSSCoefficient
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/GSSCoefficient.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/GiniIndex.html b/doc/FRank/GiniIndex.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0e3b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/GiniIndex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ Class: FRank::GiniIndex
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::GiniIndex
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/GiniIndex.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/InformationGain.html b/doc/FRank/InformationGain.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3205ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/InformationGain.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ Class: FRank::InformationGain
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::InformationGain
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/InformationGain.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/InformationGain_d.html b/doc/FRank/InformationGain_d.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0fb68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/InformationGain_d.html
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ Class: FRank::InformationGain_d
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::InformationGain_d
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/InformationGain_d.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.html b/doc/FRank/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225862f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.html
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ Class: FRank::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ Object
+ Base
+ BaseDiscrete
+ FRank::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.rb
Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), also known as Phi coefficient
tp*tn - fp*fn
+MCC = ---------------------------------------------- = PHI = sqrt(CHI/N)
+ sqrt((tp+fp) * (tp+fn) * (tn+fp) * (tn+fn) )
+ A*D - B*C
+ = -------------------------------------
+ sqrt((A+B) * (A+C) * (B+D) * (C+D))
ref: Wikipedia
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/McNemarsTest.html b/doc/FRank/McNemarsTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18fbde1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/McNemarsTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ Class: FRank::McNemarsTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::McNemarsTest
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/McNemarsTest.rb
McNemar's test (MN), based on Chi-Squared test
+MN(f, c) = ---------
+ B+C
suitable for large samples and B+C >= 25
ref: Wikipedia
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (McNemarsTest ) initialize (correction = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/McNemarsTest.rb', line 22
+def initialize ( correction = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @correction = ( correction == :yates ) ? true : false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/MutualInformation.html b/doc/FRank/MutualInformation.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..149aa3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/MutualInformation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Class: FRank::MutualInformation
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::MutualInformation
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/MutualInformation.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/OddsRatio.html b/doc/FRank/OddsRatio.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93f598f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/OddsRatio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ Class: FRank::OddsRatio
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::OddsRatio
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/OddsRatio.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/OddsRatioNumerator.html b/doc/FRank/OddsRatioNumerator.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..250bfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/OddsRatioNumerator.html
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ Class: FRank::OddsRatioNumerator
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::OddsRatioNumerator
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/OddsRatioNumerator.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/PMetric.html b/doc/FRank/PMetric.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b035700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/PMetric.html
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ Class: FRank::PMetric
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::PMetric
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_continuous/PMetric.rb
Method Summary
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Power.html b/doc/FRank/Power.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5076a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Power.html
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ Class: FRank::Power
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Power
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Power.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Power ) initialize (k = 5, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/Power.rb', line 24
+def initialize ( k = 5 , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @k = k
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Precision.html b/doc/FRank/Precision.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d95165d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Precision.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FRank::Precision
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Precision
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Precision.rb
+Precision = ------- = -----
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/ProbabilityRatio.html b/doc/FRank/ProbabilityRatio.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98460d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/ProbabilityRatio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ Class: FRank::ProbabilityRatio
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::ProbabilityRatio
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/ProbabilityRatio.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Random.html b/doc/FRank/Random.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..708d72c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Random.html
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ Class: FRank::Random
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Random
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Random.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Random ) initialize (seed = nil, data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/Random.rb', line 22
+def initialize ( seed = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ srand ( seed ) if seed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/ReliefF_c.html b/doc/FRank/ReliefF_c.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35872e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/ReliefF_c.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Class: FRank::ReliefF_c
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::ReliefF_c
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_continuous/ReliefF_c.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (ReliefF_c ) initialize (m = nil, k = 10, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_continuous/ReliefF_c.rb', line 23
+def initialize ( m = nil , k = 10 , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m @k = ( k || 10 ) end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/ReliefF_d.html b/doc/FRank/ReliefF_d.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d91a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/ReliefF_d.html
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ Class: FRank::ReliefF_d
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::ReliefF_d
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/ReliefF_d.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (ReliefF_d ) initialize (m = nil, k = 10, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/ReliefF_d.rb', line 22
+def initialize ( m = nil , k = 10 , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m @k = ( k || 10 ) end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Relief_c.html b/doc/FRank/Relief_c.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d49095f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Relief_c.html
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ Class: FRank::Relief_c
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Relief_c
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_continuous/Relief_c.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Relief_c ) initialize (m = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_continuous/Relief_c.rb', line 23
+def initialize ( m = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Relief_d.html b/doc/FRank/Relief_d.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f746d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Relief_d.html
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ Class: FRank::Relief_d
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Relief_d
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Relief_d.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Relief_d ) initialize (m = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/frank/algo_discrete/Relief_d.rb', line 23
+def initialize ( m = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Sensitivity.html b/doc/FRank/Sensitivity.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df62ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Sensitivity.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FRank::Sensitivity
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Sensitivity
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Sensitivity.rb
Sensitivity (SN), also known as Recall
+SN = ------- = -----
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/Specificity.html b/doc/FRank/Specificity.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0393cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/Specificity.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FRank::Specificity
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::Specificity
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_discrete/Specificity.rb
Specificity (SP)
+SP = ------- = -----
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FRank/TScore.html b/doc/FRank/TScore.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce3387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FRank/TScore.html
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ Class: FRank::TScore
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FRank::TScore
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/frank/algo_continuous/TScore.rb
TS applicable only to two-class problems
t-score (TS) based on Student's t-test for continous feature
|u1 - u2|
+TS(f) = --------------------------------------------
+ sqrt((n1*sigma1^2 + n_2*sigma2^2)/(n1+n2))
ref: Filter versus wrapper gene selection approaches
Method Summary
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector.html b/doc/FSelector.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70bf6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector.html
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ Module: FSelector
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Module: FSelector
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector.rb,
+ lib/fselector/base.rb, lib/fselector/ensemble.rb, lib/fselector/base_discrete.rb, lib/fselector/base_continuous.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/GMean.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Power.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Random.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Accuracy.rb, lib/fselector/algo_continuous/TScore.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Relief_d.rb, lib/fselector/algo_continuous/PMetric.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/GiniIndex.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ReliefF_d.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/OddsRatio.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Precision.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/F1Measure.rb, lib/fselector/algo_continuous/Relief_c.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Specificity.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Sensitivity.rb, lib/fselector/algo_continuous/ReliefF_c.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/McNemarsTest.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ChiSquaredTest.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/GSSCoefficient.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/InformationGain.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/FishersExactTest.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ProbabilityRatio.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/AccuracyBalanced.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/DocumentFrequency.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/MutualInformation.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/OddsRatioNumerator.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/BiNormalSeparation.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/CorrelationCoefficient.rb, lib/fselector/algo_discrete/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.rb
FSelector: a Ruby gem for feature selection and ranking
Defined Under Namespace
+ Classes: Accuracy , AccuracyBalanced , Base , BaseContinuous , BaseDiscrete , BiNormalSeparation , ChiSquaredTest , CorrelationCoefficient , DocumentFrequency , Ensemble , F1Measure , FishersExactTest , GMean , GSSCoefficient , GiniIndex , InformationGain , MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient , McNemarsTest , MutualInformation , OddsRatio , OddsRatioNumerator , PMetric , Power , Precision , ProbabilityRatio , Random , ReliefF_c , ReliefF_d , Relief_c , Relief_d , Sensitivity , Specificity , TScore
Constant Summary
+ ' 0.1.0 '
+ GM =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::GM instead of FSelector::GMean
+ GMean
+ Acc =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::Acc instead of FSelector::Accuracy
+ Accuracy
+ TS =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::TS instead of FSelector::TScore
+ TScore
+ PM =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::PM instead of FSelector::PMetric
+ PMetric
+ GI =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::GI instead of FSelector::GiniIndex
+ GiniIndex
+ Odd =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::Odd instead of FSelector::OddsRatio
+ OddsRatio
+ F1 =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::F1 instead of FSelector::F1Measure
+ F1Measure
+ SP =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::SP instead of FSelector::Specificity
+ Specificity
+ SN =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::SN instead of FSelector::Sensitivity
+ Sensitivity
+ Recall =
Sensitivity, also known as Recall
+ Sensitivity
+ MNT =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::MNT instead of FSelector::McNemarsTest
+ McNemarsTest
+ CHI =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::CHI instead of FSelector::ChiSquaredTest
+ ChiSquaredTest
+ GSS =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::GSS instead of FSelector::GSSCoefficient
+ GSSCoefficient
+ IG =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::IG instead of FSelector::InformationGain
+ InformationGain
+ FET =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::FET instead of FSelector::FishersExactTest
+ FishersExactTest
+ PR =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::PR instead of FSelector::ProbabilityRatio
+ ProbabilityRatio
+ Acc2 =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::Acc2 instead of FSelector::AccuracyBalanced
+ AccuracyBalanced
+ DF =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::DF instead of FSelector::DocumentFrequency
+ DocumentFrequency
+ MI =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::MI instead of FSelector::MutualInformation
+ MutualInformation
+ OddN =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::OddN instead of FSelector::OddsRatioNumerator
+ OddsRatioNumerator
+ BNS =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::BNS instead of FSelector::BiNormalSeparation
+ BiNormalSeparation
+ CC =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::CC instead of FSelector::CorrelationCoefficient
+ CorrelationCoefficient
+ MCC =
shortcut so that you can use FSelector::MCC instead of FSelector::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ PHI =
Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), also known as Phi coefficient
+ MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Accuracy.html b/doc/FSelector/Accuracy.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae524b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Accuracy.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Accuracy
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Accuracy
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Accuracy.rb
Accuracy (Acc)
tp+tn A+D
+Acc = ------------- = ---------
+ tp+fn+tn+fp A+B+C+D
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/AccuracyBalanced.html b/doc/FSelector/AccuracyBalanced.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2bf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/AccuracyBalanced.html
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ Class: FSelector::AccuracyBalanced
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::AccuracyBalanced
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/AccuracyBalanced.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Base.html b/doc/FSelector/Base.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a5cd0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Base.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1891 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Base
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Base
+ Inherits:
+ Object
+ Object
+ FSelector::Base
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ FileIO
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/base.rb
base ranking algorithm
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Base ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 13
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ @data = data
+ @opts = { } end
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) each_class
iterator for each class
e . g .
+self . each_class do | k |
+ puts k
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 27
+def each_class
+ if not block_given?
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " block must be given! "
+ else
+ get_classes . each { | k | yield k }
+ end
+ - (Object ) each_feature
iterator for each feature
e . g .
+self . each_feature do | f |
+ puts f
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 45
+def each_feature
+ if not block_given?
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " block must be given! "
+ else
+ get_features . each { | f | yield f }
+ end
+ - (Object ) each_sample
iterator for each sample with class label
e . g .
+self . each_sample do | k , s |
+ print k
+ s . each { | f , v | ' ' + v }
+ puts
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 65
+def each_sample
+ if not block_given?
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " block must be given! "
+ else
+ get_data . each do | k , samples |
+ samples . each { | s | yield k , s }
+ end
+ end
+ - (Object ) get_classes
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 78
+def get_classes
+ @classes ||= @data . keys
+ - (Object ) get_data
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 130
+def get_data
+ @data
+ - (Hash ) get_feature_ranks
get the ranked features based on their best scores
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 236
+def get_feature_ranks
+ return @ranks if @ranks
+ scores = get_feature_scores
+ @ranks = { }
+ sorted_features = scores . keys . sort do | x , y |
+ scores [ y ] [ :BEST ] <=> scores [ x ] [ :BEST ]
+ end
+ sorted_features . each_with_index do | sf , si |
+ @ranks [ sf ] = si + 1
+ end
+ @ranks
+ - (Hash ) get_feature_scores
get scores of all features for all classes
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 206
+def get_feature_scores
+ return @scores if @scores
+ each_feature do | f |
+ calc_contribution ( f )
+ end
+ @scores . each do | f , ks |
+ @scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] = ks . values . max
+ end
+ @scores
+ - (Object ) get_feature_values (f)
get feature values
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 105
+def get_feature_values ( f )
+ @fvs ||= { }
+ if not @fvs . has_key? f
+ @fvs [ f ] = [ ]
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ @fvs [ f ] << s [ f ] if s . has_key? f
+ end
+ end
+ @fvs [ f ]
+ - (Object ) get_features
get unique features
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 95
+def get_features
+ @features ||= @data . map { | x | x [ 1 ] . map { | y | y . keys } } . flatten . uniq
+ - (Object ) get_opt (key)
get non-data information
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 149
+def get_opt ( key )
+ @opts . has_key? ( key ) ? @opts [ key ] : nil
+ - (Object ) get_sample_size
number of samples
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 161
+def get_sample_size
+ @sz ||= get_data . values . flatten . size
+ - (Object ) print_feature_ranks
print feature ranks
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 191
+def print_feature_ranks
+ ranks = get_feature_ranks
+ ranks . each do | f , r |
+ puts " #{ f } => #{ r } "
+ end
+ - (Object ) print_feature_scores (feat = nil, kclass = nil)
print feature scores
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 171
+def print_feature_scores ( feat = nil , kclass = nil )
+ scores = get_feature_scores
+ scores . each do | f , ks |
+ next if feat and feat != f
+ print " #{ f } => "
+ ks . each do | k , s |
+ if kclass
+ print " #{ k } -> #{ s } " if k == kclass
+ else
+ print " #{ k } -> #{ s } "
+ end
+ end
+ puts
+ end
+ - (Hash ) select_data_by_rank! (criterion, my_ranks = nil)
data structure will be altered
reconstruct data by rank
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 298
+def select_data_by_rank! ( criterion , my_ranks = nil )
+ ranks = my_ranks || get_feature_ranks
+ my_data = { }
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ my_data [ k ] ||= [ ]
+ my_s = { }
+ s . each do | f , v |
+ my_s [ f ] = v if eval ( " #{ ranks [ f ] } #{ criterion } " )
+ end
+ my_data [ k ] << my_s if not my_s . empty?
+ end
+ set_data ( my_data )
+ - (Hash ) select_data_by_score! (criterion, my_scores = nil)
data structure will be altered
reconstruct data with feature scores satisfying cutoff
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 267
+def select_data_by_score! ( criterion , my_scores = nil )
+ scores = my_scores || get_feature_scores
+ my_data = { }
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ my_data [ k ] ||= [ ]
+ my_s = { }
+ s . each do | f , v |
+ my_s [ f ] = v if eval ( " #{ scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] } #{ criterion } " )
+ end
+ my_data [ k ] << my_s if not my_s . empty?
+ end
+ set_data ( my_data )
+ - (Object ) set_classes (classes)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 84
+def set_classes ( classes )
+ if classes and classes . class == Array
+ @classes = classes
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " classes must be a Array object! "
+ end
+ - (Object ) set_data (data)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 135
+def set_data ( data )
+ if data and data . class == Hash
+ @data = data
+ @classes , @features , @fvs = nil , nil , nil
+ @scores , @ranks , @sz = nil , nil , nil
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " data must be a Hash object! "
+ end
+ - (Object ) set_feature_score (f, k, s)
set feature (f) score (f) for class (k)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 225
+def set_feature_score ( f , k , s )
+ @scores ||= { }
+ @scores [ f ] ||= { }
+ @scores [ f ] [ k ] = s
+ - (Object ) set_features (features)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 119
+def set_features ( features )
+ if features and features . class == Array
+ @features = features
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " features must be a Array object! "
+ end
+ - (Object ) set_opt (key, value)
set non-data information as a key-value pair
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base.rb', line 155
+def set_opt ( key , value )
+ @opts [ key ] = value
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/BaseContinuous.html b/doc/FSelector/BaseContinuous.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f1cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/BaseContinuous.html
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ Class: FSelector::BaseContinuous
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::BaseContinuous
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FSelector::BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ Discretilizer , Normalizer
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/base_continuous.rb
base ranking algorithm for handling continous feature
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (BaseContinuous ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base_continuous.rb', line 17
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ super ( data )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/BaseDiscrete.html b/doc/FSelector/BaseDiscrete.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2116fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/BaseDiscrete.html
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ Class: FSelector::BaseDiscrete
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::BaseDiscrete
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FSelector::BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/base_discrete.rb
base ranking alogrithm for handling discrete feature
2 x 2 contingency table
+ c c'
+ ---------
+ f | A | B | A+B
+ |---|---|
+ f' | C | D | C+D
+ ---------
+ A+C B+D N = A+B+C+D
+ P(f) = (A+B)/N
+ P(f') = (C+D)/N
+ P(c) = (A+C)/N
+ P(c') = (B+D)/N
+ P(f,c) = A/N
+ P(f,c') = B/N
+ P(f',c) = C/N
+ P(f',c') = D/N
Direct Known Subclasses
Accuracy , AccuracyBalanced , BiNormalSeparation , ChiSquaredTest , CorrelationCoefficient , DocumentFrequency , F1Measure , FishersExactTest , GMean , GSSCoefficient , GiniIndex , InformationGain , MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient , McNemarsTest , MutualInformation , OddsRatio , OddsRatioNumerator , Power , Precision , ProbabilityRatio , Random , ReliefF_d , Relief_d , Sensitivity , Specificity
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (BaseDiscrete ) initialize (data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/fselector/base_discrete.rb', line 29
+def initialize ( data = nil )
+ super ( data )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/BiNormalSeparation.html b/doc/FSelector/BiNormalSeparation.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf9a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/BiNormalSeparation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ Class: FSelector::BiNormalSeparation
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::BiNormalSeparation
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ Rubystats
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/BiNormalSeparation.rb
Constant Summary
Constant Summary
Constants included
+ from Rubystats
Rubystats::MAX_VALUE , Rubystats::SQRT2 , Rubystats::SQRT2PI , Rubystats::TWO_PI
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/ChiSquaredTest.html b/doc/FSelector/ChiSquaredTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96140c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/ChiSquaredTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ Class: FSelector::ChiSquaredTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::ChiSquaredTest
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ChiSquaredTest.rb
Chi-Squared test (CHI)
N * ( P(f,c) * P(f',c') - P(f,c') * P(f',c) )^2
+ CHI(f,c) = -------------------------------------------------
+ P(f) * P(f') * P(c) * P(c')
+ N * (A*D - B*C)^2
+ = -------------------------------
+ (A+B) * (C+D) * (A+C) * (B+D)
suitable for large samples and
+none of the values of (A, B, C, D) < 5
ref: Wikipedia
+ and A Comparative Study on Feature Selection Methods for
+ Drug Discovery
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (ChiSquaredTest ) initialize (correction = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ChiSquaredTest.rb', line 30
+def initialize ( correction = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @correction = ( correction == :yates ) ? true : false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/CorrelationCoefficient.html b/doc/FSelector/CorrelationCoefficient.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8df6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/CorrelationCoefficient.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ Class: FSelector::CorrelationCoefficient
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::CorrelationCoefficient
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/CorrelationCoefficient.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/DocumentFrequency.html b/doc/FSelector/DocumentFrequency.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f5116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/DocumentFrequency.html
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ Class: FSelector::DocumentFrequency
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::DocumentFrequency
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/DocumentFrequency.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Ensemble.html b/doc/FSelector/Ensemble.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..effbd4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Ensemble.html
@@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Ensemble
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Ensemble
+ Inherits:
+ Base
+ Object
+ Base
+ FSelector::Ensemble
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/ensemble.rb
select feature by an ensemble of ranking algorithms
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Ensemble ) initialize (*algos)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 10
+def initialize ( * algos )
+ super ( nil )
+ @algos = [ ]
+ algos . each do | r |
+ @algos << r
+ end
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) by_ave (arr)
by average value of an array
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 126
+def by_ave ( arr )
+ arr . ave if arr . class == Array
+ - (Object ) by_max (arr)
by max value of an array
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 138
+def by_max ( arr )
+ arr . max if arr . class == Array
+ - (Object ) by_min (arr)
by min value of an array
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 132
+def by_min ( arr )
+ arr . min if arr . class == Array
+ - (Object ) ensemble_by_rank (by_what = method(:by_min))
ensemble based on rank
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 103
+def ensemble_by_rank ( by_what = method ( :by_min ) )
+ ranks = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ ranks [ f ] = by_what . call (
+ @algos . collect { | r | r . get_feature_ranks [ f ] }
+ )
+ end
+ new_ranks = { }
+ sorted_features = ranks . keys . sort do | x , y |
+ ranks [ x ] <=> ranks [ y ]
+ end
+ sorted_features . each_with_index do | sf , si |
+ new_ranks [ sf ] = si + 1
+ end
+ @ranks = new_ranks
+ - (Object ) ensemble_by_score (by_what = method(:by_max), norm = :min_max)
scores from different algos are usually incompatible with
+each other, we have to normalize it first
ensemble based on score
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 71
+def ensemble_by_score ( by_what = method ( :by_max ) , norm = :min_max )
+ @algos . each do | r |
+ if norm == :min_max
+ normalize_min_max! ( r )
+ elsif norm == :zscore
+ normalize_zscore! ( r )
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " invalid normalizer, only :min_max and :zscore supported! "
+ end
+ end
+ @scores = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ @scores [ f ] = { }
+ @scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] = by_what . call (
+ @algos . collect { | r | r . get_feature_scores [ f ] [ :BEST ] }
+ )
+ end
+ - (Object ) get_feature_ranks
reload get_feature_ranks
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 48
+def get_feature_ranks
+ return @ranks if @ranks
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " please call one consensus ranking method first! "
+ - (Object ) get_feature_scores
reload get_feature_scores
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 37
+def get_feature_scores
+ return @scores if @scores
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " please call one consensus scoring method first! "
+ - (Object ) set_data (data)
all algos share the same data structure
reload set_data
+ # File 'lib/fselector/ensemble.rb', line 25
+def set_data ( data )
+ super
+ @algos . each do | r |
+ r . set_data ( data )
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/F1Measure.html b/doc/FSelector/F1Measure.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a1df53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/F1Measure.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Class: FSelector::F1Measure
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::F1Measure
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/F1Measure.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/FishersExactTest.html b/doc/FSelector/FishersExactTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5f3222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/FishersExactTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ Class: FSelector::FishersExactTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::FishersExactTest
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Includes:
+ Rubystats
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/FishersExactTest.rb
(two-sided) Fisher's Exact Test (FET)
(A+B)! * (C+D)! * (A+C)! * (B+D)!
+p = -----------------------------------
+ A! * B! * C! * D!
+for FET, the smaller, the better, but we intentionally negate it
+so that the larger is always the better (consistent with other algorithms)
ref: Wikipedia and Rubystats
Constant Summary
Constant Summary
Constants included
+ from Rubystats
Rubystats::MAX_VALUE , Rubystats::SQRT2 , Rubystats::SQRT2PI , Rubystats::TWO_PI
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/GMean.html b/doc/FSelector/GMean.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..445e781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/GMean.html
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ Class: FSelector::GMean
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::GMean
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/GMean.rb
GMean (GM)
GM = sqrt(Sensitivity * Specificity)
+ = sqrt(------------------) = sqrt(---------------)
+ (TP+FN) * (TN+FP) (A+C) * (B+D)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/GSSCoefficient.html b/doc/FSelector/GSSCoefficient.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf781c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/GSSCoefficient.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Class: FSelector::GSSCoefficient
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::GSSCoefficient
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/GSSCoefficient.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/GiniIndex.html b/doc/FSelector/GiniIndex.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901d24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/GiniIndex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ Class: FSelector::GiniIndex
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::GiniIndex
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/GiniIndex.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/InformationGain.html b/doc/FSelector/InformationGain.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70bc20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/InformationGain.html
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ Class: FSelector::InformationGain
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::InformationGain
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/InformationGain.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.html b/doc/FSelector/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..065d253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.html
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ Class: FSelector::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ Object
+ Base
+ BaseDiscrete
+ FSelector::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.rb
Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC)
tp*tn - fp*fn
+MCC = ---------------------------------------------- = PHI = sqrt(CHI/N)
+ sqrt((tp+fp) * (tp+fn) * (tn+fp) * (tn+fn) )
+ A*D - B*C
+ = -------------------------------------
+ sqrt((A+B) * (A+C) * (B+D) * (C+D))
ref: Wikipedia
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/McNemarsTest.html b/doc/FSelector/McNemarsTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d4630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/McNemarsTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ Class: FSelector::McNemarsTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::McNemarsTest
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/McNemarsTest.rb
McNemar's test (MN), based on Chi-Squared test
+MN(f, c) = ---------
+ B+C
suitable for large samples and B+C >= 25
ref: Wikipedia
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (McNemarsTest ) initialize (correction = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_discrete/McNemarsTest.rb', line 22
+def initialize ( correction = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @correction = ( correction == :yates ) ? true : false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/MutualInformation.html b/doc/FSelector/MutualInformation.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6d9a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/MutualInformation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Class: FSelector::MutualInformation
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::MutualInformation
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/MutualInformation.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/OddsRatio.html b/doc/FSelector/OddsRatio.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6caa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/OddsRatio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ Class: FSelector::OddsRatio
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::OddsRatio
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/OddsRatio.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/OddsRatioNumerator.html b/doc/FSelector/OddsRatioNumerator.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c4c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/OddsRatioNumerator.html
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ Class: FSelector::OddsRatioNumerator
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::OddsRatioNumerator
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/OddsRatioNumerator.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/PMetric.html b/doc/FSelector/PMetric.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b1e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/PMetric.html
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ Class: FSelector::PMetric
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::PMetric
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_continuous/PMetric.rb
Method Summary
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Power.html b/doc/FSelector/Power.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc0dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Power.html
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Power
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Power
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Power.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Power ) initialize (k = 5, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Power.rb', line 24
+def initialize ( k = 5 , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @k = k
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Precision.html b/doc/FSelector/Precision.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dded2b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Precision.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Precision
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Precision
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Precision.rb
+Precision = ------- = -----
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/ProbabilityRatio.html b/doc/FSelector/ProbabilityRatio.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d9aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/ProbabilityRatio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ Class: FSelector::ProbabilityRatio
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::ProbabilityRatio
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ProbabilityRatio.rb
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Random.html b/doc/FSelector/Random.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed75d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Random.html
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Random
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Random
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Random.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Random ) initialize (seed = nil, data = nil)
initialize from an existing data structure
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Random.rb', line 22
+def initialize ( seed = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ srand ( seed ) if seed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/ReliefF_c.html b/doc/FSelector/ReliefF_c.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda1d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/ReliefF_c.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Class: FSelector::ReliefF_c
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::ReliefF_c
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_continuous/ReliefF_c.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (ReliefF_c ) initialize (m = nil, k = 10, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/ReliefF_c.rb', line 23
+def initialize ( m = nil , k = 10 , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m @k = ( k || 10 ) end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/ReliefF_d.html b/doc/FSelector/ReliefF_d.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122f346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/ReliefF_d.html
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ Class: FSelector::ReliefF_d
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::ReliefF_d
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ReliefF_d.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (ReliefF_d ) initialize (m = nil, k = 10, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_discrete/ReliefF_d.rb', line 22
+def initialize ( m = nil , k = 10 , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m @k = ( k || 10 ) end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Relief_c.html b/doc/FSelector/Relief_c.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089502a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Relief_c.html
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Relief_c
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Relief_c
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_continuous/Relief_c.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Relief_c ) initialize (m = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/Relief_c.rb', line 23
+def initialize ( m = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Relief_d.html b/doc/FSelector/Relief_d.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..724c523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Relief_d.html
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Relief_d
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Relief_d
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Relief_d.rb
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
Constructor Details
+ - (Relief_d ) initialize (m = nil, data = nil)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Relief_d.rb', line 23
+def initialize ( m = nil , data = nil )
+ super ( data )
+ @m = m end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Sensitivity.html b/doc/FSelector/Sensitivity.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..638b50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Sensitivity.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Sensitivity
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Sensitivity
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Sensitivity.rb
Sensitivity (SN)
+SN = ------- = -----
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/Specificity.html b/doc/FSelector/Specificity.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..345dd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/Specificity.html
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Class: FSelector::Specificity
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::Specificity
+ Inherits:
+ BaseDiscrete
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_discrete/Specificity.rb
Specificity (SP)
+SP = ------- = -----
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FSelector/TScore.html b/doc/FSelector/TScore.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7284e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FSelector/TScore.html
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ Class: FSelector::TScore
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: FSelector::TScore
+ Inherits:
+ BaseContinuous
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_continuous/TScore.rb
TS applicable only to two-class problems
t-score (TS) based on Student's t-test for continous feature
|u1 - u2|
+TS(f) = --------------------------------------------
+ sqrt((n1*sigma1^2 + n_2*sigma2^2)/(n1+n2))
ref: Filter versus wrapper gene selection approaches
Method Summary
#discretize_chimerge! , #discretize_equal_frequency! , #discretize_equal_width!
Methods included from Normalizer
#normalize_log! , #normalize_min_max! , #normalize_zscore!
Methods inherited from Base
#each_class , #each_feature , #each_sample , #get_classes , #get_data , #get_feature_ranks , #get_feature_scores , #get_feature_values , #get_features , #get_opt , #get_sample_size , #initialize , #print_feature_ranks , #print_feature_scores , #select_data_by_rank! , #select_data_by_score! , #set_classes , #set_data , #set_feature_score , #set_features , #set_opt
Methods included from FileIO
#data_from_csv , #data_from_libsvm , #data_from_random , #data_from_weka , #data_to_csv , #data_to_libsvm , #data_to_weka
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/FileIO.html b/doc/FileIO.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a131f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/FileIO.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+ Module: FileIO
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Module: FileIO
+ Included in:
+ FSelector::Base
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/fileio.rb
class labels and features are treated as symbols,
+e.g. length => :length
read and write various file formats
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) data_from_csv (fname = :stdin)
read from csv
file should have the format with the first two rows
+specifying features and their data types e.g.
and the remaing rows showing data e.g.
allowed data types are:
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 146
+def data_from_csv ( fname = :stdin )
+ data = { }
+ if fname == :stdin
+ ifs = $stdin
+ elsif not File . exists? fname
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " File ' #{ fname } ' does not exist! "
+ else
+ ifs = File . open ( fname )
+ end
+ first_row , second_row = true , true
+ feats , types = [ ] , [ ]
+ ifs . each_line do | ln |
+ if first_row first_row = false
+ * feats = ln . chomp . split ( / , / ) . to_sym
+ elsif second_row second_row = false
+ * types = ln . chomp . split ( / , / )
+ if types . size == feats . size
+ types . each_with_index do | t , i |
+ set_opt ( feats [ i ] , t . upcase ) end
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " 1st and 2nd row must have same fields "
+ end
+ else label , * fvs = ln . chomp . split ( / , / )
+ label = label . to_sym
+ data [ label ] = [ ] if not data . has_key? label
+ fs = { }
+ fvs . each_with_index do | v , i |
+ next if v . empty? data_type = get_opt ( feats [ i ] )
+ if data_type == ' INTEGER '
+ v = v . to_i
+ elsif [ ' REAL ' , ' NUMERIC ' , ' CONTINUOUS ' ] . include? data_type
+ v = v . to_f
+ elsif [ ' STRING ' , ' NOMINAL ' , ' CATEGORICAL ' ] . include? data_type
+ else
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " please specify correct data type " +
+ " for each feature in the 2nd row "
+ end
+ fs [ feats [ i ] ] = v
+ end
+ data [ label ] << fs
+ end
+ end
+ ifs . close if not ifs == $stdin
+ set_data ( data )
+ - (Object ) data_from_libsvm (fname = :stdin)
read from libsvm
file has the following format
++1 2:1 4:1 ...
+-1 3:1 4:1 ...
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 67
+def data_from_libsvm ( fname = :stdin )
+ data = { }
+ if fname == :stdin
+ ifs = $stdin
+ elsif not File . exists? fname
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " File ' #{ fname } ' does not exist! "
+ else
+ ifs = File . open ( fname )
+ end
+ ifs . each_line do | ln |
+ label , * features = ln . chomp . split ( / \s+ / )
+ label = label . to_sym
+ data [ label ] = [ ] if not data . has_key? label
+ feats = { }
+ features . each do | fv |
+ f , v = fv . split ( / : / )
+ feats [ f . to_sym ] = v . to_f
+ end
+ data [ label ] << feats
+ end
+ ifs . close if not ifs == $stdin
+ set_data ( data )
+ - (Object ) data_from_random (nsample = 100, nclass = 2, nfeature = 10, ncategory = 2, allow_mv = true)
read from random data (for test)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 20
+def data_from_random ( nsample = 100 , nclass = 2 , nfeature = 10 , ncategory = 2 , allow_mv = true )
+ data = { }
+ nsample . times do
+ k = " c #{ rand ( nclass ) } " . to_sym
+ data [ k ] = [ ] if not data . has_key? k
+ feats = { }
+ fs = ( 1 .. nfeature ) . to_a
+ if allow_mv
+ ( rand ( nfeature ) ) . times do
+ v = fs [ rand ( fs . size ) ]
+ fs . delete ( v )
+ end
+ end
+ fs . sort . each do | i |
+ f = " f #{ i } " . to_sym
+ if ncategory == 1
+ feats [ f ] = 1
+ elsif ncategory > 1
+ feats [ f ] = rand ( ncategory )
+ else
+ feats [ f ] = rand
+ end
+ end
+ data [ k ] << feats
+ end
+ set_data ( data )
+ - (Object ) data_from_weka (fname = :stdin, quote_char = '"')
it's ok if string containes spaces quoted by quote_char
read from WEKA ARFF file
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 257
+def data_from_weka ( fname = :stdin , quote_char = ' " ' )
+ data = { }
+ if fname == :stdin
+ ifs = $stdin
+ elsif not File . exists? fname
+ abort " [ #{ __FILE__ } @ #{ __LINE__ } ]: " +
+ " File ' #{ fname } ' does not exist! "
+ else
+ ifs = File . open ( fname )
+ end
+ features , classes , = [ ] , [ ] , [ ]
+ has_class , has_data = false , false
+ ifs . each_line do | ln |
+ next if ln . blank?
+ ln = ln . chomp
+ if ln . ( ' % ' )
+ << ln
+ elsif ln =~ / ^@RELATION /i
+ tmp , relation = ln . split_me ( / \s+ / , quote_char )
+ set_opt ( ' @RELATION ' , relation )
+ elsif ln =~ / ^@ATTRIBUTE\s+class\s+{(.+)} /i
+ has_class = true
+ classes = $1 . split_me ( / ,\s* / , quote_char ) . to_sym
+ classes . each { | k | data [ k ] = [ ] }
+ elsif ln =~ / ^@ATTRIBUTE\s+(\S+)\s+{(.+)} /i
+ f = $1 . to_sym
+ features << f
+ set_opt ( f , ' NOMINAL ' )
+ elsif ln =~ / ^@ATTRIBUTE /i
+ tmp , v1 , v2 = ln . split_me ( / \s+ / , quote_char )
+ f = v1 . to_sym
+ features << f
+ set_opt ( f , v2 . upcase ) elsif ln =~ / ^@DATA /i
+ has_data = true
+ elsif has_data and has_class
+ if ln =~ / ^{(.+)}$ / feats = $1 . split_me ( / ,\s* / , quote_char )
+ label = feats . pop . split_me ( / \s+ / , quote_char ) [ 1 ]
+ label = label . to_sym
+ fs = { }
+ nonzero_fi = [ ]
+ feats . each do | fi_fv |
+ fi , fv = fi_fv . split_me ( / \s+ / , quote_char )
+ fi = fi . to_i
+ add_feature_weka ( fs , features [ fi ] , fv )
+ nonzero_fi << fi
+ end
+ features . each_with_index do | f0 , i |
+ add_feature_weka ( fs , f0 , 0 ) if not nonzero_fi . include? ( i )
+ end
+ data [ label ] << fs
+ else feats = ln . split_me ( / ,\s* / , quote_char )
+ label = feats . pop . to_sym
+ fs = { }
+ feats . each_with_index do | fv , i |
+ add_feature_weka ( fs , features [ i ] , fv )
+ end
+ data [ label ] << fs if label
+ end
+ else
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ ifs . close if not ifs == $stdin
+ set_data ( data )
+ set_classes ( classes )
+ set_features ( features )
+ set_opt ( ' COMMENTS ' , ) if not . empty?
+ - (Object ) data_to_csv (fname = :stdout)
write to csv
file has the format with the first two rows
+specifying features and their data types
+and the remaing rows showing data
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 221
+def data_to_csv ( fname = :stdout )
+ if fname == :stdout
+ ofs = $stdout
+ else
+ ofs = File . open ( fname , ' w ' )
+ end
+ ofs . puts get_features . join ( ' , ' )
+ ofs . puts get_features . collect { | f |
+ get_opt ( f ) || ' STRING '
+ } . join ( ' , ' )
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ ofs . print " #{ k } "
+ each_feature do | f |
+ if s . has_key? f
+ ofs . print " , #{ s [ f ] } "
+ else
+ ofs . print " , "
+ end
+ end
+ ofs . puts
+ end
+ ofs . close if not ofs == $stdout
+ - (Object ) data_to_libsvm (fname = :stdout)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 106
+def data_to_libsvm ( fname = :stdout )
+ if fname == :stdout
+ ofs = $stdout
+ else
+ ofs = File . open ( fname , ' w ' )
+ end
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ ofs . print " #{ k } "
+ s . keys . sort { | x , y | x . to_s . to_i <=> y . to_s . to_i } . each do | i |
+ ofs . print " #{ i } : #{ s [ i ] } " if not s [ i ] . zero?
+ end
+ ofs . puts
+ end
+ ofs . close if not ofs == $stdout
+ - (Object ) data_to_weka (fname = :stdout, format = nil)
write to WEKA ARFF file
+ # File 'lib/fselector/fileio.rb', line 361
+def data_to_weka ( fname = :stdout , format = nil )
+ if fname == :stdout
+ ofs = $stdout
+ else
+ ofs = File . open ( fname , ' w ' )
+ end
+ = get_opt ( ' COMMENTS ' )
+ if
+ ofs . puts . join ( " \n " )
+ ofs . puts
+ end
+ relation = get_opt ( ' @RELATION ' )
+ if relation
+ ofs . puts " @RELATION #{ relation } "
+ else
+ ofs . puts " @RELATION data_gen_by_FSelector "
+ end
+ ofs . puts
+ each_feature do | f |
+ ofs . print " @ATTRIBUTE #{ f } "
+ type = get_opt ( f )
+ if type
+ if type == ' NOMINAL '
+ ofs . puts " { #{ get_feature_values ( f ) . uniq . sort . join ( ' , ' ) } } "
+ else
+ ofs . puts type
+ end
+ else ofs . puts " STRING "
+ end
+ end
+ ofs . puts " @ATTRIBUTE class { #{ get_classes . join ( ' , ' ) } } "
+ ofs . puts
+ ofs . puts " @DATA "
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ if format == :sparse ofs . print " { "
+ get_features . each_with_index do | f , i |
+ if s . has_key? f
+ ofs . print " #{ i } #{ s [ f ] } , " if not s [ f ] . zero?
+ else ofs . print " #{ i } ?, "
+ end
+ end
+ ofs . print " #{ get_features . size } #{ k } "
+ ofs . puts " } "
+ else
+ each_feature do | f |
+ if s . has_key? f
+ ofs . print " #{ s [ f ] } , "
+ else ofs . print " ?, "
+ end
+ end
+ ofs . puts " #{ k } "
+ end
+ end
+ ofs . close if not ofs == $stdout
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/Normalizer.html b/doc/Normalizer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d117bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Normalizer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ Module: Normalizer
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Module: Normalizer
+ Included in:
+ FSelector::BaseContinuous
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/algo_continuous/normalizer.rb
normalize continuous feature
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) normalize_log! (base = 10)
log transformation, requires positive feature values
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/normalizer.rb', line 6
+def normalize_log! ( base = 10 )
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ s . keys . each do | f |
+ s [ f ] = Math . log ( s [ f ] , base ) if s [ f ] > 0.0
+ end
+ end
+ - (Object ) normalize_min_max! (min = 0.0, max = 1.0)
scale to [min,max], max > min
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/normalizer.rb', line 16
+def normalize_min_max! ( min = 0.0 , max = 1.0 )
+ f2min_max = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ fvs = get_feature_values ( f )
+ f2min_max [ f ] = [ fvs . min , fvs . max ]
+ end
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ s . keys . each do | f |
+ min_v , max_v = f2min_max [ f ]
+ s [ f ] = min + ( s [ f ] - min_v ) * ( max - min ) / ( max_v - min_v )
+ end
+ end
+ - (Object ) normalize_zscore!
+ # File 'lib/fselector/algo_continuous/normalizer.rb', line 36
+def normalize_zscore!
+ f2mean_sd = { }
+ each_feature do | f |
+ fvs = get_feature_values ( f )
+ f2mean_sd [ f ] = fvs . mean , fvs . sd
+ end
+ each_sample do | k , s |
+ s . keys . each do | f |
+ mean , sd = f2mean_sd [ f ]
+ if sd . zero?
+ s [ f ] = 0.0
+ else
+ s [ f ] = ( s [ f ] - mean ) / sd
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e902d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Rubystats.html
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ Module: Rubystats
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Module: Rubystats
+ Included in:
+ FSelector::BiNormalSeparation , FSelector::FishersExactTest
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/util.rb
adapted from the Ruby statistics libraries --
+for Fisher's exact test (Rubystats::FishersExactTest.calculate())
+used by algo_binary/FishersExactText.rb
+for inverse cumulative normal distribution function (Rubystats::NormalDistribution.get_icdf())
+used by algo_binary/BiNormalSeparation.rb. note the original get_icdf() function is a private
+one, so we have to open it up and that's why the codes here.
Defined Under Namespace
+ Classes: FishersExactTest , NormalDistribution
Constant Summary
+ 1.2e290
+ 2.5066282746310005024157652848110452530069867406099
+ SQRT2 =
+ 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769
+ TWO_PI =
+ 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/Rubystats/FishersExactTest.html b/doc/Rubystats/FishersExactTest.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89d293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Rubystats/FishersExactTest.html
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ Class: Rubystats::FishersExactTest
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: Rubystats::FishersExactTest
+ Inherits:
+ Object
+ Object
+ Rubystats::FishersExactTest
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/util.rb
Fisher's exact test calculator
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Constructor Details
+ - (FishersExactTest ) initialize
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 147
+def initialize
+ @sn11 = 0.0
+ @sn1_ = 0.0
+ @sn_1 = 0.0
+ @sn = 0.0
+ @sprob = 0.0
+ @sleft = 0.0
+ @sright = 0.0
+ @sless = 0.0
+ @slarg = 0.0
+ @left = 0.0
+ @right = 0.0
+ @twotail = 0.0
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) calculate (n11_, n12_, n21_, n22_)
Fisher's exact test
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 166
+def calculate ( n11_ , n12_ , n21_ , n22_ )
+ n11_ *= - 1 if n11_ < 0
+ n12_ *= - 1 if n12_ < 0
+ n21_ *= - 1 if n21_ < 0
+ n22_ *= - 1 if n22_ < 0
+ n1_ = n11_ + n12_
+ n_1 = n11_ + n21_
+ n = n11_ + n12_ + n21_ + n22_
+ prob = exact ( n11_ , n1_ , n_1 , n )
+ left = @sless
+ right = @slarg
+ twotail = @sleft + @sright
+ twotail = 1 if twotail > 1
+ values_hash = { :left => left , :right => right , :twotail => twotail }
+ return values_hash
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc0d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Rubystats/NormalDistribution.html
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ Class: Rubystats::NormalDistribution
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: Rubystats::NormalDistribution
+ Inherits:
+ Object
+ Object
+ Rubystats::NormalDistribution
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/util.rb
Normal distribution
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
+ - (Object) get_cdf (x)
+ Obtain single CDF value
+Returns the probability that a stochastic variable x is less than X,
+ - (Object) get_icdf (p)
+ Obtain single inverse CDF value.
+ - (Object) get_pdf (x)
+ Obtain single PDF value
+Returns the probability that a stochastic variable x has the value X,
+ - (NormalDistribution) initialize (mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0)
+ constructor
+ Constructs a normal distribution (defaults to zero mean and
+unity variance).
Constructor Details
+ - (NormalDistribution ) initialize (mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0)
Constructs a normal distribution (defaults to zero mean and
+unity variance)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 321
+def initialize ( mu = 0.0 , sigma = 1.0 )
+ @mean = mu
+ if sigma <= 0.0
+ return " error "
+ end
+ @stdev = sigma
+ @variance = sigma ** 2
+ @pdf_denominator = SQRT2PI * Math . sqrt ( @variance )
+ @cdf_denominator = SQRT2 * Math . sqrt ( @variance )
Instance Method Details
+ - (Object ) get_cdf (x)
Obtain single CDF value
+Returns the probability that a stochastic variable x is less than X,
+i.e. P(x<X)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 344
+def get_cdf ( x )
+ complementary_error ( - ( x - @mean ) / @cdf_denominator ) / 2
+ - (Object ) get_icdf (p)
Obtain single inverse CDF value.
+returns the value X for which P(x<X).
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 351
+def get_icdf ( p )
+ check_range ( p )
+ if p == 0.0
+ return - MAX_VALUE
+ end
+ if p == 1.0
+ return MAX_VALUE
+ end
+ if p == 0.5
+ return @mean
+ end
+ mean_save = @mean
+ var_save = @variance
+ pdf_D_save = @pdf_denominator
+ cdf_D_save = @cdf_denominator
+ @mean = 0.0
+ @variance = 1.0
+ @pdf_denominator = Math . sqrt ( TWO_PI )
+ @cdf_denominator = SQRT2
+ x = find_root ( p , 0.0 , - 100.0 , 100.0 )
+ @mean = mean_save
+ @variance = var_save
+ @pdf_denominator = pdf_D_save
+ @cdf_denominator = cdf_D_save
+ return x * Math . sqrt ( @variance ) + @mean
+ - (Object ) get_pdf (x)
Obtain single PDF value
+Returns the probability that a stochastic variable x has the value X,
+i.e. P(x=X)
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 336
+def get_pdf ( x )
+ Math . exp ( - ( ( x - @mean ) ** 2 ) / ( 2 * @variance ) ) / @pdf_denominator
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/String.html b/doc/String.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac45887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/String.html
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ Class: String
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Class: String
+ Inherits:
+ Object
+ show all
+ Defined in:
+ lib/fselector/util.rb
add functions to String class
+ Instance Method Summary
+ (collapse )
Instance Method Details
+ - (Boolean ) blank?
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 91
+def blank?
+ return self =~ / ^\s*$ /
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 85
+def ( char = ' # ' )
+ return self =~ / ^ #{ char } /
+ - (Array <String > ) split_me (delim_regex, quote_char = "'")
Enhanced String.split with escape char, which means
+string included in a pair of escape char is considered as a whole
+even if it matches the split regular expression. this is especially
+useful to parse CSV file that contains comma in a doube-quoted string
+e.g. 'a,"b, c",d'.split_me(/,/, '"') => [a, 'b, c', d]
+ # File 'lib/fselector/util.rb', line 107
+def split_me ( delim_regex , quote_char = " ' " )
+ d , q = delim_regex , quote_char
+ if not self . count ( q ) % 2 == 0
+ $stderr . puts " unpaired char of #{ q } found, return nil "
+ return nil
+ end
+ self . split ( / #{ d . source } (?=(?:[^ #{ q } ]* #{ q } [^ #{ q } ]* #{ q } )* [^ #{ q } ]*$) /x )
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f355d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/_index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+ Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
Alphabetic Index
File Listing
Namespace Listing A-Z
+ T
+ TScore
+ (FSelector)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9fe84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/class_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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+++ b/doc/css/common.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* Override this file with custom rules */
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diff --git a/doc/css/style.css b/doc/css/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ff2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/css/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
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+ background: #e3e4e3; border: 1px solid #d5d5d5; padding: 7px 10px;
+ display: block;
+.note.todo { background: #ffffc5; border-color: #ececaa; }
+.note.returns_void { background: #efefef; }
+.note.deprecated { background: #ffe5e5; border-color: #e9dada; }
+.note.private { background: #ffffc5; border-color: #ececaa; }
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+.note.title.private { background: #d5d5d5; border-color: #c5c5c5; }
+.discussion .note { margin-top: 6px; }
+.discussion .note:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
+h3.inherited {
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+dl.constants .discussion *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
+.method_details { border-top: 1px dotted #aaa; margin-top: 15px; padding-top: 0; }
+.method_details.first { border: 0; }
+p.signature {
+ font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: normal; font-family: Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace;
+ padding: 6px 10px; margin-top: 18px;
+ background: #e5e8ff; border: 1px solid #d8d8e5; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+p.signature tt { font-family: Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace; }
+p.signature .overload { display: block; }
+p.signature .extras { font-weight: normal; font-family: sans-serif; color: #444; font-size: 1em; }
+p.signature .aliases { display: block; font-weight: normal; font-size: 0.9em; font-family: sans-serif; margin-top: 0px; color: #555; }
+p.signature .aliases .names { font-family: Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace; font-weight: bold; color: #000; font-size: 1.2em; }
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+.tags ul .note { padding: 3px 6px; }
+.tags { margin-bottom: 12px; }
+.tags .examples h3 { margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.tags .examples h4 { padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-left: 15px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.9em; }
+.tags .overload .overload_item { list-style: none; margin-bottom: 25px; }
+.tags .overload .overload_item .signature {
+ padding: 2px 8px;
+ background: #e5e8ff; border: 1px solid #d8d8e5; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+.tags .overload .signature { margin-left: -15px; font-family: monospace; display: block; font-size: 1.1em; }
+.tags .overload .docstring { margin-top: 15px; }
+.defines { display: none; }
+#method_missing_details .notice.this { position: relative; top: -8px; color: #888; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
+.showSource { font-size: 0.9em; }
+.showSource a:link, .showSource a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #666; }
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+#content a:hover { background: #ffffa5; }
+div.docstring, p.docstring { margin-right: 6em; }
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+ list-style: none;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.5em;
+ul.summary a:link, ul.summary a:visited {
+ text-decoration: none; font-size: 1.1em;
+ul.summary li { margin-bottom: 5px; }
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+ background: #eaeaff; border: 1px solid #dfdfe5;
+ -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
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+#content .summary_signature:hover a:visited {
+ background: transparent;
+ color: #48f;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a9fc4
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+++ b/doc/file.LICENSE.html
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Tiejun Cheng
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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new file mode 100644
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+ File: README
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ FSelector: a Ruby package for feature selection and ranking
Git : https://github.com/need47/fselector
+Author : Tiejun Cheng
+Email : need47@gmail.com
+Copyright : 2011-2012
+License : MIT License
+Latest Version : 0.1.0
+Release Date : March 1st 2012
FSelector is an open-access Ruby package that aims to integrate as many
+feature selection/ranking algorithms as possible. It enables the
+user to perform feature selection by either a single algorithm or by an
+ensemble of algorithms. Below is a summary of FSelector's features.
Feature List
1. available algorithms
algorithm alias feature type
+Accuracy Acc discrete
+AccuracyBalanced Acc2 discrete
+BiNormalSeparation BNS discrete
+ChiSquaredTest CHI discrete
+CorrelationCoefficient CC discrete
+DocumentFrequency DF discrete
+F1Measure F1 discrete
+FishersExactTest FET discrete
+GiniIndex GI discrete
+GMean GM discrete
+GSSCoefficient GSS discrete
+InformationGain IG discrete
+MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient MCC, PHI discrete
+McNemarsTest MNT discrete
+OddsRatio OR discrete
+OddsRatioNumerator ORN discrete
+PhiCoefficient Phi discrete
+Power Power discrete
+Precision Precision discrete
+ProbabilityRatio PR discrete
+Random Random discrete
+Recall Recall discrete
+Relief_d Relief_d discrete
+ReliefF_d ReliefF_d discrete
+Sensitivity SN, Recall discrete
+Specificity SP discrete
+PMetric PM continuous
+Relief_c Relief_c continuous
+ReliefF_c ReliefF_c continuous
+TScore TS continuous
2. feature selection approaches
+by a single algorithm
+by multiple algorithms in a tandem manner
+by multiple algorithms in a consensus manner
3. availabe normalization and discretization algorithms for continuous feature
algorithm note
+log normalization by logarithmic transformation
+min_max normalization by scaling into [min, max]
+zscore normalization by converting into zscore
+equal_width discretization by equal width among intervals
+equal_frequency discretization by equal frequency among intervals
+ChiMerge discretization by ChiMerge method
4. supported input/output file types
+weka ARFF
+random (for test purpose)
To install FSelector, use the following command:
$ gem install fselector
1. feature selection by a single algorithm
require ' fselector '
+r1 = FSelector :: InformationGain . new
+r1 . data_from_random ( 100 , 2 , 10 , 3 , true )
+puts " # features (before): " + r1 . get_features . size . to_s
+r1 . select_data_by_score! ( ' >0.01 ' )
+puts " # features (after): " + r1 . get_features . size . to_s
+r2 = FSelector :: ChiSquaredTest . new ( :yates , r1 . get_data )
+puts " # features (before): " + r2 . get_features . size . to_s
+r2 . select_data_by_rank! ( ' <=3 ' )
+puts " # features (after): " + r2 . get_features . size . to_s
+r2 . data_to_weka ( :stdout , :sparse )
2. feature selection by an ensemble of algorithms
require ' fselector '
+r1 = FSelector :: InformationGain . new
+r2 = FSelector :: ChiSquaredTest . new
+re = FSelector :: Ensemble . new ( r1 , r2 )
+re . data_from_random ( 100 , 2 , 10 , 3 , true )
+puts ' # features before feature selection: ' + re . get_features . size . to_s
+re . ensemble_by_rank ( re . method ( :by_min ) )
+re . select_data_by_rank! ( ' <=3 ' )
+puts ' # features before feature selection: ' + re . get_features . size . to_s
3. normalization and discretization before feature selection
In addition to the algorithms designed for continous feature, one
+ can apply those deisgned for discrete feature after (optionally
+ normalization and) discretization
require ' fselector '
+r1 = FSelector :: BaseContinuous . new
+r1 . data_from_csv ( File . expand_path ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) + ' /iris.csv ' )
+r1 . discretize_chimerge! ( 4.60 )
+r2 = FSelector :: ReliefF_d . new ( r1 . get_sample_size , 10 , r1 . get_data )
+r2 . print_feature_ranks
FSelector © 2011-2012 by Tiejun Cheng .
+FSelector is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE for
+more information.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79de7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/file.VERSION.html
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/doc/frames.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e86b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ File: README
+ — Documentation by YARD 0.7.5
+ FSelector: a Ruby package for feature selection and ranking
Git : https://github.com/need47/fselector
+Author : Tiejun Cheng
+Email : need47@gmail.com
+Copyright : 2011-2012
+License : MIT License
+Latest Version : 0.1.0
+Release Date : March 1st 2012
FSelector is an open-access Ruby package that aims to integrate as many
+feature selection/ranking algorithms as possible. It enables the
+user to perform feature selection by either a single algorithm or by an
+ensemble of algorithms. Below is a summary of FSelector's features.
Feature List
1. available algorithms
algorithm alias feature type
+Accuracy Acc discrete
+AccuracyBalanced Acc2 discrete
+BiNormalSeparation BNS discrete
+ChiSquaredTest CHI discrete
+CorrelationCoefficient CC discrete
+DocumentFrequency DF discrete
+F1Measure F1 discrete
+FishersExactTest FET discrete
+GiniIndex GI discrete
+GMean GM discrete
+GSSCoefficient GSS discrete
+InformationGain IG discrete
+MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient MCC, PHI discrete
+McNemarsTest MNT discrete
+OddsRatio OR discrete
+OddsRatioNumerator ORN discrete
+PhiCoefficient Phi discrete
+Power Power discrete
+Precision Precision discrete
+ProbabilityRatio PR discrete
+Random Random discrete
+Recall Recall discrete
+Relief_d Relief_d discrete
+ReliefF_d ReliefF_d discrete
+Sensitivity SN, Recall discrete
+Specificity SP discrete
+PMetric PM continuous
+Relief_c Relief_c continuous
+ReliefF_c ReliefF_c continuous
+TScore TS continuous
2. feature selection approaches
+by a single algorithm
+by multiple algorithms in a tandem manner
+by multiple algorithms in a consensus manner
3. availabe normalization and discretization algorithms for continuous feature
algorithm note
+log normalization by logarithmic transformation
+min_max normalization by scaling into [min, max]
+zscore normalization by converting into zscore
+equal_width discretization by equal width among intervals
+equal_frequency discretization by equal frequency among intervals
+ChiMerge discretization by ChiMerge method
4. supported input/output file types
+weka ARFF
+random (for test purpose)
To install FSelector, use the following command:
$ gem install fselector
1. feature selection by a single algorithm
require ' fselector '
+r1 = FSelector :: InformationGain . new
+r1 . data_from_random ( 100 , 2 , 10 , 3 , true )
+puts " # features (before): " + r1 . get_features . size . to_s
+r1 . select_data_by_score! ( ' >0.01 ' )
+puts " # features (after): " + r1 . get_features . size . to_s
+r2 = FSelector :: ChiSquaredTest . new ( :yates , r1 . get_data )
+puts " # features (before): " + r2 . get_features . size . to_s
+r2 . select_data_by_rank! ( ' <=3 ' )
+puts " # features (after): " + r2 . get_features . size . to_s
+r2 . data_to_weka ( :stdout , :sparse )
2. feature selection by an ensemble of algorithms
require ' fselector '
+r1 = FSelector :: InformationGain . new
+r2 = FSelector :: ChiSquaredTest . new
+re = FSelector :: Ensemble . new ( r1 , r2 )
+re . data_from_random ( 100 , 2 , 10 , 3 , true )
+puts ' # features before feature selection: ' + re . get_features . size . to_s
+re . ensemble_by_rank ( re . method ( :by_min ) )
+re . select_data_by_rank! ( ' <=3 ' )
+puts ' # features before feature selection: ' + re . get_features . size . to_s
3. normalization and discretization before feature selection
In addition to the algorithms designed for continous feature, one
+ can apply those deisgned for discrete feature after (optionally
+ normalization and) discretization
require ' fselector '
+r1 = FSelector :: BaseContinuous . new
+r1 . data_from_csv ( File . expand_path ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) + ' /iris.csv ' )
+r1 . discretize_chimerge! ( 4.60 )
+r2 = FSelector :: ReliefF_d . new ( r1 . get_sample_size , 10 , r1 . get_data )
+r2 . print_feature_ranks
FSelector © 2011-2012 by Tiejun Cheng .
+FSelector is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE for
+more information.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ before("[View source ] ");
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+ default: break;
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+var inSearch = null;
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+RegExp.escape = function(text) {
+ return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
+function fullListSearch() {
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+ searchCache = [];
+ $('#full_list li').each(function() {
+ var link = $(this).find('.object_link a');
+ var fullName = link.attr('title').split(' ')[0];
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+ });
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+ || event.keyCode == commandKey)
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+ $.map(searchString.split(''), function(e) { return RegExp.escape(e); }).
+ join('.+?');
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+ highlight();
+ }
+ else {
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+ $('#full_list, #content').addClass('insearch');
+ $('#noresults').text('');
+ searchItem();
+ }
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+ $('#full_list').after("
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+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.5.2
+ * http://jquery.com/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011, John Resig
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * Includes Sizzle.js
+ * http://sizzlejs.com/
+ * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *
+ * Date: Thu Mar 31 15:28:23 2011 -0400
+ */
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