diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.css b/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.css
index 1ba344e09500d..4a39dfa93eb45 100644
--- a/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.css
+++ b/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.css
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ div#application-timeline, div#job-timeline {
height: 80px;
-#task-assignment-timeline>div.control-panel {
- float: left;
#task-assignment-timeline>.timeline-header:after {
content: "";
clear: both;
@@ -61,18 +57,61 @@ div#application-timeline, div#job-timeline {
height: 19px;
+rect.scheduler-delay-proportion {
+ fill: #F6D76B;
+rect.deserialization-time-proportion {
+ fill: #FFBDD8;
+rect.shuffle-read-time-proportion {
+ fill: #8AC7DE;
+rect.executor-runtime-proportion {
+ fill: #D9EB52;
+rect.shuffle-write-time-proportion {
+ fill: #87796F;
+rect.serialization-time-proportion {
+ fill: #93DFB8;
+rect.getting-result-time-proportion {
+ fill: #FF9036;
.vis.timeline .item.task.succeeded {
background-color: #D5DDF6;
+.legend-area rect.succeeded-task-legend {
+ fill: #D5DDF6;
+ stroke: #97B0F8;
.vis.timeline .item.task.failed {
background-color: #FF5475;
+.legend-area rect.failed-task-legend {
+ fill: #FF5475;
+ stroke: #97B0F8;
.vis.timeline .item.task.running {
background-color: #FDFFCA;
+.legend-area rect.running-task-legend {
+ fill: #FDFFCA;
+ stroke: #97B0F8;
#application-timeline div.legend-area {
margin-top: 5px;
@@ -215,11 +254,20 @@ tr.corresponding-item-hover>td, tr.corresponding-item-hover>th {
display: none;
+#task-assignment-timeline.collapsed {
+ display: none;
.control-panel {
margin-bottom: 5px;
-span.expand-application-timeline, span.expand-job-timeline {
+#task-assignment-timeline .control-panel {
+ float: left;
+span.expand-application-timeline, span.expand-job-timeline,
+span.expand-task-assignment-timeline {
cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.js b/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.js
index 93de3bc6b7adb..3083111b88938 100644
--- a/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.js
+++ b/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/spark/ui/static/timeline-view.js
@@ -168,6 +168,41 @@ function drawTaskAssignmentTimeline(groupArray, eventObjArray, minLaunchTime, zo
taskTimeline.setWindow(minLaunchTime, curEnd);
setupZoomable('#task-assignment-timeline-zoom-lock', taskTimeline);
+ function setupTaskEventAction() {
+ $(".item.range.task.task-assignment-timeline-object").each(function() {
+ var getTaskIdx = function(baseElem) {
+ var taskIdxText = $($(baseElem).find(".task-assignment-timeline-content")[0]).text();
+ var taskIdx = taskIdxText.match("Task (\\d+)\\(")[1];
+ return taskIdx;
+ };
+ $(this).hover(
+ function() {
+ var id = getTaskIdx(this);
+ $($(this).find("div.task-assignment-timeline-content")[0]).tooltip("show");
+ },
+ function() {
+ var id = getTaskIdx(this);
+ $($(this).find("div.task-assignment-timeline-content")[0])
+ .tooltip("hide");
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ setupTaskEventAction();
+ taskTimeline.on("rangechanged", function(properties) {
+ setupTaskEventAction();
+ });
+ $("span.expand-task-assignment-timeline").click(function() {
+ $("#task-assignment-timeline").toggleClass('collapsed');
+ // Switch the class of the arrow from open to closed.
+ $(this).find('.expand-task-assignment-timeline-arrow').toggleClass('arrow-open');
+ $(this).find('.expand-task-assignment-timeline-arrow').toggleClass('arrow-closed');
+ });
function setupExecutorEventAction() {
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/jobs/StagePage.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/jobs/StagePage.scala
index 27edd5eec3d27..b41196b9238af 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/jobs/StagePage.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/jobs/StagePage.scala
@@ -35,6 +35,42 @@ import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{AccumulableInfo, TaskInfo}
private[ui] class StagePage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("stage") {
private val listener = parent.listener
+ private val TIMELINE_LEGEND = {
+ }
def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
listener.synchronized {
val parameterId = request.getParameter("id")
@@ -434,207 +470,199 @@ private[ui] class StagePage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("stage") {
val maybeAccumulableTable: Seq[Node] =
if (accumulables.size > 0) { Accumulators
++ accumulableTable } else Seq()
- val executorsSet = new HashSet[(String, String)]
- var minLaunchTime = Long.MaxValue
- var maxFinishTime = Long.MinValue
- var numEffectiveTasks = 0
- val executorsArrayStr = stageData.taskData.flatMap {
- case (_, taskUIData) =>
- val taskInfo = taskUIData.taskInfo
- val executorId = taskInfo.executorId
- val host = taskInfo.host
- executorsSet += ((executorId, host))
- val taskId = taskInfo.taskId
- val taskIdWithIndexAndAttempt = s"Task ${taskId}(${taskInfo.id})"
- val isSucceeded = taskInfo.successful
- val isFailed = taskInfo.failed
- val isRunning = taskInfo.running
- val classNameByStatus = {
- if (isSucceeded) {
- "succeeded"
- } else if (isFailed) {
- "failed"
- } else if (isRunning) {
- "running"
- }
- }
- if (isSucceeded || isRunning || isFailed) {
- val launchTime = taskInfo.launchTime
- val finishTime = if (!isRunning) taskInfo.finishTime else currentTime
- val totalExecutionTime = finishTime - launchTime
- minLaunchTime = launchTime.min(minLaunchTime)
- maxFinishTime = launchTime.max(maxFinishTime)
- numEffectiveTasks += 1
- val metricsOpt = taskUIData.taskMetrics
- val shuffleReadTime =
- metricsOpt.flatMap(_.shuffleReadMetrics.map(_.fetchWaitTime)).getOrElse(0L).toDouble
- val shuffleReadTimeProportion =
- (shuffleReadTime / totalExecutionTime * 100).toLong
- val shuffleWriteTime =
- metricsOpt.flatMap(_.shuffleWriteMetrics.map(_.shuffleWriteTime)).getOrElse(0L) / 1e6
- val shuffleWriteTimeProportion =
- (shuffleWriteTime / totalExecutionTime * 100).toLong
- val executorRuntimeProportion =
- ((metricsOpt.map(_.executorRunTime).getOrElse(0L) -
- shuffleReadTime - shuffleWriteTime) / totalExecutionTime * 100).toLong
- val serializationTimeProportion =
- (metricsOpt.map(_.resultSerializationTime).getOrElse(0L).toDouble /
- totalExecutionTime * 100).toLong
- val deserializationTimeProportion =
- (metricsOpt.map(_.executorDeserializeTime).getOrElse(0L).toDouble /
- totalExecutionTime * 100).toLong
- val gettingResultTimeProportion =
- (getGettingResultTime(taskUIData.taskInfo).toDouble / totalExecutionTime * 100).toLong
- val schedulerDelayProportion =
- 100 - executorRuntimeProportion - shuffleReadTimeProportion -
- shuffleWriteTimeProportion - serializationTimeProportion -
- deserializationTimeProportion - gettingResultTimeProportion
- val schedulerDelayProportionPos = 0
- val deserializationTimeProportionPos =
- schedulerDelayProportionPos + schedulerDelayProportion
- val shuffleReadTimeProportionPos =
- deserializationTimeProportionPos + deserializationTimeProportion
- val executorRuntimeProportionPos =
- shuffleReadTimeProportionPos + shuffleReadTimeProportion
- val shuffleWriteTimeProportionPos =
- executorRuntimeProportionPos + executorRuntimeProportion
- val serializationTimeProportionPos =
- shuffleWriteTimeProportionPos + shuffleWriteTimeProportion
- val gettingResultTimeProportionPos =
- serializationTimeProportionPos + serializationTimeProportion
- val timelineObject =
- s"""
- |{
- | 'className': 'task task-assignment-timeline-object ${classNameByStatus}',
- | 'group': '${executorId}',
- | 'content': '' +
- | '${taskIdWithIndexAndAttempt}
' +
- | '',
- | 'start': new Date(${launchTime}),
- | 'end': new Date(${finishTime}),
- | 'title': '${taskIdWithIndexAndAttempt}\\nStatus: ${taskInfo.status}\\n' +
- | 'Launch Time: ${UIUtils.formatDate(new Date(launchTime))}' +
- | '${
- if (!isRunning) {
- s"""\\nFinish Time: ${UIUtils.formatDate(new Date(finishTime))}"""
- } else {
- ""
- }
- }'
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- Option(timelineObject)
- } else {
- None
- }
- }.mkString("[", ",", "]")
- val groupArrayStr = executorsSet.map {
- case (executorId, host) =>
- s"""
- |{
- | 'id': '${executorId}',
- | 'content': '${executorId} / ${host}',
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- }.mkString("[", ",", "]")
- var maxWindowInSec = ((maxFinishTime - minLaunchTime) / 1000.0).round
- if (maxWindowInSec <= 0) maxWindowInSec = 1
- val tasksPerSecond = numEffectiveTasks / maxWindowInSec
- var maxZoom = {
- if (tasksPerSecond > 100) {
- 1000L / (tasksPerSecond / 100)
- }
- else {
- 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000
- }
- }
- if (maxZoom < 0) maxZoom = 1
val content =
summary ++
showAdditionalMetrics ++
+ makeTimeline(stageData.taskData.values.toSeq, currentTime) ++
Summary Metrics for {numCompleted} Completed Tasks
{summaryTable.getOrElse("No tasks have reported metrics yet.")}
Aggregated Metrics by Executor
++ executorTable.toNodeSeq ++
maybeAccumulableTable ++
- Tasks
++ taskTable ++
- Task Assignment Timeline
+ Tasks
++ taskTable
UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Details for Stage %d".format(stageId), content, parent)
- private val taskAssignmentTimelineControlPanel: Seq[Node] = {
- }
+ def makeTimeline(tasks: Seq[TaskUIData], currentTime: Long): Seq[Node] = {
+ val executorsSet = new HashSet[(String, String)]
+ var minLaunchTime = Long.MaxValue
+ var maxFinishTime = Long.MinValue
+ var numEffectiveTasks = 0
+ val executorsArrayStr = tasks.filter { taskUIData =>
+ val taskInfo = taskUIData.taskInfo
+ taskInfo.successful || taskInfo.running || taskInfo.failed
+ }.map { taskUIData =>
+ val taskInfo = taskUIData.taskInfo
+ val executorId = taskInfo.executorId
+ val host = taskInfo.host
+ executorsSet += ((executorId, host))
+ val taskId = taskInfo.taskId
+ val taskIdWithIndexAndAttempt = s"Task ${taskId}(${taskInfo.id})"
+ val isSucceeded = taskInfo.successful
+ val isFailed = taskInfo.failed
+ val isRunning = taskInfo.running
+ val classNameByStatus = {
+ if (isSucceeded) {
+ "succeeded"
+ } else if (isFailed) {
+ "failed"
+ } else if (isRunning) {
+ "running"
+ }
+ }
- private val taskAssignmentTimelineLegend: Seq[Node] = {
+ if (maxZoom < 0) maxZoom = 1
+ Event Timeline
+ ++
def taskRow(