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How to build a Business Plan

saphal-upreti edited this page Jul 20, 2024 · 8 revisions

Problem Statement - what is the problem we are trying to solve?

Value Proposition - how are we planning on solving it?

A lot of native languages are at the risk of being extinct. Since 1795, 61% of the native language across the world have already been lost and many of Nepal’s indigenous languages have also been identified as at risk. Our aim is to preserve our heritage by providing hands-on knowledge about the languages of Nepal to the new generation. We plan to start an online learning platform that will provide courses related to different indigenous languages. We will create custom dictionaries for different languages by working with linguists to be able to translate literature and articles.

Customers - who are we solving the problem for?

Customer personas - who are our users?


Competitors - who are our competitors?

SWOT analysis image

Business Model Canvas - what is our business plan?
