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File metadata and controls

288 lines (232 loc) · 8.95 KB

This is an overview of how we added a feature:

To add an option for Cilium to use the ENI IPAM mode.

Adding a field to the API

We want to make this an option, so we need to add a field to CiliumNetworkingSpec:

	// Ipam specifies the IP address allocation mode to use.
	// Possible values are "crd" and "eni".
	// "eni" will use AWS native networking for pods. Eni requires masquerade to be set to false.
	// "crd" will use CRDs for controlling IP address management.
	// Empty value will use host-scope address management.
	Ipam string `json:"ipam,omitempty"`

A few things to note here:

  • We could probably use a boolean for today's needs, but we want to leave some flexibility, so we use a string.

  • We define a value crd for Cilium's current default mode, so we leave the default "" value as meaning "default mode, whatever it may be in future".

So, we just need to check if Ipam is eni when determining which mode to configure.

We will need to update both the versioned and unversioned APIs and regenerate the generated code, per the documentation on updating the API.


We should add some validation that the value entered is valid. We only accept eni, crd or the empty string right now.

Validation is done in validation.go, and is fairly simple - we just add an error to a slice if something is not valid:

	if v.Ipam != "" {
		// "azure" not supported by kOps
		allErrs = append(allErrs, IsValidValue(fldPath.Child("ipam"), &v.Ipam, []string{"crd", "eni"})...)

		if v.Ipam == kops.CiliumIpamEni {
			if c.CloudProvider != string(kops.CloudProviderAWS) {
				allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Forbidden(fldPath.Child("ipam"), "Cilum ENI IPAM is supported only in AWS"))
			if !v.DisableMasquerade {
				allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Forbidden(fldPath.Child("disableMasquerade"), "Masquerade must be disabled when ENI IPAM is used"))

Configuring Cilium

Cilium is deployed as a "bootstrap addon", a set of resource template files under upup/models/cloudup/resources/addons/, one file per range of Kubernetes versions. These files are referenced by upup/pkg/fi/cloudup/bootstrapchannelbuilder.go

First we add to the cilium-config ConfigMap:

  {{ '{{ with .Ipam }}' }}
  ipam: {{ '{{ . }}' }}
  {{ '{{ if eq . "eni" }}' }}
  enable-endpoint-routes: "true"
  auto-create-cilium-node-resource: "true"
  blacklist-conflicting-routes: "false"
  {{ '{{ end }}' }}
  {{ '{{ end }}' }}

Then we conditionally move cilium-operator to masters:

      {{ '{{ if eq .Ipam "eni" }}' }}
      nodeSelector: ""
      - effect: NoSchedule
      - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
        tolerationSeconds: 300
      - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
        tolerationSeconds: 300
      {{ '{{ end }}' }}

After changing manifest files remember to run bash hack/ in order to get updated manifestHash values.

Configuring kubelet

When Cilium is in ENI mode kubelet needs to be configured with the local IP address, so that it can distinguish it from the secondary IP address used by ENI. Kubelet is configured by nodeup, in nodeup/pkg/model/kubelet.go. That code passes the local IP address to kubelet when the UsesSecondaryIP() receiver of the NodeupModelContext returns true.

So we modify UsesSecondaryIP() to also return true when Cilium is in ENI mode:

return (c.Cluster.Spec.Networking.CNI != nil && c.Cluster.Spec.Networking.CNI.UsesSecondaryIP) || c.Cluster.Spec.Networking.AmazonVPC != nil || c.Cluster.Spec.Networking.LyftVPC != nil ||
    (c.Cluster.Spec.Networking.Cilium != nil && c.Cluster.Spec.Networking.Cilium.Ipam == kops.CiliumIpamEni)

Configuring IAM

When Cilium is in ENI mode, cilium-operator on the master nodes needs additional IAM permissions. The masters' IAM permissions are built by BuildAWSPolicyMaster() in pkg/model/iam/iam_builder.go:

	if b.Cluster.Spec.Networking != nil && b.Cluster.Spec.Networking.Cilium != nil && b.Cluster.Spec.Networking.Cilium.Ipam == kops.CiliumIpamEni {
		addCiliumEniPermissions(p, resource, b.Cluster.Spec.IAM.Legacy)
func addCiliumEniPermissions(p *Policy, resource stringorslice.StringOrSlice) {
	p.Statement = append(p.Statement,
			Effect: StatementEffectAllow,
			Action: stringorslice.Slice([]string{
			Resource: resource,


Prior to testing this for real, it can be handy to write a few unit tests.

We should test that validation works as we expect (in validation_test.go):

func Test_Validate_Cilium(t *testing.T) {
	grid := []struct {
		Cilium         kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec
		Spec           kops.ClusterSpec
		ExpectedErrors []string
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{},
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{
				Ipam: "crd",
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{
				DisableMasquerade: true,
				Ipam:              "eni",
			Spec: kops.ClusterSpec{
				CloudProvider: "aws",
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{
				DisableMasquerade: true,
				Ipam:              "eni",
			Spec: kops.ClusterSpec{
				CloudProvider: "aws",
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{
				Ipam: "foo",
			ExpectedErrors: []string{"Unsupported value::cilium.ipam"},
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{
				Ipam: "eni",
			Spec: kops.ClusterSpec{
				CloudProvider: "aws",
			ExpectedErrors: []string{"Forbidden::cilium.disableMasquerade"},
			Cilium: kops.CiliumNetworkingSpec{
				DisableMasquerade: true,
				Ipam:              "eni",
			Spec: kops.ClusterSpec{
				CloudProvider: "gce",
			ExpectedErrors: []string{"Forbidden::cilium.ipam"},
	for _, g := range grid {
		g.Spec.Networking = &kops.NetworkingSpec{
			Cilium: &g.Cilium,
		errs := validateNetworkingCilium(&g.Spec, g.Spec.Networking.Cilium, field.NewPath("cilium"))
		testErrors(t, g.Spec, errs, g.ExpectedErrors)


If your feature touches important configuration options in config or cluster.spec, document them in


You can make and run kops locally. But nodeup is pulled from an S3 bucket.

To rapidly test a nodeup change, you can build it, scp it to a running machine, and run it over SSH with the output viewable locally:

make push-aws-run-amd64 TARGET=admin@<publicip>

For more complete testing though, you will likely want to do a private build of nodeup and launch a cluster from scratch.

To do this, you can repoint the nodeup source url by setting the KOPS_BASE_URL env var, and then push nodeup using:

export S3_BUCKET_NAME=<yourbucketname>
make kops-install dev-upload UPLOAD_DEST=s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}

KOPS_VERSION=`bazelisk run //cmd/kops version -- --short`
kops create cluster <clustername> --zones us-east-1b

If you have changed the dns or kOps controllers, you would want to test them as well. To do so, run the respective snippets below before creating the cluster.

For dns-controller:

KOPS_VERSION=`bazelisk run //cmd/kops version -- --short`
make dns-controller-push

For kops-controller:

KOPS_VERSION=`bazelisk run //cmd/kops version -- --short`
make kops-controller-push

Using the feature

Users would simply kops edit cluster, and add a value like:

        disableMasquerade: true
        ipam: eni

Then kops update cluster --yes would create the new NodeUpConfig, which is included in the instance startup script and thus requires a new LaunchConfiguration, and thus a kops-rolling update. We're working on changing settings without requiring a reboot, but likely for this particular setting it isn't the sort of thing you need to change very often.

Other steps

  • We could also create a CLI flag on create cluster. This doesn't seem worth it in this case; this is a relatively advanced option.