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Rui Azevedo edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 24 revisions

##Menu definition macros

This macros define read-only static menu structure (PROGMEM on system that support it).

OP - define a prompt with associated action function

OP(text,action,event mask)

result goFun() {Serial.println("done!");return proceed;}


Creates an 'anonymous' option as a parent's menu element. This option is associated with an action function to be called according to elements mask.

Prompt's are the menu basic structure, all other elements will share its poroperties. That is all can have a title, an action function and an event mask.

The action function will be called on every event occurrence.

The action function can send back some 'result' information to be interpreted by the caller. The meaning of this result depends on the caller and it might ignore it.

It is annonymous because no variable representing this particular option will be created on your code. Therefor it can only be accessible by indexing the menu that holds it, like menu[0] for indexing into the first option.

MENU - define a menu

MENU( id, title, action, events mask, styles, Option, Option, [Option,...])

a menu object 'id' is statically created and can be refered in your sketch by its 'id'.

    ,OP("Op A", actionA,enterEvent)
    ,OP("Op B",actionB,enterEvent)
    ,OP("Op C",actionC,enterEvent)

disabling an option.

myMenu[2].disable();//example of disabling a menu option

FIELD - numeric field for editing and range validate a numeric variable (int, float, double, unsigned int, etc...)

FIELD(, title, units, min., max., step size,fine step size, action, events mask, styles)

int pwm=0;

SELECT - define varible value by selecting from an enumerated list of possible values. Click to start, select, click to end.

SELECT(, id, title, action, events meask, styles, value, value [, value ...])

This creates a static menu like structure associated with a variable, enumeratin all possible variable values. Changing the selection will change the variable value and also reflects variable changes done elsewhere.

int mode=0;


TOGGLE - set a variable value by toggling from an enumerated list of possible values. Change value every click.

TOGGLE(, id, title, action, event mask, styles, value, value [,value ...])

int dir=LOW;
TOGGLE(dir,dirPinMenu,"Dir: ",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle

//hooking the toggle to a menu

Creates a menu-like structure enumerating all possible values of the associated var.

CHOOSE - define varible value by chosing from an enumerated list of possible values. Enumerated list of values shown as a submenu.

CHOOSE(, id, title, action, evant mask, styles, value, value [,valu ...])

int chooseTest=-1;//some variable used by your code (not necessarly an int)

MENU(mainMenu,"Main menu",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle

Creates a static menu like structure enumerating all possible values of the associated varible.

SUBMENU - include a menu as submenu or a SELECT|TOGGLE|CHOOSE field.

  ,OP("Op A", actionA,enterEvent)
  ,OP("Op B",actionB,enterEvent)
  ,OP("Op C",actionC,enterEvent)

MENU(mainMenu,"Main menu",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle

include a menu or menu like structure as element of the current menu.

EXIT - quick define special option to leave current menu.


Create an option that exits the curremt menu as default action.


Elements can have this static styles.

noStyle accepts system defaults to this elements

wrapStyle element values list have a circular arrangement.


this is used to for the filter mask and also send as a parameter to the event handler function.

noEvent no event (use if you do not want an handler function)

activateEvent the item is about to be active (system event)

enterEvent entering navigation level (this menu is now active)

exitEvent leaving navigation level

returnEvent entering previous level (return)

focusEvent element just gained focus

blurEvent element about to lose focus

selFocusEvent child just gained focus

selBlurEvent child about to lose focus

anyEvent all events

events can be combined like:

enterEvent | exitEvent

when forming a mask of allowed event, as when defining menu elements.

They should not be combined when sending navigation commands to dispatch.

user commands

These commands are for semi-automated mode. User code can call the navigation root with them.



see navigation commands for a list of available commands.

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