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Nev Delap edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 44 revisions

ned Usage and Recipes

Default Options

Put default options into NED_DEFAULTS. This example causes ned to, by default, recurse, ignore non-ASCII/UTF-8 files, and always show colors.

# In bash.
export NED_DEFAULTS='-Ru --colors=always'
# In fish.
set -gx NED_DEFAULTS '-Ru --colors=always'


Using colors with less.

Use the -R option on less to page through colored output.

> ned --colors=always 'something' | less -R

Using multiple neds in a pipe line.

Use --no-line-numbers, (-L), and make sure --colors is not set or is set to never, (for all but the last ned at least, depending on what you're trying to achieve). This example is from a script that needed to get the width of the eDP1 monitor, in fish.

> set -x NED_DEFAULTS '-L'
> xrandr | ned eDP1 | ned -o ' ([0-9])+x' | ned -o '[0-9]'
> # or...
> xrandr | ned eDP1 | ned --stdout '.* ([0-9]+)x.*' --replace '$1'

Replacing/Bulk Editing

Tip: Stage or commit any existing changes before doing bulk edits so that you can reset and retry until you get the result you are looking for.

Replacing in a pipe line.

To replace in stdin and send it to stdout use the --stdout option. This example is from a script that finds and extracts the id of a Wacom tablet's stylus to use in subsequent xsetwacom commands, since the ids can change with each reboot.

> xsetwacom --list devices | ned -ws -i --stdout --colors=never '.*stylus[^\n]*?id: ([0-9]+).*' --replace '$1'

Bulk case changes, including where they might span multiple lines.

The --whole-files option means matches are not line oriented - . matches newlines and the .*? can span lines, unlike sed, and we can do replacements, unlike grep.

The --case-replacements option turns on replacements that convert to UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title Case, or Sentence case, using \U, \L, \I, and \F, respectively. \E ends the case change. The option is off by default since most of the time is it not used. Unless you have a special need or you are setting NED_DEFAULTS in a script, it shouldn't generally be put in NED_DEFAULTS.

Use the --include, --exclude, and --exclude-dir options to ensure you are changing only the files that you intend to change. Especially that you don't accidentally nuke your .git directory. This example sets all h1's to Title Case in MadCap Flare topic and snippet files.

> ned --whole-files --recursive --case-replacements --include '*.htm' --include '*.flsnp' --exclude-dir '.git' '(<h1>)(.*?)(</h1>)' --replace '$1\I$2\E$3
> # or...
> ned -wR --case-replacements --include '*.htm' --include '*.flsnp' --exclude-dir '.git' '(<h1>)(.*?)(</h1>)' --replace '$1\I$2\E$3'

See the Usage in the Readme for a description of all the options and their abbreviations:

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