diff --git a/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg b/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec7c9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml b/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cef44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json b/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d80d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"Critical":{"HasFailures":true,"Total":17,"Passed":9,"Failed":8,"Errored":0},"NonCritical":{"HasFailures":false,"Total":0,"Passed":0,"Failed":0,"Errored":0},"ValidationPackage":{"Name":"arc_specification","Version":"2.0.0","Summary":"Validate whether an ARC conforms to Specification V2.0.0-draft","Description":"Validate whether an ARC conforms to Specification V2.0.0-draft. See the relevant spec at https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC-specification/blob/v2.0.0/ARC%20specification.md"}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/ARCExpect.fsproj b/src/ARCExpect/ARCExpect.fsproj
index 0094523..09f015a 100644
--- a/src/ARCExpect/ARCExpect.fsproj
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/ARCExpect.fsproj
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
- netstandard2.0
+ net8.0
@@ -18,13 +17,12 @@
@@ -36,5 +34,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/ARCValidationPackage.fs b/src/ARCExpect/ARCValidationPackage.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fddf4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/ARCValidationPackage.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+namespace ARCExpect
+open AVPRIndex
+open Expecto
+type ARCValidationPackage =
+ {
+ Metadata: ValidationPackageMetadata
+ CriticalValidationCases: Test
+ NonCriticalValidationCases: Test
+ CQCHookEndpoint: string option
+ } with
+ static member create (
+ metadata: ValidationPackageMetadata,
+ criticalValidationCases: Test,
+ nonCriticalValidationCases: Test,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint: string
+ ) =
+ {
+ Metadata = metadata
+ CriticalValidationCases = criticalValidationCases
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = nonCriticalValidationCases
+ CQCHookEndpoint = CQCHookEndpoint
+ }
+ static member create (
+ metadata: ValidationPackageMetadata,
+ criticalValidationCasesList: Test list,
+ nonCriticalValidationCasesList: Test list,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint: string
+ ) =
+ let criticalCases = testList "Critical" criticalValidationCasesList
+ let nonCriticalCases = testList "NonCritical" nonCriticalValidationCasesList
+ ARCValidationPackage.create(
+ metadata = metadata,
+ criticalValidationCases = criticalCases,
+ nonCriticalValidationCases = nonCriticalCases,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint = CQCHookEndpoint
+ )
+ static member create (
+ metadata: ValidationPackageMetadata,
+ ?CriticalValidationCasesList: Test list,
+ ?NonCriticalValidationCasesList: Test list,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint: string
+ ) =
+ ARCValidationPackage.create(
+ metadata = metadata,
+ criticalValidationCasesList = defaultArg CriticalValidationCasesList [],
+ nonCriticalValidationCasesList = defaultArg NonCriticalValidationCasesList [],
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint = CQCHookEndpoint
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/BadgeCreation.fs b/src/ARCExpect/BadgeCreation.fs
index ee71fca..eedad9d 100644
--- a/src/ARCExpect/BadgeCreation.fs
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/BadgeCreation.fs
@@ -36,3 +36,50 @@ type BadgeCreation =
value = testResults.passed.Length,
ValueSuffix = $"/{max}"
+ static member ofValidationSummary(
+ labelText: string,
+ ?ValueSuffix: string,
+ ?Thresholds: Map,
+ ?DefaultColor: Color
+ ) =
+ fun (validationSummary: ValidationSummary) ->
+ let total = validationSummary.Critical.Total + validationSummary.NonCritical.Total
+ let totalPassed = validationSummary.Critical.Passed + validationSummary.NonCritical.Passed
+ let criticalFailedOrErrored = validationSummary.Critical.Failed + validationSummary.Critical.Errored
+ if validationSummary.Critical.HasFailures then
+ Badge(
+ label = labelText,
+ defaultColor = Color.RED,
+ value = criticalFailedOrErrored,
+ ValueSuffix = $" Critical Errors"
+ )
+ else
+ let thresholds =
+ Thresholds
+ |> Option.defaultValue (Map([
+ 0, Color.RED
+ total/2, Color.ORANGE_2
+ total, Color.GREEN
+ ]))
+ let valueSuffix =
+ ValueSuffix
+ |> Option.defaultValue $"/{total}"
+ Badge(
+ label = labelText,
+ defaultColor = (DefaultColor |> Option.defaultValue (Color.fromString Defaults.DEFAULT_COLOR) ),
+ Thresholds = thresholds,
+ value = totalPassed,
+ ValueSuffix = valueSuffix
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/Configs/ARCConfig.fs b/src/ARCExpect/Configs/ARCConfig.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f54d9..0000000
--- a/src/ARCExpect/Configs/ARCConfig.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCExpect.Configs
-open ARCExpect
-open System.IO
-type ARCConfig(pathConfig : PathConfig) =
- new(arcRootPath : string) =
- let pathConfig = new PathConfig(arcRootPath)
- ARCConfig(pathConfig)
- member val PathConfig = pathConfig with get, set
- // Investigation (might be worth to separate into mutiple configs)
- member this.InvestigationWorkbook = ()
- member this.InvestigationWorksheet = ()
- member this.InvestigationPathCvP = ()
- member this.InvestigationTokens = ()
- member this.InvestigationContainers = ()
- member this.InvestigationContainer = ()
- member this.InvestigationStudies = ()
- member this.InvestigationContactsContainer = ()
- // Study (might be worth to separate into mutiple configs)
- member this.StudyPathsAndIds = ()
- member this.StudyFolders = ()
- member this.StudyFilesAndIds = ()
- member this.StudyAnnotationTables = ()
- member this.StudyRawOrDerivedDataPaths = ()
- // Assay (might be worth to separate into mutiple configs)
- member this.AssayFolders = ()
- member this.AssayFilesAndIds = ()
- member this.AssayAnnotationTables = ()
- member this.AssayRawOrDerivedDataPaths = ()
- // Composite
- //member this.DataPaths = Seq.append this.StudyRawOrDerivedDataPaths this.AssayRawOrDerivedDataPaths
- member this.DataPaths = ()
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/Configs/PathConfig.fs b/src/ARCExpect/Configs/PathConfig.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e3a081..0000000
--- a/src/ARCExpect/Configs/PathConfig.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/// Paths to folders and files that must/should exist in an ARC.
-namespace ARCExpect.Configs
-open System.IO
-type PathConfig(arcRootPath: string) =
- // settable root path. All other properties are explicit properties meaning that they get evaluated everytime they are accessed -> they are always changed accordingly to the root path.
- // Useful for setting correct root path via CLI args or defaulting to another value.
- member val ARCRootPath = arcRootPath with get, set
- //
- member this.StudiesPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, "studies")
- member this.AssaysPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, "assays")
- member this.RunsPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, "runs")
- member this.WorkflowsPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, "workflows")
- member this.InvestigationPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, "isa.investigation.xlsx")
- //
- member this.DotARCFolderPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, ".arc")
- //
- member this.GitFolderPath = Path.Combine(this.ARCRootPath, ".git")
- member this.ConfigPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "config")
- member this.DescriptionPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "description")
- member this.HeadPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "HEAD")
- //
- member this.ObjectsPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "objects")
- member this.ObjectsInfoPath = Path.Combine(this.ObjectsPath, "info")
- member this.ObjectsPackPath = Path.Combine(this.ObjectsPath, "pack")
- //
- member this.InfoPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "info")
- member this.ExcludePath = Path.Combine(this.InfoPath, "exclude")
- //
- member this.RefsPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "refs")
- member this.RefsHeadsPath = Path.Combine(this.RefsPath, "heads")
- member this.RefsTagsPath = Path.Combine(this.RefsPath, "tags")
- //
- member this.HooksPath = Path.Combine(this.GitFolderPath, "hooks")
- member this.ApplyPatchPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "applypatch-msg.sample")
- member this.CommitSamplePath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "commit-msg.sample")
- member this.FsmonitorPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "fsmonitor-watchman.sample")
- member this.PostUpdatePath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "post-update.sample")
- member this.PreApplyPatchPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "pre-applypatch.sample")
- member this.PreCommitPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "pre-commit.sample")
- member this.PreMergeCommitPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "pre-merge-commit.sample")
- member this.PrePushPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "pre-push.sample")
- member this.PreRebasePath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "pre-rebase.sample")
- member this.PreReceivePath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "pre-receive.sample")
- member this.PrepareCommitPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "prepare-commit-msg.sample")
- member this.PushToCheckoutPath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "push-to-checkout.sample")
- member this.UpdatePath = Path.Combine(this.HooksPath, "update.sample")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/InternalUtils.fs b/src/ARCExpect/InternalUtils.fs
index 52bffce..872fb22 100644
--- a/src/ARCExpect/InternalUtils.fs
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/InternalUtils.fs
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
open System
open Graphoscope
+open System.Text.Json
+open System.Text.Json.Serialization
//// this is needed to allow ValidatorTests project to access internal modules
@@ -20,6 +22,13 @@ module InternalUtils =
open OBO.NET
open ControlledVocabulary
+ /// internal json options for better F# type support in serialization (mainly for Options)
+ module JsonOptions =
+ let options =
+ JsonFSharpOptions.Default()
+ .WithSkippableOptionFields() // if option is none, do not include a property, but include it if option is some.
+ .ToJsonSerializerOptions()
module String =
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/SpecificationValidation/SpecificationSelection.fs b/src/ARCExpect/SpecificationValidation/SpecificationSelection.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1797a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/SpecificationValidation/SpecificationSelection.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+namespace ARCExpect.SpecificationValidation
+module SpecificationSelection =
+ open ARCExpect
+ let [] latest = "2.0.0-draft"
+ let internal specMap =
+ [
+ "2.0.0-draft" , SpecificationValidation.V2_0_0_Draft.validationCases
+ ] |> Map.ofSeq
+ let tryGetValidationCasesForSpecificationVersion (specVersion: string) (path: string) =
+ let specVersion = if specVersion = "latest" then latest else specVersion
+ match specMap.TryFind specVersion with
+ | Some generator -> specVersion, generator path
+ | None -> failwithf "No validation cases found for specification version '%s'" specVersion
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/ARCSpecification.fs b/src/ARCExpect/SpecificationValidation/V2_0_0_Draft.fs
similarity index 98%
rename from src/ARCExpect/ARCSpecification.fs
rename to src/ARCExpect/SpecificationValidation/V2_0_0_Draft.fs
index 6178e57..85d2d32 100644
--- a/src/ARCExpect/ARCSpecification.fs
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/SpecificationValidation/V2_0_0_Draft.fs
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-namespace ARCExpect.ARCSpecification
+namespace ARCExpect.SpecificationValidation
open ControlledVocabulary
open ARCTokenization
open ARCExpect
open Expecto
+open AVPRIndex
-module V2_Draft =
+module V2_0_0_Draft =
module MustHaveTerms =
let investigationTerms =
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ module V2_Draft =
/// The code uses the ARCExpect module and various functions from the Validate module to perform these checks.
let cases =
- testList "cases" [
+ [
//Check for investigation
ARCExpect.validationCase (TestID.Name "Arc contains investigation file") {
@@ -550,4 +551,14 @@ module V2_Draft =
- cases
\ No newline at end of file
+ ARCValidationPackage.create(
+ metadata = ValidationPackageMetadata.create(
+ name = "arc_specification",
+ summary = "Validate whether an ARC conforms to Specification V2.0.0-draft",
+ description = "Validate whether an ARC conforms to Specification V2.0.0-draft. See the relevant spec at https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC-specification/blob/v2.0.0/ARC%20specification.md",
+ majorVersion = 2,
+ minorVersion = 0,
+ patchVersion = 0
+ ),
+ CriticalValidationCasesList = cases
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/Critical/ARCFileSystem.fs b/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/Critical/ARCFileSystem.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 997ff8b..0000000
--- a/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/Critical/ARCFileSystem.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCExpect.TestGeneration.Critical.ARC
-open ARCExpect
-open ControlledVocabulary
-open ARCTokenization
-open CvParamExtensions
-open ARCExpect.Configs
-open ARCTokenization
-open ARCTokenization.StructuralOntology
-module FileSystem =
- open Expecto
- open FSharpAux
- let generateARCFileSystemTests (rootPath: string) =
- let relativeDirectoryPaths = FileSystem.parseRelativeDirectoryPaths rootPath
- let relativeFilePaths = FileSystem.parseRelativeFilePaths rootPath
- //let pathConfig = arcConfig.PathConfig
- // we need a structuralontology here as well (e.g. terms for 'Investigation File', 'Study File')
- testList "FileSystem" [
- testList "Investigation" [
- validationCase (TestID.Name "Investigation File") {
- relativeFilePaths |> Validate.ParamCollection.ContainsParamWithValue "isa.investigation.xlsx"
- }
- ]
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/Critical/ARCISA.fs b/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/Critical/ARCISA.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca9c28..0000000
--- a/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/Critical/ARCISA.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCExpect.TestGeneration.Critical.ARC
-open ARCExpect
-open ControlledVocabulary
-open ARCTokenization
-open CvParamExtensions
-open ARCExpect.Configs
-open ARCTokenization
-open ARCTokenization.StructuralOntology
-module ISA =
- open Expecto
- open FSharpAux
- let generateISATests (tokens: IParam list) =
- let cvParams = tokens |> List.choose Param.tryCvParam
- //let pathConfig = arcConfig.PathConfig
- testList INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.key.Name [
- testList INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.INVESTIGATION.key.Name [
- validationCase (TestID.Name INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.INVESTIGATION.``Investigation Title``.Name) {
- cvParams
- |> Validate.ParamCollection.ContainsParamWithTerm INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.INVESTIGATION.``Investigation Title``
- }
- validationCase (TestID.Name INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.INVESTIGATION.``Investigation Description``.Name) {
- cvParams
- |> Validate.ParamCollection.ContainsParamWithTerm INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.INVESTIGATION.``Investigation Description``
- }
- ]
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/NonCritical/ARCISA.fs b/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/NonCritical/ARCISA.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index fecc753..0000000
--- a/src/ARCExpect/TestGeneration/NonCritical/ARCISA.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-namespace ARCExpect.TestGeneration.NonCritical.ARC
-open ARCExpect
-open ControlledVocabulary
-open ARCTokenization
-open CvParamExtensions
-open ARCExpect.Configs
-open ARCTokenization
-open ARCTokenization.StructuralOntology
-module ISA =
- open Expecto
- open FSharpAux
- //open System.IO
- let generateISATests (tokens: IParam list) =
- let cvParams = tokens |> List.choose Param.tryCvParam
- //let pathConfig = arcConfig.PathConfig
- testList INVMSO.``Investigation Metadata``.key.Name [
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/TopLevelAPI.fs b/src/ARCExpect/TopLevelAPI.fs
index d9ad339..bc69335 100644
--- a/src/ARCExpect/TopLevelAPI.fs
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/TopLevelAPI.fs
@@ -3,17 +3,100 @@
open AnyBadge.NET
open Expecto
open System.IO
+open AVPRIndex
-type Execute =
+type Setup =
- static member Validation (validationCases: Test) = performTest validationCases
+ static member Metadata(
+ frontmatter: string
+ ) =
+ ValidationPackageMetadata.extractFromString frontmatter
+ static member ValidationPackage(
+ metadata: ValidationPackageMetadata,
+ ?CriticalValidationCases: Test list,
+ ?NonCriticalValidationCases: Test list,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint: string
+ ) =
+ ARCValidationPackage.create(
+ metadata = metadata,
+ ?CriticalValidationCasesList = CriticalValidationCases,
+ ?NonCriticalValidationCasesList = NonCriticalValidationCases,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint = CQCHookEndpoint
+ )
+ static member ValidationPackage(
+ name: string,
+ summary: string,
+ description: string,
+ majorVersion: int,
+ minorVersion: int,
+ patchVersion: int,
+ ?Publish: bool,
+ ?Authors: Author array,
+ ?Tags: OntologyAnnotation array,
+ ?ReleaseNotes: string,
+ ?CriticalValidationCases: Test list,
+ ?NonCriticalValidationCases: Test list,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint: string
+ ) =
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ValidationPackageMetadata.create(
+ name = name,
+ summary = summary,
+ description = description,
+ majorVersion = majorVersion,
+ minorVersion = minorVersion,
+ patchVersion = patchVersion,
+ ?Publish = Publish,
+ ?Authors = Authors,
+ ?Tags = Tags,
+ ?ReleaseNotes = ReleaseNotes
+ ),
+ ?CriticalValidationCases = CriticalValidationCases,
+ ?NonCriticalValidationCases = NonCriticalValidationCases,
+ ?CQCHookEndpoint = CQCHookEndpoint
+ )
- static member JUnitSummaryCreation(
+type Execute =
+// ------------------ New API with ARCValidationPackage, metadata support and custom summaries ------------------
+ static member Validation (arcValidationPackage: ARCValidationPackage) =
+ let criticalResults = performTest arcValidationPackage.CriticalValidationCases
+ let nonCriticalResults = performTest arcValidationPackage.NonCriticalValidationCases
+ ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = criticalResults,
+ nonCriticalSummary = nonCriticalResults,
+ package = ValidationPackageSummary.create(
+ arcValidationPackage.Metadata,
+ ?HookEndpoint = arcValidationPackage.CQCHookEndpoint
+ )
+ )
+ static member SummaryCreation(
+ path: string
+ ) =
+ fun (validationSummary: ValidationSummary) ->
+ ValidationSummary.writeJson path validationSummary
+ static member JUnitReportCreation(
path: string,
?Verbose: bool
) =
let verbose = defaultArg Verbose false
- fun (validationResults: Impl.TestRunSummary) -> writeJUnitSummary verbose path validationResults
+ fun (validationSummary: ValidationSummary) ->
+ match validationSummary.Critical.OriginalRunSummary, validationSummary.NonCritical.OriginalRunSummary with
+ | None, None ->
+ printfn "No validation results to summarize"
+ | Some criticalResults, None ->
+ writeJUnitSummary verbose path criticalResults
+ | None, Some nonCriticalResults ->
+ writeJUnitSummary verbose path nonCriticalResults
+ | Some criticalResults, Some nonCriticalResults ->
+ combineTestRunSummaries [criticalResults; nonCriticalResults]
+ |> writeJUnitSummary verbose path
static member BadgeCreation(
path: string,
@@ -22,9 +105,10 @@ type Execute =
?Thresholds: Map,
?DefaultColor: Color
) =
- fun (validationResults: Impl.TestRunSummary) ->
- validationResults
- |> BadgeCreation.ofTestResults(
+ fun (validationSummary: ValidationSummary) ->
+ validationSummary
+ |> BadgeCreation.ofValidationSummary(
?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix,
?Thresholds = Thresholds,
@@ -32,50 +116,114 @@ type Execute =
|> fun b -> b.WriteBadge(path)
- static member ValidationPipeline(
- jUnitPath: string,
- badgePath: string,
- labelText: string,
- ?ValueSuffix: string,
- ?Thresholds: Map,
- ?DefaultColor: Color
- ) =
- fun (validationCases: Test) ->
- let results =
- validationCases
- |> Execute.Validation
- results
- |> Execute.JUnitSummaryCreation(jUnitPath)
- results
- |> Execute.BadgeCreation(badgePath, labelText, ?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix, ?Thresholds = Thresholds, ?DefaultColor = DefaultColor)
static member ValidationPipeline(
basePath: string,
- packageName: string,
?BadgeLabelText: string,
?ValueSuffix: string,
?Thresholds: Map,
?DefaultColor: Color
) =
- fun (validationCases: Test) ->
+ fun (arcValidationPackage: ARCValidationPackage) ->
+ let labelText = defaultArg BadgeLabelText arcValidationPackage.Metadata.Name
+ let foldername = $"{arcValidationPackage.Metadata.Name}@{ValidationPackageMetadata.getSemanticVersionString arcValidationPackage.Metadata}"
- let resultFolder = Path.Combine(basePath, ".arc-validate-results", packageName)
+ let resultFolder = Path.Combine(basePath, ".arc-validate-results", foldername)
+ let summaryPath = Path.Combine(resultFolder, "validation_summary.json")
let badgePath = Path.Combine(resultFolder, "badge.svg")
let jUnitPath = Path.Combine(resultFolder, "validation_report.xml")
Directory.CreateDirectory(resultFolder) |> ignore
let results =
- validationCases
+ arcValidationPackage
|> Execute.Validation
+ results |> Execute.SummaryCreation(summaryPath)
+ results |> Execute.JUnitReportCreation(jUnitPath)
- |> Execute.JUnitSummaryCreation(jUnitPath)
+ |> Execute.BadgeCreation(
+ badgePath,
+ labelText,
+ ?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix,
+ ?Thresholds = Thresholds,
+ ?DefaultColor = DefaultColor
+ )
- let labelText = defaultArg BadgeLabelText packageName
+// ------------------ Legacy API without ARCValidationPackage, metadata, or custom Summaries ------------------
+ //static member Validation (validationCases: Test) = performTest validationCases
+ //static member JUnitSummaryCreation(
+ // path: string,
+ // ?Verbose: bool
+ //) =
+ // let verbose = defaultArg Verbose false
+ // fun (validationResults: Impl.TestRunSummary) -> writeJUnitSummary verbose path validationResults
+ //static member BadgeCreation(
+ // path: string,
+ // labelText: string,
+ // ?ValueSuffix: string,
+ // ?Thresholds: Map,
+ // ?DefaultColor: Color
+ //) =
+ // fun (validationResults: Impl.TestRunSummary) ->
+ // validationResults
+ // |> BadgeCreation.ofTestResults(
+ // labelText,
+ // ?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix,
+ // ?Thresholds = Thresholds,
+ // ?DefaultColor = DefaultColor
+ // )
+ // |> fun b -> b.WriteBadge(path)
+ //static member ValidationPipeline(
+ // jUnitPath: string,
+ // badgePath: string,
+ // labelText: string,
+ // ?ValueSuffix: string,
+ // ?Thresholds: Map,
+ // ?DefaultColor: Color
+ //) =
+ // fun (validationCases: Test) ->
+ // let results =
+ // validationCases
+ // |> Execute.Validation
+ // results
+ // |> Execute.JUnitSummaryCreation(jUnitPath)
+ // results
+ // |> Execute.BadgeCreation(badgePath, labelText, ?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix, ?Thresholds = Thresholds, ?DefaultColor = DefaultColor)
+ //static member ValidationPipeline(
+ // basePath: string,
+ // packageName: string,
+ // ?BadgeLabelText: string,
+ // ?ValueSuffix: string,
+ // ?Thresholds: Map,
+ // ?DefaultColor: Color
+ //) =
+ // fun (validationCases: Test) ->
+ // let resultFolder = Path.Combine(basePath, ".arc-validate-results", packageName)
+ // let badgePath = Path.Combine(resultFolder, "badge.svg")
+ // let jUnitPath = Path.Combine(resultFolder, "validation_report.xml")
+ // Directory.CreateDirectory(resultFolder) |> ignore
+ // let results =
+ // validationCases
+ // |> Execute.Validation
+ // results
+ // |> Execute.JUnitSummaryCreation(jUnitPath)
+ // let labelText = defaultArg BadgeLabelText packageName
+ // results
+ // |> Execute.BadgeCreation(badgePath, labelText, ?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix, ?Thresholds = Thresholds, ?DefaultColor = DefaultColor)
- results
- |> Execute.BadgeCreation(badgePath, labelText, ?ValueSuffix = ValueSuffix, ?Thresholds = Thresholds, ?DefaultColor = DefaultColor)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ARCExpect/ValidationSummary.fs b/src/ARCExpect/ValidationSummary.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6508581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ARCExpect/ValidationSummary.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+namespace ARCExpect
+open Expecto
+open System.Text.Json
+open System.Text.Json.Serialization
+open System.IO
+open AVPRIndex
+/// Represents a brief summary of the result of validating an ARC against a set of validation cases.
+type ValidationResult = {
+ HasFailures: bool
+ Total: int
+ Passed: int
+ Failed: int
+ Errored: int
+ []
+ OriginalRunSummary: Impl.TestRunSummary option
+} with
+ static member create(
+ hasFailures: bool,
+ total: int,
+ passed: int,
+ failed: int,
+ errored: int,
+ ?OriginalRunSummary: Impl.TestRunSummary
+ ) = {
+ HasFailures = hasFailures
+ Total = total
+ Passed = passed
+ Failed = failed
+ Errored = errored
+ OriginalRunSummary = OriginalRunSummary
+ }
+ static member create (total: int, passed: int, failed: int, errored: int, ?OriginalRunSummary: Impl.TestRunSummary) =
+ ValidationResult.create(
+ hasFailures = (failed > 0 || errored > 0),
+ total = total,
+ passed = passed,
+ failed = failed,
+ errored = errored,
+ ?OriginalRunSummary = OriginalRunSummary
+ )
+ static member ofExpectoTestRunSummary (summary: Impl.TestRunSummary) =
+ let totalTests = summary.errored @ summary.failed @ summary.ignored @ summary.passed
+ ValidationResult.create(
+ total = totalTests.Length,
+ passed = summary.passed.Length,
+ errored = summary.errored.Length,
+ failed = summary.failed.Length,
+ OriginalRunSummary = summary
+ )
+/// Represents a brief summary of a validation package. Should be expanded to include full package metadata in the future.
+type ValidationPackageSummary = {
+ Name: string
+ Version: string
+ Summary: string
+ Description: string
+ HookEndpoint: string option
+} with
+ static member create(
+ name: string,
+ version: string,
+ summary: string,
+ description: string,
+ ?HookEndpoint: string
+ ) = {
+ Name = name
+ Version = version
+ Summary = summary
+ Description = description
+ HookEndpoint = HookEndpoint
+ }
+ static member create (
+ metadata: ValidationPackageMetadata,
+ ?HookEndpoint: string
+ ) =
+ ValidationPackageSummary.create(
+ name = metadata.Name,
+ version = ValidationPackageMetadata.getSemanticVersionString metadata,
+ summary = metadata.Summary,
+ description = metadata.Description,
+ ?HookEndpoint = HookEndpoint
+ )
+/// Represents a summary of the validation results of an ARC against a validation package containing critical and non-critical validation cases.
+type ValidationSummary = {
+ Critical: ValidationResult
+ NonCritical: ValidationResult
+ ValidationPackage: ValidationPackageSummary
+} with
+ static member create(
+ critical: ValidationResult,
+ nonCritical: ValidationResult,
+ validationPackage: ValidationPackageSummary
+ ) = {
+ Critical = critical
+ NonCritical = nonCritical
+ ValidationPackage = validationPackage
+ }
+ static member ofExpectoTestRunSummaries (
+ criticalSummary: Impl.TestRunSummary,
+ nonCriticalSummary: Impl.TestRunSummary,
+ package: ValidationPackageSummary
+ ) =
+ ValidationSummary.create(
+ critical = ValidationResult.ofExpectoTestRunSummary criticalSummary,
+ nonCritical = ValidationResult.ofExpectoTestRunSummary nonCriticalSummary,
+ validationPackage = package
+ )
+ static member toJson (summary: ValidationSummary) =
+ JsonSerializer.Serialize(summary, JsonOptions.options)
+ static member fromJson (json: string) =
+ JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, JsonOptions.options)
+ static member writeJson (path: string) (summary: ValidationSummary) =
+ File.WriteAllText(path, ValidationSummary.toJson summary)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/arc-validate/APIs/ValidateAPI.fs b/src/arc-validate/APIs/ValidateAPI.fs
index e102d60..3acbc3d 100644
--- a/src/arc-validate/APIs/ValidateAPI.fs
+++ b/src/arc-validate/APIs/ValidateAPI.fs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
open ARCValidate
open ARCValidate.CLIArguments
open ARCExpect
-open ARCExpect.Configs
open ARCTokenization
open ARCValidationPackages
@@ -51,38 +50,30 @@ module ValidateAPI =
|> List.iter AnsiConsole.MarkupLine
+ let specVersion = defaultArg (args.TryGetResult(Specification_Version)) "latest"
let status = AnsiConsole.Status()
let mutable exitCode = ExitCode.Success
- status.Start($"Performing validation against the ARC specification V2_Draft", fun ctx ->
+ status.Start($"Performing validation against version '{specVersion}' of the ARC specification", fun ctx ->
+ let version_used, validationCases = SpecificationValidation.SpecificationSelection.tryGetValidationCasesForSpecificationVersion specVersion root
+ if specVersion = "latest" then printfn $"latest spec version supported is {version_used}"
if verbose then
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("LOG: Running in:")
- AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"LOG: running validation against [bold underline green]ARC specification V2_Draft[/].")
+ AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"LOG: running validation against [bold underline green] version '{specVersion}' of the ARC specification[/].")
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"LOG: Output path is:")
- let cases = ARCSpecification.V2_Draft.validationCases root
- let outDirBadge = System.IO.Path.Combine(root, "ARC_specification_V2_Draft.svg")
- let outDirResXml =System.IO.Path.Combine(root, "ARC_specification_V2_Draft.xml")
- let results = ARCExpect.Execute.Validation cases
- results
- |> Execute.JUnitSummaryCreation(outDirResXml)
- results
- |> Execute.BadgeCreation(outDirBadge, "ARC specification V2_Draft", "passing", DefaultColor=AnyBadge.NET.Color.GREEN)
+ validationCases
+ |> Execute.ValidationPipeline outPath
- if results.successful then
- exitCode <- ExitCode.Success
- else
- exitCode <- ExitCode.CriticalTestFailure
+ exitCode <- ExitCode.Success
| Some packageName -> // Validate against a specific package
diff --git a/src/arc-validate/CLIArgs/ValidateArgs.fs b/src/arc-validate/CLIArgs/ValidateArgs.fs
index 1cd08bf..230a4e9 100644
--- a/src/arc-validate/CLIArgs/ValidateArgs.fs
+++ b/src/arc-validate/CLIArgs/ValidateArgs.fs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ type ValidateArgs =
| [] Out_Directory of path:string
| [] Package of package_name:string
| [] Package_Version of package_version:string
+ | [] Specification_Version of specification_version: string
| [] Preview
interface IArgParserTemplate with
@@ -15,4 +16,5 @@ type ValidateArgs =
| ARC_Directory _ -> "Optional. Specify a directory that contains the arc to convert. Default: content of the ARC_PATH environment variable. If ARC_PATH is not set: current directory."
| Package _ -> "Optional. Specify a validation package to use on top of the default validation for invenio export. Default: no package is used, only structural validation for invenio export."
| Package_Version _ -> "Optional. Specify a version of the validation package to use. If no version is specified, the latest version will be used."
+ | Specification_Version _ -> "Optional. Only has an effect if no package is specified via '-p' Specify a version of the ARC specification to validate against. Default: 'latest'."
| Preview -> "Optional. Use the preview version of the package."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/arc-validate/Program.fs b/src/arc-validate/Program.fs
index 1360fbc..1a0fa2d 100644
--- a/src/arc-validate/Program.fs
+++ b/src/arc-validate/Program.fs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ open Expecto
open Argu
open System.IO
open ARCExpect
-open ARCExpect.Configs
open ARCValidate
open ARCValidate.CLICommands
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ARCExpect.Tests.fsproj b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ARCExpect.Tests.fsproj
index b5fd169..e659a08 100644
--- a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ARCExpect.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ARCExpect.Tests.fsproj
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
@@ -28,4 +32,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ExpectoExtensionsTests.fs b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ExpectoExtensionsTests.fs
index 1e9f3e4..5bf381f 100644
--- a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ExpectoExtensionsTests.fs
+++ b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ExpectoExtensionsTests.fs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module ExpectoExtensionsTests
open ARCExpect
-open ARCExpect.Configs
open Expecto
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/PathConfigTests.fs b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/PathConfigTests.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4572bdc..0000000
--- a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/PathConfigTests.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-module PathConfigTests
-open ARCExpect
-open ARCExpect.Configs
-open Expecto
-let pathFixture rootPath =
- fun f ->
- let pathConfig = PathConfig(rootPath)
- f pathConfig
-let normalizePath (path: string) = path.Replace("\\","/")
-let ``PathConfig tests`` =
- testList "PathConfig" [
- yield! testFixture (pathFixture "/arcs/test/path") [
- "PathConfig.ArcRootPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ARCRootPath ) "/arcs/test/path" "ArcRootPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.StudiesPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.StudiesPath ) "/arcs/test/path/studies" "StudiesPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.AssaysPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.AssaysPath ) "/arcs/test/path/assays" "AssaysPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.RunsPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.RunsPath ) "/arcs/test/path/runs" "RunsPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.WorkflowsPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.WorkflowsPath ) "/arcs/test/path/workflows" "WorkflowsPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.InvestigationPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.InvestigationPath ) "/arcs/test/path/isa.investigation.xlsx" "InvestigationPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.DotArcFolderPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.DotARCFolderPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.arc" "DotArcFolderPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.GitFolderPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.GitFolderPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git" "GitFolderPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.ConfigPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ConfigPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/config" "ConfigPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.DescriptionPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.DescriptionPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/description" "DescriptionPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.HeadPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.HeadPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/HEAD" "HeadPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.ObjectsPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ObjectsPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/objects" "ObjectsPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.ObjectsInfoPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ObjectsInfoPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/objects/info" "ObjectsInfoPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.ObjectsPackPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ObjectsPackPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/objects/pack" "ObjectsPackPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.InfoPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.InfoPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/info" "InfoPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.ExcludePath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ExcludePath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/info/exclude" "ExcludePath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.RefsPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.RefsPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/refs" "RefsPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.RefsHeadsPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.RefsHeadsPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/refs/heads" "RefsHeadsPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.RefsTagsPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.RefsTagsPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/refs/tags" "RefsTagsPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.HooksPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.HooksPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks" "HooksPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.ApplyPatchPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.ApplyPatchPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample" "ApplyPatchPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.CommitSamplePath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.CommitSamplePath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample" "CommitSamplePath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.FsmonitorPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.FsmonitorPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample" "FsmonitorPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PostUpdatePath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PostUpdatePath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/post-update.sample" "PostUpdatePath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PreApplyPatchPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PreApplyPatchPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample" "PreApplyPatchPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PreCommitPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PreCommitPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample" "PreCommitPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PreMergeCommitPath", (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PreMergeCommitPath) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample" "PreMergeCommitPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PrePushPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PrePushPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/pre-push.sample" "PrePushPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PreRebasePath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PreRebasePath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample" "PreRebasePath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PreReceivePath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PreReceivePath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample" "PreReceivePath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PrepareCommitPath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PrepareCommitPath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample" "PrepareCommitPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.PushToCheckoutPath", (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.PushToCheckoutPath) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample" "PushToCheckoutPath was incorrect")
- "PathConfig.UpdatePath" , (fun pathConfig -> fun () -> Expect.equal (normalizePath pathConfig.UpdatePath ) "/arcs/test/path/.git/hooks/update.sample" "UpdatePath was incorrect")
- ]
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ReferenceObjects.fs b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ReferenceObjects.fs
index 567a8a5..f876f88 100644
--- a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ReferenceObjects.fs
+++ b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ReferenceObjects.fs
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
module ReferenceObjects
open ControlledVocabulary
+open ARCExpect
+open AVPRIndex
+open Expecto
+module TestCase =
+ let dummyTestWillPass = testCase "dummyTest1" (fun _ -> Expect.isTrue true "is not true")
+ let dummyTestWillFail = testCase "dummyTest2" (fun _ -> Expect.isTrue false "is not true")
module CvTerms =
@@ -16,4 +25,220 @@ module CvParams =
let ``Investigation Person Email (valid)`` = CvParam(CvTerms.``Investigation Person Email``, ParamValue.Value "yes@yes.com")
- let ``Investigation Person Email (invalid)`` = CvParam(CvTerms.``Investigation Person Email``, ParamValue.Value "nope")
\ No newline at end of file
+ let ``Investigation Person Email (invalid)`` = CvParam(CvTerms.``Investigation Person Email``, ParamValue.Value "nope")
+module ValidationResult =
+ let allPassed = {
+ HasFailures = false
+ Total = 1
+ Passed = 1
+ Failed = 0
+ Errored = 0
+ OriginalRunSummary = None
+ }
+ let allFailed = {
+ HasFailures = true
+ Total = 1
+ Passed = 0
+ Failed = 1
+ Errored = 0
+ OriginalRunSummary = None
+ }
+module ValidationPackageSummary =
+ let noHook = {
+ Name = "test"
+ Version = "1.0.0"
+ Summary = "A package without CQC hook."
+ Description = "A package without CQC hook. More text here."
+ HookEndpoint = None
+ }
+ let withHook = {
+ Name = "test"
+ Version = "1.0.0"
+ Summary = "A package with CQC hook."
+ Description = "A package with CQC hook. More text here."
+ HookEndpoint = Some "http://test.com"
+ }
+module ValidationSummary =
+ let allPassedNoHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.noHook
+ }
+ let allPassedNoHookJson = """{"Critical":{"HasFailures":false,"Total":1,"Passed":1,"Failed":0,"Errored":0},"NonCritical":{"HasFailures":false,"Total":1,"Passed":1,"Failed":0,"Errored":0},"ValidationPackage":{"Name":"test","Version":"1.0.0","Summary":"A package without CQC hook.","Description":"A package without CQC hook. More text here."}}"""
+ let allPassedWithHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.withHook
+ }
+ let allPassedWithHookJson = """{"Critical":{"HasFailures":false,"Total":1,"Passed":1,"Failed":0,"Errored":0},"NonCritical":{"HasFailures":false,"Total":1,"Passed":1,"Failed":0,"Errored":0},"ValidationPackage":{"Name":"test","Version":"1.0.0","Summary":"A package with CQC hook.","Description":"A package with CQC hook. More text here.","HookEndpoint":"http://test.com"}}"""
+ let allFailedNoHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.noHook
+ }
+ let allFailedWithHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.withHook
+ }
+ let nonCriticalFailedNoHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.noHook
+ }
+ let nonCriticalFailedWithHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.withHook
+ }
+ let criticalFailedNoHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.noHook
+ }
+ let criticalFailedWithHook =
+ {
+ Critical = ValidationResult.allFailed
+ NonCritical = ValidationResult.allPassed
+ ValidationPackage = ValidationPackageSummary.withHook
+ }
+module Frontmatter =
+ let validNoHook = """(*
+Name: test
+MajorVersion: 1
+MinorVersion: 0
+PatchVersion: 0
+Summary: A package without CQC hook.
+Description: A package without CQC hook. More text here.
+*)""" .ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ let validWithHook = """(*
+Name: test
+MajorVersion: 1
+MinorVersion: 0
+PatchVersion: 0
+Summary: A package with CQC hook.
+Description: A package with CQC hook. More text here.
+*)""" .ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ let invalid = """
+Name: invalid
+MinorVersion: 0
+PatchVersion: 0
+Summary: My package does the thing.
+Description: |
+ My package does the thing.
+ It does it very good, it does it very well.
+ It does it very fast, it does it very swell.
+""" .ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+module ValidationPackageMetadata =
+ let validNoHook =
+ ValidationPackageMetadata(
+ Name = "test",
+ MajorVersion = 1,
+ MinorVersion = 0,
+ PatchVersion = 0,
+ Summary = "A package without CQC hook.",
+ Description = "A package without CQC hook. More text here."
+ )
+ let validWithHook =
+ ValidationPackageMetadata(
+ Name = "test",
+ MajorVersion = 1,
+ MinorVersion = 0,
+ PatchVersion = 0,
+ Summary = "A package with CQC hook.",
+ Description = "A package with CQC hook. More text here."
+ )
+module JUnitReport =
+ let allPassedWithHookXml = """""".ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+module Badge =
+ let allPassedWithHookBadgeSVG = """
+""" .ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ let allPassedWithHookBadgeSVGFromPipeline = """
+""" .ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/TestUtils.fs b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/TestUtils.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e6858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/TestUtils.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module TestUtils
+open Expecto
+open ARCExpect
+open AVPRIndex
+module Expect =
+ let validationResultEqualIgnoringOriginal (actual: ARCExpect.ValidationResult) (expected: ARCExpect.ValidationResult) =
+ let actual = { actual with OriginalRunSummary = None }
+ let expected = { expected with OriginalRunSummary = None }
+ Expect.isTrue (actual = expected) "validation results were not equal ignoring the original run summaries."
+ let validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal (actual: ARCExpect.ValidationSummary) (expected: ARCExpect.ValidationSummary) =
+ let actual = {
+ actual with
+ Critical.OriginalRunSummary = None
+ NonCritical.OriginalRunSummary = None
+ }
+ let expected = {
+ expected with
+ Critical.OriginalRunSummary = None
+ NonCritical.OriginalRunSummary = None
+ }
+ Expect.equal actual expected "validation summaries were not equal ignoring the original run summaries."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/TopLevelAPITests.fs b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/TopLevelAPITests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..539abf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/TopLevelAPITests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+module TopLevelAPITests
+open ARCExpect
+open AVPRIndex
+open Expecto
+open TestUtils
+open System.IO
+let ``Toplevel API Setup tests`` =
+ testSequenced (testList "Toplevel API tests" [
+ testList "Setup_Metadata" [
+ test "correct metadata is extracted from valid frontmatter string" {
+ let actual = Setup.Metadata(ReferenceObjects.Frontmatter.validNoHook)
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validNoHook "metadata was not equal"
+ }
+ test "incorrect frontmatter string throws" {
+ Expect.throws (fun () -> Setup.Metadata(ReferenceObjects.Frontmatter.invalid) |> ignore) "did not throw"
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Setup_ValidationPackage" [
+ test "validation package created from metadata and equivalent single values are equal" {
+ let fromMetadata =
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validNoHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillFail]
+ )
+ let fromValues =
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ name = "test",
+ majorVersion = 1,
+ minorVersion = 0,
+ patchVersion = 0,
+ summary = "A package without CQC hook.",
+ description = "A package without CQC hook. More text here.",
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillFail]
+ )
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.Name fromValues.Metadata.Name "metadata names were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.MajorVersion fromValues.Metadata.MajorVersion "metadata major versions were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.MinorVersion fromValues.Metadata.MinorVersion "metadata minor versions were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.PatchVersion fromValues.Metadata.PatchVersion "metadata patch versions were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.Summary fromValues.Metadata.Summary "metadata summaries were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.Description fromValues.Metadata.Description "metadata descriptions were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.Authors fromValues.Metadata.Authors "metadata authors were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.Publish fromValues.Metadata.Publish "metadata publish were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.Tags fromValues.Metadata.Tags "metadata tags were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.Metadata.ReleaseNotes fromValues.Metadata.ReleaseNotes "metadata release notes were not equal"
+ Expect.equal fromMetadata.CQCHookEndpoint fromValues.CQCHookEndpoint "hook endpoint was not equal"
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Execute_Validation" [
+ test "resulting summary is correct noHook" {
+ let actual =
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validNoHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass]
+ )
+ |> Execute.Validation
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedNoHook
+ }
+ test "resulting summary is correct with hook" {
+ let actual =
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validWithHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ CQCHookEndpoint = "http://test.com"
+ )
+ |> Execute.Validation
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHook
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Execute_SummaryCreation" [
+ test "Correct summary file is created" {
+ let path = Path.GetTempFileName() |> fun p -> Path.ChangeExtension(p, "json")
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validWithHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ CQCHookEndpoint = "http://test.com"
+ )
+ |> Execute.Validation
+ |> Execute.SummaryCreation path
+ let actual =
+ File.ReadAllText path
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHookJson "summary files were not equal"
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Execute_JUnitReportCreation" [
+ test "Correct report file is created" {
+ let path = Path.GetTempFileName() |> fun p -> Path.ChangeExtension(p, "xml")
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validWithHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ CQCHookEndpoint = "http://test.com"
+ )
+ |> Execute.Validation
+ |> Execute.JUnitReportCreation path
+ let actual = (File.ReadAllText path).ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.JUnitReport.allPassedWithHookXml "report files were not equal"
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Execute_BadgeCreation" [
+ test "Correct badge file is created" {
+ let path = Path.GetTempFileName() |> fun p -> Path.ChangeExtension(p, "svg")
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validWithHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ CQCHookEndpoint = "http://test.com"
+ )
+ |> Execute.Validation
+ |> Execute.BadgeCreation(path, labelText="allPassedWithHook")
+ let actual = (File.ReadAllText path).ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.Badge.allPassedWithHookBadgeSVG "badge files were not equal"
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Execute_ValidationPipeline" [
+ test "Correct output folder is created" {
+ let path = Path.GetTempPath()
+ Setup.ValidationPackage(
+ metadata = ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageMetadata.validWithHook,
+ CriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ NonCriticalValidationCases = [ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass],
+ CQCHookEndpoint = "http://test.com"
+ )
+ |> Execute.ValidationPipeline(
+ basePath = path
+ )
+ let expectedFolderName = Path.Combine(path, ".arc-validate-results/test@1.0.0")
+ let actualSummary = File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine(expectedFolderName, "validation_summary.json"))
+ let actualReport = (File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine(expectedFolderName, "validation_report.xml"))).ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ let actualBadge = (File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine(expectedFolderName, "badge.svg"))).ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ Expect.isTrue (Path.Exists(expectedFolderName)) "Output path did not exist (.arc-validate-results/@)"
+ Expect.equal actualSummary ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHookJson "summary files were not equal"
+ Expect.equal actualReport ReferenceObjects.JUnitReport.allPassedWithHookXml "report files were not equal"
+ Expect.equal actualBadge ReferenceObjects.Badge.allPassedWithHookBadgeSVGFromPipeline "badge files were not equal"
+ }
+ ]
+ ])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ValidationSummaryTests.fs b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ValidationSummaryTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c3f706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ARCExpect.Tests/ValidationSummaryTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+module ValidationSummaryTests
+open ARCExpect
+open Expecto
+open TestUtils
+open AVPRIndex
+let dummyTestPassed = ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillPass |> performTest
+let dummyTestFailed = ReferenceObjects.TestCase.dummyTestWillFail |> performTest
+let testPackageName = "test"
+let testPackageVersion = "1.0.0"
+let testSummaryNoHook = "A package without CQC hook."
+let testDescriptionNoHook = "A package without CQC hook. More text here."
+let testSummaryWithHook = "A package with CQC hook."
+let testDescriptionWithHook = "A package with CQC hook. More text here."
+let testHook = "http://test.com"
+let testPackageNoHook = ValidationPackageSummary.create(
+ name = testPackageName,
+ version = testPackageVersion,
+ summary = testSummaryNoHook,
+ description = testDescriptionNoHook
+let testPackageWithHook = ValidationPackageSummary.create(
+ name = testPackageName,
+ version = testPackageVersion,
+ summary = testSummaryWithHook,
+ description = testDescriptionWithHook,
+ HookEndpoint = testHook
+let ``ValidationResult tests`` =
+ testList "ValidationSummary tests" [
+ testList "ValidationResult" [
+ test "correct result is created from passed TestRunSummary" {
+ let actual = ValidationResult.ofExpectoTestRunSummary dummyTestPassed
+ Expect.validationResultEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationResult.allPassed
+ }
+ test "correct result is created from failed TestRunSummary" {
+ let actual = ValidationResult.ofExpectoTestRunSummary dummyTestFailed
+ Expect.validationResultEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationResult.allFailed
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "ValidationPackageSummary" [
+ test "package summary is created correctly without hook" {
+ let actual = ValidationPackageSummary.create(
+ name = testPackageName,
+ version = testPackageVersion,
+ summary = testSummaryNoHook,
+ description = testDescriptionNoHook
+ )
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageSummary.noHook "package summary was not equal"
+ }
+ test "package summary is created correctly with hook" {
+ let actual = ValidationPackageSummary.create(
+ name = testPackageName,
+ version = testPackageVersion,
+ summary = testSummaryWithHook,
+ description = testDescriptionWithHook,
+ HookEndpoint = testHook
+ )
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageSummary.withHook "package summary was not equal"
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "ValidationSummary" [
+ test "critial passed, noncritical passed, package with no hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ package = testPackageNoHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedNoHook
+ }
+ test "critial passed, noncritical passed, package with hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ package = testPackageWithHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHook
+ }
+ test "critial passed, noncritical failed, package with no hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ package = testPackageNoHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.nonCriticalFailedNoHook
+ }
+ test "critial passed, noncritical failed, package with hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ package = testPackageWithHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.nonCriticalFailedWithHook
+ }
+ test "critial failed, noncritical passed, package with no hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ package = testPackageNoHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.criticalFailedNoHook
+ }
+ test "critial failed, noncritical passed, package with hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestPassed,
+ package = testPackageWithHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.criticalFailedWithHook
+ }
+ test "critial failed, noncritical failed, package with no hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ package = testPackageNoHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allFailedNoHook
+ }
+ test "critial failed, noncritical failed, package with hook is created correctly from TestRunSummaries" {
+ let actual = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(
+ criticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ nonCriticalSummary = dummyTestFailed,
+ package = testPackageWithHook
+ )
+ Expect.validationSummaryEqualIgnoringOriginal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allFailedWithHook
+ }
+ ]
+ testList "Serialization" [
+ test "correctly serialized without hook" {
+ let actual =
+ ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedNoHook
+ |> ValidationSummary.toJson
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedNoHookJson "serialization was not equal"
+ }
+ test "roundtrip without hook" {
+ let actual =
+ ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedNoHook
+ |> ValidationSummary.toJson
+ |> ValidationSummary.fromJson
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedNoHook "roundtrip was not equal"
+ }
+ test "correctly serialized with hook" {
+ let actual =
+ ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHook
+ |> ValidationSummary.toJson
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHookJson "serialization was not equal"
+ }
+ test "roundtrip with hook" {
+ let actual =
+ ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHook
+ |> ValidationSummary.toJson
+ |> ValidationSummary.fromJson
+ Expect.equal actual ReferenceObjects.ValidationSummary.allPassedWithHook "roundtrip was not equal"
+ }
+ test "roundtrip looses original summary" {
+ let initial = ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(dummyTestPassed, dummyTestPassed, ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageSummary.noHook)
+ let actual =
+ ValidationSummary.ofExpectoTestRunSummaries(dummyTestPassed, dummyTestPassed, ReferenceObjects.ValidationPackageSummary.noHook)
+ |> ValidationSummary.toJson
+ |> ValidationSummary.fromJson
+ Expect.isSome initial.Critical.OriginalRunSummary "OriginalRunSummary was not some initially"
+ Expect.isNone actual.Critical.OriginalRunSummary "OriginalRunSummary was not none after json roundtrip"
+ Expect.isSome initial.NonCritical.OriginalRunSummary "OriginalRunSummary was not some initially"
+ Expect.isNone actual.NonCritical.OriginalRunSummary "OriginalRunSummary was not none after json roundtrip"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/CLITests/ValidateCommandTests.fs b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/CLITests/ValidateCommandTests.fs
index 8a145b6..bfbc9c1 100644
--- a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/CLITests/ValidateCommandTests.fs
+++ b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/CLITests/ValidateCommandTests.fs
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics
open Fake.Core
+open ARCExpect
open Common
open Common.TestUtils
open TestUtils
@@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ open JUnit
let ``ValidateCommand CLI Tests`` =
testSequenced (testList "arc-validate validate" [
- testSequenced (testList "preview" [
+ testSequenced (testList "preview ARCExpect < 2" [
testSequenced (testList "package test version 2" [
// run:
// - arc-validate --verbose package install test -v 2.0.0 --preview
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ let ``ValidateCommand CLI Tests`` =
- testSequenced (testList "avpr" [
+ testSequenced (testList "avpr ARCExpect < 2" [
testSequenced (testList "package test version 2" [
// run:
@@ -157,49 +159,90 @@ let ``ValidateCommand CLI Tests`` =
fun tool args proc -> Expect.isFalse (proc.Result.Output.Contains("Package test not installed. You can run run arc-validate package install ")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
"Console Output is correct" ,
fun tool args proc -> Expect.isTrue (proc.Result.Output.Contains("If you can read this in your console, you successfully executed test package v3.0.0!")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
- ])
- // printfn "%s" (Path.GetFullPath("fixtures/arcs/inveniotestarc"))
- // let proc = runTool "../../../../../publish/arc-validate" [|"validate"; "-i"; "fixtures/arcs/inveniotestarc"|]
- // printfn "%s" proc.Result.Output
- // printfn "%s" proc.Result.Error
- // test "exit code is 0 (Success)" {
- // Expect.equal proc.ExitCode 0 $"incorrect exit code: {proc.Result.Error} | {proc.Result.Output}"
- // }
+ ])
+ testSequenced (testList "specification validation" [
+ testSequenced (testList "latest" [
+ // run: arc-validate validate -i fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft
+ // adapt this when a new latest specification package is available!
+ yield!
+ testFixture (Fixtures.withToolExecution
+ false
+ "../../../../../publish/arc-validate"
+ [|"--verbose"; "validate"; "-i"; "fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft"; "-o"; "."|]
+ (get_gh_api_token())
+ ) [
+ "Exit code is 0" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.equal proc.ExitCode 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect exit code" proc tool args )
+ "Console Output indicates that the tool will validate against specs" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.isTrue (proc.Result.Output.Contains("running `arc-validate validate` without")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
+ "Console Output indicates that the chosen spec version is latest" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.isTrue (proc.Result.Output.Contains("Performing validation against version 'latest' of the ARC specification")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
+ "Console Output indicates that latest spec version is mapped to a validation package correctly" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.isTrue (proc.Result.Output.Contains("latest spec version supported is 2.0.0-draft")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
+ "Ouptput files exist",
+ fun tool args proc ->
+ Expect.isTrue (Directory.Exists(".arc-validate-results")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isTrue (File.Exists(".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isTrue (File.Exists(".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isTrue (File.Exists(".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ "Test arc passes spec validation",
+ fun tool args proc ->
+ let summary =
+ ".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json"
+ |> File.ReadAllText
+ |> fun x -> x.ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ |> ValidationSummary.fromJson
- // test "resultFileExists" {
- // Expect.isTrue (File.Exists("fixtures/arcs/inveniotestarc/arc-validate-results.xml")) "result file does not exist at expected location"
- // }
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Failed 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of critical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Errored 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of critical errors" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isFalse summary.Critical.HasFailures (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "expected no critical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Failed 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of noncritical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Errored 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of noncritical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isFalse summary.Critical.HasFailures (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "expected no noncritical failures" proc tool args )
- // test "passed tests"{
- // let validationResults = ValidationResults.fromJUnitFile "fixtures/arcs/inveniotestarc/arc-validate-results.xml"
- // Expect.equal
- // validationResults.PassedTests
- // ReferenceObjects.``invenio test arc validation results``.PassedTests
- // "incorrect test results"
- // }
+ ]
+ ])
+ testSequenced (testList "v2-0-0-draft" [
+ // run: arc-validate validate --specification-version 2.0.0-draft -i fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft
+ yield!
+ testFixture (Fixtures.withToolExecution
+ false
+ "../../../../../publish/arc-validate"
+ [|"--verbose"; "validate"; "--specification-version"; "2.0.0-draft"; "-i"; "fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft"; "-o"; "."|]
+ (get_gh_api_token())
+ ) [
+ "Exit code is 0" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.equal proc.ExitCode 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect exit code" proc tool args )
+ "Console Output indicates that the tool will validate against specs" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.isTrue (proc.Result.Output.Contains("running `arc-validate validate` without")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
+ "Console Output indicates that the chosen spec version is correct" ,
+ fun tool args proc -> Expect.isTrue (proc.Result.Output.Contains("Performing validation against version '2.0.0-draft' of the ARC specification")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect console output" proc tool args )
+ "Ouptput files exist",
+ fun tool args proc ->
+ Expect.isTrue (Directory.Exists(".arc-validate-results")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isTrue (File.Exists(".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/badge.svg does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isTrue (File.Exists(".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_report.xml does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isTrue (File.Exists(".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json")) (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics $".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json does not exist in {System.Environment.CurrentDirectory}" proc tool args )
+ "Test arc passes spec validation",
+ fun tool args proc ->
+ let summary =
+ ".arc-validate-results/arc_specification@2.0.0/validation_summary.json"
+ |> File.ReadAllText
+ |> fun x -> x.ReplaceLineEndings("\n")
+ |> ValidationSummary.fromJson
- // test "failed tests" {
- // let validationResults = ValidationResults.fromJUnitFile "fixtures/arcs/inveniotestarc/arc-validate-results.xml"
- // Expect.equal
- // validationResults.FailedTests
- // ReferenceObjects.``invenio test arc validation results``.FailedTests
- // "incorrect test results"
- // }
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Failed 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of critical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Errored 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of critical errors" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isFalse summary.Critical.HasFailures (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "expected no critical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Failed 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of noncritical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.equal summary.Critical.Errored 0 (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "incorrect number of noncritical failures" proc tool args )
+ Expect.isFalse summary.Critical.HasFailures (ErrorMessage.withProcessDiagnostics "expected no noncritical failures" proc tool args )
- // test "errored tests" {
- // let validationResults = ValidationResults.fromJUnitFile "fixtures/arcs/inveniotestarc/arc-validate-results.xml"
- // Expect.equal
- // validationResults.ErroredTests
- // ReferenceObjects.``invenio test arc validation results``.ErroredTests
- // "incorrect test results"
- // }
- // ]
- //)
+ ]
+ ])
+ ])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/arc-validate.Tests.fsproj b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/arc-validate.Tests.fsproj
index e5bce12..ef4bd96 100644
--- a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/arc-validate.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/arc-validate.Tests.fsproj
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/README.md b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/dataset/.gitkeep b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/dataset/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/isa.assay.xlsx b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/isa.assay.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cae63e
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/isa.assay.xlsx differ
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/isa.dataset.xlsx b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/isa.dataset.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4acd55d
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/isa.dataset.xlsx differ
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/protocols/.gitkeep b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/assays/measurement1/protocols/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/isa.investigation.xlsx b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/isa.investigation.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d14c611
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/isa.investigation.xlsx differ
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/runs/FSharpArcCapsule.yml b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/runs/FSharpArcCapsule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed7449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/runs/FSharpArcCapsule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ class: Directory
+ path: ../
+ class: File
+ path: ../assays/measurement1/dataset/table.csv
+secondArg: ./result.csv
+arc:has process sequence:
+ - class: arc:process sequence
+ arc:has input:
+ - class: arc:data
+ arc:name: "./arc/assays/measurement1/dataset/table.csv"
+ arc:has output:
+ - class: arc:data
+ arc:name: "./arc/runs/fsResult1/result.csv"
+ arc: https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC_ontology
+ - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfdi4plants/ARC_ontology/main/ARC_v2.0.owl
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/README.md b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/isa.study.xlsx b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/isa.study.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa4d6ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/isa.study.xlsx differ
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/protocols/.gitkeep b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/protocols/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/resources/.gitkeep b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/studies/experiment1_material/resources/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/workflows/FixedScript/dummy.cwl b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/workflows/FixedScript/dummy.cwl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/workflows/FixedScript/script.fsx b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/workflows/FixedScript/script.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5638d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/arc-validate.Tests/fixtures/arcs/specification/v2.0.0-draft/workflows/FixedScript/script.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file