Here is a list of dependencies and their licenses used by this project.
Animation Compression Library v1.3.0-develop (MIT License) is used to compress and decompress animations.
ACL has the following dependencies:
- Realtime Math (RTM): MIT License
- sjson-cpp: MIT License
- Catch2: Boost Software License v1.0
TinyGLTF v2.2.0 (MIT License) is used to read and write glTF files.
TinyGLTF has the following dependencies:
- json.hpp : Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Niels Lohmann. MIT license.
- base64 : Copyright (C) 2004-2008 René Nyffenegger
- stb_image.h : v2.08 - public domain image loader - Github link
- stb_image_write.h : v1.09 - public domain image writer - Github link