tags |
ggg, ggg2023, ggg298 |
Running workflows in multiple languages & using data analysis notebooks - GGG 298 - Week 10, part 2!
Part 1 is HERE.
Close out of RStudio server.
Hit CTRL-C to kill rstudio-launch
Now, in the sourmash compare directory, run:
cd ~/2023-ggg298-sourmash-compare/
mamba env create -n lab10 -f binder/environment.yml
Once that finishes, run:
mamba activate lab10
and now run
module load rstudio-server/2022.12.0
and reconnect as usual with ssh tunneling etc.
Now "knitting" should work 🎉!
Can you run everything there, too?
(It's the same repository, same code, same... everything!)