- Volume control not working in Opera if there's more than one video on the same "line"
- Fix issues above
- Add a Flash fallback
- Now under MIT License (formerly GNU GPL)
- Subtitles menu now works with the native TextTrack API (if supported)
- Added option to choose between native and Playr's caption rendering
- Fix autoplay not working
- Scrolling now affects volume (in fullscreen only)
- Added basic notification system
- Better handling of keyboard and mouse events (on focus only)
- Added Opera (v12.10+) true fullscreen support
- Changed behavior when is natively supported by the browser (UI is kept)
- Some code refactoring
- Controls fade out in fullscreen
- Added tack kinds 'captions' & 'descriptions' (parsed as subtitles)
- Fixed in WebVTT files causing Playr to crash (thanks @iandevlin for reporting it)
- Fixed IE9+ not displaying Playr properly
- Images are now embedded as base64 strings
- Added minified version
- Fixed video not resizing properly when in true fullscreen mode
- Added true fullscreen when available (Mozilla & Webkit)
- Added some accessibility and keyboard controls
- Updated parser according to the new WebVTT cue settings (still compatible with old ones)
- Added options to delay subtitles
- Basic WebVTT vertical text implementation (incompatible with other cue settings for now)
- Updated WebVTT line position implementation according to the spec
- default track attribute is now working properly
- Fixed parser (WebVTT timestamp milliseconds separator is a full stop, not a comma)
- Added basic chapters support
- Added cue timestamps tags support (see notes on WebVTT implementation)
- Cue tags parser fixes
- Interface improvements
- Added buffering bar
- Added WebVTT text position support
- Fixed WebVTT text alignment
- Added line position (L:xx%) support
- Code refactoring
- Added label support
- Added <c.classname> WebVTT tag support
- Fixed fullscreen controls not displaying properly
- Changed the setup method
- Some CSS fixes
- Fixed Firefox 4 replaying the video automatically
- Removed version number in JS & CSS files
- Added notes on local testing
- Interface improvements
- Added track auto-select based on lang & srclang
- Added font size auto-scaling when using fullscreen
- Added code documentation (merge branch documentation)
- Added fullscreen auto-resize when resizing the window
- Improved fullscreen (based on window resolution)
- Fixed Firefox not restoring properly from fullscreen
- Made srclang attribute optional
- Improved integration script
- Added remove "controls" attribute
- Cleaned CSS
- Improved Safari performances: frozen while loading, but smooth once loaded
- New way of adding the controls
- Fixed a bug where Firefox would not get and display the subtitles
- Added a basic fullscreen option (buggy in Firefox when restoring)
- Added keyboard escape shorcut to restore from fullscreen
- Fixed volume and closed captions controls in Firefox
- Added a timecode notifier when hovering the timebar
- Added a volume control (replacing range type input)
- Extended clickable area of the closed caption menu
- Added draggable timebar and volumebar cursors
- Added Changelog
- Initial version