2002-07-28 (last edition of the initial revision)
I can kill with a word.
the Movie
No demo or game is complete without music. The nice blip-blop tunes known as chip music is
one of the sweetest forms of music that’s ever reached my ears. Seems some people don’t
quite fancy the type of music the ST has to offer, but I think it’s divine. I’m no musician,
that’s probably why a tutorial on sound has been somewhat delayed, but here it finally is. It’s
a small tutorial to get down the basics of the sound chip, I intend to follow up with another
tutorial on playing the .ym
file format, created by Arnaud Carré for the ST-sound project. He’s
got a homepage over at http://leonard.oxg.free.fr.
The Atari ST comes equipped with a so called PSG: Programmable Sound Generator. This is yet another chip in the ST, the Yamaha YM-2149, fondly called "yammy". According to the ST Internals, this cool chip sports lots of features, for example three independently programmable sound generators, 15 logarithmically volume levels and 16 registers. Registers, yes, just give me the tech specs, register addresses and I’ll start to outdo Mozart!
Things aren’t that easy though, it would take insanity to hard code the sound chip. By hard
coding I mean just entering numbers into the registers, rather than using some program to
make music. There is also a little something here, again according to the ST Internals, it’s not
possible to directly address the yammy registers. Instead, you have to put the desired
register number in $ff8800
, and then you can put data in $ff8802
, or read data from $ff8800
Don’t worry, soon comes an explanation of how that applies to real life, but just to be
complete, here’s a listing of the registers.
Register | Effect |
0,1 |
Period, length and pitch of channel A |
2,3 |
Period, length and pitch of channel B |
4,5 |
Period, length and pitch of channel C |
6 |
Noise generator |
7 |
Bit 0: channel A tone on/off (0 = on, 1 = off) |
8 |
Bit 0-3 channel A volume, if bit 4 set, envelope and bit 0-3 ignored |
9 |
Bit 0-3 channel B volume, if bit 4 set, envelope and bit 0-3 ignored |
10 |
Bit 0-3 channel C volume, if bit 4 set, envelope and bit 0-3 ignored |
11,12 |
Sustain, 11 low byte and 12 high byte |
13 |
Waveform envelope |
14,15 |
Port A and Port B, used for output |
Like I said, I’m not a musician and I don’t understand too much of this. For me, there are only 4 interesting registers: 7-10. Why? Because with register 7, I can turn on and off different channels, and with 8-10 I can determine the current volume and also set the volume. In other words, registers 8-10 can be used to fade music in and out, as well as create cool bars that go up and down to the beat of the music (or you can have three pulsating sprites or whatever). Here’s some example code on how to use the yammy.
move.b #7, $ff8800 ; access Yamaha register 7
move.b #%101, $ff8802 ; turn off channel A and C
As the comments say, this will turn off all (tone) sound from channels A and C. Note how only a byte is moved in both instances, and note also that setting a bit means turning the channel off. Here’s how to read the volume of channel A:
move.b #8, $ff8800 ; channel A volume
move.b $ff8800, d0 ; channel A volume in d0
Yep, when you want to read data, you put the register number in $ff8800 as usual, but then you move the data from $ff8800. This obviously means that $ff8800 gets updated between the two move instructions in some way. That’s all there is to it actually, but in practice it becomes a little harder.
Sure, we have a basic working of the yammy, well, actually we don’t but we know how to use it anyway. Time to play some music perhaps. Most music plays by hooking it up to the VBL, and then just jump to some address in the music file. This of course means that the music file has it’s own code routines to play the music, and does not only contain raw music data. The XLR8 chip composer, which can be found at http://dhs.nu/, comes with both some example files and the source code for playing them. A good place to start. Here is the code the XLR8 chip composer suggests for playing the music:
pea 0.w
move.w #32, -(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6, sp
moveq #1, d0 ; normal song-play mode
bsr music
move.l #music+2, $4d2 ; music in VBL
move.w #7,-(sp) ; wait for a key
trap #1
addq.l #2,sp
moveq #0,d0 ; exit music
bsr music
clr.l $4d2 ; clear VBL
pea 0.w ; Back to desktop
trap #1
music incbin f:\1.xms ; music file to include
Well well, they don’t even go out of supervisor mode, naughty naughty. Fairly straightforward
and easy, there is only one thing that would trouble us, the $4d2
address. We’re used to
have the VBL hooked up to $70
. At address $4ce
there are eight long words that point to VBL
routines. These VBL routines are executed one after another. So by writing to say $4ce
+4, we can have two different VBL routines that get executed one after the other.
In the source code above, the author chooses to put the VBL routine in the second of these
eight VBL routines. Our way of writing to the $70
instead, is a bit rawer. Writing to $70
disables all VBL routines except the $70
. This means that we know that our, and only our VBL
routine is the one to run. In any way, if we spot a memory address close to $4ce
in some
future source code, we know that it’s a VBL routine. Translated into how we would code it, it
looks like this:
moveq #1, d0 ; normal song-play mode
jsr initialise
moveq #1, d0 ; normal song play
bsr music ; start music
move.l $70, -(a7) ; backup $70
move.l #main, $70 ; main routine on VBL
move.w #7, -(a7)
trap #1
addq.l #2, a7 ; wait keypress
move.l (a7)+, $70 ; restore $70
jsr restore
moveq #0, d0
bsr music ; stop music
clr.l -(a7)
trap #1 ; exit
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6, -(a7) ; backup registers
bsr music+2 ; play music
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; restore registers
include initlib.s
section data
music incbin 1.xms ; music file to include
Well, what do you know, ours became longer, but it’s built for more add-ons, and it also has
some backup feature such as getting out of supervisor mode, and it also has a section data
Doesn’t really matter, both ways are equally fast really. Speaking of fast, there’s an
instruction here that I don’t think we’ve encountered before, the moveq
instruction. moveq
stands for MOVE Quick. It works pretty much as a normal move, but it can only move
quantities in the range of -128 to +127 (a byte). The data does get sign extended though,
meaning it will take up a 32-bit quantity (long word). Thus a moveq.l #0, d0
clears d0
faster than a clr.l d0
. Handy little instruction actually. You will also notice how I put $70
on the stack instead of saving it to a variable.
So we have a way of playing music, at least music composed with the XLR8 chip composer. This is a little thin, so against our better knowledge, we decide it would be fun to do some volume meters as well. In order to do these VU bars, we have to play the music, read registers 8-10 (for volume) and then paint the VU bars. Yes, it’s true, the yammy has three sound channels, meaning it can play up to three different sounds at once. It also has some noise generator I think so it’s able to play four different sounds at once.
The volume is represented by the four least significant bits, meaning it’s a value between 0
and 15 (%1111
), would be smart to paint one line of VU bar for each volume, right? So at
volume 15, the VU bar takes up 15 lines, this can be a little small though, so just for fun we
decide to leave every second line blank (background coloured), thus volume 15 will take up
30 lines instead. Since we have 15 different VU lines, each line can have it’s own colour and
we’ll still have one over for the background as well. Seems the ST was made for these things!
Actually, it wasn’t, it’s just normal for computers to have many things on binary bounders.
Thus the powers of two (such as 16, or 0-15) show up a lot.
As we know, the volume data may contain other stuff than just the four volume bits, so in order to keep only those bits, we have to and off the other bits. Otherwise the volume data might contain a number larger than 15 and that will screw us up big time, making us do stupid things like drawing outside of the screen, which will probably result in a crash.
Now, to decide on how to draw the volume bars. What, should this be a problem? Just do a
loop according to the volume and paint as many lines as the volume. Yes, that won’t
work. Say one VBL the volume is 12, then the other VBL it’s 5, but the VU bar will still be 12
lines high since we don’t delete it.
So on every VBL, we first delete the VU bar and then paint it. This can be done, but actually it’s smarter to first paint the VU bar, then delete it. The delete part is more generic, and thus easier to fit into a loop, while the paint part requires colour updates and so on. Thus, the VU bar routine will be to first paint all three VU bars to the max, then delete as many lines as the inverted volume (volume 15 means delete nothing, volume 0 means delete 15). This will work nicely. Actually, theory part over, time for source code:
Here we go! Setup the music to work, then put in the palette. Backup the old $70
by putting
it on the stack, put in my own $70
routine, wait for keypress, shut down music, restore and
exit. All the usual stuff.
The main routine starts off by playing the music, that one simple command is enough to keep the music running. Now comes the interesting part: putting in the VU bars. I get the screen address, and go to the bottom area of the screen. This means go to the absolute bottom, line 199, and then hop 30 lines up. Because I want to paint the entire VU bar, and the VU bar is 15×2 lines high (max 15 volume and every second line is interlaced).
The actual painting of the VU bar is a bit tricky. I point to the bar label, which contains colour data for the VU bars. Each little four word block here is data for a bit plane, so the first line is colour 15. The reason for the two leading 0’s, is that I don’t want the entire bit plane filled, in this way, only 8 pixels out of sixteen will be set.
dc.w $00ff, $00ff, $00ff, $00ff
is the same as
dc.w %0000000011111111
dc.w %0000000011111111
dc.w %0000000011111111
dc.w %0000000011111111
And we know that by putting this into the screen memory, we will have 8 pixels with colour 0, and then 8 pixels with colour 15. The next entry is
dc.w $0000, $00ff, $00ff, $00ff
which is the same as
dc.w %0000000000000000
dc.w %0000000011111111
dc.w %0000000011111111
dc.w %0000000011111111
When we put this into screen memory, we get colour 14 in the last 8 pixels.
When pointing to the bar label, a1
points to memory that contains this data:
. This data I move into d0
and d1
with a movem
instruction, then I put that
data into the screen memory. Adding 8 to the screen memory pointer will put me on the next
VU bar, 16 pixels to the right, and then I move that same colour data into the screen memory
there, and repeat one last time. Then I need to correct the screen pointer: by adding 320, I
move two lines down, and then I need to subtract 16 from that to be on the first VU bar
position. Repeat all this 15 times to paint in all three VU bars full.
Now the time has come to delete the VU bars, so that they will reflect the value of the
volume. Again, get screen memory and go to the bottom area, pointing right at the topmost
line of the first VU bar. Clear d0
just to be sure there’s no garbage, and read Yamaha register
8, which is channel A volume. Now the volume is in d0
, and the screen address is in a0
, jump
into the del_bar
routine to delete the bar.
The del_bar
routine is also a bit tricky, and uses an almost dirty method. Backup the registers
so that they don’t get destroyed. This is good practice for sub routines, so that other
programmers can count on calling routines without having data destroyed. And away all bits
but the first four. Now we have pure volume data in d0
It would be tempting to just go through a dbf
loop to clear out the lines, but this won’t work.
A dbf
loop always executes once, but in some circumstances, we don’t want the delete loop
to execute even once. So instead of having a loop, I have 15 blocks of delete data, each
block deletes one line of VU bar. By jumping into the correct block, I take away the exact
number of VU bar lines. Each delete block looks like this:
clr.l (a0) ; clear two bit planes
clr.l 4(a0) ; clear two bit planes
add.l #320, a0 ; hop two lines down
This will clear out the four bit planes of a line, and then hop two lines down. This block takes 12 memory positions. Usually, an instruction takes a long word to store, these three instructions are no exceptions. Since all instructions just get loaded into memory, we can easily jump to them. Go into MonST mode to see this clear, in the instruction window, you’ll see all instructions, and to the left of them you’ll see what memory position they occupy. By adding 4 to the program counter, you usually skip one instruction.
For example, by jumping to the start of the delete blocks+12, we will skip one delete block.
In the del_bar
routine, I have 15 delete blocks, I let a1
point to the beginning of these
blocks. Then I multiply the volume by 12, since this is the size of each delete block, add that
value to a1
, and jump to the address a1 contains.
Say that we have volume one, this means execute 14 delete blocks, which will leave only one line of VU bar left. 1×12 = 12, thus we will jump to the beginning of the delete blocks+12, which will let us skip one delete block, and then we have 14 left. Here’s how it looks:
Memory position (fictional) $0 move.l $10, a1 ; beginning of delete blocks $4 mulu #12, d0 ; length of one delete block ; d0 contains 12 $8 add.l d0, a1 ; skip some delete instructions ; a1 now contains $1c $c jmp (a1) ; jump to $1c $10 clr.l (a0) ; clear two bit planes $14 clr.l 4(a0) ; clear two bit planes $18 add.l #320, a0 ; hop two lines down $1c clr.l (a0) ; clear two bit planes $20 clr.l 4(a0) ; clear two bit planes $24 add.l #320, a0 ; hop two lines down $28 clr.l (a0) ; clear two bit planes $2c clr.l 4(a0) ; clear two bit planes $30 add.l #320, a0 ; hop two lines down ... ; 13 more delete blocks
That’s that. In short, the program only runs a VBL routine. This VBL routine plays the music,
and then paints in VU bars at max. Then the volume is read from yammy registers, for each
volume read, the del_bar
routine is called which deletes as many lines as the inverted
volume. Then add 8 to the screen memory to point to the next VU bar, read the volume and
call the del_bar
With this knowledge of the volume workings, you can have just about any effect tied to the volume. I first had the background colour be set by the three channels, channel A for red colour, channel B for green and channel C for blue. This created quite the psychedelic background I can tell you ☺ One cool thing would be to have three Xenon 1 ships, that morph back and forth between tank and ship, say that volume 15 means complete tank morph, and 0 means ship, then volume 7 would be morph in between those. Once again, your fantasy can run free!
In the next tutorial, I hope to cover the .ym
file format as described in the beginning. This
will mean setting up our own routine to write raw data into the sound chip, which should be
quite easy. Just put register number as usual, then write the data found in the .ym
file. Stay