- update to the latest OSX patch
- turn on hard drive encryption
- update preferences
- general
- show scroll bars: always
- dock & menu bar
- check automatically hide and show the dock
- uncheck show recent applications in dock
- battery: show percentage
- trackpad
- secondary click: click in bottom right corner
- check tap to click
- increase tracking speed
- keyboard
- text
- uncheck correct spelling automatically
- uncheck capitalize words automatically
- uncheck add period with double-space
- shortcuts
- check show spotlight search shortcut
- check use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls
- text
- finder
- set up sidebar
- set up default view
- sort by: name
- date modified
- size
- kind
- use relative dates
- show icon preview
- text size: 16
- click
use as defaults
- show path bar
- show status bar
- add info and delete buttons to toolbar
- general
- remove unneeded applications
- chrome
- 1password
- alfred
- slack
- discord
- messenger
- zoom
- notion
- spotify
- iterm
- vscode
- slate
- dropbox
- install xcode command line tools
- install homebrew
- install zsh
- configure zsh
- https://gist.github.com/kevin-smets/8568070
- load
- load
contents into global~/.gitconfig
- load
- configure iterm
- sync preferences
- install color theme
- enable
cli commands withvsce
- sync preferences
- install extensions & themes
- generate new ssh key
- install fonts from backup fonts directory