diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/cs.js b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bf9b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Location": "Lokace",
+ "Plants": "Rostliny",
+ "Satellite": "Satelitní",
+ "Street Map": "Mapa ulic",
+ "GPS": "GPS",
+ "Distance to marker": "Vzdálenost ke značce",
+ "Offline Map Areas": "Mapové oblasti offline",
+ "My Plants": "Moje rostliny"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de.js b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de.js
index 0da85c1..69c205d 100644
--- a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de.js
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de.js
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ define(
"Location": "Position",
"Plants": "Pflanzen",
"Satellite": "Satellit",
+ "Street Map": "Straßenkarte",
"GPS": "GPS",
- "Distance to marker": "Entfernung zur Markierung"
+ "Distance to marker": "Entfernung zur Markierung",
+ "Offline Map Areas": "Offline-Kartengebiete",
+ "My Plants": "Meine Pflanzen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de_AT.js b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de_AT.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6825810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/de_AT.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Location": "Position",
+ "Plants": "Pflanzen",
+ "Satellite": "Satellit",
+ "Street Map": "Street Map",
+ "GPS": "GPS",
+ "Distance to marker": "Entfernung zur Markierung",
+ "Offline Map Areas": "Offline-Kartengebiete",
+ "My Plants": "Meine Pflanzen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/es.js b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b6804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Location": "Location",
+ "Plants": "Plants",
+ "Satellite": "Satellite",
+ "Street Map": "Street Map",
+ "GPS": "GPS",
+ "Distance to marker": "Distance to marker",
+ "Offline Map Areas": "Offline Map Areas",
+ "My Plants": "My Plants"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/fr.js b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/fr.js
index 65596ae..41319cd 100644
--- a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/fr.js
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/fr.js
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ define(
"Location": "Localisation",
"Plants": "Plantes",
"Satellite": "Satellite",
+ "Street Map": "Carte des rues",
"GPS": "GPS",
"Distance to marker": "Distance jusqu'au marqueur",
- "Offline Map Areas": "Zones de carte hors ligne"
+ "Offline Map Areas": "Zones de carte hors ligne",
+ "My Plants": "Mes plantes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/ru.js b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b6804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/map/translations/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "Location": "Location",
+ "Plants": "Plants",
+ "Satellite": "Satellite",
+ "Street Map": "Street Map",
+ "GPS": "GPS",
+ "Distance to marker": "Distance to marker",
+ "Offline Map Areas": "Offline Map Areas",
+ "My Plants": "My Plants"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/privacy/cs.html b/app/src/main/assets/privacy/cs.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90da86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/privacy/cs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
Zásady ochrany osobních údajů Fruit Radaru
Tento dokument Zásad ochrany osobních údajů má jasně uvádět a poskytovat informace o tom, co, jak a proč jsou osobní údaje nebo informace shromažďovány, používány a zveřejňovány, když je tento software používán, a možnosti, které jste s těmito údaji spojili.
Cílem tohoto dokumentu o zásadách je poskytnout otevřené prostředí mezi vývojáři a uživateli tohoto softwaru otevřeným uvedením, jaké informace vývojář shromažďuje či nikoli. Používáním tohoto softwaru to znamená, že přijímáte všechny smluvní podmínky vývojáře typické pouze pro software Fruit Radar. Tyto zásady se vztahují na tento software a vývojář nenese odpovědnost za praktiky týkající se obsahu nebo ochrany soukromí v jakékoli aplikaci třetí strany, která není provozována vývojářem, na který tento software odkazuje nebo který odkazuje na tento software, proto je vhodné přečíst si Zásady ochrany osobních údajů služeb třetích stran, které mohou být spojeny s tímto softwarem.
Povolení a přístup
Oprávnění a přístup jsou jednoduše oprávnění zařízení, které software potřebuje k fungování, a přístup umožňující toto oprávnění udělit. Pro účinné fungování tak, jak bylo vyvinuto a navrženo, bude Fruit Radar vyžadovat určitá oprávnění zařízení. Oprávnění jsou;
+ Povolení kamery uděluje aplikaci přístup k zařízení za účelem fotografování a natáčení videí.
+ Když je sledování polohy povoleno, software má přístup k vašemu přesnému umístění (GPS a síťově).
+ Povolení přístupu k úložišti zařízení umožňuje softwaru číst, upravovat nebo mazat obsah vaší SD karty.
Plný přístup k síti
+ Znamená, že aplikace je schopna vytvářet síťové sokety a může používat přizpůsobené síťové protokoly. Tato funkce nevyžaduje, aby software odesílal data na internet.
Ovládání vibrací
+ Tato aplikace může ovládat vibrátor zařízení.
Výše uvedená oprávnění lze kdykoli zrušit, ale zrušení některých těchto oprávnění může způsobit selhání softwaru a některé služby softwaru přestanou fungovat. Tato oprávnění pracují ruku v ruce současně, aby zajistily hladký chod a využití softwaru. To je v zájmu pouze uživatelů se zařízeními se systémem Android 6.0 a vyšším.
Odesílání zpráv o selhání
Fruit Radar je stabilní a funguje dobře, ale stále se můžete setkat s několika chybami (bugy) a haváriemi, informace o těchto haváriích jsou pro mě (vývojáře) důležité, takže problémy mohou být okamžitě vyřešeny a software znovu poběží efektivně. Pokud během používání tohoto softwaru narazíte na chybu, otevřete prosím issue na GitHubu a bude včas vyřešena. Můžete také přistupovat do úložiště projektu přímo z aplikace a prohlížet a otevírat nové problémy. Pokud jste udělili oprávnění EXTERNAL_STORAGE nebo k načtení protokolu použijete logcat, můžete ohlásit soubor protokolu ladění. Pokud jste udělili oprávnění, měli byste být schopni je najít pod eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt nebo eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt. Aplikace (pokud se spouští) by měla odkazovat na soubor. Pomocí MatLog Libre můžete načíst protokol aplikace před a po zhroucení.
Poskytovatelé služeb
Fruit Radar je závislý na službách třetích stran, aby usnadnil jeho provoz a poskytoval služby související se službami, nebo pomáhal při analýze toho, jak jsou služby softwaru používány. Tyto třetí strany mají přístup k vašim osobním údajům pouze za účelem provedení těchto úkolů na jejich straně a jsou povinny je nezveřejňovat a nepoužívat pro žádný jiný účel.
Nástroje / služby třetích stran, které jsou používány vývojářem a jsou zabudovány do software jsou;
Tyto webové stránky jsou webové stránky třetích stran, které obsahují databázi rostlin nebo zdroje rostlin.
+Z těchto zdrojů jsou staženy podrobnosti o rostlinách.
Mundraub.org a Na-Ovoce.cz sdílejí text, pozici, obrázky, e-mail, uživatelské jméno, kategorii, ale ne vaše heslo. Heslo je uloženo v aplikaci a na platformě. Také nahrávají platformy, takže když sdělíte aplikaci, aby se nahrála / přihlásila / zaregistrovala, do těchto platforem, tak se nahrají další data.
Použití těchto mapových služeb možná odhalí vaši polohu a určitě vaši IP adresu.
Odkazy na jiné stránky
Fruit Radar obsahuje odkazy na další služby, které nejsou přímo provozovány vývojářem. Pokud kliknete na službu třetí strany v aplikaci, budete přesměrováni na web, nebo aplikaci této třetí strany. Vývojář nad tím nemá žádnou kontrolu a nepřebírá žádnou odpovědnost za obsah, zásady ochrany osobních údajů nebo praktiky jiných webů nebo služeb třetích stran.
Přenos dat
Pokud používáte služby třetích stran obsažené v aplikaci, mohou být vaše informace, včetně osobních údajů, přeneseny do počítačů umístěných mimo váš stát, provincii, zemi nebo jinou státní jurisdikci, kde se zákony na ochranu údajů mohou lišit od zákonů ve vaší jurisdikci . Váš souhlas s těmito zásadami ochrany osobních údajů, po kterém následujete předložení těchto informací, představuje váš souhlas s tímto převodem.
Zásady vůči dětem
Služby tohoto softwaru neomezují používání tohoto softwaru nezletilými nebo osobami mladšími 13 let. Koncept tohoto softwaru je určen pro všeobecné použití pro všechny pohlaví, národy a věkové skupiny. Toto prohlášení neplatí v lokalitách, kde existují zásady proti používání tohoto softwaru nebo jiného softwaru, zejména nezletilými.
Zabezpečení dat
Vývojář si váží vaší důvěry v poskytování vašich osobních údajů a proto se snaží používat komerčně přijatelná opatření k jejich ochraně. Tato opatření však nezaručují, že vaše informace nebudou zpřístupněny, prozrazeny, změněny nebo zničeny porušením takových firewallů a zabezpečeného serverového softwaru. Používáním tohoto softwaru a jeho služeb pokračujete v používání, potvrzujete, že těmto rizikům rozumíte a souhlasíte s tím.
Změny těchto Zásad ochrany osobních údajů
Vývojář si vyhrazuje právo kdykoli změnit a upravit prohlášení uvedená v těchto zásadách. K těmto změnám pravděpodobně dojde, jak bude vývoj softwaru Fruit Radar postupovat, a proto budou některé příkazy, které jsou v současné době platné, neplatné. Významné změny vstoupí v platnost třicet dní (30 dní) po provedení změn, zatímco drobné změny jsou účinné okamžitě. O těchto změnách budete informováni prostřednictvím aktualizací softwaru. Je vhodné tuto zásadu občas zkontrolovat, zda neobsahuje nějaké změny.
Kontaktujte vývojáře
Pokud máte jakékoli dotazy týkající se těchto Zásad ochrany osobních údajů nebo postupů tohoto softwaru, kontaktujte vývojáře zasláním e-mailu na niccokunzmann@rambler.ru nebo otevřením nového issue na Githubu.
Tyto Zásady ochrany osobních údajů byly naposledy aktualizovány dne
+ [05-08-2019].
This privacy policy document is to clearly state and provides information on what,
- how and why personal data or information is collected,
- used and disclosed when this software is utilized and
- the choices you have associated with that data.
The objective of this policy document is to provide an open environment between developers
- and users of this software by openly stating what information the developer collects or not.
- By utilizing this software, it means you accept all the terms and conditions of the
- developer peculiar to only Fruit Radar software.
- This Policy applies to this software and the developer would not be held responsible for
- the content or privacy practices on any third party app not operated by the developer to
- which this software links or that links to this software,
- therefore it is advisable to read up the privacy policies of third party services that
- may be linked to this software.
Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt auf und informiert darüber, wie, warum und welche Persönlichen Daten bzw. Informationen gesammelt, benutzt und veröffentlicht werden und die Entscheidungen, die für Sie mit diesen Daten einhergehen.
Das Ziel dieser Datenschutzerklärung ist, einen Austausch zwischen Nutzern und Entwicklern dieser Software zu ermöglichen, indem klar gestellt wird, welche Daten der Entwickler erhebt und welche nicht.
+Durch die Benutzung des Fruchtradars stimmen Sie dieser Datenschutzerklärung in Bezug auf den Fruchtradar zu.
+Diese Erklärung bezieht sich auf diese Software und der Entwickler ist nicht verantwortlich für die den Inhalt oder den Datenschutz dritter Anwendungen, auf die diese Software linkt oder die auf diese Software linken.
+Deswegen ist es ratsam, auch die Datenschutzerklärung der dritten Dienstleister zu lesen, die von dieser Software genutzt werden.
Permissions and access are simply the device permissions the software requires to
- function and the access enabling this permission grants.
- To function efficiently and effectively as developed and designed,
- Fruit Radar will require some device permissions.
- The permissions are;
Zugriffsrechte sind lediglich der Zugriff auf das Gerät, die die Software braucht, um ordnungsgemäß zu funktionieren und bedeuten einen Zugriff auf das Gerät.
+Diese Zugriffsrechte sind folgende:
- The enablement of the camera permission grants the app access to your device camera
- to take pictures and videos.
+ Wird ein Zugriff auf die Kamera erlaubt, kann die App Bilder und Videos aufnehmen.
- When the location permission is enabled the software has access to your precise location
- (GPS and network-based).
+ Der Zugriff auf die Position erlaubt der App, das gerät zu orten und die Position präzise aufzunehmen (GPS und Netzwerkbasiert).
- Permission to access device storage allows the software read, modify or delete contents
- of your SD card.
+ Zugriff auf den Speicher des Gerätes erlaubt der App, Daten vom Gerät zu lesen, zu verändern und zu löschen, die sich auf der SD-Karte befinden.
- Means the app is capable of creating network sockets and
- can use customized network protocols.
- This capability does not require the software to send data to the internet.
+ Netzwerkzugriff erlaubt der App, Netzwerkverbundungen zu erstellen und über angepasste Protokolle zu kommunizieren.
+Das heißt nicht, dass die App deswegen auch etwas senden muss.
- This app can control your device vibrator.
+ Die App kann das Gerät vibrieren lassen.
The above permissions can be revoked at any time you desire,
- but revoking some of these permissions might cause the software to crash and some services
- of the software will cease to function.
- These permissions work hand-in-hand simultaneously to ensure smooth operations and
- utilization of the software.
- This is privy to only users with devices running Android 6.0 upwards.
Diese Zugriffsrechte können jederzeit zurückgenommen werden.
+Das kann in seltenen Fällen einen Absturz bedeuten, oft aber, dass manche Funktionen der App nicht genutzt werden können.
+Diese Zugriffsrechte spielen zusammen, um eine bequeme Bedienbarkeit zu garantieren.
+Das spielt vor allem für Nutzer von Geräten mit Android 6.0 und später eine Rolle.
Crash reports sending
Fruit Radar is stable and works fine but you may still experience few errors (bugs) and
- crashes, information about these crashes are important to me (the developer)
- so the issues can be fixed immediately and the software is running efficiently again.
- If you encounter a bug during the use of this software, please open an
- issue
- on GitHub and it will be fixed in due time.
- You can also access the project's repository directly from with the app to view
- and open new issues.
- You can report a debug log file if you gave EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions or
- use logcat to retrieve the log.
- If you gave permissions, you should be able to find it under
- eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt or eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt.
- The app (if starting) should point you to the file.
- You can use
- MatLog Libre
- to retrieve the app log before and after a crash.
Senden von Fehlerberichten
Der Fruchtradar ist stabil und sollte gut funktionieren aber es kann immernoch sein, dass Fehler (Bugs) auftreten, bzw. die App abstürzt.
+Informationen über solche Abstürze sind wichtig für Dich, mich und andere Nutzer der App, damit die Fehler in zukünftigen Versionen behoben werden können.
+Wenn Du einen Fehler in der App bemerkst, dann öffne bitte eine Issue auf GitHub, damit der Fehler bald behoben werden kann.
+Du kannst auch direkt auf den Quelltext von der App aus zugreifen bzw. Issues öffnen.
+Du kannst einen Fehlerbericht senden, wenn Du EXTERNAL_STORAGE Zugriff erlaubst oder logcat benutzt, um das Log der App zu erhalten.
+Wenn Du den Zugriff gestattet hast, dann solltest Du einen Fehlerbericht unter
+eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt oder eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt finden.
+Die App, wenn sie startet, sollte auf fiese Datei hinweisen.
+Du kannst auch MatLog Libre benutzen, um das Log der App nach dem Absturz zu erhalten.
Service Providers
Fruit Radar is dependent upon the services of third-party services to facilitate
- its operations and to perform service-related services or
- to assist in analyzing how the services of the software are used.
- These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on the
- developer's behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
The third-party tools/services that are employed by the developer and embedded in
- the software are;
Der Fruchtradar verlässt sich auf die Dienste Dritter, um zu funktionieren oder Funnktionen anzubieten oder Analysen laufen zu lassen.
+Diese Dritten haben zu den Personenbezogenen Daten nur Zugriff, um diese Dienste durchzuführen und sind verpflichtet, die Daten nicht weiterzugeben oder für andere Zwecke einzusetzen.
Solche dritten Dienste, die von der App angesprochen werden und in die Funktionalität eingebettet sind, folgen:
These websites are third party websites which house the plant database or plant sources.
- From these sources, plants details are downloaded.
Mundraub.org collects your personal information
- only when you submit your data during registration.
- Read the company's Privacy Policy.
Mundraub.org and
- Na-Ovoce.cz reveals text, position, images, email,
- username, category but not your password.
- The password is saved in the app and on the platform.
- They are also uploading platforms, so when you tell the app to upload/login/register,
- more data is uploaded to these platforms.
Other third-party tools used are;
Diese sind Webseiten Dritter und stellen Datenbanken mit Quellen zu Pflanzenfundorten.Aus diesen Quellen werden Details zu Pflanzen heruntergeladen.
Mundraub.orgsammelt Deine persönlichen daten nur, wenn Du Dich dort auch registrierst.
+Deren Datenschutzerklärung kannst Du hier lesen.
Mundraub.org und Na-Ovoce.cz veröffentlichen Text, Position, Bilder, E-Mail, Nutzername und und Pflanzentyp aber nicht Dein Passwort.
+Das Passwort ist auf der App und auf der Plattform gespeichert.
+Diese Plattformen können auch zum Upload verwendet werden, sodass im Fall von Upload, Log-In und Registrierung weitere Daten auf die Plattform geladen werden.
Andere Werkzeuge Dritter, die wir benutzen, sind:
- This service goes into operation automatically as soon as the map opens.
- Read the company's
- Privacy Policy.
+Dieser Dienst wird automatisch benutzt, sobald die Karte sich öffnet.
+Es zeigt die Straßen an.
+Deren Datenschutzerklärung kannst Du hier lesen.
- This is used for fetching the map preview.
+Nominatim benutzen wir für die Suche von Orten auf der Karte.
+Deren Datenschutzerklärung kannst Du hier lesen.
Using these map services possibly reveals your position and certainly your IP address.
Diese Kartendienste zu nutzen wird Deine IP-Adresse verraten und vielleicht auch Deine Position.
Links To Other Sites
Fruit Radar contains links to other services that are not directly operated by the
- developer.
- If you click on a third party service either in the app,
- you will be directed to that third party's site or app.
- The developer has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content,
- privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Links auf andere Seiten
Der Fruchtradar enthält links auf anderen Dienste, die nicht direkt von dem Entwickler betrieben werden.
+Wenn Du auf einen Dienst Dritter in dieser App klickst,
+dann wirst Du auf die Seite oder den Dienst derer verwiesen.
+Die Entwickler haben keine Kontrolle über diesen Dienst und ist nicht verantwortlich für den Inhalt,
+dessen Datenschutz oder die Tätigkeiten dieser dritten Dienste.
Transfer Of Data
When the third-party services contained in the app are used, your information,
- including personal data, may be transferred to computers located outside of your state,
- province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws
- may differ than those from your jurisdiction.
- Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information
- represents your agreement to that transfer.
Wenn die Dienste Dritter von dieser App genutzt werden, dann wird deine Information,
+eventuell inklusive Persönlicher Daten, an Rechner übermittelt, die sich außerhalb deines Staates, deines Bundeslandes oder deiner Gerichtsbarkeit befinden,
+wo der Datenschutz sich von dem deiner Rechtsprechung unterscheidet.
+Dein Zuspruch zu dieser Datenschutzerklärung, gefolgt von Deinem Eintrag solcher Daten
+bedeutet Dein Einverständnis mit einer solchen Übertragung.
Children's Policy
The Services of this software does not restrict the utilization of this software by
- minors or anyone under the age of 13.
- The concept of this software is intended for general use for all gender,
- races and age grades.
- This statement does not hold in localities where policies against the use of this
- software or any other software in particular by minors exist.
Die Dienste dieser App sind uneingeschränkt für die Benutzung durch Kinder unter 13 Jahren zugelassen.
+Das Konzept dieser Software ist für die allgemeine Nutzung durch alle Geschlechter, Herkünfte und Altersgruppen gedacht.
+Trotzdem gilt das nicht an Orten, an denen es Gesetze gegen die Benutzung dieser Software oder jeglicher Software insbesondere in Bezug auf Minderjährige gibt.
Security of Data
The developer values your trust in providing your Personal Information
- and thus is striving to use commercially acceptable measures of protecting it.
- However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed,
- disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software.
- By using continuing to use this software and it's services,
- you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
Die Entwickler schätzen Dein Vertrauen, deine Persönlichen Daten der App mitzuteilen
+und bemühen sich deswegen auch, diese angemessen zu schützen.
+Trotzdem bedeutet das nicht, dass Deine Informationen nicht ausgelesen, enthüllt, verändert oder zerstört wird, wenn z.B. in das Gerät, die Firewall oder Server eingebrochen wird.
+Durch die Nutzung der Software und der Dienste nimmst Du zur Kenntnis und verstehst,
+dass diese Risiken bestehen.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
The developer reserves the right to alter and modify the statements made in this
- policy at any time.
- These changes are likely to occur as the development of Fruit Radar software advances,
- therefore, rendering some statements currently existing invalid.
- Significant changes will be effective thirty days (30 days) after changes have been made,
- while minor changes are effective immediately.
- You'll be notified of these changes via updates on the software.
- It is advisable to check this policy occasionally for any changes.
Contact the Developers
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this
- software, please contact the developer by sending an email to niccokunzmann@rambler.ru
- or by opening a new
- issue
- on Github.
Last Updated: This Privacy Policy was last updated on [15-10-2018].
Änderungen Dieser Datenschutzerklärung
Die Entwickler behalten sich vor, diese Niederschrift und Sätze daraus jederzeit zu verändern.
+Diese Veränderungen sind wahrscheinlich, solange wie der Frucht-Radar entwickelt wird.
+Deswegen werden manche Formulierungen in Zukunft auch nicht zutreffen.
+Große Veränderungen werden nach dreißig Tagen (30 Tagen) effektiv, kleinere Veränderungen sofort.
+Du wirst durch Updates der Software auf die Veränderungen hingewiesen.
+Wir empfehlen, die Datenschutzerklärung von Zeit zu Zeit wieder auf Änderungen zu überprüfen.
Die Entwickler Kontaktieren
Solltest Du Fragen zu dieser Datenschutzerklärung oder der Funktionsweise dieser Software haben, sende gerne eine E-Mail an den Entwickler an niccokunzmann@rambler.ru oder öffne eine Issue auf GitHub.
Diese Datenschutzerklärung wurde am5. August 2019 zuletzt erneuert.
This privacy policy document is to clearly state and provides information on what,
+ how and why personal data or information is collected,
+ used and disclosed when this software is utilized and
+ the choices you have associated with that data.
The objective of this policy document is to provide an open environment between developers
+ and users of this software by openly stating what information the developer collects or not.
+ By utilizing this software, it means you accept all the terms and conditions of the
+ developer peculiar to only Fruit Radar software.
+ This Policy applies to this software and the developer would not be held responsible for
+ the content or privacy practices on any third party app not operated by the developer to
+ which this software links or that links to this software,
+ therefore it is advisable to read up the privacy policies of third party services that
+ may be linked to this software.
Permissions and access are simply the device permissions the software requires to
+ function and the access enabling this permission grants.
+ To function efficiently and effectively as developed and designed,
+ Fruit Radar will require some device permissions.
+ The permissions are;
+ The enablement of the camera permission grants the app access to your device camera
+ to take pictures and videos.
+ When the location permission is enabled the software has access to your precise location
+ (GPS and network-based).
+ Permission to access device storage allows the software read, modify or delete contents
+ of your SD card.
+ Means the app is capable of creating network sockets and
+ can use customized network protocols.
+ This capability does not require the software to send data to the internet.
+ This app can control your device vibrator.
The above permissions can be revoked at any time you desire,
+ but revoking some of these permissions might cause the software to crash and some services
+ of the software will cease to function.
+ These permissions work hand-in-hand simultaneously to ensure smooth operations and
+ utilization of the software.
+ This is privy to only users with devices running Android 6.0 upwards.
Crash reports sending
Fruit Radar is stable and works fine but you may still experience few errors (bugs) and
+ crashes, information about these crashes are important to me (the developer)
+ so the issues can be fixed immediately and the software is running efficiently again.
+ If you encounter a bug during the use of this software, please open an
+ issue
+ on GitHub and it will be fixed in due time.
+ You can also access the project's repository directly from with the app to view
+ and open new issues.
+ You can report a debug log file if you gave EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions or
+ use logcat to retrieve the log.
+ If you gave permissions, you should be able to find it under
+ eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt or eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt.
+ The app (if starting) should point you to the file.
+ You can use
+ MatLog Libre
+ to retrieve the app log before and after a crash.
Service Providers
Fruit Radar is dependent upon the services of third-party services to facilitate
+ its operations and to perform service-related services or
+ to assist in analyzing how the services of the software are used.
+ These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on the
+ developer's behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
The third-party tools/services that are employed by the developer and embedded in
+ the software are;
These websites are third party websites which house the plant database or plant sources.
+ From these sources, plants details are downloaded.
Mundraub.org collects your personal information
+ only when you submit your data during registration.
+ Read the company's Privacy Policy.
Mundraub.org and
+ Na-Ovoce.cz reveals text, position, images, email,
+ username, category but not your password.
+ The password is saved in the app and on the platform.
+ They are also uploading platforms, so when you tell the app to upload/login/register,
+ more data is uploaded to these platforms.
Other third-party tools used are;
+ This service goes into operation automatically as soon as the map opens.
+ It displays the streets.
+ Read the company's
+ Privacy Policy.
+ This is used for fetching the map preview.
+ is the service we use to find the location of a place on the map.
+ Read the company's
+ Privacy Policy.
Using these map services possibly reveals your position and certainly your IP address.
Links To Other Sites
Fruit Radar contains links to other services that are not directly operated by the
+ developer.
+ If you click on a third party service either in the app,
+ you will be directed to that third party's site or app.
+ The developer has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content,
+ privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Transfer Of Data
When the third-party services contained in the app are used, your information,
+ including personal data, may be transferred to computers located outside of your state,
+ province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws
+ may differ than those from your jurisdiction.
+ Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information
+ represents your agreement to that transfer.
Children's Policy
The Services of this software does not restrict the utilization of this software by
+ minors or anyone under the age of 13.
+ The concept of this software is intended for general use for all gender,
+ races and age grades.
+ This statement does not hold in localities where policies against the use of this
+ software or any other software in particular by minors exist.
Security of Data
The developer values your trust in providing your Personal Information
+ and thus is striving to use commercially acceptable measures of protecting it.
+ However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed,
+ disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software.
+ By using continuing to use this software and it's services,
+ you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
The developer reserves the right to alter and modify the statements made in this
+ policy at any time.
+ These changes are likely to occur as the development of Fruit Radar software advances,
+ therefore, rendering some statements currently existing invalid.
+ Significant changes will be effective thirty days (30 days) after changes have been made,
+ while minor changes are effective immediately.
+ You'll be notified of these changes via updates on the software.
+ It is advisable to check this policy occasionally for any changes.
Contact the Developers
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this
+ software, please contact the developer by sending an email to niccokunzmann@rambler.ru
+ or by opening a new
+ issue
+ on Github.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on
+ [05-08-2019].
- This privacy policy document is to clearly state and provides information on what,
This privacy policy document is to clearly state and provides information on what,
how and why personal data or information is collected,
used and disclosed when this software is utilized and
- the choices you have associated with that data.
- The objective of this policy document is to provide an open environment between developers
+ the choices you have associated with that data.
The objective of this policy document is to provide an open environment between developers
and users of this software by openly stating what information the developer collects or not.
By utilizing this software, it means you accept all the terms and conditions of the
developer peculiar to only Fruit Radar software.
@@ -21,19 +18,16 @@
Fruit Radar Privacy Policy
the content or privacy practices on any third party app not operated by the developer to
which this software links or that links to this software,
therefore it is advisable to read up the privacy policies of third party services that
- may be linked to this software.
Permission and Access
- Permissions and access are simply the device permissions the software requires to
+ may be linked to this software.
Permission and Access
Permissions and access are simply the device permissions the software requires to
function and the access enabling this permission grants.
To function efficiently and effectively as developed and designed,
Fruit Radar will require some device permissions.
- The permissions are;
+ The permissions are;
The enablement of the camera permission grants the app access to your device camera
to take pictures and videos.
@@ -59,18 +53,15 @@
Control Vibration
This app can control your device vibrator.
- The above permissions can be revoked at any time you desire,
The above permissions can be revoked at any time you desire,
but revoking some of these permissions might cause the software to crash and some services
of the software will cease to function.
These permissions work hand-in-hand simultaneously to ensure smooth operations and
utilization of the software.
- This is privy to only users with devices running Android 6.0 upwards.
Crash reports sending
- Fruit Radar is stable and works fine but you may still experience few errors (bugs) and
+ This is privy to only users with devices running Android 6.0 upwards.
Crash reports sending
Fruit Radar is stable and works fine but you may still experience few errors (bugs) and
crashes, information about these crashes are important to me (the developer)
so the issues can be fixed immediately and the software is running efficiently again.
If you encounter a bug during the use of this software, please open an
@@ -85,135 +76,105 @@
Crash reports sending
The app (if starting) should point you to the file.
You can use
MatLog Libre
- to retrieve the app log before and after a crash.
Service Providers
- Fruit Radar is dependent upon the services of third-party services to facilitate
+ to retrieve the app log before and after a crash.
Service Providers
Fruit Radar is dependent upon the services of third-party services to facilitate
its operations and to perform service-related services or
to assist in analyzing how the services of the software are used.
These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on the
- developer's behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
- The third-party tools/services that are employed by the developer and embedded in
- the software are;
+ developer's behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
The third-party tools/services that are employed by the developer and embedded in
+ the software are;
Mundraub.org and
Na-Ovoce.cz reveals text, position, images, email,
username, category but not your password.
The password is saved in the app and on the platform.
They are also uploading platforms, so when you tell the app to upload/login/register,
- more data is uploaded to these platforms.
This service goes into operation automatically as soon as the map opens.
It displays the streets.
Read the company's
- Privacy Policy.
- Using these map services possibly reveals your position and certainly your IP address.
Links To Other Sites
- Fruit Radar contains links to other services that are not directly operated by the
Using these map services possibly reveals your position and certainly your IP address.
Links To Other Sites
Fruit Radar contains links to other services that are not directly operated by the
If you click on a third party service either in the app,
you will be directed to that third party's site or app.
The developer has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content,
- privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Transfer Of Data
- When the third-party services contained in the app are used, your information,
+ privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Transfer Of Data
When the third-party services contained in the app are used, your information,
including personal data, may be transferred to computers located outside of your state,
province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws
may differ than those from your jurisdiction.
Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information
- represents your agreement to that transfer.
Children's Policy
- The Services of this software does not restrict the utilization of this software by
+ represents your agreement to that transfer.
Children's Policy
The Services of this software does not restrict the utilization of this software by
minors or anyone under the age of 13.
The concept of this software is intended for general use for all gender,
races and age grades.
This statement does not hold in localities where policies against the use of this
- software or any other software in particular by minors exist.
Security of Data
- The developer values your trust in providing your Personal Information
+ software or any other software in particular by minors exist.
Security of Data
The developer values your trust in providing your Personal Information
and thus is striving to use commercially acceptable measures of protecting it.
However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed,
disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software.
By using continuing to use this software and it's services,
- you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
- The developer reserves the right to alter and modify the statements made in this
+ you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
The developer reserves the right to alter and modify the statements made in this
policy at any time.
These changes are likely to occur as the development of Fruit Radar software advances,
therefore, rendering some statements currently existing invalid.
Significant changes will be effective thirty days (30 days) after changes have been made,
while minor changes are effective immediately.
You'll be notified of these changes via updates on the software.
- It is advisable to check this policy occasionally for any changes.
+ It is advisable to check this policy occasionally for any changes.
Contact the Developers
- If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this
software, please contact the developer by sending an email to niccokunzmann@rambler.ru
or by opening a new
- on Github.
- This Privacy Policy was last updated on
- [05-08-2019].
+ on Github.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on
+ [05-08-2019].
This privacy policy document is to clearly state and provides information on what,
+ how and why personal data or information is collected,
+ used and disclosed when this software is utilized and
+ the choices you have associated with that data.
The objective of this policy document is to provide an open environment between developers
+ and users of this software by openly stating what information the developer collects or not.
+ By utilizing this software, it means you accept all the terms and conditions of the
+ developer peculiar to only Fruit Radar software.
+ This Policy applies to this software and the developer would not be held responsible for
+ the content or privacy practices on any third party app not operated by the developer to
+ which this software links or that links to this software,
+ therefore it is advisable to read up the privacy policies of third party services that
+ may be linked to this software.
Permission and Access
Permissions and access are simply the device permissions the software requires to
+ function and the access enabling this permission grants.
+ To function efficiently and effectively as developed and designed,
+ Fruit Radar will require some device permissions.
+ The permissions are;
+ The enablement of the camera permission grants the app access to your device camera
+ to take pictures and videos.
+ When the location permission is enabled the software has access to your precise location
+ (GPS and network-based).
+ Permission to access device storage allows the software read, modify or delete contents
+ of your SD card.
Full Network Access
+ Means the app is capable of creating network sockets and
+ can use customized network protocols.
+ This capability does not require the software to send data to the internet.
Control Vibration
+ This app can control your device vibrator.
The above permissions can be revoked at any time you desire,
+ but revoking some of these permissions might cause the software to crash and some services
+ of the software will cease to function.
+ These permissions work hand-in-hand simultaneously to ensure smooth operations and
+ utilization of the software.
+ This is privy to only users with devices running Android 6.0 upwards.
Crash reports sending
Fruit Radar is stable and works fine but you may still experience few errors (bugs) and
+ crashes, information about these crashes are important to me (the developer)
+ so the issues can be fixed immediately and the software is running efficiently again.
+ If you encounter a bug during the use of this software, please open an
+ issue
+ on GitHub and it will be fixed in due time.
+ You can also access the project's repository directly from with the app to view
+ and open new issues.
+ You can report a debug log file if you gave EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions or
+ use logcat to retrieve the log.
+ If you gave permissions, you should be able to find it under
+ eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt or eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt.
+ The app (if starting) should point you to the file.
+ You can use
+ MatLog Libre
+ to retrieve the app log before and after a crash.
Service Providers
Fruit Radar is dependent upon the services of third-party services to facilitate
+ its operations and to perform service-related services or
+ to assist in analyzing how the services of the software are used.
+ These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on the
+ developer's behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
The third-party tools/services that are employed by the developer and embedded in
+ the software are;
These websites are third party websites which house the plant database or plant sources.
+ From these sources, plants details are downloaded.
Mundraub.org collects your personal information
+ only when you submit your data during registration.
+ Read the company's Privacy Policy.
Mundraub.org and
+ Na-Ovoce.cz reveals text, position, images, email,
+ username, category but not your password.
+ The password is saved in the app and on the platform.
+ They are also uploading platforms, so when you tell the app to upload/login/register,
+ more data is uploaded to these platforms.
Other third-party tools used are;
+ This service goes into operation automatically as soon as the map opens.
+ It displays the streets.
+ Read the company's
+ Privacy Policy.
+ This is used for fetching the map preview.
+ is the service we use to find the location of a place on the map.
+ Read the company's
+ Privacy Policy.
Using these map services possibly reveals your position and certainly your IP address.
Links To Other Sites
Fruit Radar contains links to other services that are not directly operated by the
+ developer.
+ If you click on a third party service either in the app,
+ you will be directed to that third party's site or app.
+ The developer has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content,
+ privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Transfer Of Data
When the third-party services contained in the app are used, your information,
+ including personal data, may be transferred to computers located outside of your state,
+ province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws
+ may differ than those from your jurisdiction.
+ Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information
+ represents your agreement to that transfer.
Children's Policy
The Services of this software does not restrict the utilization of this software by
+ minors or anyone under the age of 13.
+ The concept of this software is intended for general use for all gender,
+ races and age grades.
+ This statement does not hold in localities where policies against the use of this
+ software or any other software in particular by minors exist.
Security of Data
The developer values your trust in providing your Personal Information
+ and thus is striving to use commercially acceptable measures of protecting it.
+ However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed,
+ disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software.
+ By using continuing to use this software and it's services,
+ you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
The developer reserves the right to alter and modify the statements made in this
+ policy at any time.
+ These changes are likely to occur as the development of Fruit Radar software advances,
+ therefore, rendering some statements currently existing invalid.
+ Significant changes will be effective thirty days (30 days) after changes have been made,
+ while minor changes are effective immediately.
+ You'll be notified of these changes via updates on the software.
+ It is advisable to check this policy occasionally for any changes.
Contact the Developers
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this
+ software, please contact the developer by sending an email to niccokunzmann@rambler.ru
+ or by opening a new
+ issue
+ on Github.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on
+ [05-08-2019].
Ce document de politique de confidentialité doit indiquer clairement et fournit des informations sur quoi,
+ comment et pourquoi les données personnelles ou les informations sont collectées,
+ utilisé et divulgué lorsque ce logiciel est utilisé et
+ les choix que vous avez associés à ces données.
L'objectif de ce document de politique est de fournir un environnement ouvert entre les développeurs
+ et les utilisateurs de ce logiciel en indiquant ouvertement quelles informations le développeur collecte ou non.
+ En utilisant ce logiciel, cela signifie que vous acceptez tous les termes et conditions du
+ développeur propre au logiciel Fruit Radar uniquement.
+ Cette politique s’applique à ce logiciel et le développeur ne saurait être tenu responsable de
+ le contenu ou les pratiques de confidentialité sur toute application tierce non exploitée par le développeur pour
+ que ce logiciel lie ou qui lie à ce logiciel,
+ Par conséquent, il est conseillé de lire les politiques de confidentialité des services tiers qui
+ peut être lié à ce logiciel.
Permission et accès
Les autorisations et les accès sont simplement les autorisations de l'appareil requises par le logiciel pour
+ fonction et l’accès permettant cette autorisation accorde.
+ Pour fonctionner efficacement tel que développé et conçu,
+ Fruit Radar nécessitera des autorisations de périphérique.
+ Les autorisations sont;
+ L'activation de l'autorisation de la caméra accorde à l'application l'accès à la caméra de votre appareil.
+ prendre des photos et des vidéos.
+ Lorsque l'autorisation de localisation est activée, le logiciel a accès à votre localisation précise.
+ (GPS et réseau).
+ L'autorisation d'accéder au stockage de l'appareil permet au logiciel de lire, modifier ou supprimer du contenu.
+ de votre carte SD.
Accès complet au réseau
+ Signifie que l'application est capable de créer des sockets réseau et
+ peut utiliser des protocoles de réseau personnalisés.
+ Cette fonctionnalité n'exige pas que le logiciel envoie des données à Internet.
Contrôle des vibrations
+ Cette application peut contrôler le vibreur de votre appareil.
Les autorisations ci-dessus peuvent être révoquées à tout moment,
+ mais la révocation de certaines de ces autorisations peut entraîner le blocage du logiciel et la suppression de certains services.
+ du logiciel cessera de fonctionner.
+ Ces autorisations fonctionnent simultanément simultanément pour assurer le bon fonctionnement et la
+ utilisation du logiciel.
+ Ceci est réservé aux utilisateurs disposant d'appareils fonctionnant sous Android 6.0.
Envoi de rapports de crash
Fruit Radar est stable et fonctionne bien, mais vous pouvez toujours rencontrer quelques erreurs (bugs) et
+ les accidents, les informations sur ces accidents sont importantes pour moi (le développeur)
+ les problèmes peuvent donc être résolus immédiatement et le logiciel fonctionne à nouveau efficacement.
+ Si vous rencontrez un bogue lors de l’utilisation de ce logiciel, veuillez ouvrir un
+ problème
+ sur GitHub et il sera corrigé en temps voulu.
+ Vous pouvez également accéder au référentiel du projet directement à partir de l'application pour afficher
+ et ouvrir de nouvelles questions.
+ Vous pouvez signaler un fichier journal de débogage si vous avez donné les autorisations EXTERNAL_STORAGE ou
+ utilisez logcat pour récupérer le journal.
+ Si vous avez donné des autorisations, vous devriez pouvoir le trouver sous
+ eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt ou eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt.
+ L'application (si elle démarre) devrait vous diriger vers le fichier.
+ Vous pouvez utiliser
+ MatLog Libre
+ pour récupérer le journal des applications avant et après un crash.
Les fournisseurs de services
Fruit Radar dépend des services de tiers pour faciliter
+ ses opérations et à fournir des services liés aux services ou
+ aider à analyser l'utilisation des services du logiciel.
+ Ces tiers ont accès à vos données personnelles uniquement pour effectuer ces tâches sur le
+ développeur et sont obligés de ne pas le divulguer ni l’utiliser à d’autres fins.
Les outils / services tiers utilisés par le développeur et intégrés dans
+ les logiciels sont;
Ces sites Web sont des sites Web tiers hébergeant la base de données de l'installation ou des sources d'installation.
+ À partir de ces sources, les détails des plantes sont téléchargés.
Mundraub.org collecte vos informations personnelles
+ seulement lorsque vous soumettez vos données lors de votre inscription.
+ Lisez la politique de confidentialité de l'entreprise.
Mundraub.org et
+ Na-Ovoce.cz révèle le texte, la position, les images, les emails,
+ nom d'utilisateur, catégorie mais pas votre mot de passe.
+ Le mot de passe est enregistré dans l'application et sur la plate-forme.
+ Ils téléchargent également des plates-formes, donc lorsque vous dites à l'application de télécharger / connecter / enregistrer,
+ plus de données sont téléchargées sur ces plates-formes.
L'utilisation de ces services de carte révèle éventuellement votre position et certainement votre adresse IP.
Liens vers d'autres sites
Fruit Radar contient des liens vers d’autres services qui ne sont pas directement exploités par le
+ développeur.
+ Si vous cliquez sur un service tiers soit dans l'application,
+ vous serez dirigé vers le site ou l'application de ce tiers.
+ Le développeur n'a aucun contrôle sur et n'assume aucune responsabilité pour le contenu,
+ politiques ou pratiques de confidentialité de tout site ou service tiers.
Transfert de données
Lorsque les services tiers contenus dans l'application sont utilisés, vos informations,
+ y compris les données personnelles, peuvent être transférés vers des ordinateurs situés en dehors de votre état,
+ province, pays ou autre juridiction gouvernementale où les lois sur la protection des données
+ peuvent différer de ceux de votre juridiction.
+ Votre consentement à cette politique de confidentialité, suivi de votre soumission de ces informations
+ représente votre accord à ce transfert.
Politique de l'enfance
Les services de ce logiciel ne limitent pas l’utilisation de ce logiciel par
+ mineurs ou toute personne de moins de 13 ans.
+ Le concept de ce logiciel est destiné à une utilisation générale pour tous les genres,
+ races et classes d'âge.
+ Cette déclaration n’est pas valable dans les localités où des politiques interdisant l’utilisation de cette
+ il existe des logiciels ou tout autre logiciel, en particulier de mineurs.
Sécurité des données
Le développeur valorise votre confiance dans la fourniture de vos informations personnelles.
+ et cherche donc à utiliser des mesures de protection commercialement acceptables.
+ Cependant, ces mesures ne garantissent pas que vos informations ne seront pas consultées,
+ divulgués, altérés ou détruits par la violation de ces pare-feu et logiciel de serveur sécurisé.
+ En continuant à utiliser ce logiciel et ses services,
+ vous reconnaissez que vous comprenez et acceptez d'assumer ces risques.
Changements à cette politique de confidentialité
Le développeur se réserve le droit de modifier les déclarations faites dans ce document.
+ politique à tout moment.
+ Ces changements sont susceptibles de se produire à mesure que le développement du logiciel Fruit Radar progresse,
+ par conséquent, rendre certaines instructions existantes non valides.
+ Les modifications importantes entreront en vigueur trente jours (30 jours) après leur modification.
+ tandis que des changements mineurs sont en vigueur immédiatement.
+ Vous serez informé de ces modifications via les mises à jour du logiciel.
+ Il est conseillé de vérifier cette politique de temps en temps pour tout changement.
Contacter les développeurs
Si vous avez des questions concernant la présente politique de confidentialité ou les pratiques de cette
+ logiciel, veuillez contacter le développeur en envoyant un email à niccokunzmann@rambler.ru
+ ou en ouvrant un nouveau
+ problème
+ sur Github.
Notre politique de confidentialité a été actualisée le
+ [05-08-2019].
This privacy policy document is to clearly state and provides information on what,
+ how and why personal data or information is collected,
+ used and disclosed when this software is utilized and
+ the choices you have associated with that data.
The objective of this policy document is to provide an open environment between developers
+ and users of this software by openly stating what information the developer collects or not.
+ By utilizing this software, it means you accept all the terms and conditions of the
+ developer peculiar to only Fruit Radar software.
+ This Policy applies to this software and the developer would not be held responsible for
+ the content or privacy practices on any third party app not operated by the developer to
+ which this software links or that links to this software,
+ therefore it is advisable to read up the privacy policies of third party services that
+ may be linked to this software.
Permission and Access
Permissions and access are simply the device permissions the software requires to
+ function and the access enabling this permission grants.
+ To function efficiently and effectively as developed and designed,
+ Fruit Radar will require some device permissions.
+ The permissions are;
+ The enablement of the camera permission grants the app access to your device camera
+ to take pictures and videos.
+ When the location permission is enabled the software has access to your precise location
+ (GPS and network-based).
+ Permission to access device storage allows the software read, modify or delete contents
+ of your SD card.
Full Network Access
+ Means the app is capable of creating network sockets and
+ can use customized network protocols.
+ This capability does not require the software to send data to the internet.
Control Vibration
+ This app can control your device vibrator.
The above permissions can be revoked at any time you desire,
+ but revoking some of these permissions might cause the software to crash and some services
+ of the software will cease to function.
+ These permissions work hand-in-hand simultaneously to ensure smooth operations and
+ utilization of the software.
+ This is privy to only users with devices running Android 6.0 upwards.
Crash reports sending
Fruit Radar is stable and works fine but you may still experience few errors (bugs) and
+ crashes, information about these crashes are important to me (the developer)
+ so the issues can be fixed immediately and the software is running efficiently again.
+ If you encounter a bug during the use of this software, please open an
+ issue
+ on GitHub and it will be fixed in due time.
+ You can also access the project's repository directly from with the app to view
+ and open new issues.
+ You can report a debug log file if you gave EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions or
+ use logcat to retrieve the log.
+ If you gave permissions, you should be able to find it under
+ eu.quelltext.mundraub.log.txt or eu.quelltext.mundraub.error.txt.
+ The app (if starting) should point you to the file.
+ You can use
+ MatLog Libre
+ to retrieve the app log before and after a crash.
Service Providers
Fruit Radar is dependent upon the services of third-party services to facilitate
+ its operations and to perform service-related services or
+ to assist in analyzing how the services of the software are used.
+ These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on the
+ developer's behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
The third-party tools/services that are employed by the developer and embedded in
+ the software are;
These websites are third party websites which house the plant database or plant sources.
+ From these sources, plants details are downloaded.
Mundraub.org collects your personal information
+ only when you submit your data during registration.
+ Read the company's Privacy Policy.
Mundraub.org and
+ Na-Ovoce.cz reveals text, position, images, email,
+ username, category but not your password.
+ The password is saved in the app and on the platform.
+ They are also uploading platforms, so when you tell the app to upload/login/register,
+ more data is uploaded to these platforms.
Other third-party tools used are;
+ This service goes into operation automatically as soon as the map opens.
+ It displays the streets.
+ Read the company's
+ Privacy Policy.
+ This is used for fetching the map preview.
+ is the service we use to find the location of a place on the map.
+ Read the company's
+ Privacy Policy.
Using these map services possibly reveals your position and certainly your IP address.
Links To Other Sites
Fruit Radar contains links to other services that are not directly operated by the
+ developer.
+ If you click on a third party service either in the app,
+ you will be directed to that third party's site or app.
+ The developer has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content,
+ privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
Transfer Of Data
When the third-party services contained in the app are used, your information,
+ including personal data, may be transferred to computers located outside of your state,
+ province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws
+ may differ than those from your jurisdiction.
+ Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information
+ represents your agreement to that transfer.
Children's Policy
The Services of this software does not restrict the utilization of this software by
+ minors or anyone under the age of 13.
+ The concept of this software is intended for general use for all gender,
+ races and age grades.
+ This statement does not hold in localities where policies against the use of this
+ software or any other software in particular by minors exist.
Security of Data
The developer values your trust in providing your Personal Information
+ and thus is striving to use commercially acceptable measures of protecting it.
+ However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed,
+ disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software.
+ By using continuing to use this software and it's services,
+ you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
The developer reserves the right to alter and modify the statements made in this
+ policy at any time.
+ These changes are likely to occur as the development of Fruit Radar software advances,
+ therefore, rendering some statements currently existing invalid.
+ Significant changes will be effective thirty days (30 days) after changes have been made,
+ while minor changes are effective immediately.
+ You'll be notified of these changes via updates on the software.
+ It is advisable to check this policy occasionally for any changes.
Contact the Developers
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this
+ software, please contact the developer by sending an email to niccokunzmann@rambler.ru
+ or by opening a new
+ issue
+ on Github.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on
+ [05-08-2019].
Zdroje rostlin: FruitMap.org, Mundraub.org, Na-Ovoce.cz
Zveřejněte rostliny na stránkách Mundraub.org a Na-Ovoce.cz
FOTOAPARÁT pro vyfocení rostliny
GPS pro automatické vyplnění místa
INTERNET pro nahrání rostliny a zobrazení mapy
ÚLOŽIŠTĚ (volitelné) k uložte rostliny jako JSON v exportovatelném formátu a uložte protokol aplikace, abyste nám mohli pomoci při selhání aplikace
VIBROVÁNÍ (volitelné) bude informovat o rostlinách v okolí
diff --git a/metadata/cs/full_description_play.txt b/metadata/cs/full_description_play.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9857ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/cs/full_description_play.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Tato aplikace je open-source! Vaše příspěvky si ceníme - považujeme je za vaši aplikaci.
+Přeložit aplikaci do vašeho jazyka:
+Nahlášení chyb a diskuse o funkcích:
+Zobrazit a vylepšit zdrojový kód:
+Zobrazit poslední změny:
+License: GNU General Public License version 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/cs/short_description.txt b/metadata/cs/short_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d7047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/cs/short_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Najděte jedlé rostliny a sdílejte je online!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/cs/title.txt b/metadata/cs/title.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efdc455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/cs/title.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fruit Radar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/de/full_description.txt b/metadata/de/full_description.txt
index c6e9003..1d4086c 100644
--- a/metadata/de/full_description.txt
+++ b/metadata/de/full_description.txt
@@ -1,26 +1,6 @@
-Finde Pflanzen und teile sie auf Mundraub.org!
-Du hast Dein Telefon die ganze Zeit dabei.
-Wenn Du eine essbare Pflanze findest, die du mit anderen teilen möchtest, kannst Du ihre Position, die Art und ein Photo aufnehmen.
-Später, mit Internetzugriff, kannst Du sie auf die Karte für frei essbare Pflanzen hochladen: Mundraub.org.
Alle Pflanzendaten können offline eingetragen werden
Eingebaute Karte, um Pflanzen zu finden
Die Fundorte können runter geladen werden und sind offline verfügbar
Eigene Fundorte können auf Mundraub.org publiziert werden
KAMERA, um ein Foto zu machen
GPS, um den Fundort automatisch zu orten
INTERNET, um die Pflanzen hochzuladen und auf einer Karte zu teilen
SPEICHER (optional), um
die Pflanzen in einem exportierbaren Format zu speichern
die App-Ausgaben als Logdatei zu speichern, damit Du uns helfen kannst, die Fehler zu beheben.
+Finde Pflanzen und teile sie online!
+Du hast Dein Telefon die ganze Zeit dabei. Wenn Du eine essbare Pflanze findest, die du mit anderen teilen möchtest, kannst Du ihre Position, die Art und ein Photo aufnehmen. Später, mit Internetzugriff, kannst Du sie auf die Karte für frei essbare Pflanzen hochladen: Mundraub.org.
Alle Pflanzendaten können offline eingetragen werden
Eingebaute Karte, um Pflanzen zu finden
Benachrichtigungen wenn essbare Pflanzen in der Nähe sind
Publiziere Pflanzen auf Mundraub.org und Na-Ovoce.cz
KAMERA, um ein Foto zu machen
GPS, um den Fundort automatisch zu orten
INTERNET, um die Pflanzen hochzuladen und auf einer Karte zu teilen
SPEICHER (optional), um speichere Pflanzen als JSON in einem exportierbaren Format und speichere App-Log-Datei um uns beim Fehlerbeheben zu helfen
VIBRATION (optional), um über Pflanzen in der Nähe benachrichtigt zu werden
diff --git a/metadata/de/full_description_play.txt b/metadata/de/full_description_play.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27694b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/de/full_description_play.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Diese App ist quelloffen! Wir schätzen Deine Beiträge - sieh sie als Deine App.
+Übersetze die App in Deine Sprache:
+Melde Fehler und bespreche Features:
+Sieh den Quelltext an und verbessere die App:
+View the latest changes:
+Lizenz: GNU General Public License Version 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/de/short_description.txt b/metadata/de/short_description.txt
index b9690d2..55e07e5 100644
--- a/metadata/de/short_description.txt
+++ b/metadata/de/short_description.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Finde essbare Pflanzen und teile sie online!
\ No newline at end of file
+Finde essbare Pflanzen mit dem Frucht-Radar und teile Fundorte online!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/de/title.txt b/metadata/de/title.txt
index ad56581..841357a 100644
--- a/metadata/de/title.txt
+++ b/metadata/de/title.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/de_AT/full_description.txt b/metadata/de_AT/full_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d4086c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/de_AT/full_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Finde Pflanzen und teile sie online!
+Du hast Dein Telefon die ganze Zeit dabei. Wenn Du eine essbare Pflanze findest, die du mit anderen teilen möchtest, kannst Du ihre Position, die Art und ein Photo aufnehmen. Später, mit Internetzugriff, kannst Du sie auf die Karte für frei essbare Pflanzen hochladen: Mundraub.org.
Alle Pflanzendaten können offline eingetragen werden
Eingebaute Karte, um Pflanzen zu finden
Benachrichtigungen wenn essbare Pflanzen in der Nähe sind
Publiziere Pflanzen auf Mundraub.org und Na-Ovoce.cz
KAMERA, um ein Foto zu machen
GPS, um den Fundort automatisch zu orten
INTERNET, um die Pflanzen hochzuladen und auf einer Karte zu teilen
SPEICHER (optional), um speichere Pflanzen als JSON in einem exportierbaren Format und speichere App-Log-Datei um uns beim Fehlerbeheben zu helfen
VIBRATION (optional), um über Pflanzen in der Nähe benachrichtigt zu werden
diff --git a/metadata/de_AT/full_description_play.txt b/metadata/de_AT/full_description_play.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c2e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/de_AT/full_description_play.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This app is open-source! We value your contributions - see it as your app.
+Translate the app to your language:
+Report bugs and discuss features:
+View and improve the source code:
+View the latest changes:
+License: GNU General Public License version 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/de_AT/short_description.txt b/metadata/de_AT/short_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55e07e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/de_AT/short_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Finde essbare Pflanzen mit dem Frucht-Radar und teile Fundorte online!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/de_AT/title.txt b/metadata/de_AT/title.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..841357a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/de_AT/title.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/en/full_description.txt b/metadata/en/full_description.txt
index 5d76343..c56edb7 100644
--- a/metadata/en/full_description.txt
+++ b/metadata/en/full_description.txt
@@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
-Find plants and share them online!
-You have your phone with you all the time.
-When you find an edible plant, you like to share with others, you can record location, type and a photo.
-Later, when you have Internet, you can upload it to the map of free plants to eat: Mundraub.org.
STORAGE (optional) to
- save the plants as JSON in an exportable format
- and save the app log so you can help us when the app crashes
VIBRATE (optional) to be notified about plants nearby
+Find plants and share them online!
+You have your phone with you all the time. When you find an edible plant, you like to share with others, you can record location, type and a photo. Later, when you have Internet, you can upload it to the map of free plants to eat: Mundraub.org.
STORAGE (optional) to save the plants as JSON in an exportable format and save the app log so you can help us when the app crashes
VIBRATE (optional) to be notified about plants nearby
diff --git a/metadata/es/full_description.txt b/metadata/es/full_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e93192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/es/full_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Find plants and share them online!
+You have your phone with you all the time. When you find an edible plant, you like to share with others, you can record location, type and a photo. Later, when you have Internet, you can upload it to the map of free plants to eat: Mundraub.org.
STORAGE (optional) to save the plants as JSON in an exportable format and save the app log so you can help us when the app crashes
VIBRATE (optional) to be notified about plants nearby
diff --git a/metadata/es/full_description_play.txt b/metadata/es/full_description_play.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c2e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/es/full_description_play.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This app is open-source! We value your contributions - see it as your app.
+Translate the app to your language:
+Report bugs and discuss features:
+View and improve the source code:
+View the latest changes:
+License: GNU General Public License version 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/es/short_description.txt b/metadata/es/short_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52af093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/es/short_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Find edible plants and share them online!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/es/title.txt b/metadata/es/title.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efdc455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/es/title.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fruit Radar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/fr/full_description.txt b/metadata/fr/full_description.txt
index 5c9f39a..0e4627b 100644
--- a/metadata/fr/full_description.txt
+++ b/metadata/fr/full_description.txt
@@ -1,29 +1,6 @@
-Trouvez des plantes et partagez-les en ligne !
-Vous avez votre GSM avec vous tout le temps.
-Lorsque vous trouvez une plante comestible que vous aimeriez partager avec d'autres, vous pouvez enregistrer sa localisation, son type, et même une photo.
-Plus tard, lorsque vous serez connecté à internet, vous pouvez l'uploader sur la carte des plantes sauvages comestibles : Mundraub.org.
-Fonctionnalités :
Réunissez des données sur les plantes en mode hors-ligne
Publier des plantes sur Mundraub.org et Na-Ovoce.cz
-Autorisations nécessaires :
APPAREIL PHOTO pour prendre une photo de la plante
GPS pour auto-compléter la localisation de la plante
RÉSEAU pour synchroniser les plantes et afficher la carte
STOCKAGE (optionnel) pour
-enregistrer les plantes au format JSON dans un format exportable
-et enregistrez le journal de l'application afin que vous puissiez nous aider lorsque l'application se bloque.
VIBRER (optionnel) pour vous notifier lorsque des plantes sont à proximité
+Trouvez des plantes et partagez-les en ligne !
+Vous avez votre GSM avec vous tout le temps. Lorsque vous trouvez une plante comestible que vous aimeriez partager avec d'autres, vous pouvez enregistrer sa localisation, son type, et même une photo. Plus tard, lorsque vous serez connecté à internet, vous pouvez l'uploader sur la carte des plantes sauvages comestibles : Mundraub.org.
+Fonctionnalités :
Réunissez des données sur les plantes en mode hors-ligne
Publier des plantes sur Mundraub.org et Na-Ovoce.cz
+Autorisations nécessaires :
APPAREIL PHOTO pour prendre une photo de la plante
GPS pour auto-compléter la localisation de la plante
RÉSEAU pour synchroniser les plantes et afficher la carte
STOCKAGE (optionnel) pour enregistrer les plantes au format JSON dans un format exportable et enregistrez le journal de l'application afin que vous puissiez nous aider lorsque l'application se bloque.
VIBRER (optionnel) pour vous notifier lorsque des plantes sont à proximité
diff --git a/metadata/fr/full_description_play.txt b/metadata/fr/full_description_play.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..392d135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/fr/full_description_play.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Cette appli est open source ! Nous saurons apprécier vos contributions - voyez ceci comme votre application
+Traduisez l'appli dans votre langue :
+Rapporter des bugs et proposer des fonctionnalités :
+Voir et améliorer le code source :
+Voir les derniers changements :
+License: GNU General Public License version 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/ru/full_description.txt b/metadata/ru/full_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad48bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/ru/full_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Наидти ростения и дели их онлайн!
+У тебя есть мобильник с собой всегда. Если ты наидёшь пищевое ростение, который ты хочешь делить, ты можешь снимать положение, тип и фото. Позже со связем с интернетом, ты можешь закачать оно на карту фруктов.
STORAGE (optional) to save the plants as JSON in an exportable format and save the app log so you can help us when the app crashes
VIBRATE (optional) to be notified about plants nearby
diff --git a/metadata/ru/full_description_play.txt b/metadata/ru/full_description_play.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c2e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/ru/full_description_play.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This app is open-source! We value your contributions - see it as your app.
+Translate the app to your language:
+Report bugs and discuss features:
+View and improve the source code:
+View the latest changes:
+License: GNU General Public License version 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/ru/short_description.txt b/metadata/ru/short_description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52af093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/ru/short_description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Find edible plants and share them online!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metadata/ru/title.txt b/metadata/ru/title.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eab208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/ru/title.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Фруктовый Радар
\ No newline at end of file