- Webpack 官网
- Webpack 中文网
- webpack-demos(阮一峰 )
- Getting Started with webpack
- Webpack Tutorial
- webpack 入门指南
- webpack 从入门到工程实践
- Webpack,101 入门体验
- vue-cli#2.0 webpack 配置分析
- A Beginner’s Guide to Webpack 4 and Module Bundling
- Webpack 打包优化之体积篇
- Webpack 打包优化之速度篇
- 为什么 Webpack 2 的 Tree Shaking 不如你想象的那么有效
- Webpack 代码分割技巧
- Optimize your libraries with webpack: Using a library in your webpack project? Here’s how to optimize it
- prerender-loader: 📰 Painless universal pre-rendering for Webpack. https://npm.im/prerender-loader
- webpack-deadcode-plugin: Webpack plugin to detect unused files and unused exports in used files
- guess-webpack: This package exports the GuessPlugin
- vuejs-templates/webpack: A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction.
- size-limit: Prevent JS libraries bloat. If you accidentally add a massive dependency, Size Limit will throw an error.
- image-webpack-loader: Image loader module for webpack
- size-plugin: Track compressed Webpack asset sizes over time. https://npm.im/size-plugin
- happypack: Happiness in the form of faster webpack build times.
- hard-source-webpack-plugin: make the second build will be signficantly faster.