In order to apply this solution you have to deploy hub playground only.
First step is to create a Log Analytics Workspace named playground-workspace
in west-europe
In order to analyze firewall logs go to lab-firewall
-> Diagnostic Settings -> Add Diagnostic Settings:
- Name: firewall-diagnostics
- Logs: Category Group -> All logs
- Metrics: All Metrics
- Destination details: Send to Log Analytics Workspace ->
Prepare routing and firewall rules as described in ping-any-to-any-firewall: when all these steps will be completed each machine will be able to communicate with any other via Firewall.
Connect via RDP from spoke-01-vm
to spoke-02-vm
After that the connection is estabilished, go to lab-firewall
-> Logs -> click on Run
button in Network Rule Log Data Box.
In the Result pane, the first row should be something like:
Time | msg | Protocol | SourceIP | srcport | TargetIp | target port | Action |
... | ... | TCP | | xxx | | 3389 | Allow |
Log ingestion from Azure Firewall can require from 60 seconds to 15 minutes, so if nothing is displayed, wait some minute and try again.
now to test the deny logging, change the firewall network policy as follow:
rule name | source | port | protocol | destination |
all-to-all | group-spoke-01 group-spoke-03 |
* | Any | group-spoke-01 group-spoke-02 group-spoke-03 |
go back to spoke-01-vm
and repeat the RDP connection. The connection will be allowed. This is correct because we have denied the traffic that starts from spoke-02 to any other spokes, but because our connection begins from spoke-01 it will be still possible.
Now change the firewall network policy again as follow:
rule name | source | port | protocol | destination |
all-to-all | group-spoke-02 group-spoke-03 |
* | Any | group-spoke-01 group-spoke-02 group-spoke-03 |
go back to spoke-01-vm
and repeat the RDP connection. The connection will be denied. Infact now we have denied all the connections that begin from spoke-01.
Now go to lab-firewall
-> Logs -> click on Run
button in Network Rule Log Data Box.
In the Result pane, the first row should be something like:
Time | msg | Protocol | SourceIP | srcport | TargetIp | target port | Action |
... | ... | TCP | | xxx | | 3389 | Deny |