Create a reference file
Prepare a TAB-separated reference file following the format described in the Reference Database section.
The file extension must be '.ref', say 'your_reference.ref'. -
Format database
python $DFAST_APP_ROOT/scripts/reference_util.py formatdb -i your_reference.ref
Then, index files for GHOSTX and BLASTP will be generated in the same location as the reference file.
Configure and run
Specify the reference file in thedatabase
attribute in the 'DBsearch' section,
e.g."database": "/path/to/your_reference.ref"
Alternatively, you can run dfast using the
option.dfast --genome your_genome.fa --database /path/to/your_reference.ref
You can prepare a database easily from a FASTA file using 'reference_util.py'.
The script can parse FASTA definition lines for NCBI/UniprotKB/Prokka styles.
- Convert a FASTA file into DFAST reference format
python $DFAST_APP_ROOT/scripts/reference_util.py fasta2dfast -i your_reference.fasta -o your_reference.ref
- Format database, configure, and run
Then, follow the same procedure as above.
OrthoSearch identifies orthologous genes based on a simple Reciprocal-Best-Hit (RBH) approach.
This is effective in reducing running time and in transferring annotations from a reference genome of the closely-related organism.
This recipe shows how to perform OrthoSearch.
OrthoSearch requires a 'reference proteome' file that contains all protein sequences in a genome.
The file format must be either of FASTA, GenBank, or DFAST reference format.
In addition to a plain FASTA format (sequence ID and definition), OrthoSearch can parse FASTA definition lines of UniProt, GenBank, and Prokka styles.
The format is automatically recognized.
Our recommendation is to download a GenBank-format file from the NCBI Assembly Database and to use it as a reference.
- Download a reference proteome
This will download the latest version of the Escherichia coli str. K-12 genome in a GenBank-format into the current directory with the file name 'GCF_000005845.2.gbk'. You can use the
python $DFAST_APP_ROOT/scripts/file_downloader.py --assembly GCF_000005845
option to specify the directory into which the file is downloaded. - Run DFAST
to specify the reference proteome(s).You can specify multiple proteome files with commas to separate files.dfast --genome your_genome.fa --references GCF_000005845.2.gbk
When multiple files are used as references, all-vs-all alignments are conducted between a query proteome and each of the reference proteomes, and the highest-scoring hit will be adopted as the result.dfast --genome your_genome.fa --references GCF_000005845.2.gbk,GCA_000008865.1.faa
- Configuration
Reference proteomes can also be specified in the configuration file.
to True, and specifyreferences
in the 'FUNCTIONAL_ANNOTATION' part.{ "component_name": "OrthoSearch", "enabled": True, "options": { # "cpu": 2, # Uncomment this to set the component-specific number of CPUs. "skipAnnotatedFeatures": False, "evalue_cutoff": 1e-6, "qcov_cutoff": 75, "scov_cutoff": 75, "aligner": "ghostx", "aligner_options": {}, "references": ["GCF_000005845.2.gbk", "GCA_000008865.1.faa"] }, },
BlastSearch is for protein homology search against a large-sized reference database, such as pre-formatted Blast databases like RefSeq Protein and SwissProt available at the NCBI FTP site.
- Download a database from NCBI
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov//blast/db/swissprot.tar.gz tar xvfz swissprot.tar.gz
- Create a configuration file
to True, and specifydatabase
to be searched against. You can also specifydbtype
, but normally, leaving it 'auto' will do.
Place this part upstream of 'DBsearch' against the default database if you want to give priority to 'BlastSearch'.{ "component_name": "BlastSearch", "enabled": True, "options": { # "cpu": 2, # Uncomment this to set the component-specific number of CPUs. "skipAnnotatedFeatures": False, "evalue_cutoff": 1e-6, "qcov_cutoff": 75, "scov_cutoff": 75, "aligner": "blastp", # Must be blastp "aligner_options": {}, "dbtype": "auto", # Must be either of auto/ncbi/uniprot/plain "database": "/path/to/swissprot", }, },
dfast --genome your_genome.fa --config your_config.py
Here is an example to create a database for RefSeq nonredundant archaeal proteins.
- Download FASTA files
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov//refseq/release/archaea/archaea.nonredundant_protein.*.protein.faa.gz gunzip -c archaea.nonredundant_protein.*.protein.faa.gz > archaea.nonredundant_protein.faa
- Format database
Be sure to use-parse_seqids
.makeblastdb -hash_index -parse_seqids -dbtype prot -in archaea.nonredundant_protein.faa
- Create a configuration file and run DFAST
Follow the recipe described above.
dfast_re is prototype implementation for the DFAST re-annotation pipeline, which is located in $DFAST_APP_ROOT/dfc/dev/reannotation.
dfast_re takes a GenBank-formatted sequence file as an input, skips all structural annotation processes, and only conducts functional annotation for CDSs imported from the Genank file. It generates INSDC submission files, but the file format may not be valid.
As it is a Beta version, please use it at your own risk.
- Input file
Takes a GenBank-formatted sequence file as an input, specified by the--genome or (-g)
option. As an input, we assume the result from other annotation platforms such as Prokka, RAST, PGAP (RefSeq data), and so on. - Supported biological features
'CDS' features are imported from the GenBank file and their functional annotation will be overriden.
'gene' features will be discarded.
Other features are imported, but no additional annotation will be done. - Locus_tag, protein_id, product in CDS features
Locus_tags imported from the GenBank files will be described as old_locus_tag, and new locus_tags will be assigned. Protein_id and product in the original GenBank file will be described in the note qualifier.
- Basic usage
or after adding
$DFAST_APP_ROOT/dfc/dev/reannotation/dfast_re --genome path/to/gbfile.gbk
to PATH,dfast_re --genome path/to/gbfile.gbk
- Options
Same as the DFAST standard pipeline.
dfast_gff is prototype implementation for importing gene features from a GFF file.
This function is tested using the GFF3 file generated by GeneMarkS-2.
As it is a Beta version, this function is provided "as is". Please use it at your own risk.
- GFF file
The GFF file path should be specified with the command-line option--gff
is automatically set to "true". - Configuration file
The default config file is
. To make a custom workflow, copy and edit this. You can load the configuration by--config
option. - Supported biological features
Biological features specified bytargets
in the configuration file will be imported. The default setting is "CDS". This means:- CDS features in the GFF file are imported.
- Other CDS prediction tools (MetaGeneAnnotator or Prodigal) are disabled.
- Functional annotation for the iImported CDSs will be performed in the same way as the standard pipeline.
dfast_gff is located in $DFAST_APP_ROOT/dfc/dev/gff
- Basic usage
or after adding
$DFAST_APP_ROOT/dfc/dev/gff/dfast_gff --genome path/to/foo.fna --gff path/to/bar.gff
to yourPATH
,dfast_gff --genome path/to/foo.fna --gff path/to/bar.gff
- Options
Same as the DFAST standard pipeline.