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Parameter values for YouTube simulations

Created by Nils Berglund and optimized by Marco Mancini

C code for videos on YouTube Channel

Below are parameter values used for different simulations, as well as initial conditions used in function animation. Some simulations use variants of the published code. The list is going to be updated gradually.

31 August 22 - 3D rendering of 2D seismic waves

Program: wave_3d.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_circular_wave_mod(0.95, 0.0, phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 2000          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 2000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.8 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 1       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 2   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define COMPARISON 0        /* set to 1 to compare two different patterns */
#define B_DOMAIN_B 20       /* second domain shape, for comparisons */
#define CIRCLE_PATTERN_B 0  /* second pattern of circles or polygons */

#define VARIABLE_IOR 1      /* set to 1 for a variable index of refraction */
#define IOR 2               /* choice of index of refraction, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define MANDEL_IOR_SCALE -0.05   /* parameter controlling dependence of IoR on Mandelbrot escape speed */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 1.0	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.03             /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 12           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 16           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 0          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 0     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 0   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.001       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.2        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define COURANT 0.05       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.025     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define GAMMA 2.0e-8           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 2.0e-8           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 30     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

#define PRECOMPUTE_BC 0     /* set to 1 to compute neighbours for Laplacian in advance */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1750        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 5            /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* set to 1 to print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */
#define ROTATE_VIEW_WHILE_FADE 1    /* set to 1 to keep rotating viewpoint during fade */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.002   /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define ZPLOT 103     /* wave height */
#define CPLOT 103     /* color scheme */

#define ZPLOT_B 104 
#define CPLOT_B 104        /* plot type for second movie */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define FLOOR_ZCOORD 1          /* set to 1 to draw only facets with z not too negative */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1         /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 1   /* set to 1 to draw front of boundary after drawing wave */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw construction lines of certain domains */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 1      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental, draw outside of billiard in gray */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.005         /* vertical scaling in energy plot */
#define PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY 0.25       /* vertical scaling in log energy plot */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 15      /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 13    /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 2.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 1.5   /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 200.0     /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0    /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 0.25      /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.25      /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR -20.0    /* floor value for log of (total) energy */
#define LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT 1.0   /* additional shift for log of mean energy */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 240.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -200.0    /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1       /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 2.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 5.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

/* Parameters controlling 3D projection */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 6.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 0.1    /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 3.1   /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1          /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.1           /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

30 August 22 - A Rayleigh-Taylor instability under horizontal gravity

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 1  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.95
#define INITXMAX 1.95	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -1.1
#define INITYMAX 1.1	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -2.0
#define BCXMAX 2.0	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.125
#define BCYMAX 1.125	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 1   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 0    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 3      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.5 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.5  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.0075     	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.0075         /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 150           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 75           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 3000      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 60         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 100     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */


/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 5
#define PLOT_B 11        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 70.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 280.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 .0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 6.0    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 6.0  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 1.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 0.5   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 10.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.005           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 0.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define GRAVITY_X 5000.0       /* horizontal gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.03   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 1000  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE 1000   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE 500  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 0   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 0        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 1   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be horizontal */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 1     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 0        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 0         /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 120   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 60    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

29 August 22 - Zooming out of Bernoulli site percolation configurations on a honeycomb lattice

Program: perco_zoom.c (variant of percolation.c)

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */

#define NX 15360          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 7936           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 10

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 0   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 1     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 0     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 0   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_HISTOGRAM 0    /* set to 1 to add a histogram of the number of clusters */
#define PRINT_LARGEST_CLUSTER_SIZE 0    /* set to 1 to print size of largest cluster */

#define MAX_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6    /* vertical scale of the cluster number plot */
#define HISTO_BINS 30           /* number of bins in histogram */

#define NSTEPS 1100        /* number of frames of movie */

#define DEBUG 0         /* set to 1 for some debugging features */
#define DEBUG_SLEEP_TIME 1  /* sleep time between frames when debugging */
#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_CLUSTERS_BY_SIZE 0    /* set to 1 to link cluster color to their size */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 350.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 250.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 30.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 330.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

28 August 22 - Wave protection comparison 17: Effect of a chirp on regular and random grids

Program: wave_3d.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat_mod(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */

#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 1000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.8 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 20       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 2   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define COMPARISON 1        /* set to 1 to compare two different patterns */
#define B_DOMAIN_B 20       /* second domain shape, for comparisons */
#define CIRCLE_PATTERN_B 0  /* second pattern of circles or polygons */

#define VARIABLE_IOR 0      /* set to 1 for a variable index of refraction */
#define IOR 1               /* choice of index of refraction, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define MANDEL_IOR_SCALE -0.05   /* parameter controlling dependence of IoR on Mandelbrot escape speed */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.7	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.03             /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 12           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 16           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 0   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.001       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.2        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define COURANT 0.1       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.025     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define GAMMA 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 2.0e-8           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 30     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

#define PRECOMPUTE_BC 0     /* set to 1 to compute neighbours for Laplacian in advance */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2000        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 8            /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 50      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* set to 1 to print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */
#define ROTATE_VIEW_WHILE_FADE 1    /* set to 1 to keep rotating viewpoint during fade */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define ZPLOT 103     /* wave height */
#define CPLOT 103     /* color scheme */

#define ZPLOT_B 105 
#define CPLOT_B 105        /* plot type for second movie */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define FLOOR_ZCOORD 1          /* set to 1 to draw only facets with z not too negative */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1         /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 0   /* set to 1 to draw front of boundary after drawing wave */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw construction lines of certain domains */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 1      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental, draw outside of billiard in gray */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.5         /* vertical scaling in energy plot */
#define PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY 0.75      /* vertical scaling in log energy plot */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 11      /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 14    /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 1.5   /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 60.0     /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0    /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 0.75      /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.5      /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR -5.0    /* floor value for log of (total) energy */
#define LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT 1.0   /* additional shift for log of mean energy */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 240.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -200.0    /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1       /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 5.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 15.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

/* Parameters controlling 3D projection */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 6.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 0.16   /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 2.1   /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1          /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.1           /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

27 August 22 - Rocket nozzle comparison 6: Trumpet-shaped vs bell-shaped

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 1  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.3
#define XMAX 3.7	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.6875
#define YMAX 1.6875	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.75
#define INITXMAX 1.75	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -0.85
#define INITYMAX 1.5	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -3.1
#define BCXMAX 3.1	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -4.5
#define BCYMAX 4.5	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 1    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define ROCKET_SHAPE 0        /* shape of rocket combustion chamber, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define ROCKET_SHAPE_B 0      /* shape of second rocket */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 4      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.75  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.009  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2100      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 100         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define BOUNDARY_COND 20

/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 0
#define PLOT_B 8        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.5    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 5.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.02           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 15.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define GRAVITY_X 0.0          /* horizontal gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.025   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 1900  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE -1   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE -1  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 1     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 1        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 0        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */
#define PLOT_SPEEDS 1       /* set to 1 to add a plot of obstacle speeds (e.g. for rockets) */
#define VMAX_PLOT_SPEEDS 5.0    /* vertical scale of plot of obstacle speeds */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 150   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 225    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

26 August 22 - Cluster size distribution for Bernoulli site percolation on a Poisson disc process

Program: percolation.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 50

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 0   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 1     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 0     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 0   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_HISTOGRAM 1    /* set to 1 to add a histogram of the number of clusters */
#define PRINT_LARGEST_CLUSTER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to print size of largest cluster */

#define MAX_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6    /* vertical scale of the cluster number plot */
#define HISTO_BINS 30           /* number of bins in histogram */

#define NSTEPS 700        /* number of frames of movie */

#define DEBUG 0         /* set to 1 for some debugging features */
#define DEBUG_SLEEP_TIME 1  /* sleep time between frames when debugging */
#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 18     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_CLUSTERS_BY_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to link cluster color to their size */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 350.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 250.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 60.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 300.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

25 August 22 - 3D view of the response of a Poisson disc coastal protection to a chirp

Program: wave_3d.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat_mod(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 1000          /* number of grid points on y axis */
#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.8 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 20       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define VARIABLE_IOR 0      /* set to 1 for a variable index of refraction */
#define IOR 1               /* choice of index of refraction, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define MANDEL_IOR_SCALE -0.05   /* parameter controlling dependence of IoR on Mandelbrot escape speed */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.7	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.028            /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 12           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 15           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 0   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.001       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.2        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define COURANT 0.1       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.025     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define GAMMA 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 30     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

#define PRECOMPUTE_BC 0     /* set to 1 to compute neighbours for Laplacian in advance */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2250        /* number of frames of movie */
// #define NSTEPS 1700        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 8            /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* set to 1 to print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */
#define ROTATE_VIEW_WHILE_FADE 1    /* set to 1 to keep rotating viewpoint during fade */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define ZPLOT 103     /* wave height */
#define CPLOT 103     /* color scheme */

#define ZPLOT_B 105 
#define CPLOT_B 105        /* plot type for second movie */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define FLOOR_ZCOORD 1          /* set to 1 to draw only facets with z not too negative */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1         /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 0   /* set to 1 to draw front of boundary after drawing wave */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw construction lines of certain domains */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 1      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental, draw outside of billiard in gray */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.5         /* vertical scaling in energy plot */
#define PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY 0.75      /* vertical scaling in log energy plot */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 11      /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 14    /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 1.5   /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 60.0     /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0    /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 0.75      /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR -5.0    /* floor value for log of (total) energy */
#define LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT 1.0   /* additional shift for log of mean energy */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 240.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -200.0    /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1       /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 5.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 15.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

/* Parameters controlling 3D projection */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 6.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 0.2    /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 2.1   /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1          /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.1           /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

24 August 22 - A Rayleigh-Taylor instability (short version)

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 0     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 0  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

// #define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINWIDTH 	900   /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	900   /* window height */

// #define XMIN -2.0
// #define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define XMIN -1.125
#define XMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.1
#define INITXMAX 1.1	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -1.1
#define INITYMAX 1.1	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -1.125
#define BCXMAX 1.125	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.125
#define BCYMAX 1.125	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 1   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 0    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 3      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.5 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.5  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.0075     	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.0075         /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 75           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 75           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1000      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 180         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 30     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */


/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 5
#define PLOT_B 11        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 6.0    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 6.0  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 1.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 10.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 0.5   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.005           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 5000.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define GRAVITY_X 0.0          /* horizontal gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.04   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 300  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE 300   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE 200  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 0   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 0        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 1   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 1     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be horizontal */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 1     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 1        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 0         /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 60   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 60    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

23 August 22 - Bernoulli site percolation on a Poisson disc process

Program: percolation.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 50

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 1   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 0     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 1     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 0   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_HISTOGRAM 0    /* set to 1 to add a histogram of the number of clusters */
#define PRINT_LARGEST_CLUSTER_SIZE 0    /* set to 1 to print size of largest cluster */

#define MAX_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6    /* vertical scale of the cluster number plot */
#define HISTO_BINS 30           /* number of bins in histogram */

#define NSTEPS 910        /* number of frames of movie */

#define DEBUG 0         /* set to 1 for some debugging features */
#define DEBUG_SLEEP_TIME 1  /* sleep time between frames when debugging */
#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 16     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_CLUSTERS_BY_SIZE 0    /* set to 1 to link cluster color to their size */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 350.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 250.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 0.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 240.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

22 August 22 - 3D view of the response of a triangular grid coastal protection to a chirp

Program: wave_3d.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat_mod(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 1000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.8 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 20       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 1   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define VARIABLE_IOR 0      /* set to 1 for a variable index of refraction */
#define IOR 1               /* choice of index of refraction, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define MANDEL_IOR_SCALE -0.05   /* parameter controlling dependence of IoR on Mandelbrot escape speed */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.7	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.028            /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 12           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 15           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 0   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.001       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.2        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define COURANT 0.1       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.025     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define GAMMA 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 30     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

#define PRECOMPUTE_BC 0     /* set to 1 to compute neighbours for Laplacian in advance */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2250        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 8            /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* set to 1 to print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */
#define ROTATE_VIEW_WHILE_FADE 1    /* set to 1 to keep rotating viewpoint during fade */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define ZPLOT 103     /* wave height */
#define CPLOT 103     /* color scheme */

#define ZPLOT_B 105 
#define CPLOT_B 105        /* plot type for second movie */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define FLOOR_ZCOORD 1          /* set to 1 to draw only facets with z not too negative */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1         /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 0   /* set to 1 to draw front of boundary after drawing wave */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw construction lines of certain domains */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 1      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental, draw outside of billiard in gray */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.5         /* vertical scaling in energy plot */
#define PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY 0.75      /* vertical scaling in log energy plot */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 11      /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 14    /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 1.5   /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 60.0     /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0    /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 0.75      /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR -5.0    /* floor value for log of (total) energy */
#define LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT 1.0   /* additional shift for log of mean energy */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 240.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -200.0    /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1       /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 5.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 15.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

/* Parameters controlling 3D projection */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 6.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 0.2    /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 2.1   /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1          /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.1           /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

21 August 22 - Rocket nozzle comparison 5: No nozzle at all beats straight nozzle

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 1  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -3.0
#define XMAX 3.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.6875
#define YMAX 1.6875	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.75
#define INITXMAX 1.75	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -0.85
#define INITYMAX 1.5	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -3.1
#define BCXMAX 3.1	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -4.5
#define BCYMAX 4.5	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 1    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 0        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 99      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.75  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.009  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1900      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 100         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define BOUNDARY_COND 20

/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 0
#define PLOT_B 8        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.5    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 5.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.02           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 15.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.025   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 1700  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE -1   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE -1  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 1     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 1        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 0        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 150   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 225    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

20 August 22 - Cluster size distribution for Bernoulli bond percolation on a square lattice

Program: percolation.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 2

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 0   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 1     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 0     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 0   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_HISTOGRAM 1    /* set to 1 to add a histogram of the number of clusters */
#define PRINT_LARGEST_CLUSTER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to print size of largest cluster */

#define MAX_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6    /* vertical scale of the cluster number plot */
#define HISTO_BINS 30           /* number of bins in histogram */

#define NSTEPS 830        /* number of frames of movie */

#define DEBUG 0         /* set to 1 for some debugging features */
#define DEBUG_SLEEP_TIME 1  /* sleep time between frames when debugging */
#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 15     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_CLUSTERS_BY_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to link cluster color to their size */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 350.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 150.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 0.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 240.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

19 August 22 - A quantum particle in a constant magnetic field

Program: rde.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_coherent_state(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.1, phi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */

#define NX 500          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 500          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -1.8
#define XMAX 1.8	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.8
#define YMAX 1.8	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

/* Choice of simulated equation */

#define RDE_EQUATION 5  /* choice of reaction term, see list in global_3d.c */
#define NFIELDS 2       /* number of fields in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define NLAPLACIANS 2   /* number of fields for which to compute Laplacian */

#define ADD_POTENTIAL 1 /* set to 1 to add a potential (for Schrodinger equation) */
#define POTENTIAL 1     /* type of potential, see list in global_3d.c  */
#define ADD_MAGNETIC_FIELD 1    /* set to 1 to add a magnetic field (for Schrodinger equation) - then set POTENTIAL 1 */

#define ANTISYMMETRIZE_WAVE_FCT 0   /* set tot 1 to make wave function antisymmetric */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.5 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 999       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 99    /* pattern of circles, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 1.0	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 1.0	            /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 5             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0          /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 5            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000      /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0     /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 15            /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 20           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -1.65
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 0.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.05
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.05 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.85           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard in sub_wave.c */

/* Physical patameters of wave equation */

#define DT 0.00000002

#define VISCOSITY 2.0

#define RPSA 0.75         /* parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-type interaction */
#define RPSLZB 0.75       /* second parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock type interaction */

#define EPSILON 0.8     /* time scale separation */
#define DELTA 0.1       /* time scale separation */
#define FHNA 1.0        /* parameter in FHN equation */
#define FHNC -0.01      /* parameter in FHN equation */
#define K_HARMONIC 0.5  /* spring constant of harmonic potential */
#define K_COULOMB 0.5   /* constant in Coulomb potential */
#define BZQ 0.0008      /* parameter in BZ equation */
#define BZF 1.2         /* parameter in BZ equation */

#define T_OUT 2.0       /* outside temperature */
#define T_IN 0.0        /* inside temperature */
#define SPEED 0.0       /* speed of drift to the right */

#define ADD_NOISE 0     /* set to 1 to add noise, set to 2 to add noise in right half */
#define NOISE_INTENSITY 0.005      /* noise intensity */
#define CHANGE_NOISE 1      /* set to 1 to increase noise intensity */
#define NOISE_FACTOR 40.0   /* factor by which to increase noise intensity */
#define NOISE_INITIAL_TIME 100  /* initial time during which noise remains constant */

#define CHANGE_VISCOSITY 0      /* set to 1 to change the viscosity in the course of the simulation */
#define ADJUST_INTSTEP 0       /* set to 1 to decrease integration step when viscosity increases */
#define VISCOSITY_INITIAL_TIME 10  /* initial time during which viscosity remains constant */
#define VISCOSITY_FACTOR 100.0   /* factor by which to change viscosity */
#define VISCOSITY_MAX 2.0        /* max value of viscosity beyond which NVID is increased and integration step is decrase, 
                                    for numerical stability */
#define CHANGE_RPSLZB 0         /* set to 1 to change second parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock equation */
#define RPSLZB_CHANGE 0.75      /* factor by which to rpslzb parameter */
#define RPSLZB_INITIAL_TIME 0   /* initial time during which rpslzb remains constant */
#define RPSLZB_FINAL_TIME 500   /* final time during which rpslzb remains constant */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 1

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1100       /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 500          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define ACCELERATION_FACTOR 1.0 /* factor by which to increase NVID in course of simulation */
#define DT_ACCELERATION_FACTOR 1.0 /* factor by which to increase time step in course of simulation  */
#define MAX_DT 0.024     /* maximal value of integration step */
#define NSEG 100         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 5    /* width of billiard boundary */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  2        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0  /* initial still time */
#define MID_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Visualisation */

#define PLOT_3D 1    /* controls whether plot is 2D or 3D */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Plot type - color scheme */

#define CPLOT 32
#define CPLOT_B 31

/* Plot type - height of 3D plot */

#define ZPLOT 32     /* z coordinate in 3D plot */
#define ZPLOT_B 30    /* z coordinate in second 3D plot */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of P_3D_AMPLITUDE plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define WRAP_ANGLE 1            /* experimental: wrap angle to [0, 2Pi) for interpolation in angle schemes */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 0      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental - draw outside of billiard in gray */
#define ADD_POTENTIAL_TO_Z 0    /* set to 1 to add the external potential to z-coordinate of plot */
#define ADD_POT_CONSTANT 1.0    /* constant in front of added potential */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.05      /* vertical scaling in energy plot */

#define PRINT_TIME 0        /* set to 1 to print running time */
#define PRINT_VISCOSITY 0   /* set to 1 to print viscosity */
#define PRINT_RPSLZB 0      /* set to 1 to print rpslzb parameter */
#define PRINT_PROBABILITIES 0   /* set to 1 to print probabilities (for Ehrenfest urn configuration) */
#define PRINT_NOISE 0       /* set to 1 to print noise intensity */

#define DRAW_FIELD_LINES 0  /* set to 1 to draw field lines */
#define FIELD_LINE_WIDTH 1  /* width of field lines */
#define N_FIELD_LINES 120   /* number of field lines */
#define FIELD_LINE_FACTOR 120 /* factor controlling precision when computing origin of field lines */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1     /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 1     /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define FILL_BILLIARD_COMPLEMENT 1  /* set to 1 to fill complement of billiard (for certain shapes only) */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

/* Color schemes, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 11     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 0     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* black background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme */

#define COLOR_PHASE_SHIFT 0.0   /* phase shift of color scheme, in units of Pi */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 30.0      /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define CURL_SCALE 0.000015   /* scaling factor for curl representation */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */
#define SLOPE_SCHROD_LUM 50.0       /* sensitivity of luminosity on module, for color scheme Z_ARGUMENT */
#define MIN_SCHROD_LUM 0.2       /* minimal luminosity in color scheme Z_ARGUMENT*/

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 359.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -359.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define E_SCALE 100.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0 

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 2.5      /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 2.5   /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

/* only for compatibility with wave_common.c */
#define TWOSPEEDS 0          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OMEGA 0.005        /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.08       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.03      /* Courant number in medium B */
#define INITIAL_AMP 0.5         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0002  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 200.0       /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 0  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.2        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
/* end of constants added only for compatibility with wave_common.c */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 12.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 1.25   /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 1.8  /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1           /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.0          /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 2.0        /* max value of wave amplitude */

18 August 22 - Response of a triangular grid coastal protection to a chirp

Program: wave_billiard.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 3840          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 2000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 1        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 20       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 1   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.7	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.028            /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.3333333333333333           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 6            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 12           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 15           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 0   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.0005       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.25        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.05       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.0125     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define GAMMA 0.0          /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 0.0          /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 6     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2700        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 15          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 50      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.00005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.004  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define PLOT 1

#define PLOT_B 0        /* plot type for second movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 11     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 1.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 1.0     /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1    /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 5.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 2.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 0         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

17 August 22 - Opening a release valve in a dam

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 1  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -2.0
#define INITXMAX -0.07	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -1.125
#define INITYMAX 0.65	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -2.05
#define BCXMAX 2.0	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.125
#define BCYMAX 1.25	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 1    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 13   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 2      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.5  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 50 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.0075  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 4000      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 60         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 20     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */


/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 11
#define PLOT_B 0        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 1    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 1.0e3         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.0    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 5.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 0        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.02           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e11    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.0       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 2000.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 0  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.01   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 370  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE 350   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE 1180  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 0        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 1000   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 0    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 1.5        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 -4.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 1        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 140   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 70    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

16 August 22 - Cluster size distribution for Bernoulli site percolation on a lattice of triangles

Program: percolation.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 20

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 0   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 1     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 0     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 0   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_HISTOGRAM 1    /* set to 1 to add a histogram of the number of clusters */
#define PRINT_LARGEST_CLUSTER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to print size of largest cluster */

#define MAX_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6    /* vertical scale of the cluster number plot */
#define HISTO_BINS 30           /* number of bins in histogram */

#define NSTEPS 1000        /* number of frames of movie */

#define DEBUG 0         /* set to 1 for some debugging features */
#define DEBUG_SLEEP_TIME 1  /* sleep time between frames when debugging */
#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 11     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_CLUSTERS_BY_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to link cluster color to their size */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 350.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 150.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 10.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 270.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

15 August 22 - Response of a Fabry-Pérot interferrometer to a chirp, 3D rendering

Program: wave_3d.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat_mod(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */

#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 1000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.8 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 49       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 201    /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define VARIABLE_IOR 0      /* set to 1 for a variable index of refraction */
#define IOR 1               /* choice of index of refraction, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define MANDEL_IOR_SCALE -0.05   /* parameter controlling dependence of IoR on Mandelbrot escape speed */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA -0.5	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.25              /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 36           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 6            /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 1   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.001       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define ACHIRP 0.2        /* acceleration coefficient in chirp */
#define COURANT 0.1       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.025     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define GAMMA 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 30     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

#define PRECOMPUTE_BC 0     /* set to 1 to compute neighbours for Laplacian in advance */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 3000        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 8            /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* set to 1 to print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */
#define ROTATE_VIEW_WHILE_FADE 1    /* set to 1 to keep rotating viewpoint during fade */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define ZPLOT 103     /* wave height */
#define CPLOT 103     /* color scheme */

#define ZPLOT_B 105 
#define CPLOT_B 105        /* plot type for second movie */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define FLOOR_ZCOORD 1          /* set to 1 to draw only facets with z not too negative */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1         /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 0   /* set to 1 to draw front of boundary after drawing wave */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw construction lines of certain domains */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 1      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental, draw outside of billiard in gray */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.5         /* vertical scaling in energy plot */
#define PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY 1.0      /* vertical scaling in log energy plot */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 17      /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 14    /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 1.0   /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 60.0     /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0    /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 0.5      /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR -100.0    /* floor value for log of (total) energy */
#define LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT 1.0   /* additional shift for log of mean energy */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 240.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -200.0    /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1       /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 3.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 15.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

/* Parameters controlling 3D projection */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 6.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 0.2    /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 2.1   /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1          /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.1           /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

14 August 22 - Rocket nozzle comparison 4: Bell-shaped nozzle vs no nozzle

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 1  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -3.0
#define XMAX 3.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.6875
#define YMAX 1.6875	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.75
#define INITXMAX 1.75	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -0.85
#define INITYMAX 1.5	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -3.1
#define BCXMAX 3.1	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -4.5
#define BCYMAX 4.5	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 1    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 99      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 3.0  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.009  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1800      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 100         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define BOUNDARY_COND 21

/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 0
#define PLOT_B 8        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.5    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 5.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.02           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 15.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.025   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 1800  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE -1   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE -1  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 1     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 1        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 0        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 150   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 150    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

13 August 22 - The mushroom’s shape does not matter in Penrose’s unilliminable room

Program: particle_penrose.c (variant of particle_billiard.c)

Initial condition in function animation():

    init_partial_drop_config(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, DPI, 0, 2*NPART/5, 0, configs, color, newcolor);
    init_partial_drop_config(0.0, 0.8, 0.0, DPI, 2*NPART/5, 4*NPART/5, 30, configs, color, newcolor);
    init_partial_drop_config(LAMBDA - 0.05, 0.1, 0.0, DPI, 4*NPART/5, NPART, 60, configs, color, newcolor);
#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define SCALING_FACTOR 1.0       /* scaling factor of drawing, needed for flower billiards, otherwise set to 1.0 */

/* Choice of the billiard table, see global_particles.c */

#define B_DOMAIN 16     /* choice of domain shape */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 1    /* pattern of circles */
#define POLYLINE_PATTERN 8  /* pattern of polyline */

#define ABSORBING_CIRCLES 1 /* set to 1 for circular scatterers to be absorbing */

#define NMAXCIRCLES 100000     /* total number of circles (must be at least NCX*NCY for square grid) */
#define NMAXPOLY 100000        /* total number of sides of polygonal line */   
#define NCX 30            /* number of circles in x direction */
#define NCY 20            /* number of circles in y direction */
#define NPOISSON 500        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define NGOLDENSPIRAL 2000  /* max number of points for C_GOLDEN_SPIRAL arrandement */
#define SDEPTH 1            /* Sierpinski gastket depth */

#define LAMBDA 1.5	/* parameter controlling shape of domain */
#define MU 0.4          /* second parameter controlling shape of billiard */
#define FOCI 1          /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NPOLY 6             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define PENROSE_RATIO 2.5    /* parameter controlling the shape of small ellipses in Penrose room */

#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1     /* set to 1 to draw billiard */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw additional construction lines for billiard */
#define PERIODIC_BC 0       /* set to 1 to enforce periodic boundary conditions when drawing particles */

#define RESAMPLE 0      /* set to 1 if particles should be added when dispersion too large */
#define DEBUG 0         /* draw trajectories, for debugging purposes */

/* Simulation parameters */

#define NPART 48     /* number of particles */
#define NPARTMAX 100000	/* maximal number of particles after resampling */
#define LMAX 0.01       /* minimal segment length triggering resampling */ 
#define DMIN 0.02       /* minimal distance to boundary for triggering resampling */ 
#define CYCLE 1         /* set to 1 for closed curve (start in all directions) */
#define SHOWTRAILS 1    /* set to 1 to keep trails of the particles */
#define SHOWZOOM 0      /* set to 1 to show zoom on specific area */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0 /* set to 1 to print number of particles */
#define PRINT_COLLISION_NUMBER 0 /* set to 1 to print number of collisions */
#define TEST_ACTIVE 1   /* set to 1 to test whether particle is in billiard */

#define NSTEPS 930       /* number of frames of movie */
#define TIME 1500        /* time between movie frames, for fluidity of real-time simulation */ 
#define DPHI 0.00002     /* integration step */
#define NVID 100         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define END_FRAMES 25    /* number of still frames at the end of the movie */

/* Decreasing TIME accelerates the animation and the movie                               */
/* For constant speed of movie, TIME*DPHI should be kept constant                        */
/* However, increasing DPHI too much deterioriates quality of simulation                 */
/* NVID tells how often a picture is drawn in the animation, increase it for faster anim */
/* For a good quality movie, take for instance TIME = 400, DPHI = 0.00005, NVID = 100    */

/* Colors and other graphical parameters */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 14     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define NCOLORS 40       /* number of colors */
#define COLORSHIFT 10     /* hue of initial color */ 
#define RAINBOW_COLOR 1  /* set to 1 to use different colors for all particles */
#define FLOWER_COLOR 0   /* set to 1 to adapt initial colors to flower billiard (tracks vs core) */
#define NSEG 100         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define LENGTH 0.005       /* length of velocity vectors */
#define BILLIARD_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard */
#define PARTICLE_WIDTH 3    /* width of particles */
#define FRONT_WIDTH 3       /* width of wave front */

#define BLACK 1             /* set to 1 for black background */
#define COLOR_OUTSIDE 0     /* set to 1 for colored outside */ 
#define OUTER_COLOR 270.0   /* color outside billiard */
#define PAINT_INT 0         /* set to 1 to paint interior in other color (for polygon/Reuleaux) */
#define PAINT_EXT 1         /* set to 1 to paint exterior */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1       /* final sleeping time */

12 August 22 - Cluster size distribution for Bernoulli site percolation on a honeycomb lattice

Program: percolation.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 10

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 0   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 1     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 0     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 0   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_HISTOGRAM 1    /* set to 1 to add a histogram of the number of clusters */
#define PRINT_LARGEST_CLUSTER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to print size of largest cluster */

#define MAX_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6    /* vertical scale of the cluster number plot */
#define HISTO_BINS 30           /* number of bins in histrogram */

#define NSTEPS 870        /* number of frames of movie */

#define DEBUG 0         /* set to 1 for some debugging features */
#define DEBUG_SLEEP_TIME 1  /* sleep time between frames when debugging */
#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_CLUSTERS_BY_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to link cluster color to their size */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 330.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 150.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 0.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 250.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

11 August 22 - Response of a Fabry-Pérot interferrometer to a chirp

Program: wave_billiard.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 3840          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 2000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 1        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 49       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 201   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.5	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.1              /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.3333333333333333           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 6            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 36           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 6           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 1   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 3  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.0005       /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define DAMPING 0.0        /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.05       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.0125     /* Courant number in medium B */
#define GAMMA 0.0          /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 0.0          /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 6     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2500        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 15          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 150      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.00005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.004  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define PLOT 0
#define PLOT_B 1        /* plot type for second movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 17     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 1.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 1.0     /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1    /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 1.0     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 5.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 0         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

10 August 22 - Colliding 1D fermions with different speeds, rendered in 3D

Program: rde.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_fermion_state(-0.5, 0.5, 2.0, 0.0, 0.1, phi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */

#define NX 500          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 500          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -1.8
#define XMAX 1.8	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.8
#define YMAX 1.8	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

/* Choice of simulated equation */

#define RDE_EQUATION 5  /* choice of reaction term, see list in global_3d.c */
#define NFIELDS 2       /* number of fields in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define NLAPLACIANS 2   /* number of fields for which to compute Laplacian */

#define ADD_POTENTIAL 1 /* set to 1 to add a potential (for Schrodiner equation) */
#define POTENTIAL 6     /* type of potential, see list in global_3d.c  */

#define ANTISYMMETRIZE_WAVE_FCT 1   /* set tot 1 to make wave function antisymmetric */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.5 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 999       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 99    /* pattern of circles, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 1.0	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 1.0	            /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 5             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0          /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 5            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000      /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0     /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 15            /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 20           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -1.65 
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 0.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.05
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.05 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.85           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard in sub_wave.c */

/* Physical patameters of wave equation */

#define DT 0.00000002

#define VISCOSITY 2.0

#define RPSA 0.75         /* parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-type interaction */
#define RPSLZB 0.75       /* second parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock type interaction */

#define EPSILON 0.8     /* time scale separation */
#define DELTA 0.1       /* time scale separation */
#define FHNA 1.0        /* parameter in FHN equation */
#define FHNC -0.01      /* parameter in FHN equation */
#define K_HARMONIC 0.2  /* spring constant of harmonic potential */
#define K_COULOMB 0.5   /* constant in Coulomb potential */
#define BZQ 0.0008      /* parameter in BZ equation */
#define BZF 1.2         /* parameter in BZ equation */

#define T_OUT 2.0       /* outside temperature */
#define T_IN 0.0        /* inside temperature */
#define SPEED 0.0       /* speed of drift to the right */

#define ADD_NOISE 0     /* set to 1 to add noise, set to 2 to add noise in right half */
#define NOISE_INTENSITY 0.005      /* noise intensity */
#define CHANGE_NOISE 1      /* set to 1 to increase noise intensity */
#define NOISE_FACTOR 40.0   /* factor by which to increase noise intensity */
#define NOISE_INITIAL_TIME 100  /* initial time during which noise remains constant */

#define CHANGE_VISCOSITY 0      /* set to 1 to change the viscosity in the course of the simulation */
#define ADJUST_INTSTEP 0       /* set to 1 to decrease integration step when viscosity increases */
#define VISCOSITY_INITIAL_TIME 10  /* initial time during which viscosity remains constant */
#define VISCOSITY_FACTOR 100.0   /* factor by which to change viscosity */
#define VISCOSITY_MAX 2.0        /* max value of viscosity beyond which NVID is increased and integration step is decrase, 
                                    for numerical stability */
#define CHANGE_RPSLZB 0         /* set to 1 to change second parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock equation */
#define RPSLZB_CHANGE 0.75      /* factor by which to rpslzb parameter */
#define RPSLZB_INITIAL_TIME 0   /* initial time during which rpslzb remains constant */
#define RPSLZB_FINAL_TIME 500   /* final time during which rpslzb remains constant */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 1

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1200       /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 500          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define ACCELERATION_FACTOR 1.0 /* factor by which to increase NVID in course of simulation */
#define DT_ACCELERATION_FACTOR 1.0 /* factor by which to increase time step in course of simulation  */
#define MAX_DT 0.024     /* maximal value of integration step */
#define NSEG 100         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 5    /* width of billiard boundary */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  2        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0  /* initial still time */
#define MID_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Visualisation */

#define PLOT_3D 1    /* controls whether plot is 2D or 3D */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Plot type - color scheme */

#define CPLOT 32
#define CPLOT_B 30

/* Plot type - height of 3D plot */

#define ZPLOT 32     /* z coordinate in 3D plot */
#define ZPLOT_B 30    /* z coordinate in second 3D plot */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of P_3D_AMPLITUDE plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define WRAP_ANGLE 1            /* experimental: wrap angle to [0, 2Pi) for interpolation in angle schemes */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 0      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental - draw outside of billiard in gray */
#define ADD_POTENTIAL_TO_Z 1    /* set to 1 to add the external potential to z-coordinate of plot */
#define ADD_POT_CONSTANT 1.0    /* constant in front of added potential */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.05      /* vertical scaling in energy plot */

#define PRINT_TIME 0        /* set to 1 to print running time */
#define PRINT_VISCOSITY 0   /* set to 1 to print viscosity */
#define PRINT_RPSLZB 0      /* set to 1 to print rpslzb parameter */
#define PRINT_PROBABILITIES 0   /* set to 1 to print probabilities (for Ehrenfest urn configuration) */
#define PRINT_NOISE 0       /* set to 1 to print noise intensity */

#define DRAW_FIELD_LINES 0  /* set to 1 to draw field lines */
#define FIELD_LINE_WIDTH 1  /* width of field lines */
#define N_FIELD_LINES 120   /* number of field lines */
#define FIELD_LINE_FACTOR 120 /* factor controlling precision when computing origin of field lines */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1     /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 1     /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define FILL_BILLIARD_COMPLEMENT 1  /* set to 1 to fill complement of billiard (for certain shapes only) */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

/* Color schemes, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 11     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 12     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* black background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme */

#define COLOR_PHASE_SHIFT 0.0   /* phase shift of color scheme, in units of Pi */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 30.0      /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define CURL_SCALE 0.000015   /* scaling factor for curl representation */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */
#define SLOPE_SCHROD_LUM 50.0       /* sensitivity of luminosity on module, for color scheme Z_ARGUMENT */
#define MIN_SCHROD_LUM 0.2       /* minimal luminosity in color scheme Z_ARGUMENT*/

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 359.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -359.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define E_SCALE 100.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0 

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 2.5      /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 2.5   /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

/* only for compatibility with wave_common.c */
#define TWOSPEEDS 0          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OMEGA 0.005        /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.08       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.03      /* Courant number in medium B */
#define INITIAL_AMP 0.5         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0002  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 200.0       /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
/* end of constants added only for compatibility with wave_common.c */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 12.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 1.25   /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 1.8  /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1           /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.6          /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 2.0        /* max value of wave amplitude */

9 August 22 - A Rayleigh-Taylor instability

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FIRST 1  /* set to 1 to show time-lapse version first */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.95
#define INITXMAX 1.95	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -1.1
#define INITYMAX 1.1	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -2.0
#define BCXMAX 2.0	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.125
#define BCYMAX 1.125	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 1   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 0    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 3      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.5 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.5  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.0075     	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.0075         /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 140           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 70           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 3400      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 60         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 100     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */


/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 5
#define PLOT_B 11        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 6.0    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 6.0  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 1.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 10.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 0.5   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.005           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 5000.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.05   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 2500  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE -1   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE -1  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 0   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 0        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 1   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 1     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 1     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 1        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 0         /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 120   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 60    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

8 August 22 - Number of clusters for Bernoulli site percolation on a honeycomb lattice

Program: percolation.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define LATTICE 10

#define FLOOD_LEFT_BOUNDARY 0   /* set to 1 to flood cells on left boundary */
#define FIND_ALL_CLUSTERS 1     /* set to 1 to find all open clusters */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 0     /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */
#define PLOT_CLUSTER_NUMBER 1   /* set to 1 to add a graph of the number of clusters */

#define NSTEPS 800        /* number of frames of movie */

#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define HUE_CLOSED 300.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 150.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define CLUSTER_HUEMIN 30.0     /* minimal color hue of clusters */
#define CLUSTER_HUEMAX 250.0    /* maximal color hue of clusters */
#define N_CLUSTER_COLORS 20     /* number of different colors of clusters */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

7 August 22 - Colliding 1D bosons widh different speeds, rendered in 3D

Program: rde.c

Initial condition in function animation(): init_boson_state(-0.5, 0.5, 2.0, 0.0, 0.1, phi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */

#define NX 500          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 500          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -1.8
#define XMAX 1.8	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.8
#define YMAX 1.8	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

/* Choice of simulated equation */

#define RDE_EQUATION 5  /* choice of reaction term, see list in global_3d.c */
#define NFIELDS 2       /* number of fields in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define NLAPLACIANS 2   /* number of fields for which to compute Laplacian */

#define ADD_POTENTIAL 1 /* set to 1 to add a potential (for Schrodiner equation) */
#define POTENTIAL 6     /* type of potential, see list in global_3d.c  */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.5 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 999       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 99    /* pattern of circles, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 1.0	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 1.0	            /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 5             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0          /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 5            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000      /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0     /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 15            /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 20           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -1.65 
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 0.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.05
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.05 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.85           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard in sub_wave.c */

/* Physical patameters of wave equation */

#define DT 0.00000002

#define VISCOSITY 2.0

#define RPSA 0.75         /* parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-type interaction */
#define RPSLZB 0.75       /* second parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock type interaction */

#define EPSILON 0.8     /* time scale separation */
#define DELTA 0.1       /* time scale separation */
#define FHNA 1.0        /* parameter in FHN equation */
#define FHNC -0.01      /* parameter in FHN equation */
#define K_HARMONIC 0.2  /* spring constant of harmonic potential */
#define K_COULOMB 0.5   /* constant in Coulomb potential */
#define BZQ 0.0008      /* parameter in BZ equation */
#define BZF 1.2         /* parameter in BZ equation */

#define T_OUT 2.0       /* outside temperature */
#define T_IN 0.0        /* inside temperature */
#define SPEED 0.0       /* speed of drift to the right */

#define ADD_NOISE 0     /* set to 1 to add noise, set to 2 to add noise in right half */
#define NOISE_INTENSITY 0.005      /* noise intensity */
#define CHANGE_NOISE 1      /* set to 1 to increase noise intensity */
#define NOISE_FACTOR 40.0   /* factor by which to increase noise intensity */
#define NOISE_INITIAL_TIME 100  /* initial time during which noise remains constant */

#define CHANGE_VISCOSITY 0      /* set to 1 to change the viscosity in the course of the simulation */
#define ADJUST_INTSTEP 0       /* set to 1 to decrease integration step when viscosity increases */
#define VISCOSITY_INITIAL_TIME 10  /* initial time during which viscosity remains constant */
#define VISCOSITY_FACTOR 100.0   /* factor by which to change viscosity */
#define VISCOSITY_MAX 2.0        /* max value of viscosity beyond which NVID is increased and integration step is decrase, 
                                    for numerical stability */
#define CHANGE_RPSLZB 0         /* set to 1 to change second parameter in Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock equation */
#define RPSLZB_CHANGE 0.75      /* factor by which to rpslzb parameter */
#define RPSLZB_INITIAL_TIME 0   /* initial time during which rpslzb remains constant */
#define RPSLZB_FINAL_TIME 500   /* final time during which rpslzb remains constant */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 1

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1200       /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 500          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define ACCELERATION_FACTOR 1.0 /* factor by which to increase NVID in course of simulation */
#define DT_ACCELERATION_FACTOR 1.0 /* factor by which to increase time step in course of simulation  */
#define MAX_DT 0.024     /* maximal value of integration step */
#define NSEG 100         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 5    /* width of billiard boundary */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  2        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0  /* initial still time */
#define MID_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 50    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Visualisation */

#define PLOT_3D 1    /* controls whether plot is 2D or 3D */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Plot type - color scheme */

#define CPLOT 32
#define CPLOT_B 30

/* Plot type - height of 3D plot */

#define ZPLOT 32     /* z coordinate in 3D plot */
#define ZPLOT_B 30    /* z coordinate in second 3D plot */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of P_3D_AMPLITUDE plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define WRAP_ANGLE 1            /* experimental: wrap angle to [0, 2Pi) for interpolation in angle schemes */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 0      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental - draw outside of billiard in gray */
#define ADD_POTENTIAL_TO_Z 1    /* set to 1 to add the external potential to z-coordinate of plot */
#define ADD_POT_CONSTANT 1.0    /* constant in front of added potential */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.05      /* vertical scaling in energy plot */

#define PRINT_TIME 0        /* set to 1 to print running time */
#define PRINT_VISCOSITY 0   /* set to 1 to print viscosity */
#define PRINT_RPSLZB 0      /* set to 1 to print rpslzb parameter */
#define PRINT_PROBABILITIES 0   /* set to 1 to print probabilities (for Ehrenfest urn configuration) */
#define PRINT_NOISE 0       /* set to 1 to print noise intensity */

#define DRAW_FIELD_LINES 0  /* set to 1 to draw field lines */
#define FIELD_LINE_WIDTH 1  /* width of field lines */
#define N_FIELD_LINES 120   /* number of field lines */
#define FIELD_LINE_FACTOR 120 /* factor controlling precision when computing origin of field lines */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1     /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 1     /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define FILL_BILLIARD_COMPLEMENT 1  /* set to 1 to fill complement of billiard (for certain shapes only) */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

/* Color schemes, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 14     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 12     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* black background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme */

#define COLOR_PHASE_SHIFT 0.0   /* phase shift of color scheme, in units of Pi */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 30.0      /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define CURL_SCALE 0.000015   /* scaling factor for curl representation */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */
#define SLOPE_SCHROD_LUM 50.0       /* sensitivity of luminosity on module, for color scheme Z_ARGUMENT */
#define MIN_SCHROD_LUM 0.2       /* minimal luminosity in color scheme Z_ARGUMENT*/

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 359.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -359.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define E_SCALE 100.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0 

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 2.5      /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 2.5   /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

/* only for compatibility with wave_common.c */
#define TWOSPEEDS 0          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OMEGA 0.005        /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.08       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.03      /* Courant number in medium B */
#define INITIAL_AMP 0.5         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0002  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 200.0       /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
/* end of constants added only for compatibility with wave_common.c */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 12.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 1.25   /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 1.8  /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1           /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D 0.6          /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 1         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 2.0        /* max value of wave amplitude */

6 August 22 - Simulating a dam break with Lennard-Jones particles 4: How the particles mix

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -2.0
#define INITXMAX -0.07	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -1.125
#define INITYMAX 0.65	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -2.05
#define BCXMAX 2.0	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.125
#define BCYMAX 1.25	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 1    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 12   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 2      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 2.5  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.0075  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 3000      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 60         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 20     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */


/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 11
#define PLOT_B 0        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 1    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 1.0e3         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.0    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 5.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 0        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.02           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e11    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.0       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 2000.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 0  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.01   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 370  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE 350   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE 1180  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 0        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 1000   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 0    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 1.5        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 -4.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 1        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 140   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 70    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

5 August 22 - Energy of a sonic boom, 3D representation

Program: wave_3d.c

Initial condition in function animation():

    init_wave_flat_mod(phi, psi, xy_in);
        yshift = (double)period*a + (double)(period*period)*b;
        add_circular_wave_mod(sign, -1.5 + yshift, 0.0, phi, psi, xy_in);
        speed = (a + 2.0*(double)(period)*b)/((double)(3*NVID*OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD));
        printf("v = %.3lg, c = %.3lg\n", speed, c);
        speed = speed/c;
        sign = -sign;
#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 1  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 1000          /* number of grid points on y axis */
#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 0.8 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 999       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 201    /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define VARIABLE_IOR 0      /* set to 1 for a variable index of refraction */
#define IOR 1               /* choice of index of refraction, see list in global_pdes.c */
#define MANDEL_IOR_SCALE -0.05   /* parameter controlling dependence of IoR on Mandelbrot escape speed */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 1.0	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 1.0              /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 2.0           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 7            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 36           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 6            /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 0          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 0     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 0   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */

#define OMEGA 0.017         /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.9       /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define COURANT 0.1       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.05      /* Courant number in medium B */
#define GAMMA 0.0           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 2.0e-3           /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 1        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 30     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 2

#define PRECOMPUTE_BC 1     /* set to 1 to compute neighbours for Laplacian in advance */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1100        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 4          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 0      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 2    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 1       /* set to 1 to print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 100       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */
#define ROTATE_VIEW_WHILE_FADE 1    /* set to 1 to keep rotating viewpoint during fade */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.0005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.1  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define ZPLOT 104     /* wave height */
#define CPLOT 104     /* color scheme */

#define ZPLOT_B 105 
#define CPLOT_B 105        /* plot type for second movie */

#define AMPLITUDE_HIGH_RES 1    /* set to 1 to increase resolution of plot */
#define SHADE_3D 1              /* set to 1 to change luminosity according to normal vector */
#define NON_DIRICHLET_BC 0      /* set to 1 to draw only facets in domain, if field is not zero on boundary */
#define FLOOR_ZCOORD 0          /* set to 1 to draw only facets with z not too negative */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD 1         /* set to 1 to draw boundary */
#define DRAW_BILLIARD_FRONT 0   /* set to 1 to draw front of boundary after drawing wave */
#define DRAW_CONSTRUCTION_LINES 0   /* set to 1 to draw construction lines of certain domains */
#define FADE_IN_OBSTACLE 1      /* set to 1 to fade color inside obstacles */
#define DRAW_OUTSIDE_GRAY 0     /* experimental, draw outside of billiard in gray */

#define PLOT_SCALE_ENERGY 0.025         /* vertical scaling in energy plot */
#define PLOT_SCALE_LOG_ENERGY 3.0      /* vertical scaling in log energy plot */

/* 3D representation */

#define REPRESENTATION_3D 1     /* choice of 3D representation */ 

#define REP_AXO_3D 0        /* linear projection (axonometry) */
#define REP_PROJ_3D 1       /* projection on plane orthogonal to observer line of sight */

#define ROTATE_VIEW 0       /* set to 1 to rotate position of observer */
#define ROTATE_ANGLE 360.0  /* total angle of rotation during simulation */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 13      /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 16    /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.15        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define VSCALE_AMPLITUDE 1.0   /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_AMPLITUDE */
#define VSCALE_ENERGY 60.0     /* additional scaling factor for color scheme P_3D_ENERGY */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 20.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0    /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 200.0      /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 0.5      /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define LOG_ENERGY_FLOOR -100.0    /* floor value for log of (total) energy */
#define LOG_MEAN_ENERGY_SHIFT 1.0   /* additional shift for log of mean energy */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 240.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -200.0    /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1       /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 20.0      /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 40.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 0         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

/* Parameters controlling 3D projection */

double u_3d[2] = {0.75, -0.45};     /* projections of basis vectors for REP_AXO_3D representation */
double v_3d[2] = {-0.75, -0.45};
double w_3d[2] = {0.0, 0.015};
double light[3] = {0.816496581, -0.40824829, 0.40824829};      /* vector of "light" direction for P_3D_ANGLE color scheme */
double observer[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 8.0};    /* location of observer for REP_PROJ_3D representation */ 
int reset_view = 0;         /* switch to reset 3D view parameters (for option ROTATE_VIEW) */

#define Z_SCALING_FACTOR 0.015   /* overall scaling factor of z axis for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XY_SCALING_FACTOR 2.2   /* overall scaling factor for on-screen (x,y) coordinates after projection */
#define ZMAX_FACTOR 1.0         /* max value of z coordinate for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define XSHIFT_3D -0.1          /* overall x shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */
#define YSHIFT_3D -0.1           /* overall y shift for REP_PROJ_3D representation */

4 August 22 - Bernoulli bond percolation on a honeycomb lattice

Program: percolation.c (Constants not yet cleaned up)

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 1920          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 992           /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 0        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 12

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define HUE_CLOSED 300.0   /* color hue of closed cells */
#define HUE_OPEN 200.0     /* color hue of open (dry) cells */
#define HUE_FLOODED 45.0   /* color hue of open flooded cells */
#define HUE_GRAPH 150.0    /* color hue in graph of cluster size */

#define PLOT_CLUSTER_SIZE 1 /* set to 1 to add a plot for the size of the percolation cluster */

#define NSTEPS 1100        /* number of frames of movie */

#define TEST_GRAPH 0   /* set to 1 to test graph connectivity matrix */
#define TEST_START 2210    /* start position of connectivity test */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 49       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 201   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.5	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.2              /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.3333333333333333           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 6            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 36           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 6           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OMEGA 0.001        /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.05       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.015      /* Courant number in medium B */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NVID 25          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.00005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.004  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define PLOT 0

#define PLOT_B 1        /* plot type for second movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 1.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 1.0     /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1    /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 1.5     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 3.5    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 0         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

3 August 22 - Rocket nozzle comparison 3: Cone-shaped vs bell-shaped

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -3.0
#define XMAX 3.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.6875
#define YMAX 1.6875	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.75
#define INITXMAX 1.75	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -0.85
#define INITYMAX 1.5	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -3.1
#define BCXMAX 3.1	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.6875
#define BCYMAX 4.5	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 1    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 102   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 3      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 3.0  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.009  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 2000      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 100         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 50     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define BOUNDARY_COND 21

/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 0
#define PLOT_B 8        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 0    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.5    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 5.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.02           /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e7    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.5       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 15.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 1  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.025   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 1800  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE -1   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE -1  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 1     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 1     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 1        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 200   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 1    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 1.2        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 0.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 0        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 150   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 150    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

2 August 22 - A Fabry-Pérot interferometer exposed to different wavelengths

Program: wave_billiard_fabry_perrot.c (variant of wave_billiard.c)

Initial condition in function animation(): init_wave_flat(phi, psi, xy_in);

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1920  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	1000  /* window height */
#define NX 3840          /* number of grid points on x axis */
#define NY 2000          /* number of grid points on y axis */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval  */
#define YMIN -1.041666667
#define YMAX 1.041666667	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define HIGHRES 1        /* set to 1 if resolution of grid is double that of displayed image */

#define JULIA_SCALE 1.0 /* scaling for Julia sets */

/* Choice of the billiard table */

#define B_DOMAIN 49       /* choice of domain shape, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 201   /* pattern of circles or polygons, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 300        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 1 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.5	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.2              /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define NPOLY 3             /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.3333333333333333           /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 6            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 36           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 6           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

#define ISO_XSHIFT_LEFT -2.9
#define ISO_XSHIFT_RIGHT 1.4
#define ISO_YSHIFT_LEFT -0.15
#define ISO_YSHIFT_RIGHT -0.15 
#define ISO_SCALE 0.5           /* coordinates for isospectral billiards */

/* You can add more billiard tables by adapting the functions */
/* xy_in_billiard and draw_billiard below */

/* Physical parameters of wave equation */

#define TWOSPEEDS 1          /* set to 1 to replace hardcore boundary by medium with different speed */
#define OSCILLATE_LEFT 1     /* set to 1 to add oscilating boundary condition on the left */
#define OSCILLATE_TOPBOT 1   /* set to 1 to enforce a planar wave on top and bottom boundary */
#define OSCILLATION_SCHEDULE 2  /* oscillation schedule, see list in global_pdes.c */

#define OMEGA 0.001        /* frequency of periodic excitation */
#define AMPLITUDE 0.8      /* amplitude of periodic excitation */ 
#define DAMPING 0.0      /* damping of periodic excitation */
#define COURANT 0.05       /* Courant number */
#define COURANTB 0.016666666667      /* Courant number in medium B */
#define GAMMA 0.0          /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMAB 0.0          /* damping factor in wave equation */
#define GAMMA_SIDES 1.0e-4      /* damping factor on boundary */
#define GAMMA_TOPBOT 1.0e-7     /* damping factor on boundary */
#define KAPPA 0.0           /* "elasticity" term enforcing oscillations */
#define KAPPA_SIDES 5.0e-4  /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
#define KAPPA_TOPBOT 0.0    /* "elasticity" term on absorbing boundary */
/* The Courant number is given by c*DT/DX, where DT is the time step and DX the lattice spacing */
/* The physical damping coefficient is given by GAMMA/(DT)^2 */
/* Increasing COURANT speeds up the simulation, but decreases accuracy */
/* For similar wave forms, COURANT^2*GAMMA should be kept constant */

#define ADD_OSCILLATING_SOURCE 0        /* set to 1 to add an oscillating wave source */
#define OSCILLATING_SOURCE_PERIOD 6     /* period of oscillating source */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define B_COND 3

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 1200        /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 25          /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 1000         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 400      /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of billiard boundary */
#define PRINT_SPEED 0       /* print speed of moving source */

#define PAUSE 200       /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 2         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1        /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100    /* number of still frames at end of movie */
#define FADE 1           /* set to 1 to fade at end of movie */

/* Parameters of initial condition */

#define INITIAL_AMP 0.75         /* amplitude of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_VARIANCE 0.00005  /* variance of initial condition */
#define INITIAL_WAVELENGTH  0.004  /* wavelength of initial condition */

/* Plot type, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define PLOT 0

#define PLOT_B 1        /* plot type for second movie */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 17     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */
#define COLOR_PALETTE_B 13     /* Color palette, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_pdes.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 1.0        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define PHASE_FACTOR 1.0       /* factor in computation of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define PHASE_SHIFT 0.0      /* shift of phase in color scheme P_3D_PHASE */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */
#define E_SCALE 250.0     /* scaling factor for energy representation */
#define LOG_SCALE 1.0     /* scaling factor for energy log representation */
#define LOG_SHIFT 1.0     /* shift of colors on log scale */
#define RESCALE_COLOR_IN_CENTER 0   /* set to 1 to decrease color intentiy in the center (for wave escaping ring) */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 180.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -180.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 1    /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 1.5     /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 3.5    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */

#define SAVE_TIME_SERIES 0      /* set to 1 to save wave time series at a point */

/* For debugging purposes only */
#define FLOOR 0         /* set to 1 to limit wave amplitude to VMAX */
#define VMAX 10.0       /* max value of wave amplitude */

1 August 22 - Convection and mixing of Lennard-Jones particles

Program: lennardjones.c

#define MOVIE 1         /* set to 1 to generate movie */
#define DOUBLE_MOVIE 0  /* set to 1 to produce movies for wave height and energy simultaneously */

#define TIME_LAPSE 1     /* set to 1 to add a time-lapse movie at the end */
                         /* so far incompatible with double movie */
#define TIME_LAPSE_FACTOR 3    /* factor of time-lapse movie */

/* General geometrical parameters */

#define WINWIDTH 	1280  /* window width */
#define WINHEIGHT 	720   /* window height */

#define XMIN -2.0
#define XMAX 2.0	/* x interval */
#define YMIN -1.125
#define YMAX 1.125	/* y interval for 9/16 aspect ratio */

#define INITXMIN -1.9
#define INITXMAX 1.9	/* x interval for initial condition */
#define INITYMIN -1.0
#define INITYMAX 0.95	/* y interval for initial condition */

#define BCXMIN -2.05
#define BCXMAX 2.0	/* x interval for boundary condition */
#define BCYMIN -1.125
#define BCYMAX 1.25	/* y interval for boundary condition */

#define OBSXMIN -2.0
#define OBSXMAX 2.0     /* x interval for motion of obstacle */

#define CIRCLE_PATTERN 8   /* pattern of circles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_OBSTACLES 0   /* set to 1 do add fixed circular obstacles */
#define OBSTACLE_PATTERN 3  /* pattern of obstacles, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define ADD_FIXED_SEGMENTS 0    /* set to 1 to add fixed segments as obstacles */
#define SEGMENT_PATTERN 12   /* pattern of repelling segments, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE 1        /* shape of nozzle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define NOZZLE_SHAPE_B 2      /* shape of nozzle for second rocket, see list in global_ljones.c */

#define TWO_TYPES 0         /* set to 1 to have two types of particles */
#define TPYE_PROPORTION 0.7 /* proportion of particles of first type */
#define SYMMETRIZE_FORCE 1  /* set to 1 to symmetrize two-particle interaction, only needed if particles are not all the same */
#define CENTER_PX 0         /* set to 1 to center horizontal momentum */
#define CENTER_PY 0         /* set to 1 to center vertical momentum */
#define CENTER_PANGLE 0     /* set to 1 to center angular momentum */

#define INTERACTION 1       /* particle interaction, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define INTERACTION_B 1     /* particle interaction for second type of particle, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY 5.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_INTER_FREQUENCY_B 2.0 /* angular frequency of spin-spin interaction for second particle type */

#define P_PERCOL 0.25       /* probability of having a circle in C_RAND_PERCOL arrangement */
#define NPOISSON 100        /* number of points for Poisson C_RAND_POISSON arrangement */
#define PDISC_DISTANCE 3.0  /* minimal distance in Poisson disc process, controls density of particles */
#define PDISC_CANDIDATES 100 /* number of candidates in construction of Poisson disc process */
#define RANDOM_POLY_ANGLE 0 /* set to 1 to randomize angle of polygons */

#define LAMBDA 0.8	    /* parameter controlling the dimensions of domain */
#define MU 0.009  	    /* parameter controlling radius of particles */
#define MU_B 0.018          /* parameter controlling radius of particles of second type */
#define NPOLY 25            /* number of sides of polygon */
#define APOLY 0.666666666   /* angle by which to turn polygon, in units of Pi/2 */ 
#define MDEPTH 4            /* depth of computation of Menger gasket */
#define MRATIO 3            /* ratio defining Menger gasket */
#define MANDELLEVEL 1000    /* iteration level for Mandelbrot set */
#define MANDELLIMIT 10.0    /* limit value for approximation of Mandelbrot set */
#define FOCI 1              /* set to 1 to draw focal points of ellipse */
#define NGRIDX 46           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define NGRIDY 24           /* number of grid point for grid of disks */
#define EHRENFEST_RADIUS 0.9    /* radius of container for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define EHRENFEST_WIDTH 0.035     /* width of tube for Ehrenfest urn configuration */
#define TWO_CIRCLES_RADIUS_RATIO 0.8    /* ratio of radii for S_TWO_CIRCLES_EXT segment configuration */
#define DAM_WIDTH 0.05       /* width of dam for S_DAM segment configuration */

#define X_SHOOTER -0.2
#define Y_SHOOTER -0.6
#define X_TARGET 0.4
#define Y_TARGET 0.7        /* shooter and target positions in laser fight */

/* Parameters for length and speed of simulation */

#define NSTEPS 3500      /* number of frames of movie */
#define NVID 60         /* number of iterations between images displayed on screen */
#define NSEG 250         /* number of segments of boundary */
#define INITIAL_TIME 20     /* time after which to start saving frames */
#define OBSTACLE_INITIAL_TIME 10     /* time after which to start moving obstacle */
#define BOUNDARY_WIDTH 1    /* width of particle boundary */
#define LINK_WIDTH 2        /* width of links between particles */
#define CONTAINER_WIDTH 4   /* width of container boundary */

#define PAUSE 1000         /* number of frames after which to pause */
#define PSLEEP 1         /* sleep time during pause */
#define SLEEP1  1        /* initial sleeping time */
#define SLEEP2  1   /* final sleeping time */
#define MID_FRAMES 20    /* number of still frames between parts of two-part movie */
#define END_FRAMES 100   /* number of still frames at end of movie */

/* Boundary conditions, see list in global_ljones.c */


/* Plot type, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define PLOT 11
#define PLOT_B 0        /* plot type for second movie */

#define DRAW_BONDS 1    /* set to 1 to draw bonds between neighbours */
#define COLOR_BONDS 1   /* set to 1 to color bonds according to length */
#define FILL_TRIANGLES 1    /* set to 1 to fill triangles between neighbours */

/* Color schemes */

#define COLOR_PALETTE 10     /* Color palette, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define BLACK 1          /* background */

#define COLOR_SCHEME 3   /* choice of color scheme, see list in global_ljones.c  */

#define SCALE 0          /* set to 1 to adjust color scheme to variance of field */
#define SLOPE 0.5        /* sensitivity of color on wave amplitude */
#define ATTENUATION 0.0  /* exponential attenuation coefficient of contrast with time */

#define COLORHUE 260     /* initial hue of water color for scheme C_LUM */
#define COLORDRIFT 0.0   /* how much the color hue drifts during the whole simulation */
#define LUMMEAN 0.5      /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define LUMAMP 0.3       /* amplitude of luminosity variation for scheme C_LUM */
#define HUEMEAN 220.0    /* mean value of hue for color scheme C_HUE */
#define HUEAMP -50.0      /* amplitude of variation of hue for color scheme C_HUE */

/* particle properties */

#define ENERGY_HUE_MIN 330.0        /* color of original particle */
#define ENERGY_HUE_MAX 50.0         /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MIN 359.0      /* color of original particle */
#define PARTICLE_HUE_MAX 0.0        /* color of saturated particle */
#define PARTICLE_EMAX 2.0e2         /* energy of particle with hottest color */
#define HUE_TYPE0 280.0     /* hue of particles of type 0 */
#define HUE_TYPE1 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 1 */
#define HUE_TYPE2 70.0      /* hue of particles of type 2 */
#define HUE_TYPE3 210.0     /* hue of particles of type 3 */

#define RANDOM_RADIUS 0     /* set to 1 for random circle radius */
#define DT_PARTICLE 3.0e-6    /* time step for particle displacement */
#define KREPEL 12.0          /* constant in repelling force between particles */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST 4.5    /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance */
#define EQUILIBRIUM_DIST_B 3.5  /* Lennard-Jones equilibrium distance for second type of particle */
#define REPEL_RADIUS 20.0    /* radius in which repelling force acts (in units of particle radius) */
#define DAMPING 20.0    /* damping coefficient of particles */
#define PARTICLE_MASS 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_MASS_B 1.0   /* mass of particle of radius MU */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT 0.2     /* moment of inertia of particle */
#define PARTICLE_INERTIA_MOMENT_B 0.02     /* moment of inertia of second type of particle */
#define V_INITIAL 0.0        /* initial velocity range */
#define OMEGA_INITIAL 10.0        /* initial angular velocity range */

#define THERMOSTAT 1        /* set to 1 to switch on thermostat */
#define VARY_THERMOSTAT 0   /* set to 1 for time-dependent thermostat schedule */
#define SIGMA 5.0           /* noise intensity in thermostat */
#define BETA 0.006            /* initial inverse temperature */
#define MU_XI 0.01           /* friction constant in thermostat */
#define KSPRING_BOUNDARY 1.0e11    /* confining harmonic potential outside simulation region */
#define KSPRING_OBSTACLE 1.0e11    /* harmonic potential of obstacles */
#define NBH_DIST_FACTOR 7.0       /* radius in which to count neighbours */
#define GRAVITY 1000.0            /* gravity acting on all particles */
#define INCREASE_GRAVITY 0     /* set to 1 to increase gravity during the simulation */
#define GRAVITY_SCHEDULE 2     /* type of gravity schedule, see list in global_ljones.c */
#define GRAVITY_FACTOR 100.0    /* factor by which to increase gravity */
#define GRAVITY_INITIAL_TIME 200    /* time at start of simulation with constant gravity */
#define GRAVITY_RESTORE_TIME 700    /* time at end of simulation with gravity restored to initial value */

#define ROTATION 0           /* set to 1 to include rotation of particles */
#define COUPLE_ANGLE_TO_THERMOSTAT 0    /* set to 1 to couple angular degrees of freedom to thermostat */
#define DIMENSION_FACTOR 1.0  /* scaling factor taking into account number of degrees of freedom */  
#define KTORQUE 100.0          /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_B 10.0        /* force constant in angular dynamics */
#define KTORQUE_DIFF 150.0    /* force constant in angular dynamics for different particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN 0           /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_SPIN_B 0         /* set to 1 to draw spin vectors of particles */
#define DRAW_CROSS 1          /* set to 1 to draw cross on particles of second type */
#define SPIN_RANGE 7.0       /* range of spin-spin interaction */
#define SPIN_RANGE_B 5.0     /* range of spin-spin interaction for second type of particle */
#define QUADRUPOLE_RATIO 0.6  /* anisotropy in quadrupole potential */ 

#define INCREASE_BETA 0  /* set to 1 to increase BETA during simulation */
#define BETA_FACTOR 0.01   /* factor by which to change BETA during simulation */
#define N_TOSCILLATIONS 1.5   /* number of temperature oscillations in BETA schedule */
#define NO_OSCILLATION 1        /* set to 1 to have exponential BETA change only */
#define MIDDLE_CONSTANT_PHASE 370  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */
#define FINAL_DECREASE_PHASE 350   /* final phase in which temperature decreases */ 
#define FINAL_CONSTANT_PHASE 1180  /* final phase in which temperature is constant */

#define DECREASE_CONTAINER_SIZE 0   /* set to 1 to decrease size of container */
#define SYMMETRIC_DECREASE 0        /* set tp 1 to decrease container symmetrically */
#define COMPRESSION_RATIO 0.3       /* final size of container */
#define RESTORE_CONTAINER_SIZE 1    /* set to 1 to restore container to initial size at end of simulation */
#define RESTORE_TIME 700            /* time before end of sim at which to restore size */

#define MOVE_OBSTACLE 0     /* set to 1 to have a moving obstacle */
#define CENTER_VIEW_ON_OBSTACLE 0   /* set to 1 to center display on moving obstacle */
#define RESAMPLE_Y 0         /* set to 1 to resample y coordinate of moved particles (for shock waves) */
#define NTRIALS 2000         /* number of trials when resampling */
#define OBSTACLE_RADIUS 0.12  /* radius of obstacle for circle boundary conditions */
#define FUNNEL_WIDTH  0.25   /* funnel width for funnel boundary conditions */
#define OBSTACLE_XMIN 0.0    /* initial position of obstacle */
#define OBSTACLE_XMAX 3.0    /* final position of obstacle */
#define RECORD_PRESSURES 0   /* set to 1 to record pressures on obstacle */
#define N_PRESSURES 100      /* number of intervals to record pressure */
#define N_P_AVERAGE 100      /* size of pressure averaging window */
#define N_T_AVERAGE 50       /* size of temperature averaging window */
#define MAX_PRESSURE 3.0e10  /* pressure shown in "hottest" color */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_COUPLING 1   /* set to 1 to couple only particles to the right of obstacle to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_REGION 2     /* region for partial thermostat coupling (see list in global_ljones.c) */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_SHIFT 0.2    /* distance from obstacle at the right of which particles are coupled to thermostat */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_WIDTH 0.5    /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */
#define PARTIAL_THERMO_HEIGHT 0.2   /* vertical size of partial thermostat coupling */

#define INCREASE_KREPEL 0   /* set to 1 to increase KREPEL during simulation */
#define KREPEL_FACTOR 1000.0   /* factor by which to change KREPEL during simulation */

#define PART_AT_BOTTOM 0     /* set to 1 to include "seed" particles at bottom */
#define MASS_PART_BOTTOM 10000.0 /* mass of particles at bottom */
#define NPART_BOTTOM 100     /* number of particles at the bottom */

#define ADD_PARTICLES 0    /* set to 1 to add particles */
#define ADD_TIME 0       /* time at which to add first particle */
#define ADD_PERIOD 10000       /* time interval between adding further particles */
#define FINAL_NOADD_PERIOD 200  /* final period where no particles are added */
#define SAFETY_FACTOR 2.0  /* no particles are added at distance less than MU*SAFETY_FACTOR of other particles */

#define TRACER_PARTICLE 0   /* set to 1 to have a tracer particle */
#define N_TRACER_PARTICLES 3    /* number of tracer particles */
#define TRAJECTORY_LENGTH 8000   /* length of recorded trajectory */
#define TRACER_PARTICLE_MASS 4.0    /* relative mass of tracer particle */
#define TRAJECTORY_WIDTH 3      /* width of tracer particle trajectory */

#define ROTATE_BOUNDARY 0           /* set to 1 to rotate the repelling segments */
#define SMOOTH_ROTATION 1           /* set to 1 to update segments at each time step (rather than at each movie frame) */
#define PERIOD_ROTATE_BOUNDARY 1000  /* period of rotating boundary */
#define ROTATE_INITIAL_TIME 0       /* initial time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_FINAL_TIME 100       /* final time without rotation */
#define ROTATE_CHANGE_TIME 0.33     /* relative duration of acceleration/deceleration phases */
#define OMEGAMAX 100.0              /* maximal rotation speed */
#define PRINT_OMEGA 0               /* set to 1 to print angular speed */
#define PRINT_PARTICLE_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print average speeds/momenta of particles */
#define PRINT_SEGMENTS_SPEEDS 0     /* set to 1 to print velocity of moving segments */

#define MOVE_BOUNDARY 0        /* set to 1 to move repelling segments, due to force from particles */
#define SEGMENTS_MASS 40.0     /* mass of collection of segments */
#define DEACTIVATE_SEGMENT 1    /* set to 1 to deactivate last segment after a certain time */
#define SEGMENT_DEACTIVATION_TIME 1000   /* time at which to deactivate last segment */
#define RELEASE_ROCKET_AT_DEACTIVATION 0    /* set to 1 to limit segments velocity before segment release */
#define SEGMENTS_X0 0.0        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_Y0 1.5        /* initial position of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VX0 0.0       /* initial velocity of segments */
#define SEGMENTS_VY0 -4.0      /* initial velocity of segments */
#define DAMP_SEGS_AT_NEGATIVE_Y 0   /* set to 1 to dampen segments when y coordinate is negative */

#define POSITION_DEPENDENT_TYPE 0   /* set to 1 to make particle type depend on initial position */
#define POSITION_Y_DEPENDENCE 0     /* set to 1 for the separation between particles to be vertical */
#define PRINT_ENTROPY 0     /* set to 1 to compute entropy */

#define REACTION_DIFFUSION 0    /* set to 1 to simulate a chemical reaction (particles may change type) */
#define RD_TYPES 3              /* number of types in reaction-diffusion equation */
#define REACTION_PROB 0.0045      /* probability controlling reaction term */ 

#define PRINT_PARTICLE_NUMBER 0     /* set to 1 to print total number of particles */
#define PRINT_LEFT 1        /* set to 1 to print certain parameters at the top left instead of right */

#define EHRENFEST_COPY 0    /* set to 1 to add equal number of larger particles (for Ehrenfest model) */

#define LID_MASS 1000.0     /* mass of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define LID_WIDTH 0.1       /* width of lid for BC_RECTANGLE_LID b.c. */
#define WALL_MASS 2000.0    /* mass of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_FRICTION 0.0   /* friction on wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_WIDTH 0.1      /* width of wall for BC_RECTANGLE_WALL b.c. */
#define WALL_VMAX 100.0     /* max speed of wall */
#define WALL_TIME 500       /* time during which to keep wall */

#define FLOOR_FORCE 1      /* set to 1 to limit force on particle to FMAX */
#define FMAX 1.0e12         /* maximal force */
#define FLOOR_OMEGA 0      /* set to 1 to limit particle momentum to PMAX */
#define PMAX 1000.0        /* maximal force */

#define HASHX 120   /* size of hashgrid in x direction */
#define HASHY 60    /* size of hashgrid in y direction */
#define HASHMAX 100  /* maximal number of particles per hashgrid cell */
#define HASHGRID_PADDING 0.1    /* padding of hashgrid outside simulation window */

#define DRAW_COLOR_SCHEME 0     /* set to 1 to plot the color scheme */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE 8.0    /* scale of color scheme bar */
#define COLORBAR_RANGE_B 12.0    /* scale of color scheme bar for 2nd part */
#define ROTATE_COLOR_SCHEME 0   /* set to 1 to draw color scheme horizontally */