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184 lines (154 loc) Β· 8.22 KB

Onboarding checklist

Use this checklist to track the process of migration of the existing site to DrevOps. This file is intended to be committed into repository until onboarding process is finished.

Put a x into [ ] if this step was executed OR not required - this will indicate that it was addressed.

1. Assessing current site

  • Setup site on local machine using MAMP to bootstrap the project.

  • Install hacked module and extract a list of all modules with their versions. Add them below:

      Add a list of extracted modules here.
  • Find existing patches or create new patches for all "hacked" modules. List them below:

    ctools: https:/
  • Assess if there are any libraries used in the project, find their versions together with download URLs, and list them below:

    [email protected],

2. Adding DrevOps

  • Create a new GitHub repository, if required:
    • Commit generic file and push to master branch.
    • Create new branch ci, copy all files from existing repository and push to remote.
  • Add DrevOps configuration using installer script and follow instructions in file added to your project. You will need to commit some files and push them to remote. Note: try to rely on the default configuration provided by DrevOps as much as possible (otherwise you are assuming maintenance responsibility for this custom code).
  • Using list of modules from "Assessing current site" step, update provided composer.json with all required modules and patches. Ensure that composer.lock is updated and committed.
  • Using list of libraries from "Assessing current site" step, update provided composer.json with all required libraries and patches. Make sure that composer.lock is updated and committed.
  • Copy values from existing settings.php to provided settings.php file. Do not simply copy this file over! Transfer values one-by-one instead.
  • Update values in settings.php:
  • Copy values from existing services.yml to provided services.yml file. Do not simply copy this file over! Transfer values one-by-one instead.
  • Assess existing robots.txt file and compare it with provided one. If they are different - commit existing robots.txt file.
  • Assess existing .htaccess file and compare it with provided one. If they are different - commit existing .htaccess file.
  • Update values in .env to reflect your project requirements. Note that in most cases no modification is required.
  • Refactor front-end asset generation to use provided Gruntfile.js.
  • Setup database download method depending on your requirements.
  • Run ahoy build locally and ensure that the site can be bootstrapped and accessed in the browser.

3. Setting up CI

  • Login to CircleCI using your GitHub account and add this project.
  • Depending on your database download method, add required private keys through UI. You will need to update key fingerprint in CI configuration file.
  • Add deployment variables through UI - see comments in CI configuration file.
  • Get the badge code (you may need to create access token in CI - read UI messages) and paste into your file.
  • Run successful build (all jobs must pass).

4. Setting up integrations

  • Configure Acquia integration:
    • Create a deployer user in Acquia.
    • Add this user to the Acquia project. Normally, this user would be added to your project in GitHub as well.
    • Login as this user to Acquia, go to Acquia Cloud UI->Account->Credentials->Cloud API->Private key and copy the token.
    • Add token key to every non-developer's environment that must have read access (only read access!). For example, add it to CI if it has to get database dump.
    • Create an SSH key pair with email [email protected] and add to this user in Acquia.
    • Add private key to every non-developer's environment that must have write access (only write access!). For example, add it to CI if it has to push code to Acquia.
  • Configure Lagoon integration:
    • Submit a request to AmazeeIO to create a project.
    • Add your public key to the project.
    • Set LAGOON_INTEGRATION_COMPLETE=1 in .env file.
    • Ensure that you have access to Lagoon: run ahoy cli and drush sa - a list of available environments should be shown (at least one environment).
    • Ensure that you have access to Lagoon UI.
    • Setup Slack notifications
    • Push to remote and ensure that Lagoon was successfully deployed.
  • Configure by logging in with your GitHub account and adding a project through UI.

5. Cleanup

  • Cleanup code or set ALLOW_LINT_FAIL_BE=1 and ALLOW_LINT_FAIL_FE=1 in .env file to bypass code linting fails:
    • Cleanup PHP code
    • Cleanup JS code
    • Cleanup SCSS code
  • Move custom functionality into your_module_core module's relevant inclusion files.
  • Refactor modules functions to follow DRY, KISS and SRP principles.
  • Refactor theme functions to follow DRY, KISS and SRP principles.

6. Validation

  • Check that installed modules are the same version as initial modules and fix discrepancies.
  • If using Features module - check that features are not overridden and fix discrepancies.
  • Check that deployment documentation has correct information.
  • Perform visual regression testing:
    • Deploy a copy of the existing project database and code to a UAT environment.
    • Deploy a copy of the new project codebase along with the existing database to another available environment.
    • Add project to visual regression tool and configure exclusions for animated parts of the website.
    • Run visual regression and fix discrepancies.

7. Deployment

  • Submit PR and include the contents of this file.
  • Schedule deployment window with the Client and add the information below:
    Deployment approved by Jane Doe ([email protected]) on 2019/4/27 at 17:00
    via email to take place on 2019/4/29 at 18:30.
  • Get PR approval (do not merge yet!). You may need to wait for deployment window before merging (depends on the type of the deployment integration).
  • Merge PR and ensure that CI passed.
  • Create develop branch.
  • Create a new release, push to remote and ensure that CI passed.
  • Deploy new release to production.
  • Notify stakeholders about deployment and ask for spot-checking.
  • Receive confirmation that deployment was successful.
  • Set develop branch as default in GitHub.
  • Set branch protection in GitHub for develop branch.
  • Set branch protection in GitHub for master branch.

Only if all boxes above are checked, remove this file from the repository.