"Canabalt" is a registered trademark of Finji, LLC. "Canabalt" copyright 2009-2024 Finji, LLC. "RUN!" music copyright 2009-2024 Danny Baranowsky. All trademarks and copyrights reserved.
With the exception of "RUN!", all of the Canabalt data files remain copyrighted and licensed by Finji, LLC under the original terms. "RUN!" (run.mp3, run-title.mp3) remains copyrighted and licensed by Danny Baranowsky under the original terms. You cannot redistribute our data or data files from the original game. You can use our data for personal entertainment or educational purposes.
Please note that this is being released without any kind of support from Finji, LLC. We cannot help in getting this running and we do not guarantee that you will be able to get it to work, nor do we guarantee that it won't blow up your computer and/or iOS device if you do try and use it. Use at your own risk.
Copyright (c) 2009-2024, Finji, LLC Copyright (c) 2009-2024, Danny Baranowsky
This game's Content is proprietary and protected by national and international copyright and trademark laws, and may not be publicly distributed for free or for profit by anyone but the copyright owner. "Content" includes but is not limited to the art, sound effects, music, and anything covered by national and international copyright and trademark laws.