Konfi - java properties library
Clean type safe interface based properties
Optional values
Set and List collections
Refresh properties without restarting your app
Properties sources
OS environment variables
System properties
File packaged inside your jar (attached resources)
File outside your Jar
Custom source by implementing the Source interface
Add a dependency
<dependency >
<groupId >io.github.nirro01</groupId >
<artifactId >konfi-core</artifactId >
<version >0.0.1</version >
</dependency >
implementation ' io.github.nirro01:konfi-core:0.0.1'
implementation(" io.github.nirro01:konfi-core:0.0.1" )
Define your properties definitions using the @KonfiProperty annotation
public interface AmusementParkProperties {
@ KonfiProperty (key = "amusement.park.name" , description = "Amusement park name" )
String name ();
@ KonfiProperty (key = "amusement.park.phone-numbers" , description = "Amusement park phone numbers" )
Set <String > phoneNumbers ();
@ KonfiProperty (key = "amusement.park.email" , description = "Amusement park email address" )
Optional <String > email ();
@ KonfiProperty (key = "amusement.park.roller-coaster.minimum-height-cm" , description = "Minimum height in centimeters for using the roller coaster" )
Integer rollerCoasterMinimumHeight ();
@ KonfiProperty (key = "amusement.park.roller-coaster.active" , description = "Roller coaster active" )
Boolean rollerCoasterActive ();
Define ordered list of properties sources
var environmentVariablesSource = PropertiesSources .newEnvironmentVariablesSource ();
var systemPropertiesSource = PropertiesSources .newSystemPropertiesSource ();
var externalFileSource = PropertiesSources .newExternalFileSource ("app.properties" );
var internalFileSource = PropertiesSources .newInternalFileSource ("app.properties" );
var sources = List .of (environmentVariablesSource , systemPropertiesSource , externalFileSource , internalFileSource )
Build instance of your interface
AmusementParkProperties amusementParkProperties = Konfi
.builder (AmusementParkProperties .class )
.sources (sources )
.build ();
String name = amusementParkProperties .name ();
System .out .println (name );
Refresh properties on demand
Konfi .refresh (amusementParkProperties );
System .out .println (amusementParkProperties .name ());