In this demo, we will show how to run the Linux sysbench inside Occlum.
Linux sysbench
is a scriptable multi-threaded benchmark tool.
Occlum could also run the sysbench
for CPU/Threads/Memory/Mutex/... benchmarks.
Please note it is configured with "--without-mysql", so no mysql database benchmark can be done.
For example,
- CPU benchmark
occlum/demos/sysbench/occlum_instance# occlum run /bin/sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 --threads=2 run
- threads benchmark
# occlum/demos/sysbench/occlum_instance# occlum run /bin/sysbench threads --threads=200 --thread-yields=100 --thread-locks=4 --time=10 run
More test commands could refer to
# occlum/demos/sysbench/occlum_instance# occlum run /bin/sysbench --help