- Fixed up scenario outline formatting
- Fixed background order bug
- Added more property assertions
- Corrected bug with backgrounds only running once for Scenario outlines
- got passedScenarioCount to match
- fixed scenario count
- Asserting basic functionality
- tabify for easy copy and paste
- Start using cucumis to test cucumis
- Move examples to examples folder
- fixed reference bug
- JSON formatter
- print out errors if the formatter fails
- Moved error message creation into formatter
- can now choose formatter via command line option
- Move formatter into an external file
- refactoring counters into formatter object
- can override async step timeout with a commandline option
- Release v1.0.12
- command line parameters to run a directory or a file
- command line parameters to run a directory or a file
- updating readme
- Added support for 'But'
- Release v1.0.10
- Stopped backgrounds running twice, and also fixed background printing
- Background scenario support
- Adding 'Background' Suport
- using our forked version of kyuri
- removing original kyuri repository
- Updated readme to reflect new API
- Stopped backgrounds running twice, and also fixed background printing
- Background scenario support
- Adding 'Background' Suport
- using our forked version of kyuri
- removing original kyuri repository
- Updated readme to reflect new API
- correct calculation of undefined and pending scenarios
- printing for pending scenarios
- Support for skipped and pending scenarios
- More robust error handling of before/after unhandledExceptions
- add dependencies to glob and underscore
- recursively find features files
- support for env.js
- Added more event callbacks: before/afer step, before/after scenario